I have to beg back, crash at Aztec. We may want to put notes on facts. It isn't all that urgent, but I don't want to slack up on this. We'll either take it to another press or we'll have, I want you ones to have a conference. I'm quite pleased with it bound as the ones that just came over from Sedona. I want it out. I don't care how it gets out. I want it out there. I don't care who copies it. I wish everyone in the United States of America would make four copies. How much would one of those binders cost? I'm not thinking about us necessarily, but if Whit had to buy one, I don't think he'd have to buy one. I don't know, but he might be willing to do that maybe he'd be willing to invest in binding for us and just use a plastic cover over what we've already got I don't know how much his binders cost. yeah just a clear plastic. It's got to be a less expensive way. We're spending between four and five dollars per book just in copying. And that's for a hundred pages. It's roughly, by the time you get everything put together for a hundred pages, you're in about $5 that would bring it all up to $7 what was the spiral I bet it's getting on volume quantity that's the whole thing that's the key that's the key is volume we can't and we don't have the volume we don't want it distributed from here anywhere. No, because that isn't it. We don't have the distribution. Well, there is no distribution yet. So you can't print a bunch of them just sitting down here. You can't print them. Well, that's the problem. Let Finn's sister out, see what sister wants to do. OK. sister out, see what sister wants to do. Okay. This is a major, major thrust for sister. It's an ideal way to handle it so that it's removed from you. It will get less important if that be. But right now it's very sensitive. I think you can understand why you're very glad that your name is not plastered all over that. You'd be having mysteries. He knows it will not shut down. Excuse me, Commander, I've got to go. Very good, Rick. I'm sure I handed that to you downstairs with the disc. I went out to the car and got it and handed it to you. So it may still be there. I'm sure it's still there. I'm sure it's still there. I'm sure it's still there. I'm sure it's still there. I'm sure it's still there. I'm sure it's still there. I'm sure it's still there. I'm sure it's still there. I'm sure I handed that to you downstairs with the desk. I went out to the car and got it and handed it to you, so it may still be down. We need to hear it, Clay. Are we through? Yeah, I think we're through for now. Then I will just take my leave. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for your help. You're very welcome. Salu. Salu.