|0.00|> 6th 1992 roughly 1.30 in the afternoon on Sunday we're having a meeting at the bookstore<|8.32|><|8.32|> greetings commander good afternoon<|10.16|><|10.16|> for you who have not visited in person and i think we're getting a little bit of feedback<|15.44|><|15.44|> perhaps it's too loud<|16.56|><|16.56|> I can get from here to Pledis, but I can't contend with your equipment. I see that we're in pretty good shape. You don't believe the government much more than you believe me, do you? Here you all are. Well, there's a little more to that. We just, you know, push the barrier a little bit to get down here in time to start this meeting, because we do continue to write just as fast What you've been witnessing on the television is one big facade. Oh, you're going to have a war, all right, but it's not going to be like you expect. And I would like anyone in the room to tell me what exactly does Bush intend to precision bomb this time. You have ones who have been over there inspecting, and the intelligence community comes back, I guess, and reports, well, it's all under control. You know, we did all this precision bombing and we've killed a bunch of people, but don't worry about it because we got all of their weapons. Then you send in great inspecting teams, and now you are shot down at the doorway of an agricultural building, of all things, the Ministry of Agriculture. I suppose that it's internationally dangerous to grow potatoes or something. What does agriculture mean to you? Doesn't it mean the growing of foodstuffs? Well, it's not what it means these days with BNL and BCCI and Bush and the conspiracy. It means that things were shipped out like money and grain through your agriculture department and Department of Interior, knowing full well what was happening with your own Secretary of State subordinate suggesting that it go through B&L, all the funding, all the loans, and the grain to be handled likewise, which was then sent directly to Russia, to the Soviet Union, and sold, and the funds either spent spent or exchanged for weapons, all the while your president was also investing through that same route along with your nation's money for arms and weapons for Iraq. Now I don't want to interfere with their little beehive of activity because quite frankly Quite frankly, I'm not at war with these ones, but precious ones, I know a few of you who maybe ought to be. You see, I have to remind you of something. I am coming to you on a radio frequency that can be picked up and is monitored by your own receivers. They don't do too well at translation, but they're getting better, as they have studied the myriads of documents and voice channels as it is received and then translated onto that computer. So what do I get? Well, I want to know exactly what frequency to the last tenth of a millihertz or whatever that you're broadcasting on. Why? Are any of you in this room going to go out to your magnificently arrayed radio systems and tune in? You don't need anything so sophisticated. All you need is ultra high-frequency band like your satellites, your weather satellites use. So let's not get hung up on all this methodology. Have you ever heard of God, anybody? That's the one you should be attending. All the rest can be discussed, because it's in your physical realm, and I believe that with reason you can make sense of it. Not comprehend it and understand how they can do it, but you'll make sense of what they're doing with it. Well, HATON's photon belt didn't come off. Oh? Well, since HATON didn't have one, aren't you lucky? And I would remind you that you don't get any news. There are plenty of ones today who are buried in authorizations and orders to keep silent because there were portions, very important portions of your yesterday for over four hours, thanks to FEMA and NASA. And they still plan a big one for today and tomorrow. You're in a tested situation. For over four hours yesterday, FEMA was in total control of your government, and answered to no one except the United Nations forces. Do you really think that your boys were playing at bomb Iraq at some place called Camp David? Don't you think they made a little too much of an effort to show you pictures when they never allow pictures? So maybe a picture is worth a thousand lives. Doesn't really matter, does it, sitting in this room? You're all going to have to come into knowledge of what is going on, because Big Daddy is not going to fix it for you. I realize that you ones thinking you were going to come into some higher command wouldn't have to do anything. You'd just be able to sit and wait and God would take care of it. No way. And you're going to have to do something because you have your children now. You have your children who have managed to get by the abortions, the pills, and they're back to do their job. And this time they're going to insist that you allow them to get it done. Any comment, Ryan? They're getting tired. They're getting very, very tired of being in alien land, doing alien things, which boggles their own mind. And they're thrust into a world where they're required to play the silly games. And yet what else are they going to do? In this habitation or habitat, you've got to function according to the other players in the habitat. You have to have the same knowledge and you are only allowed to have your knowledge during those hours when we're at work, when you're working in a higher level of understanding. That's our only purpose. We're not here to fight any wars. Ones will say, but how can you allow the children? I didn't allow the children. You have allowed the children to suffer and pay the price of your indiscretions. I have had none. Does that mean I'm perfect? No, but I'm getting close. My job, my mission, as anyone who has ever served in any special forces or any military operation. You have a mission. My mission is to bring the truth, basically, of your divinity, who you are, what you are, and what in the world is going to happen to you. You cannot understand that without understanding the things gone before. And whether you can understand or not how or why they function that way, I think it will come into your recognition that it's because you've been put to sleep and you've allowed it. Well, now that it comes time to disallow it, you're a little bit caught of the moment, and it's going to require that you go within. You can't win this battle by guns. This is one place the pen will be mightier than the sword, and it can get you just as dead if you don't play carefully. What do I mean by playing carefully? You find out who you are, what you are, and why you are here doing what you're doing, and then you get in the light shield. Don't wait till something happens to you like John King. I was going to join you, sir, but I couldn't quite make up my mind how I felt about it. Why don't you just assume I might be right and I might be who I say I am, and that is command of the host. Come back here to attend our property. I come with a teacher that serves as a commander in chief. When one's introduced me as commander in chief I'm not. I'm in command of this project and in command of this mission as head, if you will, of the hosts that were always from the beginnings of your prophecy destined to come back prior to that quote, second coming. I don't know how you establish second versus third versus 198,000, but it's, it's your story. So I'm not going to botch everything else that you believe in. And we've had to start with the politicians, the judicial system, the churches, not much left is there. And you can already see what's been told to you. Do I make errors in my speeches? Of course. I'm dealing now in a very human environment. I'm dealing with radio signals and translators. I'm dealing with doubters, which I wouldn't have any other way. Just be sure you doubt correctly and not the wrong things. I am denounced if I don't. So you ones are going to find that I'm going to go straight through the middle every time. You're not going to get fudging from me. In the beginning I had to chew your food and feed it to you through a spoon. I can't do that anymore. for you ones. Things are on you. You have to study the material we've brought. Ones continue to ask myriads of questions when if they just studied the material I've brought, the answers are there. If you don't want to receive those answers, then don't come back complaining to me. Please. There is not time. You may have it. Dorma does not. And I have chosen this particular route and this particular method because for one thing I had willing hands trained for it. Just as other ones of you have been trained for other things. Just because I have to park offshore doesn't mean I'm not there any more than when your stupid asinine politicians get on some picture box and they can show you a picture from last last year, and you don't know whether or not it's last year's or today's. So that argument is not going to cut it with me any longer. It is not a matter of impatience. It's a matter of needing to move forward. So I come in the service of God, that God of hosts. Sometimes I'm known to put on that hat, and I'm equally as well recognized. I don't choose to do that. I choose to function with you so that all things do not come as edicts and orders. God is not a force, ever. And anyone who forces you, coerces you in manners such as your churches do through fear or any other method, is not of God. They may believe themselves to be, but God does not force. He gave you free will choices. the quote lower species, the creatures of creation. It doesn't make you better, it makes you more need, more needing of handling your responsibility. You are not as you are treated, lower beings. The ones in the governments and the elite cartels set themselves up as being superior. They are inferior in the species. The only place they are more advanced is in the cleverness with which they have deceived you by telling you, you are inferior. Note what happens when the light hits the veil as projected. Did anybody notice George Bush's face when he was confronted with, And no, he didn't lose his cool. No, he didn't. He lost his temper. He was furious. But you notice something? He had to back away to get control of himself enough to continue and then lash out. Before I burden visitors in this room, I would like for E.J. to read the first part. I'll tell you how far down of this morning's writing. He's not had a chance to glimpse at it, and it's very long. I just want to clear up a few things right off the bat, take a few questions, about some things that you've got to know. Sunday, July 26th, 1992. Nothing happening? If you think nothing is happening, then I concern for your world more than can be imagined. Just on a local level, the laser pulse beams are so debilitating that my crew finds it difficult to function. The constant bombardment makes it very tempting to simply give up and await whatever shall be coming. Oh, would that it could be so simple. You are being toyed with in a most heinous manner and my heart goes out unto you. My team notes that the silent hours are so busy that their physical mechanical houses will hardly function upon arising. Many of you are going within and finding your day-to-day conclusions of actions. I can offer no more than that as a teacher, for in the gift of every one more hour, one more day, and, if allowed just a few more years in which to grow, you can change this old world, friends, that is, if you want to do so. Most are marching now to the new Piper song and drumbeat to zombie land. Your president is off for a getaway at Camp David. This is what the CNN speaker said this morning. Can't the writer remember from one minute to the next their stories? Remember, he went to Camp David with his high-level staff, Powell, Cheney, Quayle, etc., to decide when to bomb Iraq. Is this so unimportant that it is called a getaway? Whatever happened to doing business in the Capitol and White House of your government? Besides, all the while they were making plans and contingency operations, how is it that Powell was also off making speeches, which were also shown on the same newscast? These were political, so guess what is important? What do you know? How do you know that which you know? Do you have any idea at all of what is going on beyond that which you are shown on TV or in the press? I thought not. Just remember, friends, Bush declared the first Iraq war from his usual office, the golf course. World affairs and death of a nation in between golf ball holes and on golf carts. Does this strike you as less deadly than one Adolf Hitler who at least declared his intent to the people on working ritual, not from vacation land? Do you realize that all of Bush's major declarations of intended death-dealing doom bombs have come from his getaways and always from a place of game-playing? Can it be that he is always at play or is just imagining coincidence? Could it be that the one shown to you isn't the entity in point of making those horrendous decisions against you and your nation? You'd better take a better look at all those elite puppets. Baker in the Philippines. Where is your Secretary of State while the world angles between disaster and catastrophe? Oh, indeed, he is in the Philippines. Why? Would you find it strange that Imelda Marcos has gone to do banking in Hong Kong right now? She has to have special permits to go anywhere, so how could this be? And only four days yet. Could there be some kind of payoff being set up for this so-called little Indonesian conference? Why is Pentetubo blowing again. Let me tell you again, students of Life Progress, the Philippines are the most important point of remaining heritage in your world. It is so important that Dharma sits and stares at thirty-three hours of taped language course and four texts on the language of Tagalog, the native language of the Philippines. It is too much, I agree that it is too much at this time, but we must have it available when I need it. This does not mean, please, that any of you Filipinos who speak Tagalog may begin pounding her with your language to get to me. You get to me directly, and it only buries her in total bewilderment. You must also, you presenters, receive from me directly. Usually, silence is the best approach to almost all things, for in the silence you can hear. In the silence she is also becoming attuned to Lakota when grandfather calls. What links do you ones have to your past heritage? Go into the silence and perhaps you will hear a no. There are no accidents. Why would Little Crow be Lakota? Why not a Mayan? Well, who says he wasn't, isn't? How can you learn these things if you remain locked into the moment of concern about that which is contradiction? If you learn the clues and guidelines, you can know without asking another, even a higher brother, for the answers. I like to often repeat Little Crow speaking, it will all be exactly as it will be. Go read your lessons. Instead of reading a few of the volumes and papers and then barraging me with questions, even about one such as Billy Meyer, etc., why do you not avail yourselves of all the information and you will know the answers? I have no interest in dawdling over one speaker or another. The world is made of over six and a half billion people, each needing, needing, needing. Does my opinion of, say, the book of Enoch or Boashpi actually mean so much to you? If you have read my projections and used the never-changing guidelines, you will know the value and our errors. The great wisdom keepers are knowing that there are many ways to present truth and most often the best way to discern truth, is through the blackest lie. How can you gain in this wisdom if you attend the details of man's blatherings without giving guidelines to the reception, and sorting into valid, possibly valid, and erroneous or false? To get my opinion on those things is exactly that, my opinion. Some of you want my opinions so that you can confirm your own, or somehow prove me wrong. I am in no contest for anything and I'm here to prove nothing. I have a mission and I am doing it to the best of my ability, which is quite adequate. Truth is a strange commodity. It stands alone and seems always to be attacked in the most heinous manners when it would be obvious that were it not truth, no one would pay a second glance at the circumstance. Example, quoting Wednesday, July 8, 1992, the Honolulu Advertiser, Associated Press, London. Revisionist historian David Irving's key role in getting Joseph Goebbels' diaries published has sparked protest by Jews and provoked debate over the accuracy of translations by a man who claims there was no Holocaust, as well as a finder's fee for delivering them to the paper, has been attacked for dealing with the controversial historian. The State Archives in Moscow, where the diaries were discovered, has also become embroiled in the controversy because of its dealings with Irving. says it should be paid. Sunday Times editor Andrew Neal said the controversy over Irving has obscured the potential impact of the previously unpublished segments of the diaries, which Oxford historian Norman Stone says fill the largest outstanding gap in the documentation of the Third Reich. Since the rival independent newspaper revealed details of the publishing deal last week, Irving's house has been picketed by Jewish groups and the anti-Nazi league, offspring of the British intelligence. The protesters say Irving's views make him unsuitable to translate the diaries of Hitler's propaganda chief, Hatton. What would make him more suitable perhaps? Absolutely. Irving said yesterday that windows have been smashed at British bookstores selling his works. He also said members of underground Jewish organizations disguised as telephone engineers raided his apartment and smashed down the door with a sledgehammer. Irving, who has written many books about World War II and is preparing a biography of Goebbels, denied accusations that he was an apologist for Hitler, but he stood by his contention that there was no Holocaust as presented. In an article he wrote on Tuesday's Guardian, in Tuesday's Guardian, he predicted that one year from now the Holocaust will be discredited. Times editor Neal said it would have been more convenient if an uncontroversial historian had offered the newspaper new extracts from the diaries, but Irving came up with a world scoop and he wasn't about to turn it down. Neil said Irving was one of the few people who could decipher Gebel's spidery handwriting in shorthand. Irving said it had taken him two years to learn how to read it. Actress Miriam Carlin, a member of the anti-Nazi league who protested outside Irving's house on Saturday, said he was totally unsuitable for translating accurately because of his denial of the Holocaust as it happened, in which her mother's family died. Hatan, does this make her possibly a better translator? Irving countered, my opponents say, there you are, he's going to give it a right-wing slant. But you can't do that because you'd leave yourself open to immediate detection. Neal said the Sunday Times has done extensive checks against already published sections of Goebbels' diaries and is convinced the new extracts are not fakes. In 1983 the newspaper bought purported Hitler diaries, which turned out to be forgeries. Quote, it's not a mistake the paper could afford to make twice, Neal said. End of quoting. And what of Jesse Jackson? He was just in Brussels speaking to the World Jewish Congress meeting. Jesse Jackson, he says, quote, Zionism is a liberation movement and called for Jews and blacks to recreate their old coalition. Old coalition? Seems to me it was only a brief period of time ago that the Jews were blasting Jesse Jackson as an anti-Semite for referring to New York City as Hymetown during his 1984 campaign and embracing Palestine Liberation Organization Chairman Yasser Arafat. Isn't it amazing that you can simply lie a bit more and swing votes in your favor? Well, Chelas, if it depends on my telling you what you want to hear, forget it. For from me, you shall have truth whether or not it wears well in the voting stands. No null time yesterday? Oh, tell that to the ones who were caught for over four hours in total blackout and no way to get the information to anyone, not even CNN. Then when the word did get out, all media was forgiven to even reference it. The media was warned that it was part of a top-secret operation and involved national security, and there was an immediate gag order on all details. Anyone a bit scared yet? The big one? Be patient, little rushers. California reeled and rocked for the last two days and is still shaking this minute. Be patient, and when you least expect it, smile. You're on candid earthquake. The elite have a lot riding on the events of these days, and George Bush has problems brewing on top of his problems. Indictments. So now we are going to consider indicting Reagan and top aides for being involved in Irangate? What of Bush? He was the biggest part of all, and his name isn't even getting honorable mention today. What will you do about Bush and all those Presidents who have covered up and allowed to die, all those sons and husbands of you the people let me share with you an article brought to my attention within the spotlight thank you for sharing for it says it more believably than can I in reaching through the physical walls approve it to me quote the spotlight July 27th 1992 mailed on the 17th POW never mind that particular article I'll just tell you what it is. Mark Blair has written an article and it's very well done but you can get it and and then of course I've written part of it reprinted part of it. I stopped because forgive me I honor Mark Blair. Mike, Mark, Blair. Somebody help me, what's his first name? Mike? Yes, it says here Mike Blair. Well, you see, he is a very good writer. He has written for Spotlight for a long time. And I respect most all of the things that he does. On the other hand, he takes quote the party line along with one like Mark Lane and and others who who have their facts wrong. Now whether or not they are willing to see true matters very little. If in fact they are truly convinced that they know the truth of it, why are they so hesitant to look into the total composition and accept what cannot be denied? But you will find ones, especially ones who have gone on the line by putting their things who cannot somehow face a public acknowledgment of the fact they could be wrong. And yet, how in the world else can history be ever made correct? into finding that history. You want to go over there and bomb the rest of the documents from the Sumerian text, is one thing that Bush wants to do, because this blows the whole top off of all the religious movement. They couldn't hide it underneath the Dead Sea Scrolls, which you notice they picked very good translators to translate the scrolls, and you never see the original unless it's portions that 19th of it's missing are already translated. So guess who holds it? The Zionists. Did I say the Jews? No, they're not Jews. And they most certainly are not Semites. I am a Semite. You who are of God are Semites. And you may as well get that through your heads. Once again, you've been lied to. It has nothing to do with Judaism You're going to get a lot of the truth as these translations come from the Samorian texts. Always throughout the eons of history and civilizations, there will be the documentation coming forth, either from the oral traditions or from documentation, that will set the record astray. from documentation that will set the record straight. Ones don't like me because I come along and I rewrite what has already been rewritten and I put it back to what it was before it was tampered with. in the universe. I have it directly from the horse's mouth, and the horse is called God. And I guess he knows how he created things to be. Now don't, I know that most ones don't like that. That makes you very uncomfortable because the local preacher told you it couldn't work this way? How did he tell you it would work? Did he tell you some nice reasonable story like we're all going to rapture to some fluffy cloud? Does the gift of reason mean so little to you that that makes sense? And how much did you have to pay that preacher to get it? Didn't he also say, you've got to keep the Sabbath holy and you've got to come in here and tithe? Those are the commandments missing from Pleiades. I'm always asked that. Why is it that the Pleiadians only have seven or eight commandments and on earth there are ten? Guess which ones? the ones that give man dominion over you. Now, in the versions, for instance, of the Kennedy assassination, you're going to be able to have a dozen books from authorities to tell you who shot this man. I don't care what it says. I'm going to tell you that Bill Greer from the front seat of that vehicle and E. Howard Hunt from the grassy knoll shot the President and killed him deader. I'm not in a popularity contest. And Dorma And if I don't, we'll bring her back. She really complains about that one the most. Gee, just when I thought I had it made. Well, there are a few of you like that, Ray. Few of you like that, Bo. Let's just watch where that bullet went in and came out. There must have been something in between. The brains were a little higher. We watch out after those a little bit more closely. You ones have bitten off a hard, confounded job. There's no other way to describe it. It's damnable. Why would you volunteer to come back and you'll say, because I must not have remembered very well. No, you try not to remember because you know you did it. You did. You volunteered. It was more than that. You answered a call and you're answering it again. And I know that you ones are struggling to find your place. I know that. And I know it's a lot easier to ask Katon, should I be there, should I be here, what should I be doing, than to find that out for self. But why do you ask me? Well, you want confirmation or to prove me wrong or to do whatever. No, I already know what I'm going to do and you were wrong, nanny, nanny, nanny. No, it's And you may miss the greatest adventure of your life. Why don't we go on down there and let's see what's after that writing. I want to get down, I want to tell everybody in this room, you see, I do know more than you know. You see, there's something about the special forces and the ones who've gotten tangled up in the CIA and all of this mess. They treat me like a brother and a commander. They don't treat me like I need to be some pious nitwit. Commander, the next item here is Wake Up World about the Heritage Foundation, the Institute of Public Affairs. Well, we can go on past that a little bit. I urge all of you to, you're going to have to check with staff, I guess, because I'm not going to let it slip by anymore. I have written about every subject that has been mentioned so far. And I have many, many more to write about. But you ones need now to begin to inform those readers where they go to find that information and then you don't have to repeat those answers. Just get journal number so and so. Remember, we have written these in the form and I'm going to interrupt here. Please bear with me because I need to speak with the editors. The reason that we date specific time and hour and new counting, which is older than you, is for documentations. We do journals, we do logs. These are not volumes and novels. We're not in competition with the Marchettis of the world. I honor them and if I use your work, someday you are going to be impressed over that. Right now one just thinks that's terribly annoying because they don't know a thing about what we're doing here. Nothing. Zero. And they hear little bits and pieces of this, that, or the other, and they're on the warpath and off to the attorney. Consider us a paper. We're journalists. I'm going to tell you the truth, and I'm going to give it to you from wherever I find it. And like I say, someday, ones in whose work I have found truth will appreciate that. And as with the work on divinity and creation, take it right in order. I don't care to have Ray's stuff over here in a wad and Bush's stuff over here in a wad. Just as I gave it, the E.E. series, and that'll mean nothing to anybody but the editors. Just take it, and when it reaches 200 pages or right at that, just chop it off and we'll continue it in the next log. See if you can go down there and find an introduction to Ray. I want to get on with it. I don't want to play with this one anymore. While he's looking, I'll tell you that you once, part of you in this room, and especially these two, have been at the mercy of the Kern County system. But the system here is only paid off by the higher connections that Ray can tell you about. They try to put him out of his misery quite a few times, too. Well, the stronger we get, the harder it is. And they know. They're running scared. Just yesterday, Dorma was listening to CNN. She wasn't even in the room, and she about fell over her feet getting back because Home Federal Savings was offering property in Los Angeles and they weren't asking for even a minimum bid. And the words were, you can pick up a piece of property if you don't have a counter bidder for a dollar. After four years of court battles and almost $200,000 later, the first thing that the judge said that was appointed by Duhmejian to the municipal court was, nobody picks up property for nothing. Nobody can live in a piece of property without paying rent or payment, one or the other. Case dismissed. There is no mention of a minimum bid, number one. Number two is how can you even make a minimum bid that is required if the auctioneer does not show up and there is no sale. After they have told you to be there, it was a blunder, wasn't it? And they bulldozed themselves right straight on through. And I reminded all of you ones who were listening that at some point there would come ones into your group who would be able to sort that out for you. Does it surprise you now why when you went to Santa Barbara to try to sort this out with the RTC that the people contacted to do a little investigation before you got there said you don't want to know about this?