This is the 12th of April, 1992. We're gathered at the community church for a meeting with the commander. Let me make a couple of announcements and then I'll introduce Doris, who most of you know anyway. Just some points of reference. If you need a restroom, there's two restrooms right there, men's and women's, designated plainly. And there's water there as well. This is a class that's offered through Spirit Wind and the community church here. And this is a class called Studies in Reincarnation. We have classes that go throughout the year on different subjects of interest and we usually take subjects that the other churches wouldn't touch. Not because there's anything wrong with the other churches, but I feel why say the same thing that everyone's heard anyway. If they want to hear that, they can go to those churches. So we try to offer something here that people cannot get somewhere else. This particular class, Studies in Reincarnation, began last week and it will run through May 17th. We have a number of people speaking on the topic of reincarnation from different perspectives. In future classes we will have a psychotherapist who will talk about hypnotic regressions. We have a person from the Unity Church talking about reincarnation as it is presented in the Course of Miracles. A person speaking on reincarnation in the Seth materials. And then we have a representative from Elizabeth Claire prophets Church talking about her distinction between soul mates and twin flames And so we have a number of things in the future if you'd like to Take the whole class or any other classes in the future We ask for a $10 donation if you're just here for the evening for nothing but no one is going to complain if you wanted to leave a donation. I became acquainted with Doris probably about a year, year and a half ago or so and for those of you unfamiliar with her and the work that she is doing, she She is attached with American West, a publishing company at the other end of town, who publishes the Phoenix Journal. Some of you may have seen this in the Advantage. There was a special issue that came out in the Tehachapi Advantage. a alien intelligence, Commander Hattan of a Pleiadian star fleet and receives and speaks. He speaks through her, I should say. And so I will turn the time over to Doris and EJ. Thank you. Thank you. Well, EJ, you have something to say. She has nothing to say greetings commander good evening i want you once who have not met me to try me i come as Commander Yorgo Seriz Haton, that is pronounced Haton, A-T-O-N. For you who don't recognize that terminology, we'll let it go. Because I think that after we have a tendency to want to put this particular speaker into the category of a channel. Basically she is my secretary and my translator. I come only in service to holy God of light. Let it be known to all ones. I serve mankind in the capacity of being actually leader. I am in charge of the ones who are coming in preparation for the coming of your master. I am one of the hosts. And Dorma is saying, you have to blurt that right out. Well, I want to tell you something, precious friends. I have to ask her to withdraw from her pinions, but it's a little hard to do that. And tonight we're going to have to ask her to do a few more things. Now I would say for this group, she had no idea what the subject was. Until this afternoon, she wasn't even sure there was a meeting. She's doing her job. She's not interfering with mine. I would like to come all full of light and wonder a celebration that comes when we do our work and we're ready. There's very little celebrate on your place this day. away from all out nuclear war. Well, that just spreads fear and agony. If you don't have a little fear and a little agony, you don't know the situation. And that's what's wrong. And I get stuck with the nasty job of having to tell you what it is broken and you don't know what's wrong with it. Let us just assume that I'm who I say I am. I appreciate you ones who don't know me yet to give me opportunity to be heard. That's all I ask. An open mind. Because you see I'm against nothing save evil. Evil will not be brought into the places of God. It's that cut and dry. And one's always want to argue that. Oh, well I'm only sort of bad. I'm only bad on Thursday. And I believe in two thousand years ago someone died and spilled his blood and I wiped my fingers in it and it's okay now. The other six days I'm going to behave in the way this world has now trained you to behave. But I know it's okay because that one took my burden. That one takes your burden when you are willing to take his. No more and no less. And a big cop out that says, I can act any way I choose. I can put down my fellow man. I can lie, cheat, steal and sleep around is not of God. It's that simple. The master himself is writing the rules again because you've forgotten them. But I'm not here to sell books. I'm here to allow you to come into some comfort with me. And if we can do that, the greatest gift you could give me is future hearing because I have a great, great space to fill in your life. I mean you're stuck with me. You can leave because there is no coercion, no force from God. And you can get ready because you are ready now for the blast that's going to come when they tell you, they being your adversarial governments. They are working for a one world global government and they plan to enslave you, the dear people. You've paid for it, you've bought it, and now what can we do about it? I think you will realize by my presence here that you are playing out those prophecies just as fast as you can paddle with your toadies. You didn't have to do that, you know. You've been following the adversaries' rules that say you're going to do this and you're going to do that. And if you'll just read back through all of that writing, you will find sacrifice, bloodletting, burning, offerings. Let somebody else do it instead of me. You're going to have to come back to Natchatya-san, that is Lakota Sioux, for all my relations. You're going to have to come back to the altar. It's called the Awoken Wakan, the sacred altar which is mother and has nourished you. You want to have this big flap about men and women and who and certainly I am declined. You owe me. No, not until you are willing to give will you receive. You can search this world over and you can own this world just like your adversary is about to do and you don't have anything. You don't even have a way off this planet. enough to attend these. That's something else about God, my friends. See it, experience it, listen to them. They have validity to offer you, but they don't have it all. And you don't have to come back and ask me about Ramtha or Mahfu. If you study the laws of God and creation as given, and they are only like ten in your book, they are called commandments, and you follow the golden rule, is pure gravy. But I can give you the first clue right off the top. If they make arrangements for you to be able to function because the Episcopal hierarchy voted in, or the Presbyterians voted in, or the Catholics voted in, and you just think you're going to ride on my craft because I have to tell you, you've been lied to. To get off this planet you've got to go through me. And I come with a master. God would not be so foolish. He said, I go to prepare a place for you and what do you expect to do? You expect to ascend, don't you? Go somewhere, meet God in the clouds. Let's reason with that a moment. I realize that this subject is on reincarnation. Dorma did not. She got here. She didn't know. So I had to bring this. This is compliments of Nora and I appreciate it. But she's had it for a long time and when I said I want the book on reincarnation, the Bible, she said, oh, don't get into that subject down there. So I didn't tell her, I let somebody else. You cannot be here today if there was not reincarnation because I have other news for you. You are back here on this planet at this time to serve a remarkable purpose and that is That is to form the remnant that will make it through this. And you can quarrel, you can deny, you can argue, you can do all of those things, and I can give you the bottom line. But I also know that every one of you will have to go out and test it and test it and test it and test it and test it. So come to these. I look at them and these are good ones to test. Why should you believe me? How do you think I communicate? It ain't magic. I come in at 1694.33 megahertz on your shortwave band receivers. And ones can pick it up. And then what do they do? They call poor George at America West and say, well, what the hell am I supposed to do with all these, these sweets? Well, you're supposed to not go to the doctor and ask him to do something about those tones in your head. We are trying desperately to communicate with you and we can't get you to park long enough to listen. Oh, but I'm sure that I do. I go into meditation and I do my mantras. You don't shut up long enough to listen, do you see? Well what makes dharma different? Nothing. Nothing. Except she listens. And she didn't begin to listen until late fall of 1987. She wrote an entire book that is being made into a motion picture and finally toward the end of it she realized she hadn't written it. And then she about blew her own mind out when she realized that she had even put my name in it. You have to go through these things to awaken. To awaken. If you did not speak English, I would have to have a translator. If you did not speak Russian, and I did, you would have to have a translator, and you wouldn't think anything about it. Well, how does she move around? Because she's willing to allow me that, and usually our meetings are long enough that everybody wishes we'd all shut up and get out. But you're running out of it. And to fulfill my mission, I have to get the work done here. Some of you have all the time you want. years. You had the nearest thing to wiping out this entire part of the United States on Friday. Hear me well. The Soviet Union adversary of yours has Cosmospheres and much stronger weapons than you. Now you're going to hear these little tales about little grey aliens and big tall aliens and etc aliens and they're hostile. I want to remind you, if you are serving God in intent, you don't have any enemies. None. Zero. They can't touch you. Well, they certainly did get my income tax. Yes, they certainly did. And they intend to continue. They're going to take it all, every last thing you own. But you launched these lovely replica space disks out here at Northrop and Edwards and you blundered badly. The United States government has shot down a couple of the Russian platforms. And you started to shoot down some more on Friday. And anybody who saw that mushroom cloud come up, saw exactly what it looked like. Because they took out the rocket Because you were going to shoot down a for real one The second explosion was a total accident By the time we could get the radioactivity cleaned up enough you're going to have a lot of people with flu symptoms Down wind symptoms downwind. Fortunately for you, we're not so careless with this area because this is the most important one area in the world. So let's talk first about how I communicate. If you pick up a telephone and there's someone on the other end, and for the ones who know me, my voice is not even unfamiliar. You assume there's someone on the phone or you can tell if it's a recording, but you don't doubt that it rang and you picked it up. demonstrate something. This point of view, I'm just going to keep to the modern period. Let's begin with the first modern government propaganda operation. That was under the Woodrow Wilson administration. In 19, Woodrow Wilson was elected president. In 1916, on the platform, peace without victory, in the middle of the First World War, the population was extremely pacifistic. And now, somehow, we've become involved in the European war. The European Union said we were too old for war. And had nothing to do with it. The government propaganda commission called the Creole Commission which succeeded within six months in turning a pacifistic population. All you have to do is get the right frequency. I can speak exceptionally good English. When I write and when I am having to have a translator, I have to use her vocabulary, which has improved greatly. Mostly we write. We only have meetings when we need meetings. I'm honored and I am pleased to be accepted because there seems to be in this very community an element that thinks we are some kind of cult. We're not even an organization. You can't even name two of us to any organization. We come in service to God. And that means, and I've got to go. We have a job to do. And my biggest one at this moment is just to get her to open her eyes. You'll have to bear with us. Usually we have a meeting, I speak and she doesn't have to do anything. I mean literally nothing, except just let me use her voice and sometimes I wear it out. For you who don't know us, the dark glasses are not for Hollywood effect. I'm a very bright energy and she's getting bombarded from within. And a different kind of light entering from out here and quite basically she is in a trance. She has just removed her consciousness so that I can have this program. And we've had this little discussion. Well, all right, but you're responsible for whatever you say. I refuse to take your responsibility Thank God we finally made it. You take responsibility for one being and that is yourself. And if you take full responsibility for yourself and your actions according to those laws with which you were birthed, knowing, you can't blame mommy, you can't blame daddy, you can't even blame Rick Kuykendall. And if they didn't know, that's ignorance. That is not stupidity. Because we are going to get down and talk about some hard facts and one of them may be reincarnation if we are going to let him stay long enough. I rarely If you knew God was in this room, would you be looking at your clock? I doubt it. Therefore, I know that every one of you say you believe, but you really can't quite. Can't quite. Well, you're just a space commander and I haven't even gotten to where I'd deal with that one yet. I've had ones write and say, well, I presented myself, you present yourself. What would you expect to see? Is that the way you're going to get into your dimensional journey. How many of you pick up that book and you say well, this is the way. The Holy Bible is the way. The Holy Bible. I asked Rick to ask the ones that he could reach to bring their favorite holy bible and another bible that they use because a bible is a guideline. I want to show you something. We'll start with this what you're doing. Actually, this is the Bible that says her incarnation and notice it's This is a Masonic Bible. Here's the manual. This is the little Bible that the doctors use. This is the Bible. If you go into the computer store, they'll tell you. Here is a legal thesaurus. Or bibles. Let's try this one, Satanic Verses. That isn't one. And they didn't like it. Laughter Here is one of the best books you will ever read. Does that mean I sanctioned Ramtha? You don't know do you? You're going to find out. Let's see what else. The wisdom of Israel. I play no favorites. I beat everybody. Let's see what else. Oh we're going to get there. Here's a Bible, the Jeffersonian Bible. I'll save this one. Here's the complete book of spells and evil ceremonies. That's the Bible. the same Bibles, both different versions. Old Testament, Book of Mormon, New Testament, I Am. Here is another small version of the Book of Mormon. Here is another wondrous little book called the Jefferson Bible. Outside of my group, does anybody know why this is different? Please. You know amidst the miracles that were attributed to Jesus and the picture of the human? Very close. It omits St. Paul. I'm going to tell you about Paul. Right after I show you the Bible on bug watching. Ah, this one is a treasure. This is a Principia Mathematicus, Isaac Newton. And I'm going This was translated by Voltaire. Only Voltaire didn't know how to translate it so guess what? He had his mistress, the Countess de la Chateaulay, something wonderful. Now let's see what we have. I have the pagan Bible and this one's beginning to look interesting. Here is the Bible for literature. William Shakespeare. This one is one of the best, Alcoholics Anonymous, if you follow the 12 steps you will find God, that is guaranteed. Now for you ones, for Samuel, leaving out Judaism, And I want to tell you that if I started to read the Talmud in this room, even you Jews would throw me out. You don't know what's in it. You don't know what's in your own Bible. But here's the law that the Talmud is go by. It's called the Protocols of Zion. And I have written 55 volumes. And I said that I will give you the lineage of the Jews and the Zionists. And they come from the 13th tribe recognizes that, that is just just a hypothetical description. They are the Khuzars. Those ones that are running around in your world today claiming Zionism and running your government are not Judaists. They are not Hebrew. They change their names, they bear their own names, whatever they are not what you think they are. They come from the Khazarian tribes. That is Rushum, Nordic and Mongol. And they inhabited the various places of the world and finally took Palestine. And now I'm going to just blow all of you out who don't know. You don't know who your adversary is. And your adversary sits as a committee of 300 who runs this world. And if you don't believe that they're truly archers because they've been written out of your history. By this time next year you will not be able to find any books that have reference to them. We do hold a rather rare honor. Already our books are burned as heresy. And yet I defy any of you to find a false statement in them that was unintentional, I mean that was not intentional. This is what you better get interested in. It's called the Constitution of the United States of America. You've lost it. Since 1970, your half-baked, half-brained president, who is the greatest criminal in your nation today, has full rights to bring an emergency executive order legal system nation. I am torn. This is a chosen land. It's a wondrous land. This land was birthed and you did some dastardly things to the natives, but that was corrected in your constitution. You have no justice system anymore. You have a new world order. And you can deny it and it won't go away. And you can deny me and you can make me go away. I'm going to tell you something. deny God and He will not go away and yet you become so blamed uncomfortable that you go away and then blame Him for everything. The time has come when that will stop and so I won't be as soft up here as the one who speaks on the course of miracles and if you're just opening your eyes, that is the flower to follow. So am I saying that everything in the good book is wrong? Oh no. And your path right straight to destruction is written in there. And at this point you are making sure that you go that path. So let me tell you what happens. I don't want to discuss reincarnation on possibilities. I'm going to tell you what happens. And one say, well And so have you. And it's another way to gain control over you. Through fear. If you're with God, there is nothing to fear. What in the world would you have to fear? He sends people like me. If you are on a secure circuit with God, I will pick you up. You don't have to worry about learning all this ascension business. I will gather you. And And it's true, there will be two in the field and one will be gone and the other will remain and we will wave goodbye to them because they would have denied their only lifeboat off this place. I can't do this in an evening, do you see? This is like being on the radio and they give you 45 seconds to get the question, try to answer it while they're talking. And then they will go off and say that was the biggest bunch of malarkey. Only we have now, you can know our truth by what they say. This is the biggest hoax put forth on mankind. Now doesn't this little lady sitting up here on this stool threatening to all of mankind? Well, you know what? It's going to change this world. Not this little lady, but you. When you come into your realization and your remembering of what it was and what you are here for. Rick mentioned that portions of the Liberator were put into the paper. They were put into the paper at the time of your war. Because it was an evil war. You don't have reasonable wars with honor anymore. Not since long before Korea, I'm sorry. Those are CIA wars. Go see JFK. It doesn't tell the whole story, but by the time I get through with the CIA, which I'm working on now, you'll have the story. I've already told you who shot the president. And that name will keep popping up everywhere. I'll tell you who was behind it. Henry Kissinger. You see, they don't like me telling their secrets. But I've yet to find one secret that I've revealed that was not true. With plenty of backup confirmation, I'm going to point out something to you in a minute. I also get these kinds of letters. There wasn't anything you said that was the truth about the war. Well, one thing I said was that the media is fixed and they are lying to you and everybody goes and gets their yellow ribbons, including these ones, because you better stand up for your youngsters. You are an anti-patriot, you do not support the troops, they claimed. and the enemy killed them because they saw what was going on and were going to bring it back to you. 28 men died in barracks because they were going to come back and tell you truth. Now you have a release document this week on the Gulf War and just on Friday they released guess what? The media worked in full cooperation while lying to the public to make made Saddam Hussein think that there was going to be a sea landing and other classified things that would harm national security. This is always their ultimate run-hide-behind national security, so that you the people know nothing. And if someone gets in their way, they just get them out of the way. And this community, in its godliness, sent life-threatening letters to my people that the Christian community would drive them out of town. Be careful every time you turn the ignition in your key, in your automobile, automobile. Because one of these times there's going to be a bomb in it. That came from the Christian community in this town. What does Christian mean to you? A follower of Jesus? No. That is incorrect. Jesus was conjured by the one Saul of Tarsus, after the master was no longer in Jerusalem, after this crucifixion. Now you assume that Paul changed his stripes. That's fine if that's what you wish to believe. I'm only talking about a label. Like you would call yourself Mary or Paul or Steve or George. Jesus was not his name. His name was Esau Emmanuel of the house of Joseph. I'm not going to get into all of those biblical things. But this is why the Jeppersonian Bible left those portions out. Because it could not reflect accurately, it was written by a man who was not even considered other than a saint. And man has a capability of error. I would like to ask now you once, to look at the Bible that you brought. And then I would like to hear a scattering of the room. This is the 12th of April, 1992. Sure a meeting with a commander. Let me make a couple of announcements and then I'll introduce Doris, who most of you know. Anyway, just some points of reference. If you need a restroom, there's two restrooms right there, men and women designated plainly, and there's water there as well. This is a class that's offered through Spirit Wind and the community church here, and this is a class called Studies in Reincarnation. We have classes that go throughout the year on different subjects of interest, and we And we usually take subjects that the other churches wouldn't touch. Not because there's anything wrong with the other churches, but I feel why say the same thing that everyone's heard anyway. If they want to hear that, they can go to those churches. So we try to offer something here that people cannot get somewhere else. This particular class, Studies in Reincarnation, began last week and it will run through May 17th. We have a number of people speaking on the topic of reincarnation from different perspectives. In future classes we will have a psychotherapist who will talk about hypnotic regressions. We have a person from the Unity Church talking about reincarnation as it's presented in the Course of Miracles, a person speaking on reincarnation in the Seth materials, and then we have a representative from Elizabeth Clare Prophet's Church talking about her distinction between soulmates and twin flames. And so we have a number of things in the future. If you'd like to take the whole class or any other classes in the future, we ask for a $10 donation. If you're just here for the evening, anyone's welcome to come anytime for the evening for nothing. But, you know, no one's going to complain if you wanted to leave a donation. I became acquainted with with Doris probably about a year, year and a half ago or so. For those of you unfamiliar with her and the work that she is doing, she is attached with American West, a publishing company at the other end of town, who publishes the Phoenix Journal. Some of you may have in the Advantage. There was a special issue that came out in the Tehachapi Advantage. Doris acts as a receiver for an alien intelligence, a Commander Hattan of a Pleiadian star fleet, and receives and speaks. He speaks through her, I should say. And so I will turn the time over to Doris Lee-Jay. Thank you. Well, Lee-Jay, you have something to say. She has nothing to say. Greetings, Commander. Good evening. I want you ones who have not met me to try me. I come as Commander Yorgo Seris Hatton, that is pronounced Hatton, H-A-T-T-O-N. For you who don't recognize that terminology, we'll let it go. Because I think that after we have a little bit of explanation you'll understand this a little bit better. Ones have a tendency to want to put this particular speaker into the category of a channel. Basically Basically, she is my secretary and my translator. I come only in service to holy God of light. Let it be known to all ones. I serve mankind in the capacity of being actually leader. I am in charge of the ones who are coming in preparation for the coming of your master. I am one of the hosts. And Dorma is saying, you have to ask her to withdraw from her pinions, but it's a little hard to do that. And tonight we're going to have to ask her to do a few more things. Now I would say for this group, she's not interfering with mine. I would like to come all full of light and wander a celebration. That comes when we do our work and we're ready. There's very little celebrate on your place this day. You are a breath away from all-out nuclear war. Well that just spreads fear and agony. If you don't have a little fear and a little agony, you don't know the situation and that's what's wrong. And I get stuck with the nasty job of having to tell you what it is. You cannot fix anything. You can fix zero if it is broken and you don't know what's wrong with it. Let us just assume that I am who I say I am. I appreciate you ones who don't know me yet to give me opportunity to be heard. That's all I ask, an open mind. Because you see I am against nothing save evil. Evil will not be brought into the places of God. It's that cut and dry, and one's always want to argue that. Oh, well I'm only sort of bad. I'm only bad on Thursday. And I believe in two thousand years ago someone died and spilled his blood and I wiped my fingers in it and it's okay now. The other six days I'm going to behave in the way this world has now trained you to behave. But I know it's okay because that one took my burden. That one takes your burden when you are willing to take his. No more and no less. And a big cop out that says, I can act any way I choose. I can put down my fellow man. I can lie, cheat, steal and sleep around. Is not a thought. It's that simple. The master himself is writing the rules again because you've forgotten them. But I'm not here to sell books. I'm here to allow you to come into some comfort with me and if we can do that, the greatest gift you could give me is future hearing because I have a great, great space to fill in your life. I mean you're stuck with me. You can leave because there is no coercion, no force from God. And you can get ready because you are ready now for the blast that's going to come when they tell you, they being your adversarial governments. They are working for a one world global government and they plan to enslave you, the dear people. You paid for it, you bought it and now what can we do about it? I think you will realize by my presence here that you are playing out those prophecies just as fast as you can paddle with your toties. You didn't have to do that, you know. You've been following the adversary's rules that say you're going to do this and you're going to do that. read back through all of that writing, you will find sacrifice, bloodletting, burning, offerings. Let somebody else do it instead of me. You're going to have to come back to for all my relations. You're going to have to come back to the altar. It's called the Awoken Wakan, the sacred altar, which is Mother, and has nourished you. You want to have this big flap about men and women and who and certainly I am deprived. You owe me. No, not until you are willing to give will you receive. You can search this world over and you can own this world just like your adversary is about to do and you don't have anything. You don't even have a way off this planet. I could not urge you enough to attend these. That's something else about God, my friends. See it, experience it, listen to them, they have validity to offer you, but they don't have it all. And you don't have to come back and ask me about Ramtha or Mahfu. If you study the laws of God and creation as given, and they're only like ten in your book. They're called commandments. And you follow the golden rule. All the rest is pure gravy. But I can give you the first clue right off the top. If they make arrangements for you to be able to function because the Episcopal hierarchy voted in, or the Presbyterians voted in, or the Catholics voted in. And you just think you're going to ride on my craft because I have to tell you, you've been lied to. If you've got to go through me and I come with the Master, God would not be so foolish. He said, I go to prepare a place for you. And what do you expect to do? You expect to ascend, don't you? Go somewhere. Meet God in the clouds. Let's reason with that a moment. I realize that this subject is on reincarnation. Norma did not. She got here. She didn't know. So I had to bring this. This is compliments of Nora and I appreciate it. But she's had it for a long time and when I said I want the book on reincarnation, the Bible, she said, oh, don't get into that subject down there. So I didn't tell her. I let somebody else. You are back here on this planet at this time to serve a remarkable purpose and that is to form a remnant that will make it through this. And you can quarrel, you can deny, you can argue, you can do all of those things and I can give you the bottom line. But I also know that every one of you will have to go out and test it and test it and test it and test it and test it. So come to these. I look at them and these are good ones to test. Why should you believe me? How do you think I communicate? It ain't magic. I come in at 1694.33 megahertz on your shortwave band receivers. And ones can pick it up. And then what do they do? They call poor George at America West and say, well, what the hell am I supposed to do with all these sweets? Well, you're supposed to not go to the doctor and ask him to do something about those tones in your head. We are trying desperately to communicate you to park long enough to listen. Oh, but I'm sure that I do. I go into meditation and I do my mantras. You don't shut up long enough to listen, do you see? Well, what makes Except she listens. And she didn't begin to listen until late fall of 1987. She wrote an entire book that is being made into a motion picture and finally toward the end of it she realized she hadn't written it. And then she about blew her own mind out when she realized that she had even put my name in it. You have to go through these things, precious ones, you have to go through these things to awaken. To awaken. If you did not speak English, I would have to have a translator. If you did not speak Russian, and I did, you would have to have a translator, and you wouldn't think anything about it. Well how does she move around? Because she's willing to allow me that and usually our meetings are long enough that everybody wishes we'd all shut up and get out. But you're coming to the end of a cycle. You live by time. You're running out of it. And to fulfill my mission, I have to get the word down here. Some of you have all the time you want. Others of you have made commitments and you've got to begin to open your eyes and ears. You had the nearest thing to wiping out this entire part of the United States on Friday. Hear me well. The Soviet Union adversary of yours has Cosmospheres and much stronger weapons than you. Now you're going to hear these little tales about little gray aliens and big tall aliens and etc. aliens and they are hostile. Hostile to who? Who said? Who told you that? I want intent, you don't have any enemies. None. Zero. They can't touch you. Well they certainly did get my income tax. Yes they certainly did. And they intend to continue. They're But you launched these lovely replica space disks out here at Northrop and Edwards and you blundered badly. The United States government has shot down a couple of the Russian platforms and you started to shoot down some more on Friday and anybody who saw that mushroom cloud come up saw exactly what it looked like. Because they took out the rocket because you were going to shoot down a for real one. The second explosion was a total accident. By the time we could get the radioactivity cleaned up enough, you're going to have a lot of people with flu symptoms downwind. Fortunately for you, we're not so careless with this area because this is the most important one area in the world. So let's talk first about how I communicate. If you pick up a telephone and there's someone on the other end, and for the ones who know me, my voice is not even unfamiliar. You assume there's someone on the phone or you can tell if it's a recording but you don't doubt that it rang and you picked it up. Now I want to demonstrate something. This point of view, I'm just going to keep to the modern period. Let's begin with the the first modern government propaganda collaboration. That was under the Woodrow Wilson administration. In 19... Woodrow Wilson was elected president in 1916 on the platform. Peace without victory, that was right in the middle of the First World War, where the population was extremely pacifistic. And those who were involved in the European war, the Wilson administration was geared to war, and had vision about it, so they established a government propaganda commission called the Creole Commission, which succeeded within six months in turning a pacifistic population. All you have to do is get the right frequency. I can speak exceptionally good English. When I write and when I am having to have a translator I have to use her vocabulary, which has improved greatly. Mostly we write. We only have meetings when we need meetings. I'm honored and I am pleased to be accepted because there seems to be in an element that thinks we are some kind of cult. We're not even an organization. You can't even nail two of us to any organization. We come in service to God and that means, and I've got a priest in here, 35 years, and tell them you don't really need that intermediary. You got God, you need nothing else. You got God. We have a job to do. And my biggest one at this moment is just to get her to open her eyes. You'll have to bear with us. Usually we have a meeting, I speak and she doesn't have to do anything. I mean literally nothing except just let me use her voice and sometimes I wear it out. For you who don't know us, The dark glasses are not for Hollywood effect. I am a very bright energy and she's getting bombarded from within. And a different kind of light entering from out here. And quite basically she is in a trance. She has just removed her consciousness. So that I can have this program. And we've had this little discussion, well alright but you're responsible for whatever you say. I refuse to take your responsibility and I think, thank God we finally made it. You take responsibility for one being and that is yourself. And if you take full responsibility for yourself and your actions according to those laws with which you were birthed, knowing, you can't blame mommy, you can't blame daddy, you can't even blame Rick Kuykendall. That's ignorance. That is not stupidity. Let me tell you the difference. Once you know there is possibility and you refuse to look at a thing, that is stupidity. Because we're going to get down and talk about some hard facts. And one of them may be reincarnation, if we're to let him stay long enough. I rarely keep anybody past 11.30. If you knew God was in this room, would you be looking at your clock? I doubt it. one of you say you believe, but you really can't quite. Can't quite. Well, you're just a space commander and I haven't even gotten to where I'd deal with that one yet. I've had ones write and say, well, I presented myself, you present yourself. What would you expect to see. Is that the way you're going to get into your eternal dimensional journey? How many of you pick up that book and you say, well, this is the way. The Holy Bible. I asked Rick to ask the ones that he could reach to bring their favorite Holy Bible. And another Bible that they use. Because a Bible is a guideline. I want to show you something. Let's start with this one. This is the Bible, depending on what you're doing. Actually, this is the Bible that says reincarnation and notice it's with the other half of it. Aha! This is a Masonic Bible. Here's the Mock Manual. This is the little Bible that the doctors use. This is the Bible. If you go into the computer store they'll tell you. Here is a legal thesaurus. All Bibles. Let's try this one, Satanic Verses. That isn't one. And they didn't like it. Here is one of the best books you will ever read. Does that mean I sanctioned Ramtha? You don't know, do you? You're going to find out. Let's see what else. The wisdom of Israel. I play no favorites I beat everybody oh we are going to get there here is a bible the Jeffersonian bible I will save this one here is the complete book of spells and evil ceremonies. That's the Bible. Now I have two living Bibles, both Book of Mormon, New Testament. I am. Here is another small version of the Book of Mormon. Here is another wondrous little book, called the Jefferson Bible. Outside of my group, does anybody know why this is different? Please. It omits the miracles that were attributed to Jesus and picked him as a human? It'll meet Saint Paul. I'm going to tell you something funny about this one. This was translated by Voltaire. Only Voltaire didn't know how to translate it, so guess what? He had his mistress, the Countess de la Chatelet, something wonderful. Now let's see what we have. I have the pagan Bible and this one is beginning to look interesting. There is the bible for literature, William Shakespeare. This one is one of the best, one of the best, Alcoholics Anonymous. If you follow the 12 steps you will find God. That is guaranteed. Now for you ones, who say I'm leaving out Judaism, I don't have a Talmud. And I want to tell you that if I started to read the Talmud in this room, even would throw me out. You don't know what's in it. You don't know what's in your own Bible. But here's the law that the Talmudists go by. It's called the Protocols of Zion. And I have written 55 volumes. And I have had television programs and people renting radio time to discount the Phoenix material. Because I said that Zionism most certainly is racism. And I said that I will give you the lineage of the Jews and the Zionists. And they come from the 13th tribe recognizes that, that is just a hypothetical description. They are the Khazars. Those ones that are running around in your world today claiming Zionism and running your government are not Judaists, they are not Hebrew. They change their names, they bear their own name, whatever they are not what you think they are. They come from the Kazorian tribes, that is Rushom, Nordic and Mongol and they inhabited the various places of the world and finally took Palestine. And now I'm going to just blow all of you out who don't know. You don't believe that they are truly archers because they have been written out of your history, by this time next year you reference to them. We do hold a rather rare honor. Already our books are burned as heresy. And yet I defy any of you to find a false statement in them that was unintentional, This is what you better get interested in. It's called the Constitution of the United States of America. You've lost it. Since 1970, your half-baked, half-brained president, who is the greatest criminal in has full rights to bring an emergency executive order legal system onto your nation. I am torn. This is a chosen land. It's a wondrous land. This land was birthed and you did some to the natives, but that was corrected in your constitution. You have no justice system anymore. You have a new world order. And you can deny it, and it won't go away. And you can deny me, and you can make me go away. I'm going to tell you something. You can deny God, and he will not go away, and yet you become so blamed, uncomfortable that you go away. And then blame him for everything. The time has come when that will stop. And so I won't be as soft up here as the one who speaks on the course of miracles. And if you're just opening your eyes, that is the flower to follow. So am I saying that everything in the good book is wrong, oh no. And your path right straight to destruction is written in there. And at this point you are making sure that you go that path. So let me tell you what happens. And one say, well aren't you smug? Yes, because I sit on the other side. And so have you. And it's another way to gain control over you. through fear. If you are with God, there is nothing to fear. What in the world would you have to worry about learning all this ascension business. I will gather you." And it's true. There will be two in the field and one will be gone and the other will remain. And we will wave goodbye to them because they would have denied their only lifeboat off this place. I can't do this in an evening, do you see? This is like being on the radio and they give you 45 seconds to get the question, try to answer it while they're talking. And then they will go off and say that was the biggest bunch of malarkey. Only we have now, you can know our truth by what they say. This is the biggest hoax put forth on mankind. Now, doesn't this little lady sitting up here on this stool look threatening to all of mankind? Well, you know what? It's going to change this world, not this little lady, but you. When you come into your realization and your remembering of what it was and what you are here for. Rick mentioned that portions of the Liberator were put into the paper. They were put into the paper at the time of your war. Because it was an evil war. You don't have reasonable wars with honor anymore. Not since long before Korea. I'm sorry. Those are CIA wars. Go see JFK. It doesn't tell the whole story, but by the time I get through with the CIA, which I'm working on now, you'll have the story. I've already told you who shot the President. And that name will keep popping up everywhere. I'll tell you who was behind it. Henry Kissinger. You see, they don't like me telling their secrets. But I've revealed that was not true. With plenty of backup confirmation, I'm going to point out something to you in a minute. I also get these kinds of letters. There wasn't anything you said that was the truth about the war. Well, one thing I said was that the media is fixed and they are lying to you and everybody goes and gets their yellow ribbons, including these ones because you better stand up for your youngsters. You are an anti-patriot, you do not support the troops, they claimed. I personally, Hatton, wrote to once. And the enemy killed him because they saw what was going on and were going to bring it back to you. 28 men died in barracks because they were going to come back and tell you the truth. Now you have a release document this week on the Gulf War, and just on Friday they released, guess what? The media worked in full cooperation while lying to the public to make Saddam Hussein think that there was going to be a sea landing. and other classified things that would harm national security. This is always their ultimate run-hide-behind national security, so that you the people know nothing. And if someone gets in their way, they just get them out of the way. And this community in its godliness sent life threatening letters to my people Be careful every time you turn the ignition in your key, in your automobile, because one of these times there's going to be a bomb in it. That came from the Christian community in this town. What does Christian mean to you? A follower of Jesus? No. That is incorrect. Jesus was conjured by the one Saul of Tarsus after the master was no longer in Jerusalem, after this Now you assume that Paul changed his stripes. That's fine if that's what you wish to believe. I'm only talking about a label. Like you would call yourself Mary or Paul or Steve or George. Jesus was not his name. His name was Esau Emmanuel of the house of Joseph. I'm not going to get into all of those biblical things, but this is why the Jeffersonian Bible left those portions out, because it could not reflect accurately, it was written by a man who was not even considered other than a saint. And man has a capability of error. I would like to ask now you once, to look at the Bible that you brought. And then I would like to hear a scattering of the room.