Thank you for the part. I've been asked about the remnant and all the ones that read the journals liberators and come into this God understanding a remnant, not necessarily some are beyond the remnant. Some will simply return to their higher station, if you will, or their progression. When we speak of remnant on the place. This will encompass quite a few of what you call your natives or your aboriginal ancient lineage. and always the last, because they are gifted with knowledge of the way. And they have the fortitude and the knowing that they must bring this oral teaching down that man will tamper with and destroy everything that he touches, including the word. So in the ending you have the word and then in the beginning you have the word and you must know the word or you don't know what your journey is. So we are at this sequence telling you what you've done wrong, giving you some historical data so that you can understand it, see where you are, what you're going to have to do if you're going to cause revolution enough to allow this precious being called Earth to recover or if it will perish as a planet, if it will perish as nations which you understand can see on your map or in greatly changed form, face, at which point all ones, all things on the planet will not be lost. There will have to be a remnant to make it through and into the restructuring of a societal species of human. There is also what we call, you have labeled it the parallel planet, I don't call it a parallel planet. It is a higher experience of life of a planet that is almost duplicate of yours, but will have a period of total radiance in which you experience the higher technologies, the higher frequencies of dimension, perception and I like to call that flying with the eagles. Does it have a natural meaning? Yes. Is God omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent? Yes. All the above. And that means that basically so are you. You've mentioned some, said some things about time that is like really confusing to me. Is there a way you could like clarify how time is like? No, I don't think I can clarify it for you because it's finally just, you just have to accept it. If this war can comprehend it any more than you can comprehend that absolutely everything in your experience is truly illusion. That everything from the moment it is done is only a memory. So I can't, you measure everything. In the higher dimensions, we measure everything, but we measure it according to sequence of events and not by a clock. We would use a clock in dealing with you because I needed to be here when you perceived it to be 1.30. To explain that to you is that we're all experiencing and there is no time or space when obviously you're going to get up and walk out and I'm going to do something. And it's impossible for you to comprehend in your mind that you are also experiencing as Napoleon Bonaparte running about Europe. Part of it is your choosing, you see. What experience have you chosen? Well obviously you've chosen to be here, doing this. And this is why very frequently if you visit what you call your insane hospitals where people that are now pronounced insane go. Maybe they are a little schizophrenic. Who are you to say? Who are you to say what their experience is? Actually in their own way, in their own perception they are experiencing as much as you are, it is like having a headache. It doesn't matter if it's in your mind or not. It hurts. Well, if you have a lady who thinks she's Princess Diana and she's in the institution but she believes that everything around her Isn't it? I can't in words explain something that just is. It's like air or wind or it just is. And your perception of it is the only important thing. The only important thing. And this is why again when I say I don't care if you don't believe me, ones take exception to that. But I know that it is all timeless and spaceless and you will come home. There ain't anywhere else to go. At the end of that road, you're going to be light again. It's up to you now. You see, little souls have to grow and experience. You ones are coming to a great graduation. The planet just made a great graduation. And it's glory. And a lot of you are going to want to stick around to experience. A lot of you have assumed the responsibility of helping establish the next manifested cycle in this place, in a human physical cycle, because this is where souls gain experience in its most precious, bountiful measure. You become the teachers, the guides of those who are behind you and you speak of something like 10 dimensions or 24 dimensions. It is infinite dimension until you are once again within God, which is light, life and the world. And you cannot define dimensions. There is no one place where you just hop over that line. There is a physical point in which the body dies and therefore you perceive you hop over that line. Because at that point you do. You no longer have these physical tools. And that's a very hard dividing line because if you aren't ready to pass over that one, you get earthbound and you're very, very confused as a soul energy and at that point you better pray that you have honored your higher guides because they will be there to take your hand. Question? Please. If we are not effective in turning evil around, and the planet is destroyed or somehow goodness stay here to be the leaders in the new unfolding of graduation that you were just talking about. Will there still be the resistance? Will there still be the battle as we perceive it now between good and evil? Only will be our perspective will be from a higher plane? It will not be as you perceive it now because undoubtedly if it goes on and you cannot turn it around nation by nation as we're talking about politically let us say and it doesn't look like that probably is going to happen. of destruction at the point that it becomes evident that you will pulverize the planet, just completely annihilate the planet. Energies will be removed to be placed, otherwise, that's what we talk about evacuation, the planet will then be encapsulated in an electronic shield, for lack of better words, a plasmic bubble, so that it maintains the order of your orbiting system. And you know, when you lose a planet, and that experience has been done, where still of Moldeck are passing. Every movement, you must understand, is all. If you move your little finger, that will travel to all parts of the universe. And the universe is infinite. And when we say, I know that it's incorrect language to say there are universes above, beyond, below, without. It is because it is so magnificently infinite that there are words to describe it. You have no way to describe It just is. And these are comprehensions that are just not given to the earthbound human mind. You can accept it at some level, but to totally comprehend it is not a human gift. One of the things that I'm not clear on is, I believe that I've heard and understood from you that we could potentially have nuclear war and still live through that whole process, whether it be in the underground facilities at Edwards or here or whatever, be here for the rebuilding of the next stage. That's where I guess there might be a difference between that and totally annihilating the planet. Well, there are two alternatives in the same little scenario here. One is if you start a war that is literally going to annihilate all of humanity, or you ignite your atmosphere, you will have an immediate shift of the poles and the oceans will take over the lands. Now that is just, you're already shifting as a matter of fact. But that will be released, there will be an immediate shift which will probably extinguish, at least bring down into some order of control that it looks like you will lose all life species, probably there will be a shift. And once again, you will end up with a typical Lemurian type of experience. Please. right now is I see as a mass global will be taking care of the children. As we're being taught now in our slumber, the children that we have with us now, are they being taught also so that they won't have to go through that trauma? The ones off the crew of course are. I can't really do much justice with that subject because there are so many children on your place. But the children, oh yes, they're getting more training, actually harder tasks, they know. Yes. Yes. You've referred to this group several times and several other groups as the Goodly crew, the clean up crew. Yes, the Goodly company. Well, but we've done this job before coming in for the clean up. Is it also the same that the same people that keep tearing down the civilizations are the same ones that keep tearing down the other ones as well? Yes. So is the same just the same people that are doing the cleaning up? Yes. And the same people that are doing the cleaning up? Yes. And the same people that are doing the cleaning up? Yes. And the same people that are doing the cleaning up? Yes. And the same people that are doing the cleaning up? Yes. And the same people that are doing the cleaning up? Yes. And the same people that are doing the cleaning up? Yes. And the same people that are doing the cleaning up? Yes. So it's the same, just the same cycle we just find a new thing to do it in. We don't learn. Doesn't it occur to you that it's time to win one? Same old guy, yes. I have both studied a very large book called The Book of Knowledge or The Keys of English. How I produced this book. I won't comment on accuracy of books and I especially ask about the book of Enoch a lot. There's a lot of truth in it, utilize it. Can you comment on the works of Carlos Castaneda did most of his writing under the influence of peyote and other mind hallucinogens and I don't have much comment about it. I'm afraid that if I had to make a statement regarding his spiritual development it would be negative. Because of his own perceptions of shamanic activities, etc. more thrust is put onto the physical input and experience in a spiritual way, but it is a very kind of a new age metaphysics. I can't. Well, I think it is an interesting reading I'm sure. Can you give us any idea of what time, as we know it, would be? Is it hours, weeks, hours to eight weeks, that one would follow the other? It depends on what actually finally ignites it. I can't tell you more than we're prepared, and I don't think that we would have more than 15-20 minutes to get your ones off this place. And of course a lot will make that transition simply in energy form. Because you're not having nearly enough to inconvenience us opening the eyes yet. The longer period of your perceived actions and time, even if it allows you president in, the longer you have the experience of physical life, the more can come into some level of understanding and maybe make that transition. If we have to get everybody off this planet in 15 minutes, you know that when that many craft materialize to bring you through a light beam, many, many are going to perish. They cannot physically tolerate that bombardment. Ones want to know what kind of training. If you are working within God's laws to the best of your ability, you are in training. And you will accept his higher purpose and his higher instructions and you will know what to do. If you totally refuse to even consider this, and you're going to sit in a ring of rocks out on the mountain waiting for something to happen. That's exactly where you will be, and I don't believe that your physical being can make it through the light being. Now, you're having something else happen, and I don't mean to make light of that. Because while you are doing that, what you are actually doing is getting in touch with your Godness, which in its own turn is giving growth. So that when confronted with the reality of the moment, you will make the right choice. The problem comes from the ones who completely turn off all spiritualness for whatever reason, and the saddest part is, is through loved ones pushing you away by their insistence that you believe in something that is not correct. And you say, oh well, that's spiritual and church garbage. And I cannot counter that with anything other than this is the reality of your existence. And we're trying to shake you awake so that you come out of this dream, illusion, and recognize reality. Now Sister Thedra can say what she wants about the satanic and satanistic haton that speaks. And this one's sonanda versus her sonanda. But I want to remind you of something. That kind of judgment causes only damage. And you ones must be careful. Does that mean that the intent is wrong? That's not your problem. You must discern. You must discern. And just as a clue, when this scribe started to write, the same one who now pronounces her evil wrote a note to her and said don't let anything, I repeat, This is reality. Now how do you equate that with one a year later who says that she is evil? Well let me give you some more clues. walked through the gates of glory two or three times during that period of time. She was effectively taken out by ones claiming to attend her and there are ones in this room We will come forth now in their defense and in denial. So you are the ones that must discern in every instance. And yet you also must remember something. For forty years she served, she said. But she served under the order of Melchizedek by her own words and you look it up. I'm not going to define it. Yes. Can you comment on the biosphere experiment? It's a heap of rubbish. They cheated and they lied. It's a 30 million dollar farce. It's worse than that. They make it as a survival type of, everybody can come in here and live, just as long as nobody turns off your electricity, or your generators, etc. Who's funding it and why? The Bass family, I believe? It's a distraction and it's... Do you think that was government sponsored to distract the survival community to know something? To... I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. distract the survival community to know something, to make it just seem so ridiculous? Well, it does some things. If there's anyone else who wants to do one on the up and up, nobody's going to invest in it. So it does have that negative kind of impact. And maybe some good will come out of it, you'll learn something. Maybe you'll learn how to grow things in a biosphere. And that's not all bad because you're going to be growing things inside. Commander? Yes. There was a railroad accident between the Mississaugas last summer between Vestor and Santa Barbara. and they claimed that a bunch of hydrazine barrels of hydrazine, of rock fuel was spilled. But they had the area closed off for five days, and there was hazmat team there that re-bolted it, and they put it back to work. What was really spilled there, were they telling us the full story? I mean they had the road cut off, the 101 cut off, when the Ventura and Santa Barbara... No, I believe that's what I would go back and check it, but I believe that's exactly what's failed. Does it really take that long to clean up everything? As a matter of fact, they haven't cleaned it up really yet. I have another question. And the gigantic explosion that was reported in northern Russia about 1984, a Navy base on Ordnance Base? I guess the initial reports were that some thought it was an atomic explosion. Accidental atomic explosion? Can you explain or tell us about that? Yes, they were running massive experiments with the beam system, pulse system, particle beams. And the Russians did it themselves or we did it. They used massive thrusters, and you've had it happen here, too. And basically the same thing happened that happened at Chernobyl. You had a back feed along that system. These get out of control. It's a chain reaction. action and when that beam is fired, if something goes wrong, it will feed back on itself and it does, it causes massive explosions and at those times you can believe that the elite call on the brotherhood, there is nothing they can do about it and if you can contain it to one nation, it is remarkable. Sometimes if we have been able to and are called in soon enough, we can stop it. We were able to stop it and shut it down at Livermore. It would have taken out the western part of your country. That That one little thing that they announced was a radio malfunction in a transformer or something. At the one you are talking about, I'm sure that I'm centered on the same one you are thinking about. We came into the picture and we had a dozen crew members on board that craft, of which nine of them perished. The others were attended in Russia in conjunction with the Space Command until they were sufficiently healed to be able to take them home. It was a very good working relationship. You are very fortunate in that some of the Russians who have control of the Cosmospheres and those massive weapons are friends of ours. Yes. Would you comment if possible on exactly what the Cosmospheres look like, the super heavies and the regular ones and compare that with the Nazi flying saucers? Oh, there actually is no longer any real comparison. The Cosmospheres started out as platforms, basically not a lot different than what you might call those spheres. Now those Cosmospheres are quite large and can be stationed actually in space as a space station. They are coming now in all sorts of varying sizes according to their use. And of course you will have, for instance, the three that are always stationed above Edwards are what I would consider a medium-sized craft. They work on magnetic pulses and of course they have capability of seeing, what I call seeing, pulsing through any cover that you've got. You know, you put all your stuff up and they just go right through. Is that the psycho-energetic rangefinder? Well, I'm not going to get into technicalities. I don't know what everybody in here knows. I'm not going to get any of my crew killed over that kind of discussion. I'll tell you they're very sophisticated and some of them are quite large now. stationed off the surface of the moon that can pinpoint a beam to anywhere on this planet well as long as it's toward the moon and hit anything the size of a card in your pocket Who did all this development work on these cosmic spheres? Was it done by the United States? By Russia? Or did the space people bring it in here? They did quite a lot of it in conjunction with some of the aliens who were working actually in Germany. Did that have a lot to do with the stuff that Tesla created back in the 30s or 40s or whatever? The electromagnetic portion of it? Yes. Actually yes. The Soviets listened to Tesla and that's where Tesla's most important work ended up being perfected. And this is why you never found Adolf Hitler. You don't know what happened in that war. That's number one. You don't know why the war... If you read the journals, I shouldn't say you don't know because everyone in here probably does know. And if you don't know, I suggest you get skeletons in the closet as fast as you can paddle over to the bookstore or to the cash register, whatever you do to get it. Look around the room here. Because Adolf Hitler took all that technology and shipped it to the Antarctic. And then he took a whole fleet of submarines and went off to the Antarctic and spent a lot of time in Argentina, etc. So what's he doing with the equipment now or has he merged? It's been pretty much perfected. The monetary plates, the currency plates that he took have been utilized to flood your economy through the Japanese. He took plates actually supplied during the war to your enemy by your government. You see, you have the same ones supporting are causing it, structuring it, utilizing it, setting it up and reaping the rewards for it. And you can go every time back in your memory time back to the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds. So the Rothschilds like the beginning of the modern contemporary wars and stuff like that? Yes, you'll always find those Rothschilds in there. And farther back than that you're going to find the Khazars or the Zionists, the elders. I realize that the Russian army knows how corrupt our government is in their experience with it. Do they have the same feelings towards the American people? No, I think that probably you'll find that the Russians feel about the American people like you poor idiots. If you are traveling in Europe and you are around any European, if you are in the general hearing range of one of the natives, or pretentious, they will say to you, acting just like an American, if anything the world Actually, sorry for you. There's great brotherhood amongst men. What do you feel for the German people? What do you feel for the Japanese people? Hatred is something conjured by the separate you to render you helpless against them. And in every nation you will find the troops if you reach out your hand. But they are told that you hate them. So it's all just a big game. Where are we to? Have we worn out this tape about? Just about. Well, why don't we let everybody go? I don't need to keep you here all night today. And we'll come again. Let's try to be a little more regular with our meetings perhaps, and we can get through more questions without keeping you for so many hours at a time. John, may I say thank you very, very much for honoring us today? Yes, and I thank you for coming. And I especially thank you once for sharing. This is where we get it out on the table. Salud. Salud. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We are going to go ahead and get started. You're welcome. the to Thank you for the pause. I've been asked about the remnant and all the ones that read the journals liberators and come into this God understanding a remnant. Not necessarily, some are beyond the remnant. Some will simply return to their higher station if you will, or their progression. Many of you, perhaps all of you, I'm not going to break it out in this room, will be experiencing as remnant on the place. This will encompass quite a few of what you call your natives or your aboriginal ancient lineage, they're always the first and always the last. Because they are gifted with knowledge of the way. And they have the fortitude and the knowing that they must bring this oral teaching down that man will tamper with and destroy everything that he touches, including the word. So in the ending, you have the word. And in the beginning, you have the word. And you must know the word, or you don't know what your journey is. So we are at this sequence telling you what you've done wrong, giving you some historical data so that you can understand it, see where you are, what you're going to have to do if you're going to cause revolution enough to to allow this precious being called Earth to recover or if it will perish as a planet, if it will perish as nations which you understand can see on your map or in greatly changed form face at which point all ones, all things on the planet will not be lost. There will have to be a remnant to make it through and into the restructuring of a societal species of human. There is also what we call, you have labeled it the parallel planet. I don't call it a parallel planet. It is a higher experience of life of a planet that is almost duplicate of yours, but will have a period of total radiance in which you experience the higher technologies, the higher frequencies of dimension, perception, and I like to call that flying with the eagles does it have a natural beauty? yes yes Hatton yes is God omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent? yes all the above and that means that basically so are you you've just forgotten. Yes. You've mentioned some, said some things about time that is like really confusing to me. Is there a way to like clarify how time is like? No, I don't believe that the human being experiencing in this war can comprehend it any more than you can comprehend that absolutely everything in your experience is truly illusion. that everything from the moment it is done is only a memory. So I can't, you measure everything. In the higher dimensions, we measure everything, but we measure it according to sequence of events and not by clock. We would use a clock in dealing with you because I needed to be here when you perceived it to be 1.30. And to explain that to you is that we're all experiencing and there is no time or space when obviously you're going to get up and walk out and I'm going to do something. And it's impossible for you to comprehend in your mind that you are also experiencing as Napoleon Bonaparte running about Europe. Part of it is your choosing, you see. What experience have you chosen? Well, obviously And this is why very frequently if you visit what you call your insane hospitals where people that are now pronounced insane go, maybe they are a little schizophrenic. Who are you to say? Who are you to say what their experience is. Actually in their own way, in their own perception, they are experiencing as much as you are. It is like having a headache. It doesn't matter if it's in your mind or not. It hurts. Well, if you have a lady who thinks she's Princess Diana, and she's in the institution but she believes that everything around her is her palace. Isn't it? I can't in words explain something that just is. It's like air or wind or it just is. And your perception of it is the only important thing. The only important thing. And this is why again when I say I don't care if you don't believe me, ones take exception to that. But I know that it is all timeless and spaceless and you will come home. Is there anywhere else to go? At the end of that road, you're going to be alive again. It's up to you now. You see, little souls have to grow and experience. You ones are coming to a great graduation. The planet just made a great graduation. You as a species and many of you as soul energies are going to make a great, great graduation. And it's glory. And a lot of you are going to want to stick around to experience. you have assumed the responsibility of helping establish the next manifested cycle in this place, in a human physical cycle, because this is where souls gain experience in its most precious, bountiful measure. Other levels of experience, you become the teachers, the guides of those who are behind you. And you cannot define dimensions. There is no one place where you just hop over that line. There is a physical point in which the body dies and therefore you perceive you hop over that line, because at that point you do, you no longer have these physical tools. And that's a very hard dividing line. Because if you aren't ready to pass over that one, you get out of bound and you're very, very confused as a soul energy. And at that point you better pray that you have honored your higher guides. because they will be there to take your hand. Question? Please. If we are not effective in turning evil around, or in overturning evil, I'm not sure how else to say it, and the planet is destroyed or somehow goodness is overcome and some of us stay here to be the leaders in the new unfolding of graduation that you were just talking about. Will there still be the resistance? Will there still be the battle as we perceive it now between good and evil, only will be our perspective will be from a higher plane? It will not be as you perceive it now. Because undoubtedly, if it goes on and you cannot turn it around nation by nation, as we're talking about politically, let us say. And it doesn't look like that probably is going to happen. You're going to push it to the brink of destruction. At the point that it becomes evident that you will pulverize the planet, just completely energies will be removed to be placed, otherwise, that's what we talk about evacuation, the planet will then be encapsulated in an electronic shield, for lack of better words, a plasmic bubble, so that it maintains the order of your orbiting system. So when you lose a planet and that experience has been done, where still parts of Moldeck are passing, every movement you must understand is all. If you move your little finger, that will travel to all parts of the universe and the universe is infinite. And when we say, I know that it's incorrect language to say there are universes above, beyond, below, without. It is because it is so magnificently infinite that there are words to describe it. You have no way to describe that experience. It just is. And these are comprehensions that are just not given to the earthbound human mind. You can accept it at some level, but to totally comprehend it is not a human gift. One of the things that I'm not clear on is, I believe that I've heard and understood from you that we could potentially have nuclear war and still live through that whole process, be in the underground facilities at Edwards or here or whatever and be here for the rebuilding of the next stage. That's where I guess there might be a difference between that and totally annihilating the planet. if you get an out of control situation. There are two, in fact, there are two alternatives in the same little scenario here. One is if you start a war that is literally going to annihilate all of humanity, you ignite your atmosphere you will have an immediate shift of the poles and the oceans will take over the lands. Now that that is just you're already shifting as a matter of fact but that will be released there will be an immediate shift which will probably extinguish at least bring down into some order of control or magnitude of control of the burning environment. If things get so out of control that it looks like you will lose all life species, probably there will be a shift. and once again you will end up with an Atlantis type situation. Actually, yes, let me clarify that. Atlantis was different than Lemuria and you will end up with a typical Lemurian type of experience. Please. I understand your case, and through my study, I see that you're taking, you'll be taking care of the children. What I'm asking right now is, I see as a mass, globial, you'll be taking care of the children. As we're being taught now, in our slumber, the children that we have with us now, are they being taught also so that they won't have to go through that trial? Well, the ones off the crew of course are. I can't really do much justice with that subject because there are so many children on your place. But the children, oh yes, they're getting more training actually, harder tasks. They, no. Yes. Yes. You've referred to this group several times and several other groups as the Goodly crew, the cleanup crew. Yes, the Goodly company. Well, but we've done this job before coming in for the cleanup. Is it also the same that the same people that are keep tearing down the civilizations are the same ones that keep tearing down the other ones as well? Yes. So it's the same, just the same cycle we just find a new thing to do it in. We don't learn. Doesn't it occur to you that it's time to win one? Same old guy, yes. A book friend and I are both studying a very large book called the Book of Knowledge or the Keys of Enoch. How accurate is this book? I won't comment on accuracy of books and I'm specially asked about the Book of Enoch a lot. There's a lot of truth in it, utilize it. Amanda? Yes? Could you comment on the works of Carlos Castaneda? Carlos Castaneda did most of his writing under the influence of peyote and other mind hallucinogens I'm afraid that if I had to make a statement regarding his spiritual development, it would be negative. Because of his own perceptions of shamanic activities, etc., more thrust is put onto in a spiritual way, but it is a very kind of a new age metaphysics. I can't... He was a professor at UCLA, or he still is. Does he have like, kind of a stock support? Publishing? Well, I don't know. You'd have to ask John Coleman about that. I don't think that his work has been that important. Quite frankly, I think it is. And it's interesting reading, I'm sure. If we should have the burning of the atmosphere, and this would be followed by the Earth changes, can you give us the idea of the time that we know it would be, in hours, weeks, hours to eight weeks, that one would follow the other? It depends on what actually finally ignites it. I can't tell you more than we're prepared and I don't think that we would have more than 15, 20 minutes to get you once off this place. And of course a lot will make that transition simply in energy form because you're not having nearly enough to inconvenience us, opening their eyes yet. The longer period of your perceived actions and time, even if it allows you to know, allows you to present them in, the longer you have the experience of physical life, the more can come into some level of understanding and maybe make that transition. If we have to get everybody off this planet in 15 minutes, you know that when that many craft materialize to bring you through a light beam, physically tolerate that bombardment. Ones want to know what kind of training. If you are working within God's laws to the best of your ability, you are in training. And you will accept his higher purpose and his higher instructions and you're going to sit in a ring of rocks out on the mountain waiting for something to happen, that's exactly where you will be, and I don't believe that your physical being can make it through the light being. Now, you're having something else happen, and I don't mean to make light of that. Because while you are doing that, what you are actually doing is getting in touch with your Godness, which in its own turn is giving growth. So that when confronted with the reality of the moment, you will make the right choice. The problem comes from the ones who completely turn off all spiritualness for whatever reason, and the saddest part is, is through loved ones pushing you away by their insistence that you believe in something that is not correct. And you say, oh well, that's spiritual and church garbage. And I cannot counter that with anything other than this is the reality of your existence. And we're trying to shake you awake so that you come out of this dream, illusion, and recognize reality. Now, Sister Thedra can say what she wants about this mouthpiece here. And she can say what she wants about the satanic and satanistic haton that speaks. And this one's Sananda versus her Sananda. But I want to remind you of something. That kind of judgment causes only damage. and your ones must be careful. Does that mean that the intent is wrong? That's not your problem. You must discern. You must discern. scribe started to write. The same one who now pronounces her evil, wrote a note to her Let nothing deter you. This is your job. This is reality. Now how do you equate that with one a year later? Who says that she is evil. Well, let me give you some more clues. That precious one walked through the gates of glory two or three times during that period of time. She was effectively taken out by ones claiming to attend her. And there are ones in this room that can attest to that. And even she will come forth now in their defense and in denial. So you are the ones that must discern in every instance. And yet you also must remember something. For 40 years she served, she said. But she served under the order of Melchizedek by her own words. And you look it up. I'm not going to define it. Yes, it's a heap of rubbish. They cheated and they lied. It's a 30 million dollar farce. It's worse than that. They make it as a survival type of everybody can come in here and live just as long as nobody turns off your electricity, or your generators, etc. Who's funding it? The Bass family? It's a distraction and it's... Do you think that was government sponsored to distract the survival community to know something to make it just seem so ridiculous? Well it does some things. If there's anyone else who wants to do one on the up and up, nobody's going to invest in it. So it does have that negative kind of impact. And maybe some good will come out of it, you'll learn something. Maybe you'll learn how to grow things in a biosphere. And that's not all bad because you're going to be growing things inside. There was a railroad accident between New Zealand and Santa Barbara. They claimed that a bunch of hydrazine barrels of hydrazine were spilled. But they had the area closed off for five days. There was hazmat team there that re-bolted it. What was really spilled there? Were they telling us the full story? I mean they had the road cut off, the Highway 101 cut off. No, I believe that's what I would go back and check it, but I believe that's exactly what's built. Did it really take that long to clean up the hydrogen? As a matter of fact, they haven't cleaned it up really yet. I have another question. I recall a gigantic explosion that was reported in northern Russia about 1984, a Navy base, some ordnance base. I guess the initial report was that some thought it was an atomic explosion. Accidental atomic explosion? Can you explain or tell us about that? Yes, they were running massive experiments with the beam system, pulse system, particle beams. The Russians did it themselves or we did it for them? No, they did it. They used massive thrusters. And you've had it happen here, too. And basically the same thing happened that happened at Chernobyl. You had a back feed along that system. These get out of control. It's a chain reaction. And when that beam is fired, if something goes wrong, it will feed back on itself. And it does. It causes massive explosions. And at those times, you can believe that the elite call on the Brotherhood. There is nothing they can do about it. And if you can contain it to one nation, it is remarkable. Sometimes if we have been able to and are called in soon enough, we can stop it. We were able to stop it and shut it down at Livermore. It would have taken out the western part of your country. That one little thing that they announced was a radio malfunction in a transformer or something. At the one you are talking about, I'm sure that I'm centered on the same one you are thinking about. We came into the picture and we had a dozen crew members on board that craft, of which nine of them perished. The others were attended in Russia in conjunction with the Space Command until they were sufficiently healed to be able to take them home. It was a very good working relationship. You are very fortunate in that some of the Russians who have control of the Cosmospheres and those massive weapons are friends of ours. exactly what the Cosmospheres look like, the super-heavies and the regular ones, and compare that with the Nazi flying saucers? Oh, there actually is no longer any real comparison. The Cosmospheres started out as platforms, basically not a lot different than what you might call those spheres. Now those cosmospheres are quite large and can be stationed actually in space as a space station. They are coming now in all sorts of varying sizes according to their use. And of course you will have, for instance, the three that are always stationed above Edwards are what I would consider a medium-sized craft. They work on magnetic pulses and of course they have capability of seeing, pulsing through any cover that you've got. You know, you put all your stuff up and they just go right through. Is that the psycho-energetic rangefinder? Well, I'm not going to get into technicalities. I don't know what everybody in here knows. I'm not going to get any of my crew killed over that kind of discussion. I'll tell you, they're very sophisticated and some of them are quite large now. You have some stationed off the surface of the moon that can pinpoint a beam to anywhere on this planet, well as long as it's toward the moon, and hit anything the size of a card in your pocket. Who did all this development work on these Cosmos series? Was it done by the United States, by Russia, or did the space people bring it in here? They did quite a lot of it? Yes. Actually, yes. The Soviets listened to Tesla and that's where Tesla's most important work ended up being perfected. But what you had at the end of the war, the Second World War, and this is why you never found Adolf Hitler, you don't know what happened in that war. That's number one. You don't know why the war. If you read the journals, I shouldn't say you don't know because everyone in here probably does know. And if you don't know, I suggest you get skeletons in the closet as fast as you can paddle over to the bookstore or to the cash register, whatever you do to get it. Look around the room here. Because Adolf Hitler took all that and shipped it to the Antarctic. And then he took a whole fleet of submarines and went off to the Antarctic and spent a lot of time in Argentina, etc. What is he doing with the equipment now or has he merged? The monetary plates, the currency plates that he took have been utilized to flood your economy through the Japanese. He took plates actually supplied during the war to your enemy by your government. You see you have the same ones supporting every war, causing it, structuring it, utilizing it, setting it up and reaping the rewards for it. And you can go every time back, in your memory time, back to the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds. like the beginning of the modern contemporary wars and stuff like that. Yes, you'll always find those Rothschilds in there. And farther back than that you're going to find the Khazars or the Zionists, the elders. I realize that the Russian army knows how corrupt our government is and their experience with it. Do they have the same feelings towards the American people? No, I think that probably you'll find that the Russians feel about the American people like you poor idiots. If you are traveling in Europe and you are around any European, general hearing range of one of the natives do something foolish or idiotic or pretentious, they will say to you, acting just like an American, if anything the world feels sorry for you.