have something to look at. And it's also a little easier for ones who do not hear very well to be able to see. It's most uncomfortable in this particular setting because we are just one of everyone you apart and causes discomfort. I would guess that George and Desiree understand that better than anybody else in the room, because if you're going to go and speak, you're going So please understand that. Besides, there's always a good saying. And we, we will have to adjust our thought patterns with this saying because obviously I'm not going to go anywhere once I get the floor. I don't shut up, but the saying goes you have to stand up to be heard, and then you have to sit down and shut up to be appreciated. So somewhere I'll stand between not being appreciated and We welcome friends who come. I know that all of you are experiencing some incredible energy flows, some sleepless nights, some restless searching. It's just as we enter the next phase of our journey, the next step and portion in our mission. I know that most of the world would say, well, my goodness, you've just gone around and stirred up And now do you tell us that you're going to start the next phase? Yes. Ours was to bring the Word. Ours is to bring the Word. And ours is to awaken. But let me assure you, we're not here to awaken everyone on this planet. And if you have not heard that before, I'm going to repeat it. We're not here to coerce anyone into doing anything. As we go farther with the writings, dealing with the divine plan, who you are, what you are, and what is God, and who are the hosts, then it will become more and more clear to you what your mission is and why we coerce no one to do anything. You'll also see why we're not in the seminar business. it will be easier and we can do much more work through the separation of what you consider the unit. But it's hard. Because you have not been an entertainment center, you have trouble relating to the next step. It just means separation. And in someone's perception, oh, you get to go over there and do something wonderful now, and we have to stay and do this dreary. Or, well, goody, goody, you've got to go over there and you have to pack up and move, and I don't have to. Everything that you will do through the rest of your journey is going to be measured in your perception of the circumstances. And when you can see that each thing that comes, each thing that you experience, is a miracle of lessons and growth. and responding to that lesson clearly and cleanly is your purpose. Or would this, this is all we have to do? Just share and share the word. But ours is not to be that kind of a journey of building, of allowing ones to see and hopefully to wish to emulate. As your world more and more collapses, so more quietly and efficiently and effectively will you function. We need to let George and Desiree go. And we honor them for the gifts they've given us. unfolded what will be their load as they become settled. But the security and the safety and the ability to function will increase tenfold. I wrote this morning, I feel like the speaker at graduation exercises. I feel like the father choked to see the children grow, and the parent who really doesn't want to let go and knows the child is ready. I would think that it would be just fine, overly, if you just read it now. All right, I think I'll move back here so we don't get quite so much feedback. out there. As Dormoset devastated over the death of a son in March of 1985, she knew not me, Hatton. She sat with God, however, in an effort to find reason of the passage of a twenty-five-year-old man, gifted, complicated, and totally tormented by a world in which he could not fit. But for this beloved Paul Andrew, however, there would be no work this day, for in the taking of his own life, which seemed an act of total desperation, came the focus unto higher cause and the need to reach beyond and see. A daughter had, just days before, married in expectation of a world of dreams unfolded, the family of nine children was broken as one of the spokes of the wheel was shattered, was gone. Perhaps now the others can forgive, for they could not know, and you cannot know, the contract of another. This gift of the death in the one instance was forever lasting. The dreams of beauty and love without ending of the other died in but months. Ye must know thine purpose and find your own way. I use this personal example for all must look at their own journey and see the wonders and beauty of each thing that comes and see beyond that which appears to be obvious, for the obvious is most often deceiving. At any given time of travel upon the physical plane, you must look beyond, unto, and into that which may not yet be. For had the vision not ended in the one case, God's work could not have been fulfilled. And had the vision not ended in the second, so neither could God's gifts have been bestowed upon those who now share God's very child in mutual respect, and therefore all and each can flourish. Why do I speak in this manner? Because you ones in this little crew who have given all into our service and shared the blasts of attack, the slings and arrows of the enemy must move in seemingly different directions so that the focus can be tuned and the gifts received in order to create the miracles of goal and purpose. Partings? I know not of partings. The very term is impossible, does not exist in reality. Ah, but the heart says otherwise, does it not? The fledgling feathers are rumpled and there has been security in sharing of the burdens. Yes, indeed, but each began this segment with only self and willingness to serve, and the months have been indeed short, the workload incredible. You must realize that Dharma only sat to pen our first journal in July 1989. Now there are almost sixty, and going, going, To our drumbeat, not the rabbits of Ever-Ready, Sipapu Odyssey was the gift to Paul that he might be remembered always. And so he shall, for there shall be a foundation for education in his name. And in the entry of the motion picture studios and dedicated to the new city shall be erected a golden eagle in flight, that we might always remember the unexpected gifts of the child and one unto the benefit ultimately of the whole. In the searching within the heart for words to be spoken at Paul's funeral, I nudge that she look beyond and the following passages were read. Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again after moments or lifetimes is certain for those who are friends. Fly free and happy beyond birthdays and across forever and we'll meet now and then when we wish in the midst of one celebration that can never end. Can you not see, Chelas, that through the growing is the only way in which you can receive the rewards with which to fulfill the mission? You have graduated only to find the world fearful and burdensome on your shoulders. Each segment finished must have its testing outside the lessons, for a graduation is only a beginning. is ending, only outgrowing, and that is no longer worthy. He who would not grow is destined to perish, dead or alive, in his stagnation. The wings are strong enough, the flight feathers matured, tis only the human consciousness that perceives separation and parting. For the soul knows the glory of the growth and recognizes the abundance of the opportunities opening from the ability to grow. Please see the wonders to be achieved through the graduation, for they are wondrous indeed. Please hold respect and appreciation to those who press for the movement ahead, lest you become that groupie which must not be. You must show that God's work can be done in beauty, truth, and abundance in all circumstances, in all places, not with piety of countenance, but with truth of that which really is, and not the stupid portraits of a God of wimp-ville. We have been sent to show you the way through the maze, given the oversight of the Elder Brethren. The restlessness shall always be introduced at a time of change, lest you not attempt to try the wings. Do not perceive the gift in wrong perceptions, for if you spend time in judgment, you shall miss the beauty of the point in focus. Remember, thine worst enemy is thine best teacher. Lemonade can be made from the worst of the sour lemons, and this, too, we shall allow you to see as we take the arrows and reverse the flow and return to senders. Always make sure your intent is correct, lest that which you denied and forsook turns not again unto you. Turning the other cheek does not mean to become a spinning top. God expects wisdom, most especially about those things over which you are given stewardship. You will all see that nothing is changed. Even your letters and calls will end up at the same terminals. Only the work can grow and our mission ever move more surely toward achievement. In the need of the moment, one learns to do tasks which are alien and tedious, only to become proficient and glean great improvement by the mere need to create from the unknowing. It shall ever be thus, for the first few have to accommodate and support the many who will now be coming as the building phase begins. When the hearts are sure of the goal, it shall come to pass. Ever keep in mind that you did not come to fill Einstein's row, or Tesla's, or Emanuel's. The pale prophets or hatans, you came to fill yours. For instance, if I take your mission, it only becomes mine and no longer yours. If we share, it becomes ours, and in the sharing is the wonder of it. A father can speak of visions and tell of his own. The son must go forth and search out his own. This the wisdom-keeper knew. You are now going forth on your own vision quest. Will you succeed or fail? You shall succeed, for I am a good teacher, and your guides have been faithful and true, and you are learning to listen and see. Perfection? Nay, nay, for that is yet at the rainbow's end. If ye be perfect ye need no quest, but because ye are becoming perfect ye will continue the quest. It is through the willingness to serve where needed that merits the badge, not the service given because it is convenient and easy. Ah, indeed, the silver wings stand by at ready, and I have the pride of a father watching his fragments walk tall and true into the unknown in willingness to face that which comes. And in the so doing they shall find glory, peace, and never boredom. May it always be thus. You come from the galaxy of the central sun, the place of the seven suns. You are children, birthed and grown in the light. And, chelas, may your filaments never be severed or burned out. We are ever present to keep the connection sound and working. Use us, for we have no other purpose. This is from the song and I'm not quite prepared to sing it. Walk on through the storm, walk through the rain, though your dreams be tossed and torn, walk on, walk on. With hope in your hearts and you'll never walk alone, you'll never walk alone. This is for all my children, not just the few in some one location or another. It is for each and all who seek in truth and demand it, wherever your service might be, in the seeking is commanded the finding. The call compels the answer. May you ever have stardust in your hair instead of mortarboards upon thine heads, for wisdom comes from the vision and inner truth of knowing. The Other only represents that of the world which another desires to use to bind thee. Graduation in knowing can never be compared to education by man, but both are tested by the fire of living. Both are absolutely necessary to the human experience. I again urge you parents who do not know that which you are doing, send your children to school for they must have the balance or they must have knowledgeable participation from you in knowing what you are doing, for the adversary works thusly. The child must have the skills of arithmetic and words. If you give him not that much, you have crippled him. Be very cautious as to what you do in the name of God and be ever mindful of that for which you ask, for you shall get it, and it most often is not what you had in mind. I salute you as my fellow crew members, and there is no sadness in these realms this day, for we see progress. But on behalf of your teachers and the crew out here, we all salute you, for you must still remain as our hands and feet until such time as we are given other marching orders. May we each serve well, the other. Salute. May you ever walk with God in light. Aho, brothers. I think we're not coming through overly. As you look at the news that they present to you on the screens, there's no way for you to tell what is going on in your world. It's very hard even to take the words that we send forth and make sense of any of it, because it is a time of chaos and it is not to be made sense of. There is no way that you can understand a purpose as dark and evil as presides over your nations and the games they play upon you unsuspecting. When will it break? When will the rubber band be stretched so far that it breaks. I don't know. It matters not. We do that which needs doing, and we disallow For every door that shuts, another opens. And it's important that you once flourish in the quietness of production, not in the battle with guns. Because the guns that your enemy has are lethal against anything that you might have. You can see them preparing the cities for great riots. Death hangs over the cities cities, like a pall now. I wonder how many pall-bearers there will be. I realize the words are not the same in definition. Nonetheless, I wonder how many there will be. Because each one looks about in their own little cell and wants to postpone living, wants to postpone making solutions. And how do you measure where you are. There was a time of waiting. You still perceive the time of waiting, the time of patience. As I spoke the last time, I said a lot of these decisions must be made while there's nothing. Well, couldn't I make it a little easier, perhaps? But I would not spoil the validity of your decision within. Because that represents responsibility and a drive and need to answer the call. And we've got some answering the call. And I don't mean to come on down here and I will pronounce you born again. No, can't do that. But I can offer you a shared load. and production. You're very, very close. You are very, very close to having the rewards return so that you can go on with your building. And it's time for the next step. And you say to me, well, but it was get the word out, and then somehow maybe we could rest. No, I would like for you to tell the group where we are with the possible building. Let's just have a little bit of a business run down here. Well, we heard from Jack Donahue today, and I need to run back, I guess, a few days, you know, through a few details for those of you who don't know about Jack Donahue is from Florida and several years ago he started a company called the Tech Group and he has done a lot of experimentation with aerated or cellular concrete, which is lightweight concrete, for building panels out of which to build homes, pre-manufactured homes that are high quality, very quiet, and very energy efficient. Jack served a stint in the Reagan administration and thus became acquainted with quite a number of those people, even currently in power, such as Jack Kemp. And as a result of the Los Angeles riots, those people have been under a great deal of pressure to find an alternative building system that would provide low-cost housing in urban as well as rural areas. We had started out by designing with Jack a small 32-foot in diameter dome that would have roughly a thousand square feet on two levels. The upper level would be a two-bedroom loft arrangement. And Jack was invited by Mr. Kemp and others to participate in all of these discussions about how these homes should be created and distributed and so forth. He went back to Washington last week for a I believe, 41 different proposals. And as they came to the end of Friday's meeting, he was invited to stay over until Monday so that he could participate in Monday's sort of final runoff, because there were so many proposals for more studies, each city wanted to have a grant from the federal billion dollar building fund to make more studies. Jack finally got fed up with it and stood up and said, thing to do here is to take twice as much money as you're talking about for each one of these studies, which was about a quarter of a million dollars per study, so he was speaking in terms of maybe a half a half a million dollars. He said, and build eight or ten of these homes and put them somewhere where they can be utilized and tried out and let's quit studying theoretically and do something practically. He wasn't exactly booed and thrown out, but there did happen to be one man there who said, I happen to agree with Mr. Donohue, and since this falls into my bailiwick, I'm going to go to California on Friday and visit with Mr. Donohue at his plant and see what kind of a set up he has out there. So he showed up yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock as promised. And in the meantime, Jack had called and asked me, you know, what do we do? You see the plant's going to be here. So I said, well, we've been talking with Cesar Chavez, and they have a number of trailers down there that need to be replaced. So we have our own little blighted area that we could refer to nearby at Keene. And so when I said the word in his compound, Jack hopped right on that and he said, Oh boy, then we wouldn't even have to purchase the land. They already have the land available. And I said, Yes. So that has been kind of a rallying point. Now, Jack has cautioned me to please not let this get back to Chavez until the government people are able to take care of that contact because they need the credit for this and it's all right with us if they have it. This has to survive a number of hurdles before it's really official. There's a man coming out on Tuesday from Washington who is subordinate to the man who already has been here, but he has, on the technical side of things, more knowledge and can study the building technology and be sure that it's adequate to meet their requirements. We have no question as to whether that's possible or not. Now, should that happen, then we'll probably be rushing to build these first units down at Keene so that they can begin to try them out. And in the meantime, the engineering blueprints are at the county being studied for approval as a building system in Kern County. We have about two more weeks to run on that process. And, Commander, I think I've run out of something to say. That's enough. Everybody who heard it, don't run Ted Caesar. Actually, he already knows. A public relations person, Debbie, brought to us. And they already have building underway, at least clearing underway in Delano through the Union. And the Union already has funds to begin to clear off those trailers, there are 135 of them that need to be replaced in Keene. And they're going to do it anyway, now won't they be happy when the government offers them something? Doesn't God work in mysterious ways, these wonders to bring about? If you never lose the goal, you will achieve it. Can't you see that if you didn't get another cent ever, you would manage? If another word got written, the word would go forth. There comes a time beyond which there is no return to unknowing. And when the heart sets its goal, the mind will find the answer. And when the mind does not really know the information necessary, the higher resources so that it works out that all you have to do is the hard work and come into understanding. And maybe that is the hardest work. Well, Rick has several reports to make, not the least of which I'd like to share the residents' retirement situation to. I've been speaking with Cal Buick of Active Pharma Cal in the Bay Area. He is our chlorella importer and technical person who will be working with us on the Palm Desert chlorella plant as well as supplying us with the chlorella all the way around. We have a very good relationship with not only Cal but several other technical people. There are a number of algae banks, biology departments who are willing to work with us at any time, both in Canada and here in this country. So the network for algae is firmly in place and it's really pretty exciting stuff. The elderly care facility proposal is all but complete. We're titling it Hearthstone. It will house 24 people, will be a cluster of domes in a very beautiful facility. Audrey, I don't see her, should be real happy to hear this. I'm somewhat at a loss here, Commander. We're moving forward all the way around. Well, everybody is so busy that it's hard to. And I didn't ask for a report today. So we'll let everybody off the hook. Chuck is looking into the feasibility of putting in loose units, small ones for clusters, central ones for larger complexes. This would be one form of some alternative energy and at least heating for these units that we will put in. We have a lot of land tagged around here that has well water available. And you get nearer to being able to have these things upon which to build your industry. A lot of information comes flowing through as one's here what you're going to do. And George just said today that there's one who is into hydroponic gardening and also understands how to use grow lights, et cetera, and knows how far from the plant you're going to have to place them. The thing you need most of all is an abundance of proposals. You see, when things begin to work, the floodgates open and you must be ready or you will be washed away. So you have a lot of land that can be garnered and then perhaps starts the really hard task of putting those proposals into such battle with the planning commissions and the bureaucrats. This is the beauty, one of them, of being in a position of being able to begin some in the state of Nevada if necessary, because it's much, much harder to refuse building if those things that you're requesting are already operable somewhere else. I don't anticipate a lot of trouble and a lot of problem, because after all, as you go along here, you're going to run the town instead of the town running you out of town as they would have wished. There are two things I would like to share. I don't have much to say about them at this moment. as much as anyone, you would call him an inventor. That's not really what he is. He's a searcher, and he finds. He is what I would call the epitome of scientists. And some of the things he feels he's found, actually by accident, but there are no accidents. And we had opportunity to meet with Bob James, that some of you may or may not remember visited will be doing more with us and Bob George Merkel is coming here. He needs, I believe, 30 million dollars is all he needs. And I'll tell you peanuts, the The first million is the hardest, Sheila. And I hear you, well, where's it? Keep working. Hold the goal and keep working. Maybe you'll get it right from Uncle Bush. He needs to do these things for the people. Because there is bureaucracy does not mean that they will stop doing some things for the people. You have eight years here. Ones want to get uptight about photon belts and no time, etc. What will happen on the 4th of July? Probably a hell of a lot, and you're not going to like it. What about no time? comes in about year 2011 to 2013. That gives you a little more time. I'm not uptight about your photon belt. That is something being totally manipulated by your government. Watch that shuttle running around. And ones who were privy to the motion picture or the video that Brent shared with us earlier in the week, will know that your space program and NASA are a fraud. Ones want to get angry at me because I tell you this. Well, I'm sorry. These are the tools for opening your eyes. gotten out of the survival is that you already know it. And that you have some access to some better ways of doing even that. Sitting over at Oberle's house is a earth compressor. Get yourself a digging machine and if you've got some land or you can borrow someone else's, dig a hole, line it with brick from that machine, from the dirt that you pull out of it. One brick in thickness will give you the equivalent of all that they were piling around their place of security. And you only got through one tape. Well, life is catching up and you're not able to slow down. So you'll have to decide how and when you're going to get the other information because obviously you need it.