|0.00|> Although he does visit your place in many forms.<|3.50|><|3.50|> I don't know how to explain it.<|4.60|><|4.60|> You're talking about physical and you cannot compare Christ to physical.<|9.90|><|9.90|> What I was wondering...<|10.70|><|10.70|> Christ is a state of being.<|12.30|><|12.30|> You were speaking of Bogreitz and things and I'm a very strong supporter of Bogreitz and I know him personally and I talked to him about this subject a number of times.<|20.60|><|20.60|> It's kind of like the Bill Cooper subject.<|22.30|><|22.30|> He does not believe in UFOs.<|23.90|><|23.90|> He does not believe in all this stuff.<|29.00|><|29.00|> And I think it gives Bogreitz a discredit when you associate him with this. And I feel that although the knowledge that you are giving is mostly true, when you throw in these other parts, it makes Bogreitz and people that really know what's going on look like idiots. Well, I don't believe that Bogreitz is embarrassed by my presence. You are talking about several things. I'm not interested in UFOs either. Everything that you can't identify, I can. That is not the point. The point is the time of God is at hand. And that's what you must remember. And I come as a host and a messenger of that God. Okay, well, I just think that when you talk about subjects like this, I think you're giving Bogart a discredit because he does not believe any of this and you're absolutely positive about that yes I've talked to him personally about it because everybody keeps bringing up like with Bill Cooper and other people like that he's bringing up Bogart's and although I agree with everything most of the things you're saying when you throw in these these little loopholes there like Bill Cooper does I don't understand what you mean by loopholes oh all right Mike I think you've made your point. And please hold on just for a moment to talk to my producer. OK, I'll put you on hold and let us move along now to Jim. You're on K-Talk and open mind with Commander Hatton. Good evening, Commander Hatton. Good evening. Thank you for being there. Thank you. I am also a Bogright fan. I could also greet you in a number of languages from Dubrovets to Shalom, but I think that's unnecessary. I sort of understand where you're coming from and I applaud you 100% but you know I have a feeling that we in this country are already so doomed that even a celestial being couldn't help us any longer. After that situation in Northern Idaho and the people have not as yet opened their eyes and awoken from their dark dormant sleep, I don't know what could ever awaken them. What do you have commander to reply on that? Well God never turns away that's all I can reply and we will remain as long as God wishes us to be here. All we can and let it unfold. All right thank you very much Jim for that call and uh commander uh please stand by we need to make one more commercial break we'll be right back. Thank you. Well guess commander has to on. Commander our time as always is uh waning rapidly and there's so many things i wish we could touch on uh... the presidential race how do you see it uh... moving along at this particular point in time i see either a massive massive destruction that that allows the government to completely takeover i see great problems and disaster in california for instance before this election by November. Clinton is groomed by the Bilderbergs and the Committee of 300 to be the next puppet. Perot is put in there. He is also a David Rockefeller person for the establishment. That was to prevent any possibility of a third candidate or a third party coming into the picture and possibly winning. Do I think Bogreitz can win? I think that he could. I doubt that he will because, as the last gentleman said, unless the world awakens, what good does it do? Evidently, there was a move by Bogreitz to try to merge his interests with another of the third-party candidates. Mr. Phillips, yes. One would have to subordinate to the other to take the vice presidential job but the other candidate declined. Right. He would not relinquish ego, stature. So there was there was a good deal of ego in a situation where both of these third parties would benefit greatly by a merger of interests. The other party declined to do so. Yes, and therefore there goes a major, major opportunity. Now, this was published, we might as well mention it, Howard Phillips, and he declined the opportunity to merge with Bogreitz, and that would have strengthened Bolshevism considerably. What you are dealing with is, it always boils down to what is your relationship with God. And quite frankly, when we speak of Bogreitz and whether he likes UFOs or Bill Cooper or John Lear or anybody, he is a man with a good relationship with God. And that is what needs to be considered here. And actually not even that, he is running on a platform, for goodness sakes, your nation is in trouble quit picking at him over these kinds of things he's willing to put his life on the line to reclaim your constitution and that's all you can deal with he certainly demonstrated his willingness to put his life on the line a couple of weeks ago for one man and his family all right uh... we have to move along and let's go next to John. You're on Ktalk John with Commander Hatton. Yes, you mentioned that, well first of all, good evening Sam and good evening Commander. Yes. You mentioned that the planet was engineered for a population of 500 million? Yes. Now, where are the rest of the four, five, well five and a half billion souls who occupy bodies, or where do they come from? Some of those bodies do not have occupying souls. They are functional, working, just manufactured beings. They have capability of soul but some of them don't possess it. Others are just experiencing. They come from everywhere. They come from the etheric realms. Could you give me a percentage of people walking around on this planet who are the soul of beings? I would, yes I could. I would expect at least a third to a half. Wow. We would not even know then, is that correct? That's right. such as you're describing and would this be a reptile Robotoid or not necessarily these you see once you have functioning beings and and they breed Then you are breeding out that breath of life that continues into infinity So are these are these dull with being things, are they a product of man and woman, are they man made in a sense, or are they a product of conception? Some of them. You have a situation where we're talking about a form of energy that gives you infinite life. Once there is no expectation of infinite life, no responsiveness to the soul energy as such. It is just existing, it is just being, it is just experiencing whatever buffers it about. It is, um... I don't really know how to explain it to you as we look at it. There is no life force really in it. It only experiences that of the physical plane and reacts in response to it. And as unfortunate as it is as a comparison, you're going to have to look at this rerun they're going to make, where they're going to put outtakes back in to Blade Runner. I know that this is the hardest thing for you ones on the planet to understand, and that's replication and this very thing and yet your own teachers will tell you that if you can take an idea or you can't by a third full generation you can completely change the being, the perception and everything about your society and you're in two and almost through the third generation. Um, perhaps one more question. Okay, very briefly. Okay, um, as far as these beings with souls, would they have some sort of pre-cognizance as far as what is going on on this planet before they were to occupy it? Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. Why would they want to come here with the hell that is going on? Because this is the place of experience and in the midst of the hell comes the glory, do you see? Look at the experience. So the possibility for spiritual unfoldment is unlimited. Oh, unlimited in the human form, in the physical form. That is the experience. It is the school ground. Okay, thank you very much. All right, thank you very much, John. And here's Chris. You're on KTalk and Open Mind with Commander Anton. Good evening, sir. Good evening. By the way, Bill Gregg can't win. He won't be on all the ballots. You know that, right? He's not going to make all the ballots. Let me insert here. It does not matter whether or not he wins. In fact, to win very often hamstrings a person to the point that they cannot serve really as well. Although he could constitutionally do exactly what he has said that he can do, literally he could do it. I do not believe that you the people will give him an opportunity. But you are coming into a time when there is going to be such oppression as your nation and your systems collapse. And you come into, quite frankly, enslavement. You're not far from there now. You are helpless. Those ones in Florida are as helpless as little lambs in a pen. Look at that and see where you're going. And as these things happen and governments collapse, you need leaders. And that's why you need this experience now, because when everything is in chaos and you need to rebuild and you need to rekindle your nation you need ones to lead you. Commander my question had to do with reincarnation. Do souls live more than once? Oh yes, absolutely. Well I know that. We will be doing some programs based on some of these topics in the near future so do stay tuned. Do leave your mind open because of course you do. Thank you. Thank you Chris. Here's Eloise. You're on Ktalk, Eloise. Q I'll go up and try again. A Okay. Eloise, if you could not stay with us, then let us go to the Weaver Davis line. Rand? Q Yes, hi. Greetings and thank you very much. I want to express my gratitude to the commander for the work that he's doing and for the information that we're receiving. receiving and people ask me who is the commander and my attitude basically always is that I accept the truth and no matter whether it comes from a person of authority or a child and I won't believe a lie even if it comes from the mouth of somebody like George Bush And I wanted to ask the commander. This is a personal request. It's a constructive criticism I really appreciate some of the handling that you do of disinformation But what you have to say to us is so important that I would have I'm wondering if it would be possible to ignore the Disinformation so that we don't waste so much time. Well, I have tried to do that and I find that some are so, they're not as far along as you in perception of truth or whatever. And it's, I have found that I have been unable to completely ignore it. I agree with you. I believe that truth is truth is truth and it doesn't matter where it comes from. No, no. And it isn't that I would want you to not handle disinformation, but because I think that it is very valid. But I'm just feeling that I subscribe to the journal and I'm grateful for it. I just think that it would be better if we could get more from you and a little tiny bit less of handling of the disinformation. We are in the closing minutes here Commander and we touched on one subject earlier in the program that I would like to come back to because I think it would be important to probably end with this particular thought and this has to do with evil. How do we deal with it on a daily work-a-day level as we must. Well, are you there? Yes. Oh, I'm sorry, there was an interruption. Remember something. Evil is simply that which pulls you away deliberately from your path to God. And as long as you keep the rules and the laws of God in your behavior, just to lie, to cheat, to steal, to whatever, you innately know that that is wrong. And you must forever be aware of those who will say, well, we voted it in, or it's all right, when you know it is not. And then the practice of man becomes, you see, that we will practice these things voted in by man and forget God. That's all evil is. And the only way you're going to be able to handle it is to be aware of it. And that goes back a little bit to the gentleman who wishes I would not handle so much disinformation. I would love to handle almost any subject that anyone suggests. It's just that disinformation is what has killed you. Thank you very much, Commander, for being there for us to provide the guidance that we need so very much. And I also would like to express gratitude to the Eckers, your scribe Dharma, who works, I guess, from dawn till dusk, really, and till midnight and then later, doing this. this and Mr. Ecker a gracious gentleman whenever I speak with him and I just wish to extend a measure of gratitude to your assistance there. Well thank you and I would tell you this that I appreciate the the hecklers that call in. They give me the greatest opportunity for lessons of all. I think we need them we just have to we just have to kind of understand what they are. Well I don't want you to be embarrassed about that because they present the challenges and they are the best teachers. Let us enjoy them and appreciate them. Thank you so much for being there. We will have to do it again sometime soon. Godspeed to you. Thank you very much and good evening. This is KPKK Sandy Salt Lake City.