Then stop me five, ten minutes before the end, please. Because we could go on for hours and hours. I don't want to do that. It's overload and I have some announcements. And others may have announcements, too. I don't want to lessen the value of these questions from this 81-year-old. These other ones in his early 20s, maybe 30. I didn't check it out. One is no more important than the petition of the other. It's just that with the 81 years, this one has learned. And that one's just totally desperate, feeling cursed, thinking if his body may transition, his soul would be lost and he would have to bear this burden. Number one, there was no Judas Iscariot was there? There was a Judas Iscarioth and if it be that this has been confused, he could only have warm and wondrous feelings. Because he not only did not betray the Christ, he lived with the Christ until that Christ energy in the form of Esau Emmanuel passed on into his normal transition. We're not going to talk about what happened with the Christ energy as the human experience exhausted its lifespan. But Judas Iscariot lived and walked the land with that master teacher and wrote about it and it's in, they called his name Immanuel. And this precious child had read it and still was confused. The culprit was a Pharisee called Judah Ihorio, son of the town's leading Pharisee. So this young man could not have had a very intelligent energy speaking through that woman, or surely that woman would not have uttered those words. on the basis of what it thought was known. It would not have used the term Jesus. It would have used a different term. Watch it, Sheila. It's worth the time it takes to read the journals. Don't let these kinds of burdens destroy your journey. And you, if you have a major job to perform, you will be hit harder. And if you don't arm yourself with the armor given to you, you cannot expect me to shield you. Part of your shielding comes from knowing what's in those books. That's all mankind will have when you are gone, is the Word. And if you don't take time to have the Word, because it interrupts this, it interferes with that, I'll read tomorrow, my eyes hurt, I can't help you. I try from time to time, I put it to tape, and you don't have time to hear it? That's your responsibility. I'm doing mine. Now let's see what else is here. Until I read your writings and synonyms, I was gullible enough to believe this lady Ruth Norman, who heads an outer space organization in San Diego called Unarios. Ruth claims that her late husband, Ernest L. Norman, who died in 1971, was the reincarnation of Christ. Well, that tells you, doesn't it? Christ is not in your place. So that can't be. Now let us look just a minute at Ruth Norman and her purple flowing satin robes and her orange hair and her scepter and her rose and her Cadillac with a spaceship on top. And she presents that one day aliens will come and they will land one on top of each other until you have this giant skyscraper of spacecraft. And she runs around looking like that, calling herself the receiver and spokesperson on Earth planet from the outer reaches. I'm I don't have to respond. That's gullible. Does that mean that everything that Ruth Norman says is a lie? Of course not. That's not the way the adversary works. 95% of it will be true. But the adversary is required to wear a clue. And this precious soul doesn't even know she's been had. Some know they are deceiving you and enjoying it. A lot of ones simply are ignorant to it and are believing what's being said to them and can't understand why you laugh at them. If you present yourself looking like that and you call yourself the only spokesperson for the alien species, guess what that makes the rest of us? And if that's representative of God, I can certainly Ruth Norman says that she is a reincarnation of Hesuchutep, Cleopatra, Queen Elizabeth, Socrates, Peter the Great, and Mary Magdalene, also the wife of Muhammad and just about every great woman in history. I wonder what Sananda would say about all this. Oh goodness, I don't think you want to hear it. If there are people on earth. No, only older and a little wiser. So how could I qualify to be saved by you and yours? Exactly what I said before, you don't have to qualify with me. You qualify with God, I hold the door key. And could you tell me more about how to contact the God within me so I could serve him in the way I want to. You're doing just fine, precious. Don't worry about it. I hope you can answer in a more detailed way than just a form letter. I am remiss. I apologize, sir. I should have responded. I hope you will accept this tape as my response for the moment. Here was one I wanted to take up because it speaks of new types of energy systems. And this one mentions a name, it's immaterial. But he says, what about Dennis Lee and his new energy system such as the car engine that doesn't pollute, the home unit you can throw garbage into and makes it into electricity, the super efficient and clean heat pump that may be able to run itself on the heat absorbed from the environment. I can't make comment on these because there's some very valid things in these. Obviously, you're not going to be allowed to utilize them. Not yet. It's not safe for anybody. I also wanted to cover this one. This one is from our brother Wendell. And he says, I have a product called Cell Food. It is the best I've found to clean up the soil, ponds, etc. from contamination. It will penetrate up to 600 feet into the ground. I would like to do it for Iraq to try to help those people. Also, if you could tell me the diseases they're plagued with at the moment, I could probably help in that area also. And yes, I window you could, but you wouldn't be allowed to. And right now, most of the children, of course, are dying of dysentery because there are no sources. And disease has been introduced, so it's intentional that these ones die. And I want you all to note that Saddam Hussein is stronger than he ever was with his people, because you have come in there and you have represented yourself as the most evil, evil contrivance on the planet. And that's exactly what is intended, that one will go cling to him so that no matter what happens and what you do to Iraq, in the eyes of the world you'll be able to lie again. You can see it. Great big flap over your investigators not being allowed into the Department of Agricultural Offices. And it's down, should we attack Iraq? What could they be hiding in the agricultural offices? Well, maybe Mr. Bush knows. I mean, after all, BCCI and the BNL ran all funding armament through the Agricultural Department of the United States of America. But the assumption is that you want, if it went through your Agricultural Department, then surely it must go to theirs. No, they just bought the weapons right straight across. And speaking of weapons, you better hold your breath. China is buying up massive weapons from the old, defunct, bankrupt, poor, old communist country of Russia at fire sale prices. They don't even have to go through Moscow. Welcome to the USSR, Chela. Welcome to fascist, socialist, one world global government. You've arrived. Now what do you do about it? You use wisdom. And we take it carefully and gently and we eventually grow right up through them. They don't like each other a whole heck of a lot. You have the Kazarian element trying to rule the world. They all have the same goal and they will all help each other until it comes to who will run it. And you can bet the ones who are robotoids at this particular time won't be the ones who get to run it. So it's going to go higher, isn't it? Or lower, as the case may be. Now I would like to make a little brief statement for all of you ones who are here. Jaylene is very, very concerned. She doesn't want to leave anybody out of her party. It's a wedding. I don't know exactly what to say about it either because it is an expression of love and gathering and sharing. It's a party. It's a barbecue. It'll be a lovely fun thing to attend and she doesn't want anybody feeling left out if a personal invitation did not come to you. So if you're here and you're interested, it will be on the first of August and there will be instructions, there will be extra notices around this room somewhere and you would be welcome. It would help them greatly in their preparations for quantities if you just let them know whether or not you plan to come or even think you will come because there's no one in this group too proud to eat leftovers. I remember Thanksgiving when you did it for three days on the same overabundance. It's a time of celebration. Don and Ellen have a daughter getting married. And there are things that a mother just is going to do. Space cadet, be put aside. Well ones have been very gracious to have Dorma. I hope that you'll be as gracious to have Ellen. And maybe we can just gather everything up and take it over to Ellen's after this one. These are the things that make the journey wonderful. These are the times when you can be family and you don't have to consider whether you are a group or not. This is love and friendship. This is the fun part of the journey. And to your mothers, just look at Sandy and she's got four of them coming. Save those ribbons. They will look wonderful on these children when they come to that part of this physical journey. Now, would anyone else like to make a comment in this room? I hear you. Well, I see you have quite a lot of competition. Much. You said you were going to say something. You left for a little while and you had a little information to give about routes going home? Or did I misunderstand that? Now, see, you're going to have to repeat it because I had too much interference. I will repeat. You mentioned that you left for a little while, back early in the meeting. And then you said you were going to say something about the routes, the highways to take home. Oh no, no, no. I misunderstood. You misunderstood. Good. No. I said to get my scribe out of here. Just get her out of this room leave the instrument here. Charles or someone can pack or Charles can take her elsewhere. I need her out. She's in danger. She lives here. That's all. And I want to cover those bases. I don't see any lack of safety on for any of the rest of you. Please. The Free Enterprise Society will put on a meeting down in San Diego and their guest speaker was Bill Benson whom you covered in an express last year I believe. He talked about his incarceration and his findings and that he has found in his two volumes, The Law That Never Was and his documentation that is certified and notarized that the 16th Amendment is a fraud upon the people notified and notarized that the sixteenth amendment was is a fraud upon the people and he gives proof and he has gone to all forty eight states and recorded everything they had and how they voted and it's amazing. We have now that's that's that's now true. So my question is. I love what he says he says when they. When the IRS come knocking on your door you tell him say you're committing fraud I guess under title whatever you they can be sued. And that. Tom Bill Benson told him to say so. So. The question is is I guess to contact the Constitutional Law Center and how to approach this. To use this as defense to keep the vipers at bay? Well, Bensalyn paid a magnificent price for bringing you this kind of information. And yes, he's absolutely right. And the only way that really you're going to be able to get it spread around is exactly what you're doing. Allowing him to speak as often as you can get him to in as many places. And this is a patriot, this is a servant, and he will do it. Give him a platform. The Constitutional Law Center, yes, deals in these things. They are absolutely swamped. Swamped. And there are only a few of them. There aren't, there just is not funding to acquire, you know, one's really, especially attorney. It's a very rare attorney that will volunteer his time. And yet one's even volunteering or willing to do so, cannot do so because one has to have a livelihood. So there has to be a reasonable approach from either side. And the intent here is to keep going and keep going with projects and projection until we can get some backup funding. And then we can acquire more attorneys to literally go to work on these kinds of things, to give that man relief. All of you, in your own way, are being such pioneers out there. And God bless those ones, like this man, who walked that road in front of you. It's a little harder because of him for them to come in and confiscate your things. That does not mean they do not do it. They do it dozens of times every day. Every day. Support those ones. Everyone in that area. Please go. Every time these ones speak. Bogrites. All of these, go. Go, if nothing else, and support them by your presence. They don't have to have any connection with Commander Hatton or believe in UFOs versus nothing. They believe in God and nation, and that's where you start. The rest will come into its focus at the proper sequence. First you have to know what is wrong, what is the matter, what has happened, and where better to get it than from the ones who experienced it. And then through the Constitutional Law Center you can require the judicial system system, take notice because it is hook, line and sinker a pawn of the ADL, which is not Jewish, it is British intelligence right out of the committee of 300. You are ruled again by England. These are a clever lot. Does that mean that all people from England are awful and evil? Well, if you're still at that level of questioning, I feel sorry for you and salute. Are there any announcements? Other? I have a question. All right. Good afternoon, Commander. It's a great honor to be in your presence once again. I just had a question, somewhat on a personal note. With all these earthquakes occurring this week and the global meeting last week in Munich, reading the Phoenix Library this week's version, it seems like, I guess, Yeltsin got some money and we bought some time. I'm particularly concerned because I live right on the water, on the coast, and every time there's an earthquake, it just reminds me of what can happen. I was wondering if we just bought some time with this last meeting. No, not really. There are a lot of things to continue to be unfolded. You are more apt to have bought time with that photon null, null, that, I don't call it null zone, void zone, than with the earthquake situation. They won't pull that earthquake on you until probably Bush is ready to take control. But you can tell that you're having a situation whereby the Federal Reserve is in real, real trouble right now. You have been blackmailed, and this is by the Russians. So you've got two things at play here. You have the threat, but the Russians really don't need to get you into a worse position. The elite already know, because the Bilderbergers have Clinton up and Gore is a Khazarian. And both are members of all of the elite groups, such as Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, going right on up through the ranks. The Bilderbergs chose this young man to head the party, the Democratic Party, grooming him for president, at last year's meeting. And that has not slackened. They know that he is controlled. Bush was headed for larger things, but you can see the Khazarian effort, basically it's Khazarian, to pull Bush down now because his criminal activities are catching up with him and for a couple or three reasons they want to be rid of him. On the other hand, they know they can't bump him off. They've done that. And still that entity comes up. There was more to that Japanese little incident than meets the eye. But the facts are, they pulled it off very smoothly and an entity reappeared. He wasn't even dead three days and came back. But he was sure as soup dead. So you've got a situation whereby before this element will let go, they'll pull executive orders on you and emergency regulations. And they may have to do it by triggering the fault. It depends on how other things go. You've got to create national disasters that the economy cannot handle and Congress cannot handle big enough to merit that kind of takeover so that it can be massive enough, big enough, that you won't question it. The fact that Bush is in town in San Diego, he will be, mark my words, they don't tell you that, he will be. He'll make a presentation of himself at whatever you're going to call the ball game. All-Stars maybe? How could I possibly have known? The news will tell you he's coming and parking Air Force One near the terminal in Bakersfield and then will go to Sequoia to some unknown place with executive order in hand having to do with something with the environment. Well I believe so is the All-Stars game. And whether or not he shows up at that ball game is immaterial. He will be near San Diego on that day. I don't think that his party will dare pull that fault off while he's there. On the other hand, you are faced with having to realize that it could be a set-up, set up and regardless of how the cookie crumbles in the political arena, the likelihood of the way the tectonic plates fit San Diego will just swing out and northward with a good shaking but maybe not even too big a shaking depending on how rapidly it breaks off. So a lot of planning has gone into it and I am not privy to all of it and neither am I allowed to tell it. So I have given you about all the clues I'm going to about it. You're going to have to meet like this. I can't help you. These are things that individuals must confront. San Diego's sewage system is a problem. Not for very long. I'll tell you what, you've heard of deep vats for sewer systems. Well, that'll be the least of their problems. There's even a story down there that has a map on how California's going to look after the big quakes, and it shows San Diego as an island. Well, Dorma just drew a sigh of relief. How can you go tell them that San Diego's going to be an island. Well, now you've given her some confirmation from the human level so we can go home. Blessings to you. At some point this will be an island. That's why we have to prepare in such a manner that it can be self-sustaining. These are not non-physical with capability of figuring it out. If all the possibilities happen...