Thank you for the pause. for school lunches as I said in those kind of programs. It's a bit of a laser numbering. They just started up in Greenville. Oh, and they have all these wonderful excuses for you. How can I help you? If you fight their system, you won't get food. I wanted Rick to go through the process and he asked me within the last couple of days if he should undo that and I go on record today as saying yes he must I don't want you shot. Dead men are no value on earth plain. Does everybody understand me? God doesn't need any more dead martyrs. We need a few alive people to get the word and the instructions around. The time of Armageddon is at hand, God has returned. You've been waiting for generations upon generations, and the books were written by your adversary. So you drag along and come to this day just exactly as he laid it forth for you. And so a remnant comes to try and undo it. Not exactly. A remnant comes to make it through for the rebuilding. And for the experience. And to bring the word. The word must be brought. brought forth in this place for several reasons, but one of which is this is one of the places on the globe that is preserved. And therefore the word can be preserved. Just as the historical things are being uncovered elsewhere around on your globe and will be in this very area. As a matter of fact, much of the wondrous history of your planet has been unearthed and fell into the hands of those evil diggers making their facilities. The ones who usually always come first and are the last to go are the aboriginal ones that you refer to as the ancients. They have never made a great effort to write anything down, although it will be written also. But the truth of the happenings are written in their mind and they call it oral tradition. And as it is shared, it is called by many things, such as dream time ended, it was gone. All the ancient calendars ended, they're gone. They know, they're just waiting for all of these things to unfold. You're five years into the new time, the new era, the new experience. And our job is to awaken as many as will awaken. And bring home as many as will come. Or allow the unfolding of knowledge so that you can move on either in reclamation or in the places prepared for you. It's hard to accept. Dorma lives with me and she can't accept it. She accepts it this brief moment. But she's going to come back into your room and open her eyes and not me. Couldn't be me. That's what every one of you say to yourself. And then you think about it a little while and you say, hot dog, I got included. And then we're getting on the right track. Because there's something that says, hey, maybe I am included. But most of you say, well, it couldn't be me. I mean, this is a little nothing town and I'm a little nothing being amped. No, you're not. Sorry about that. You can go your whole existence, walk out the door, never come back, never knowing, until you pass this dimension and then you'll say, oh hell, I blew it. Only it will be, oh hell, I blew it, again. And then I get, well if you just tell me my purpose, I'll do it. No, I won't do that. I don't want to point out your talents. I want you to find your talents. I want you to decide what it is you can do and do it. I don't want you to say to me, well, if you just give me the money I can do it. I can create a talent right fast. To soothe the supply of money. No. You create the talent first and then the reward. It's just like good business. and the world will buy your product. And until then, it's tight. It really is. There's no easy way. Not in your perception. And yet, I don't feel a one in the room that would change it. One iota. If it came right down to it. You might like it a little easier and I can go with that. But you wouldn't have the experience. You would give up the experience is what I'm saying. There's not enough money in the world. And if there is, you were not committed anyway. At some point man has to go above the physical realization and that which is infinite must become his guide, his direction. And it seems like all that just comes from Sunday morning preachers and Pentecostals and fundamentalists and Jehovah's Witness, etc. Does it? I haven't witnessed any human being living in the physical form Maybe you'll be the first, but you know what, I doubt it. So what is this crap about refusing to look at infinity? You're going to do something, whether it's today, ten years from now, 20, 30, 40 or 126, you are going to make a transition of some kind. It is called death of the body. And at that point, God willing, it hasn't been in a beam blast so that your soul energy is dispersed. And it will go to a level of understanding equal to that which you leave. Now isn't it nice for you guys who came down from the higher levels of understanding to experience and serve at this time? Because that means if you get separated, and none of you are happy with the bodies you have anyway. You work to change them constantly and then hold on to them like they're precious. They're tools. The houses. To serve you. To serve you. The you. And if all you do is try to mold them and shape them and make them different and attractive and gobbledygook, you have lost the purpose of them to serve you. You have become servant unto them. Does that mean you ignore them? Does it mean you quit doing push-ups and eat sensibly? Of course not. You need them to serve you. But when they become your master, anything that becomes your master, short of God and self, you're in trouble. And I keep having to apologize to our new people every time we meet now because the lessons are so heavy. And I find myself wishing we just did have church every Sunday and this sermon was a little bit harder than last Sunday. And next Sunday we'll get around to tithing or something. And then everybody can stay away. Rest. But I don't ask you to tithe. I don't ask you to give anything except everything you have to self and God, to nobody else. Because if you do that, you are giving all and in the giving you can receive it back a hundred fold. But it's hard to come to that openness and I understand that. So we walk each day opening a little more into the insight of the functioning of the universe. and one's right and say I don't believe in UFOs and flying saucers. You know what? I don't either. There aren't any. There are no saucers that fly unless Millie gets mad at Fred. Laughter And there are in my realm absolutely zero unidentified flying objects. And when ones come and threaten me, I won't believe in you. I don't care whether you believe in me or not. My mission is to bring the word and I'm bringing it and you are getting it out and your wondrous brotherhood are receiving it. And I know you go and you try to figure out exactly how do I feel about this or that. Precious ones, it's up to you how you feel about it. I can tell you over and over again is God gave you laws. Every action you take, all you have to do is measure your action and your intent against those laws. And then I can break it down farther for you. The laws of God are given unto his creature man, thinking stewards of his other creations. So when you break the laws of God, you break one set of rules. But you don't just have God. He's like a governor. And he gives you laws that allow you to live in total harmony and total balance within the brotherhood of man and within the wondrous infinity of creation. And in this place you can call it mother nature, the natural laws, cosmic laws, these are just things, laws that are. It just is that way. And no matter what you do, will never change those laws. You can damage your mother unto death of this planet, it, but you will not touch the overall laws of creation. So surrounding everything is this untouchable creation. And then he does a dirty deal on you. He gives you free will. And that is why the physical expression and experience is the most valuable learning process of all experiences of any dimension. Because once you pass out of the physical expression you have learned, that doesn't mean this physical expression. Wouldn't that be nice? I've learned it all now. You don't go any other dimension until you've learned it. And sometimes that takes 189,000 goals at it. And it may not be on this planet. You're You have billions of planets just in your star galaxy. Look at the Milky Way and look at the size of Earth and don't be smug because you cannot the numbers of planets experiencing very, very similar to you. And yet in your orbiting system around your sun, you are the jewel. And yet once Mars was, once Jupiter was, once Saturn was, look at them. All your channels will want to tell you that you experienced just day before yesterday in your last incarnation, you were the queen, the royal queen of Venus. B.S. Venus is totally uninhabitable. Man destroyed it. And she is still recovering. There is a reality to the pronouncement that such and such is at Venus. And I'm not talking about crystal cities on the surface of Venus, that means that there is a space station in the location recognized as Venus, so that you can understand some of the lessons, because coordinates at that you have nothing with which to relate to that. I can tell you you're in segment 31 and that means nothing to you. And as a matter of fact you're not. Cosmonauts from space was from sector 31. Where is he now? Not too far from you. Do Do you really think that anybody who can get to your planet by thought projection can just be snatched up by your little Marines and FBI? If they don't want to be. Not if they're walking around, brother. But when they come into your atmosphere and they become a solid visible form, and most of the crew aboard those solid visible forms are already solid and they become very vulnerable. chain reactions in every instance we lose ships. And those are held against you, of planet earth. Mankind has come to think he is beyond anything. You are beneath everything and the worst thing that you are beneath are the vipers that you have placed and allowed to become the power of your planet and it has happened over and over again. Civilization after civilization on the planet earth has perished and you are at that point again, only this time is more serious. I personally, as a commander, would prefer you go ahead, have your nuclear war, do whatever Because when it comes to the chain reaction that will destroy life form, you are using weapons that can destroy soul and that means that evil will have to be removed also and when that happens no matter where you place that evil, it eventually begins its cancerous growth. My dream would be, let's just take our little group of goodly people home. Let's go start in the radiance. And And if we pull it off, that's what will happen. Evil will do whatever it wants to do, but it will not do it in any of our places. It will continue on this planet, it will continue on other planets. At this level of understanding, it will not be brought into God's kingdom. Does that mean that you have to be perfection by evening or the next ten minutes or the next second and a half? You're not going to make it, are you? Of course not. God goes by intent within the soul. And you're a lot better than you think you are. Thank goodness. Because there are also a lot out there who are a lot worse than they want to project that they are. And they better get nervous. It's time to confront actions. It's time to be honest with self and neighbor. But the better part of intelligence is to keep your mouth shut. When it entails talking about some of these things on a personal level, obviously if you have 54 journals out there and the best one in the writing right now. But it also is one that is going to get you into the most trouble right now. So yes, it takes bravery, it takes faith, and most of all it takes putting your belief where your mouth is. Because just being in the group may be a help, it will not be a protection. The sorting will go like that. Absolutely instant sorting. And I have great compassion. Sunanda often sits with Desiree and she's having to come into some real hard realities. It ain't just the CIA and the Pentagon after you. But you children who write and receive and work this closely with us are given the pain of seeing. And you see as my work begins to dwindle on this revelation road other ones have to pick up some of the load in the spiritual realms. And that's a hard load to talk about. You see, no matter what you think, he's been relatively quiet about it. But you know when he shows up, the game's damn near over and it's scary and it's painful and you want to turn in your credentials and resign. And there's weeping. Go ahead and weep. I often do. It's frustrating. And you have loved ones and they ignore you or laugh at you. They're scared to death. They are terrified. They dare not believe believe it, do you see? And what do you do? You offer, you release it, and you pass on. That's part of your testing also. We're coming down to the tight part of the funnel. There There are more of you scattered around than you can possibly know and yet not nearly as many as you might think in your more optimistic view. is without limit for you daring ones. I cherish you and I will attend you. But I have to at least have your cooperation. You don't have to believe in flying saucers. All you have to do is know that your creator will not leave you with lesser than an incredible plan of recovery and just exactly according to his promise the word would come and the And a place is prepared for you and until the time of departure we have a job to do. And I wish that I could gather all the fragments in and hold you close because I know you're frightened but along with it you're excited. Even in the midst of an earthquake or a bomb blast or a beam blast, you are excited because this is what you came for and don't be ashamed of it. Handle it reverently and with attention, but the thrill you get, the excitement you feel, is that your job is at hand. And as we work more closely together, you'll begin to feel the presence more and more. It is not time to manifest the presence. It will only get the attackers at you. That time will come I ask you, please, you ones who are visiting, give Wendell our love. He is a loyal, loyal friend and there have been many and they're weary. They're weary of the struggle against over and over again. At least you ones are lucky. For the most part you have come into it rapidly, quickly, before you had time to think a lot about it and we honor on bended carry that banner. There are some who claim to carry that banner, they do not carry the banner. They are in it for their greed and their self-ego. And they simply will not thrive. It has come to the time when if there is going to be, how Because of the way your world is set up now and the controllers, if there be thriving, it's going to be because you are in true service and then there's no stopping you. But I repeat, those who just think they're going to make a million in the great depression. If that's your intent, the million either will be worthless or you have deluded self. This This world is coming apart and your adversary plans to have it in total 100% operating order under his command by year 2000. That means it's going to get worse, tighter and I know that every day, 200 times a day, you shake your head, I watch it. How can they? Look at what they're doing. How can they? Go ahead and say it and get it out of your system. The frustration level of knowing and watching what they do will increase. You're just going to have to handle it. And if it helps to handle it by saying I just don't understand what they're doing or why people can't see. People are not supposed to see, they have planned it that way, they have gone right according to their plan and I have outlined the plan today that picked up where the protocols left off and all of them stemmed from the big 300. And their God. They have worked since the beginning of time to pull it off, and it appears they've done it. Don't count on it. I don't like to lose. Go in peace. I thank you for coming. I cherish each of you. I'm sorry. I am needed elsewhere. And forgive me, I must go. Thank you, Commander. Salute. Thank you. Come again soon, I swear. Thank you, I shall. I never go really very far. Thank you for the pause. And the date. Banner. Yes. Just the mark of the beast. The same. Catherine Harding today was saying that she's got a daughter in Utah and they're now coding or marking the children for school lunches. programs, the laser numbering. Oh, and they have all these wonderful excuses for you. How it's going to help you. If you fight their system, you won't get the note. I wanted Rick to go through the process and he asked me within the last couple of days if he should undo that. And I go on record today as saying yes, he must undo that. I don't want you starved. I don't want you shot. Dead men are no value on earth plain. Does everybody understand me? God doesn't need any more dead martyrs. We need a few alive people to get the word and the instructions around. The time of Armageddon is at hand. God has returned. You've been waiting for generations upon generations and the books were written by your adversary. So you drag along and come to this day just exactly as he laid it forth for you. And so a remnant comes to try and undo it. Not exactly. A remnant comes to make it through for the rebuilding and for the experience and to bring the word. The word must be brought. And it's brought forth in this place for several reasons, but one of which is this is one of the places on the globe that is preserved. And therefore the word can be preserved. Just as the historical things are being uncovered elsewhere around on your globe and will be in this very area. As a matter of fact, much of the wondrous history of your planet has been unearthed and fell into the hands of those evil diggers making their facilities. The ones who usually always come first and are the last to go are the aboriginal ones original ones that you refer to as the ancients. They have never made a great effort to write anything down, although it will be written also. But the truth of the happenings are written in their mind and they call it oral tradition. And as it is shared, it is called by many things, such as dream time. This would be recognized by the Aussies and the New Zealanders, the aboriginal tribes and their dream times. And their dream time ended. It was gone. All the ancient calendars ended, they're gone. They know, they are just waiting for all of these things to unfold. You're five years into the new time, the new era, the new experience. And our job is to awaken as many as will awaken. And bring home as many as will come. Or allow the unfolding of knowledge so that you can move on either in reclamation or in the places prepared for you. It's hard to accept. Dorma lives with me and she can't accept it. She accepts it this brief moment, but she's going to come back into your room and open her eyes and not me. Couldn't be me. That's what every one of you said to yourself. And then you think about it a little while.