In Pleiades that is the source of your ancestry Pleiades is different from your solar system however because in Pleiades there are several other suns and all of them have orbiting planets or different singular planetary systems systems you're going to find that some of your great astronomers will be getting more and more attention as more phenomenon comes from the heavens and one Frederick Bessel, B-E-S-S-E-L, has shown that there is a proper motion of some 5.5 seconds of arc per century in that same direction of Pleiades now you've got a lot of false information and ones who have written great future shock stories and much science fiction such as Isaac Asimov will say that you can therefore assume that all the stars in this cluster, meaning the seven sisters are the same chronological age. Well you can't say that because you don't know that and there cannot be such an assumption if you understand anything at all about creation and formation of planets, their purpose and their creation. That is like saying well Pluto and Earth must be the same age. That is an assumption you cannot make for you have no facts upon which to base it now Dr. Halley or you'll sometimes call him Haley but it's spelled H-A-L-L-E-Y who studied the position of the stars made note that at least three stars were not in the spots in Pleiades as recorded by the Greeks well does that mean that the Pleiadians get around a lot or there's great shifting and maybe you just don't understand the system and maybe you don't understand what a starship is and how under controlled mental authority you can move anything you don't know what you're looking at and starships can very frequently move very rapidly like with the speed of thought I did not say light, I said thought Well, Mr. Halley discovered that the difference was so great, in fact, that it was unlikely that either the Greeks or Halley could have made a mistake. Wasn't like they were just so close that both could assume. Therefore you have to know that these stars at least move within some given system. Just as do your revolving, cycling, spiraling planets. So another made a great study of the system. this wondrous system called Pleiades of which your Sun is a part and it was discovered at absolute right angles to the movements of the Suns a photobelt, or also called monastic ring a phenomenon which scientists have not yet been able to reproduce with laboratory instruments instruments Was noted Now it takes your son 24,000 years to complete an orbit Of your own system and a scene or could be seen by a diagram That orbiting cycle is divided into sections. There's the 10,000 years of darkness, and this is the period as you know it now, daytime, nighttime. And the 2,000 year period of all light, and years of darkness and two thousand years of light. Now what does this mean? Well basically it means that you are now poised precious ones to enter this photon belt. It's inevitable that you do so. And your own people and this takes it out of the realm of invisible voice, your own people have worked diligently and they have come up with the probability that it cannot be past the end of your century. What does it mean? It means that you've completed the full circle and you're now back at the beginning, precious ones. It is described in detail in your Bible, even with its flaws. Historically they could not remove the truth of this. They could not just write it away. Because through the old traditions it was known that this would come again. And therefore it had to be a portion of the prophecies. So it's in your Bible, it is in all of your valid books on mythology. It's been told to you by that one you really enjoy, Nostradamus, and quite frankly by your modern day scientists, if anyone will but listen to them. They're so busy feeding you lies and putting up telescopes and radioscopes so that they can hear if we're out there. They know that we're out there They're picking up this transmission right now. It's you that they do not wish to know that we're out here But let's quote your scientists This is what they say If the earth enters first into the photon belt Get this The sky will appear to be on fire very, very incredibly bright very damaging to the eyes but not to be concerned they say, but be assured this is a cold light. Well, as a matter of fact, the sun is cold. Heat is not what you perceive those big flashes from the sun to be. Space is cold, precious ones, and that sun is shining right through that space so heat is not created by what comes off that sun it is created as it comes off and as it again enters into atmosphere if the sun enters this photon bed first because it's invisible and you're not going to literally be able to see it this is an instrument reading but if the Sun enters that belt first you're going to have immediate darkness and this is now even computed at your speed traveling through space will last some 110 hours approximately nobody can be absolutely sure this will run you into that fourth day the projections having been that there will be three days and nights of total darkness darkness without the Sun rising. The interaction between the solar radiation and the photon belt will make the sky look as if it is full of falling stars because you're going to get reflected matter. As the Earth moves into this radiation belt, all molecules will become excited, all atoms will change, things will become luminescent. There will be then constant light. There can't be darkness, not within the deepest cave, not within the human body. So you're going to have to realize that there will be a perception of total voidance of light. But then luminescent objects will begin to create its own light system. your biblical projections, all the stars will fall from the sky and the sky will be no more. Well, it isn't logical, is it? And where will they fall to? And where will they fall from? That is the mysticism approach. Please go and study your lessons. It is not mystical. It has a foundation of pure physics upon which to base knowledge. So what can you expect next? Well it's expected that the rotation of the earth will diminish. Speeds are going to change, impacts are going to occur, and you don't know enough about it so you cannot calculate it. But because of the reduced solar radiation, the temperature can be expected to become cooler and then the ice caps are expected to extend down to a latitude of about 40 in both of your hemispheres. This simply indicates, just as your history books can tell you, that you have had at least five what you call ice ages, which have been recorded, and these seem to last about 2,000 years. So it can be noted that in the world communication centers and fixed satellites, U.S. bases and experimental sightings are within the safe zone. Is that by design or by accident? Obviously, somebody knows. Some ones have enough historical knowledge to know where to place these things. So what are you faced with? You're faced with having to wonder about you, solid and human. Atmospherous or atmospherean, also solid to a point, but the molecular structure is quite different. And ethereums, with no energy forms when you wear the photon belt a normal healthy person is expected to feel a jolt similar to putting a finger in a live light socket it's a true shock this is like going through a light wave and some bodies cannot stand it. The transformation however will be complete. You will in that period of time have changed from a corporal person to an atmospherian person. And if you can't make it, you'll be changed to a mortality. immortality. And here comes the important concept, without the separation of death. And it will happen in the twinkling of an eye. Your theologians have written at great depth on Bible characters, and they assert that they have lived in the period of light. The sky and atmosphere was different and apparently it never rained. Nostradamus in his quatrain about the end of the world as you know it in 1999, quote, and it will rain no more but in forty years it will be normal, end quote. An aboriginal myth said, Myth said Quote men were different To what they are now We had a bridge to the stars in quote In all their stories if they fell out with the chief or elder they fled to the sky and so did the Greeks So it appears that space travel is simple when you're within that photon belt, you see, because you come into total light. The year 1962 was the year that you came within the influence of that photon belt. And what happened in 1962, in the late 50s, well, all through the 50s and into the 60s were great years for the sighting of UFOs. And you still go back to that period of time just before you began to enter into this photon depth when sightings were the most pronounced and you did not yet have the technical capabilities that you do today. And therefore the sightings were more valid than they are today. As you move closer and closer, you're going to have more unidentified flying objects and persons surveilling your place. This is a great time of change, great responsibility for the cosmic brotherhood. Does this mean that you came more closely in range of space travelers? For space travelers that light depth because you see thought is a projection of light what do you come up with? that possibly it's easier to travel through that photon depth? well it is and for space beings not quite as far advanced as some others who travel by thought projection, you need that speeded up perception of time through light. Since you don't have this experience with which to relate in your educational process is very hard to comprehend, but it's very, very simplistic if you're looking in from where we look. I have a little reminder for you ones who forget your stories, even the far-fetched ones. I'd like to go back to what Eric Von Daniken found when visiting South America in his search for chariots of the gods it was discovered that there was a tribe which was given an object by the quote sky people in quote thousands of years ago they had the oral traditions, everything is handed down, but the object still exists and they tend it very, very well. They were told by these sky people to keep it clean and to listen and watch and when hums like a thousand swans or bees we will be returning well it started humming friends about 1978 so now you have a cosmic alarm clock alerting you to the coming of the light now aren't we finding this interesting? I certainly hope so, because you have had a description in detail of how this works, and this is a very, very important timing clue. In fact, some civilizations live permanently within the light. And when your planet leaves this period of light and returns to the ten thousand years of darkness, what happens to them? Do they return to the light and wait your eventual re-entry? Ah, so, when we speak of remnants, of what do we speak? Somehow, isn't it beginning to make a little bit of sense? What happened to those Mayans? The Mayans departed hurriedly with the message also of their return, which scholars would now say is imminent. Well, how so? also has soul. There are rock carvings around the world and there are also drawings very very similar to the system of ASEOM. That's A-L-C-I-O-M-E. It's important. Then you have lightning, a phenomenon about which little is known. Could this be little pockets of the photon belt? Little utilized balls of electricity? Please note, these are being before every earthquake, mightn't they have something to do with the time of the cycle in which you are experiencing? These little craft are also always showing an interest in your nuclear installations. Because that's a serious, serious problem to unleash. release of nuclear energy can devastate the planet. So what will happen to a reactor within the belt? Photon energy is the energy of the future. And reports indicate photon rockets on experimental craft. You have it now. The headlights, if you will, appear to be on the rear of the craft. That is because you are utilizing light for a thrust system. When you have a system of photon density, what may have been a very cumbersome, slow craft, very speedy and very efficient. And during that period of time you would be able to do great and wondrous things in space technology, just as have the Russians with their space platforms and their light beam, light particle beams, etc., their Cosmospheres. They have learned to utilize a lot of this photon energy, and you have not yet perfected it well enough to get beyond their defense system. energy is why your scientists only pay small lip service to the development of solar energy. You could have had massive amounts of energy, but you have noted, note, note please, that it is very, very scarcely used. So let us think a minute about your planet coming out of the light and into the darkness. Well, the aboriginal mythology says, quote, you were cast out into darkness and were much afraid, so the gods gave you a sun to warm you and a moon to see at night, end quote. If the ice caps from within the light years, then the increased solar radiation when leaving the belt must surely melt the ice and therefore you will have floods. If it doesn't rain within the period of light, then it's certainly understandable, isn't it? extremely odd by the sight of that first rainbow. The Gilgamesh talks of great floods but that precious ones was apparently 10,000 years before Noah's flood so look again at the cycles You think a lot about your world and the effect on a single person. It's natural to name self as the first thought in your existence. But what about humanity as a whole? not conceivable precious ones, that many people cannot, will not survive the initial jolt if they're not prepared for it. And if the ice extends to latitude 40, that covers half the USA, and most of Europe, and Asia. That's a lot of people without a home. And will they be accepted in other countries? In this limited space of fertility, will it be possible to support untold millions? I think you know the answer to that. They are prepared to attend their own needs in either event, they think. They have made preparations in places like New Zealand, Australia, in the southern hemisphere, right at the Antarctic. So that if these times come, they have protection. It is only you, the masses, who will perish and make transition. This is what they are wrong in one perception, they can make it through and rebirth at the proper time or the proper sequence according to their desires. That's however the wind up. It's a very serious time. I'm not going to place years as have some of your prophets. I'm not interested in years. For if you are prepared it matters not. If you are not prepared, it matters not. What will make you get prepared for such a transition? Only education and truth can give you the freedom to make this transition. Ignorance will not see you through it. Ignorance is worthy of God's forgiveness for acts. But if you don't know what you're about or where you're going, if you have no goal, you cannot arrive. So be it. May God walk with you. Hath come to clear. In periodies, and you will have to realize at some point that much of your populations come from Pleiades that is the source of your ancestry Pleiades is different from your solar system however because in Pleiades there are several other suns have orbiting planets or different singular planetary systems You're going to find that some of your great astronomers will be getting more and more attention as more phenomenon comes from the heavens and one, Frederick Bessel B-E-S-S-E-L Has shown that That there is a proper motion of some 5.5 seconds of arc per century in that same direction of Pleiades Now you've got a lot of false information and ones who have written great future shock stories and much science fiction such as Isaac Asimov will say that you can therefore assume that all the stars in this cluster meaning the seven sisters are the same chronological age well you can't say that because you don't know that. And there cannot be such an assumption if you understand anything at all about creation and formation of planets, their purpose and their creation. That is like saying, well, Pluto and Earth must be the same age. That is an assumption you cannot make, for you have no facts upon which to base it. Now Dr. Halley, or you sometimes call him Haley, but it's spelled H-A-L-L-E-Y, who studied the position of the stars, made note that at least three stars were not in in Pleiades as recorded by the Greeks. Well does that mean that the Pleiadians get around a lot? Or there's great shifting? Or maybe you just don't understand the system. And maybe you don't understand what a starship is. a controlled mental a party you can move anything you don't know what you're looking at and starships can very frequently move very rapidly like with the speed of thought I said, what? Well, Mr. Halle discovered that the difference was so great, in fact, that it was unlikely that either the Greeks or Halle could have made a mistake. close that both could assume and therefore you have to know that these stars at least move within some given system just as do your revolving So another made a great study of the system, this wondrous system called Pleiades of which your sun is a part and it was discovered at absolute right angles to the movements of the suns, a photobat, also called monastic ring a phenomenon which scientists have not yet been able to reproduce with laboratory instruments, was naughted. Now it takes your son 24,000 years to complete an orbit of your own system, and a scene, or could be seen by a diagram. That orbiting cycle is divided into sections. There's the 10,000 years of darkness, and this is the period as you know it now, daytime, nighttime. And and the 2,000 year period of all light and again, 10,000 years of darkness and 2,000 years of light now, what does this mean? well, basically it means that you are now poised, precious ones, to enter this photon belt it's inevitable that you do so and your own people, and this takes it out of the realm of invisible voice, your own people have worked diligently past the end of your century. What does it mean? It means that you've completed the full circle and you're now back at the beginning, precious ones. It is described in detail in your Bible, even with its flaws. Historically they could not remove the truth of this. They could not just write it away. Because through the oral traditions it was known that this would come again. And therefore it had to be a portion of the prophecies So it's in your Bible. It is in all of your valid books on mythology It's been told to you by that one. You really enjoy nostradamus And quite frankly by your modern day scientists if anyone will but listen to them They're so busy feeding you lies And putting up telescopes and radioscopes so that they can hear if we're out there they know that we're out there they're picking up this transmission right now it's you that they do not wish to know that we're out here but let's quote your scientists this is what they say If the earth enters first into the photon bed Get this the sky will appear to be on fire Very very incredibly bright Very damaging to the eyes But not to be concerned they say, but be assured this is a cold light. Well, as a matter of fact, the sun is cold, precious ones. And that sun is shining right through that space. So heat is not created by what comes off that sun. It is created as it comes off. And as it again enters into atmosphere. If the sun enters this photon belt first, because it's invisible, and you're not going to literally be able to see it. This is an instrument reading. But if the sun enters that belt first, you're going to have immediate darkness. And this is now even computed at your speed traveling through space will last some 110 hours approximately. Nobody can be absolutely sure. This will run you into that fourth day. the projections having been that there will be three days and nights of total darkness without the sun rising. The interaction between the solar radiation and the photon belt will make the sky look as if it is full of falling stars because you're going to get reflected matter. As the earth moves into this radiation belt, all molecules will become excited. All atoms will change. Things will become luminescent. There will be then constant light. There can't be darkness, not within the deepest cave, not within the human body. So you're going to have to realize that there will be a perception of total voidance of light. But then luminescent objects will begin to create its own light system. And then according to your biblical projections, all the stars will fall from the sky and the sky will be no more. Well, this is logical, is it? And where will they fall to? And where will they fall from? That is the mysticism approach. Please go and study your lessons. It is not mystical. It has a foundation of pure physics upon which to base knowledge. So what can you expect next? Well, it's expected that the rotation of the earth will diminish. Speeds are going to change. Impacts are going to occur. And you don't know enough about it, so you cannot calculate it. But because of the reduced solar radiation, the temperature can be expected to become cooler and Then the ice caps are expected to extend down to a latitude of about 40 and both of your hemispheres This simply indicates just as your history books can tell you That you have had at least five what you call ice ages Which have been recorded and? and they seem to last about 2,000 years. So it can be noted that in the world communication centers and fixed satellites, U.S. bases and experimental sightings are within the safe zone. Is that by design or by accident? Obviously somebody knows. Someone's have enough historical knowledge to know where to place these things. So what are you faced with? You're faced with having to wonder about you, solid and human. Atmospheric or atmospherian, also solid to a point, but the molecular structure structure is quite different and ethereums with no math at all. Energy forms. When you wear the photon belt a normal healthy person is expected to feel a jolt similar to putting This is like going through a light wave and somebody cannot stand it. The transformation now ever will be complete. You will in that period of time have changed from a corporal person to an atmospherian person. And if you can't make it, you'll be changed to immortality. And here comes the important concept, without the separation of death. And it will happen in the twinkling of an eye. Your theologians have written at great depth on Bible characters and they assert that they have lived in the period of light. The sky and atmosphere was different and apparently it never rained. Nostradamus in his quatrain about the end of the world as you know it in 1999 quote, and it will rain no more but in forty years it will be normal. End quote. An aboriginal myth said, quote, men were different to what they are now. We had a bridge to the stars. End quote. In all their stories, if they fell out with the chief or elder, they fled to the sky. And so did the Greeks. So it appears that space travel is simple when you're within that photon belt, you see, because you come into total light. The year 1962 was the year that you came within the influence of that photon belt. And what happened in 1962, in the late 50s? Well, all through the 50s and into the 60s were gray years for the sighting of UFOs. And you still go back to that period of time just before you began to enter into this photon depth, when sightings were the most pronounced and you did not yet have the technical capabilities that you do today and therefore the sightings were more valid than they are today. As you move closer and closer you're going to have more unidentified flying objects and persons surveilling your place. This is a great time of change, great responsibility for the cosmic brotherhood. Does this mean that you came more closely in range of space travelers, often use that photon depth, that light depth, because you see thought is a projection of light. What do you come up with? That possibly it's easier to travel through that photon depth? Well it is. And for space beings not quite as far advanced as some others who travel by thought projection, you need that speeded up perception of time through light. have this experience with which to relate in your educational process, it's very hard to comprehend. But it's very, very simplistic if you're looking in from where we look. I have a little reminder for you ones who forget your stories, even the far-fetched ones. I'd like to go back to what Eric Von Daniken found when visiting South America in his search for chariots of the gods. object by the quote sky people in quote thousands of years ago they have the oral traditions everything is handed down but the object still exists and they tend it very very well they people to keep it clean and to listen and watch and when it hums like a thousand swarms of bees we will be returning well it started humming friends about 1978 so now you have alerting you to the coming of the light. Now, aren't we finding this interesting? I certainly hope so, because you have had a description in detail of how this works, and this is a In fact, some civilizations live permanently within the light. And when your planet leaves this period of light and returns to the 10,000 years of darkness, what happens to them? Do they return to the light and wait your eventual re-entry are so. When we speak of remnants of what do we speak? Somehow isn't it beginning to make a little bit of sense? What happened to those Mayans? The Mayans departed hurriedly which scholars would now say is imminent well, how so? there are rock carvings around the world and there are also drawings very very similar to the system of ASEOM that's A-L-C-I-O in E it's important. Then you have ball lightning, a phenomenon about which little is known. Could this be little pockets of the photon belt? Little utilized balls of Please note, these are being considered and having been seen before every earthquake, might they have something to do with the time of the cycle in which you are experiencing? you may as well realize that these little craft are also always showing an interest in your nuclear installations where you could make it through undamaged, the release of nuclear energy can devastate the planet. So what will happen to a reactor within the belt? Photon energy is the energy of the future. And reports indicate photon rockets on experimental craft. You have it now. The headlights, if you will, appear to be on the rear of the craft. That is because you are utilizing light for a thrust system. When you have a system of photon density, what may have been a very cumbersome, slow craft now becomes very speedy and very efficient. And during that period of time you would be able to do great and wondrous things in space technology, just as have the Russians with their space platforms and their light beam, light particle beams, etc., their cosmospheres. They have learned to utilize a lot of this photon energy. And you have not yet perfected it well enough to get beyond their defense system. Because the radiation of your sun will be modified by that photon energy, is why your scientists only pay small lip service to the development of solar energy. You could have had massive amounts of energy, but you have noted, note please, that it is very, very scarcely used. So let us think a minute about your planet coming out of the light and into the darkness. Well, the aboriginal mythology says, quote, you were cast out into darkness and were much afraid. So the gods gave you a sun to warm you and a moon to see at night." Well if the ice caps from within the light years, then the increased solar radiation when leaving the belt must surely melt the ice. And therefore you will have floods. If it doesn't rain within the period of light, then it's certainly understandable, isn't it, why Noah might have been extremely awed by the sight of that first rainbow. The Gilgamesh talks of great floods, but that, precious ones, was apparently 10,000 years before Noah's flood. So look again at the cycles. You think a lot about your world and the effect on a single person. It's natural to know self as the first thought in your existence. But what about humanity as a whole? Is it not conceivable, precious ones, that many people cannot, will not survive the initial jolt if they're not prepared for it? And if the ice extends to latitude 40, that covers half the USA, and most of Europe and Asia. and Asia that's a lot of people without a home and will they be accepted in other countries in this limited space of fertility will it be possible to support untold millions I think you know the answer to that and I think you must come into realization that your politicians know the answer to that. They are prepared to attend their own needs in either event, they think. They have made preparations in places like New Zealand, Australia, in the southern hemisphere, right at the Antarctic. So that if these times come, they have protection. It is only you, the masses, who will perish and make transition. This is what they are preparing for and they will prepare for this with the inclusion of war so that if they are wrong in one perception they can make it through and rebuild at the proper time or the proper sequence according to their desires. This is not, however, the wind-up. It's a very serious time. I'm not going to place years, as have some of your interested in years. For if you are prepared, it matters not. If you are not prepared, it matters not. What will make you get prepared for such a transition? Only education and truth can give you the freedom to make this transition. Ignorance will not see you through it. Ignorance is worthy of God's forgiveness for acts. But if you don't know what you're about or where you're going, if you have no goal, you cannot arrive. So be it. May God walk with you. Hath gone to clear. have gone too clear.