|0.00|> Now we'll go back to FEMA. Do you know who heads FEMA?<|6.00|><|6.00|> I forget the name.<|10.00|><|10.00|> This is the most important one position in your nation.<|14.00|><|14.00|> I forget the name.<|16.00|><|16.00|> It's STICNE. Now that doesn't mean a thing, does it?<|20.00|><|20.00|> No.<|21.00|><|21.00|> Sure doesn't. This should be terrifying to you<|26.76|><|26.76|> uh... fema is the most important one organization and this man who is he well he just happens to be from henry kissinger and associates mister kissinger and his bunch of hoodlums run your government and our president really takes his marching orders from uh... henry kissinger's company and you have one out of basically he represents he's a very good mormon i don't know at what point he was or came out of utah but his name is brent scowcroft and he is the advisor he is one of the president's advisors and mister eagleberger and of course mister kissinger was the chief advisor prior to the China uprising. Well, Mr. Kissinger had such massive businesses already in China, as did Mr. Bush and his family, so that they could not do anything different at Tiananmen Square. They had to, and their business interest not even denounced those chinese so you don't have a whole massive world going on that has been hidden from you the people that is incredible the one point would be good to come back to i think there may be a question in the mind of many listeners regarding means by which the uh... earthquake and the devastation can be triggered and created. Could you explain the weaponry that is in the hands of our adversaries? Oh, you have phaser systems now. You can have a platform that is right off the moon or you can have one. You do have bases on the moon, you understand. And with these pulse systems, they are so incredible that you are shooting particles, particulate. And these are literally made up of photons, and we call them prana, or life, life waves, waves, pulses. And the Russians, well part of it is attached to these big accelerator systems that was going to be built in Texas. Livermore Labs does a lot of work with these particle beams, but you're talking about everything from extra low frequency, which is called the Woodpecker system, which Russia has that encompasses the globe. And through these, what we call prana beams, which are photon beams, they're basically invisible, but they shoot electrons and particles, particle beams. And you can literally drive a person crazy, you can manipulate his mind, you can blow away the planet. And as you have become a little more sophisticated, you're not quite as dangerous to yourself, but actually not a whole lot less dangerous than you were. Because you have technologically grown to the point that you can destroy your planet, your toys and they have reciprocals and every now and then one's asked me about these reciprocals. You're first you're dealing with tone sound waves which turn into light frequency of various spectrum colors and then they'll become pinpoint or invisible. Basically they will become so focused and these back feed on themselves and they'll blow out capacitors and I mean they just back feed and in 15 minutes you can literally pulverize planet when that gets completely out of control. Up until this point and lately I should say still there have been some of these tests that have gotten out of control and we have been called in to please stop them, shut down that back feed. And that's pretty dangerous. It's about the only thing really that you can do and that is have a craft visualize or come into manifested form and have to get in those kinds of energy fields. But usually we're very well received when that happens. Commander, we do have some calls and I have been monopolizing the time with you. And so let us now turn to the telephones. And, David, you're on KTALK and Open Mind with Commander Hatton. Well, I wanted to ask the commander, quote, unquote, why do you think the Earth is an equatorial bulge? Repeat that. As your planet was approached, There was so much pull against the planet that was already there, Tymet, that it literally sucked it out. And it sucked it out with such force that it was spinning. I mean just absolutely spinning so fast that, you know, it would be, I don't have anything relative to tell you about, but it acted very much like a gyroscope. How come the sun has an equatorial bulge? Does the planet pull that out also? Well, I don't, I haven't looked into your sun. Well, as a student of astronomy and science, I could say what the conventional opinion is. Well, I would hear it. I'd. As to the spin of the object and the centrifugal force will actually cause that to happen. And no planet would be able to do that with the sun, but it has an equatorial bulge. Well, I'm perfectly willing to take whatever you say. I'm not here to debate, and I'm not really an astronomer. Right, but you're saying all these things that are coming, you know, you're sort of making up your own astronomical theories. No, I'm not concerned about my credibility. I'm here and that's all there is to it. If you disagree with what I have to say, I would suggest that you read some of the material. And I don't mean necessarily the Liberator or any of my material. You can go right back to Sumer in southern Iraq and go to the Sumerian texts and you will have history right there in Sanskrit. Well, the thing is there's been a lot of science since the days of the Sumerians. Well there's been a lot of lies coming from your scientists too. They were developed after the Sumerians. Well sir, why don't you explain to me then the lies that your government and your scientists give to you well but you are expecting me sir to defend something that i have said to you uh... well uh... i have no response uh... when one's call and they've made up their mind and they just want to argue a point, I say that you can look around your world and if you can tell me that they have not lied to you about almost everything in your world, then I may as well go home because you have a perfect world. Okay, Dick, you are on K-Talk. Sorry about that. All right, we do need to take another break right here. Let us pause. We are using, by the way, the news line tonight, 2630630. You're free to call in on that line, 2630630, in addition to the regular on-air line. We will be right back with Commander Hatton. This particular commercial for us was because they have some classes beginning, which I think you might find interesting. On the 14th, just on the line is Commander Hatsan and we will go next to Dick. You're on K-top with Commander Hatsan. Yeah, is there anything to astrological signs? Well, they like Libra and Leo and this type of thing. They have meaning and they place events. As far as placing any particular psychic or emotional anything to them, no. We don't utilize it. I suppose that some of your own people utilize it as a tool. What about the Constellation Leo and the God Regulus who is supposed to reside on the King's Starter, is that true? Well I'm not going to get into that. You see I just had a quarrel with a gentleman who called in and ones want me to comment about other speakers, other information coming out. I'm not going to do it. I'm sorry. I don't want to... I'll let you go on, I heard. What about this theory that God controls earthquakes and capas and storms and stuff? Why would he let mankind all of a sudden take his power? He doesn't let mankind take his power. Mankind is a fragment of himself, as a matter of fact. And this is a free will planet. You were created and given free will of action. And it isn't a matter of whether or not you can take his power. You cannot. But you have the right to create your environment. And that's what you've done. And you have given it away. God has not. And in the end, friends, God wins. I can promise you that without any kind of debate whatsoever. So you're in for some... I think the ship will be a little bit more higher level. Hi there, you're on K-Talk with Commander Hanton. You got the Utah County back. We have the Utah County and Al, you're on. Yeah. I would suppose that y'all have been observing this world for several centuries, maybe. Yes. I don't know how long. I don't know what you said about it. But what do you think about the Joseph Smith story and the documents that he brought forth? Are they plausible from your point of view? And I'd also like to know what your world is like. Well, I have been aboard a starship for so long that you have to understand that my... the ship that I usually attend is larger than your Earth planet. So we're talking about about very large craft if you will. Not a lot different. You see you ones cannot really conceive what in the world is a starship. You are basically on a starship because you have to be self-contained and if you do not stop the direction that you're going, you can no longer be self-sustaining because of the amount of pollution and destruction that you've wrecked onto your planet, to your own very existence. You see, you ones cannot perceive because you cannot look from outside within. You do not know, and this I would go back to the one who wanted to speak on astronomy, knowledge is so limited from your flatland perceptive senses. You only deal with senses. And whatever affects you, you cannot get out far enough from your planet, actually, to really say you're in outer space. You don't know but what there is a big capsule around you and that you are on the center of the earth. When ones want to quarrel with me, I may or may not agree with you, but the facts are you do not know. You do not know. Okay, I realize there's many things that I don't know. Joseph Smith. I believe myself that he was visited and it was very valid. I do believe that the Mormon church itself has based its ritualistic experience strictly on Freemasonry. And I don't know any other way to put it. I'm not saying that is good or bad. It is less bad, say, than some of the other religious, not spiritual, religious rituals. But still, it is a binding, secret society. And God is very open. There is no secret or no mysticism involved in God's projection. There are great mysteries simply because you don't yet know. But God sends us, He sends teachers, and they're either accepted or rejected to give you the secrets to those mysteries. And that's where we are this day. Well, we have to sort of leave it at that, Al. I thank you very much for your call. We have pretty much completed this first hour, Commander Hatton, and I think we need to give the phone number for those who would like to avail themselves of the materials that are available, which would further explain much of what we're getting into here. If you will simply call 800-729-4131. That's the America West Publishing line, and business hours Monday through Friday is the time to do that that number again eight hundred seven nine forty one thirty one a subscription to the liberator would be one of the best thing that you could do i can attest to that uh... commander we have to stand by now for five minutes of uh... a mandatory not new that we will enter into now and we shall return right after that thank you all i'll listen sandy public city