|0.00|> This is probably the very best question that you're going to get the whole rest of this<|12.74|><|12.74|> day, maybe the rest of your life.<|17.60|><|17.60|> What happens when you come into the time of light?<|20.76|><|20.76|> And you ask about your vibrations and your frequency and will you lighten, so to speak. You better believe it. And a lot of you who expect some great big horror through the null time are only going to experience really jubilation. Because as you pass on into the lighter frequency of the light corridor, if you will, you're going to find a stripping away of the evil shrouds like nothing you ever could imagine. You see, when you don't have the darkness to go and hide in, it's harder to keep the secrets and ones will automatically increase in frequency. If your intent already is toward our goal, you are already there. You will be able to handle that just fine. And as you pass on through that into the light, people will be awakening. Morning's here, the day is here, and it's going to be easier for ones to see. For one thing, they will have had the experience through which they passed, which is their confirmation, and then they will begin to listen. And as you might perceive, as you begin to listen and learn and know, you don't have to give up six billion people. Those that make it through and are willing to come into enlightenment, there are plenty of other places to place you. All sorts of places. But you have to want that. And what man wants right now is everything that he thinks he has on this globe in this form forever. That's the lie. You're only concerned about this passage because you're scared to death of what's going to happen to the physical form. That's all we're talking about in here right now. When if you are prepared, what difference does it make? It's got to be better on the other side regardless of what's out there for you, if in fact your intent is correct. So go look at your intent and judge how worried you are by what you better be beginning to think and act. Did we have some questions hanging over? I know that we did. And maybe we should do our correspondents the honor to handle one or two of those. Because we could be here, you know, all day with these same kinds of questions. Each one's excellent. I have a very short question. Is it working? Well I can hear you. Alright. Is it absolutely necessary to have goggles or would heavy sunglasses provide the same protection? No. No. Any kind of colored glass would help, but no, not for this kind of light. You will have retina burn anyway. But it's recoverable. We're talking about igniting that belt. And you see, you even have a beam, a laser that is used in weapons. Remember in the Gulf War? It was told to you and I repeated it to you. It was written. It was not something I conjured. You have a weapon that shined into the eyes of the oncoming military or a pilot, and this is why you have plane crashes. There is a moment, an impulse, a beam that blinds. And it is a military weapon used. And this kind of a weapon is so severely intense that you've got to have either full covering over your face or the very darkest glasses. Anything short of that helps. But don't just depend on a good pair of glasses to get you through the initial blast until you can get your others. But that kind of a burn and you see it's going to be like all around you, which makes it a little bit easier than if it were concentrated and focused at your eyes, as in an oncoming army. But you need more, you will need more protection than just sunglasses, if you're going to be out in it. You're going to find though, that if you cover your eyes with a dark object, you're still going to be able to see through it. So you're not, it may sound like you're going to be totally helpless. You're totally helpless if you're totally blind, and that's what they're counting on. Can you imagine the havoc on this planet with everybody blind? It's not pleasant. And we don't want that to happen. We're doing everything that we can to dissuade that from happening Because it is a horrendous way to depopulate a planet, I'll tell you. But you will be able to, for instance, if you put something, and for a child, get something over its head, right fast. Right fast. But you will be able to see enough through the garment. Is that right? E.J. Question number one. After we pass the 120 hours into the belt, is that when you will pick us up, or will it be still at a later date? Hopefully a lot later date. What about our adult children and families who are living out of town? If they make it through the belt, where will they be? Still on earth, shan, or lifted off with the remnant? Well, we're talking about two different things here I can see. There is a null time, the 110, 120 hours in question one. Number two, they won't be anywhere. They'll be right where they were, depending on how well they made it through the null time. You're moving into a time of what we So everybody should be a little better off. When you pick up the remnant, will you also pick up all of God's children of goodly intent at that time, or where will they be? Well I'm not going to cross that bridge. It's not your problem. This comes from a young one, age 14. The harmonics of 1694443, does that apply to the human frequency? If fear lowers the human frequency, what raises it? as bringing oneself into alignment with the laws of God in creation, of love, praise, gratitude, positive emotions, fasting, do any or all of these things have anything to do with raising the human frequency? So my question is, how do we raise the human frequency range without vacillating from higher frequency to lower? lower. Anyone with a goal toward God is automatically raising frequency all of the time. Your frequency is very high when you come into communion with God or any of the higher teachers. That is automatic with your progression in the path. Physical things, such as fasting, can be physically helpful. It can be good discipline for the mind, but it does nothing to the frequency. You are depending on something physical to affect something energy. And we're talking about oranges and peanuts. So, I can only urge you that if it makes you emotionally feel more stable to do some of these things, then by all means do them. But as far as reaching God, I'm telling you right now, it doesn't matter what you eat, or how much you eat, or if you don't eat. So you're physically clean there. You can go play with whatever you want to. And if it makes you feel physically better and better disciplined to do something, then by all means do it. But don't think that if you do something physical, it's going to bring you close to God. That can only be done through the soul. Now what was the first part of the question? I think you've answered it. If fear lowers the human frequency, what raises it? All right. Next question. I want to tell you once in this room. This family is the most remarkable family that should be an example to all of you. This is one of maybe six children in a family, so that would make what, eight? These people pulled their children from school and they teach them. And this 14-year-old girl and a 16-year-old boy, I believe, I could have it backwards, continued to write to me, Please, sir, don't give up on us. You are speaking to the youth and we're hearing you. Please don't stop. Please don't give up. And then the appreciation shown by these young people to their parents for having allowed them to be learning at home where they can learn truth is something that every parent would weep to hear a child say. Because usually children only bitch and complain and want more and more and more. And these children give honor and they give appreciation. And very frequently when I hear from the parents, everyone right down through the baby will sign their name. And now I'm going to give a little more credit. Their name is Enz, E-N-Z. That is an unusual name, isn't it, for a free white American male? Therefore, I think you can tell from the probable heritage that these ones are interested in their family, and their God, and their country, and I want it all. And I honor these ones. By the way, the letters are perfect. The writing is beautiful. The spelling is perfect, the grammar is perfect, and the subject matter more mature than nine-tenths of the ones in this room. Next question is from a different source. In my studies on Saint Germain, one of the most interesting allegations is in reference to Saint Germain's incarnation as Sir Francis Bacon and also the founder of the first lodge of the free and accepted or speculative Masons, Freemasonry. Is this the same Saint Jermaine that writes with you? I don't know. The Saint Jermaine I know knocks Freemasonry so. If he was, which is fine, then I would suppose it doesn't matter what he was. It's what he is. Next question. Haton, if you are fourth density, should I assume that is not a density of perfection and you can be an error and have opinions that may not reflect truth, wholly or partial, or do you claim that everything that comes through dharma is absolute and complete Fourth dimension is nothing other than a little bit higher than you. And we can't even consider my fourth dimensional experience because I am an etheric being having been brought into that setting or this setting and you're setting your association from an etheric structure. This is the way that most of the advanced societies of Pleiades functions. come, they are etheric, with the ability to be atmospheric or humanoid, as the case may be physical. Corporal. In my role as commander, I am very subject to error, especially in speech. Dorma is a being. She's gotten very, very good, or nice might be a better word, at allowing my participation with you ones in this mode of transmission. attempt at choosing words, I might err. I sometimes err in the part of trusting your understanding more than I should have. I am asked questions continually. This room today is a good example. I don't like to have to make the speech every time. You may ask me anything. I have to be honest with you. Some things I may not answer. Some things I won't answer. Other things I don't care enough about to look up to answer. Some things are personal and they may not be answered in a group. And if you come into my frequency and that was the other question, the frequency. So hold that. I want to come back to it. I can't help it. I can be available and I will always respond anytime that you call my name. Just as will Esau, Emmanuel, the one, call him Jesus, call him God, remember, call me Ray, call me Bob, call me George, call me anything you want. I know when you are calling me, because once again it is not a physical label, it is an energy exchange. And I can reach out to you in that same energy, but if you cannot receive it and hear it. I cannot make you hear it. I can do tricks on you and when I really want your attention I can keep your car from crashing head on into another car. But I would ordinarily not even do that if I didn't recognize that the consequences could be both positive and we needed no more negativity. I don't butt in. I don't butt in. Now we're going to talk about my frequency and what is this frequency of 16 9 4 3 3 3. That is when etheric beings or etheric things in dispersion, a spacecraft, let us use that as an example. The reason that a spacecraft is invisible or it can pass through things is because it is experiencing at a frequency above that frequency because 1694333, 1694443 is the frequency of visibility. That is when in your atmospheric conditions a spacecraft will materialize. I think that answers it. Relative to our frequency of one six nine four four three. Can we humans here get the frequency like. If we have to communicate with you, how can we go through that kind of frequency so we can reach you and say, go into some kind of astral travel in our meditation? Well, you do. You already do that. But you're talking about two different things. that higher frequency being that is attached to whatever this thing is has not only reached that frequency but higher and it has removed itself from that physicalness and that's why you travel that's what astral travel is you When I say you, I mean you. And that is this wondrous, super-conscious mind of yours. Your beingness, your eternal being, your soul is what travels. You want to talk basically about ascension and it's a lot harder even to levitate, you've got to reach certain frequency before you're light enough to lift yourself. You have to have a force or you have to disintegrate or de-particulate, de-atomize or separate the atoms enough to form a lightness, a vapor if you will, that is less dense than is earth because that's what gravity is. You've got a wrong perception of gravity. The apple fell to earth because it was seeking its own density. As you become gaseous, if you will, this is strictly physics. You will rise and you will remain as you travel upward in the compression of wherever you are. And if you become even lighter in a higher frequency, until you finally become light, you are just dispersed. So it's all based on frequency. And ones who literally have studied and can practice, in fact, what they called magic, true magic of the old Tibetan teachers can do that. But astral travel is where your soul is traveling at a frequency or experiencing in a frequency much higher than that and that's why you can't see your soul. That's why you have such trouble is you are invisible and you're stuck with what you see in a physical form and that's all you can seem to relate to it is all you can relate to in your consciousness which is the thinking part of this environment. Your subconscious mind will work strictly by rote whatever you have taught it whether it's a lie or the truth, it will function according to what it believes. And you train it. And in it come all the lessons nearing this experience plus this experience. soul and that is perception. And so you're stuck with trying to meddle something that is unmeldable. You can experience in all of these and you can even unify it. But they're not the same thing. And your soul is already at a higher frequency and therefore it's very easy for it to separate and when it goes it can also take the consciousness with it so that you can train yourself or you will get good enough that your consciousness can travel at that same speed and that's what you're looking for and the last thing that comes along is the physical form but if you can perfect these other transitions, the physical form becomes less and less a problem because you're also into knowing and you know you don't need it. You don't really particularly want it, but if you're going to utilize it again, you may want to take it. And therefore, to do so, you will bring it up to frequency. And that's what they talk about when they talk about ascending. However, you better know where you're going to go. I mean, to ascend three feet off this earth is not going to do anything except impress your audience. So you have to have a goal, and that's what's lacking. Ones go into this thinking, I'm going to learn to do this and I'm just going to ascend and I don't know where they're going and If it's just to a cloud that's not enough and if you're going to bathe in somebody's blood I don't care who it is if I'm going to weigh you down Because it is locking you in to a physical perception You need freedom To reach that vibration and you need to know Not think you need to know, not think. You need to know you can do it. The difference in you and me is that I know I can do it. Dorma's going to stay right here because she is convinced for sure she cannot. What does it take to know? You have to understand and know. You just have to know. You will know when you know. You won't be asking me, you will be, you say, hey I know. I hear your question and it's not unreasonable, it's just that you will know. It's just like everybody's going to know when we get there, and when the Master shows up, everybody's going to know. Commander, I only have time just to read this question before we need to turn the tape. All right. Can you describe the safeguards in regards to the previous question that had to do with the truth and error in the fourth dimension. And would it be accurate to say that Aton speaks through Haton, then Dorma, when the writings have his name on them? Or does Aton speak directly through Dorma? Or is this an instance that Haton's personality consciousness is set aside and Haton's Aton aspect comes forth and are we all capable of this happening in our experience. Now let's pause and I'll turn the tape. This is probably the very best question that you're going to get the whole rest of this day, maybe the rest of your life. What happens when you come into the time of light? And you ask about your vibrations and your frequency and will you lighten, so to speak. You better believe it. And a lot of you who expect some great big horror through the null time are only going to experience really jubilation. because as you pass on into the lighter frequency of the light corridor, if you will, you're going to find a stripping away of the evil shrouds like nothing you ever could imagine. You see, when you don't have the darkness to go and hide in, it's harder to keep the secrets and ones will automatically increase in frequency. If your intent already is toward our goal, you are already there. You will be awakening. Morning's here, the day is here, and it's going to be easier for ones to see. For one thing, they will have had the experience through which they passed, which is their confirmation, and then they will begin to listen. And as you might perceive, as you begin to listen and learn and know, you don't have to give up six billion people, those that make it through and are willing to come into enlightenment. There are plenty of other places to place you, all sorts of places, but you have to want that. And what man wants right now is everything that he thinks he has on this globe in this form forever. That's the lie. You're only concerned about this passage because you're scared to death of what's going to happen to the physical form. That's all we're talking about in here right now. When if you are prepared, what difference does it make? You've got to be better on the other side, regardless of what's out there for you, if in fact your intent is correct. So go look at your intent and judge how worried you are by what you better be beginning to think and act. Did we have some questions hanging over? I know that we did. And maybe we should do our correspondents the honor to handle one or two of those. Because we could be here, you know, all day with these same kinds of questions. Each one's excellent. I have a very short question. Is it working? Well I can hear you. Is it absolutely necessary to have goggles or would heavy sunglasses provide the same protection? No. Any kind of colored glass would help. But no, not for this kind of light. You will have retina burn, even with the darkest of the goggles, I'm afraid. If you're exposed to it very long or directly, you may very well have retina burn anyway. But it's recoverable. We're talking about igniting that belt. And you see, you even have a beam, a laser that is used in weapons. Remember in the Gulf War? It was told to you and I repeated it to you. It was written. It was not something I conjured. You have a weapon that shined into the eyes of the oncoming military or a pilot and this is why you have plane crashes. There is a moment, an impulse, a beam that blinds. And it is a military weapon used. And this kind of a weapon is so severely intense that you've got to have either full covering over your face or the very darkest glasses. Anything short of that helps. But don't just depend on a good pair of glasses to get you through. It might get you through the initial blast until you can get your others. But that kind of a burn, and you see, it's going to be like all around you, which makes it a little bit easier than if it were concentrated and focused at your eyes, as in an oncoming army. But you need more, you will need more protection than just sunglasses if you're going to be out in it. You're going to find though that if you cover your eyes with a dark object, you're still going to be able to see through it. So you're not, it may sound like you're going to be totally helpless. You're totally helpless if you're totally blind, and that's what they're counting on. Can you imagine the havoc on this planet with everybody blind? It's not pleasant. And we don't want that to happen. We're doing everything that we can to dissuade that from happening because it is a horrendous way to depopulate a planet, I'll tell you. But you will be able to, for instance, if you put something and for a child get something over its head right fast, right fast, but you will be able to see enough through the garment. Is that right? E.J. Question number one. After we pass the 120 hours into the belt, is that when you will pick us up, or will it be still at a later date? Hopefully a lot later date. What about our adult children and families who are living out of town? If they make it through the belt, where will they be? Still on earth, shan, or lifted off with the remnant? Well, we're talking about two different things here I can see. There is a null time, the 110, 120 hours in question one. Number two, they won't be anywhere. They'll be right where they were, depending on how well they made it through the null time. You're moving into a time of what we call light, So everybody should be a little better off. When you pick up the remnant, will you also pick up all of God's children of goodly intent at that time, or where will they be? Well I'm not going to cross that bridge. It's not your problem. This comes from a young one, age 14. The harmonics of 1694443, does that apply to the human frequency? If fear lowers the human frequency, what raises it? Does bringing oneself into alignment with the laws of God in creation, of love, praise, gratitude, positive emotions, fasting, do any or all of these things have anything to do with raising the human frequency? So my question is, how do we raise the human frequency range without vacillating from higher frequency to lower. Anyone with a goal toward God is automatically raising frequency all of the time. Your frequency is very high when you come into communion with God or any of the higher teachers. That is automatic with your progression in the path. Physical things such as fasting can be physically helpful. It can be good discipline for the mind, but it does nothing to the frequency. You are depending on something physical to affect something energy. And we're talking about oranges and peanuts. So I can only urge you that if it makes you emotionally feel more stable to do some of these things, then by all means do them. But as far as reaching God, I'm telling you right now, it doesn't matter what you eat or how much you eat or if you don't eat. So you're physically clean there. You can go play with whatever you want to. And if it makes you feel physically better and better disciplined to do something, then by all means do it. But don't think that if you do something physical, it's going to bring you close to God. That can only be done through the soul. Now, what was the first part of the question? I think you've answered it. If fear lowers the human frequency, what raises it? All right. Next question. I want to tell you once in this room. This family is the most remarkable family that should be an example to all of you. This is one of maybe six children in a family, so that would make what, eight? These people pulled their children from school and they teach them. And this 14-year-old girl and a 16-year-old boy, I believe, I could have it backwards, continued to write to me, Please, sir, don't give up on us. You are speaking to the youth and we're hearing you. Please don't stop. Please don't give up. And then the appreciation shown by these young people to their parents for having allowed them to be learning at home where they can learn truth is something that every parent would weep to hear a child say. Because usually children only bitch and complain and want more and more and more. And these children give honor and they give appreciation. And very frequently when I hear from the parents, everyone right down through the baby will sign their name. And now I'm going to give a little more credit. Their name is Enz, E-N-Z. That is an unusual name, isn't it? For a free white American male. Therefore, I think you can tell from the probable heritage that these ones are interested in their family, and their God, and their country, and I want it all. And I honor these ones. By the way, the letters are perfect. And the subject matter more mature than nine-tenths of the ones in this room. Next question is from a different source. In my studies on Saint Germain, one of the most interesting allegations is in reference to Saint Germain's incarnation as Sir Francis Bacon and also the founder of the first lodge of the free and accepted or speculative Masons, Freemasonry. Is this the same St. Germain that writes with you? I don't know. The St. Germain I know knocks Freemasonry so. If he was, which is fine, then I would suppose it doesn't matter what he was. It's what he is. Next question. Haton, if you are fourth density, should I assume that is not a density of perfection, and you can be an error, and have opinions that may not reflect truth, wholly or partially, or do you claim that everything that comes through dharma Fourth dimension is nothing other than a little bit higher than you. And we can't even consider my fourth dimensional experience because I am an etheric being having been brought into that setting or this setting and your setting, your association from an etheric structure. This is the way that most of the advanced societies of Pleiades functions. teachers come, they are etheric, with the ability to be atmospheric or humanoid, as the case may be physical. Corporal. In my role as commander, I am very subject to error, especially in speech. Dorma is a being. She's gotten very, very good, or nice might be a better word, at allowing my participation with you ones in this mode of transmission. attempt at choosing words, I might err. I sometimes err in the part of trusting your understanding more than I should have. I'm asked questions continually. This room today is a good example. I don't like to have to be honest with you. Some things I may not answer. Some things I won't answer. Other things I don't care enough about to look up to answer. Some things are personal and they may not be answered in a group. And I cannot come into my frequency, and that was the other question, the frequency. So hold that. I want to come back to it. I can't help it. I can be available and I will always respond anytime that you call my name. Just as will Esau, Emmanuel, the one, call him Jesus, call him God, remember, call me Ray, call me Bob, call me George, call me anything you want. I know when you are calling me because once again it is not a physical label, it is an energy exchange. And I can reach out to you in that same energy, but if you cannot receive it and hear it. I cannot make you hear it. I can do tricks on you and when I really want your attention I can keep your car from crashing head on into another car. But I would ordinarily not even do that if I didn't recognize that the consequences could be both positive and we needed no more negativity. I don't butt in. I don't butt in. Now we're going to talk about my frequency and what is this frequency of That is when etheric beings or etheric things in dispersion, a spacecraft, let us use that as an example. The reason that a spacecraft is invisible or it can pass through things is because it is experiencing at a frequency above that number, somewhere above that frequency, because 1694333, 1694443 is the frequency of visibility. That is when in your atmospheric conditions a spacecraft will materialize. I think that answers it. question relative to our frequency of one six nine four four three can we humans here get the frequency like if we invoke invoke invoke when your frequency If we have to communicate with you, how can we go through that kind of frequency so we can reach you and say go into some kind of astral travel in our meditation? Well, you do. You already do that. But you're talking about two different things. That higher frequency being that is attached to whatever this thing is has not only reached that frequency but higher and it has removed itself from that physicalness and that's why you travel. That's what astral travel is. You When I say you, I mean you. And that is this wondrous, super-conscious mind of yours. Your beingness, your eternal being, your soul, is what travels. You want to talk basically about ascension, and it's a lot harder even to levitate, you've got to reach certain frequency before you're light enough to lift yourself. You have to have a force or you have to disintegrate or departiculate, deatomize or separate the atoms enough to form a lightness, a vapor if you will, that is less dense than is earth, because that's what gravity is. You've got a wrong perception of gravity. The apple fell to earth because it was seeking its own density. As you become gaseous, if you will, this is strictly physics. You will rise, and you will remain as you travel upward in the compression of wherever you are. And if you become even lighter in a higher frequency, until you finally become light, you are just dispersed. So it's all based on frequency. And ones who literally have studied and can practice, in fact, what they called magic true magic of the old Tibetan teachers? Can do that? But astral travel is where your soul is Traveling at a frequency or experiencing in a frequency much higher than that and that's why you can't see your soul That's why you have such trouble is you are invisible and you're stuck with what you see in a physical form and that's all you can seem to relate to. It is all you can relate to in your consciousness, which is the thinking part of this environment. Your subconscious mind will work strictly by rote, whatever you have taught it. it, whether it's a lie or the truth, it will function according to what it believes. And you train it. And in it come all the lessons nearing this experience plus this experience. that is soul and that is perception. And so you're stuck with trying to meddle something that is un-meldable. You can experience in all of these and you can even unify it. But they're not the same thing. And your soul is already at a higher frequency and therefore it's very easy for it to separate and when it goes it can also take the consciousness with it so that you can train yourself or you will get good enough that your consciousness can travel at that same speed and that's what you're looking for and the last thing that comes along is the physical form. But if you can perfect these other transitions, the physical form becomes less and less a problem because you're also into knowing, and you know you don't need it. You don't really particularly want it. But if you're going to utilize it again, you may want to take it. And therefore, to do so, you will bring it up to frequency. And that's what they talk about when they talk about ascending. However, you better know where you're going to go. I mean, to ascend three feet off this earth is not going to do anything except impress your audience. So you have to have a goal. And that's what's lacking. thinking I'm going to learn to do this and I'm just going to ascend and I don't know where they're going. And if it's just to a cloud, that's not enough. And if you're going to bathe in somebody's blood, I don't care who it is. It's only going to weigh you down because it is locking you in to a physical perception. You need to know you can do it. The difference in you and me is that I know I can do it. Dorma's going to stay right here because she is convinced for sure she cannot. You have to understand and know. You just have to know. You will know when you know. You won't be asking me. You will be saying, hey, I know. I hear your question, and it's not unreasonable. It's just that you will know. It's just like everybody's going to know. Commander, I only have time just to read this question before we need to turn the tape. All right. Can you describe the safeguards in regards to previous questions that had to do with the truth and error in the fourth dimension. And would it be accurate to say that Aton speaks through Haton, then Dorma, when the writings have his name on them? Or does Aton speak directly through Dorma? Or is this an instance that Haton's personality consciousness is set aside and Haton's Aton aspect comes forth and are we all capable of this happening in our experience. Now let's pause and I'll turn the tape.