|0.00|> 21st 1992, greetings commander.<|9.44|><|9.44|> Good afternoon.<|10.44|><|10.44|> Good afternoon.<|11.44|><|11.44|> I thought present in light and service, butting into everybody's business, but you called<|20.56|><|20.56|> this meeting, so I assume that is an invitation for me to butt into your business. Bank of America is one of the banks that will survive, even if they choose to call it something else, although I don't believe that they will change the name. It's owned by quite a large conglomerate of the Committee of 300. The intent is to bring banks into five units, period. That means that there will be a lot of merging. Mostly the Bank of America will be utilized for the purpose of absorbing other banks, especially independent banks and savings and loans as they go out of business. They will only pick up the good assets, the deposits, and you, the good old taxpayer, will be left holding all the bad debts. That's the way it's planned. That is illegal but that is the way it is structured and that is the way it is fully intended that it run. You will be having banks as they phase out and have to change their labels like BCCI. become a functioning branch of whatever they're going to call it, the Nacional Banks, like Del Lavoro and the banks of Mexico that come under those headings. They are, well, this is where the mafia, the drug lords and everyone can do their business. So you have a little bit different service club going in these various and sundry operating institutions. As this all unfolds, you can see what happens in the smaller banks as they are phased out. and the holdings are small, and the charge against the FDIC, even though it has to be borrowed money to pay it, for a while you'll pick up at least up to that $100,000 limit, probably. I cannot foresee by the scanners at what point they will be unable absolutely to meet that need. It may go with the passing of the presidency and the elections. What you see is not what's going on. So I can only, I can only tell you what I see. If any bank is going to be able to hold your funds, and I wouldn't push them too far because if they get in trouble, you just won't get your money either. But go with, begin now to shift into ones that will later be absorbed by banks such Bank of America. Would Bank of America be better than Sanwa to shift into now? Oh yes. In fact I would suggest that you once begin to gradually divide and consider shifting out of Sanwa. It is a Japanese bank. The Japanese banks are ready to collapse. The banks are absolutely in a lose, lose, lose situation out of Japan. The Nikkei average you will note is 19 something and the banks couldn't break even at 21,000 and they're falling continually. So it's only a matter of time. They have no real estate investments left to leverage against the massive debt incurred. This is what happened to your real estate situation in California and in your major cities. This is what got the savings and loans and junk bonds into trouble, or the junk bond savings and loans is what I mean. And you'll see it happening right now in your resolution trust corporation where they are representing you. Forget it, they are a private corporation and they are the only ones cleaning up, absolutely cleaning up at your expense. They are able to acquire property, roll it over and the insiders get to purchase it at cents on the dollar. You pick up the slack. You continue to feed the beast. And their full intent is to have all property. You can't consider the Federal Reserve as such as a bank. It is an overseer, a setter of interest rates, etc. It is the overseer in the United States for the BIZ, Bank of International BIS. Settlements. I guess that still starts with an S in your language. That's in Basel, Switzerland and it is directly, directly under the committee of 300. That is your royal family. Your nice little British Khazarian subjects. And what you see going on in your political arena right now is enough to turn you into hysterical laughter if it weren't quite so sad. But we can talk about that in a minute. Literally, I didn't call this meeting today. So I would hear from the ones who wanted this meeting today first. I'm going to utilize it as an opportunity to move into what I'm going to have to take up is a new method of communication. We can no longer keep up with the myriads of very reasonable, thoughtful questions that come. So we're going to begin to make available tapings that are appropriate, where there are questions and answers from ones, so that our friends out there in the reading public can get those tapes also and share with us. And that way, ones will feel right about sending inquiries. We'll just have to walk through with it for a little bit. And we'll try to relieve George and the ones at the bookstore of that heavy responsibility. We'll try to carry that taping in a little different manner. It will be worked out because with the changing of inventory, it's going to be a very pressured time here for a little while. anyone who has questions in the room or if you have new ones with you, we would be happy to share and meet and put them to work. Commander, I have one comment. I got a copy from the state of California, the earthquake preparedness, and I got that in yesterday. says to make sure you have your cash out of the banks or enough to go for a while because there will be not any money in the banks and the debit card systems and all the rest of it will not be available and that's what they're saying right at this minute. Thank you. Just an ounce of prevention and a little bit of forewarning. Now I have, I've brought in this pile and I've mentioned it before and we'll deal with Dorma and her eyeballs after a little bit. In fact, I'm going to have to deal with it right now. Well, maybe I won't deal with it. I love it, how to put God in his place. Let us do that while I reason with her that it's better that she see with her eyes. This is Molly Sherman and she's a local resident here and a massage therapist. Well, we're happy to have you, Molly. Thank you. I'm happy to be here. Any more guests? Marina. Yes, introduce yourself. You have someone. Yes, I have my brother Arthur Taylor who is sitting with me now. Well welcome home Arthur. Welcome. We are very pleased to have you here. Nice to meet you. I have a couple of people to see. Stephen brought Brian. Very good. I have to tell you ones about Brian and Brandon and Damien and Eli and Andy and you know. I could go right through all the children that circulate through here, through my space. And I know this has been a little bit difficult for Ken. And I feel I should have a private meeting with these young people and their parents, especially in the case of Ken, because these youngsters are torn in direction and all are willing to serve, anywhere they are called to serve. And for the young ones, their mission is not yet unfolded because they are trapped in a system wherein they have to come into my immediate protection because you don't know it. They are at risk and you're not privy to know what goes on and they're not going to remember because they're being trained and part of their training is not to remember. But you're going to need some resources that they will bear when the proper sequence has arrived. Now I've been playing a little bit of a waiting game to see at what point you ones are going to come into understanding enough to confront your own truth and what must be happening, what must be happening. If your government is your enemy, and I want to tell you that it is, and this nation is at risk and it is a chosen nation of God. And you have ones telling you there are aliens around and they are holding your government hostage. Where does that put you? That probably puts you right in the protection of those elements that are touted in such a manner as to panic you out of your minds, or you can risk it on your own. one iota of problem coming to any of your people from anyone originating in space. And don't limit God. That will be the greatest error you will ever make. And this is where the central communication navigation crystal is. This is where I'm going to be. And I am going to see to it that my children are in the shelter of my hand. Now I have been seen many times in this vicinity and I will be seen many more believe me. We just have to continue to come into more and more balance and comfort one with another. Because it's unfolding and we're being pressed now. As the erroneous statements come forth, actually in the mouths of the ones speaking, it's not erroneous at all. But it's not very healthy for you either to know very much. So we have to accept a few things in the invisible realms for a bit longer. I have a little trouble allowing my youngsters to go outside this area where I can keep my own strings on them. And I would be happy to explain that a little bit more, but I have witnessed a lot of patience from the younger ones. They think they're just afraid to ask, they're not. They are respectful and they know that they will be told what is their command at the proper time. Ones have been brought forth here at proper age so that by the time their service is necessary they will be at the proper physical growth to handle it. You see God doesn't go around snatching bodies. He can breathe life into bodies. He creates. And He doesn't give unfair advantage to any being. So, one's coming into the service to do an adequate job, just as the master teacher would walk as a man, for many reasons, not the least of which was his own experience and that ability at any time that he has experienced among you, you must experience in the human form. And that way you respond in the human form without mysticism. And if you can do it. Now on the 31st, I believe, of March, you are going to, if you tune in, and I would hope you would, you will witness David Copperfield and his magic show, his illusions. The man's going to fly for you. What is the epitome of ascension and that which everybody desires? To fly, of course. What is an illusion? An illusion is a vision. Manifesting the illusion is that which becomes reality in the knowingness of being able to do it. And David Copperfield can do it. He's not superman, but he knows what he can do. He also is pretty sure that none of you can disperse your molecules and reassemble them. The man was trained in the high Tibetan temples with the real magicians. You're already an illusion. Is this a godly man? Oh yes. Is he a religious man? Very likely he's a thesaurian religious man. No, he's not religious, he's spiritual. And until man learns the difference in those terms, you're going to be in trouble. And until you learn it, it's going to require that hat on, preach and preach and preach, you know, and then I will sound like a doctrine from a church. And they'll throw stones at you for different reasons. I don't know what it'll be, but I'm sure they'll conjure something. So let us see how this unfolds a little bit. And I believe that it's going to begin to take form for you. Did anybody have any burning questions to begin with? I have a stack of things here. Part of the questions that were brought, and I apologize because I know that Suzy will get this. And she has twice sent me the questions I didn't answer, and once again they did not get in the packet to be brought over here. So Susie struck me. But we have enough to go on. I have a question. Please. Can you explain the fragrance in this room? Well, I'll have to know what you're smelling. I smell it like a heavenly smell. It's, it's... All of you lovely ladies volunteer. Can you explain something about the color of the perfume? I think it's the book she smelled. It's like a ring. As you come into the physical realm from where you've been, you long for that sweetness because none of you really like those intense bombardments against your senses. If you can, and I know what you're speaking of, I have watched Dorma go about the house trying to locate it. Because especially in the beginning of our writing, it seems so unreal and so ridiculous that signs and signals must be given in other manners than just simply typing words on a computer screen. We've tried that a little bit, but the mind can reason all sorts of things into that. soft, light, sweet order goes by. And usually after that she will settle down and recognize my presence. We often come in various ways to various ones so that there is a recognition I'm going to go ahead and ask a question. Please. On the way up here, we saw some unusual colors in cloud formations near Edwards Air Force Base. Was that anything significant or just reflections from the desert or something like that? Kind of orangish color maybe? The question is for the tape. In the track here today near Edwards, there were some rather strange colors in the clouds. It's a lot of activity that takes place behind cloud formations. And one reason that you have been allowed this storm to move through is because they are testing some of their equipment. month. So if you had clear sky, well they wouldn't be testing if it were clear, but they're getting ready you see to launch another forest for you. They're counting down with the shuttle and I believe this is your new one, but that's not what they're doing. While you're watching that one, they fully plan to put some sensors in to the space and etc. They're playing games. But no, you're not seeing things. But about five years ago, when my wife first lost her leg to cancer, we were going up and we lived up in Big Bear. And, of course, I've always believed in what I believe in. And, but there was, we were driving back and going up that. And we left Rihanna in the afternoon. Anyway, twice the car stopped. My wife was awake, and then I was wide awake. The heavens rolled back like a scroll. A ship the size of half the universe, it seemed like, compared to the moon, like the sun. I was looking at the hemisphere of the Earth, as you can see with my eyes. And the second time it happened, the car started and we drove another quarter mile. No cars at that time drove at all, up during that time. And in the second appearance, it seemed to me, I had the feeling that it was one of the biggest destroyers of anything I have ever seen in my life. And then I was able to go back and do like Daniel, Daniel and Ezekiel and realize Jacob's ladder. Some similar things when they were spoken of as having been rolled back as a scroll and how illusionary what we see is. what this particular craft was because it just did not seem, it did not seem what it appeared to be. It seemed like a vast warship and I mean it was the biggest thing I've ever seen in my life. I've had many, many, many experiences with, I don't like the term UFOs. Well that's because they're identified to you. I was just wondering, I've never seen it outside twice, my wife and son were right there and they just started my flight out and no traffic came up at all during that night and that was the only time I just picked up the car from my uncle. Leon and I have had many talks throughout the years about what we have seen and not seen. And I was just always been curious. And there were pinch points, most of them might be a real very good for our feeling about this one in particular. And it just sat there, it seemed like it was sitting right where the sun should have been behind it. And it was so massive. I just wanted to get an idea of what that was like. I would like very much to discuss that with you. You're going to experience it again, and for the public benefit, and hopefully the timing will be appropriate. After a while you begin to want to, when you have the control stick in your hand, you know, if you're the operator of that little joystick. You kind of want to make this scenario your way. But that very type of craft is built into Sipapu Odyssey. Because on the day of the gathering, you're going to be presented with many shuttle craft, but you're also going to be presented with a very, very large craft. And it will blot out before we're finished darkness. There's a reason that some of you have been given to remember what you saw because of the difference in your eventual responsibility and service. Now for the ones in this room, I hope I'm not speaking out of school. I just know this and I don't want to embarrass anyone nor send out silly accolades. But everyone in this room, especially any of you who have ever been to the circuses will recognize the There comes a point where you must have, pardon the pun, Leon, infinite balance. And it may not make sense to you why you might need that comfort, but you will understand at the proper time why you need to know of your capabilities within that balance. The saddest part of my journey here on these days of visit is that I cannot let you be aware of what you do each night. And some things cannot be left, even if they remain just a question in your mind. Was it real? Is it possible? You have to begin to get comfortable. And some of you have to begin to get comfortable with those visions at specific times so when it happens you are not panicked. You're going to learn to fly, you see. And most of you in this format will not make it. You're going to have to go back to those channels who teach you how to ascend, I guess. But all of you are not supposed to fly. Birds fly. Don't, don't undersell God. You have to work as if you have nothing prepared because you have an interim period of time, you've got to make it. that God will leave you untended, most especially at the hands of his adversary, if you are within his shelter. If you have chosen to be without his shelter, then he will allow you to be. Now I wouldn't go over to the Northrop facility and knock on the door and say, here I'm here to check my facilities. You will end up above the ground out at the prison quarter. And we just talked a little bit about that today. Because the other day, Dormo says, well, you know that facility under the prison, the correctional institution out here, and the ones in the room just looked at her. You know, she often goes bonkers like that. Have to be careful. No, we've talked about underground facilities all over the place, but no, he didn't mention that. Oh, well, I've been down there, I know that they're there. Well, yes, they're there, but we have some ones who also are employed at that prison. And I'm not going to divulge secrets that will get them in trouble. Now it's sifted back from another aspect so I can say it. You have a big facility under that prison out there and I won't ask for confirmation. Everybody in the room just be quiet. But you know it and I know it. And not only do you have facilities but many of the prisoners work on them, have helped dig them. him. This is why I have to tell you, it's not fair. God didn't ever say he was fair. He said he was just. And if it involves me or mine, I probably won't keep it secret. Because it's alright if you believe that. I think the old saying goes, I don't mind you making a fool of me as long as you know that I know what you're doing and we understand each other. But ones are always trying this. I mean critical ones are trying to fool Hatton. Why? Why? I'll tell you why. Because you're trained to do that. This is the training brought forth on earth this day. You teach your children. What do you teach them? They only learn by example. So all the preaching, punishment, etc. in the world isn't going to do a whit tell mommy the truth. Why? So you can sock me? Who's the idiot here? You or me? Do you want a spanking? Oh sure mommy! Well, did you eat the candy? And it's the only child me. I don't know what happened to it. So it just mushrooms. But this is the training you get. All you have to do is watch your president. Oh, bush lips. Oh, it's terrible. I don't see how you can sit there without throwing up your supper. I won't repeat it because it's on a little bit of writing and maybe while we organize these questions a little bit, Oberle will read the first part of today's writing because I guess he said it was kind of fun, I guess it might be. They're just little comments on today. Today's Watch. There are so many Thing Watchers today that we can hardly even touch them all. Bush Arrogance. You are looking at an arrogant standoff between the forces of a Khazarian Zionist-controlled Congress and a skull-and-bones President. As usual, you, the people, are the pawns. I believe you witnessed the show and tale of a President running for office, the only problem being that you don't know which office he is really running for. You are, however, seeing dirty politics in full blossom, and I hope you are alert so as to read between those lines and don't be hoodwinked by the show. Ross Perot. Yes, if you all get behind this man, if he teams up with Greitz, you can turn this nation around. You would be able to pull in all of Brown's votes, Nader's backing, backing and pick up a lot of disappointed Buchanan backers, surely you would get the final backing of the independent candidates as well. T.H.R.O. The above stands for Throw the Hypocritical Rascals Out. This is the political movement which Ross projects and it seems quite beneficial in perception if you will actually do it. Drites will can the whole bunch of appointed goons, but you ones are going to have to clean up the House and the Senate. I am amused at Bush's reference to the House banking problems and their lack of ability to run one little bank. I suggest that something stinks about a very, very large bank utilized by one such as Bush, Clinton, Clifford, Saddam, and on and on and on, called BCCI. He must be feeling very smug and brave for some reason to bring up the dirty laundry in the skeleton's closet. You had best check in to those reasons. At present, no candidate without a bank behind him can afford to run for office. You now have representative form of government, i.e., he who contributes most gets the representation. Watch Iraq and Saddam. Sudden change and giving up of weapons? Oh, jeez. Take care, for that can only mean there is a coalition now between Jordan, Syria, Libya, etc., so that no longer will Iraq's fragments be needed. If you don't get those vipers out of office soon, there will be no nation remaining. Khazars, etc. If you think you are weary of hearing about Khazars and other species, please forgive me, but I too am weary of the distraction. It helps to know your enemy, however, especially when it is the enemy who intends to destroy your world. I am not going into long words about the issue, even though it remains at the top of the denial list of information given. Good morning. Mainly that argument revolves around the connection with the committee of 300 and the Jewish connection, and, and, and. I would share your reference of fact sent to my attention for your confirmation information about what we bring to your table of information. This came with Xerox copies of reference material right out of a London library. The information came from one MDW of Milken University in Decatur, Illinois. To Commander Hatton, Dorma, anyone. Date, Date 31792 from MDW Subject Cazars Genealogy of British Royal Family One of my hobbies is royal genealogy. While going through this book on ancestral lines of Prince William of Wales is related to Marat, Coggan, con of the Khazars. My interest in royal genealogy began after reading Holy Blood, Holy Grail by Michael Vagent. I believe their thesis is that Jesus survived the crucifixion, married Mary Magdalene, and had children by her. Also that the bloodline survived and continued through the Merovian kings of France down to our present day. Can you verify the truth of this hypothesis? HATON Yes, I can, but not at this writing, for it is far too lengthy and will be misunderstood if not laid forth in proper sequence of events. I will suggest that all of you refer back to, and they call his name Emmanuel, and you will find that he most certainly did not die on the cross and taking some ones with him, went eventually into Tibet after traveling through through India. We of the record-keepers find it difficult to equate your inquiries to that which is represented to us as countries, for boundaries and labels change, and to identify France without qualification would be a most foolish error on my part. Also, it is not appropriate that I simply won't answer yes or no regarding relationships with Mary Magdalene, for there is no way that in this brief reference I can adequately follow that sequence. I will most surely eagerly look forward to unfolding this story for your witness as we move out, if we ever can, of the trap of disagreeable current events and necessary information to get you that far. Soviet bases in the U.S. You can call this entity anything you want, but the fact is it is still very much the Soviets. It is only factions which are divided, and the elite of both sides have never lost gold intent. One intends to rule the world and has infiltrated within your very nation of the US and into many, many other countries under the banner of various ideals and the Russian element who can be referred to as the non-atheistic Russians who intend to get rid of the Jewish Khazar Zionists at any cost. Either way, it becomes such a tangled web of intrigue that I don't wonder that you can't keep up with the changing terminology. I suggest that you never mind the terminology but pay attention to facts as sequence unfolds in. I have told you that the CIA, KGB, Mossad are all basically one element now under direct control of their master parent, the Committee of 300. I have told you that the KGB has more operatives in the CIA than Americans. I have also told you that you have members of the KGB within your various cosmopolitan police academies training the forces that will enforce the New World Order. I have given you locations of underground installations of large size and also missile bases with targeted missiles in place. I have yet to point out the 500 major points of impact as targeted by the Soviets. I have told you of the Soviet and Communist buildup of military equipment in Mexico at your southern border, along with the players involved from Vietnam as in Kong, the Korean communists and how all are infiltrating into your states and setting up points of base operations. I am appreciative when I can give you confirmation from people in the field which I can share with you although I'm not sure I totally share his humor regarding the inhabitants of the city in point. From Ohio comes confirmation of a base. You will note that I did not mark Ohio as having your own facilities as in other locations. That is because the ones set forth are no longer in control of the U.S. For instance, as reported from Ohio and in several other bases formerly U.S. military, the Russians have come. The message is that a major U.S. military base is now completely in control of and secretly used by the Soviets at Columbus, Ohio. The was that perhaps Columbus deserves it. Where are God and hosts? You keep badgering me as to why we don't show up and fix things and why didn't we show up at such and such a time because there was promise of change, as with the Kennedy presidency. We do not play in those short-sighted games. 21st 1992, greetings commander. Good afternoon. Good afternoon. You cut on present in light and service, butting into everybody's business, but you called this meeting, so I assume that is an invitation for me to butt into your business. Bank of America is one of the banks that will survive, even if they choose to call it something else, although I don't believe that they will change the name. It's owned by quite a large conglomerate of the Trilateral Commission participants, direct branch in the United States of the Committee of 300. five units, period. That means that there will be a lot of merging. Mostly the Bank of America will be utilized for the purpose of absorbing other banks, especially independent banks and savings and loans as they go out of business. They pick up the good assets and the deposits and you the good old tax payer will be left holding all the bad debts. That's the way it's planned. That is illegal but that is the way it is structured and that is the way it is fully intended that it run. You will be having banks as they phase out and have to change their labels like BCCI, we'll become a functioning branch of whatever they're going to call it, the national banks, like Del Lavoro and the banks of Mexico that come under those headings. They are, well this is where the mafia, the drug lords and everyone can do their business. So you have a little bit different service club going in these various and sundry operating institutions. As this all unfolds, you can see what happens in the smaller banks as they are phased out. If in fact they are phased out and the holdings are small and the charge against the FDIC even though it has to be borrowed money to pay it, for a while you'll pick up at least up to that $100,000 limit probably. I cannot foresee by the scanners at what point they will be unable absolutely to meet that need. It may go with the passing of the presidency and the elections. What I can only tell you what I see. If any bank is going to be able to hold your funds, and I wouldn't push them too far because if they get in trouble you just won't get your money either. shift into ones that will later be absorbed by banks such as Bank of America. Would Bank of America be better than Sanwa to shift into now? Oh yes, in fact I would suggest that you once begin to gradually divide and consider shifting out of Sanwa. It is a Japanese bank, the Japanese banks are ready to collapse. The banks are absolutely in a lose, lose, lose situation out of Japan. The Nikkei average you will note is 19 something and the banks couldn't break even at 21,000 and they're falling continually. So it's only a matter of time. They have no real estate investments left to leverage against the massive debt incurred. This is what happened to your real estate situation in California and in your major cities. This is what got the savings and loans is what I mean. And you'll see it happening right now in your resolution trust corporation where in they are representing you, forget it, they are a private corporation and they are the only ones cleaning up, absolutely cleaning up at your expense. They are able to acquire property, roll it over, and the insiders get to purchase it at cents on the dollar. You pick up the slack. You continue to feed the beast. And their full intent is to have all property. You can't consider the Federal Reserve as such as a bank. It is an overseer, a setter of interest rates, etc. It is the overseer in the United States for the BIZ, Bank of International BIS settlements. I guess that still starts with an S in your language. That's in Basel, Switzerland, and it is directly, directly under the committee of 300. That is your royal family. Your nice little British Khazarian subjects. And what you see going on in your political arena right now is enough to turn you into hysterical laughter if it weren't quite so sad. But we can talk about that in a minute. Literally, I didn't call this meeting today. So I would hear from the ones who wanted this meeting today first, I'm going to utilize it as an opportunity to move into what I'm going to have to take up is a new method of communication. We can no longer keep up with the myriads of very reasonable, thoughtful questions that come. We're going to begin to make available tapings that are appropriate where there are questions and answers from ones so that our friends out there in the reading public can get those tapes also and share with us. And that way ones will feel right about sending inquiries. We'll just have to walk through with it for a little bit. And we'll try to relieve George and the ones at the bookstore of that heavy responsibility. We'll try to carry that taping in a little different manner. It will be worked out. Because with the changing of inventory, it's going to be a very pressured time here for a little while. So I would hear from anyone who has questions in the room or if you have new ones with you, we would be happy to share and meet and put them to work. Commander, I have one comment. I got that in yesterday and it says to make sure you have your cash out of the banks are enough to go for a while because there will be not any money in the banks and the debit card systems and all the rest of it will not be available and that's what they're saying right this minute. Thank you. Just an ounce of prevention and a little bit of forewarning. Now I have, I brought in this pile and I've mentioned it before and we'll deal with Dorma and her eyeballs after a little bit. In fact I'm going to have to deal with it right now. Well maybe I won't deal with it. I love it, how to put God in his place. Let us do that while I reason with her that it's better that she see with her eyes. This is Molly Sherman, she's a local resident here and a massage therapist. Well we're happy to have you Molly. Thank you, I'm happy to be here. Marina, you have someone? Yes I have my brother Arthur Taylor who is living with me now. Well welcome home Arthur. Welcome. We're very pleased Nice to have you here. Stephen brought Brian. Very good. I have to tell you once about Brian and Brandon and Damien and Nelie and Andy and you know. You know, I could go right through all the children that circulate through here, through my space. And I know this has been a little bit difficult for Ken. And I feel I should have a private meeting with these young people and their parents, especially in the case of Ken, because these youngsters are torn, in direction, and all are willing to serve, anywhere they are called to serve. And for the young ones, their mission is not yet unfolded because they are trapped in a system wherein they have to experience on this earth plane, according to the rules laid the non-schools and other institutions like the police and you know all that. These young ones have to come into my immediate protection because you don't know it. They are at risk and you're not privy to know what goes on. And they're not going to remember because they're being trained and part of their training is not to remember. But you're going to need some resources that they will bear when the proper sequence has arrived. Now I've been playing a little bit of a waiting game to see at what point you ones are going to come into understanding enough to confront your own truth and what must be happening. What must be happening. Your government is your enemy, and I want to tell you that it is. And this nation is at risk, and it is a chosen nation of God. And you have ones telling you there are aliens around, and they are holding your government hostage. Where does that put you? right in the hand of God, my friends, depending on your intent. You can either come under that shelter in the protection of those elements that are touted in such a manner as to panic you out of your minds, or you can risk it on your own. There is not one iota of problem coming to any of your people from anyone originating in space. And don't limit God. That will be the greatest error you will ever make. And this is where the central communication navigation crystal is. This is where I'm going to be. And I am going to see to it that my children are in the shelter of my hand. Now I have been seen many times in this vicinity, and I will be seen many more times, probably before you see me. We just have to continue to come into more and more balance and comfort one with another. Because it's unfolding and we're being pressed now as the erroneous statements come forth. Actually in the mouths of the ones speaking, it's not erroneous. It isn't erroneous at all. But it's not very healthy for you either to know very much. So we have to accept a few things in the invisible But this is why I have little trouble allowing my youngsters to go outside this area where I can keep my own strings on them. And I would be happy to explain that a little bit more, but I have witnessed a lot of patience from the younger ones. They think they're just afraid to ask. They're not. They are respectful and they know that they will be told what is their command at the proper time. Ones have been brought forth here at proper age so that by the time their service is necessary, they would be at the proper physical growth to handle it. You see, God doesn't go around snatching bodies. He can breathe life into unfair advantage to any being. So one's coming into the service to do an adequate job just as the master teacher would walk as a man for many reasons, not the least of which was and that ability to discern what stage of development was man at that time, at any time that he has experienced among you, you must experience in the human form. and if you can do it, any other person can do it. Now on the 31st I believe of March you are going to, if you tune in, and I would hope you would, you will witness David Copperfield and his magic show, his illusions. The man is going to fly for you. What is the epitome of ascension and that which everybody desires? To fly of course. What is an illusion? An illusion is a vision. Manifesting the illusion is that which becomes reality in the knowingness of being able to do it. He's not Superman, but he knows what he can do. He also is pretty sure that none of you can. More than that, if he called reality, nobody would watch his program. You don't dissolve and go through the China War, my friends, unless you can disperse your molecules and reassemble them. The man was with the real magicians. You're already an illusion. All you have to do is adjust your illusion. Is this a godly man? Oh yes. Is he a religious man? Very likely he's a Khazarian No, he is not religious, he is spiritual. And until man learns the difference in those terms, you are going to be in trouble. And until you learn it, it is going to require that hat on preach and preach and preach, from a church. And they'll throw stones at you for different reasons. I don't know what it'll be, but I'm sure they'll conjure something. So let us see how this unfolds a little bit. that it's going to begin to take form for you. Did anybody have any burning questions to begin with? I have a stack of things here. Part of the questions that were brought, and I apologize because I know that Susie will get this, and she has twice sent me the questions I didn't answer, and once again they did not get in the packet to be brought over here. So Susie struck me. But we have enough to go on. I have a question. Please. Can you explain the fragrance in this room? Well I'll have to know what you're smelling. I smell it like a heavenly smell. What happened to the smell? It's... it's... All of you lovely ladies volunteer. Can you explain something about the color of the perfume? I think it's the book she smells. No, it's not. It's like a rain. Take a break. As you come into the physical realm from where you've been, you long for that, that sweetness, because none of you really like those intense bombardments against your senses. If you can, and I know what you're speaking of, I have watched Dorma go about the house trying to locate it. it seems so unreal and so ridiculous that signs and signals must be given in other manners than just simply typing words on a computer screen. We tried that a little bit, but you know, the mind can reason all sorts of things into that. But every now and then a drift of a very wonderful, soft, light, sweet order goes by. And usually after that she will settle down and recognize my presence. We often come in various ways to various ones so that there is a recognition of energy form. Please. Kind of orangish color maybe? The question is for the tape. In the track here today near Edwards, there were some rather strange colors in the clouds. It's a very overcast type of period here with rain all night and no that is not reflection. There is a lot of, there's a lot of activity that takes place behind cloud formations and one reason that you have been allowed this to move through is because they are testing some of their equipment. So if you had clear sky, well they wouldn't be testing if it were clear, but they're getting ready you see to launch another force for you. They're counting down with the shuttle and I believe this is your new one, but that's not what they're doing. While you're watching that one they fully plan to put some sensors in to the space and etc. They're playing games. But no, you're not seeing things. Yes. I'm Steve Walenta. My uncle is down in Fort Lauderdale. My mom is here. I asked her to go over there. visions back in the day I and I years and years ago. But about five years ago when my wife first lost her leg to cancer, we were going up and we lived up in Big Bear. And of course I've always visioned for what I believe in. And but there was, we were driving back and going up Big Bear, it was the most massive, everything stopped, the car stopped, no traffic was going up that and we left the island in the afternoon. Anyway, twice the car stopped, my wife was awake and then I was wide awake, the heavens rolled back like a scroll. a ship the size of half the universe it seemed like compared to the moon, like the sun. I was looking at the hemisphere as we see with our eyes. And the second time it happened, the car started, we drove another quarter mile. No cars at that time drove at all up during that time. And in a second appearance, it seemed to me, I had the feeling that it was one of the biggest destroyers of anything I have ever seen in my life. And then I was able to go back and do like Daniel, and Ezekiel, and realize that on Jacob's ladder, some similar things when they were spoken of as heavens being rolled back as a scroll, and how illusionary what we see is and I often wondered what this particular craft was because it just did not seem it did not seem what it appeared to be. It seemed like a vast warship and I mean it was the biggest thing I've ever seen in my life. I've had many, many, many experiences with, I don't like the term UFOs. Well that's because they're identified to you. Right. But I was just wondering, I've never seen it outside twice. My wife and son were right there and they just are like blanked out and no traffic came up at all during the night and that was the only time I just picked up the car from my uncle. and Leon and I have had many talks throughout the years about what we have seen and not seen. And I've always been curious about that. I've never been to one like this. Most of them I can feel a real very good, far feeling about. This one in particular, and it just sat there. It seemed like it was sitting where the sun should have been behind it. It was so massive. I just wanted an idea of what that was like. I would like very much to discuss that with you. You're going to experience it again and for the public benefit and hopefully the timing will be appropriate. After a while you begin to want to, when you have the control stick in your hand, you know, if you're the operator of that little joystick, you kind of want to make this scenario your way. But that very type of craft is built into Sipapu Odyssey. Pooh Odyssey, because on the day of the gathering, you're going to be presented with many shuttle craft, but you're also going to be presented with a very, very large craft. And it will blot out, before we're finished, the entire sky, and you will experience total absolute darkness. There's a reason that some of you have been given to remember what you saw because of the difference in your eventual responsibility and service. Now, for the ones in this room, I hope I'm not speaking out of school. I just know this and I don't want to embarrass anyone, nor send out silly accolades. But everyone in this room, especially any of you who have ever been to the circuses, name of Walinda, there comes a point where you must have, pardon the pun, Leon, infinite Why you might need that comfort, but you will understand at the proper time why you need to know of your capabilities within that balance. part of my journey here on these days of visit is that I cannot let you be aware of what you do each night. And some things cannot be left even if they remain just a question possible. You have to begin to get comfortable and some of you have to begin to get comfortable with those visions at specific times so when it happens you are not panicked. You are going You're going to learn to fly, you see. And most of you in this format will not make it. You're going to have to go back to those channels who teach you how to ascend, I guess. But all of you are not supposed to fly. Birds fly. And interim places, don't undersell God. You have to work as if you have nothing prepared because you have an interim period of time, you've got to make it. But don't believe for one moment that God will leave you untended, most especially at the hands of his adversary, if you are within his shelter. If you have chosen to be without his shelter, then he will allow you to be. Now I wouldn't go over to the Northrup facility and knock on the door and say, here, I'm here to check my facilities. You will end up above the ground out at the prison quarter. And we just talked a little bit about that today. Because the other day, Dormo says, well, you know that facility under the prison now, the correctional institution out here and the ones in the room just looked at her. You know, she often goes bonkers like that. Have to be careful. No, we've talked about underground facilities all over the place, but no, he didn't mention that. Oh, well, I've been down there. I know that they're there. Well, yes, they're there, but we have some ones who also are employed at that prison. And I'm not going to divulge secrets that will get them in trouble. Now it's sifted back from another aspect so I can say it. You have a big facility under that prison out there and I won't ask for confirmation. Everybody in the room just be quiet. But you know it and I know it. And not only do you have facilities but many of the prisoners work on them, have helped dig them. This is why I have to tell you, it's not fair. God didn't ever say he was fair, he said he was just. And when one's tried to fool me by telling me, you know, by presenting one thing and letting the truth be secret, I only see what you're keeping secret. And if it involves me or mine, I probably won't keep it secret. Because it's alright if you believe that. I think the old saying goes, I don't mind you making a fool of me as long as you know that I know what you're doing. And we understand each other. But ones are always trying this. I mean critical ones are trying to fool Hatton. Why? I'll tell you why. Because you're trained to do that. This is the training brought forth on earth this day. You teach your children. What do you teach them? They only learn by So all the preaching, punishment, etc. in the world is going to do a whit of good, tell mommy the truth. Why? So you can sock me? Who's the idiot here? You or me? Do you want a spanking? Oh sure mommy! Well, did you eat the candy? And it's the only child around. No, not me. I'm not going to eat the candy. I'm going to tell you the truth. I'm going to tell you the truth. I'm going to tell you the truth. I'm going to tell you the truth. I'm going to tell you the truth. I'm going to tell you the truth. I'm going to tell you the truth. I'm going to tell you the truth. I'm going to tell you the truth. I'm going to tell you the truth. I'm going to tell you the truth. I'm going to tell you the truth. Did you eat the candy? And it's the only child around. No, not me. I don't know what happened to it. So it just mushrooms. But this is the training you get. All you have to do is watch your president. Oh, bush lips, oh, it's terrible. I don't see how you can sit there without throwing up your supper. I won't repeat it because it's on a little bit of writing and maybe while we organize these questions a little bit, Oberle will read the first part of today's writing because I guess he said it was kind of fun, I guess it might be. They're just little comments on today. Today's Watch. There are so many thing watchers today that we can hardly even touch them all. Bush arrogance. You are looking at an arrogant standoff between the forces of a Khazarian Zionist-controlled Congress and a skull-and-bones president. As usual, you, the people, are the pawns. I believe you witnessed the show and tell of a president running for office, the only problem being that you don't know which office he is really running for. You are, however, seeing dirty politics in full blossom, and I hope you are alert so as to read between those lines and don't be hoodwinked by the show. Ross Perot. Yes, if you all get behind this man, if he teams up with Greitz, you can turn You would be able to pull in all of Brown's votes, Nader's backing, and pick up a lot of disappointed Buchanan backers. Surely you would get the final backing of the independent candidates as well. T.H.R.O. The above stands for Throw the Hypocritical Rascals Out. This is the political movement which Ross projects, and it seems quite beneficial in perception, if you will actually do it. Greitz will can the whole bunch of appointed goons, but you ones are going to have to clean up the House and the Senate. I am amused at Bush's reference to the House banking problems and their lack of ability to run one little bank. I suggest that something stinks about a very, very large bank utilized by ones such as Bush, Clinton, Clifford, Saddam, and on and on and on, called BCCI. He must be feeling very smug and brave for some reason to bring up the dirty laundry in the skeleton's closet. You had best check into those reasons. At present, no candidate without a bank behind him can afford to run for office, you now have representative form of government, i.e., he who contributes most gets the representation. Watch Iraq and Saddam. Sudden change and giving up of weapons? Oh, jeez. Take care, for that can only mean there is a coalition now between Jordan, Syria, Libya, etc., so that no longer will their axe fragments be needed. If you don't get those vipers out of office soon, there will be no nation remaining. Khazars, etc. If you think you are weary of hearing about Khazars and other species, please forgive me, but I too am weary of the distraction. It helps to know your enemy, however, especially when it is the enemy who intends to destroy your world. I am not going into long words about the issue, even though it remains at the top of the denial list of information given. Good morning. Mainly that argument revolves around the connection with the Committee of 300 and the Jewish connection and, and, and. I would share your reference of fact sent to my attention for your confirmation about what we bring to your table of information. This came with Xerox copies of reference material right out of a London library. The information came from one MDW of Milken University in Decatur, Illinois. 2. Commander Hatton, Dharma, anyone. Date 3-17-92. From MDW. Subject, Khazar's Genealogy of British Royal Family. One of my hobbies is royal genealogy. While going through this book on ancestral lines of Prince William of Wales, I came across an interesting bloodline, see chart 22, etc. Through the medieval kings of Hungary, the current Prince of Wales is related to Marat, Pagan, Pan of the Khazars. My interest in royal genealogy began after reading Holy Blood, Holy Grail by Michael Bajent. I believe their thesis is that Jesus survived the crucifixion, married Mary Magdalene, and had children by her. Also that the bloodline survived and continued through the Merovian kings of France, set France down to our present day. Can you verify the truth of this hypothesis. Hatton, yes I can, but not at this writing, for it is far too lengthy and will be misunderstood, if not laid forth in proper sequence of events. I will suggest that all of you refer back to, and they call his name Emmanuel. And you will find that he most certainly did not die on the cross, and taking some ones with him and eventually into Tibet after traveling through India. We of the record keepers find it difficult to equate your inquiries to that which is represented to us as countries, for boundaries and labels change, and to identify France without qualification would be a most foolish error on my part. Also, it is not appropriate that I simply won't answer yes or no regarding relationships with Mary Magdalene, for there is no way that in this brief reference I can adequately follow that sequence. I will most surely eagerly look forward to unfolding this story for your witness as we move out, if we ever can, of the trap of disagreeable current events and necessary information to get you that far. Soviet bases in the U.S. You can call this entity anything you want, but the fact is it is still very much the Soviets. It is only factions which are divided, and the elite of both sides have never lost gold intent. One intends to rule the world and has infiltrated within your very nation of the U.S. and into many, many other countries under the banner of various ideals and the Russian element who can be referred to as the non-atheistic Russians who intend to get rid of the Jewish Khazar Zionists at any cost. Either way, it becomes such a tangled web of intrigue that I don't wonder that you can't keep up with the changing terminology. I suggest that you never mind the terminology but pay attention to facts as sequence unfolds in. I have told you that the CIA, KGB, Mossad are all basically one element now under direct control of their master parent, the Committee of 300. I have told you that the KGB has more operatives in the CIA than Americans. I have also told you that you have members of the KGB within your various cosmopolitan police academies, training the forces that will enforce the new world order. I have given you locations of underground installations of large size and also missile bases with targeted missiles in place. I have yet to point out the 500 major points of impact as targeted by the Soviets. I have told you of the Soviet and communist buildup of military equipment in Mexico at your southern border, along with the players involved from Vietnam, as in Kong, the Korean communists, and how all are infiltrating into your states and setting up points of base operations. I am appreciative when I can give you confirmation from people in the field, which I can share with you, although I'm not sure I totally share his humor regarding the inhabitants of the city in point. From Ohio comes confirmation of a base. You will note that I did not mark Ohio as having your own facilities as in other locations. That is because the ones set forth are no longer in control of the U.S. For instance, as reported from Ohio and in several other bases formerly U.S. military, the Russians have come. The message is that a major U.S. military base is now completely in control of and secretly used by the Soviets at Columbus, Ohio. The letter writer's comment was that perhaps Columbus deserves it. Laughter Where are God and hosts? You keep badgering me as to why we don't show up and fix things and why didn't we show up at such and such a time because there was promise of change, as with the Kennedy presidency. as with the Kennedy presidency. We do not play in those short-sighted games.