I didn't hear it. He announced it right at the end and Larry looked a little changed. Can we rewind? He did say if the people would go out here and get him on the ballots, it would be a good stage. Are you there? I'm here. Patricia is speaking here. This is related to the last question. So I asked what is it we should be doing? And then what it sounds like to me is there is so much confusion and deceit and difficult things going on in the third dimension that... Now maybe I'm... On the third dimension... there's no confusion on the third dimension. Oh, I'm sorry. Okay. Yeah, there's a lot of confusion going on in the third dimension. I'm sorry. It's clear the third dimension is really messed up right now, if I can say it that way. And what it seems to me, or kind of the approach that personally that I have gotten to, is that if I put my effort on ascension, I mean whatever that may mean, and it's opening up to me all the time, at least then I have a chance of having a higher vibration and with a higher vibration I actually could be working on these things rather than being so stuck in them. So if while you are working at that you are asking for a response because what you will be doing is working at a level where you will open yourself to suggestions. You will know what you need to do. So yes, I hear what you're saying. I don't think you're working as much to evaporate as you are to become one in knowledge. You have to know what it is you want. What is your goal? Do you have a goal? You don't want to know. So for example, it could be a personal goal to attend. No, no, no. That's not what I mean. I'm interested in what is your overall goal. What would you try to achieve? Personally for me my goal would be I want to be on the same wavelength as God and have no difference. But that doesn't require ascentium. That doesn't mean essential. I have to repeat what I asked before. To where? You see, ascend means to take off up there somewhere, to go up. If you look up the word, it means to go up. Where are you going? What you are talking about is coming into direct attunement and communion with God. And you don't need to go anywhere to do that except into the silence of self where you can hear. Well if we do that above and beyond anything else then basically these other things will come to us as needed. Yes, yes. So I believe that we understand each other. I know that I hear what your intent is. And it's not basically to pedal up there in the sky somewhere. You are talking about trying to become one in communion with God. And in that instance, the goal is to hear. The goal is to receive that communion from God. Which basically comes down to, you need to have your higher intelligence, your higher self in oneness with the God frequency or energy. Am I right? Right. And how do we do that? I mean is it just a matter of prayer? Or sitting for meditation or a heart's desire? I have no, I have no way to offer you. I can't give you instructions in it. There aren't any instructions. If it helps you to sit quietly in prayer, yes. But your world requires action. And I must remind you and warn you that when you come to what you call your judgment day, no one is going to judge you save self And unfortunately the judgment comes against actions in the human form. And that's what determines your growth as you move into the higher dimensions, which I assume you mean is ascension. your thought processes to the point where you basically mentally, emotionally, spiritually ascend into a oneness with higher energies. But just to get off the planet in ascension So I can't tell you how to do it. There isn't a written, it's a withinness. It's a withinness. And when one goes within, in total unselfishness, and in prayer, literally, can genuinely pray and other, only then will you have the rewards that you are seeking. They automatically come back to you if your intent is honorable. If it is just to save your assets and get you through that route. There is only one and that's you and you may as well consider that there's only one in the universe and that's you. And yet as long as you focus on the you which you consider to be your ego consciousness, you're not going to be able to make that trip. You must put aside that ego consciousness and move into the higher consciousness with God. And that is most easily accomplished by meditation. But you will still judge yourself at that transition day by what you did or did not do in behalf of the experience manifested for your use. You're in a schoolroom. And unfortunately, it isn't the kind that you can just cop out of. for your behavior even though it be an illusion. And that's why you will keep experiencing until you come to that perfection on your road. And you obviously want to be there, you wouldn't ask these particular questions. It's just that man wants a shortcut. And I would give it to you if there were one. There isn't. I feel I haven't really, I haven't satisfied you, but maybe if you ponder it, it will fit. Thank you Hatton. We'll go back to the written questions. Jim Stenziani has three questions for you. Is the big boy, and that's in quotes, adversary ever allowed to attend any of your council meetings? And are there any limits imposed on that as to his advocacy here? Oh, you're talking about higher council meetings like the cosmic council? What kind of council meetings? What kind of council meetings? Does he have any limitations on any of your directions on your employers or does he have free reign? Commander, can you repeat the question? The question as I perceive it to be is can the adversary, the big boy, Satan, let's call him Satan simply because you've labeled him that, to attend the council meetings of the higher energies. The point is that evil itself is something that is only of the human realm, the physical expression. I assume that what you mean would be, would this energy be allowed within those councils. I have to tell you this, that darkness will not come near the lighted councils. There are lower levels of federation wherein yes, there have been attendance by those that would call themselves adversaries. And there are allowances made for their behavior or misbehavior. Remember that they are the testers. But in the lighted realms of the higher dimensions, and I'm not talking about space brotherhood of man, I'm talking about higher dimensions, there is no such thing. And that's a whole other five hours. So I don't think you want really to get into that. So the answer is in the Federation level, from time to time, that one is present. And the higher cosmic councils of the higher dimensions moving into God's realms, no, he just isn't there. It doesn't exist. Okay, Jim's next question is, do you have any information as to what role, if any, Maitreya is going to be playing in the world political scene? A lot and none. As just as extreme as I can make it. Maitreya is a thought projection of a Christed being, an avatar, a master, a returned God, if you will. This has been presented to you. It will be presented more and more and more as you get into more and more chaos because that is exactly what the adversary wants you to think, is that your God is running around in a physical form on your place and God is not. That is the one clue that you keep quoting has told you. He is not on your place now. Does that mean that he is never on your place? He is never on your place in holographic form, which if you sighted this person or being, you would not know the difference. They will radiate an extremely light countenance, almost a floating movement. Don't be deceived. He is not in physical form on your place at this time. That is so the world knows. And that is so that when the God makes himself present unto you, all of you will know that also. But this beauteous energy form that has been created, whether it be from the thoughts of man or not, makes no difference. He has been conjured and he represents goodness, but he will be misused because he is created by man. He is a fabrication of man. And once again you have taken a term that in that language means something and in your language now it has become Mr. And that person does not, cannot exist at this time on your place. And this is why you will find that every time he has been projected to be here, he isn't. And you know you are expecting something and you want badly for it to be here because you also innately know it's going to get pretty rotten. And you know that if you can become one with God simply because this is a thought illusion, you'll be able to outdo this some way. You're not going to get away from the experience. She goes, none, none. We laugh around here, you know, maybe you get so distressed you shoot yourself on Saturday, you're going to be back on Tuesday. It is the time of expression and transition, a great, great cycle in the universe is taking place in your species in your manifested world Your reality your own reality You're not going to miss it And this is one thing I have to say about a cinchum, please don't wish yourself into another dimension You'll get there You are into this one. You have created this for yourself. Don't miss it. There are millions of energies who would give so much to have your place. Don't sit and wish yourself somewhere else. Do what you came here to do. And if you don't know what it is, seek it until you find it. I'm going to start preaching in a minute, we better hurry on. Alright, and do your plans include coming into the physical manifestation in the near future? Your own. No, not in the very near future, no. When I begin to come, I will come only in holographic form. I already am back and forth in holographic form continually. I have a very large energy and it's very difficult and very, I don't lie to earth. I travel in the etheric form when I am aboard craft and I must take physical form. I usually will do it in nine and a half feet. I stick out like a sore thumb. I would cram it into say six foot three or four or six when I start physically experiencing with you. I start physically experiencing with you. At this point it is too dangerous. It is absolutely explicitly dangerous to you to even consider such a thing. I am continually making appearances with your leadership. They know me well. I get all around everywhere, but I do it in holographic form, in and out the doors, in and out the walls, whatever I choose. But I cannot put you in that kind of jeopardy to experience with you at this time. Already it is the magnifying glass, the microscope. We get beam blasts against these houses. We get firebombs and bullets. I would not do that. That would not be proper just to make a point. But yes, I fully intend to experience with you. And very much are we looking forward to the filming of Sipapu Odyssey. If we can keep it quiet enough where our location is, we intend to bring our own special effects. And that was going to be a major first presentation, undeniable. And yet already they have set up their signal system where we plan to be. So it becomes very difficult because of the possibility of change and knowing man the probability is always there. So we'll just have to wait and see. But it's not going to be tomorrow. But I may show up in your living room tomorrow. It will not be physical. You may not know the difference. Would you like to show up right now? Actually I really would. We would like it too. Thank you for that. I'll go on with some questions from Larry Frank. I'm going to start with a short one because some of them are very long. I can start answering yes and no, guess or no. Is there a subterranean city called Talos which is located underneath Mount Shasta? No. Oh. Laughter. There was a base called Telo de Neos, located approximately under Mount Shasta, somewhere between Lassen and Shasta actually. That base has been basically vacated. energies that would frequent Mount Shasta in energy form from your old Emurian days. They also have been evacuated from there because those are soul energies and what is tending Space Command had to remove the exchanging entities that were being put into that base. It had to be vacated. Well, I outdid myself. I expressed my no. Try again and I'll try to be better. No, no, that's fine. You just go with the flow. Thank you. I usually do that and I get in trouble. Okay, here's a very long question. Recently I read a book entitled Letters from Home, Volume 2, which is a compilation of messages from the Space Brotherhood that was chanted by Tweeta. In this book you answer several questions. My question to you are those words from that book as well as statements that you didn't communicate through channels and yet on page 290 of the Crucifixion of the Phoenix you referred to that as being very dear to you. No, I have never said that I never spoke through channels. I merely say that my method of communication to Dorma is not the same as you think of a channel. Toida was one of the first organizations that I formed. And she's from what we call the third galaxy. She's from the angelic realms, Toida is. the most precious energies that I have ever known on your earth. And yet when she came into proximity with other ones that she felt were great teachers and more knowledgeable and elder statesmen, if you will, she fell into the trap that so many fall into, not of the lie, but in refusal to accept her own truth with the strength of conviction. As ones grow, ones can either blossom into strength as the necessity for change comes about and the difference in the types of lessons must be made. There must be introduction, there must be the concept of possibility, and then there must be going with the flow, as you say. And what happens is everybody starts trying to push the flow, the river if you will, in every direction, dam it up, run up it instead of going with it and struggle because you are captured then into the physical ego state of ones around you telling you how it is supposed to be. And once you get to the point where you are writing and speaking of things that are earthly, it's very confusing to the consciousness to speak to God one minute and speak earthly things the next minute and have these great people around you that are claiming to be from Melchizedek society and the great order of the emerald cross, etc. And I have to remind you of what God is. God is not secret. God has no secret royal orders. Please hear me. One's asked about the Melchizedek, but it is not what you perceive it to be. There is absolutely zero that is secret in God's realm. He tells you everything. There is no mysticism and no secrets. It is only a mystery because you don't yet know the answer. And he's giving you the answer just as fast as you can take it. And when it came time to make some kind of change, and I became very dissatisfied, which was very destructive to Tweeta. This is painful, this is painful for me to speak of right now, because she, in service to me, came and introduced me to Dorma. And this was only in 1987, at the time that you ones of the new age groups want to call the harmonic convergence. It didn't have anything to do with harmonics nor converging. It had everything to do with the beginning of your new counting. The ancient Indian, Mazda, Aztecs, Mayans, Aborigines of all places, that was the end of the calendar, that was the end of the world, the end of dream time, the beginning of the final cycle. You're in it. You're five years in it. And Tweeda chose to go with a group who etc. and yes, I honor her, I will always protect her. She chooses to deny me in the most important and most precious and urgent role of our existence. She still accepts my placement in the council, but I want you to listen just a moment at what has happened. She will very frequently write great and lengthy dissertations from Tobias. Tobias is an elemental, precious ones, a little leprechaun energy. And you cannot ask of an elemental to be your guide. You are their guides. And yes, you can elevate them to your equal and you can love them and you can respect them but you do them no service to let them be the teacher. It is too painful. I cannot discuss this further. Thank you, Hatton. We have another question from the floor. In one of your journals you made reference to Kali Yuga, which is a Sanskrit period of time, approximately 2000 years ago, I wonder if you could elaborate that on that in relation to the current situation and cycles of existence Well I would, he is asking me about Kali Yuga that I pronounced it, you know, as, or discussed it as being the time of darkness. And actually I would correct that. If that has come through in the writings, that is an error. It is a time moving toward darkness, but it truly defined defined or translated from Sanskrit means the time of chaos, total confusion. There is at this time moving into a time of total rule by darkness or by evil adversary, a total absence of God in the operating order of the planet. This was projected not just from Sanskrit, but from all of the major prophets and your that there will be a time on this planet as there is on every planet inhabited by the human physical being. It first moves into a time of chaos and a time of total reign of evil. And that is your period of darkness, where man turns away from God. You will find things like right here in San Bernardino, which is very close to this very location, and this is happening all about your country. Christ is being removed from Christmas, for instance. You may not put up the crash, you may not put up the symbols, you may not pray in the schools. Ones are literally trying to get God taken out of the Pledge of Allegiance. I'm talking serious here, serious. And for instance, there was a cross in a flower bed right here in Tehachapi, and outsiders Outsiders came in and caused such a rift that it had to be removed from the cemetery. And in San Bernardino there is a park, a Christian symbolic park, and now they are requiring to Christ be removed from it, including its label, its name. They can put something like historical myth. That's what I mean. You are in the time of total confusion. Israel is the king, the epitome that is his tool, confusion is his tool. He takes your names of sacred meaning unto himself. He calls himself the morning star. He calls himself the prince of light. He will always use the terms to make you believe him because he is the king of deceit. And he doesn't ever have to change his story from experience to experience to experience, he just repeats it. Because it always works. In the physical plane it always has worked. Note I changed my own statement because it doesn't have to work that way. If you only could understand and take your power as given to you by God for what you are, You have to do this. And I must make you see it. If it takes twenty more journals, a hundred more journals, and Desiree is getting sick and Dorma is going to leave me, I must make you see it. And you say, well how many must turn around? Just one. Just one. And yet we don't have that one yet. But we're getting close. So when you unify and you get your goal, I believe it was told to you, put your eye on the prize. I want to tell you something, the adversary has never, not for one brief blink of an eye, taken his eye from the goal. And look who appears to be ahead. Now you can all go home and rest easily because you know that in the end God wins. That has also been written. So by that very fact you know a lot of changes can take place. And if God has created a universe and You only function in the physical. He's pre-limited. And you have an unlimited God. I suggest you take that power because it's offered to you. And you'll get it the minute you understand and do your homework. Do you want some more questions? Are you, have you had enough? Or shall we do this twice instead of completely taking her voice away? Yeah, okay, this has to do with Katoomi. Is he on board the Phoenix? No. has a newsletter has been published saying that Katsumi says he is on board. Yes, and we just got word that we have a new speaker, writer, etc. in Colorado for HATOM because Norma's on board. You have to be a little bit careful. I see, okay, well I guess that covers that with it. Okay, here's something on the earthquakes. During the last 18 months or so, you've made several predictions of some rather devious actions for the adversary, like engineering massive earthquakes, and you also gave good reasons why it did not occur at that time. This is Larry Frank's question. In addition to the reasons you gave, could it be that predicted nuclear war on September 17th, 1982, that public exposure of the adversary's plan somehow did help to prevent the event from happening? Absolutely. Absolutely. Okay. That's a yes. One more question from Larry. I'm trying to reduce half a page of type into a question here. It has to do with the three stages of migration and those people, the starseeds alright these people of the first wave will they in the near future ascend or enter into the fifth dimension as did Jesus as described in Acts first chapter 9 to 11, then upon entering the fifth dimension, will they spend time on the ship and then re-descend to earth with full remembrance that they are truly sons of God and do the greater things as prophesied by Jesus? Well, don't go further, let me see if I can hang on to some of those fragments. I've tried to explain to you that by and large the first migration has taken place. Now I can understand also why you would think that it's coming up. Why you would have a statement such as moving into the fifth dimension mention is a bit more confusing because you don't understand the progression of the migration. Ones making the migration who make it through a light beam and can be re-coalesced, you see at the time of evacuation, let us say, you're going to have a need. You're not going to float to some little clouds and sit there. You will fall right back through and God would not do such a sloppy job of preparing a place. So you've got a place. But if we have to evacuate you, you are going to find that when you materialize or manifest that many vessels to hold you, because the mother ship is larger than your planet. I can hold everybody on the Phoenix that's on your planet, but it's not that easy from your physical aspect to get you aboard, because I would only be able to beam from one side of the planet, do you see? And that is a long way to go, because if you look at the Phoenix now, I look like a little tiny star. I also have a command ship that you often confuse with the mothership, and I'm not going to go into that either or we'll be here all night. But you're going to have to have shuttle craft, and when you have that many, even if you park them edge to edge. You have a real shield around your place and they are not going to be able to get close enough to your earth. You see if there are earth encounters at this time it is at your level of compression and you might be stabilized let us say in a light beam and brought aboard but you would walk aboard or you might be lifted, as in the case of Billy Meyer, some hundred yards or further depending on your stability. We're going to have to lift some of you off 150 miles. That is a long time to be dispersed in a light beam. And this is the point when you study ascension, let's put it this way, this is what you're really talking about, I believe. You don't know what you're talking about, but I believe this is it. To get your frequency high enough to integrate into that beam so that you can physically, safely make it aboard craft. Because once again, God will have provided what you need, not a fluffy cloud, regardless of what it may look like to you. brought aboard a ship. If you have made it physically through that light beam, you will be moving directly into the higher third and fourth dimension. You will still be experiencing as a humanoid life form physical. If you don't make it through, you're going to have to go either into a lower what you would call astral form, or bypass the physical form into the fifth dimension, which is without physical body, you see. So there will be the transition that we're speaking about. Now you'll have to refresh me on the rest of the question. It was quite a compound question. Maybe I've answered it. I don't know. greater things which people will call miracles will demonstrate reality of the fifth dimension of which those who read the Bible know. No, no. You experience miracles every breath you take. That is the miracle of life. Every heartbeat. What you are talking about are magic signs and God does usually not resort to that, never as an answer for proof. Very often as support for a belief system already in existence, you will get proof alright, but it will only be confirmation. And yes, there will be signs, but most of what you will be experiencing or think you are seeing will not be from God, because God doesn't do it that way. I didn't hear it. He announced it right at the end and Larry looked a little choked up because he didn't think he was prepared for it. But he did say if the people would go out here and get him on the ballots, it would be a big mistake. Are you there? I'm here. Patricia is speaking here. This is related to the last question. So I asked what is it we should be doing. And then what it sounds like to me is there is so much confusion and deceit and difficult things going on in the third dimension that now maybe I'm... On the third dimension, there's no confusion on the third dimension. Oh, I'm sorry, okay. Yeah, there's a lot of confusion going on in the third dimension. I'm sorry. It's clear the third dimension is really messed up right now, if I can say it that way. And what it seems to me, or kind of the approach that personally that I have gotten to, is that if I put my effort on ascension, I mean whatever that may mean, and it's opening up to me all the time, at least then I have a chance of having a higher vibration and with a higher vibration I actually could be working on these things rather than being so stuck in them. So if while you are working at that you are asking for a response because what you will be doing is working at a level where you will open yourself to suggestions. You will know what you need to do. So, yes, I hear what you're saying. I don't think you're working as much to evaporate as you are to become one in knowledge. What are techniques for us to use to become one in knowledge? You have to know what it is you want. What is your goal? Do you have a goal? You don't want to know. So for example it could be a personal goal to attend. No, no, no. That's not what I mean. I'm interested in what is your overall goal. What would you try to achieve? Well, personally for me, my goal would be I want to be on the same wavelength as God and have no difference. That doesn't mean essential. I have to repeat what I asked before. To where? You see, a sin means to take off, up there somewhere. To go up. If you look up the word, it means to go up. Where, where are you going? What you are talking about is coming into direct attunement and communion with God. And you don't need to go anywhere to do that, except into the silence of self where you can hear. So if we do that above and beyond anything else, then basically these other things will come to us as needed. Yes, yes. So I believe that we understand each other. I know that I hear what your intent is. And it's not basically to pedal up there in the sky somewhere. You are talking about trying to become one in communion with God. The goal is to hear. The goal is to receive that communion from God. Which basically comes down to, you need to have your higher intelligence, your higher self in oneness with the God frequency or energy. Am I right? Right. And how do we do that? I mean is it just a matter of prayer or sitting for meditation or heart's desire? I have no, I have no way to offer you. I can't give you instructions in it. There aren't any instructions. If it helps you to sit quietly in prayer, yes. But your world requires action and I must remind you and warn you that when you come to what you call your judgment day, no one is going to judge you save self and that God within. Unfortunately, the judgment comes against actions in the human form. And that's what determines your growth as you move into the higher dimensions, which I assume you mean is essential. You are trying to purify your thought processes to the point where you basically mentally, emotionally, spiritually ascend into a oneness with higher energies. But just to get off the planet in ascension will only land you mostly in earthbound So I can't tell you how to do it. There isn't a written, it's a withinness. It's a withinness. And when one goes within, in total unselfishness, and in prayer, literally, can genuinely pray for brother, and nation, and other, Only then will you have the rewards that you are seeking. They automatically come back to you if your intent is honorable. If it is just to save your assets and get you into safety, you're not going to make it, not through that route. There is only one and that's you and you may as well consider that there's only one in the universe and that's you. And yet as long as you focus on the you which you consider to be your ego consciousness you're not going to be able to make that trip. You must put aside that ego consciousness and move into the higher consciousness with God. And that is most easily accomplished by meditation. But you can spend all your life in meditation and be a hermit on a mountain, but you will still judge yourself at that transition day by what you did or did not do, in behalf of the experience manifested for your use. You're in a schoolroom, and unfortunately it isn't the kind that you can just cop out of. You do stand to answer for your behavior, even though it be an illusion. And that's why you will keep experiencing until you come to that perfection on your road. And you obviously want to be there, you wouldn't ask these particular questions. It's just that man wants a shortcut. And I would give it to you if there were one. There isn't. I feel I haven't really, I haven't satisfied you, but maybe if you ponder it, it will fit. Thank you, Natan. We'll go back to the written questions. Cynthia has three questions for you. Is the big boy, and that's in quotes, adversary ever allowed to attend any of your council meetings? And are there any limits imposed on that entity as to his allies? Oh, you're talking about higher council meetings like the cosmic council? What kind of council meetings. I understand you will be attending these meetings with the other Federation commanders. My question was, if Big Boy Bad Applesauce, if he's allowed to attend these meetings, what are the limitations? Is there any, based on your directions on the airplane, or does he have free reign on the airplane? Based on your directions on your complainer or does he have to re-raise? Commander, can you repeat the question? The question as I perceive it to be is can the adversary, the big boy, Satan, let's call him Satan simply because you've labeled him that. Is he allowed to attend the council meetings of the human realm, the physical expression. I assume that what you mean would be, would this energy be allowed within those councils? I have to tell you this, that darkness will not come near the lighted councils. There are lower levels of federation wherein, yes, there have been attendance by those that would call themselves adversaries. And there are allowances made for their behavior or misbehavior. Remember that they are the testers. But in the lighted realms of the higher dimensions, and I'm not talking about space brotherhood of man, I'm talking about higher dimensions, there is no such thing. And that's a whole other five hours. So I don't think you want really to get into that. So the answer is in the Federation level, from time to time, that one is present. And the higher cosmic councils of the higher dimensions moving into God's realms, no, he just isn't there. It doesn't exist. Okay Jim's next question is, do you have any information as to what role, if any, Maitreya is going to be playing in the world political scene? Not and none. As just as extreme as I can make it. Maitreya is a thought projection of a Christed being, an avatar, a master, a returned God, if you will. This has been presented to you. It will be presented more and more and more as you get into more and more chaos because that is exactly what the adversary wants you to think is that your God is running around in a physical form on your place now. Does that mean that he is never on your place? He is never on your place in holographic form, which if you sighted this person or being, you would not know the difference. They will radiate an extremely light countenance, almost He is not in physical form on your place at this time. That is so the world knows. And that is so that when the God makes himself present unto you, all of you will know that also. But this beauteous energy form that has been created, whether it be from the thoughts of man or not, makes no difference. He has been conjured and he represents goodness, but he will be misused because he is created by man. He's a fabrication of man. And once again, you have taken a term that in that language means something. And in your language now, it has become Mr. Crimm's personal man by the name of Maitreya. does not, cannot exist at this time on your place. And this is why you will find that every time he has been projected to be here, he isn't. And you continue to pick up those fragments. And it's because you know you are expecting something and you want badly for it to be here, because you also innately know it's going to get pretty rotten. And you know that if you can become one with God simply because this is a thought illusion, you'll be able to outdo this some way. You're not going to get away from the experience. She goes, none, none. We laugh around here, you know, maybe you get so distressed you shoot yourself on Saturday, you're going to be back on Tuesday. It is the time of expression and transition, a great, great cycle in the universe is taking your species in your manifested world, your reality, your unreality. You're not going to miss it. And this is one thing I have to say about ascension. Please, don't wish yourself into another dimension. You'll get there. You are into this one. You have created this for yourself. Don't miss it. There are millions of energies who would give so much to have your place. Don't sit and wish yourself somewhere else. Do what you came here to do. And if you don't know what it is, seek it until you find it. I'm going to start preaching in a minute, we better hurry on. Alright, do your plans include coming into the physical manifestation in the near future? Your own? You are old. No, not in the very near future, no. When I begin to come, I will come only in holographic form. I already am back and forth in holographic form continually. I have a very large energy and it's very difficult and very... I don't like your earth. I travel in the etheric form. When I am aboard craft and I must take physical form, I usually will do it in nine and a half feet. I stick out like a sore thumb. I would cram it into, say, six foot three or four or six when I start physically experiencing with you. At this point, it is too dangerous. It is absolutely explicitly dangerous to you to even consider such a thing. I am continually making appearances with your leadership. They know me well. I get all around everywhere. But I do it in a holographic form. In and out the doors, in and out the walls, whatever I choose. in and out the walls, whatever I choose. But I cannot put you in that kind of jeopardy to experience with you at this time. Already it is the magnifying glass, the microscope. We get beam blasts against these houses. We get fire bombs and bullets. I would not be proper just to make a point. But yes, I fully intend to experience with you. And very much are we looking forward to the filming of Siva Poo Odyssey. If we can keep it quiet enough where our location is, we intend to bring our own special effects. And that was going to be a major first presentation, undeniable. And yet already they have set up their signal system where we plan to be. So it becomes very difficult because of the possibility of change. And knowing man, the probability is always there so we'll just have to wait and see but it's not going to be tomorrow but I may show up in your living room tomorrow it will not be physical you may not know the difference Would you like to show up right now? Actually I really would We would like it too. Thank you for that. I'll go on with some questions from Larry Frank. I'll start with the short ones because some of them are very, very long. I can start answering yes and no. Okay, here's one. Here's a yes and no. Yes or no, is there a subterranean city called Telos which is located underneath Mount Shasta? No. Oh. Laughter a base called Telo de Neos. Telo de Neos, located approximately under Mount Shasta, somewhere between Lassen and Shasta actually. That base has been basically vacated. You had some of the higher energies that would frequent Mount Shasta in energy form from your old Emurian days. They also have been evacuated from there because those are soul energies and what is tending to come down now can be very damaging. to remove the exchanging entities that were being put into that base. It had to be vacated. Well I outdid myself. I expressed my no. Try again and I'll try to be better. No, that's fine. You just go with the flow. Thank you. I usually do that and I get in trouble. Okay, here's a very long question for you. Recently I read a book entitled Letters from Home Volume 2, which is a compilation of messages from the space brotherhood that was channeled by Tweeta. In this book you answer several questions. My question to you are those words from that book as well as statements that you made in the four conclave books from you. The reason I ask is that I thought that you didn't communicate through channels and yet on page 290 of Crucifixion of the Phoenix you referred to Toledo as being very dear to you. No, I have never said that I never spoke through channels. I merely say that my method of communication to Dorma is not the same as you think of a channel. Toida was one of the first organizations that I formed and she is from what we call the third galaxy. She is from the angelic realms, Toida is. And this is one of the most precious energies that I have ever known on your earth. And yet when she came into proximity with other ones that she felt were great teachers and more knowledgeable and elder statesmen, if you will, she fell Not of the lie, but in refusal to accept her own truth with the strength of conviction. As ones grow, ones can either blossom into strength as the necessity for change comes difference in the types of lessons must be made. There must be introduction, there must be the concept of possibility, and then there must be going with the flow, as you say. And what happens is everybody starts trying to push the flow, the river if you will, in every direction, damn it up, run up it instead of going with it, and struggle because you're captured then into the physical ego state of ones around you telling you how it is supposed to be. And once you get to the point where you are writing and speaking of things that are earthly, it's very confusing to the consciousness to speak to God one minute and speak earthly things the next minute and have these great people around you that are claiming to be from Melchizedek society and the great order of the emerald cross, etc. And I have to remind you of what God is. God is not what you perceive it to be. There is absolutely zero that is secret in God's realm. He tells you everything. There is no mysticism and no secrets. It is only a mystery because you don't yet know the answer. And he's giving you the answer just as fast as you can take it. And when it came time to make some kind of change, and I became very dissatisfied, which was very destructive to Tweet her. This is painful, this is painful for me to speak of right now because she in service to me came and introduced me to dharma and this was only in 1987 at the time that you ones of the new age groups want to call the harmonic convergence. Didn't have anything to do with harmonics nor converging. It had everything to do with the beginning of your new counting. The ancient Indian, Mazda, Aztecs, Mayans, Aborigines of all places. That was the end of dream time, the beginning of the final cycle. You're in it. You're five years in it. And Tweeda chose to go with a group who wanted to be royalty in these societies And yes, I honor her. I will always protect her. She chooses to deny me in the council, but I want you to listen just a moment at what has happened. She will very frequently write great and lengthy dissertations from Tobias is an elemental, precious ones, an electric on energy. And you cannot ask of an elemental to be your guide. You are their guides. And yes, you can elevate them to your equal, and you can love them and you can respect them, but you do them no service to let them be the teacher. It is too painful. I cannot discuss this further. Alright, thank you Hatton. We have another question from the floor, for a moment please. Yes, in one of your journals you made reference to Kali Yuga, which is the Sanskrit period of time, Sanskrit literature, Age of Darkness, which supposedly started approximately 2,000 years ago. I wonder if you could elaborate on that in relation to the current situation and cycles of existence? Well, I would. He is asking me about Kali Yuga, that I pronounced it, you know, as, or discussed it as being the time of darkness. And actually I would correct that. If that has come through in the writings, that is an error. It is a time moving toward darkness, but it truly defined or translated from Sanskrit means the time of chaos, total confusion. There is at this time moving into a time of total rule by darkness or by evil adversary, necessary, a total absence of God in the operating order of the planet. This was projected not just from Sanskrit, but from all of the major prophets and your holy books. That there would be a time on this planet, as there is on every planet inhabited by the human physical being, it first moves into a time of chaos and a time of total reign of evil. And that is your period of darkness, where man turns away from God. You will find things like right here in San Bernardino, which is very close to this very location, and this is happening all about your country. Christ is being removed from Christmas, for instance. You may not put up the crash, you may not put up the symbols, you may not pray in the schools. literally trying to get God taken out of the Pledge of Allegiance. I'm talking serious here, serious. And in San Bernardino there is a park, a Christian symbolic park, and now they are requiring that everything including his label, his name. They can put something like historical myth. That's what I mean. You are in the time of total confusion. The adversary, Satan if you will, is the king. the epitome that is his tool, confusion is his tool. He takes your names of sacred meaning unto himself. He calls himself the morning star. He calls himself the prince of light. use the terms to make you believe him because he is the king of deceit. And he doesn't ever have to change his story from experience to experience to experience. He just repeats it because it always works in the physical plane. It always has worked. Note I changed my own statement because it doesn't have to work that way. If you only could understand and take your power as given to you by God for what you And I must make you see it. If it takes twenty more journals, a hundred more journals, and Desiree is getting sick and Dorma is going to leave me, I must make you see it. It doesn't have to be this way. And it will turn around the minute you understand it. And you say, well, how many? Must turn around. Just one. Just one. And yet we don't have that one yet. But we're getting close. I believe it was told to you, put your eye on the prize. I want to tell you something, the adversary has never, not for one brief blink of an eye, taken his eye from the goal. And look what appears to be ahead. Now you can all go home and rest easily, because you know that in the end God wins. That has also been written. So by that very fact you know a lot of changes can take place. And if God has created a universe and evil can only function He's pre-limited and you have an unlimited God. I suggest you take that power because it's offered to you. And you'll get it the minute you understand and do your homework. Do you want some more questions or have you had enough? Or shall we do this twice instead of completely taking her voice away? Yeah, um, okay, this has to do with, uh, uh, Kutumi. Uh, is he on board the Phoenix? No. Ah, okay, because he apparently has, uh, a newsletter has been published saying that Kutumi, uh, says he is on board. Yes, and we just got word that we have a new speaker, writer, etc. in Colorado for Haptom because Dorma's on board. You have to be a little bit careful. I see. Okay, well I guess that covers that with it. Um, okay, here's something on the earthquakes. During the last 18 months or so, you've made several predictions of some rather devious actions for the adversary, like engineering massive earthquakes. And you also gave good reasons why it did not occur at that time. This is Larry Frank's question. that, let's see, could it be that predicted nuclear war on September 17th, 82, that public exposure of the adversary's plan somehow did help to prevent the event from happening? Absolutely, absolutely. Okay. That's a yes. Alright, one more question from Larry. I'm trying to reduce half a page of type into a question here. It has to do with the three stages of migration and those people, the starseeds, alright, these people of the first wave, will they in the near future ascend or enter into the fifth dimension will they spend time on the ship and then re-descend to earth with full remembrance that they are truly sons of God and do the greater things as prophesied by Jesus Don't go further. Let me see if I can hang on to some of those fragments. Okay. I've tried to explain to you that by and large the first migration has taken place. Now I can understand also why you would think that it's coming up. Why you would have a statement such as moving into the fifth dimension is a bit more confusing confusing because you don't understand the progression of the migration. One's making the migration who make it through a light beam and can be re-coalesced. You see, at the time of evacuation, let us say, you're going to have a need. You're not going to float to some little clouds and sit there, you will fall right back through and God would not do such a sloppy job of preparing a place. So you've got a place. But if we have to evacuate you, you are going to find that when you materialize or manifest that many vessels to hold you, mother ship is larger than your planet. I can hold everybody on the Phoenix that's on your planet, but it's not that easy from your physical aspect to get you aboard because I would only be able to beam from one side of the planet, do you see? And that is a long way to go because if you look at the Phoenix now, I look like a little tiny star. I also have a command ship that you often confuse with the mothership, and I'm not going to go into that either or we'll be here all night. But you're going to have to have shuttle craft, and when you have that many, even if you park them edge edge. You have a real shield around your place. And they're not going to be able to get close enough to your earth. You see, if there are earth encounters at this time, it is at your level of compression. And you might be lifted, as in the case of Billy Meyer, some hundred yards, or further, depending on your stability. We're going to have to lift some of you off 150 miles. This is a long time to be dispersed in a light beam. And this is the point when you study ascension, let's put it this way, this is what you're really talking about, I believe. You don't know what you're talking about, but I believe this is it. To get your frequency high enough to integrate into that beam so that you can physically, safely make it aboard craft. Because once again, God will have provided what you need, not a fluffy cloud, regardless of what it may look like to you. So you will be brought aboard a ship. If you have made it physically through that light beam, you will be moving directly into the higher third and fourth dimension. You will still be experiencing as a humanoid life form physical. If you don't make it through, you're going to have to go either into a lower, lower what you would call astral form or bypass the physical form into the fifth dimension which is without physical body you see. So there will be the transition that we are speaking about. Now you will have to refresh me on the rest of the question. It was quite a compound question. Maybe I've answered it. I don't know. He says after that, this activity of doing the greater things which people will call miracles will demonstrate reality of the fifth dimension of which those who receive it cannot. No, no. You experience miracles every breath you take. That is the miracle of life. Every heartbeat. What you are talking about are magic signs, and God does usually not resort to that. never as an answer for proof. Very often as support for a belief system already in existence, you will get proof all right, but it will only be confirmation. And yes, there will be signs, but most of what you will be experiencing or think you are seeing seeing will not be from God because God doesn't do it that way.