|0.00|> that he did the other night on the news about the subject and asked him if he would mind<|5.24|><|5.24|> calling us from the studio when he finishes the news. So about 10-15 this evening we'll<|10.76|><|10.76|> have Nick Clooney for a few minutes speaking about Ross Perot.<|14.08|><|14.08|> All right, well that should be very interesting as a kind of a follow-up to what we've been<|18.96|><|18.96|> getting into here. We'll be chatting about that with Commander Hathon as well.<|22.20|><|22.20|> I'm glad you brought the Commander back on. I missed the last show and it's been just very enjoyable to hear, have an opportunity<|29.32|><|29.32|> to hear it again. So I will not hold you up. All right. See you in an hour, folks. Thank you very much. You bet. Good night. And that's S.P. Rodney. He will be hosting the program in just an hour from now after Open Mind is concluded. Now let me reintroduce Commander Hatton for those just tuning in. My very special guest is Iargos Siris-Heton. He is Commander, Earth Project Transition, Pleiades Sector, Flight Command, Intergalactic Federation Fleet. He is aboard the spacecraft Phoenix, which we just learned in the first hour is over the desert where a lot of the earthquake action is taking place right now. Now, for those wondering about how the transmission actually takes place. This is not channeling. This is actually an electronic transmission on a high frequency, it's a UHF band frequency, and this is attuned to the receiver, who is simply a translator. Dharma is the translator. She actually senses these pulses and translates these into English. That is the means of transmission of the information that we're receiving tonight from Commander Hatton. And so once again, Commander Hatton, welcome to these airwaves. Thank you. Thank you very much. And let us, I will, we have to do, once in a while the equipment begins to act up, we have to punch a couple of buttons. And so I think that will clear up some of that ringing. And let me go next to Joyce. Joyce, you're on K-Talk with open, on open mind with Commander Hatton. Yes, I got in on the very last of the earthquake prediction type. I wonder if she could go over that again. All right. Thank you. Thank you, Joyce. Well, briefly, they have been pumping trauma beams into the Earth. When you say they, who are they? Well, it's basically your government at this point. There is a grid that was finished and connected around your globe and hooked up finally on January 1st. And this is an electronic type of grid? This is an electronic type of grid. You have heard probably the term woodpecker system. That's something that would be very familiar to all ones who know about the Russian particle beam or beam system. You have the same capabilities. Now you went into cahoots with the Soviets and finally managed to hook up the system. So we'll just leave it at that right now because you see those can be controlled from either the Cosmosphere platforms in space, which are Russians, or they can be controlled by your own military or government, through the military. Now what has been happening when you have these kinds of systems, the most effective way to test them is to have one of the receivers in one of those underground facilities. You have massive underground facilities all around your nation and some of the very largest are out here in the Mojave Desert, exactly where you've been having these earthquakes. The resonance builds up to the point that it acts like an amplifier and literally they are now over flying the area because it never stops. The shaking never stops. You only you know they have been upgrading the level of the earthquakes where it was felt all the way to Salt Lake. But you see they were striking periodically all along the way, basically opening up new faults. opening up new faults and you've got a situation here where they have just in some areas pulverized the land. The overflights are now being done and mapped and there are sinks where the earth has just kind of caved in on itself some 20 to 50 miles in width and many, many miles long. and the desert itself looks like it was liquefied and then curdled like cottage cheese. This is just a phenomenon that is incredible. It has not ever been seen. And that's the signature of the skater or the UAV weapons that they have. Yes. And you see, this is the system that requires evacuation of your planet. If this kind of energy gets completely out of control and back feeds on itself or you have a chain reaction there is no technology on your place that can control it. You can create it. You can do it. But if it gets out of control you cannot stop it. And that would eventually just ignite your atmosphere and pulverize your planet. It would just vibrate it into a heap of rubble. So that's, you know, this requires extremely close watching and this is what we're about at this particular point, to keep that within limits. I would like to just interject here for a moment, for those who are doubting that this sort of weaponry actually exists, that I'd like to call your attention to the John Coleman program. John Coleman was on, oh, a few weeks ago on this program talking about these electronic weapons, these new incredible weapons that are in existence, which most people simply never hear about. And that's all on the John Coleman tape, if you would like verification. And John Coleman is a person who is strictly terrestrial. If he cannot see it, feel it, or touch it, or hear about it from his own trusted confidants, then he does not put that information out. And so if you would like truly terrestrial confirmation of what Commander Hatha'Honda is just telling you regarding these weapons, then you really ought to hear that John Coleman say. So I thought I would interject that as a point of validity there, Commander. I think that's important for the folks to understand. Well, you're also getting... She asked about the earthquakes. You're getting a denial now on the part of the seismologists. The ones here have now started a little bit of... Are you receiving me? Yes. All right. There was a change of tone and I thought maybe we'd been cut off. We hear you very well tonight. Very good. Thank you. at Caltech's seismology center are denying very heavily that their own brotherhood has left the Los Angeles area, but I'm telling you that that is a fact. The schools have been put on alert and on Friday they were told that they must remain on alert because they did not expect the fault, the San Andreas, the big one if you will, to last more than 48 hours. Now that would run you into Monday sometime if they continue the bombardment that they're giving now. The water table under Los Angeles proper has dropped suddenly by some hundred feet. this water is pouring into the San Andreas fault. This is a problem. So that will in effect lubricate the fault. Yes, you've got a real situation happening here. And it won't take very much to slip it. You have just had a volcanic eruption over in the Philippines again. You have just had tremors and earthquake and eruption of Mount Oso in Japan. You are having a lot of activity along the Ring of Fire but there is sizable measurement of activity on the San Andreas. It is beginning to just sit there and quiver. It's an incredible thing to realize that your own people can do this and will do this. Why are they doing this? Once again it's blackmail. When you are at such a disadvantage, precious ones, they can call in executive orders and you will come under emergency regulations, FEMA regulations, around every major city in your nation right now they have organized and put troops on alert. If you could go out, if you knew where to go out of Salt Lake you would find them. Now if you ran into them they would say, oh well yes we are on maneuvers or whatever but they have reactivated the guard and they are putting razor wire, that means barbed wire with razor cutters, encircling most of the military bases and those precious ones, the reason for that is to contain you, the people. The reason for the military outside the city is riot control. You're at war. I don't know what else to tell you. And this is one reason that Perot would back off. Regardless of the circumstances, he would back off. Mr. Bush doesn't need you. He doesn't need your votes. He holds in his hand executive orders any slight triggering and he can decide what that is. As an emergency, he can call in executive orders and you will go into a police state. And so this is why Bush really is not particularly worried about being re-elected because if all laws are suspended and the Constitution is suspended that means the election is presumably suspended. Yes, yes. And you see, you have the United Nations troops now to back it up. You've got a bunch of Japanese troops over. Well, you've pulled them in from everywhere. You have a whole conglomeration. And wherein your troops might not want to act against your own people, the United Nations troops, the Blue Helmets, will to restore order and this can mean the closure of the banks, it can mean anything. It's a very very serious time. The plan 2000 remember is to be done and operational by year 2000. That's what it means. That means you have less than seven and a half years to get all of these things accomplished by the United Nations global government. One of the key provisions of that is depopulation. Right down to no more than 550 million people. That means you're not going to get cures. We've got cures. We've got cures. And therefore you have them for AIDS, for these diseases. For everyone that comes along you see viruses are nothing more than crystalline substances with the DNA and you can grow them. You and you did it with HIV and then you have some very powerful strains of anthrax and and now a smallpox that will not respond to the regular smallpox vaccine. So whenever you do something that stops one, they will hit you with another. You're caught up in this new world order whether you like it or not. Alright, let us pause here. We would ask you to stand by, please, sir. We have to take a commercial break, and we will return in just a couple of minutes with Commander Hatton. Commander, there has been a good deal of discussion about the photon belt that has been announced. Now, I think it needs to be made very clear that the photon belt announcement is really, well, what you are doing is simply reiterating that information that has already been put out by others on this earth, is that right? Yes, yes, because you're not due to hit that great barrier until in the next century. And so the Great Barrier Photon Belt then is really something that's projected after the year 2000. Yes. And the photon belt phenomena that is projected for almost immediately or almost anytime now I suppose is again, this is going to be something that's man-made. Yes. And they will be able to fabricate the effects of the photon belt, is that... Yes, quite easily, quite easily and you see you already have a lot of photon energy coming through this is what they're talking about with your ozone hole and your sunblockers not working and the intensity of these x-rays you're already picking up photons but you would do that for a decade or two prior to entering the photon belt itself because this is a very massive period of time. We're talking 2,000 years that you would be in this lighted period of time. I would like to just highlight something that detractors of the photon belt phenomena are rather derisive when they say it, when they point out that photons are simply light. They say, well, light is light. Photons are light, so what is this business when people say the photons are going to do damage to you? And my comeback is basically that the photon cell is incredibly compressed photons. Is that a way to describe it? Well, it's a different type of frequency, and it's very much like X-ray in that actually x-ray is just light that takes a photograph but it builds up. We can't see it but it nevertheless is considered to be light. Yes. Yes. And so those who seemingly are being directive about photons and their alleged non-effect is what they're trying to say are really completely wrong because the photons that we're talking about are the ones that are much higher in frequency up in the dangerous x-ray spectrum. Somewhere in there. You will be able to tolerate quite a lot, a lot more than you would be regular x-rays, but they are a form of ultraviolet so the intensity does damage and exposed to that over a long period of time before your body can adjust to that you will get damaged. People should really understand that the photons that we have now I guess it said that when we see light that is photons of a spectrum that falls within the range of our eyes. Well yes you are just seeing light yes you are perceiving light. Right, and so the photons that we're really referring to in terms of the photon belt is something totally different than the photons that we experience here as visible light. Yes, I like to consider it X-ray radiation, if you will. And so that's the primary difference between... Well, photons are not all the same. That's what it comes down to. That's what some are alleging in terms of pointing out and downplaying what is being said about them. That's why I'm dwelling on this point to make the point that not all photons are the same and that the photons that you're referring to in the belt are of much, much higher frequency and they will have these kinds of effects that will be very, very noticeable. Well, you're... It's just been pointed out in this room that nuclear radiation basically is the worst of all, see? I mean, it's... You don't see it either. But certainly it impacts you. Well, what you will... What will happen, though, is a change in frequency of beings. Now when the great barriers hit and we call it the great barrier because you are going to have two or three levels of beings and the lowest vibrating frequency beings or let us just say evil will get against that barrier. Number one they will probably away psychically. They will just not accept the truth. It will be like Noah and his boat and they're going to laugh right up until the end and then drown. They will not pass through that in human form. They will be stopped right there. Now that's just because of the frequency of their vibration. They are very physically oriented into simply physical expression, then there will be some who will go ahead and make it through, but they will be also greatly damaged probably because they are also very physically oriented and will not speed up their own integration. And then there will be the enlightened group or the lighted people who literally will pass through that, move into this lighted time of 2,000 years, and it's going to be the period of radiance that you refer to in your biblical prophecies. Frequency differences are so extreme and it will not take you very long to move into that. Some of you will just, well for instance, a drama picks up my signals very rapidly and they are extremely high frequency. And most of you attuned to me at all hear those tones. You may not recognize what you're hearing but you very certainly do hear them. And that means that already you are adjusting your own systems. You're getting ready for that. You're getting ready for that transition. That's why you are experiencing it this particular time. And these are the wondrous things. You know, I don't really like talking about the negative political things, but if you don't know what's happened and what's wrong and what is the lie, then you're not going to be able to do anything about it nor recognize the truth when you see it. So we've got to go through the dreary to get to the glory. And that's where I like to dwell. I like to have fun with that because you ones are headed for tremendously wondrous experience. That's wonderful. I would just like to mention in this connection that for those who would like more information, the Liberator newspapers are wonderful information and the last issue was super and I mentioned I've had a preview of some of the information that will show up in either the next Liberator or the one following and it really is wonderful stuff. And so you really need to call this 800 number to get information on getting the Liberators. 800-800-5565. 800-800-5565. Let's go to the phones. Arch, you're on Ktalk and Open Mind with Commander Hatton. Yes, I have been... I'm critical of this for two reasons. Critical of what? Of this theory that is being advanced tonight. The photon theory, you mean? Well, the whole premise of Samander Hatton. Oh, really? Well, that's very good. That's fine. Okay. Well, I'm glad that you are open-minded enough, quote-unquote, to receive some criticism. Well, I'm glad you're open-minded enough to share with us. I have nothing to hide. All right. That's fine. I have kind of a sort of visions and revelations of my own. There are certain keys that I use to detect false channels or false messengers. One of these is boundaries. There are certain boundaries that are set which false messengers will cross. One of these boundaries is that the Father or the God of this world does not allow inhabitants of other worlds to directly administer to the inhabitants of this earth. Only inhabitants of this earth administer to the inhabitants of this earth. The other is, and this is going to be offensive to a lot, but I've been revealed that government of God or the government of heaven is patriarchal and God will never send a woman to preach or teach what his will is. What reference do you have? I'm not a woman. Well, you sound like one to me. Well, I have a translator. Why don't you learn my language and then you won't have to have a translator? And for authoritative messengers, it has to conform with the ancient order, which is after the order of the ancients, which has been revealed to me is after the order of Melchizedek. Do you know about Daniel 7 and 8? Well of course I do, and yet I would ask you about orders. You are dealing with ones who already understand structure and order. When you get into hierarchical order, it's called pecking order and quite frankly we do not utilize it. I believe there is an order to the gods, a vertical hierarchy. It is not democratic it is a theocracy which is different than a democracy and it is not egalitarian it is vertical hierarchy this group of gods you're correct in labeling Elohim which means the gods and of course the true messengers of our father taught that the first inhabitant here was transplanted here from an older earth into a garden a perfect man and a woman were transplanted here and all of the plants and animals were planted here also from an older world and uh the have you read the book genesis revisited or gotten into some of those kinds of uh of uh explanations of our early origins i've been too busy writing books to read. I appreciate what you are attempting to do and communicate with me, however, no I have not read that. Does that ring a bell with that book? Ring true to it sort of? Have you experienced any of the journals? Well, even the paper? There are journals that are actually transmitted by Commander Hatton and are printed by America West. A disciple of mine quote unquote brought some to me. I was caught up where I saw and heard for myself what is written about so I use that as a touchstone to measure all teachings and doctrines whether it conforms with that light or not and well art it sounds like you're operating on a somewhat different wavelength well that's what I'm saying and mine conforms with the ancient order if you read first Timothy 4 1 the you I say age 20 in these oracles. Well it sounds like you are very biblically oriented there. Well obviously but new age people are sort of contradictory too in that they believe in evolution and yet they believe in channeling and spirit. To me that is mutually inexclusive. Yes, but how can you be biblical and not experience the messengers? Well the messengers fit a certain pattern. No they fit your pattern or they don't fit your pattern. You are judging. I understand, but everything is not relative. Absolute truth is discoverable and either my message is true or it's false. But how do you know that mine is not, when you have not experienced any of my material? Isaiah 820. But sir, you're going to now tell me something else, when you thought I was a woman. You have been addressing the scriptures, referring to them. Isaiah 820 says, to the law and to the testimony, if they be not according to these, it is because there is no light in them. And the law and the testimony is that God does not change, He is not a liar, and He will never change. The truth never changes, lies do. You will find that throughout everything I write, everything I speak. I would suggest, Art, we will go nowhere with this conversation because let me suggest that you pick up a book called The Talmud of Immanuel. Okay. And look at that. And this is written by Jim Deardorff, and I think you would find it rather fascinating. And you can find that one at Swatha, I do believe. And let me suggest that you do that, and I thank you very much for your call. And let's move along to Bill. You're on K-Talk with Commander Hathon. Hello, Bill. Yes. I would like to ask Commander, what the repercussions are supposed to be in the Salt Lake Valley relative to this earthquake problem? I also have heard that there are vast quantities of water underlying the desert here and that once a great earthquake hits we'll be in a sea of mud. I would like her comment on that. Well, you're going to have to recognize the fact that you are an ancient sea and your mountains all around the area will show that to you. Also you are on a very major fault that runs along I believe you call them your Wasatch mountains. So you are in a very unstable area and if and when you get the types of tidal waves or possible earth shifting. You could very well fill up with water. I don't really know much more to say to you about it than that. Alright, I thank you very much. You're welcome.