Thank you for the pause. Food stamps come on the last of the month. You pick them up and get your stamps on the first of the month. Well, hot dog. Now look what a big favor they did everybody, this post office is open a whole two hours later than usual. And these people hadn't done anything except watch everything in their world be looted and burned up. And so now comes the second, and I've got my little wad of money. Where in the world are they going to spend it? They don't have any power with which to cook, if they got food. And some were so desperate they went to the Red Cross shelter only to find that there were no policemen to accompany the Red Cross vehicle, so there was no food. This was a trial run and you're not even out of the weekend yet. They fully planned to pull that San Andreas Fault wide open. They tried it on both ends to trigger it and it didn't go. The ideal thing, they calculated, Mr. Kissinger sat and enjoyed himself while they thought It was burning there and everything was out of control. They tried to get something going sooner in San Francisco, but it takes a while to get things going and get enough people even interested enough to go out and do anything. But you can always count on evening coming and the booze starts flowing and the drugs start being utilized and then you start talking this up and talking this up and you could sit in the very church where they were supposed to be praying and quietly having a demonstration. They were just building and then building it and building it. This was so even if you didn't participate you could justify it. And this is the most helpless of all the people, all they can do is rise up and burn. They can't do anything else. And I'll bet you everyone in this room was happy to see a Korean get on top of the roof with an Uzi machine gun. I was. That'll give you permission And I'll bet you before it's done, they'll have them up on trial. What do you do? What do you do? I can't answer that. I'll tell you what you in this room do, you stay out of it. You do not have the privilege of picking up your Uzi machine gun and going anywhere with it. They'll get rid of you. They already follow you around like you have, well, like super glue. And they're just waiting for you to do something and there is no one small group that can do anything about it. That's why they had to bring in the police because you see you don't have that many happy white people and yet in every little community in Los Angeles out they went and stocked up on ammunition and ones in this room have relatives who did it. Expecting it to slop over all the way into the bedroom communities of Los Angeles and you see it made it all the way uptown to Hollywood and into the business section. They about over did it if they had literally broken in and set fire to that federal building. So you're in it. You have a dual situation going. I can't have the privilege of just riots in Los Angeles that appear to be racist because it's not. It is just another divide, conquer, man against man, nation against nation. So while you're not paying any attention, you have to understand what else is going on around your nation. I thought it interesting that a child really had brought a weapon into a school north of Sacramento, had shot about ten people and held fifty some odd children hostage and it didn't even make it to the Overly, somewhere in that message, something about Ohio. I want you to read it. Alright. Remember the movie Red Dawn, that no one ever thought could happen, not in America, Russia, airplanes, airports, Little Town, USA? Do you have it? Yes. Somewhere in the now 56 journals and 18 volumes of Phoenix Liberator, that we should obtain a copy of the movie Red Dawn because, if I remember correctly, he said, it depicted a reality we would someday soon get to know personally. I have to confess I couldn't digest that statement when he first presented it. I simply could not see at that time how such a scenario could ever become a reality in America. America the beautiful, America the land of the free and brave. Well, today, April 27, 1992, it appears the red dawn at long last has arrived. With all my heart I hope I am not right. With all my heart I pray that I am misreading, overreacting, and should just calm down right now and relax. Things surely cannot be as bad as my mind, as my soul, as my spirit say they are. Please refer to the three articles enclosed from the Dayton Daily News of this day. Russians Eye Air Hub in Dayton. That's one. The second one is finance ministers okay a package for Russia 24 billion plus while California continues to shake. Well, and Mr. Gorbachev is coming to, you know this, to visit Wall Street and your banking concerns. Major world events, everyone, all I believe correlated. No, not just correlated, all causally related. Commander Hatton, please help me sort this out. I am in shock. This is exactly, precisely would happen. Am I overreacting? Am I making something out of nothing? I mean what if, just what if they are going to send Spetsnaz troops to Rechenbach or send KGB, military troops, tanks, etc. to the Dayton hub. I asked several colleagues today, friends, to read the article and they laughed. One said, I care about what happens in Columbus or Dayton with the Russians as much as I care about the Japanese quest for Pebble Beach. Zero. End of conversation. Two days ago I showed one of these gentlemen Dr. Coleman's beautiful wondrous chart of the total global organization of the committee of 300 and its major organizations. This person, one of my best friends at work, screamed at me, you're a neo-Nazi. You are showing me exactly the kind of thing that Goebbels passed around in the 1920s. I was astounded by his reaction. I begged him to read some of the material from Spotlight on Clinton and BCCI. I mentioned that Frontline on TV that very night had confirmed most of the essentials. Neo-Nazi I says, what are you talking about? We are talking about a man who wants to be President of the United States, for heaven's sake, who allegedly has very, very nasty connections. He was not interested in that. He wouldn't even read the headlines. I was stunned. I couldn't, I wouldn't even read what he claimed was neo-Nazi literature. My very, very good friend, a man I trust, a man I work with daily, quietly I told him if at any time he wanted to share and discuss, discuss any opinion, any facts, any ideas with me, I would be thrilled to do so. But I backed off and left him to find his own peace. The truth, the facts, hard data, produced by years and years of blood, sweat, and the most courageous patriotism I can fathom, most people simply do not want or cannot hear such things. So be it. The fact is the Russians are setting up shop in Columbus and will soon do so in Dayton and they are doing exactly what Commander Hatton has been telling us again and again and again they would do. Dr. Coleman you have said a hundred times wake up. I've read your new book. I'm rereading your new book, and I know, I absolutely know what you are talking about. Yes, it's unbelievably hard to accept, but President Fujimori's actions and recent events in Peru alone have demonstrated you know exactly who, what, where, when, and how these evil men operate and fly their trade. I'm heart sick, I'm overwhelmed by the starkness and overt nature of this New World Order's modus operandi. And there it is, and here it is, in Dayton, Ohio. I could write you a book of my thoughts this day, I will not. I simply beg you, Commander, to help me understand just what is happening here in Dayton, in depth. Please, I am not asking for a personal response, you both are so busy. I am asking that you share more about these activities in tapes, in monographs, or in any way you choose. And please, please help us all to see and understand more about what is really behind these machinations that now are coming right to our very own front doors. Just who is coming to Dayton? Just what is their purpose? And how many other cities are such occupations underway? Recently, Commander Hatton said a huge list of tunnels and underground facilities now fully supplied and operational. Ohio was not well represented on that list. He told us why. Because the Russians were above ground in Ohio and Columbus, and he was right as right as can be. This morning I was told they are coming to Emory's Hub, a stone's throw away from my house in Dayton, and if the Spetsnaz come, based on briefings Commander Hatton gave us about them some months ago, I do not think I'd know one if I saw one. He or she would speak, look, and act just like any other American, except they are killers, programmed to destroy on command. Right on my front step, that sends shivers up my spine. Enough. Please share whatever and whenever you can with all of us. In the meantime, rest assured I'm totally secure in the knowledge that the Master Teacher attends all. I cherish you both for your bravery and for your willingness to share truth with us. Your student into infinity, Daniel Reynolds, Dayton, Ohio. And they said, we will take your nation and we won't have to fire a shot. themselves and they will furnish the rope to do it. They've trained your police officers in Los Angeles, San Francisco. They're testing them. I can't urge one strongly enough to go back and look at Arthur Robinson's book, Survival is Ten Feet, no that may have been ours. Let's see, Fighting Chance, Ten Feet. Well, go read ours too, because it was his. And he struggled and struggled and struggled and I can give you a couple of incidents that can strike home to each of you in its own Dr. Robinson went to his village and he said, I personally will foot the bill to install a shelter in this town for our children. And I believe that he suggested that it be put under the school ground. I could be wrong with that. I'm not going to look it up. But But at any rate, all that was needed was just a space. And the town refused. How would you decide who would be saved. The same thing happened identically with this book when we wrote it. The very ones originally who were going to publish it refused to even consider the book because they said it's evil. How would you decide who gets to be in it? Not can't we get together and go build something so that we can all survive here. But how will you decide who gets to be in it? I can't help ones, I can only offer, but I would suggest that the one from Ashland get in touch with Arthur Robinson. It won't help to come here. We don't have any yet either, do we? And they're efforting to make blame sure that nobody has resources enough to have shelters. And they're not going to put them in for you. And if you go knock on Northrop today, they'll shoot you just as sure as the world they won't even let you get to the door to knock. They're sending spacecraft out. and they are on a crash program. My goodness, surely you heard it. While another five buildings are burning in the night, then comes morning and they start giving you some statistics 49 dead, blah, blah, blah, blah, half a billion dollars, half a billion dollars crashed on Edwards Runway four days ago and it didn't even hardly make the news. Half a billion dollars in a piece of junk that couldn't even land, it was like a flyswatter. And you're going to go to space and what are you going to study? Weightlessness. We're going to see if tomatoes will grow in weightlessness. You can grow them down here with weight and get two dollars a pound. Is there something wrong with this? What are you doing building another prototype of something that wouldn't fly in the first place? plane. You had to account for half a billion dollars, plus the fact that what you saw was not what happened. That's what really ticks me off. Did a plane crash at Edwards? Oh my Well this was going to be a better phantom step. Well if it was good at all it would be better. But what in the world would you use as trappings to solve the mind if you will when one starts flying over. What do you think may be down there? They have to give you something of August 1987. We had a nice round craft with five crew members right out of Yucca Flats and they couldn't budge it. They couldn't get in it, they couldn't get near it, and it wasn't very far off the road. So when we finally let them near it, they pulled out five cosmonauts, all nice, tall, lean Pleiadians. All of them appeared to be dead, but two did show life signs. That they couldn't do anything to any of them anyway. They couldn't get around them to touch them. They'd get electric shock. Well, finally when they figured out what to do about that, they transported them. Can you believe this? From Yucca Flats to Edwards Air Force Base first? A little out of your way since they ended up at Dallas in Las Vegas, 50 miles away from where it was down. Oh, it was an interesting little period of a few days. And of course arms were sitting aboard craft tinkering with your military because they didn't know what to do with these two that weren't dead. And they're still not dead. They have them over at Nellis. They have them in intensive care or whatever, you know, as you walk in the room, oh I think I'll tweak Joe a little bit. And he'll gasp and gulp and everyone in the room will turn purple, you know. It's serious time. And they give you these things, doesn't matter what did or did not crash, just know that what you saw was not what you got. And how do you know that? Because when that plane hit that ground without landing gear, it burst into flames. You could see it and yet the pilot walked away with only minor injuries. A pilot was not going to walk away from that mess. It isn't so much that these things are shown would suffice. Why do they make up such stupid tales? And basically, let me tell you why. Because you buy it every time. Every time. They never have to change their tale because I'd like some opinions about this week. I'd like somebody in this room to share with us. Some of you have been down in LA, some of you have been around other places, some of you have just flat-heard things that others haven't. By the way, don't think that Bakersfield was left unscathed. on scape. Well I heard someone tried to buy a gun and all the gun shops were closed. Yes. My son has to go into L.A. all the time to work. He works for Bell Telephone and he called me that first night and said that the company beeped him and told him all to get out of there. Two o'clock, they had to leave town immediately and leave all their service go. And he was in the morning on a street that had a big mess on it in the afternoon. And he got out and he said they made everybody in the whole bell system that were in the And they couldn't go back yet. All the non-AT&T services went down. Yeah. They were at Sprint and all the other ones. They weren't working. AT&T was the only one that worked. He said Bill was having a time too. He said you've never seen such a mess. He said he'd never ever seen such a mess, driving through the streets and the people and what was going on. And the people weren't taking food, they were taking things. TVs and things like that. I thought it was interesting that the, I went to make a credit card phone call and it didn't work. It has always worked. I mean, why would the computers, you know, why would the computers be effective? I just went to make a credit card call to buy a computer. And it said that you had to wait for an operator or something. It didn't function normally. When I was in LA. And when I went to drive out of LA on Thursday, it took approximately an hour to go about three miles just to get onto the freeway. The traffic was so bad. And outside of the area where all the, you know, south, south, east LA, south central, I saw definitely more than the average number of vehicles with shattered windows driving around. It was just like three or four, but usually you'd see one maybe in a month or two. It was just a little strange. From here on Thursday night, you could not get state caps giving you this information, that the mines were busy, and you called it east. Isn't that interesting? This is what I want to hear. is not interesting this is what I want to hear let me also share an experience I live right here at the corner of Woolcott and Hollywood Boulevard and April 30th I'm probably in a glance set for the day but last minute I've been feeling a very terrible vibration of fire right in my place so last minute, about 2 o'clock, I decided to move out of the apartment I called up my driver and my shop who picked me up in a truck and I hurriedly moved out of the apartment after about 2 hours, I've been telling my neighbors in the building to move out or you know, consider consider leading himself on a safety because I'm feeling some kind of terrible I couldn't really explain it I just feel the situation and I had this dream a month ago about these things happening, what I couldn't explain so what I did was last month without even knowing what's going to happen I just followed my instinct my intuition and talked to the landlord to give her the notice of my moving out last minute, April 30th, almost after about 2 o'clock I just, by instinct or by whatever, I got killed I immediately moved out and a few hours after that the building next to my apartment was blown up. It was burning fire. There was heavy rapid fire. And as I was calling my neighbors in the apartment, everybody was in panic. Moving all their stuff from all over the building. So it made me feel good that I was able to get out of there. And let me go to the same question. Why did you execute him? I found it very interesting that these persons are sort of like invisible. Nobody ever actually saw them. And then I heard a comment in a cohort of mine saying that a couple of gang members were caught and they commented that they were paid to do this. Yes. Yes. Is it possible, I was watching the television and I noticed that the fires were a little bit different. That the roofs, when you run into the smoke coming out of the windows, that the roofs were being burnt. I was wondering about the possibility of designating for the earthquake. Could there have been some possibilities that before this was happening, there was plans made by maybe some service people that went to these various companies and planned just something that could be designated? Well, I'm sure there probably were. I don't know if I was far-fetched in my thinking or not, but the way that they were set, it seemed to me, the small companies, I'm not talking about the looming places, but I'm talking about the really industrial places that were entrepreneur-type businesses. if you will, the cocktail type, the gasoline fires. Very frequently those are thrown onto the roof. So that accounts for some of it. Also many of the little shops have a common roof, common attic, and it just goes through that like a tunnel. So there are many things that you have brought into play here. You had Daryl Gates warning all of you. Roma for one is a bit naive. You would think that with all of my math that she would not be. And yet she has to spend her time feeling the same way the rest of you do. You're only going to know when to get out by listening to that warning and responding. You cannot depend on someone blowing a whistle in your ear or shaking you, you're going to have to put things into perspective and you're going to have to listen to your own warning and and act accordingly. But as we sit here, you can see what happened. You've got 17 million people in greater Los Angeles, and all of the international papers, that's what's on their front page, even Gaddafi is making his speeches. And percentage wise, you're untouched. So you have to know that it's political. And yet your country has become a tinderbox, ready to explode like this. This just shows you how far along the plan has progressed. And ones want to believe that if we just pray, it will all Well, I sit and hope that you will pray for wisdom because it's not going to go away. And these are only the beginnings as things begin to fall apart. And therefore you can't wait and wait and wait to make some preparations. On the other hand, you have to use wisdom with that also. Just running helter and skelter for someone else to tend you or be responsible for you is not the way to do it. And it's like once asking me, well what should I do? What should, no, tell me what to do. I'm not going to tell you what to do. That is not my mission. That is yours. And I don't want to sound harsh or hard. I am coming through very bluntly. I don't us. I feel like this is my son. And Randall, would you please acknowledge that? And I know that he sits here and says, well, the old man hasn't changed much, he's still yelling But we've come a long way, a long way. We've all done a lot of work and I'm very pleased to see the work that you've been doing. And I'm glad to see that you brought a friend. ones, sometimes harder than I would like to be, because of the great responsibility that fall on the shoulders of all of you ones. I will have to make some amends with Dr. Coleman. My intent is not to be insulting. My intent is to bring truth. And yet sometimes the truth is painful. And I realize that very often you once have very little recourse but defense. And as a matter of fact, I want to say just like you want to do that, well I don't understand what it is. Well I understand exactly what it is. When you hit the nail on the head and it seems small, you wish you hadn't said it or done it or whatever. And instead of being able to let it go and moving on, you've got to get hung up about it. And it's part of growing. It's part of growing. But you see, I will not apologize to Dr. Coleman for what he perceives he's been damaged by me about. I made a statement that perhaps Coleman is not his name. Well I will guarantee you if you go to the gate and try to get into the place where he lives, if you ask for Coleman, you are not even atmospherians Thank you for the pause. Food stamps come on the last of the month. You pick them up and get your stamps on the first of the month. Well, hot dog. Now look what a big favor they did everybody, this a whole two hours later than usual. And these people hadn't done anything except watch everything in their world be looted and burned up. And so now comes the second and I've got my little wad of money. Where in the world are they going to spend it? They don't have any power with which to cook if they got food and some were so desperate they went to the Red Cross shelter only to find that there were no policemen to accompany the Red Cross vehicle, so there was no food. What are you going to do when it is an earthquake This was a trial run and you're not even out of the weekend yet. They fully planned to pull that San Andreas Fault wide open. They tried it on both ends to trigger it and it didn't go. The ideal thing, they calculated, Mr. Kissinger sat and enjoyed himself while they thought of it, was to pull it down while it was burning And everything was out of control. They tried to get something going sooner in San Francisco, but it takes a while to get things going, to get enough people even interested enough to go out and do anything. But you can always count on evening coming and the booze starts flowing and the drugs start being utilized and then you start talking this up and talking this up and you could see it in the very church where they were supposed to be praying and quietly having a demonstration. They were in building it and building it. This was so even if you didn't participate you could justify it. And this is the most helpless of all the people, all they can do is rise up and burn. They can't do anything else. And I'll bet you everyone in this room was happy to see a Korean get on top of the roof with an Uzi machine gun. I was. That'll give you permission to think that's a pretty good And I'll bet you before it's done, they'll have them up on trial. What do you do? What do you do? I can't answer that. I'll tell you what you in this room do, you stay out of it. You do not have the privilege of picking up your Uzi machine gun and going anywhere with it. They'll get rid of you. They already follow And they're just waiting for you to do something. And there is no one small group that can do anything about it. That's why they had to bring in the police because you see you don't every little community in Los Angeles out they went and stocked up on ammunition and ones in this room have relatives who did it, expecting it to slop over all the way into the bedroom communities of Los Angeles and you see it made it all the way uptown to Hollywood Hollywood and into the business section. They about over did it if they had literally broken in and set fire to that federal building. They tried, but they weren't able to get the So you're in it. You have a dual situation going. I can't have the privilege of just to be racist because it's not. It is just another divide, conquer, man against man, nation against nation. So while you're not paying any attention, you have to understand what else is going on around your nation. I thought it interesting to note that a child had brought a weapon into a school north of Sacramento, had shot about ten people and held fifty some odd children hostage and it didn't even make it to the news. message, something about Ohio. I want you to read it. Remember the movie Red Dawn, that airports, Littletown, USA? Do you have it? Yes. Somewhere in the now 56 journals and 18 volumes of Phoenix Liberator, read Don, because if I remember correctly, he said, it depicted a reality we would someday soon get to know personally. I have to confess I couldn't digest that statement when he first presented it. I simply could not see at that time how such a scenario could ever become a reality in America. America the beautiful, America the land of the free and brave. Well, today, April 27, 1992, it appears the red dawn at long last has arrived. With all my heart I hope I am not right. With all my heart I pray that I am misreading, overreacting, and should just calm down right now and relax. Things surely cannot be as bad as my mind, as my soul, as my spirit say they are. Please refer to the three articles enclosed from the Dayton Daily News of this day. Russians Eye Air Hub in Dayton. That's one. The second one is finance ministers okay aid package for Russia 24 billion plus while California continues to shake. Well, and Mr. Gorbachev is coming to, you know this, to visit Wall Street and your banking concerns. Major world events, every one, all I believe correlated. No, not just correlated, all causally related. Commander Hatton, please help me sort this out. I am in shock. This is exactly precisely what our master teacher said would happen. Am I overreacting? Am I making something out of nothing? I mean what if, just what if, they are going to send Spetsnaz troops to Rechenbach or send KGB, military troops, tanks, etc., to the Dayton hub. I asked several colleagues today, friends, to read the article and they laughed. One said, I care about what happens in Columbus or Dayton with the Russians as much as I care about the Japanese quest for Pebble Beach. Zero. End of conversation. Two days ago I showed one of my best friends at work, screamed at me, you're a neo-Nazi. You are showing me exactly the kind of thing that Goebbels passed around in the 1920s. I was astounded by his reaction. I begged him to read some of the material from Spotlight on Clinton and BCCI. I mentioned that front line on TV that very night had confirmed most of the essentials. Neo-Nazi I says, what are you talking about? We are talking about a man who wants to be President of the United States for heaven's sake, who allegedly has very, very nasty connections. He was not interested in that. He wouldn't even read the headlines. I was stunned. I couldn't even read what he claimed was neo-Nazi literature. My very, very good friend, a man I trust, a man I work with daily, quietly I told him if at any time he wanted to share and discuss any opinion, any facts, any ideas with me, I would be thrilled to do so. But I backed off and left him to find his own peace. The truth, the facts, hard data, produced by years and years of blood, sweat, and the most courageous patriotism I can fathom. Most people simply do not want or cannot hear such things. So be it. The fact is the Russians are setting up shop in Columbus and will soon do so in Dayton. And they are doing exactly what Commander Hatton has been telling us again and again and again they would do. Dr. Coleman, you have said a hundred times, wake up. I've read your new book. I'm re-reading your new book. I absolutely know what you are talking about. Yes, it's unbelievably hard to accept, but President Fujimori's actions and recent events in Peru alone have demonstrated you know exactly who, what, where, when, and how these evil men operate and fly their trade. by the starkness and overt nature of this New World Order's modus operandi. And there it is, and here it is, in Dayton, Ohio. If I could write you a book of my thoughts this day, I will not. I simply beg you, Commander, to help me understand just what is happening here in Dayton, in depth. Please, I'm not asking for a personal response. You both are so busy. I am asking that you share more about these activities in tapes, in monographs, or in any way you choose. And please, please help us all to see and understand more about what is really behind these machinations that now are coming right to our very own front doors. Just who is coming to Dayton? Just what is their purpose? And how many other cities are such occupations underway? Recently, Commander Hatton sent a huge, huge list of tunnels and underground facilities, now fully supplied and operational. Ohio was not well represented on that list. He told us why. Because the Russians were above ground in Ohio and Columbus. And he was right as right as can be. This morning I was told they are coming to Emory's Hub, a stone's throw away from my house in Dayton, and if the Spetsnaz come, based on briefings Commander Hatton gave us about them some months ago, I do not think I'd know one if I saw one. He or she would speak, look and act just like any other American, except they are killers programmed to destroy on command. Right on my front step, that sends shivers up my spine. Enough. Please share whatever and whenever you can with all of us. In the meantime, rest assured I'm totally secure in the knowledge that the Master Teacher attends all. I cherish you both for your bravery and for your willingness to share truth with us. Your student into infinity, Daniel Reynolds, Dayton, Ohio. And they will furnish the rope to do it. They've trained your police officers in Los Angeles, San Francisco. They're testing them. I can't urge one strongly enough to go back and look at Arthur Robinson's book, Survival is Ten Feet, no that may have been ours. Let's see, Fighting Chance, Ten Feet. Well, go read to because it was his. And he struggled and struggled and struggled and I can give you a couple of incidents that can strike home to each of you in its own way. Dr. Robinson village and he said I personally will foot the bill to install a shelter in this town for our children and I believe that he suggested that it be put under the school ground, I could be wrong with that, I'm not going to look it up. But at any rate all that was needed was just a space and the town refused. How would you decide who would get in it? Not we'll build enough for all of them, how would you decide who would be The same thing happened identically with this book when we wrote it. The very ones originally who were going to publish it refused to even consider the book because they said it's evil. How would you decide who gets to be in it? Not, can't we get together and go build something so that we can all survive here? But how will you decide who gets to be in it? I can't help one. I can only offer, but I would suggest that the one from Ashland get in touch with Arthur Robinson. It won't help to come here. We don't have any yet either, do we? They're efforting to make blame sure that nobody has resources enough to have shelters. And they're not going to put them in for you. And if you go knock on Northrop today, they'll shoot you just as sure as the world they won't even let you get to the door to knock. They're sending spacecraft out. and they are on a crash program. My goodness, surely you heard it. While another five buildings are burning in the night, then comes the morning and they start giving you some statistics blah, blah, blah, half a billion dollars, half a billion dollars crashed on Edwards runway four days ago and it didn't even hardly make the news. Half a billion dollars in a piece of junk that couldn't even land, it was like a flyswatter. And you're going to go to space and what are you going to study? Weightlessness. We're going to see if tomatoes will grow in weightlessness. You here with weight and get two dollars a pound. Is there something wrong with this? What are you doing building another prototype of something that wouldn't fly in the first place? You You had to account for half a billion dollars, plus the fact that what you saw was not what happened. That's what really ticks me off. Did a plane crash at Edwards? Oh my God, more than you will ever dream about. Well, this was going to be a better phantom step. Well, if it was good at all, it would be better. But what in the world would you use as trappings to solve the mind, if you will, when one starts flying over? What do you think may be down there? They have to give you something to see when ones bumble over the property. We had a nice round craft with five crew members right out of Yucca Flats and they couldn't budge it. They couldn't get in it, they pulled out five cosmonauts, all nice, tall, lean Pleiadians. All of them appeared to be dead, but two did show life signs. That they couldn't do anything to any them. They'd get electric shock. Well, finally when they figured out what to do about that they transported them. Can you believe this? From Yucca Flats to Edwards Air Force Base A little out of your way since they ended up at Dallas in Las Vegas, 50 miles away from where it was down. Oh, it was an interesting little period of a few days. And of course all of the energy forms were sitting aboard craft tinkering with your military, because they didn't know what to do with these two that weren't dead. And they're still not dead. They have them over at Nellie's. They have them in intensive care, whatever, you know, as you walk in the room, oh I think I'll tweak Joe a little bit. And they give you these things, doesn't matter what did or did not crash, just know that what you saw was not what you got. And how do you know that? Because when that plane hit that ground without a landing gear, it burst into flames. The pilot walked away with only minor injuries. A pilot was not going to walk away from that mess. It isn't so much that these things are shown to you or told to you, it is that the Why do they make up such stupid tales? And basically, let me tell you why. Because you buy it every time. Every time. They never have to change their tale because you buy it every time. Every generation buys it. I'd like some opinions about this week. I'd like somebody in this room to share with us. Some of you have been down in LA, some of you have been around other places, some of you have just flat heard things that others haven't. By the way, don't think that Baker's Field was left unscathed. Well I heard someone tried to buy a gun and all the gun shops were closed. Yes. My son has to go into L.A. all the time to work. He works for Bell Telephone. And he called me that first night and said that the company beeped him and told him all to get out of there. They had to leave town immediately and leave all their service go. And he was in the morning on a street that had a big mess on it in the afternoon. And he got out and he said they made everybody in the whole bell system that were in LA leave. And they couldn't go back yet. All the non-AT&T services went down. Sprint and all the other ones. They weren't working. AT&T was the only one that worked. He said Bill was having a time too. He said you've never seen such a mess. He said he'd never ever seen such a mess. Driving through the streets and the people and what was going on. And the people weren't taking food, they were taking things. TVs and all that. I thought it was interesting that the, I went to make a credit card phone call and it didn't work. It has always worked. I mean, why would the computers, you know, why would the computers be effective? I just went to make a credit card phone call to buy a computer and it said that you had to wait for an operator or something. It didn't function normally when I was in L.A. And when I went to drive out of L.A. on Thursday, it took approximately an hour to go about three miles just to get onto the freeway. The traffic was so bad. And outside of the area where all the, you know, South, South East LA or South Central, I saw definitely more than the average number of vehicles with shattered windows driving around. It was just like three or four, but usually you'd see one maybe in a month or two. And it was just a little strange. From here on Thursday night, you could not, because they kept giving you this information, that the mines were busy, and you called it easy. Isn't that interesting? This is what I want to hear let me also share my experience I live right there at the corner of Woolcott and Hollywood Boulevard and it was thirty probably in a planned set for the day but last minute I've been feeling a very terrible vibration of fire right in that place so last minute about 2 o'clock I decided to move out of the apartment I called up my driver and my shop to pick me up in the truck and I hurriedly move out of the apartment after about 2 hours I've been telling my neighbors in the building to move out or consider uh, giving himself more safety because I'm feeling some kind of terrible, uh, I couldn't really explain it I just feel the situation and, uh, I had this dream a month ago about these things happening, but I couldn't explain so what I did was, last month, without even knowing what's going to happen I just followed my instinct, my intuition, and talked to the landlord that, uh, to give her the notice of my moving out last minute, April 30th, it was almost 2 o'clock I just, by instinct or by whatever, I got killed I immediately moved out and a few hours after that, the building next to my apartment was blown up it was burning fire, there was heavy radiation fire I was blown up. I was burned in fire. I was heavily raised in fire. And as I was calling my neighbors in the apartment, everybody was in panic. Moving all their stuff from all over the building. So it made me feel good that I was able to get out of there and have the same traumatic experience. I found it very interesting that these personas were like invisible. They were actually solving the group. And then I heard a comment from a co-worker of mine saying that a couple of gang members were caught and they commented that they were paid to do this. I was watching on television and I noticed that the fires were a little bit different. That the roofs, when you run into smoke coming out of the windows, that the roofs were being burned. And for some reason, I was listening to you about the possibility of designating for the earthquake. Could there have been some possibilities that before this was happening, there was plans made by maybe some service people that went to these various companies and planted something that could be designated? Well, I'm sure there probably were. I don't know if I was far-fetched in my thinking or not, but the way that they were set up, it seemed to me, the small companies, I'm not talking about the looting places, but I'm talking about the really industrial places that were entrepreneur type businesses. Well, in the drive-by type of bombings, if you will, the caulk tape type, the gasoline fires, very frequently those are thrown onto the roof. So that accounts for some of it. Also many of the little shops have a common roof, common attic, and it just goes through that like a tunnel. So there are many things that you have brought into play here. You had Darryl Gates warning all of you. Roma for one is a bit naive. You would think that with all of my math that she would not be. And yet she has to spend her time feeling the same way the rest of you do. You're only going to know when to get out by listening to that warning and responding. You cannot depend on someone blowing a whistle in your ear or shaking you, you're going to have to put things into perspective But as we sit here, you can see what happened. You've got 17 million people in greater Los Angeles and all of the international papers, that's what's on their front page, even Gaddafi is making his speeches, and percentage wise you're untouched. So you have to know that it's political. And yet your country ready to explode like this. This just shows you how far along the plan has progressed. And ones want to believe that if we just pray it will all go away. Well, I sit and hope that you will pray for wisdom because it's not going to go away. And these are only the beginnings as things begin to fall apart. And therefore you can't wait and wait and wait to make some preparations. On the other hand, you have to use wisdom with that also. Just running helter and skelter for someone else to tend you or be responsible for you is not the way to do it. And it's like once asking me, well what should I do? What should, no, tell me what to do. I'm not going to tell you what to do. That is not my mission. That is yours. And I don't want to sound harsh or hard. I am coming through very bluntly. I don't is my son. And Randall would you please acknowledge that. And I know that he sits here and says well the old man hasn't changed much he's still yelling at everybody. But we've come a long way, a long way. We've all done a lot of work and I'm very pleased to see the work that you've been doing. And I'm glad to see that you've brought a friend. sometimes harder than I would like to be because of the great responsibility that's fallen on the shoulders of all of you ones. I will have to make some amends with Dr. Coleman. My intent is not to be insulting. My intent is to bring truth. And yet sometimes the truth is painful. And I realize that very often you ones have very little recourse but defense. And as a matter of fact, I want to say just like you want to do that, well I don't understand what it is. Well I understand exactly what it is. When you hit the nail on the head and it seems small, you wish you hadn't said it or done it or whatever. And instead of being able to let it go and moving on you've got to get hung up about it. And it's part of growing. It's part of growing. But you see, I will not apologize to Dr. Coleman for what he perceives he's been damaged by me about. I made a statement that perhaps Coleman is not his name. Well I will guarantee you if you go to the gate and try to get into the place where he lives, if you ask for Coleman you will not get him. So what are we talking about? I'm trying to to keep you alive. You are human beings, you are not even atmospherians yet, you are not even ampharians yet. Thank you.