and they would immediately sue me. Absolutely. No, they don't shoot me. We have a party there, they call it right wing, and they get some votes, but I would be outcast if I would say things like this. And I have to have time to settle down because I feel an emotion coming up, like getting up and getting out of this bloody room because somebody is saying this. Because I'm brought up, my upbringing was totally different because you say I'm raised with a lie. Okay, I'm willing, I'm open, I'm willing to learn because I give always right of way for the possible of the impossible. For me, what you said just before was impossible up to now, just to listen to it, I listened to it and that's why you said it's mathematically it couldn't happen so tell me why it mathematically couldn't happen. There weren't that many Jews. Do you understand how many six million are and this year at at Holocaust scare off time they come up with another half million. So it's six and a half million this year. There are more Jews. How many Jews were there? I don't remember. I'd have to go and look it all up too. We've written it all down. I know, this was about 1.7 million or 1.8 million in Germany. But we're talking about in Germany and in Poland and the places, Hungary, that would pull in these Jews into the Reich if you would. What about the gypsies and everybody? What about them? Well, there were over 350,000 gypsies killed. That's exactly my point. If you had 6 million Jews killed, what accounts for all of the other ones that also were killed? No, but even though, okay, it's not 6.5 million Jews that they didn't kill, but at least they killed about 600,000 and don't you think that's a crime? No, the Jews are saying that there were six and a half million Jews. Now I don't know where you get your information but this is what they teach, this is what is in the history books, that many Jews. Okay, but they accentuate, they accentuate, yeah of course. Also the extermination camps, you know, where they were gassed, those didn't exist either. What about outreach? I've been to Dachau and outreach. I've been there. Okay. But that's the new one that created it for you. I talked to a gentleman that was in Auschwitz for three and a half years. He says, I never saw it. He says, we went through and got gassed for getting rid of lice and bugs. But do you know the gass that they talk about, that they said that they went in and killed the people with and then the soldiers, the German soldiers supposedly picked the bodies up and threw them in the ditches and buried them or burned them or whatever they did. The gas was so toxic you couldn't get near it for two days. If it occurred. If it occurred that way. Physical impossibility. Peter, let me tell you, you can check this out. You can check this out, son, with the The Pope that is now the Pope of Rome and the Holy Church sold gas to the Germans at that time and it was for de-lousing. That doesn't mean that atrocities didn't take place. This is where I become irate as an elder brother and watch Yuan's being victims of the lie. I'm not concerned about you ones because you will grow because you have a purpose here and it will open up and as you move into that photon belt I'll tell you it's going to open up fast. But the magnitude of the lies I know are shocking that's why we've written 56 books. Okay, now what I want to say about this is if you say that what they have told me for 48 years that the whole Holocaust is a lie, and you can't come here and say it's not a lie, it is a lie, you can't say that to me, you have to give me proof. We have it in the journals. Okay. We have to give me proof so, because anybody can come up to me and say, Hey, it's a lie. We have it in the journals. And I don't care if it's the commander, I don't care if it's God, but this is what they told me. And if somebody else actually thought that this is red, and you can come up to me and say, Hey, but this is not true, this is blue. But give me proof, I will take it, but give me the proof that this is blue. Well you see what has happened is that ketchup is red but they told you it's blue and you've all accepted it. Right, right but you've got to prove me now the other thing around. You have to prove, you tell me it's not true, it is red. I can't prove it to you at the table. But you can prove it to me. But it's all there. Mathematically, it cannot be. That doesn't mean, I'm going to repeat, war is hell, but you're going to find that the Rockefellers and the bankers financed the war on both sides. They put Hitler into power, they financed the war. Now let me tell you why the war got got started. The Jewish element had moved into Germany and they had purchased the major portion of the property and the industries in Germany. So the Germans had a, I don't know, parliament, whatever, legislature, whatever your government would be, this was before Hitler you see, or as at least he was coming into power and it was said that no one henceforth could purchase German property unless they were natural Germans. And at this point it didn't say we are going to deport or take anyone's property, it said there will be no more property or industry sold except to natural Germans. And then the push came and always this group goes on public sympathy, cry out to the world how badly they are being treated. When basically it started out as good business, a country beginning to be divided against itself, they were headed, you were headed for civil war in Germany, a revolution. as the sentiments grew and then as the idea caught on, there was not at the beginning any feelings one way or another about the Jews other than you might have in the United States or Holland or anywhere else. As far as, well I don't want a black for a neighbor, I don't want a Jew for a neighbor, I don't want, you know, I mean this is human ignorance and foolishness, but this is what it was. And you have two kinds of Jewish people. You have the Khazarian elite Zionist, which are the ones we're talking about, and then you have those followers of Hebrew or Jewish faith. Well Zionism is nothing but a political party and long since there has been no such thing really as a Judaist. It's all Talmud. So the elite always from the onset of history been the manipulators of money. They're always the ones who think up the banking schemes. They're clever in business. This is not an insult. This is the way it is. And this is the way it was when they were in Turkey. And you see, they originated and their tribes were scattered throughout Russia. The Zionists are basically Khazarians who are Nordic, Russian, and Mongol. And there was a Khazarian empire that reigned for like 300 nations and I know it's a shock to find all this out and the intent of almost everyone hearing it is to be open until and I'm not sparing you because you're talking about utilizing this information and I'm going to tell you that I know. But that's not my problem. I mean, when I write, I write and that's it. I see afterwards what's coming up. But I'm more interested in this. It's not what happened, but it's what is going to happen because I've been very interested in the whole Muslim and Islam problematic and it's been written and it's efficiency there is some kind of war coming on to Europe but there is a borderline and the borderline according to my vision is that they don't get more north than the line Paris, Zurich and south of that line there is really a hardship, I mean there is really a hard war going on between the Muslims and Islam. Furthermore, I think there is going to be some, in the northern places, there will be some like terrorism, but we have seen that already for the last 20 years. So concerning to me, this war is well on the way already for quite a while. Oh yes. And, but, what I think is that we got into the last 5 to 7 years of this war and that around the year 1999 that everything will change, that America and Russia will get together and wipe out this Islamic aggression. What do you say about that? Well, I say that it's going to come down very much like Nostradamus has showed you. You see, there is absolutely no way that in this few minutes that we have I can give you a visionary of what is going to happen. Nostradamus was wrong because Nostradamus said it will happen when Halley's Comet will appear. I'm not going to get into whether Nostradamus is right or wrong, but I am going to tell you that it's going to come down very nearly, like he has said, and like some of Edgar Cayce, and always come the interpreters trying to interpret and Nostradamus was not a prophet as such. He was a fortune teller. He could see. He was a psychic, but what he could see is fairly accurate. Now I want to tell you why you can see things, and this may be as far-fetched as anything else I'm going to say this day in your minds until you ponder it. The reason that you see things is because when you are asleep and soul wise, energy wise, you travel but more than that you've already experienced these things remember there is no time, no space and what you are doing is manifesting and experiencing and what is an illusion and therefore the play is written and you act out the play so you literally have no past, you have no future, you only have this moment at this table and as soon as I speak it's gone. And all you have is memory. And what you are doing is remembering. And this is what Nostradamus did. He could remember, but how accurate can you be? You're not sure which volcano. So here we have something. He knew that there would be a volcano somewhere near Italy. He also knew there would be one in the, in the Pacific somewhere or Mount Pele. And at those times he wasn't even sure what those names would be. Because the moment you retranslate or you translate and then retranslate and then other map seekers you know look at it and plot it and decide oh that must be the one. It could be 10,000 miles away you know having made it all the way back around the globe for that reason, I mean for that matter. So we have to look at things but you have emerging and what I want you to pay attention to is you have this many other nations that will be involved in what you call Armageddon will basically be represented Palestine for one thing that is Israel. I call it Palestine because you don't walk in, take a nation, I now proclaim it Israel. Israel is a little word with a little I at the front that means God's chosen. You made big capital letter I Israel. But you did the same in America. The same happened to America. Precious, I'm not saying it's right. You're talking to the wrong person. I'm just as anti-American as I am anti-Israel. I am pro-God and I have a mission to do. And I'm not from America, I'm from Satan. Well, Desiree cops out all the time. You all are. You're back here for this purpose and it's helped to go through the realization of the magnitude of the lie that you have experienced. Is it true that before you get born that you choose your own life? That you choose your parents? Oh, absolutely. and in fact all the experiences that you undergo while you're physical or alive you've chosen up front? Yes, and you have to choose very well and these ones are experiencing more and more and more the reason that we had to write 56 journals in 36 months and this sort of and the papers and everything because too many things now as you just are madly moving into this period. It isn't that it is happening that much faster, it's just that you're aware of it and as you see something happen here, you see what you were doing 20 years ago, 50 years ago, whatever that brought you to be experiencing this today. and how the reason that that took place two years ago so this could take place today in this room with this group it's a damn clever plan what happens when we die to the show what well we're going to talk about two things I can't there always this duality of possibilities. What I would suspect that you ones would do is after this experience settles down. You never end experience. But many of you who have come down as I have from the higher realms as guides or teachers, some of you to experience on the surface of the Each of us in our own purpose, our own mission, our own role, you will be allowed to go ahead and experience these years of what we would call radiance, of light, of nurturing. Some will remain or be replaced on the planet to, to, it isn't really reclaiming because there will be such massive physical changes to the planet, but already, and I can throw another one at you that no one likes to hear, you don't know but what you live in the middle of this earth you perceive it as the heavens is actually bounded by the outside of your earth. You do not know because you have never been able to get on the outside, but something inside you tells you, I know at some level. And the reason that you have that little nagging feeling that you know is because you have gone without those boundaries and you do know. But many experiencing beings on your place are experiencing for different reasons of lesson learning, of growth of that soul. So that soul will make its evolution according to its level of growth. You want to have come back to serve or experiencing but you are not able to nab on to that karma that you think everybody ought to be paying some way and let's see that went wrong so it must mean that karmically that is not a good cop out in this instance with you once you have no karma you came back to serve in a specific mission of guidance through and you can call it 144,000 or 144 I don't care what you call the number numerically, because you're going to have two things split down. One is the remnant, which we will refer to as you, and each with higher knowledge serves lower knowledge. So you who are part of my crew have to know that you are of higher knowledge, even if you will, put upon any time the master teacher who was the Christ served. You see, he was the pay of profit, he was all over in many manifestations with the Christ message to test to see where mankind in this civilization might be. So I try not to deal with more than the one civilization that you can deal with and history around nearing the time of this master's presentation or where history was more prevalently recorded even with the aboriginal people but you will find their oral traditional teachings will go forever back. But we try to deal, if you can't deal with the holocaust numbers, do you see the problem that we have. And to say because God creator promised that before the ending of this cycle man would have again truth brought to him so that he could make his divine choice and his divine decision as to where his placement will be. Because at some point if this experience continues in the path that it is flowing and man does not awaken into his power of creation and his ability to create through that power and change this, it will march along according to whatever is laid down by those fortune tellers who And then it has to go right on into the destruction and into Armageddon, etc. And during this next few years, these next eight years, you are due a massive nuclear war. Well, this is because you have these factions that you're speaking of over in that Middle East area and in Asia. And at some point they have weaponry strong enough, big enough to get over to you. Well, you don't need nuclear weapons anymore. You have pulse systems, phasers, etc. But still not as sophisticated as some of the Soviet-controlled material. But their thrust is not the same as the elite bankers. The elite bankers, the Gorbachevs, the Yeltsins, etc., who are coming into these trilateral commissions in cahoots, if you will, in stripping the world for this elite group. They're not on their side. And there, well, I just cannot go into that. I mean, we don't have nearly the time to go into these particular subjects. But war will break out. It is, it's not only destined to break out, it is planned. And you have to look at those prophecies, the man with the blue helmet, that would be the Antichrist that would come. That turban only represents the flag and that represents the United Nations. So it will be the elite control enforced through the United Nations One World Government. And it is in the United Nations Charter, whether any of you like it or not, a Khazarian Soviet will head the military forces, will command the military forces. That is in your United Nations Charter. Now most of you have not the vaguest idea what your own nation's constitution is, much less the Constitution of the United States, and even less the Charter of the United Nations as set forth by the United States, Great Britain, Russia, or the Soviet Union, China, and you have a fifth one. France. France. Anybody else want to ask something? I have three questions, hopefully they're short. Well, the questions might be short and hopefully the answers will be short. Why do you concern yourself so much with money? Why do I? I'm not concerned with money. Well, you know, there is a concern from, let's say, that if this message has to be got out, you know, it's got out via a monetary system, then why don't you just give it away? Who can afford it? Can you? Can you? You're talking to Hattong. I don't know of any one of you who can, and my orders are not to intervene. We arrange so that you can arrange for. Right, but the point I'm trying to make... We're the ones that are to do the work. I understand. You can't afford to give it away. I understand that. But if you are that concerned, then you should make it far easier. Well, that's not very good English, but you should make it more readily available to those that might want to find it. Why do you say it's not? Because I've never heard of it before, neither have these two guys. Today? Yes, but you know. You didn't listen to me on the radio, did you? Well, my Spanish isn't that good. No, I mean, I've been on the radio several times in that way. I know, and it's fruitful too. It's just, these are just the beginnings of the word going forth. It isn't. It's, anyone is welcome to take it and spread it. Okay. No one has, there are no limits. That is the purpose of the entire mission. And what all man wants to do is get God to do something and when we talk about money you see getting the word out is only a minor part and well it's not it is the major part but we've got to get remnant through that means in this valley and in places in Nevada We are going to build wheat farms, gristmills, algae growing. We've got to counter the diseases that have been created to wipe out mankind. But you still have the time for that? You've got eight years. What else have you got to do? Well, surely if you've only got eight years left to go... No, you probably don't have time, but there's going to be a remnant that must get through. And they cannot change from here to no food tomorrow. No, but they're supposed to take those people away. Who? Who is supposed to take them away? Why? Should I? Because that's what we were informed earlier today. But those who come into balance will be given that choice. Right, but the rest won't exist anyway. Because they'll die from disease or a war or something, so there won't be anybody here because the planet will be dead. That's what we're here to ensure, that that does not happen. And that requires, in a physical format, ones have to make it through the physical. Can I ask the question again, and I'm not trying to be facetious here. I know you're not. Why are you concerning yourself so much with money? There are ways to give things away. I don't know, I'm a musician, I'm not a businessman. Well, it's really interesting that, but you would have to purchase your instrument. Yes. This is on earth. This is a human existence. And it not only is a human existence, it is run by the banks. George, for instance, if I gave him a billion dollars, let us say, how long do you think it would take for the IRS to get here? You see, our purpose is not to interfere. Our purpose is to show you subtle ways that you can go and glean so that you can work within the system. If you stand out like a sore thumb, they shoot you. They already have concentration camps in the United States of America to incarcerate troublemakers and believe me this scribe is number one on Mr. Henry Kissinger's hit list. He wants her out. We have to work through the human limitations. I understand all that. The point I'm trying to make is, and again I'm not trying to poke fun here or be rude, but it strikes me that if you are really intent on saving people here, then it's up to you to provide. Why? I am not intent on saving people there. You don't understand. I don't have any care. No, you don't understand. Let him go. I love you as a brother and if you are godly, my mission is to take you off. I think that most of earth man is very, very primitive. I do not enjoy him. And I would not bother with him because he does not wish us to help him. That's fine. But the word must go out to the ones who are destined to hear the call so that they can play in this game if they want to. They would immediately sue me. Absolutely. No, they don't shoot me. We have a party there, they call it right wing, and they get some votes, but they don't shoot me. I'm not going to be in the game. I'm not going to be in the game. I'm not going to be in the game. I'm not going to be in the game. I'm not going to be in the game. I'm not going to be in the game. I'm not going to be in the game. I'm not going to be in the game. I'm not going to be in the game. I'm not going to be in the game. I'm not going to be in the game. I'm not going to be in the game. I'm not going to be in the game. I'm not going to be in the game. I'm not going to be in the game. I'm not going to be in the game. I'm not going to be in the game. a party there, they call it right wing, and they get some votes, but I would be outcast if I would say things like this. And I have to have time to settle down because I feel an emotion coming up, like getting up and getting out of this bloody room, because somebody is saying this. Because I'm brought up, my upbringing was totally different because you say I'm raised with a lie. Okay, I'm open, I'm willing to learn because I give always right away for the possible of the impossible. For me, what you said just before was impossible up to now, just to listen to it. And that's why you said it's mathematically, it couldn't happen, so tell me why it mathematically couldn't happen. There weren't that many Jews. Do you understand how many six million are? And this year at Holocaust scare-off time, they come up with another half million. So at six and a half million this year. There are more Jews. How many Jews were there? I don't remember. I'd have to go and look it all up too. We've written it all down. I know. Israel's about 1.7 million or 1.8 million. But we're talking about... In Israel. All of Israel. Now we are talking about in Europe, we are talking about in Germany and in Poland and the places, Hungary, that would pull in these Jews into the Reich, if you would. What about the gypsies and everybody? What about them? Well, there were over 350,000 gypsies killed. That's exactly my point. million Jews killed. What accounts for all of the other ones that also were killed? No, but even though, okay, it's not 6.5 million Jews that they didn't kill, but at least they killed about 600,000, and don't you think that's a crime? No, the Jews are saying that there were 6.5 million Jews. Now, I don't know where you get your information, but this is what they teach. This is what is in the history books. That many Jews. Okay, but the exaggerate... It's a crime. It's a crime. The exaggerate... Yeah, of course. But also, the extermination camps, you know, with the... where they were gassed, those didn't exist either. Well, the goal... What about the old speech? I've been to Dachau and Auschwitz. Yeah, I've been there. Okay. But that's new, the new ones that are created for you. I talked to a gentleman that was in Auschwitz for three and a half years. He says, I never saw it. He says, we went through and got gas for getting rid of lice and bugs. But do you know the gas that they talk about, that they said that they went in and killed the people with? And then the soldiers, the German soldiers supposedly picked the bodies up and threw them in the ditches and buried them or burned them or whatever they did. The gas was so toxic you couldn't get near it for two days. If it occurred that way. If it occurred that way. Physical impossibility. Peter let me tell you, you can check this out. You can check this out son with the Pope. The Pope that is now the Pope of Rome and the Holy Church sold gas to the Germans at that time and it was for de-lousing. That doesn't mean that atrocities didn't take place. This is where I become irate as an elder brother and watch you ones being victims of the lie. I'm not concerned about you ones because you will grow because you have a purpose here and it will open up and as you move into that photon belt I'll tell you it's going to open up fast but the magnitude of the lies I know are shocking that's why we've written 56 books. Okay now what I want to say about this is if you say that what they have told me for 48 years that the whole holocaust is a lie and you can't come here and say it's not a lie it is a lie, you can't say that to me, you have to give me proof we have it in the journals you have to give me proof so because anybody can come up to me and say hey it's a lie we have it in the journals. And I don't care if it's the commander, I don't care if it's God, but this is what they told me. And if somebody else, I've been taught that this is red, and you can come up to me and say, hey, but it isn't the truth, this is blue. But give me proof, I will take it from you, but give me the proof that this is blue. Well, you see, what has happened is that ketchup is red, but they've told you it's blue, and you've all accepted it. Right. Right, but you've got to prove me now the other thing around. You have to prove it. You tell me it's not true. It is red. It is not blue. I can't prove it to you at this table, see. But you can prove it to me. But it's all there. Okay, you give me the information. Mathematically, it cannot be. That doesn't mean, I'm going to repeat, war is hell, but you're going to find that the Rockefellers and the bankers financed the war on both sides. They put Hitler into power, they financed the war. Now let me tell you why the war got started. The Jewish elements had moved into Germany and they had purchased the major portion of the property and the industries in Germany. So the Germans had a, I don't know, parliament, whatever, legislature, whatever your government would be. This was before Hitler you see, or as at least he was coming into power. And and it was said that no one henceforth could purchase German property unless they were natural Germans. And at this point it didn't say we are going to deport or take anyone's property, it said there will be no more property or industry sold except to natural Germans. And then the push came and always this group goes on public sympathy, cry out to the world how badly they are being treated. When basically it started out as a country beginning to be divided against itself, they were headed, you were headed for civil war in Germany, a revolution. And so as the sentiments grew and then as the There was not at the beginning any feelings one way or another about the Jews other than you might have in the United States or Holland or anywhere else. As far as, well I don't want a black for a neighbor, I don't want a Jew for a neighbor, I don't want, you know, I mean this is human ignorance and foolishness. But this is what it was. And you have two kinds of Jewish people. You have the Khazorian elite Zionist, which are the ones we're talking about, and then you have those followers of but a political party and long since there has been no such thing really as a Judaist. It's all Talmud. So the elite and these have always from the onset of history been the manipulators of money. They're always the ones who think of the banking schemes. They're clever in business. This is not an insult. This is the way it is. And this is the way it was when they were in Turkey. And there was a Khazarian empire that reigned for like 300 years in what is now known as the East Bloc nations. And I'm not sparing you because you're talking about utilizing this information and I'm going to tell you where you're going to buffer it. I just tell you that I know. But that's not my problem. I mean, when I write, I write and that's it. I see afterwards what's coming out. But I'm more interested in this. It's not what happened, but it's been written and it's in visions we have seen that there is some kind of war coming on to Europe but there is a borderline and the borderline according to my vision is that they don't get more north than the line Paris, Zurich and south of that line there's a really a hardship I mean there's really a hard war going on between the Muslims and Islam. there's going to be some, in the northern places, there will be some like terrorism, but we've seen that already for the last 20 years, so concerning to me, this war and that around the year 1999 that everything will change, that America and Russia will get together and wipe out this Islamic aggression. What do you say about that? Take a deep breath. Well, I say that it's going to come down very much like Nostradamus has showed you. You see, there is absolutely no way that in this few minutes that we have I can give you a visionary of what is going to happen Nostradamus was wrong because Nostradamus said it will happen when Halley's Comet will appear I'm not going to get into whether Nostradamus is right or wrong but I am going to tell you that it's going to come down very nearly like he has said and like some of Edgar Cayce and always come the interpreters trying to interpret and Nostradamus was not a prophet as such. He was a fortune teller. He could see. He was a psychic. But what he could see is fairly accurate. Now I want to tell you why you can see things and this may be as far-fetched as anything else I'm going to say this day in your minds until you ponder it. The reason that you see things is because when you are asleep and astrally or soul-wise, energy-wise, you travel but more than that you've already Remember, there is no time, no space. And what you are doing is manifesting and experiencing in what is an illusion. And therefore, the play is written. And you act out the play. So you literally have no past, you have no future, you only have this moment at this table, and as soon as I speak, it's gone. And all you have is memory and what you are doing is remembering and this is what Nostradamus did, he could remember but how accurate can you be, you're not sure which volcano. So here we have something, he knew that there would be one in the Pacific somewhere or Mount Pele. And at those times he wasn't even sure what those names would be. Because the moment you retranslate or you translate and then retranslate and then other map seekers, you know, look at it and plot it and decide oh that must be the one. It could be 10,000 miles away you know having made it all the way back around the globe for that reason I mean for that matter. So we have to look at things but you have emerging and what I want you to pay attention to is you have this many other nations that will be involved in what you call Armageddon, will basically be represented by blue. Now that is Palestine for one thing, that is Israel. Israel is a little word with a little I at the front that means God's chosen. But we did the same. You made big capital letter I Israel. But you did the same in America. The same happened to America. Precious, I'm not saying it's right. You're talking to the wrong person. I'm just as anti-American as I am anti-Israel. I am pro-God and I have a mission to do. And I'm not from America, I'm from Haiti. Well, Desiree cops out all the time. You all are. You're back here for this purpose and it's, it's, it's hell to go through the realization of the magnitude of the lie that you have experienced. Is it true that before you get born that you choose your own life? That you choose your parents? Oh, absolutely. And that in fact all the experiences that you undergo while you're physically alive you've chosen up front? Yes, and you have to choose very well. And these ones are experiencing more and more and more the reason that we had to write 56 journals in 36 months. And this sort of... and the papers and everything because too many things now, as you just are madly moving into this period, it isn't that it is happening that much faster, it's just that you're aware of it and as you see something happen here, you see what you were doing 20 years ago, 50 years ago, whatever that brought you to be experiencing this today. And how the reason that that took place 2 years ago so this could take place today in this room with this group. It's a damn clever plan. What happens when we die to the show? Well, we're going to talk about two things. I can't. There are always this duality of possibilities. What I would suspect that you ones would do is after this experience settles down. You never end experience. But many of you who have come down as I have from the higher realms as guides or teachers, some of you to experience on the surface of the planet, each of us in our own purpose, our own mission, our own role, you will be allowed to go ahead and experience these years of what we would call radiance of light of nurturing. Some will remain or be replaced on the planet to... It isn't really reclaiming because there will be such massive physical changes to the planet, but already, and I can throw another one at you that no one likes to hear, you don't know but what you live in the middle of this earth, and what you perceive as the heavens is actually bounded by the outside of your earth. You do not know because you have never been able to get on the outside, but something inside you tells you, I know at some level. And the reason that you have that little nagging feeling that you know is because you have gone without those boundaries and you do know. But many experiencing beings on your place are experiencing for different reasons of lesson learning, of growth of that soul. So that soul will make its evolution according to its level of growth. You ones who have come back to serve are experiencing but you are not able to nab onto that karma that you think everybody ought to be paying some way and let's see that went wrong so it must mean that karmically that is not a good cop out in this instance with you ones you have no karma You came back to serve in a specific mission of guidance through and you can call it 144,000 or 144 I don't care what you call the number Numerically because you're going to have two things a split down one is the remnant which we will refer to as you and which we will refer to as you, and each with higher knowledge serves lower knowledge. So you who are part of my crew have to know that you are of higher knowledge, even if you can't yet remember it. That part of the bargain was that you serve, and this was the penalty, if you will, put upon any time the master teacher who was the Christ served. You see, he was the pay of profit, he was all over in many manifestations with the Christ message to test to see where mankind in the civilization might be. So I try not to deal with more than the one civilization that you can deal with and history around nearing the time of this master's presentation or where history was more prevalently recorded even with the aboriginal people. But you will find their oral traditional teachings will go forever back. But we try to deal, if you can't deal with the holocaust numbers, do you see the problem that we have? And to say, because God, creator, promised that before the ending of this cycle, man would have again truth brought to him so that he could make his divine choice and his divine decision as to where his placement will be. and man does not awaken into his power of creation and his ability to create through that power and change this. It will march along according to whatever is laid down by those fortune tellers who wrote it. And then it has to go right on into the destruction and during this next few years, these next eight years, you are due a massive nuclear war. Well, this is because you have these factions that you're speaking of over in that Middle East area and in Asia. And at some point, they have weaponry strong enough, big enough to get over to you. Well, you don't need nuclear weapons anymore. You have pulse systems, phasers, etc. But still not as sophisticated as some of the Soviet controlled material. But their thrust is not the same as the elite bankers. The elite bankers, the Gorbachevs, the Yeltsins, etc., who are coming into these trilateral commissions in cahoots, if you will, in stripping the world for this elite group. They're not on their side. And they're Well, I just cannot go into that. I mean, we don't have nearly the time to go into these particular subjects, but war will break out. It is not only destined to break out, it is planned, and you have to look at those prophecies, the man with the blue helmet that would be the elite control enforced through the United Nations One World Government. And it is in the United Nations Charter, whether any of you like it or not, a Khazarian Soviet will head the military forces, will command the military forces. That is in your United Nations charter. Now most of you have not the vaguest idea what your own nation's constitution is, much less the constitution of the United States, and even less the charter of the United Nations as set forth by the United States, Great Britain, Russia or the Soviet Union, China and you have a fifth one, France. Anybody else want to ask something? I have three questions, hopefully they're short, well the questions might be short and hopefully the answers will be short. Why do you concern yourself so much with money? Why do I? I'm not concerned with money. Well, you know, there is a concern, for I would say, that if this message has to be got out, you know, it's got out via a monetary system, why don't you just give it away? Who can afford it? Can you? Can you? You're talking to Hadam. I don't know of any one of you who can, and my orders are not to intervene. We arrange so that you can arrange for. Right, but the point I'm trying to make... We're the ones there to do the work. I understand. We can't afford to give it away. I understand that, but if you are that concerned, then you should make it far easier, well that's not very good English, but you should make it more readily available to those that might want to find it. Why do you say it's not? Because I've never heard of it before, neither have these two guys. Today? Yes, but you know. You didn't listen to me on the radio. Well my Spanish isn't that good. I've been on the radio several times. I know, and from... It's just, these are just the beginnings of the word going forth. It isn't. Anyone is welcome to take it and spread it. Okay. No one has... there are no limits. That is the purpose of the entire mission. And what all man wants to do is get God to do something. And when we talk about money, you see getting the word out is only a minor part. Well it's not, it is the major part, but we've got to get remnant through. That means in this valley and in places in Nevada, we are going to build motion picture studios, we've got to counter the diseases that have been created to wipe out mankind. But you still have the time for that? I mean, you've got eight years. What else have you got to do? Well, surely, if you've only got eight years left to go... No, you probably don't have time, but there's going to be a remnant that must get through. But you're supposed to take those away. And they cannot change from here to no food tomorrow. No, but they're supposed to take those people away. Who? Who is supposed to take them away? Why? Should I? Because that's what we were informed earlier today. That's the plan. But those who come into balance will be given that choice. Right, but the rest won't exist anyway. Because they'll die from disease or a war or something so there won't be anybody here because the planet will be dead. That's what we're here to ensure, that that does not happen. And that requires, in a physical format, ones have to make it through the physical. Then I ask the question again, and I'm not trying to be facetious here. I know you're not. Why are you concerning yourself so much with money? There are ways to give things away. I don't know, I'm a musician, I'm not a businessman. Well, it's really interesting that, but you would have to purchase your instrument. Yes. This is on earth. This is a human existence. And it not only is a human existence, it is run by the banks. And if George, for instance, if I gave him a billion dollars, let us say, how long do you think it would take for the IRS to get here. You see, our purpose is not to interfere. Our purpose is to show you subtle ways that you can go and glean so that you can work within the system. If you stand out like a sore thumb, they shoot you. They already have concentration camps in the United States of America to incarcerate troublemakers and believe me this scribe is number one on Mr. Henry Kissinger's hit list. He wants her out. Okay, all right well I obviously... I understand all that. The point I'm trying to make is and I and again I'm not trying to poke fun here or be rude, but it strikes me that if you are really intent on saving people here, then it's up to you to provide. Why? I am not intent on saving people there. You don't understand. I don't have any care. No, you don't understand. Let him go. I love you as a brother, and if you are godly, my mission is to take you off. is very, very primitive. I do not enjoy him and I would not bother with him because he does not wish us to help him. That's fine, but the word must go out to the ones who are destined to hear the call so that they can play in this game if they want to. Thank you.