This is side two of June 27, 1992. Thank you, Commander. You have to remember when I speak, when I write, I speak and write for almost 7 billion people. I want each of you to take the message personally within but I have to ask that you use reason. There's not time for audience with each of and a half to seven billion people. I want to share, but you have to look at the whole. And if you have been studying your material, you'll have a pretty good idea what you should do. And with each thing that we've offered, we also offer you other information. I give you enough that if you had nothing more, you would physically make it, if you do it. I cannot help it if you don't do it. That's your responsibility. That is not mine. I have fulfilled my responsibility. It's not George Green's. It's not Oberle's. It's yours. Each has to do for self, always holding the picture of the whole, because with brother, you have company and it can actually be fun. You need the same thing for this passage that you would need if you were in an earthquake and would be without facilities for a little while. Bone up on your camping. It's summertime. For a little bit of time, the heat will be unbearable as the cooling systems go out. But then if you move into some darkness, it will, of just Become cooler, maybe even quite chill, depending on your location. I cannot take the one in South Africa and compare it to the one in Antarctica. We wouldn't do anything else. Look around you and then do a little bag packed, or at least all of the things that you might want for three to five days. Handy. Get your sleeping bags ready in case they bring a war to your door. But at this time, it's not anticipated that you would need a shelter system for radioactive fallout and everything else, you're better off in your own place where you have your own things. Or gather together for the company and convenience of passing time. You're going to be without any of these wonderful entertainment centers. You may learn to speak. If you were sharp enough to get some candles, maybe you can read. You're going to feel blind in that kind of light. But you might come into some good conversation. The children are going to love these times, because they're going to have their parents. And if you're in a room with several other people for several days, you better get along, or it's going to be a bad go. So it's like everything else that comes along. It can either be a blessing or a curse, and it's up to you. And you can be a prisoner to this, or you can command You have one major thing in your favor, and that is that Bush really doesn't know what to do today. And in spite of law now that has been passed, emergency law, rather than emergency regulations, this was a well-done legislative command to go back to work. I'm not saying anything about its right or wrongness, but they were very, very smart to do it this way. In other words, look how hard I tried. Let the Senate do it. Well, it remains to be seen because the facts are that now other unions are working, considering support of a major, massive strike. So you're not off the hook. And the military equipment is still traveling around on the roads while the last fragments are getting situated into the ideal locations. You see many things happen when you have great domestic upheaval. You're going to have to have places of incarceration. And you don't have places within the cities. You're going to have to move them out and into some of these military camps to get... Your prisons are too full. Watch what they do. Are they releasing prisoners? They're building a lot of new prisons. Watch what they do. They're doing two things in Kern County right here in this town. They have a new quota system. They're raising the assessments on fines and stopping everybody for anything. If you blow your nose crooked, you're going to be stopped. Because actually, the county is basically bankrupt, just exactly like every county and every state. And the courts are running in the hole. I know for you ones who are tangled up in the court system, it is amazing, isn't it, that they could possibly be out of money. I suggest you follow the rules. Don't go out there without your seatbelt and throw burning cigarettes out the window, or speed, or do any of these other things that they'll stop you for. Because you don't have time to go over as a patriot and fight the system. It's easier to follow the rules. You see, the police don't care whether you do or don't, because then comes into play number two. They have the power to do it, and you're going to have to make those court hearings regardless, or you're going to pay your fine, and they'll know the troublemakers by what you do. And they will be able to use maximum force. Can you believe how you once do in your own selves? Here you had a case of Rodney King who literally broke the law. This does not excuse beating him. And now they have to arrest his wife. How will you ever, ever win until you change? It's not a matter of blame. It's The meek shall inherit the earth. Hear me. I didn't say the warriors. I didn't say the elite. The meek shall inherit. I want to be around. I want you to be around. Serving in the capacity for your most fitted, not taken out, untimely. To once again not allow you to finish your work. Because that's all there is, is this experience, and how you manage it. That's all there is of this journey. It is the lesson. I have hours and hours that I could give to all these fragments regarding this journey. All of the input from all of the speakers. Let's hear it for Arcturus. Let's hear it for Osiris, let's hear it for God. That's where your group comes from. Does that mean there is not a central source of creation? No. No, there's the greatest source, the total source. But there are groups of beings, and you fall into the Pleiades system because you are a cycles. And that being is referred to as God. I didn't say creator, I said God. For your purposes, And the very same one. And one's will thrust stones at George for having printed a book, for goodness sakes. It says, creation is bigger than creator. That isn't what it says. It says creation is all. But it too had to be created. And at that level, there's no push-off as to who gets to be King Tut. Each is recognized for the role. But then you come on down that ladder, and there will be God of what you will call your universe. Because there are universes above, below, and all around because space and time do not exist, so everything is infinite. So to make your realization come into a little bit of being, you have to understand that you can deal with a galaxy or a solar system and then a galaxy and then a universe. You don't have to start and end by saying there's only one. And that's where you begin, that's where you end, and begin again. But your experience will fall into areas of experience. It will also move on into dimensions of experience. But why must you deal with the tenth level when you're stuck in the second, unwilling to get off it? And instead of hearing, you wish to debate whether or not they're reptilians. I can guarantee you that when you find reptilians, you're going to find tampering, and you're going to find the original pattern came right from Orion. So don't come to me from your channels and say, hot diggity dog diggity, you know. Not only is that where it began to filter over for the tinkering of the adversary and the testing of the godly. But it's been most interesting to note that always the reptilians or mutations created by the man because human Because, human has always feared that serpent. That's why they labeled evil in the garden a serpent. And so, if you can create crosses that will bear any kind of genetic pattern that will make anything look reptilian, we're going to do it because you will be terrified and I will guarantee you you will be But it's not fair and the Orions came and They tinkered around and they tinkered around. And they crossed this, and they crossed that, and they played with this, and they played with that. But they found their blood didn't really match, so it wasn't even going to be a good integration of species. And that's not their thrust anyway. Their thrust is really just to wreck havoc and test you once. Play the games. And a very few few left. They promised you the world. They promised you security. They promised you a place on their lands. They lied. They lied. And they're gone. Oh, they've left a multitude of soulless beings and negative energy forms. The hosts of God are not come to get Orion's fragments, discards. Hard to hear that from one of the hosts. Why? I've told you all along, evil will not be brought into the houses of God. Evil will not be allowed on my ship. I have the right to say that. You may be able to go down to your court of law and say, I demand to go barefooted and shirtless into this restaurant. And you can demand until you fall over green and turn into a reptilian to get onto my ship. And it won't do one iota of good, one way. It has to come back into alignment with the truth of God. I don't care when you do it. I know that before your soul journey is through, because we're not talking robotoids, robotics. We're talking human beings with soul. And human being with soul will learn the lessons and will grow. And it doesn't matter how long it takes, you will do it. And if you are of God, you will be put in the proper placement of security so that those lessons can be learned, either in this environment or another. God does not abandon his creations. But you might not like it. And if evacuation comes, then yes. God and you're still pretty evil in intent and you still want the Fort Knox gold holdings. You've got to wait in line, you know. The Khazarians have it in Switzerland. But isn't that the story of life on this planet? Whatever it was you thought you really wanted, wasn't it. Look at all of those ones with great wealth. Some use it well and are happy. Most of the ones who use it well and are happy, you don't know who they are. They're smarter than that. If the ego requires that you get out there and let everybody in the world know what you have, and that you're some kind of a cotton-picking big shot, you have just blown it. If the ego requires that of you, you will not make it. They will get rid of you and take from you what you have. If they know not that you have it, or you are building with it, and it reflects their goodness unto the people, they'll leave you absolutely alone or help you. You are no threat to them. And they cannot, in their egotistical meanness of self-importance dream for a moment that you will win. They know you will, but their ego will not allow them to see it. It seems so trite and so silly and so small. I think maybe we should call this building over in Keene. Let's call it Bush Gardens. You're moving along now in your learning, in your ability to accept some of these rather remarkable ideas. I don't ask you to sit here and accept what I say, just, oh, well, you said it, so I believe it. No. I want you to believe it because it's truth. I don't ask you just to grasp onto an idea that says, Orion sent the reptilians, because that is so simplistic that it isn't even valid that way. So don't hop out there and pick up the phone and say, you know what that kook, Hatton, said. Well, let's see, where is Orion? Is that close to Beetlejuice or something? How about Cassiopeia? Where is it? What difference does it make? Do you see it makes no difference? If you are in line with your journey, it makes no difference. You can offer unto your brother. That's all you can do. You can't do it for him. And because you have studied, you can accept these ideas. Don't expect him to. He's refused to study. But the eye-opening events will begin to happen. I'm a little like you. There's so much hype about this photon belt now, and they're not even calling it photon belt. They're just moving the military and the nuclear bombs around to make sure and maintain order during that period of time, or get into a nuclear war so that they can introduce space men to you. I'm beginning, too, to hope it happens. For goodness sakes, it'd be nice to have something happen on time, wouldn't it? But you see, it's not my schedule. And I'm not allowed to create that. I thought of it. They've got to arrange something so that it appears to be God. There's no other point. And therefore you have to know that it will be a disaster of monstrous size to be able to accomplish the same thing that a massive war would accomplish. I chuckle at these politicians. We've got to build industry and put our people back to work. Where? where you're going to do more to put some people to work than that whole bureaucracy across this world. And you can see how limited you will be. That isn't the intent and therefore it will not happen. They will mouth it and mouth it and mouth it until you are saturated with it. And won't make any difference. Read my lips. Do they intend to deceive you? Absolutely. But the worst thing is they've deceived themselves. They literally think they are that wondrous, that they deserve to control you. So in that lies the deceit, and quite frankly the fun of the game. They get closer and closer and closer to pinning the criminal actions on Bush. There are at least three subcommittee hearings going on right now that if there are any intelligent congressmen left, it's going to be nasty if nothing else. But I don't want to talk about your local politics. I want to talk about what you have to offer as an example, as a thriving community, as functioning business people with integrity. And I want to tell you how much of the word you can get out, and how much better it will be to have some separation, for instance, in America West, in this location, so that I can push and push and push information, and we can write a little less of it ourselves, to free up our time for the massive work at hand. who has done what I consider a more worthy job than Dr. Coleman did with the Committee of 300. And I believe you will all recognize that I pushed that through just as hard as I could. And you ones didn't receive the kind of appreciation from any of us, including me, that I felt and I feel. Without quibble, you took it, you edited, you rewrote, you got it done, and you got it done in such a timely way that no one had ever seen that happen before. The journals are still so controversial, and they're like a magazine. Nobody pays that much attention to another journal. That's the way it's supposed to be, as I'll get to in a minute. But now George holds another that is succinct, names names, criminal actions, backup material, As brief as I've seen it done, and it's called the Immaculate Deception. There is another that I have asked George to follow up on. Any of you who received the New Federalist will see it being run in chapter presentations in the paper. There is no time to go through the dickering to even get it into publication in time to be of value. But Mr. McEwen has agreed and he will send everything that we need to get this book pushed through just like the Committee of 300. And over here for you ones to take it and do what you will with it and get it out there. And it will get out there in time with our backing it and pushing it, it will do better than the Committee of 300 because it affects you directly and this nation specifically. I don't choose one above another, but when one has been productive, he will be recognized. And we'll do everything that we can do to get that word forth. But I expect these authors to do their part. And that's give appreciation to God, their source, and to hold in the heart the reason they're doing their work. For the brotherhood of mankind and the salvation of planet and not for self, not for greed. When they come in open giving, they get it back a hundredfold. When they offer it in greed to hide under the bushel, their lamp shall It's that simple. We have a dandy lawsuit going. We're finally having some fun with this law. being sued by something calling itself a university for utilizing material from one incredible, gifted, gift unto man being called Walter Russell. Most of you will only have heard of this man because of our work. But Walter sat all the while Dormer wrote and Germaine dictated. And this group would take his work and keep it from the world. We're not that dumb. If you've ever wondered why we call them journals, and you ever wondered why we get them out as rapidly as we do, and have averaged one every three weeks, is because they must come magazine or a news periodical in truth because you cannot copyright truth and you cannot offer anything as a university and then refuse to allow your students who have paid the full price to use the information. information and if you do you have just said that what I offered in truth is fraudulent and is a lie. These ones were warned. I don't know how many of you experienced Jermaine's letter. After you're done you have a feeling of saying in half awe of well now Jermaine why don't you say what you think?" And they still wanted to push it because they perceived that George Green and these ones are gleaning great and wondrous millions of dollars from material. Well, they're going to impound the books. That's bad enough. I mean it. I'm not joshing. There is a court order as of the 27th of July. All books of the Pleiades Connection will be impounded. When they cease and desist publishing until the matter can be settled. This is the way the adversary works and he's hit at your spiritual soul. So what are we going to do? We're going to print some more. And poor George is just going to go in the hole so deep that I think that university better pay him for his losses. Beginning in this next liberator, we're going to push every volume that we have another distributor so that the law will not be disobeyed. We'll probably have to have a special mailing. I want to tell all of you these are the most that will ever be on planet Earth. They give you the source. And this very action tells you the truth of it. There will be no lynx that will be sidestepped in order to accomplish their end. And yet I also tell you that if you follow and hold my hand, I'll show you the way. George, tell us what you're going to do. It's time to share. Not about this B.S. The new one. I would ask you. You said that you thought that Mr. Tips was going to. Oh I will share with you when I talked to Scott the other day he says it looks like I'm going to come over to Carson City with you. So he'll be coming over to investigate the next couple when we get back from our journey it's an ideal place to have a constitutional law center there's so much protection that can be gleaned in that state. That part of it we're also of course this new book is exciting the immaculate deception it's really the uncovering of the entire Bush empire how it put together, all the things back from it, just so you know. But it's written in an incredible way. Hopefully, we'll get it out in the next week or two, right? As those pages come, please, I ask the editors, however you're having to do the indexing, please do it as you go along this time. There are going to be hundreds of names, and each one is so important. This is, this is tattletale time. It's what we have written, but I have taken it and I've gotten it down for you. And this man has taken that and he's pushed it on down there. And it is truly a revelation. And I'll look after him. Go ahead, please. Okay, we are also going to do, just like you are, we'll be planning on our shelters immediately as we get going and putting together facilities for domes. Also for production of television and movie things, primarily for television at this point because of the movie industry's hangups at this minute. We're also gonna be looking at the dome structures for gardening and there is abundant help over there. A lot of people are willing to come forth already. So I feel at a disadvantage because of everybody seems to be ready to open arms over there rather than trying to shut you down as they are here. The motion picture industry of Nevada is ready to step forth and help us, even providing us locations and buildings and anything else we can, really at no cost, just to use to get facilities and people working. So we have that chance. We have the ability very shortly to get a radio program going on a weekly basis, which we'll be able to beam up to other places across the United States also. That will help. I just talked to Eustace Mullins about two hours ago and used this wants to be with us on our seminars if at all possible. Crossing that state also just so I can let you know and also to help push his books and his material. He was just telling me without thirty six cases of books this week just to give you an idea which is double what he normally does. So he's really happy about what's going on and we're helping a lot of his stuff to so that for there were also our planning. Frankly I have a real feeling on getting the movie a manual or the Sonata document put to a movie. We worked on that for a long time ago and I think we'll have some excellent guidance putting that out also. And that's one project you'll be doing the Sipapu will be doing as well as others. And there are people that are contacting us already that are in the television industry that want to start putting together sequels or 30 minutes or things for PBS while we have a chance to try to get the information out. So the warehousing facilities and distribution will continue through our different mechanisms that we have as much as we can. And we'll be expediting more and more books on tape also. Oh, and we've been invited back now to all the survival expos of the people that did the one we were over recently in Las Vegas. They had such good reception for us that they're putting us in place of all the other ones now, which is of good help, for a year at least, as long as we can do it. Which is all right. Let's see the other projects we have. Yeah, the other ones are kind of mums the word at the minute. We'll get those released as I give you some definite dates and times as they come by, as probabilities come out. But looks like we're having a lot of support for what's going on. And I really want to thank everybody for the assistance of moving and all this, and the incredible burden we've been putting on Karen this last week because she's been running at both ends. Thank you. Thank you commander for allowing us this experience. He can't go without letting me thank everyone too because I'm an individual but we're a unit. I'm down I will going to have to do this all the rest of the day also you understand. Well I just I really appreciate everything that you've given us commander which can't be measured really in words it's in my heart though and I love you. I know. And I love all of you here and really appreciate I don't get a chance to see you and visit with you all and so I hope you'll come up once in a while and see us. We love you all and appreciate everything you've done. Thank you. Oh, by the way, when you're coming up to see us? Tape. Tape? Tape. Tape.