is their only reality and I find when I'm with them I try, ok I'll forget about what goes up here pretend like they're like these people and if I hadn't been here and I was like them only exposed to their reality there's no way this does not exist Mr. Coleman's information is not real. It's nowhere. Their reality, it's only the comfort, the TV, what their consciousness is. Well, look at our challenge. I mean, I have a problem. I mean, I mean, I mean, you dare bring those anti-Semitic, adding government papers now if I could have reached Jim he has connections in the state of California through his father he would have been a good source now all he wants to know I said I'm going to have to pay today Jim he says oh well then you can make the mortgage payment I said Jim I don't pay anything to go up there and here what's in I said why don't you come along he says you're crazy Ellen and I keep hoping though I still try to get a sense of him, everyone's lives, I mean he sells real estate, so oddly enough, he and his father sell large parcels of land in California to people who are making their space for whatever is going to happen, to store away their food and have their water. He is doing, without knowledge, exactly what we've been warned people need to do to be paid. And yet, he's people not acknowledged. and yet he will not acknowledge. Now when things are totally falling apart, I'll say, please do my toes, you're going to win. But then it won't be, I don't know what to do. I mean, I don't know what we can do. We were at the UFO thing in San Diego last night. My friend, Mona, Percy, is speaking tomorrow. And I go around the bush and make a little comment about the phoenix journal etc. and somebody will say oh they are very political we don't agree with that one. I don't know anything about it. I can't believe. When I grew up I thought my grandmother was the daughter of the American revolution and of course they marched down the streets for women's rights to vote. How can we salvage this country when the conscience of the people is so incredibly low? Also, you'll come to the time in the evolvement of man when you won't. Most of the ones will not be salvaged. And that is not your burden to carry on your soul. All you need to do is offer it is their responsibility to either accept or deny. Try not to make them deny to the point that they cannot come back and say, oops, you were right, now what can I do? And then you just give them a shovel and tell them to start digging. You don't give them a lecture on how naughty are you. You have to be giving, you have to be allowing, and you have to release. I'm telling you again, the planet was made for 500 million people, all but that number is fully intended to be annihilated. You, by all the wishing that you wish to do, will not stop it. It's already underway. They are killing ones by the millions. They will do it with a worse virus. They will do it with anthrax. They will do it with war. It's going to happen because it's the way they have planned it and you did not rise up in time to stop it, to allow the removal of those entities to other safe haven. Even though you erred in your practices and now they've got you even more cornered. They demand your right for abortion so they can stop the lighted beings from coming on board. Don't underestimate God, but don't you go with fantastic dreams of saving everyone on the globe. It is not your business. You do what you can. You point out the similarities of what is happening and you don't get into a quarrel about space command or God. Or that's all you're going to have, you're going to get into a quarrel over doctrine. Either God is or God isn't. There isn't anything to quarrel about. Either space is, space man, space brother. Listen to me. Hear what I say. The ones who denied the Christed one you worship, still expect that Messiah. That indicates, my friends, that they know there is something somewhere, and if it ain't on this place, it is extraterrestrial. It is one or the other. It's like pregnancy, you are or you're not. Period. Touche. You know it was a female who put the male down. Different perspective, different perspective. This of course should be to see Dr. Cecil Jacobson. Thank you John. He created pregnancies out of fresh air. What a little contribution. I have a question regarding the Messiah and the Israelis on the news Thursday I saw Israel had a lot of banners around the Messiah is coming spread by Rabbi Schneerson of the Lubavitch movement who you mentioned before can you tell me if that's any part of their trying to get a holy war going? Oh absolutely, it fits in there, see with the timing. But there aren't enough of them going to accept that one as the Messiah. It's going to fall on its face like El Roy did. of serving Mother Earth as a geologist and I now have the honor of serving the children as a teacher. This has been something recent and very weird because everybody is becoming unemployed and I became employed. And I now teach first and second grade combination bilingual class and we had several very interesting discussions. One was a discussion amongst two children that you could not draw, could not represent infinity and they were not supposed to be talking and I listened to what they were saying and I said, excuse me, how many children would like to discuss infinity for a few moments? And everybody raised their hand. And I said, well, there was a discussion whether you could not represent infinity and I believe I can clarify that discussion and everybody sat up very attentively and I drew the symbol for infinity on them and everybody drew in a breath and there was a suspense and everybody was excited. So we discussed infinity for a moment and then we went back to our work and I was very overwhelmed and very excited about these questions because we are dealing with 6, 7, 8 year olds and they are discussing these things. Later on that week or that month another discussion came about and it was regarding God and I stopped the class and I asked well how many of you believe in God and everybody except maybe one or two raised their hand and I was very overwhelmed also because I was not expecting that type of response from the children. And I bring this to light because we always focus very much and hear it very much on all the darkness and all doom and gloom. And now I understand why I'm a rebel. Because I'm going to choose to give up what we are all in this room trying to do. So I wanted to bring that to you. Thank you because everybody can get pretty buried in this and it seems impossible. And the children you must remember are your teachers, they're your leaders, they're the ones that will take you home. This is why you must guard them. And it's not a society structured to serve the children and they become such spoiled little brats that you don't want to. Because the discipline, the parents don't know what to do with them. And yet something makes the The adult wish to have the child. I believe they think it is some kind of a possession that makes them whole. And without them they are not whole. But it is the meeting of the responsibility of that child and its nurturing that makes the journey worthy of total failure. And the children have a great purpose here and therefore the thrust has had to be made against the children to teach them not to believe what they are birth knowing. Tom, may I share a story? Please. When George and I went to Wisconsin this last time we had quite a few delays getting there and I was sitting next to a guy who I found out later was a Catholic. And we were talking about all the politics, everything. He seemed to be very open-minded. And we talked a little bit about my spiritual feelings. And then he asked me towards the end, when we were about to deplane, he said, well, what do you see yourself doing five years from now? And I just, it just came out and I said, I see myself working with children. And he said, well, but the parents will have to agree if you're talking about spirituality and things like that. And I said, they won't have parents. And it just came out like that. And I was just, when I said it, I was like, my heart sunk. You know, like, oh my God, they won't have parents. It wasn't like my voice. So I think that was kind of a... Well, I think you get the idea. Yeah. It's the realization. And it's hard. And know that you'll give them strength enough to handle it. Commander? Yes. Unless it would take too much of our time, do you think you could go in just a little bit about what they did to us in Vietnam and they sent us over there and the microchips they implanted in us and what they were trying to do with us, the soldiers. It was a massive... I mean you've got a situation where that was another drug war and this was also an opportunity for the mind controllers out of the Tavistock and, well, the mind controllers. John would do better than I at explaining those earthly type details. But it was an experiment of the most heinous kind. Each one being trained and then each one being implanted. And you see, this is why God is separated. This is why you are going to have separation of, they call it church, but it is really separation of God and man, church and state, so that you will not rely on that elusive, vaporous, invisible being. And that alone causes confusion into the individual. And literally with a pulsed beam system, and especially if you have all receivers triggered to receive, you're going to create mass actions, individual atrocities, and ones will not even know what they did when they come out. It will be like I didn't do it, I watched it, I experienced it, I couldn't stop it, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't, I couldn't, I couldn't, I couldn't. And this was, this was more massive. It began in the Korean War and then it was more massive because you see you had a societal structure of mind control in the ones who went into the war. And you're still reaping, you children who were in that as the victims and those precious ones in Vietnam who never knew cancer or dying from the defoliants poured on that place and the soul cannot bear that responsibility it rebels it pukes it up and this was you know one of the most heinous of all American efforts to totally control. John would you like to add to that because it really is important and there are a bunch of you out there Well, first of all the war was designed Not to be one. That's the number one premise from which we've got to start the war was Vietnam was a rat hole Then which the lives of 55,000 men were caught, plus billions and billions of dollars. And one of the strategic objectives of the Vietnam War was to keep the money from going into space exploration, which it was intended for. It was also one vast mass experiment of mind control, psychological warfare. There were experiments carried out in the Vietnam War which even today people with a lot of experience in these things cannot understand exactly how they were done. I don't know if any of you have seen the movie Jacob's Ladder. That That is one of the most factual, most clear demonstrations of what was done to our men in Vietnam. Now they were turned around and given a drug, which made them attack their fellow soldiers. They saw these soldiers as the enemy coming at them, and they began to kill each other. This didn't happen once, it happened hundreds of times. That was one experiment. Another experiment was used from long distance mind control, mind interference beams, being beamed against these men, which would cause them to do the weirdest things. Some of them would sit down in the middle of a battle and think they were having a, back in the days when they were having a Sunday school picnic or a 4th of Vietnamese soldiers were just overrun positions. There were beams beamed down from aircraft, command aircraft centers overhead, beamed against our own soldiers to so confuse them that they wouldn't know from which direction the enemy was coming from. They'd all get killed. So the thrust of the Vietnam War was first of all to consume millions and millions of dollars, billions of dollars intended for space exploration, developing our knowledge of space. The second thing was to induce drug usage in our forces, and I'll come to that in a moment. was to conduct vast experiments on captive audiences. Our soldiers were captive audiences. And this was begun by Major General John Rawlings-Reese. And his first experiments with Tavistock were carried out where he had 80,000 British soldiers under this type of control. And what the Vietnam War was, the psychological warfare practice on our own people, was simply an extension of the experiments carried out by Major General John Rawlings-Reese at the Taylor Stock Institute where 80,000 British soldiers were used as guinea pigs for this very type of experiment which they then refined, which the CIA took up and continued. In this situation of desperation, many of the soldiers turned to drugs. And Chai and Lai in a conversation with Gamal Abdel Nasser in Egypt which was reported by the Al-Akhram Egyptian newspaper, a very very reliable journal, Chai and Lai said we are doing to the Americans what the British did to us in the days of the British East India Company where they turned our people into a nation of drug addicts. We are going to turn the American nation into a drug agent, to a drug situation, and have become totally addicted to it. And we are going to use your soldiers in Vietnam to be the vehicle to carry this disease back to America. Pardon me. And those are the threefold aspects of the Vietnam War. Thank you. You also have a situation in play here where while you were busy, preoccupied in that war, Russia never slowed down one iota. And they surpassed you in space and there is nothing that you have that can match anything that they have. And that's what keeps your world in one piece at this particular time. This is why they are talking right now about going to war against space command. What they really mean is they're right out there ready to do it any moment. That probably is the most important war pending at this very moment. Because when they decide, In fact, the Cosmospheres, you see, they are not under the command of this elite bunch of Yeltsin nitwits. I don't know anything nice to call this energy. And be very, very careful. is coming to the United States and a very major, major operation is planned while he's out of the country. I'm not at liberty, neither is John, to even share with you even the beginnings of what is known. The point is not to bring down the house upon your head. The point is to allow you enough insight to realize that these things are happening, that they did happen, so that you can understand enough. You are not victims to them unless you choose to be. knowledge and enlightenment awakening the people will put a stop to it. They cannot manipulate you if you know they are trying because you will know how to counter it. It planet and all of the universe that I travel. You've heard once describe it in the spiritual communities as being dark. It is absolutely one of the most incredibly gifted and beautiful and it radiates practically no light. Well I want to tell you, your sister planet does and that's where you are. But you have to make that transition the place is ready and waiting and it is absolutely incredible. You can go back to the garden of Eden in perception or you can go back to the cave. That's man's choice and you've made your choice or you want to know is what to do and then again I have to say let it unfold let it unfold it's not for everyone to hear and some who come and just offer their hand have made their contribution What is our sister planet? I'm not going to go into it John. I've never heard that referred to. Well you've heard of parallel planets. Yeah, but I thought it was somebody's big story. God never leaves it unattended. You see, I've talked about migrations. These are the things I get lonely to speak about. I don't want to talk about war. I don't want to talk about grey aliens. I don't want to talk about Jensen. I hate talking about Bush. These are negative discussions. I have a business and I'm not selling anything, what's wrong? And they're refusing to look. You have to know what's wrong. You were told when God left the place that a place would be prepared. A place is prepared. And you're back to make this transition because man is blind and God always gives opportunity for final choices and that's not your business. If you do your job, that's all that's expected. If the will is available, you cannot cram it down another's throat. You will only make him angry and he will back off and then you have lost him really. And on that you might bear a little guilty conscience. So let it go. Or in that, we'll go through. do something while you're waiting to serve at the light post on eviction day. So you must continue in your action wherever you see capability of acting. But you must be lest you push the river and it only overflows its bounds and floods and slows. Allow it to unfold. If you ask with sincerity from within, it will unfold. It may not seem like it, but Terry and Cindy are here, that's a step isn't it? That's a step. And the rest will be clear. Can I add one small thing to the Vietnam saga? When the committee of 300 felt the experiments weren't completed and they needed to go on. Ho Chi Minh was actually dying of a heart problem. The United States and America, through the CIA, sent three of the top American heart specialists to Vietnam and they prolonged this man's life by, I don't know how many years, probably 10 years, maybe more. That's the kind of duplicity that has enveloped this nation. We actually kept this evil creature alive for years after he should have been dead. That's why today when you see pictures of these men going to the memorial in Washington and you see some of them weeping uncontrollably, they are not only weeping about their comrades in arms who they saw shot to pieces, and believe me these things stay on your mind forever they are also weeping because they have come to the realization that they were hoodwinked that many of them were used as pawns in the game, as dukes and that shocking realization that they were betrayed by their own country and used in such a despicable manner causes such an agony of sorrow that these men stand there openly weeping at this wall which is a monument to the dead, but actually a wall of shame for what has been done to this country through the Committee of 300. Thank you. John, can I ask you a question on that? Did they mess with our memories so that we can't even be sure that our memories of our experiences are accurate? That's exactly what they did. Now, in Jacob's letter, which by the way was taken from confidential CIA documents that were obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, and even though they were heavily blacked out, the man who did that movie, he kept on having flashes of what had really happened to him. And he couldn't believe it, he was having nightmares all night long and all day long. He lived a living nightmare for six months. Until he went to a psychiatrist and said, look, I'm really at my wits end, what shall I do about this? And the psychiatrist listened to him and the first thing he did was phone the defense department because he was one of those people who had been in this experiment. And he said this man is breaking free from what we've conditioned him to believe and he's beginning to come to the reality of what actually happened. They sent a whole team of people to try and kill him. Oh no! That's like Total Recall, is that what we call it? I haven't seen that but I would advise anybody who really wants to see what happened in Vietnam to see Jacob's Ladder. Jacob's Ladder is like the Kennedy movie. It is extremely factual. Where did McNamara fit in on that picture? Well McNamara was always a tool of the one world government. McNamara is the Satanist of the Elysipherian, he ran the Elysipherian Trust, which was an organization for demon worship and that was set up in a Christian church called the Church of St John the Divine, run by Bishop Paul Moore on Moore Island in New York. I went to school with him, that's why I'm trying to find out. When people like myself and others exposed this record, they very quickly changed the name from Luciferian Trust to the Lucius Trust. Yeah, the Lucius Trust. Right. But originally it was the Luciferian Trust. Let me suggest something. You see, each one of you have had your own experiences and we talk about a specific group, a specific war, a specific experiment. Is their only reality. And I find when I'm with them, I try, okay I'll forget about what's over here, pretend like they're like these people. And if I hadn't been here, and I was like them, only exposed to their reality, there's no money. that this does not exist. Mr. Coleman's information is not real. It's not real. Their reality is only the comfort, the TV, what we, their consciousness is. Well, look at our challenge. I mean, I think that, I mean, I mean, I mean, In your presence. I worked with, you dare bring those anti-Semitic, anti-government papers. Now if I could have reached him, he has connections in the state of California through his father. He would have been a good source. Now all of a sudden I said, I'm going to have to pay today Jim. He said, oh, what do they need to make the mortgage payment? I said, Jim, I don't pay anything to go up there and hear what they say. I said, why don't you come along? He said, you're crazy, Ellen. And I keep hoping though, I still try to get a sense of him. Everyone tries. I mean he sells real estate. So oddly enough, he and his father sell large parcels of land in California to people who are making their space for whatever is going to happen. The store where they're going to have their water. He is doing, without knowledge, exactly what we've been warned people need to do to be paid. And yet we keep people not acknowledged. Now, when things start totally falling apart, I'll say, we've been told you wouldn't listen. But then it will be, I don't know what to do. I mean, I don't know what we can do. We were at the UFO thing in San Diego last night. My friend, Mona, I heard he was speaking tomorrow. And I go around the bush and make a little comment about the Phoenix Journal, etc. and somebody else says, oh they're very political, we don't agree with that at all. I don't know anything about it. I can't believe. When I grew up I thought, my grandmother was the daughter of the American Revolution and she'll place a poster, March down the streets for women's rights to vote. How can we salvage this country when the conscience of the people is so incredibly low? Also, you'll come to the time in the involvement of men when you won't. Most of the ones will not be salvaged. And that is not your burden to carry on your soul. All you need to do is offer, it is their responsibility to either accept or deny. Try not to make them deny to the point that they cannot come back and say, oops, you were right, now what can I do? And then you just give them a shovel and tell them to start digging. You don't give them a lecture on how naughty of you. You have to be giving, you have to be annihilated. You, by all the wishing that you wish to do, will not stop it. It's already underway. They are killing ones by the millions. They will do it with a worse virus. They will do it with AIDS and they will do it with war. It's going to happen because it's the way they have planned it and you did not rise up in time to stop it, to allow the removal of those entities to other safe haven. Even though you erred in your practices, and now they've got you even more cornered. They demand your right for abortion so they can stop the lighted beings from coming on board. Don't underestimate God. But don't you go with fantastic dreams of saving everyone on the globe. It is not your business. You do what you can. You point out the similarities of what is happening and you don't get into a quarrel about space command or God or that's all you're going to have. You're going to get into a quarrel over doctrine. Either God is or God isn't. There isn't anything to quarrel about. Either If you believe in any Messiah coming, listen to me. Hear what I say, the ones who denied the Christed one you worship, still expect that Messiah. That indicates, my friends, that they know there is something somewhere, and if it ain't on this place, it is extraterrestrial. It is one or the other. It's like pregnancy, you You'll note it was a female who put the male down. Different perspective, different perspective. I suppose you've been to see Dr. Cecil Jacobson. Thank you, John. He created pregnancies out of fresh air. Commander? Well a little contribution. I have a question please. Please. Regarding the Messiah and the Israelis on the news Thursday, I saw Israel had a lot of banners around the Messiah's coming spread by Rabbi Schneerson of the Lubavitch movement who you mentioned before. Can you tell me if that's any part of their trying to get a holy war going? Oh absolutely, it fits in there, see with the timing. But there aren't enough of them going to accept that one as the Messiah. It's going to fall on its face like El Roy did. Mrs. McMurray-Hutton, may I comment? Please. I have had the wonderful honor of serving Mother Earth as a geologist and I now have the honor of serving the children as a teacher. This has been something recent and very weird because everybody is becoming unemployed and I became employed. And I now teach first and bilingual class and we had several very interesting discussions. One was a discussion amongst two children that you could not draw, could not represent infinity and they were not supposed to be talking and I listened to what they were saying and I said, excuse me, how many children would like to discuss infinity for a few moments? And everybody raised their hand and I said, well, there was a discussion whether you could not represent infinity and I believe I can clarify that discussion and everybody sat up very attentively and I drew the symbol for infinity on them and everybody drew in a breath and there was a suspense and everybody was excited. So we discussed infinity for a moment and then we went back to our work and I was very overwhelmed and very excited about these questions because we were dealing with 6, 7, 8 year olds and they were discussing these things. Later on that week or that month another discussion came about and it was regarding God and I stopped the class and I asked well how many of you believe in God? And everybody except maybe one or two, raised their hand. And I was very overwhelmed also because I was not expecting that type of response from the children. And I bring this to light because we always focus very much and hear it very much on all the darkness and all the doom and gloom and now I understand why they have called me the rebel without a cause and now I've found my cause. Now I understand why I'm a rebel. Because I'm going to give up what we are all in this room trying to do. So I wanted to bring that to you. Thank you, because everybody can get pretty buried in this, and it seems impossible. And the children you must remember are your teachers, they're your leaders, they're the ones that will take you home. This is why you must guard them. And it's not a society structured to serve the children and they become such spoiled little brats that you don't want to. Because the discipline, the parents don't know what to do with them. and yet something makes the adult wish to have the child. I believe they think it is some kind of a possession that makes them whole. And without them they're not whole. But it is the meeting of the responsibility of that child and its nurturing that makes the journey worthy of total failure. And the children have a great purpose here and therefore the thrust has had to be made against the children to teach them not to believe what they are birthed knowing. quite a few delays getting there and I was sitting next to a guy who I found out later was a Catholic and we were talking about all the politics, everything, he seemed to be very open minded and we talked a little bit about my spiritual feelings and then he asked me towards the end when we were about to deplane, he said, well what do you see yourself doing five years from now? And I just, it just came out, I said, I see, I see myself working with children, and he said, well, but the parents will have to agree if you're talking about spirituality and things like that. And I said, they won't have parents. And it just came out like that. And I was just, when I said it, I was like, my heart sunk. You know, like, oh my God, they're all my parents. It wasn't like my voice. So I think that was kind of a, well, I think you get the idea. It's the realization, and it's hard, and know that you're given strength enough to handle it. Commander? Yes. Unless it would take too much of our time, do you think you could go in just a little bit about what they did to us in Vietnam? When they sent us over there and the microchips they implanted in us and what they were trying to do with us, the soldiers? It was a massive... Well, I mean, you've got a situation where that was another drug war. And this was also an opportunity for the mind controllers out of the Tavistock and well the mind controllers. John would do better than I at explaining those earthly type details. But it was an experiment of the most heinous kind. Each one being trained and then each one being implanted. And you see, this is why God is separated. This is why you're going to have separation of, they call it church, but it's really separation of God and man. Church and state. So that you will not rely on that elusive, vaporous, invisible being. And that alone causes confusion into the individual. And literally, with a pulsed beam system, and especially if you have all receivers triggered to receive, you're individual atrocities and ones will not even know what they did when they come out. It will be like I didn't do it, I watched it, I experienced it, I couldn't stop it, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't, I couldn't, I couldn't, I couldn't. And this was more massive. It began in the Korean War and then it was more massive because you see you had a societal structure of mind control in the ones who went into the war. it. They also gave you drugs. And you're still reaping. You children who were in that as the victims and those precious ones in Vietnam who never knew cancer or dying from the defoliants poured on that place. And the soul cannot bear that responsibility. It rebels, it pukes it up. And this was, you know, one of the most heinous of all American efforts to totally control. John would you like to add to that because it really is important and there are a bunch of you out there. Well first of all the war was designed not to be won. That's the number one premise from which we've got to start. The war was, Vietnam was a rat hole, down which the lives of 55,000 men were caught, plus billions and billions of dollars, and one of the strategic objectives of the Vietnam War was to keep the money from going into space exploration, which it was intended for. vast mass experiment of mind control, psychological warfare. There were experiments carried out in the Vietnam War, which even today, people with a lot of experience in these things, cannot understand exactly how they were done. I don't know if any of you have seen the movie Jacob's Ladder? That is one of the most factual, most clear demonstrations of what was done to our men in Vietnam. Now they were turned around and given a drug, which made them attack their fellow soldiers. They saw these soldiers as the enemy coming at them and they began to kill each other. This didn't happen once, it happened hundreds of times. That was one experiment. Another experiment was used from long distance mind control, mind interference beams, being beamed against these men, which would cause them to do the weirdest things. Some of them would sit down in the middle of a battle and think they were having a, back in the days when they were having a Sunday school picnic or a 4th of July picnic. And these Vietnamese soldiers were just overrun positions. They were beams beamed down from aircraft, command aircraft centers overhead, beamed against our own soldiers to so confuse them that they wouldn't know from which direction the enemy was coming from. They'd all get blown. So the thrust of the Vietnam War was first of all to consume millions and millions of dollars, billions of dollars intended for space exploration, developing our knowledge of space. The second thing was to induce drug usage in our forces, and I'll come to that in a moment. The third thing was to conduct vast experiments on captive audiences. Our soldiers were captive audiences. And this was begun by Major General John Rawlings Reese. And his first experiments with Tavistock were carried out where he had 80,000 British soldiers under this type of control. And what the Vietnam War was, the psychological warfare practiced on our own people, was simply an extension of the experiments carried out by Major General John Rawlings-Reese at the Taylor Stock Institute where 80,000 British soldiers were used as guinea pigs for this very type of experiment which they then refined, which the CIA took up and continued. In this situation of desperation many of the soldiers turned to drugs. And Chai and I in a conversation with Gamal Abdel Nasser in Egypt, which was reported by the Alakhram Egyptian newspaper, a very very reliable journal. what the British did to us in the days of the British East India Company where they turned our people into a nation of drug addicts. We are going to turn the American nation into a drug agent, to a drug situation, and become totally addicted to it. And we are going to use your soldiers in Vietnam to be the vehicle to carry this disease back to America. And those are the threefold aspects of the Vietnam War. Thank you. You also have a situation in L.A. here where while you were busy, preoccupied in that war, Russia never slowed down one iota and they surpassed you in space and there is nothing that you have that can match anything that they have. And that's what keeps your world in one piece at this particular time. This is why they are talking right now about going to war against space command. What they really mean is they're going to, they think they've got some sophisticated enough equipment to go to war against those Cosmospheres. They don't. But they're right out there ready to do it any moment. That probably is the most important war pending at this very moment. Because when they decide, when this elite bunch decides to attack the Cosmospheres, you see they are not under the command of this elite bunch of Yeltsin nitwits. I don't know anything nice to call this energy. And Yedson is coming to the United States and a very major, major operation is planned while he's out of the country. I'm not at liberty, neither is John, to even share with you even the beginnings of what is known. The point is not to bring down the house upon your head. The point is to allow you enough insight to realize that these things are happening that they did happen so that you can understand enough. You are not victims to them unless This is why knowledge and enlightenment, awakening the people, will put a stop to it. They cannot manipulate you if you know they are trying, because you will know how to counter it. unhappy, incredibly miserable planet in all of the universe that I travel. You've heard once described it in the spiritual communities as being dark. It is absolutely one of the incredibly gifted and beautiful places ever created And it radiates practically no light Well, I want to tell you Your sister planet does and that's where you are, but you have to make that transition, the place is ready and waiting and it is absolutely incredible. You can go back to the garden of Eden in perception or you can go back to the cave. That's man's choice. All you want to know is what to do. And then again I have to say, let it unfold. Let it unfold. It's not for everyone to hear. And some who come have made their contribution What is our sister planet? I'm not going to go into it John I've never heard that referred to Well you've heard of parallel planets Of course you have Yeah but I thought it was somebody's big story God never leaves it unattended You see, I've talked about migrations. These are the things I get lonely to speak about. I don't want to talk about war. I don't want to talk about gray aliens. I don't want to talk about Jensen. I hate talking about Bush. These are negative discussions. And yet that's like saying I have a business and I'm not selling anything, what's wrong? And then refusing to look. You have to know what's wrong. You were told when God left the place that a place would be prepared. prepared and you're back to make this transition because man is blind and God always gives opportunity for final choices and that's not your business. If you do your job, that's all that's expected. If the word is available, you cannot cram it down another's throat. You will only make him angry and he will back off and then you have lost him really. And on that you might bear a little guilty conscience. So let it go. A remnant will go through. You have to do something while you're waiting to serve at the light post on eviction day. So you must be patient, lest you push the river and it only overflows its bounds and floods and slows. Allow it to unfold. If you ask with sincerity from within, it will unfold. But Terry and Cindy are here, that's a step isn't it? That's a step. And the rest will be clear. Can I add one small thing to the Vietnam saga? Please. When the committee of 300 felt the experiments weren't completed and they needed to go on, Ho Chi Minh was actually dying of a heart problem. The United States and America, through the CIA, sent three of the top American heart specialists to Vietnam and they prolonged this man's life by, I don't know how many years, probably 10 years, maybe more. That's the kind of duplicity that has enveloped this nation. We actually kept this evil creature alive for years after he should have been dead. That's why today when you see pictures of these men going to the memorial in Washington, and you see some of them weeping uncontrollably, they are not only weeping about their comrades comrades in arms who they shall shot to pieces. And believe me these things stay on your mind forever. They are also weeping because they've come to the realization that they were hoodwinked. That many of them were used as pawns in the game, as dukes. And that shocking realization that they were betrayed by their own country and used in such a despicable manner, causes such an agony of soul that these men stand there openly weeping at this wall which is a monument to the dead but actually a wall of shame for what has been done to this country through the committee of 300. Thank you. John, can I ask you a question on that? Did they mess with our memories so that we can't even be sure that our memories of our experiences are accurate? That's exactly what they did. Now in Jacob's letter, which by the way was taken from confidential CIA documents that were obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, and even though they were heavily blacked out, the man who did that movie, he kept on having flashes of what had really happened to him. And he couldn't believe it, he was having nightmares all night long and all day long. He lived a living nightmare for six months. Until he went to a psychiatrist and said, look, I'm really at my wits end, what shall I do about this? And the psychiatrist listened to him, and the first thing he did was phone the defense department, because he was one of those people who'd been in this experiment. And he said, this man is breaking free from what we've conditioned him to believe, and he's beginning to come to the reality of what actually happened. They sent a whole team of people to try and kill him. Oh no! That's like Total Recon. I haven't seen that but I would advise anybody who really wants to see what happened in Vietnam to see Jacob's Ladder. Jacob's Ladder is like the Kennedy movie. It is extremely factual. Where did McNamara fit in on that picture? Well McNamara was always a tool of the one world government. McNamara is a Satanist, an elusive fairy. He ran the elusive fairy trust, which was an organization for demon worship, and that was set up in a Christian church called the Church of St. John the Divine, run by Bishop Paul Moore on Long Island in New York. I went to school with him, that's why I'm kind of a weirdo. Laughter When people like myself and others expose this racket, they very quickly change the name from Luciferian Trust to the Lucius Trust. Yeah, the Lucius Trust. But originally it was the Luciferian Trust. Let me suggest something. You see, each one of you have had your own experiences and we talk about a specific group a specific war a specific experiment Once coming out of a war are no different.