May 5, 1992. Thank you, Commander. Well see, you have a situation right here, right now, and let's just visit as brothers here a minute. Well, you ladies can be sisters. Don't ever look at anything for what it appears to be, no matter what it is, always ponder it a little bit. This is where you are going to have the upper journey, the upper leg, if you will, on anything. If you can see and generalize and relate and when you have used your last alternative, you have to know something. You have not. There is always another choice, another alternative. You just haven't discovered it yet. We can look at the survival storehouse and it might seem well, it never did great gone whole business. No, and that wasn't what it was for. But if this town shut down today, everybody in this room would be able to eat beans for a little while. Does everybody hear me? You can't just look at it for its value. It required just this one little incident. It required that one's find out what is necessary, what is desirable to have, how to handle it, about how many you can feed on this, that or the other. What are the condiments that make it bearable? What will you use for sweetener that can be nutritious? In each experience, you can only measure it by what you learn from it. And I know that Dorman and Overly are sick of learning, but I said this would have to go to the Supreme Court and I meant it. What you don't have out of this situation is time. That's the annoyance. Not the property. Because, let's face it, we have been able to do quite a lot of work for five years. Five years. And look where you are. Already one recourse with this one incident could, on Monday, take it to the Supreme Court of California. But that's not what to do with it. Because the Supreme Court then would have to overrule in like an hour four judges. And already what has happened was the three judges were ready to overrule Judge Davis and they called him and he said, look I am resigning and this is not a fair deal, but it's going to catch up everybody in the system in it. And they do have another recourse. They say they don't, but they do. They can post a bond and it can be held with the court. And they latched on to it like the duck on the Junebug. bug. Yes, they can do that. That lets us all off the hook for the afternoon. And for a simple little $250,000 which not one of them would be able to touch in ten years. Just whip it on over here to the court and then you can go on appeal to get this thing reheard. And so four years later, they're not even where they were when they went to court the first time in Mojave. Randall, you'll be happy to hear this. They have made an absolute round and $250,000 later back to the same spot on the superior bench to hear it. You have no justice system. You have to take these elements going on in your society to see why some of the politicians who sound pretty good won't make a dent. The ones that could make a dent probably will not get the opportunity because I don't think Congress is that stupid. You can see what's happening in Peru. The man is doing it right. Grimes would do it right. He would can 16,000 people like that. He would close your judicial system because your judges on the Supreme Court bench make law and theirs is not to make law. Theirs is to interpret constitutional law. And this judge that ruled against these ones sat right on the bench. You see, they are trying to get active a Dinch-Doom doctrine which will allow any mortgage company and immediately evict them without hearing. or you had money or any kind of power, a judge could be bought off like that. Oh sure. I've seen them for two hours with the jury on verdict. The judge cited the jury on verdict. The whole, the entire jury was set on because he was bought off. Well, I'm sure that there would be... The defendant was at the penthouse. I'm sure that there would be. Oh, this is the pattern. This is not the exception. Obviously, that's why you're having riots. This is the pattern. Right. And it's been a pattern for a long time. Any of you who have teenage kids have experienced the un... Well, I won't get into it. You're right. This is the pattern in the nation. Since the late 15th of April. But back to the Dinch Doom Doctrine. It's important. This judge said, I'm talking about, which I can't imagine why anybody would, this is what they depend on your not knowing. It cuts out all of your legal recourse. It doesn't have anything really to do with the case that that was the case. It causes the place to go into fault, get the owners out, get the possessors out, and then the court denies hearing. Denies hearing. And that is the reason that we could not allow just putting up money to the RTC because the RTC then would be removed from the case. And this is exactly what they wanted. If you can't do it that way, then do it this other way through this ditch, doom case that has absolutely no application in this instance. But if this judge makes a ruling, there are at least probably 1,200 cases waiting for his decision so they can jump on it because now it is precedent law. And henceforth every attorney coming into the courtroom would be able to use it as a point of law. This man said, I am making And it, this is your system. And it is a system. It's just pretty sick. And you have to experience it. Unless you know what's going on, you can't do anything about it. And yet each of you has to understand something. For these ones, my mission is to bring the word. Not to grow potatoes, but the second part of my mission is to get a remnant through. That means that we're going to have to grow something. Because I don't need the potatoes, but you may. I don't think you're going to make it to the point where you don't need something in time. Please. Can we spend more time on the developments there during this situation when the presidential election is getting close, that is the 7th. Are there developments which need special mention or important significant events which will, which the people should know? Like what? You see. Arrangements. you see you might be talking to me but in this room you've got to talk to everybody ok, this is for the benefit of the 60 million Filipinos I have to ask for an apology from this audience if I would take a few minutes of your time. I just have a feeling that the tension is mounting at this time. That if there needs to be some kind of communication on certain developments that they should need to be aware of, I would request for the commander to extend the pocket of his scanner maybe to that part of the East did you work by? Well you see you're only one of maybe five who even who know about this kind of an arrangement. In fact Norma went home from the meeting the other day and said what was that all about? Because you see, of what you might know, there are others in this room who know other things about the Philippines. George knows quite a bit about the Philippines and the procedures and the gold and the political structure, Norman Overly have at least two people that none of you are aware of that are right at shipping out some of that gold until if you were sitting talking about it you would swear up and down it's the same person and it is not. There There are thousands of tons of gold in the Philippines. Now there are some things that are suitable to be spoken about, others that I wouldn't even answer directly, because ones of you must understand that you will be given, just like you're given the information that right now is the time to get out of this apartment, you will know what to do. And I would not give enemies the break of even discussing it. And there are many ones in it simply to get the gold, because if you've got the gold, you run the world. It's the golden rule. He who's got the gold rules. Well, I don't give that kind of help. So we're going to talk about the Philippines for just a minute and then I think it will make sense to you who happens to know of ones who have that kind of a contact. And I would suggest that you speak with ones if you can find out who they are, who might know somebody else who has some contacts also. Now you have some very interesting contacts in through and to the Marcos family, am I right? Well, Imelda is not to wed. They have really just about harassed her into capitulating to anything. They allowed her to go home finally because the point was they wanted enough political pressure brought to bear to be able to maintain bases in the Philippines. This is your elite government. Now, when things began to not go too well, she got restless and, well, could I bring Ferdinand home to bury him? So that was on for a while and then the Aquino government got into it. But you see, the one with the political clout now is probably the one who is going to get elected and not Marcos because this is the one that's got the elite behind him and he's attached to Aquino. And nobody cares, really, whether or not that place becomes communist or not. You see, you've got a lot of gold floating around. I have a particular interest in that place because one of the most massive underground cities that there is, is in the Philippines, offshore. It is inhabited, it is inhabited by atmospherians, right out of Pleiades. off the edge and go diving and run right into them. It's a little bit unnerving to run into very ten feet tall beings walking around the bottom of the sea trying to make contact with you. Now we have a lot of these stashed up in Mount Shasta for a while, but we had to empty that base because atmospheric or not the facilities, when a mountain blows, it really wrecks havoc. So when we need it for our projects. And it's hard to get the word to the proper people who are set in charge of this, because everybody thinks you're nuts. And the ones who know are trying so hard to be sure that they don't hear anybody with the proof. Not you and not Aton. And yet you've got to use this in a very physical world, in a very physical way, in a physically reasonable manner. Or they will simply confiscate it as you bring it out. Well, your government is getting ready to announce intruders and aliens. I think they're advertising a movie now even to come out on your television or somewhere about the middle of your month. Well, please everybody watch because they're getting ready to give you a big song and dance and this should be able to tell you something else. They at least plan to leave you around until the 17th or at least have you stuck with it Because you see, that becomes then the answer for getting rid of places like Phoenix and New York, lay it off to these intruders. Meanwhile, back in the middle of the ocean, in the Philippines, is the old continent of Lemuria coming up again. Stop the game. Now I have ones asking me all the time, well how could Atlantis, in fact there are some questions on the list for today. How could you say that there is an 8 mile deep crater off Crete somewhere and that was old Atlantis and yet they are uncovering Atlantis on this little island and I thought that Atlantis was in the Atlantic and that means it has to be near the Devil's Triangle and so forth until even my own head swims. That is if everything were exactly like you see it on your map today. The fact that all of Australia was originally moved and really And one would say, well, but the outback area should have. Well, but that had the aborigines on it, didn't it? Your original people, original human, and they don't have any dream time anymore, they're just sitting there giggling, waiting, literally, for the green ants to and Lemuria to rise again. They just don't get uptight about it like you ones do. And you're going to have to look at this in the overall perspective of, so what if you don't get any gold? You're going to have to trust God to a few things. But there's massive amounts of treasure that will be readjusting and coming up in that place. The Philippines are destined as a unit to rise and within the confines of those caves this city and into what I will call your treasure house. Well, do you have to wait until old Lemuria rises to get these atmospherians above ground or get the things to you? No, but some long enough to make contact. And as you pass through and into these tunnels, this is pretty terrifying because you become atmospheric too. Otherwise you cannot stand the frequencies frequencies in the place. Well, let's see who in this room is godly enough to be able to do that? Any one of you. I think the most frequently asked question that I get is how do we get our frequencies increased and how do we become like people and how do we do You do it by knowing that it is. Just like David Copperfield can fly, you know you can go in the cave. Well, you're not going to get very far into that cave on just your word And what you really are asking me is to give you explicit instructions, set up the way so that they know you're coming and make that contact for you. And I will not do it because there are ears everywhere. That is mouth to soul, mouth to your inner ear. And if you are not hearing my instructions, then maybe it is not time. If your intention is well intended. You're also going to find confirmations. These will be silent confirmations because I'm not going to tell you who or anything about it other than incidents. You will be having ones into this place doing all sorts of rather strange things. Or maybe not so strange. A lot are simply going to know how to utilize the system like the system uses it to get some of the work done and some of the building done. And you're going to have these ones most unlikely sources, for goodness sakes. Places like British intelligence in the CIA, who were better to get them? They're trained. And who better would know that we speak the that it's this area. Because a lot of them have information that will blow anything I've told you so far right up into a molehill out of the mountain. I told you about Edwards. Here's a base much, much bigger than these over here, over near China Lake. You have aliens, you have spacecraft, and you have submarines under San Bernardino. Now I'm not going to get anybody in trouble with anyone else on the surface of this planet by giving information. I don't want Dorma to have it anywhere in her head. She's got enough problems. Without the other half of Kissinger's CIA over here speaking with her, she already still remains never lower than second on the list of silence her from Henry Kissinger and George Bush. And yet I think it's reasonable to all of you that if they really wanted to take her out physically, they certainly can get anybody near enough to her to do it. And they have and they have. Let that be your confirmation, not your terror. I have not held your hand through this mission, and I promised that I would. All of you want details. Terrified to get it, basically wishing it would go ahead and just roll off the coast or burn up all of LA or whatever would be required to get it done? You have all the time you need to get whatever will be done, done. What else do you have And Orma says, Oh my God, is this it? Well, what else would you do? Watch your television and quiver, waiting for them to come? I said it in a bit of humor, but if all you have worry about these piddling little things, then I suggest you're not busy enough. You have to look at the overall picture. There's some questions in there I would like for you to scan overly because I can't remember exactly what they were, but they were on this period period of a thousand years, etc. and the one who has asked that question, I know has not really listened to me. And I believe that maybe Randall was present when I told you this the first time, that you are already through the first thousand year period. You see all of you keep waiting for something. And while you are waiting, you are trying You're trying to pay off your karma, and I keep being impatient while I wait for you to grow up. You're in the greatest evolution of a planet, of any time, any place, anywhere. And yet we must remember always the great contradiction. It is a play, it is an illusion, and it has happened, and you are just acting. May the 5th, 1992. Thank you, Commander. Well, see, you have a situation right here, right now, and let's just visit as brothers here a minute. Well, you ladies can be sisters. Don't ever look at anything for what it appears to be, no matter what it is, always ponder it a little bit. This is where you're going to have the upper journey, the upper leg, if you will, on anything. If you can see and generalize and relate, and when you have used your last alternative, you have to know something. You have not. There is always another choice, another alternative. You just haven't discovered it yet. We can look at the survival storehouse and it might say well it never did great gun hole business. No, that wasn't what it was for. But if this town shut down today, everybody in this room would be able to eat beans for a little while. Does everybody hear me? You can't just look at something in dollars and cents and say it's a success or failure. You have to look at it for its value. It required just this one little incident. It required that one's find out what is necessary, what is desirable to have, how to handle it, about how many you can feed on this, that or the other, what are the condiments that make it bearable, what will you use for sweetener that can be nutritious. In each experience you can only measure it by what you learn from it. And I know that Dorman and Oberle are sick of learning, but I said What you don't have out of this situation is time. That's the annoyance. Not the property. Because let's face it, we have been able to do quite a lot of work for five years. Five Five years and look where you are. Already one recourse with this one incident could on Monday take it to the Supreme Court of California. But that's not what to do with in like an hour for judges. And already what has happened was the three judges were ready to overrule Judge Davis and they called him and he said, look I am resigning and this is not a fair deal but it's going to catch up everybody in the system in it. And they do have another recourse. They say they don't, but they do. They can post a bond and it can be held with the court. And they latched on to it like the duck on the June bug. Yes, they can do that. for the afternoon. And for a simple little $250,000 which not one of them would be able to touch in 10 years. Just whip it on over here to the court and then you can go on appeal to get this thing reheard. And so four years later they're not even where they were when they went to court the first time in Mojave. Randall, you'll be happy to hear this. They have made an absolute round and $250,000 later back to the same spot on the circle. And if we wait long enough, Judge Brandt will undoubtedly be on the superior bench to hear it. I've never heard it. You have no justice system. You have to take these elements going on in your society to see where you are in this evolving process. And it allows you to see why some of the politicians won't make a dent. The ones that could make a dent probably will not get the opportunity because I don't think Congress is that stupid. You see what's happening in Peru. The man is doing it right. Grimes would do it right. He would can 16,000 people like that. He would close your judicial system because your judges on the Supreme Court bench make law and theirs is not to make law, theirs is to interpret constitutional law. And this judge that ruled against these ones sat right on the bench. You see, they are trying to get active a Dinch Doom Doctrine which will allow any mortgage company to foreclose for any reason on any homeowner and immediately evict them without hearing. Amanda? Please. This is not the only case in the court system. Back in 67 and the 70s in Washington D.C. it happens regularly. If you were in position or if you knew somebody in position or if you had money or any kind of power, a judge could be bought off like that. Oh yes. Two hours with the jury on verdict. The judge cited the jury on verdict.