|0.00|> This is Wednesday, January the 25th, 1989. Greetings, Commander.<|7.00|><|7.00|> Good morning. I come in light. I think we should pursue this just a little bit farther.<|18.00|><|18.00|> One thing is that John and Julian are extremely busy getting these 14% CDs established. from interstate, WIC state, as in Virginia, and such. Extremely busy, working into the night, both of them. And as a matter of fact, when these ones that come in late into the game, began to fall apart, the typical response, once the funds, the commission amounts, are eaten away from a transaction because of trouble. It is easier for man just to let them go when you're dealing in these magnificent sums. Let the whole transaction go, go back to being, start over, and see it through again. When there is shock abroad, there is shock from London all the way to Hong Kong, somebody has called it. Once again, it would be just one that never quite closed. But there are billions of dollars that, quite frankly, we could be utilizing part of. And it has to stop somewhere, and it has to be gained somewhere. you allow the rotten apples to continue to infect the barrel, it's your fault. You deserve what you get out of it, rotten apples. I'm not saying that you're now going to start restructuring and cleaning up the banking business any more than you're going to demonstrate to yourself that you do have power that you do not know you have. And you have a bit of help that is more important to me that you know than it is what is done over this one transaction. I'm going to tell you the inside workings of this game. In the first place there was shopping. It is like having a sale and no one comes. It is very traditional. Of course you're going to try to get the best deal. Either side, that's not good business unless you do it. and confirmed. That means that the collateral truly is covered. So that is no business of any of the rest of the players. That is ploy. That is a ploy to buy half a day, or a full day. Because you see what happens, I will find out, I will be right back in touch with you, and got called away from the office. So you buy another day of interest on a billion and a half dollars that is displaced. You use the slowest means of communication into bank. You mistype a digit. You misspell a name. You have some calls coming in from over. They're all figment, but to cover basis, someone probably representing all names will make a phone call. It's easier to make the phone call and have it documented. But there's for the very ones to be even named within the banking community. You see, they're not showing up on rosters, on telephone directories. Now, these banks have many, many branches, there is a central computer that has all employees. Ordinarily, Mr. Lennon could say, you blew it. This got to be public and now there are a lot of brokers involved. But you see, all of his information is erroneous. I want to remind you, Oberle, because it is very important that you connect the two now. If you recall from four years ago, almost an identical thing happened. This was when you were working with one Ben Helston, and he wanted to call the bank, just to check on a transaction. This is why you hold a very sacred trust in your hands. You are told the major banks involved. This is something highly irregular for anyone to divulge. Because then anyone can pick up that phone and call and inquire. And I'll tell you, John has blown it. These faxes, in order to satisfy the curiosity of the ones waiting, have picked up the phone and called. as if they had some involvement to check on the realism of the transaction. Always look to your own doorstep. You see there are five major players, and each of those major players have one's at the end. So they will share the facts. And maybe the administrative director of somewhere else will say, well, I'm going to find out if these ones are pulling my leg or not. Oberle could do the same thing. Well, I'm going to check on John Jeffers. I'll just call Mr. Lennon or Mr. whoever. And I'll give them this account number and I'll tell them I'm a broker, checking on a transaction that has gone astray. It will hurt John worse when he has to know that within the organization this is occurring. And he doesn't want to hear that Mr. Coker's not real. He didn't want to hear that you better push it. And you certainly don't want to hear that your own friends will do you in. This group will never do it, John Jeffers, but they're too many privy to information. but within your hands. And yet at the same time, you see, they would be very wise for anyone who has seen even one maximally with an account number on it and a name on it to send all of this information. the problem is not coming from John or from Kalinowski. But ones have to be reminded. And if one call comes in, it gives them an excuse to exaggerate, you see. But it's time to make the government with its rules act in your behalf. business to do anything. But I have to let John Jeffers know I'm serious. I have done. I will not mislead him and he must know that we have great interest in his success and and we will help them. And through that strength you see that flows over into ones who really don't care or don't have any interest, just business. A lot of money is going to be changing hands and it has to be straightened out. Is there anything that anyone would like to question or discuss about this? All right, tell me about Gary Moody. As of yesterday, he said that his transaction had been solved, but they had located the difficulty and expected to clear it up by yesterday afternoon. And if that did indeed occur, as he expected it would, they would be closing their first transaction today. I have not spoken with John. When I telephoned Gary, he answered my call and said that John was on the other line. And so I called him back. back later on he indicated that John was working through his transactions about the same way as Gary was and so felt that they were both about ready to close and have some funds available he was most enthusiastic about the dome technology, said that he wanted for us to forward a package to him immediately, and that he was interested in the dome technology not only for the studio use, but for other uses as well. I think that's about the total of the substance of our discussion. All right. Don't stop sending energy. You ones are learning a great deal. We have a great deal of humor about it up here, a great deal of pride in you want. Please, just because it is another day, don't forget to remind your mate to get on it, or Michael, or your personal guide. Where you really demand is your own I am presence. And you get very bright. And you say, I command, in the name of the mighty presence which I am, get on this and get it closed. And then it goes something like this, If it isn't inconvenient. Well, I don't mean to be harsh, but we sure would like this closed. Well, you know what word I would use, but in deference to those who are, if tainted by my bad language, commend is the word. Believe me, there is a big difference even in command and demand. Demand can often be misconstrued as misuse of control and power. But you should have control and power over your I am presence. That's where it's at. That's where you are. And if you relinquish control, then you are controlled. Be grateful for the input of other energy. And know that when it does not, it is because you have not controlled the situation. And I realize we have to creep. And we're never rude to our friends. So we certainly don't want to be rude to yourself and say, self, I know who I am, and I commend. No apologies, no exceptions. The only place that you may be a little bit wishy-washy is in the divine order of things, to my best and highest good, to the best and highest good of the And then you don't get swishy-sweet about it. You have the power. It is going to still take you a little while longer to utilize it. John knows it. I talk about John Shreffield. But the flowers out there, they worry me. You all know it. You're afraid to use it. Let's get it here. Don't ask me when funding. I want it here. And I want you to get it here. I am tired of you once, feeling put upon, and weak. You are strong. You cannot, obviously you cannot, comprehend the power you hold. That's why it's so important to keep it in the light. You hold the same power in the dark. Use it. Dare to thrust out there. Dare to get God to do your work. That's the only reason he He does not enjoy being subservient or doing without. And yet he has to prod the body and the consciousness of his own creation to come back to Him where the truth lies and the power of command. From the IM group, Norma picked up a little placard that is on the front of her refrigerator that everybody never notices, it's there so often. It says, the call compels the answer. It must come. Make sure you know what you want. It will come good or bad. And if you do not expect what you ask for, you will not get it. I am not going to manifest it all over your head. You are going to command it. And it will be. And you will be amazed. can be your brother at your elbow and you can believe and he will think he is going to hang on to you. I'll trust your belief system. No, won't work. That one at your elbow will figure a way in his I am presence to not have what you do. When you as a human consciousness says there is no way I can have without that one having all yes there is and that one will figure a way if one has made up their mind it will not come to be. Life is a whole. W-H-O-L-E. One. And yet every fragment is and it's individual and it is within and no man can do it for another you cannot believe for another there are many things that can swap over but that's where it stops who does not believe that you can't receive, will not receive. Some will commit suicide before they get it. Please, I hope I have none like that in the group. But you will find ones in the group who have gone away from the group, removed themselves completely or to the fringes? Because they cannot conceive that we can do business in light, for they have been told otherwise, and they're going to wait and see. And somehow if we succeed, it is because of darkness. Once again, I avoid the word. How How do you survive? How do you ever get light back into a system? Without bringing the candle in. I don't mind a few doubts, but I'm getting it back, I hear you. Me too, you're saying. Well, sometimes we have to wait for our brother to catch up. But there does come a point when a decision must be made. because in your time limitations on earth place there does come the time when there is no more time and you must one, you must begin to generalize look at the fragments. Oh my gosh, Hatton, are you going to make us change the banking system and go up against the gray men? Yes? Well, Hatton's gonna do that. You can do it. No, John, you can do it. I mean, we can. I hear you. Because I've been bucking them a long, long time. And you're still here, aren't you? That's right. I've been protected. It doesn't mean that you're not going to get a speeding ticket from time to time. Ha ha ha! You'll stop that one day. Well, you write fast ask. It's better if you're in a hurry to command without apology. And then if you get the ticket anyway, don't blame us. He didn't. The guy just changed his mind and went on. Thank you for that help. You're welcome for recognizing of it. Sometime a ticket saves your life down the road. It keeps you from being there. Don't ever overlook what might have been by a few minutes. But don't spend all your time pondering over those things. The projects will come to be. The dreams are being birthed. Oberle was allowed to experience that yesterday. It's rare that you get to be at the birthing of a dream. Because one's coming to their realizations very slowly. Well, I wonder if You see, Larry Skelly will take very seriously his role as a latter-day saint. He knows he has been chosen for something and he has accepted that without the knowledge that his brother Joseph, there always will be those little doubts. But in spite of the little nagging doubt, he is going to go on as if, and he will be such a great, great Leroi will come along and it will not be in a spiritual realm, at least not in the beginning. These ones however will not be drawn to your group unless they have dreams that are very similar. They will weed themselves out or they will never come in. And don't overlook the possibility of why something is coming to be. Let me just use as an example, I digress a lot today. There is something going on in your community you better open your eyes and look at. After all the years of ranching, Bud Cummings, has succumbed to the input of his greedy sons, the inability to make a living on land as it was originally used for that of cattle ranching. The market for slaughter has diminished. Number one. Number two, big business got into it and you birth the calves and raise them on feed lots for the slaughter of his brother. That does not mean you stop eating that which has already been killed and sacrificed for you. It means that over a period of time you once will grow beyond the need for that. So you'll make a big deal of it today. You're still caught in the trap of the game. So what am I going to do with this land? So far Oberle has not gone and offered to purchase Mr. Cummings' land and he's been here since they named Cummings Valley and Cummings Mountain. It is just like in Utah, Ecker Butte. Always there, aren't you, Oberle? Part of your wants in the beginnings. You're at a time of transition. You have to utilize that land for something. Or you perceive you cannot make it. Well, you can't in a financial world, but Cummings could. Very contentedly he and Midred lived there in their beautiful home in harmony with the land. Ah, but the sons for their whims to the point of bankruptcy and now they've convinced him he must do something and they've produced him the very answer. Bring in exotic animals from elsewhere. Put Put them on the ranch, get them outside the restrictions of the hunting laws, have guides go track them down and shoot them. Brothers, if you sit still for this, I am going to kick fanny. You already have Greenpeace out marching around at the cement companies, where literally they're doing something finally worthwhile. They're using some of the toxic material to neutralize it, to burn it, and render it harmless. But Greenpeace and a few Sierra Club are afraid that you're going to have poisonous emissions in an already corrupted poisonous place. But that has already brought them into your community. If you allow the slaughter of innocent creatures for nothing but the basest instinct of man you have perpetuated. You will be spilling blood of the innocent on sacred ground for that sacred mountain. Let's not make God either or it's a curriculum or for taking it into her hands to cleanse it or if it comes to that, you can expect that mountain to remove itself and you say, right here near the crystal? yes sir God is beginning to take care of the innocent creatures. All you need to do is call attention to it. There are ones in those movements that can take it from there and then you be supportive of it. And then you go offer to buy the land from Mr. Cummings before they The terrible deal. Ah, you say. Send us some money and I'll do it. and send him. And he'll get the money. All you need to do at this point is throw cogs in the wheels. Don't do that, bud. You spoke with him. Just a little update. I didn't ask him any questions, so I don't really know of anything that he might have had to say about his situation. He was curious to know how we were coming and I explained as best I can that the funding was, at least on one transaction, was bogged down, but on the others was moving ahead as expected. I told him that the prospectus was back in Lyons' hand and that the final funding for that is continuing on schedule probably in April. So he basically said, well, keep And I think the problem with too much communication there is that Bernie feels like she has to make a report to John every morning, so she keeps it stirred up. But yes, there is a sizable commission. But quite frankly, what else are they going to do and what other kind of contribution can they make to you? It does keep attention. And it requires that you touch. And each time he talks with you, he is much more comfortable, and each time he calls you, that requires that you pay a bit more attention to the man in San Francisco who might be able to get along, the Donahue, not Donahue, Frank Sands. You have to remember these ones out there, are working on inner guidance, they don't have hatan to sit in a meeting and say do this, do this, do this, do this. So they're having to be nudged as guides are doing nudgings. Oberle to go down the list of all the ones in a given day. If I wait for Oberle, we will never get it done. There are not enough hours in the day. So for now we take it as it falls. The package is beautiful. Dorma graciously vouched to the decision to have it bound. She was going to do it as cheap as possible and I appreciate the filling in. It's only for another brief little while. And you have something professional. And you are not talking about a hundred and twenty You would have six of these. Would anyone care to multiply that for me? Is it worth it? Yeah, I think so. I think so too. I was thinking that we probably had it done. Think of your goal. Have we not proven, I'm talking proof, yet, that it will be. Is there really any doubt? I look, I search, and the doubts are right on the surface. There's not one in this room. This is Wednesday, January the 25th, 1989. Greetings, Commander. Good morning. I come in light. I think we should pursue this just a little bit farther. I see several things have happened here. One thing is that John and Julian are extremely busy getting these 14% CDs established. The major Japanese transactions, some Mexican transactions, some interstate, WIC state, as in Virginia, transactions. Extremely busy, working into the game, began to fall apart. The typical response, once the funds, the commission amounts, are eaten away from a transaction because of trouble, it is easier for man just to let them go, when you're dealing in these magnificent sums. Let the whole transaction go, go back to bed, start over and see it through again. When there is shock abroad, there is shock from London all the way to Hong Kong, somebody has called it. When we bought C.D.D.O.C., we did a little mental game. Once again, it would be just one that never quite closed. But there are billions of dollars that, quite frankly, we could be utilizing part of. And it has to stop somewhere, and it has to begin somewhere. And if you allow the rotten apples to continue to infect the barrel, it's your fault. You deserve what you get out of it. Rotten apples. I'm not saying that you're now going to start restructuring and cleaning up the banking business any more than you're going to be able to clean up all the problems of the savings and loans over this house. But you're going to demonstrate to yourself that you do have power that you do not know you have. And you have a bit of hope that is more important to me that you know than it is what is done over this one transaction. I'm going to tell you the inside workings of this game. In the first place there was shopping. It is like having a sale and no one comes. It is very traditional. Of course you're going to try to get the best deal. On the other hand, once a commitment is made and confirmed, that means that the collateral truly is covered. So that is employed to buy half a day or a full day. Because you see what happens, I will find out, I will be right back in touch with you, and got called away from you. So you buy another day of interest on a billion and a half dollars. That is misplaced. You use the slowest means of communication in the bank. You mistype a digit. You misspell a name. You have some calls coming in from Mr. Jones and Mr. Yamamoto and Mr. Kroger. They're all figment. But to cover basis, someone probably representing all names will make a phone call. It's easier to make the phone call and have But there's no basis for the very ones to be even named within the banking community. You see, they're not showing up on rosters, on telephone directories. Now these banks have many, many branches, but there is a central computer that has all employees. Ordinarily, Mr. Lennon could say, you blew it. This got to be public and now there are a lot of brokers involved. But you see all of his information is erroneous. I want to remind you overly because it is very important that you connect the two now. If you recall some four years This was when you were working with one Ben Helston and he wanted to call the bank just to check on a transaction. This is why you hold a very sacred trust in your hands. purchased with your support of John Jeffers. You are told the major banks involved. This is something highly irregular for anyone to divulge. Because then anyone can pick up that phone and call and inquire. And I'll tell you, John has blown it. These faxes, in order to satisfy the curiosity of the ones waiting, have picked up the phone and talked. Spouted off the number as if they had some involvement to check on the realism of the transaction. Always look to your own doorstep. You see there are five major players and each of those major players have ones at the end. So they will share the facts. And maybe the administrative director of somewhere else will say, well, I'm going to find out if these ones are pulling my leg or not. Oberle could do the same thing. Well, I'm going to check on John Jeffers. I'll just call Mr. Lennon or Mr. whoever and I'll give them this account number and I'll tell them I'm a broker checking on a transaction that has gone astray. It will hurt John worse when he has to know that within the organization this is occurring. And he doesn't want to hear that Mr. Coker is not real. He didn't want to hear that you better push it. And you certainly don't want to hear that will do you in. This group will never do in, John Jeffers, but there are too many privy So you must always hold sacred and precious the trust put within your hands. And yet at the same time, you see, it would be very wise for anyone who has seen even one maximally with an account number on it and a name on it, to send all of this information. The problem is not coming from John or from Kalinowski. But ones have to be reminded. And if one call comes in, it gives them an excuse to exaggerate, you see. But it's time. And you think, confront the gray men? How we confront the gray men? Well, you see, you're not really confronting the gray men. You are confronting a transaction. And it's time to make the government with its rules act in and I'm using your, in very general terms, none of your business to do anything. But I have to let John Jeffers know I'm serious. I have done. I will not mislead him. And he must know that we have great interest in his success and we will help him. And through that strength you see that flows over into ones who really don't care or don't A lot of money is going to be changing hands and it has to be straightened out. Is there anything that anyone would like to question or discuss about this? All right, tell me about Gary Mookin. As of yesterday, he said that his transactions had been solved, but they had located the difficulty and expected to clear it up by yesterday afternoon. And if that did indeed occur, as he expected it would, they would be closing their first transaction today. I had not spoken with John. When I telephoned Gary, he answered my call and said that John was on the other line. And so I called him back later on. He indicated that John was working through his transactions about the same way as Gary was, and so felt that they were both about ready to close and have some funds available. He was most enthusiastic about the dome technology, said that he wanted for us to forward a package to him immediately and that he was interested in the dome not only for the studio use but for other uses as well. I think that's about the total of the substance of our discussion. Don't stop sending energy. You ones are learning a great deal. We have a great deal of humor about it up here, a great deal of pride in you all. Please, just because it is another day, don't forget to remind your Where you really demand is your own I am presence. And you get very brave. And you say, I command, in the name of the mighty presence which I am, get on this and get it closed. And then I'm going to go something like this, if you don't really mind, if it isn't inconvenient. Well I don't mean to be harsh, but we sure would like this closed. Well you know what word I would use, but in deference to those who are irritated by my bad language. Command is the word. Believe me, there is a big difference even in command and demand. Demand can often be misconstrued as misuse of control and power over your I am presence. That's where it's at. That's where you are. And if you relinquish control, then you are controlled. Be grateful other energy and thank the I am presence for having served you well when it does and know that when it does not it is because you have not controlled the situation and I realize we have to creep and we're never rude to our friends so we certainly don't want to be rude to ourself. But you better get a little bit rude to yourself. And say, Sir, I know who I am. And I commend. No apologies, no exceptions. The only place that you may be a little bit wishy-washy is in the budding in to happen. I turn this over to you, self. I am, I expect it done. So be it. I expect it done in the divine order of things to my best and highest good, to the best and highest good of the universal cause. And then you don't get swishy-swit about it. You have the power. It is going to still take you a little while longer to utilize it. John knows it. I talk about John Shreffer. Dorma knows it. She could wither the flowers out there. They're worried. You all know it. You're afraid to use it. Let's get it here. Don't ask me when funding. I want it here. And I want you to get it here. You are strong. You cannot, obviously you cannot, comprehend the power you hold. That's why it's so important to keep it in the light. You hold the same power in the dark. Use it. Dare to thrust out there. Dare to get God to do your work. He sits within. He does not enjoy being subservient or doing without. And yet he has to prod the body and the power of command. From the I.M. group, Norma picked up a little placard that is on the front of her refrigerator that everybody never notices, it's there so often. It says, the call compels the answer. No ifs and buts or well maybes. The call and the command demands the answer. It must come. Make sure you know what you want. It will come good or bad. And if you do not expect I am not going to manifest it all over your head. You are going to commend it. And it will be amazed There can be your brother at your elbow And you can believe and he will think he is going to hang on to you I'll trust your belief system name one one That one at your elbow will figure a way in his I am presence to not have what you do. When you as a human consciousness says there is no way I can have without that one having, oh yes there is and that one will If one has made up their mind, it will not come to be. For them it will not come to be. Life is a whole. W-H-O-L-E. One. And yet every fragment is one. A whole. a hole. And it's individual. And it is within. And no man can do it for another. You cannot believe for another. There are many things that can swap over. But that's where it stops and one who does not believe that you can't receive will not receive. Some will commit suicide before they get it. Please I hope I have none like that but you will find ones in the group who have gone away from the group, remove themselves completely or to the fringes, because they cannot conceive that we can do business in light, for they have been told otherwise, and they're going to wait and see, and somehow It is because of darkness. Once again, I avoid the word. How do you survive? How do you ever get light back into a system? Without bringing the candle in. I don't mind a few doubts. But I'm sure getting ticked off at waiting. Oh, I'm getting it back, I hear you. Me too, you're saying. Well, sometimes we have to wait for our brother to catch up. But there does come a point when a decision must be made. Because in your time limitations on earth place, there does come the time when there is no more time. and you must want, you must begin to generalize. Look at the fragments. Oh my gosh, Hatton, are you going to make us change the banking system and go up against the gray men? Yes? All Hatton's gonna do that. You can do it. No, John, you can do it. I mean, we can. I hear you. Because I've been bucking them a long, long time. And you're still here, aren't you? That's right. I've been protected. It doesn't mean that you're not going to get a speeding ticket from time to time. You stopped that one day. Well, you write fast ask. He did. And it's better if you're in a hurry to command without apology. And then if you get the ticket anyway, don't blame us. He didn't. The guy just changed his mind and went on. Thank you for that help. You're welcome for recognizing of it. Sometime a ticket saves your life down the road. It keeps you from being there. Don't ever overlook what might have been had you not been delayed by a few minutes but don't spend all your time pondering over those things the projects will come to be the dreams are being birthed. Oberle was allowed to experience that yesterday. It's rare that you get to be at the birthing of a dream. Because one's coming to their realization very slowly. Well I wonder if that could be real. You see Larry Skelly will take very seriously his role as a latter day saint. He knows he has accepted that without the knowledge that his brother Joseph, there always will be those little doubts. But in spite of the little nagging doubt, he is going to go on will be such a great, great contributing comrade. Leroy will come along and it will not be in a spiritual realm, at least not in the beginning. These ones however will not be drawn to your group unless they have dreams that are very similar. They will weed themselves out or they will never come in. nor overlook the possibility of why something is coming to be. Let me just use as an example, I digress a lot today. There is something going on in your community you better open your eyes and look at. After all the years of ranching, Bud Cummings has succumbed to the input of his greedy sons, the inability to make a living on land as it was originally used for that The market for cattle for slaughter has diminished. Number one. Number two, big business got into it and you birth the calves and raise them on feedlots for the slaughter. Man will someday eat nothing but fowl, the lower creatures. So cattle ranching as such will never be a burgeoning business again. It will have its little flare-ups, but man is going to move in the direction away from the slaughter of his brother. That does not mean you stop eating that which has already been killed and sacrificed for you. It means that over a period of time you once will grow beyond the need for that. So you'll make a big deal of it today. You're still caught in the trap of the game. So what am I going to do with this land? So far Oberle has not gone and offered to purchase Mr. Cummings' land and he's been here since they named Cummings Valley and Cummings Mountain. It is just like in Utah, Eccle Butte. Always there aren't you, Oberle? Part of your ones in the beginnings. You're at a time of transition. You have to utilize that land for something, or you perceive you cannot make it. Well, you can't in a financial world, but Cummings could. Very contentedly he and Midred lived there in their beautiful home, in harmony with the land. Ah, but the sons will not sit still for it, Dad. They either had him mortgage for their whims to the point of bankruptcy and now they've convinced him he must do something and they produced him the very answer. Bring Bring in exotic animals from elsewhere. Put them on the ranch. Get them outside the restrictions of the hunting laws. Have guides go track them down and shoot them. Brothers, if you sit still for this, I am going to kick fanny. You already have Greenpeace out marching around at the cement companies, where literally they're doing something finally worthwhile. They're using some of the toxic material to neutralize but Greenpeace and a few Sierra Club are afraid that you're going to have poisonous emissions in an already corrupted, poisonous place. But that has already brought them into your community. of innocent creatures for nothing but the basest instinct of man you have perpetuated. You will be spilling blood of the innocent on sacred ground for that Let's not make God either responsible for it's occurring or for taking it into her hands to cleanse it. For if it comes to that you can expect that mountain to remove itself. And you say, right here near the crystal? Yes, sir. God is beginning to take care of All you need to do is call attention to it. There are ones in those movements that can take it from there and then you be supportive of it. And then you go offer to buy the land before they consummate the damn deed. Oops. The terrible deed. Talk with Leroy and send him. And he'll get the money. All you need to do at this point Don't do that, bud. You spoke with him. Just a little update. I didn't ask him any questions, so I don't really know of anything that he might have had to say about his situation. He was curious to know how we were coming, and I explained as best I can that the funding at least on one transaction was bogged down, but on the others was moving ahead as expected. I told him that the prospectus was back in the lion's hand and that the final funding for that is continuing on schedule probably in April. He basically said, well, keep me informed, please. And I think the problem with too much communication there is that Bernie feels like she has to make a report to John every morning, so she keeps it stirred up. But yes, there is a sizable commission. But quite frankly, what else are they going to do and what other kind of contribution can they make to you? It does keep attention. and it requires that you touch. And each time he talks with you, he is much more comfortable. And each time he calls you, that requires that you pay a little bit more attention to the man in San Francisco who might be able to get along. The Donahue, not Donahue, Frank Sands. You have to remember these ones out there are working on inner guidance. They don't have had time to sit in a given day. If I wait for Oberle, we will never get it done. There are not enough hours in the day. So So for now we take it as it falls. The package is beautiful. Dorma graciously bounced to the decision to have it bound. She was going to do it as cheap as possible. And I appreciate the filling in. It's only for another brief little while. And you have something professional. And you are not talking about 125 million. Remember, you will have six of these. Would anyone care to multiply that for me? Is it worth it? Yeah, I think so. I think so too. I was thinking of it, but we had it done. Think of your goal. Think of your goal. Have we not proven, I'm talking proof, yet, that it will be? Is there really any doubt? I look, I search, and the doubts are right on the surface. There's not one in this room who does not know something is coming down the pike in this place. It won't stop. It cannot be stopped now. It cannot be stopped now. It must be done. And yet I know from day to day, the insecurity. Yes, we do that too. I want you to rise above your insecurity. Step over that insecurity into life. For if island of possible security. And in a world, I'm sorry friends, that a little island can be sunk in one signature on a document. All that you consider security can be wiped away. Better put your hand in God's. And I say this, I don't want anyone to take it more personally than it means to you. I have to say it because I have to reach ears, Dorma's ears. And it's very difficult to look at your day and say I can make it through one more or maybe I can make it through one more but what if, what if, what if. No No, brothers. You have to take that other step. Keep putting the feet in front of each other. Test us. Test us. We've done some rather splashy things lately. When I say we need a special bonding for Charles and that baby, don't you think we have it? And not one of you would have thought of doing it that way. Testos. Testos. It's not just another baby, is it? Never. And it truly is not just another baby. I don't want you ever to get over the wanting to know. I don't care whether or not you stop asking. When you know, I won't tell you. Excuse me, we need to change the tape.