|0.00|> Very good. Let's have that question from Suzy.<|7.00|><|7.00|> She says, did you fix the $28.10 phone bill?<|17.00|><|17.00|> I certainly don't want that questioned.<|20.00|><|20.00|> But go ahead and read the rest of it. It's worthy of reading in this room. Just don't look God's gifts in the face. Don't count the horse's teeth, you know. If you get the horse, keep it. Was I really receiving your eminence with laughter when I first saw that absurdly small bill and instantly felt we had done this work? God wouldn't do it but hat on might. Laughter Your wife is calling. Well that's one for D'Alene. I apologize. This is a sad one. Have we lost our children completely? They are killing and molesting and torturing each other. Is it TV, inoculations, or what? They've become literally non-manufactured robotoids. They have no goals. There's no way to punish a child who has no goals. There's nothing that they want to do. The elite have done this to you. The only babysitter, the only thing that these ones have is to sit in front of a television and see violence. violence and they have no goals, nothing to entertain them really, a little Nintendo every now and then, or it becomes the driving force. You know that you want excitement. What is in their life? What kind of goals do you give them? What kind of goals does the society give them? If you can make money and have the things that society obviously wants, and you can do it by peddling drugs, aren't you going to do it? Or are you going to go down and have your entire family go on to the welfare if you cannot eat and feed your family on minimum wage? Have you lost the society? Yes. You've lost the last three generations. You are lost. This adult society sitting in this very room hasn't the vaguest notion of how to rear your own children. Is that your fault? No. Well, I don't want certainly to blame your parents. Well, then who do you blame? If you have become adult, you accept the responsibility of what is, and know that the ones who came before you only could do what they knew to do. Remember three generations and it is over. And you are now into your fourth. You're Jesse Jackson said it of the black youth. They're three generations past. It's done. Can it be undone? It could be. Will it be? It doesn't look promising. Can you reclaim the youth? By and large, no. What else do you offer them? If there are speakers such as me, most people don't want to expose their children because I terrify them. Forget it. I get on well with the children. Most of them knew that they had a purpose. And most of them end up despising you for keeping it from them. It's sad time in evolution. Here is an interesting question. Many times I have read from you that a place has been prepared for us by Sonanda and that our actual physical departure to this place will only come in case of sole endangerment by nuclear radiation. And I am sure others would like to go to this place, even if Bogreitz becomes president, the Committee of 300 and their Global 2000 plan is totally diffused, and living on this planet becomes contentful. My question, therefore, is, is it possible to go to this place under different circumstances besides the 15-minute evacuation scenario, whereas the purpose of going to the place would be to fulfill one's natural curiosity, whether it be for the scientific and cultural experience, or like how it is with a child looking forward to his or her first plane ride to visit Disney World. Well, this one has a humorous part, too. How do you know that this wasn't the place he went to prepare a place for you, you have to remember again, thought, projection, illusion, etc. So let's leave the facts and the truth over there. Let's not clutter up our conversation with facts. Let's take assumption. This being says, I go to prepare a place for you. That means you've got a place regardless. And it means that in any given experience as you travel on whether you realize it or not you make that decision in your own readiness to make change. One's asked continually what about the society or how is it that on Pleiades on some of those Pleiadian planets they live to a thousand years or years, or 2000, or 500, or whatever you want to gauge it. Well, for one thing, they, like you will have access to, have the ability to re-nourish cell growth, cell replacement, to handle mutated cells. So illness and age do not become the deciding factor. The decision to move on is at the end of progression so that you are ready to make a different experience. You either have arrived at a high enough status of knowingness to move on or you're weary of the experience you are having and simply decide that I've had enough and you will make your transition. So it becomes much more of a conscious, well thought out plan of change. Is that enough? Number two, I anticipate that your answer to this question may be something like this, quote, no, because if this was allowed, one would be breaking his commitment to serve as one of the ground crew for the hosts by leaving earth. If this is your response, I would like to ask, could not one visit the place for a day and come back to this post on earth? How about a night? With full remembrance of his visit to the place and perhaps physical proof of its existence to share it with others so that they can visit the place themselves under the conditions set forth by the ones who take you there. Well, I've tried to help you once along this way. I can't help it if you can't remember. the old saying about those things you do that cause you to lose your memory. You better be careful what you do. You better start remembering. You better start bringing some of those wondrous things back with you now. It's time for you to begin to remember. And that's what happens when you move into that lighted period of time. It just peels away and the memories flood back and you can recall and experience those experiences. So I warn you, don't try to hang into your doom and gloom. You're going to the moon and this time is going to stay. Threat? I hear about the military payload they carried the first time and was forced to unload it before their entry. A stern warning was given and this warning should again be printed. Tell the people of the intentions of the elite with regards to the moon and Mars missions? I think he just did I don't think we need to go into it there's a there's a solid substantial understanding. Can soul essence be repaired healed in case of nuclear explosion? Yes, but sometimes it takes a long, long time. And if it is too dispersed, it's very, very difficult to reassemble just from the DNA. It's just not a good thing to have happen. See, it doesn't matter if you're through with your journey. I know that doesn't make sense, but if you're immediately dispersed and you're one with God again, it doesn't matter. If soul essence is completely destroyed, is there still something left of the entity, spirit perhaps? Just what I just said. Otherwise it is as if God simply uncreated. There will be nothing left of that energy form to progress. It just ceases to be. Some of the teachings of the Far East teach that we have seven bodies, each one a finer substance as we progress higher. Is this true? I have no idea. You have infinite body, infinite expression. I can't restrict it to seven. I assume that they have some reason to do so, but that's limiting, and that's limiting creation, it's limiting God. You have all infinite, infinite expression. Please explain the different bodies that we have, or explain astral, etheric, soul, essence, spirit, etc. I think I've already covered it, so let's move on. You have said that the wondrous Moroni and other prophets had been misused and abused, that they needed a scribe on earth through which they could bring their truth. Can you or will you give us an update on this? Well, I don't think there is an update to give. These are very valid energies making contact with ones who have made commitments. It is as with earth journey, ones have a right to take that gift and head in any direction with it. And depending on the stability or the instability of the being in point is what comes as a result. I have no privilege, no right to make comment about any of these energy forms, angelic or otherwise. There is a very high teacher in the angelic realms known as Moroni. of reasonableness in this room at this moment tell you which originally came to the receiver. What went right, what went wrong, it's all perception. To those who believe that everything went right, so it went right. To me that is the wrong direction. But ultimately, right stands into infinity, and you can only tell from looking back. And you can't even look back because the one Joseph Smith and Brigham Young and the ones who carried on the religion, carried on the religion in the form of Freemasonry and secret ritual. That's why you can't get into the temple. If you tithe, then you're allowed in the temple. Somehow that is your guide. There are many other things, and I have put it into such simplistic terms that I should be embarrassed, but I don't want to be here the rest of the night. in the book, in the Colosseum Emmanuel, he speaks of a new prophet who will come from the North. Who is this? Well, we're just going to not answer that. This will evolve, and you will know. You indicated that Atlantis was where there is an eight-mile deep hole off the Isle of Crete. I thought that Atlantis was in the Atlantic Ocean somewhere and that is how the ocean got its name. That's right. It was. Topography changed and the Mediterranean is not where it was. And don't think that Atlantis is just where that hole is or was. Atlantis was a very big continent. You are talking about continents. And when you have those kinds of topography changes, you would not be able to recognize it, because continents separate. And in massive, great upheavals, they sometimes separate all the way across the globe. except the fact that you're not thinking big enough. What was the name of the continent that went down in the Atlantic near Bermuda, where a diver named Brown found a pyramid and retrieved a most interesting crystal ball? Part of Atlantis. Was this the old Red Land that the Prince of Boton escaped from and later landed on the east coast of America and held a Thanksgiving day? I don't. I have no idea. I don't know. Where does National City Bank of Cleveland fit into the restructure of the U.S. banking industry? I am asking because I am currently employed at Bank Ohio National Bank of Columbus, Ohio, one of the National City Bank of Cleland Banks. Well, it may or may not survive. It will certainly, if it has not already been absorbed into what will eventually be simply Bank America. You've got the elite system and you're probably as well off as anywhere else. Does Bank One Corporation of Columbus, Ohio, its former name was City National Bank of Columbus, does Bank One interconnect with National City Corporation of Cleveland? Well, I don't know they all interconnect. We went through this with that you'll hear on the tape. Nevada has a plan whereby they want to start a state bank and would this work was my my the question to me and of course you're simplifying something down into sound bytes of 30 seconds. My answer has to be, as long as you come under federal regulations and have any association whatsoever with the Federal Reserve, which all banks do, and all even state chartered banks have to come under the federal bank regulations. other than tokens which are created and utilized only within the state as created, then you are in the system and you are part of the network. So I cannot separate the banks for you. No way. I can't even separate out the Japanese banks all of the regulatory system is so massive that all come under one jurisdiction. A state bank, as they have hoped for in Nevada, could be a good interim processing place. But when executive order closes the banks by emergency regulations, it doesn't matter. And I can't break down all the branches and all the little side corporations that they have set up for protection for various and sundry reasons. You'll find that Chase Manhattan Bank and well Chase was the worst. They sucked in all the Saudi Arabia oil money and put it into holding companies which they knew, I mean, was ready. There was no restriction. They just set up a bunch of holding companies, and when it came time to call in the loans, and to get the loans paid, the Saudis had to ask for their money. They were not taking interest. Well, all Chase had to do was say, Oops, sorry, that branch, that holding company collapsed. And under the law, Chase was protected. The Saudis were out. And this is why your world is at this point of explosion right now. And that's a very good one to talk about. Well, maybe some of you in here know where I talked about the banks and the gray men. Very, very good explanation of that in detail. I think maybe it was in SpaceGate. By the way, America West has done a new catalog. It's exceptionally good for reference There's so many journals now that it's very hard to pinpoint and indexes are being done. I would like herein to say That first six journals have been indexed and I hope that George is doing something about it Susie has done them Patrick and Susie have worked it out and they're waiting to hear from somebody here which one they should do next. And yet I think that George maybe has made arrangements to have somebody else do it. I mean this is where communication will just stall you out. It isn't going to help to have indexes of from three to five sources for the first six journals and nothing for the rest. So that's just comment. But that catalog now breaks. It's categorized a little bit so that it's easier for you to look at and and go for answers. It just came this week, so it would be available. We only have three more questions and they should be Well, let's hurry. We must be almost to the end of the tape. Yes, please comment on the face and pyramids on Mars Totally unrelated to anything you are talking about something that shows From how far somebody tell me how far Mars is from here Long way. How big do you think that face is? Well, you're talking about something that the perception is that it's something as small as would sit here on this table. It doesn't mean anything. I'm sorry. It doesn't mean anything. Please comment on the crop circles. What is their meaning or message, and by who and what are they caused? Some of them are caused by pranksters, people trying to utilize other people for whatever means or gain they might have. Some of them are absolutely messages from your brothers out in space that you never seem to hear. I can't really comment on them more than that. If there are specific messages, then I would be out of order to comment. And if they're not, they're not worthy of our attention. Please comment on the Philadelphia experiment. Did it take place as described by Al Bielek and are experiments still in progress and progressed into ability. Bielek was remembering things, so basically what he is remembering was pretty much the way it happened. There were many experiments going on at the time. Remember, it started out as an atomic testing kind of experiment. And in the unfolding of the work, these other characteristics began to take place of time and space disposition. So, yes, there is validity to the remembering. Whether all of it is correct or not, some of it of course is not. Just as anything can be pulled up from the memory, if it is placed inside the memory, I could do that to anyone in the room. I could give you the memories that I would ask you to repeat to me. is only valid to the point of validity. Isn't that remarkable? I was a profound. We must be ready to change the tape. But you must take with a grain of salt, regressions. You're going to produce what it is you would like to produce. Now that is not always the case. So I don't want you to blanket say it's all no good. But as practiced on ones who were picked up and think themselves abducted etc. they will be remembering what it is those guides want them to tell. And most of the abductions are plain old physical abductions and programming by whoever abducted them and To my knowledge None of them were extraterrestrials So I I hate to burst bubbles, but that's all BS There are some experiences and there are some encounters Those are by contract those are with permission, and I don't care what they say when they get back, they were not abducted. Yes. lightness. Are we going to then be able to increase interaction with our space brothers? Oh yes. Will that start immediately? Depends on how good you are. But we just want to be able to see them because we're blind. Touche, but sometimes the blind see far more than the seeing. We don't have to get past the biggest hang-up you have. Good day. Go in peace. Salu. Very good. Let's have that question from Susie. I certainly don't want that question. But go ahead and read the rest of it. It's worthy of reading in this room. Just don't look God's gifts in the face. Don't count the horse's teeth, you know. If you get the horse, keep it. God wouldn't do it but Hatton might. for Darlene. I apologize. This is a sad one. Have we lost our children completely? They are killing and molesting and torturing each other. Is it TV, inoculations, or what? They've become literally non-manufactured robotoids. They have no goals. There's no way to punish a child who has no goals. There's nothing that they want to do. The elite have done this to you. The only babysitter, the only thing that these ones have is to sit in front of a television and see violence. And they have no goals, nothing to entertain them really, a little Nintendo every now and then, or it becomes the driving force. You know that you want excitement. What is in their life? What kind of goals do you give them? What kind of goals does the society give them? If you can make money and have the things that society obviously wants, and you can do it by peddling drugs, aren't you going to do it? Or are you going to go down and have your entire family go on to the welfare if you cannot eat and feed your family on minimum wage? Have you lost the society? Yes. You've lost the last three generations. You are lost. This adult society sitting in this very room hasn't the vaguest notion of how to rear your own children. Is that your fault? No. Well, I don't want certainly to blame your parents. Well, then who do you blame? If you have become adult, you accept the responsibility of what is, and know that the ones who came before you only could do what they knew to do. Remember three generations and it is over. And you are now into your fourth. Your Jesse Jackson said it of the black youth, their three generations passed. It's done. Can it be undone? It could be. Will it be? It doesn't look promising. Can you reclaim the youth? By and large, no. What else do you offer them? If there are speakers such as me, most people don't want to expose their children because I terrify them. Forget it. I get on well with the children. Most of them knew that they had a purpose and most of them end up despising you For keeping it from them It's sad time in evolution Here is an interesting question. Many times I have read from you that a place has been prepared for us by Sonanda and that our actual physical departure to this place will only come in case of sole endangerment by nuclear radiation. And I am sure others would like to go to this place, even if Bogreitz becomes president, the Committee of 300 and their Global 2000 plan is totally diffused, and living on this planet becomes contentful. My question, therefore, is, is it possible to go to this place under different circumstances besides the 15-minute evacuation scenario, whereas the purpose of going to the place would be to fulfill one's natural curiosity, whether it be for the scientific and cultural experience, or like how it is with a child looking forward to his or her first plane ride to visit Disney World. Well, this one has a humorous part, too. How do you know that this wasn't the place he went to prepare a place for you, you have to remember again, thought, projection, illusion, etc. So let's leave the facts and the truth over there. Let's not clutter up our conversation with facts. Let's take assumption. This being says, I go to prepare a place for you. That means you've got a place regardless. And it means that in any given experience as you travel on, whether you realize it or not, you make that decision in your own readiness to make change. One's asked continually, what about the society, or how is it that on Pleiades, on some of those Pleiadian planets, to a thousand years or two thousand or five hundred or whatever you want to gauge it. Well for one thing they, like you will have access to, have the ability to re-nourish cell growth, cell replacement, to handle mutated cells. So illness and age do not become the deciding factor. The decision to move on is at the end of progression so that you are ready to make a different experience. You either have arrived at a high enough status of knowingness to move on or you are weary of the experience you are having and simply decide that I've had enough and you will make your transition. So it becomes much more of a conscious, well thought out plan of change. Is that enough? Okay, number two. I anticipate that your answer to this question may be something like this quote No, because if this was allowed one would be breaking his commitment to serve as one of the ground crew for the hosts by leaving earth If this is your response I would like to ask could not one visit the place for a day and come back to this post on earth How about a night? With full remembrance of his visit to the place and perhaps physical proof of its existence to share it with others so that they can visit the place themselves under the conditions set forth by the ones who take you there. I've tried to help you once along this way. I can't help it if you can't remember. You know the old saying About those things you do that cause you to lose your memory You better be careful what you do You better start remembering you better start bringing some of those wondrous things back with you now It's time for you to begin to remember and that's what happens when you move into that lighted period of time It just peels away and the memories flood back and you can recall and experience those experiences. So I warn you, don't try to hang into your doom and gloom. You're going to the moon and this time is going to stay. Threat? I hear about the military payload they carried the first time and was forced to unload it before their entry. A stern warning was given and this warning should again be printed. Tell the people of the intentions of the elite with regards to the moon and Mars missions? I think he just did I don't think we need to go into it there's a there's a solid substantial understanding. healed in case of nuclear explosion Yes, but sometimes it takes a long long time, and if it is too dispersed It's very very difficult to reassemble just from the DNA It's just not a good thing to have happen See, it doesn't matter if you're through with your journey. I know that doesn't make sense, but if you're immediately dispersed and you're one with God again, it doesn't matter. If soul essence is completely destroyed, is there still something left of the entity, spirit perhaps? Just what I just said. Otherwise it is as if God simply uncreated. There will be nothing left of that energy form to progress. It just ceases to be. Some of the teachings of the Far East teach that we have seven bodies, each one a finer substance as we progress higher. Is this true? I have no idea. You have infinite body, infinite expression. I can't restrict it to seven. I assume that they have some reason to do so, but that's limiting, and that's limiting creation, and that's limiting God. You have all infinite, infinite expression. You may have to turn up the microphone. Please explain the different bodies that we have or explain astral, etheric, soul, essence, spirit, etc. I think I've already covered it, so let's move on. You have said that the wondrous Moroni and other prophets had been misused and abused, that they needed a scribe on earth through which they could bring their truth. Can you or will you give us an update on this?" Well, I don't think there's an update to give. These are very valid energies making contact with ones who have made commitments. And it is, as with earth journey, ones have a right to take that gift and head in any direction with it. And depending on the stability or the instability of the being in point is what comes as a result. I have no privilege, no right to make comment about any of these energy forms, angelic or otherwise. There is a very high teacher in the angelic realms known as Moroni. Any kind of reasonableness in this room at this moment tell you which originally came to the receiver. What went right, what went wrong, it's all perception. To those who believe that everything went right, so it went right. To me, that is the wrong direction. But ultimately, right stands into infinity, and you can only tell from looking back. And you can't even look back because the one Joseph Smith and Brigham Young and the ones who carried on the religion, carried on the religion in the form of Freemasonry and secret ritual. That's why you can't get into the temple. If you tithe, then you're allowed in the temple. Somehow that is your guide. There are many other things, and I have put it into such simplistic terms that I should be embarrassed, but I don't want to be here the rest of the night. You will know. You indicated that Atlantis was where there is an eight mile deep hole off the Isle of Crete. I thought that Atlantis was in the Atlantic Ocean somewhere and that is how the ocean got its name. That's right. It was. And don't think that Atlantis is just where that hole is or was. Atlantis was a very big continent. And when you have those kinds of topography changes, you would not be able to recognize it, because continents separate. And in massive, great, great upheavals, they sometimes separate all the way across the globe. So you're just going to have to accept the fact that you're not thinking big enough. What was the name of the continent that went down in the Atlantic near Bermuda where a diver named Brown found a pyramid and retrieved a most interesting crystal ball? Part of Atlantis. Was this the old Red Land that the Prince of Botan escaped from and later landed on the east coast of America and held a Thanksgiving Day? I have no idea. I don't know. Where does National City Bank of Cleveland fit into the restructure of the U.S. banking industry? I am asking because I am currently employed at Bank Ohio National Bank of Columbus, Ohio, one of the National City Bank of Cleveland banks? Well, it may or may not survive. It will certainly, if it has not already been absorbed into what will eventually be simply Bank America. You've got the elite system and you're probably as well off as anywhere else. Does Bank One Corporation of Columbus, Ohio, its former name was City National Bank of Columbus, does Bank One interconnect with National City Corporation of Cleveland? Well, I don't know. They all interconnect. We went through this with, that you'll hear on the tape. Nevada has a plan whereby they want to start a state bank. And would this work was my, the question to me. And of course you're simplifying something down into sound bytes of 30 seconds? My answer has to be, as long as you come under federal regulations and have any association whatsoever with the Federal Reserve, which all banks do, and all even state chartered banks have to come under the federal bank regulations. funds other than tokens which are created and utilized only within the state as created, then you are in the system and you are part of the network. So I cannot separate the banks for you. No way. I can't even separate out the Japanese banks because all of the regulatory system is so massive that all come under one jurisdiction. A state bank, as they have hoped for in Nevada, could be a good interim processing place. But when executive order closes the banks by emergency regulations, it doesn't matter. And I can't break down all the branches and all the little side corporations that they have set up for protection for various and sundry reasons. You'll find that Chase Manhattan Bank and well Chase was the worst. They sucked in all the Saudi Arabia oil money and put it into holding companies which they knew, I mean, was ready. There was no restriction. They just set up a bunch of holding companies, and when it came time to call in the loans and to get the loans paid, the Saudis had to ask for their money. They were not taking interest. Well, all Chase had to do was say, oops, sorry. sorry, that branch, that holding company collapsed. And under the law, Chase was protected, the Saudis were out. And this is why your world is at this point of explosion right now. And that's a very good one to talk about. I wish we had a, well, maybe some of you in here know where I talked about the banks and the gray men. Very, very good explanation of that in detail. I think maybe it was in SpaceGate. America West has done a new catalog. It's exceptionally good for reference. There's so many journals now that it's very hard to pinpoint and indexes are being done. I would like herein to say that the first six journals have been indexed and I hope that George is doing something about it. Susie has done them. Patrick and Susie have worked it out. And they're waiting to hear from somebody here which one they should do next. And yet I think that George maybe has made arrangements to have somebody else do it. I mean, this is where communication will just stall you out. It isn't going to help to have indexes from three to five sources for the first six journals and nothing for the rest. So that's just comment, but that catalog now breaks, it's categorized a little bit, so that it's easier for you to look at and go for answers. It just came this week, so it would be available. We only have three more questions, and they should be well let's hurry we must be almost to the end of the tape yes please comment on the face and pyramids on Mars totally unrelated to anything you are talking about something that shows from how far is from here. Long way. How big do you think that face is? Well, you're talking about something that the perception is that it's something as small as would sit here on this table. It doesn't mean anything. I'm sorry, it doesn't mean Anything. Please comment on the crop circles. What is their meaning or message and by who and what are they caused? Some of them are caused by pranksters, people trying to utilize other people for whatever means or gain they might have. Some of them are absolutely messages from your brothers out in space that you never seem to hear. I can't really comment on them more than that. If there are specific messages, then I would be out of order to comment. And if they're not, they're not worthy of our attention. Please comment on the Philadelphia experiment. Did it take place as described by Al Bielek, and are experiments still in progress and progressed into ability. Bilek was remembering things, so basically what he is remembering was pretty much the way it happened. There were many experiments going on at the time. Remember, it started out as an atomic testing kind of experiment. And in the unfolding of the work, these other characteristics began to take place of time and space disposition. to the remembering. Whether all of it is correct or not, some of it of course is not. Just as anything can be pulled up from the memory, if it is placed inside the memory, I could do that to anyone in the room. I could give you the memories that I would ask you to repeat to me. So memory is only valid to the point of validity. Isn't that remarkable? I was a profound. We must be ready to change the tape. But you must take with a grain of salt regressions. You're going to produce what it is you would like to produce. Now that is not always the case, so I don't want you to blanket say it's all no good. But as practiced on ones who were picked up and think themselves abducted, etc., they will be remembering what it is those guides want them to tell. old physical abductions and programming by whoever abducted them. And to my knowledge, none of them were extraterrestrials. So I hate to burst bubbles, but that's all BS. There are some experiences and there are some encounters. Those are by contract, those are with permission, and I don't care what they say when they get back. They were not abducted. Yes. As we move into the photon belt and onto the two thousand years of lightness. Are we going to then be able to increase interaction with our space brothers? Oh yes. Will that start immediately? Depends on how good you are. Touche, but sometimes the blind see far more than the seeing. We don't have to get past the biggest hang-up you have. Good day. Go in peace. Salu. Thank you.