Then they began to make it clear to us what it is. And I picked up the receivers after we were here, which was only like 88. You got a pen in your neck? No. Yeah? Do I have one? No. No? No, it's no pain. What is it? What do you got there? I have a crystal. There? Yeah. Oh, because it hurts here with me. Well, that's the wrong ear. No, it's not. This is Esu's frequency. I get, well, if I pick up a pain in my body, it's always like looking in the mirror. It's always like this. The left side for me, it would be right side for you, left side, right side for me, it would be left side for you. You know what I mean? Well, then why are you here? Why don't you just write the journals and do away with it? No, but I pick it up. I pick pains up. When I heal also, when I put my hands on somebody, I pick up the pain first. Well, you're not picking up pain. I don't have any pain. You are picking up frequency. Oh, I see. And you speak enough languages. I don't know. You see, he doesn't... I don't hear voices, I don't hear language, I don't actually feel thought, I hear pulses, I literally hear a tone that I feel like if anybody just listened in my ear or wherever they would hear it and I think probably everybody does You don't, it's either out of the frequency range or I can't go farther than that. I don't know what it is. But I do know that it is a very distinct tone that other people can tune into. Not only other people but on a shortwave band. But the complaint comes and you see people really have trouble with that and they wanted me to be Jay Z, Night and Everybody, you know this medium that you're talking about, or this channel, or this psychic. And what I know is what I'm shown or told. I don't think in any terms I could be considered psychic. It's probably a good idea, but they're just about used to... Well, I guess that... The one that was in here, I don't know. You have to lift it. Lift it out of the door. But it makes it, no one can creep in. Like no one can get in. But it's a good thing for me, once in a while, to be able to discuss this because this was the most confusing thing to me, that I could sit down and know all this stuff. And then as it evolved and through and I want to tell you this was a hard training period of clearing space and making sure who I had quote on the line because anybody can use it anybody who gets on that frequency. How did you get together? You knew each other? No when it got to be time to make that contact we sat down we wrote the book called, and they called his name Emanuel, commander and I. Who? Well, The crew? No. Okay. Yisou and the ones that participated in the living of that were waiting to bring that update here. Well, I don't know, at some point along the trail, George 84, 48, I don't know, somewhere back there, George had a copy of that script that had been translated from a Greek, I think, a Catholic Greek and somehow Billy Meyer had ended up with it. And had I written Space Gate, I can't remember, I'd written Sipapu, but that was back in 86 and I hadn't realized that that was gifted. You know they're too long a story to waste on that right now but E.J. had talked to Desiree because somebody had, well we know who, but had given us or loaned us a copy of Contact with Pleiades, that big picture book, the first volume. And E.J. was really taken with it. I was him. I was really just kind of... It was okay, but he really felt that that needed to be followed up on. And we were working with somebody in the movie industry called Jerry Popper and he said, oh well gosh, you know, I was doing a documentary on Tesla down in New Mexico or somewhere and Cooper, Gordon Cooper, the astronaut had seen flying craft and had recognized these on his space journeys so he had several of these first editions and he had given Jerry that copy and that's why I never have gotten it back someone literally took it from my house and it was a loan volume I just liberated but the long and the short is EJ followed up on that and finally ended up with Wendell Stevens daughter Stephen's daughter who in turn said Desiree. And so they had a kind of a going relationship on the telephone for a long time I think before we ever talked to George. And then the two of you got married about the time that we moved out here. And so I hadn't met them at all. Well we had never met them. Do you remember we called one time when we were in L.A. to meet you and you were going to Little Cronk's church that day. Okay, I mean it's just that there was just no... All kinds of weird things. Like you said, there was no... There was no connection. No connection. Well, there was no connection between you and me and between him. We're sitting here anyway. Right, but you know, these are the things that have to be considered as no coincidence. So. Had you had these thoughts before you met George? What thoughts? Of whatever it is that's going on. Before I met George? I met George in 1981. She didn't have any thoughts before that. Before I met George I was really young. I mean I was open because I wasn't raised religiously. So I was open to new ideas and things like that. But I wasn't pursuing anything that I grew up with at that time. I was kind of just living life. We were enjoying the life of luxury. Traveling. Well, we worked. I mean, we started the mail order company that we were doing when we went down. OK, I'm not trying to be personal, I'm just... Well, they had been to Switzerland and around, and of course we hadn't experienced any of that. So after I wrote Space Gate, it was going to be published over in Sedona, Arizona, and then boy, that was just a dynamite. I mean we could see that that was set. And so we all have to be patient E.J. I'm going to get impatient pretty soon. Well I can see that you already have. I'd like you to stay on me so we can get on with the meeting. Yeah. Well I thought that was part of the question, was how did I do this? Well, that's a polite question and hopefully you can answer it in 15 seconds and go on to the next one. Well, I couldn't. It took me 32. We met George as a publisher. The commander said, get in touch with George Green. By now we had dictated the book and they called his name Emmanuel. When did you get in contact with the commander for the first time? About the 10th of September of 1987. That's not about, that's very exact. So, and did you know immediately, he identified himself immediately? Oh yeah. And can you talk to him any time you want or does he ring a bell and say hey I'm coming? Both ways I think, yeah. So you have a very good relationship? Oh yeah, in fact he's just ringing, he's more impatient than he james. Okay. When he can't get very much chance. Let's call him. Five hours at a what? Let's call him. When he's here, she's not. He's here. No, she's not. Oh, okay. She's not a participant. He has to utilize her facilities. So she kind of concentrates like going into trance? Yeah. Well, it's not like that. Just turn it on. Today is the 13th of May, 1992. Yorgo's present and I welcome you. Don't be too concerned. I don't turn her off. I turn her in. What would you like to petition me about? Just come into some comfort that I'm who I say I am. And I would assume that George has told you who I am. We had a pretty busy schedule. You have a busy time going on which keeps me totally preoccupied. You have a satellite filled to overflow with anthrax that they keep tinkering with and they're going to boost it into a high orbit and you are right on the threshold of disaster, which takes a great deal of my time. So I would like to share with you, I was summoned, so I haven't been attending whatever this might be about. So George, maybe you can inform me. Commander Peter would like to have some questions answered. We discussed a little earlier, he is an author and writer for journals in Europe and we have a journalist as such and he wants to, he's leaving on Friday back there, and he wants to try to introduce this material in some manner all over the European community. And I was discussing the opportunity that there's a possibility that he could talk to you. If he had any specific questions, I thought I answered most of the information we had, but he did want to come into comfort that it was not just my illusion that was created. Well, I want to precede this in a conversation to do with business. I will always maintain total control of journals and the paper as far as content. I don't get into business arrangements. That's why ones with capable hands are chosen. part of yesterday and this morning, attending ones who are distributors, but I'm not sure why. And the most incredibly cruel letter was pinned, second-hand information, against George and Desiree, and I take exception to that. I cannot and bear with me because this is very fresh and very painful. One's come into the place and went back to the eastern part and into a place called America East where they are distributing all sorts of material and in some instances I feel in a rather carnival attitude, that we are not religious. So let's mark that right off the bat. We are godly. We abide by the laws of God. And we are here as the host. And it's very practical, it isn't mystical, totally physical. Not only in its concept, but in its operation. Just as you are human beings, we are higher beings, but we are here to interact with you because you are a part of our solar system. Now that gets far-fetched and hard to absorb if you haven't had the information and I can't give it to you in 30 seconds or less or 15 as over here would prefer me to do. I cannot tell people what to do. Well I could but I won't. I'm not here maintain control of what goes forth. If, in fact, it is stated as my input, I always insist that ones in furthering information say I perceive and my interpretation is or in my opinion this is what he meant because I'm perfectly capable of giving you what I mean. me and if it deviates whatever is going out there deviates from this path according to the guidelines of universal law is not for me and this is what I had to tell the ones in this letter today. We have all sorts of stories coming back you see from the one who wanted actually to go to Las Vegas at the expense of another and this one is inquiring whether or not he should put up this money when in fact he said that George had lied to him this was going to be a quote new age meeting. Well the one that George is going to is not new age. I wouldn't care if nothing ever went into the new age movement from us. But truth will go everywhere. And very little of it is scattered around through the new age groups or the UFO groups or the churches or religion or history. So there's a mammoth job here. And when one leaves this place and go back and say that the little group here is laughable, I find that highly entertaining myself and quite annoying after I get through chuckling. Number one, there is no group. There are several ones, everything to do a job and ultimately as with any other business, a business you are utilizing each other's business and as a matter of fact we have kept a great distance when these ones would flourish in a closer friendship tie. Just so there won't be any basis for this word going out that there is a cult here. Now I understand that when you see a flying disc above somebody's dwelling, one gets a little nervous. And the neighbors begin to talk. Well, I cannot control what the neighbors say, and the discs and the black helicopters and things are right out of Northrop. Facilities right over the mountain here. There is a massive network that goes almost to the midway of California from the coast, all hooked by tunnels and actually as far as San Bernardino there are submarines. There is a massive, massive base in the China Lake area. There's a 40 level facility under the Northrop facilities out here. And they're continually launching all sorts of disks and craft out of those holes. So we have a dual problem. Once perceive things and then assume things. Fed by the ignorance of ones who don't know what they're talking about. But these stories that have been dumped back on America East are totally erroneous. And George and Desiree do not know what I have responded to this, but they will by evening. The word went back, for instance, that they live in a wonderful condominium and have bodyguards, etc. and waste the money that might be coming in from the partner. Well that's laughable. That is totally laughable. The only guards they have are the ones that I stationed there. And they have poured their blood, sweat, and tears into their job and into their work so that the word can go out. And I will not tolerate that kind of barrage against them. Not that I will judge because I do not judge the man, I judge the truth or the validity of the statement. The statement is incorrect. So we move on and there were myriads of other incorrect statements. The Las Vegas meeting is not the secret and had this one who said George deliberately did not tell him that he was also going to be there, cannot be true because the pictures are predominantly presented amongst the list of speakers. And it is a survival or a preparedness meeting. So the assumption would be that we are talking possibly two different meetings. The third thing was that to discount this group as being laughable is an insult to all who attend any given meeting that we have. They come only in love and sharing or curiosity or whatever reason. We have meetings just like this for business, for instructions, for sharing, for whatever. And ones are always welcome. There is no charge either to come in or to get out. We don't make them pay to leave. So I get very, very protective of the people who work and on my ground crew. And I believe that anyone who chooses to give erroneous stories might very possibly have a wrong intent. And the reason that I'm saying this here is because you're talking about taking the word on out there somewhere. And so whatever it work out as long as it has integrity is perfectly alright with me. Only those guidelines I just mentioned and we've had a little bit of trouble over the Pullman material. You see what happens is ones go out there and they want to charge more for the material than does George, who is the publisher, we sat and we pondered at what point could we possibly break even at the lowest price. And so the price was set. And so if there is a very thick journal, you get it for the same price as all of them. And yet other authors come along and they They are very egotistical. They are very proud of what they do and I grant them they may charge a zillion dollars for each volume. But we try for our readers because the point is to get man informed. Your world is absolutely on the brink of either number one total disaster or being out of control as you move into the photon belt. So I don't believe I can be more blunt without being or being perceived insulting and I am by no means here to be insulting and by the way I believe that I invented humor so it's alright if you're funny, if you laugh at my jokes. So with that understanding, I'm open to any discussion. Well, do I have to point out ones? Okay. I'm just a friend, so let's just talk. Before we talked to George, George said, okay, that you're only protecting the United States. What made you exclude, for example, my country? We haven't excluded it and I don't want to take that up with George. I didn't say protection, I said the concentration. The concentration is here because all other nations on your globe as individual entities and again I would have to say that you're going to have to be right up on all the information we write for this to make sense. So you may want to question me a little bit. As America was birthed and the founding fathers, if you will, over the first period of time, you see, impurity came with the arrival of the initial discoverers continent itself. And when you were measuring numbers of native Aboriginal people that were killed versus the Holocaust, obviously there was heinous work afoot. You have to understand that you are as a globe under attack by basically in the human format the committee of 300 to our British friend that is headed by the royal family. So there are some not very religious, very honorable, very trustworthy, but I believe just this day it was announced that Queen Elizabeth is worth personally in her own little pocket change book something like 11 billion dollars. That has nothing to do with England or Great Britain, that's her business investments, most of which now are cycled through banking industry and through business ownership in the United States. And by far the British Crown is the loftiest, most numerically high investor and owner in American business, followed by Canada and thirdly Australia, then Holland and then Japan. So you can see because of the connections with Canada and Australia, The crown of England basically already rules the world because that is where the seat of all banking is housed and it is, the functioning part of it is moved to Basel, Switzerland under the Bank of International Settlements. settlements, but the banking industry is now coming down, I mean rapidly now, to five banks, and they will all be functioning fingers, if you will, of that World Bank or that International Settlement Bank. Therefore, as the Constitution was written in the United States of America, this was the chosen place. It was the only place left, basically uninhabited, from whence a society could be formed on the basis of a Constitution. Mind you, I did not say God's commandments. if the constitution was properly written, that man would function under God. Now, ones in the United States would like to come forth and say it is a Christian nation. What you use as the term Christian, nauseates me. And the nation was not birthed under Christ, although the term means an emotion, a state of being, of having arrived, of graduation into a Christed state of being. This man Jesus was not even named Jesus. He was birthed Esau Emmanuel of the house of Joseph and he was a man but his emotional soul being was that of a Christed being but he had to grow up just like you have to grow up and any time you are birthed into this environment into this density if you will the memory is going to go and you are here serving a given purpose many are just here cycling so you have to understand a little bit about the mechanism of life and experiences and manifestation and here is where Pleiadian brothers have really, really done a good job and have given you eight volumes explaining exactly what God is and how it works. So I realize that you're going to have a little bit of problem dealing with some of this. But America was chosen and many of the ones who had come from England and had established here were also slave bearers. That's wrong Although all of you are. It's done. It's finished. You are. You are not free. Anytime you have a nation that can take your property for the mere taxes, you owe nothing. Anything that can be taken from you, confiscated from you, through taxation, is not yours. It is literally being loaned to you by this government and now it is being loaned to you by the banks. I can only work with the United States system because it's the only one who still has that constitution intact and it is no longer utilized. 100% of it has been set aside. Then they began to make it clear to us what it is. And I picked up the receivers after we were here, which was only like 88. Do you have a penny in your neck? No. Do you? Do I have one? No. No, there's no pain. What is it? What do you got there? I have a crystal. There? Yeah. Oh, because it hurts here with me. Well, that's the wrong ear. No, it's not. This is Esu's frequency. I get... Well, if I pick up a pain in my body, it's always like looking in the mirror. It's always like this. Left side for me, it would be right side for you, left side, right side for me would be left side for you. You know what I mean? Well, then why are you here? Why don't you just write the journals and do away with it? No, I pick it up. I pick pains up. That's when I heal it, so when I put my hands on somebody, I pick up the pain first. You're not picking up pain. I don't have any pain, you're picking up frequency. Oh I see. And you speak enough languages, I don't know, you see he doesn't, I don't hear voices, I don't hear language, I don't actually feel thought. I literally hear a tone that I feel like if anybody just listened in my ear or wherever they would hear it. And I think probably everybody does. But you don't... It's either out of the frequency range or I can't go farther than that. I don't know what it is. But I do know that it is a very distinct tone that other people can tune into. Not only other people, but on a shortwave band. But the complaint comes and you see people really have trouble with that and they wanted me to be Jay Z, Night and Everybody, you know this medium that you're talking about or this channel or this psychic. And what I know is what I'm shown or told. I don't think in any terms I could be considered psychic. It's probably a good idea, but they're just about used to... Well, I guess that's the one that was in here. I don't know. You have to lift it. But it makes it... no one can creep in. Like no one can get in. But it's a good thing for me once in a while to be able to discuss this because this was the most confusing thing to me that I could sit down and know all this stuff and then as it evolved and through and I want to tell you this was a hard training period of clearing space and making sure who I had quote on the line because anybody can use it anybody who gets on that frequency. How did you get together? You knew each other? No, when it was about to be time to make that contact, we sat down, we wrote the book called and they called his name Emmanuel. Commander and I, well, no, Isu and the ones that participated in the living of that were waiting to bring that update here. Well, I don't know, at some point along the trail, George, 84, 48, I don't know, somewhere back there, George had a copy of that script that had been translated from a Greek, I think, a Catholic Greek, Catholic, Greek and somehow Billy Meyer had ended up with it. And had I written Space Gate? I can't remember. I'd written See Pa-Poo, but that was back in 86. And I hadn't realized that that was gifted. You know, they're too long a story to waste on that right now. E.J. had talked to Desiree because somebody had, well, we know who, but had given us or loaned us a copy of Contact with Pleiades, that big picture book, the first volume. And E.J. was really taken with it. I was him. I was really just kind of... It was okay, but he really felt that that needed to be followed up on. And we were working with somebody in the movie industry called Jerry Popper, and he said, oh well gosh, you know, I was doing a documentary on Tesla down in New Mexico or somewhere, and Cooper, Gordon Cooper, the astronaut, had seen flying craft and had recognized these on his space journeys. So he had several of these first editions and he had given Jerry that copy and that's why I never have gotten it back. Someone literally took it from my house and it was a lone volume I just liberated. But the long and the short is EJ followed up on that and finally ended up with Wendell Stevens' daughter who in turn said Desiree. And so they had a kind of a going relationship on the telephone for a long time I think before he ever talked to George and then the two of you got married about the time that we moved out here and so I hadn't met them at all well we had never met them remember we called one time when we were in LA to meet you and you were going to Little Crows Church that day okay we didn't meet there was just no like you said there was no there was no connection. No connection. And then... Well, there was no connection between you and me and between him. We're sitting here anyway. Right. But, you know, these are the things that have to be considered as no coincidence. So... Had you had these thoughts before you met George? What thoughts? Of whatever it is that's going on. Before I met George? I met George in 1981. You didn't have any thoughts before that. Before I met George, I was really young. I mean I was open because I wasn't raised religiously. So I was open to new ideas and things like that, but I wasn't pursuing anything that I had grown up at that time. I was kind of just living life. We were enjoying the life of luxury? Traveling? Well we worked. I mean we started the mail order company. We were doing the... Okay, I'm not trying to be personal. I just explained it to her. Oh. Well, they had been to Switzerland and around. And of course we hadn't experienced any of that. So after I wrote Space Gate, it was going to be published over in Sedona, Arizona and then boy that was just a dynamite, I mean we could see that that was set. And so you will have to be patient E.J. I'm going to get impatient pretty soon. Well I can see that you already have. I'd like you to stay on this so we can get on with the meeting. Well, I thought that was part of the question, was how did I do this? Well, it's a polite question and hopefully you can answer it in 15 seconds and go on to the next one. Well, I couldn't. It took me 32. We met George as a publisher. Commander said get in touch with George Green. By now we had dictated the book and they called his name Emmanuel. When did you get in contact with the commander for the first time? About the 10th of September of 1987. That's not about that. That's very exact. So, and did you know immediately? He identified himself immediately? Oh yeah. And can you talk to him anytime you want? Or does he ring a bell and say, hey, I'm coming? Both ways. I can, yeah. So you have a very good relationship? Oh yeah, in fact he's just ringing his one patient in each age. When he can't get her, then he gets me. And I have to nudge her. She loves to talk because she doesn't get very much chance. Let's call him. When he's here, she's not. She's not a participant. He has to utilize her facilities. So she kind of concentrates like going into trance? Yeah. Well, it's not like that. It's only Tom. It's on. Today is the 13th of May 1992. Yorgo is present and I welcome you. Don't be too concerned. I don't turn her off. I turn her in. what would you like to petition me about? Just come into some comfort that I'm who I say I am. And I would assume that George has told you who I am. We had a pretty busy schedule. You have a busy time going on which keeps me totally preoccupied. You have a satellite filled to overflow with anthrax that they keep tinkering with and they're going to boost it into a higher orbit and you are right on the threshold of disaster which takes a great deal of my time so I would like to share with you I was summoned so I haven't been attending whatever this might be about. So George, maybe you can inform me. Commander Peter would like to ask a question and answer. We discussed a little earlier, he is an author and writer for journals in Europe and we have a journalist as such and he wants to, he's leaving on Friday back there and he wants to try to introduce this material in some manner all over the European community. And I was discussing the opportunity that there's a possibility that he could talk to you if you had any specific questions. I thought I answered most of the information we had, but he did want to come into comfort that it was not just my illusion. That was greedy. Well, I want to precede this in a conversation to do with business. I will always maintain total control of journals and the paper as far as content. I don't get into business arrangements. That's why ones with capable hands are chosen. And I have had to spend part of yesterday and this morning attending ones who are distributors, but I'm not sure why. letter was pinned, second-hand information against George and Desiree and I take exception to that. I cannot and bear with me because this is very fresh and very painful. Once come into the place and went back to the eastern part and into a place called America East where they are distributing all sorts of material and in some instances I feel in a rather carnival attitude where we are not religious so let's mark that right off the bat. We are godly. and we are here as the host and it's very practical, it isn't mystical, totally physical, not only in its concept but in its operation, just as you are human beings, we are higher beings but we are here to interact with you because you are a part of our solar system. Now that gets far fetched and hard to absorb if you haven't had the information and I can't give it to you in 30 seconds or less or 15 as overly here would prefer me to do. I cannot tell people what to do. Well, I could, but I won't. I'm not here to judge man. I am here to maintain control of what goes forth. If, in fact, it is stated as my input, I always insist that ones in furthering information say, I perceive and my interpretation is or in my opinion this is what he meant because I'm perfectly capable of giving you what I mean and if it deviates whatever is going out there deviates from this path according to the guidelines of universal law is not for me and this is what I had to tell the ones in this letter today. We have all sorts of stories coming back, you see, from the one who wanted actually to go to Las Vegas at the expense of another. And this one is inquiring whether or not he should put up this money when in fact he said that George had lied to him. This was going to be a quote new age meeting. Well, the one that George is going to is not new age. I wouldn't care if nothing ever went into the new age movement from us. But truth will go everywhere. And very little of it is scattered around through the new age groups or the UFO groups, or the churches, or religion, or history. So there's a mammoth job here. And when one leaves this place and goes back and says that the little group here is laughable, I find that highly entertaining myself and quite annoying after I get through chuckling. Number one, there is no group. There are several ones, everything to do a job and ultimately as with any other business, you are utilizing each other's business. And as a matter of fact, we have kept a great distance when these ones would flourish in a closer friendship type. Just so there won't be any basis for this word going out that there is a cult here. Now I understand that when you see a flying disc above somebody's dwelling one gets a little nervous and the black helicopters and things are right out of Northrop. Facilities right over the mountain here. There is a massive network that goes almost to the midway of California from the coast, all hooked by tunnels and actually as for NS San Bernardino, there are submarines, there is a massive, massive base in the China Lake area, there's a 40 level facility under the Northrop facilities out here, and they're continually launching all sorts of disks and craft out of those holes. So we have a dual problem. Ones perceive things and then assume things. Fed by the ignorance of ones who don't know what they're talking about. But these stories that have been dumped back on America East are totally erroneous. And George and Desiree do not know what I have responded to this, but they would by evening. The word went back for instance that they live in a wonderful condominium and have body guards etc. and waste the money that might be coming in from the partner. Well that's laughable, that is totally laughable. The only guards they have are the ones that I stationed there and they have poured their blood, sweat and tears into their job and into their work so that the word can go out. And I will not tolerate that kind of barrage against them. Not that I will judge because I do not judge the man, I judge the truth or the validity of the statement. The statement is incorrect. So we move on and there were myriads of other incorrect statements. The Las Vegas meeting is not a secret and had this one who said George deliberately did not tell him that he was also going to be there cannot be true because the pictures are predominantly presented amongst the list of speakers. It is a survival or a preparedness meeting. The assumption would be that we are talking possibly two different meetings. The third thing was that to discount this group as being laughable is an insult to all who attend any given meeting that we have. They come only in love and sharing or curiosity or whatever reason. We have meetings just like this for business, for instructions, for sharing, for whatever. And ones are always welcome. There is no charge either to come make them pay to leave. So I get very, very protective of the people who work and on my ground crew. And I believe that anyone who chooses to give erroneous stories might very possibly have a wrong intent. And the reason that I'm saying this here is because you're talking about taking the word on out there somewhere. And so whatever it is that you work out, as long as it has integrity, is perfectly alright with me. Only those guidelines I just mentioned. And we've had a little bit of trouble over the Coleman material. You see what happens is ones go out there and they want to charge more for the material than does George who is the publisher. We sat and we pondered at what point could we possibly break even at the lowest price. And so the price was set. And so if there is a very thick journal you get it for the same price as all of them. And yet other authors come along and they are very egotistical. They are very proud of what they do and I grant them they may charge a zillion dollars for each volume. But we try for our readers because the point get man informed. Your world is absolutely on the brink of either number one total disaster or being out of control as you move into the photon belt. So I don't believe I can be more blunt without being or being perceived insulting and I am by no means here to be insulting. And by the way, I believe that I invented humor, so it's alright if you're funny. If you laugh at my jokes. So with that understanding, I'm open to any discussion. Well, do I have to point out once? Okay. I'm just a friend, so let's just talk. the United States. What made you exclude, for example, my country? We haven't excluded it and I don't want to take that up with George. I didn't say protection, I said you were the thing. Concentration. The concentration is here because all other nations on your globe as individual entities and again I would have to say that you're going to have to be right up on all the information we write for this to make sense. So you may want to question me a little bit. As America was birthed and the founding fathers if you will over the first period of time you see, impurity came with the arrival of the initial discoverers of the continent itself. And when you were measuring numbers of native aboriginal people that were killed versus Obviously, there was heinous work afoot. You have to understand that you are as a globe under attack by basically in the human format, British friend that is headed by the royal family. So there are some not so nice people that appear to be very religious, very honorable, very trustworthy. But I believe just this day it was announced that Queen Elizabeth is worth personally in her own little pocket change book something like $11 billion. That has nothing to do with England or Great Britain. That's her business investments, most of which now are cycled through banking industry and through business ownership in the United States. And by far the British Crown is the loftiest, most numerically high investor and owner in American business, followed by Canada and thirdly Australia, the crown of England basically already rules the world because that is where the seat of all banking is housed and it is, the functioning part of it is moved to Basel, Switzerland under the Bank of International Settlements but the banking industry is now coming down, I mean rapidly now, to five banks of that World Bank or that International Settlement Bank. Therefore, as the Constitution was written in the United States of America, this was the chosen place. It was the only place left, basically uninhabited, from whence a society could be formed on the basis of a constitution. Mind you, I did not say God's commandments. It was assumed that if the constitution was properly written, that man would function under God. Now, ones in the United States would like to come forth and say it is a Christian nation. What you use as the term Christian, nauseates me. And the nation was not birthed under Christ. Although the term means an emotion, a state of being, of having arrived, of graduation into a Christed state of being. This man Jesus was not even named Jesus. He was birthed Esau Emmanuel of the house of Joseph and he was a man. But his emotional soul being was that of a Christed existed being but he had to grow up just like you have to grow up and any time you are birthed into this environment into this density if you will the memory is going to go and you are here serving a given purpose many are just here cycling so you have to understand a little bit about the mechanism of life and experiences and manifestation. And here is where Pleiadian brothers have really, really done a good job and have given you eight volumes explaining exactly what God is and how it works. So I realize that you're going to have a little bit of problem dealing with some of this. But America was chosen and many of our own ones were at that formulation of the Constitution and yet many of the ones who had come from England and had established here were also slave bearers. That's wrong to enslave anyone, although all of you are. It's done, it's finished, you are. You are not free. Anytime you have a nation that can take your You own nothing. Anything that can be taken from you, confiscated from you, through taxation, is not yours. It is literally being loaned to you by this government and now it is being loaned to you by the banks. I can only work with the United States system because it's the only one who still has that constitution intact and it is no longer utilized. One hundred percent of it has been set aside.