Thank you. Truth doesn't rub off on you. Every which way you turn now, the entire set of rules has been reversed. If you come up against something that they're telling you, for instance, I like it, the law of the bureaucracy is no longer a theory, it's a truth. Whatever the bureaucrats tell you they're going to do, they're going to really do exactly the opposite. And you've seen it. They're going to re-bid Florida, and we're going to pay for it, and we're going to do this, and we're going to do wonders. They're not going to do anything. They want to get you into a martial state of law. A state of martial law. That's better. So you have to that at every consideration is going to be that which pulls the human into bondage. Spirituality sets you free. Truth in spirituality knows no bounds. You cannot bind it. They don't want you to have the truth because that allows you to regain your freedom. Even in a prison, where they can compel you physically to do something, they cannot control your mind really, unless they can do something to get control of your mind. They know that, so that's what they do now. Only they don't wait till they get you into a prison cell anymore, they control your mind out here so that you will not look at truth. And that in itself is the clue. If they don't want you to look at it, if they have to hide it from you and make laws against it, you know it's a lie. Anything that they have to make a law against in the form of information, you know is a lie. Because if they were telling the truth, investigation would only prove their point. And they wouldn't have to make a law against it, would they? They would know that if you went out and counted the Holocaust victims, and it came out to be more than six billion or million or whatever they say, you proved their point and over-proved it. They know you won't come up with that, and so they have to make a law preventing you from counting. And to do that they even had to make a law against themselves to not count. All the way back into the meetings And you, dear ones, in your openness, oh, I mustn't speak against anything. Oh, I mustn't. They'll call me a bigot, an anti-Semite. They don't even know what they're saying. You don't know what they're saying. How could they? planned, programmed beings headed for a goal. And you've forgotten yours. They haven't forgotten theirs. You made a public law. October 20th, I believe, or 21st, 1991, you passed it. By a mere voice vote, everybody in favor, aye. Aye. Carried. Not a name. And you made a public law, 102-14, that put you as a nation under the Talmud. You come under the Jewish law. Why didn't I tell you about it? I did and I asked you to write to your congressman, how could you dare pass a law that puts you under, actually they're the laws of Noah. Not even Mosaic laws, which they're supposed to follow. Doesn't matter today, does it? Well you just wait. You just wait until the Zionists clamp down. You are under the laws of the Zionists. I didn't say the Jews. You're not under Judaic law. You have just come under public law that says you must follow the laws as they structure them for you through the Talmud. And you don't even know it. And it's like saying, well, sodomy really is a naughty thing, let's pass along. And then you have, well, we mustn't have a satanic service in the middle of Broadway in New York where they kill a child. That sounds so absurd that of course that's a good law to pass. It is so absurd it would never In other places they just passed a law or it's come up, I wrote about it just a couple of days ago, three or four. Somebody reads. a legal religion. Now they know that that includes sacrifice, but that's perfectly alright because I mean after all that's against the law. But it's part of Satanism, so guess what's going to happen? But it's so far-fetched that nobody thinks it's important. So you might say, well and so what? Public law, you know, I mean, after all, our First Amendment, Second Amendment, Third Amendment, our Ten Bill of Rights. You just wiped out your Declaration of Independence and your Constitution that says freedom of religion, freedom to practice religion. Doesn't mean anything today. You can still go down to the Baptist church. But guess what? In the Baptist church this day, they are teaching Judeo-Christian theology. Judeo-Christian are as far apart as you can get. They are mutually exclusive terms. The Jew does not believe in the Christ. Hear me, because the Jew is not the Judean. conjured by the Khazarian anti-God, anti-Christ, adversary, if you will, to suit a need in the late 1700s, which is your 18th century. That's hardly in the beginning. And your Jerry Falwell does not look like he came out of the Holy Land, does he? He doesn't look like Shamir. This is where you got your first thrust for a supreme race. And this is the religion you have just race of America as law. White supremacists, you think that the Ku Klux Klan are a bunch of white supremacists? Precious ones, Zionism is going to produce a masquerade. They tried it in Germany, it was called Nazism, remember? They're doing it again today and they're using Germany. Only this time they can't do it over, quote, the poor Jews. They're doing it with the Koreans and the Vietnamese. Now what in the world are those Southeast Asians doing as refugees in Germany, with movements against them. Now I'm sorry, I want to talk about the goodness of God, and I'm sick of being stuck having to tell you what you just did. How could you know? You can't circumstances. But don't you see, if you refuse to hear, you won't get rid of the circumstances that didn't allow you to know that. And maybe today it doesn't matter, but I want to tell you what it does matter. Out there tomorrow, when they clamp down that law, public law, And you say, I believe in Christ, you're going to go to jail. And it's coming fast, because it's part of the United Nations. It's coming really fast. So isn't there a way out of this? Indeed there is, and here we are. If you get rid of your rose-colored glasses, nobody said it was going to be easy, but how much have any one of you suffered so far? How many of you go a full day even, unless you choose to, because you're too fat to go without food? How much have you individually suffered? And was that by choice or not? You have to put it into perspective. Even the busiest ones in the room will have to sit and say, hey, I could do more. And you don't want to. At least that's honest, you can spout it off, but you're going to have to confront the fact that you certainly can't. You won't. And it's all right. It's all right. Forgive yourself, for goodness sakes. Don't be so hard on yourself. It's a journey. It's a challenge. But I've also watched you once go out there with your little jogging shoes, your little Reeboks and things, and you just work yourself to death. Out there, run, run, run, I'm going to do something. What you're going to do is get tired, but that's okay. Oh, but this is a challenge, this is refreshing. Well, why don't you paint your house? You might be surprised. It gives the upper body a workout. You know, you can do this, and this, and this, and you can do this. It's almost as good as aerobics. But we don't do that, do we? That's work. And so right off the bat, the child learns, oops, I'm not going to do that. And they learn, you know, by the time they crawl and they pour their raisins out on the floor, I'm not going to pick them up the vacuum cleaner. I'll suck everything up the vacuum cleaner. The toilet paper rolls and the wadded up newspaper and then we'll wonder why the vacuum cleaner doesn't work. This is the human way. This is what they claim you to be. And you've got to outgrow it. And you have a very logical response to me. Well, good grief. If there's six billion people, and all six billion, or with the adversary, that only leaves like just this little handful over here. Is it worth it? I don't know. To the world, maybe not. To you, yes. It only takes one, one who believes enough. Michael has a good point. Sin tell ten, and soon it will go around the world. Others have had wonderful ideas. Each day at noon, you hold hands in your heart and you pray for a minute. And that means that all around the world there will be someone praying for peace. Will it work? Yes, it would. Will it? No. Because it's too cold, well, you guess you won't today. And so pretty soon, I can't today. I have to go. And I have to, I don't have concert tickets. I have to see Michael Jackson and therefore I have to get ready. I won't exercise, just because it's today. This is the stick-to-itiveness of man. You want instant results. You've been trained to want instant results. You have gotten to the point where if it takes longer than five minutes to fix food, you won't fix it. And then they work it so that it truly is easier to go out, because you don't waste as much food that you got and it took too long to fix it and So you have to balance everything that comes into your space relative to everything that you are experiencing. And perfection is not going to be in there. It isn't going to be Because you're coming up out of a sump of darkness into a time of knowingness. It's like creeping out of the dark ages. It appears to have been lighted, but no, they're stuffing you back. They don't want you enlightened. And you've outgrown technologically that which you can handle. And they now have it and can use it against you. So you've got to grow up through it. And you've got to be forgiving of each other. But just being forgiving doesn't cut it. When you're in error, you must not make that error again. You see, it's like being drunk. You can get away for a couple of times going to a party and acting a fool. But I'll tell you, the fifth or sixth time you do that and you have a job of responsibility, let us say you're a surgeon, and about the tenth party you go to, that surgeon cannot hold his hand. How are you going to feel when you have to have surgery, especially on something as unimportant as your heart or your brain? I doubt you're going to go to him. So errors are fine to make. They're the way you learn. But to continue to commit them and commit them and commit them becomes an intentional assault. And if you want to do that game, you're certainly welcome to do that too, but you're not welcome to do it to anyone in my service. But the ones in the service are the ones to discern, not Big Daddy. You've got to learn. Each has a contribution and each has a responsibility and each must learn. Absolutely, foremost, in all of the AA programs, the 12 steps. I like the 12 steps better than I like the Ten Commandments by far. The Ten Commandments were written by the Khazarians. You can tell when you get to Remember the Sabbath, Keep it Holy, you don't even know what today is, much less the Sabbath. What in the world does that mean? Did God do that? Well, he must have. He rested on the seventh day. Who said? I have never seen God resting. After twelve periods of great time, then the entire cosmic order rests. But you won't notice. But he doesn't rest. You want him around on Sunday, you make his day harder. He's got to sort out where in the world to be, because he can't be in church on Sunday. That's where the people are, with their interpretation of God. So he's kind of cast out on his own day. Now who do you think thought that one up? God doesn't have any use for your things. When you get into God's realms, you don't have any use for those things. And how about when you make a big projection and production of it, like the foundations Oh, well, they just go start a foundation and it's tax exempt. And if you want into the temple, brother, to prove your worthiness and your intent to God, you're going to tie it. Who are you going to tie it to? So God doesn't really get much of it. So here you know that there are a couple of things in the Ten Commandments that are just a little bit off. They are all negative. Thou shalt not, thou shalt not. Well, what in the hell can I do? What shalt I do? Well, thou shalt do unto others as thou wouldst have them do unto you. Especially considering that at some point you might become a normal human being and you won't enjoy those other things that you do. You know, a whole mind that doesn't need punishment. So I'm accused of threatening. If you don't do this, you're not, well, I'm not threatening. Please don't misjudge me. I mean it. I'm not like the parent that says, the next time you do that I'm going to hit you, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to twist your head off and burn your toenails off. And the kid knows you're not going to do it. I'm just telling you, if you want to enter into the Kingdom of God, where there is true revelation, true wholeness in knowing, you will turn unto God. If you intend to be with God, you must intend to be with God. You don't continue to do that. And God sees you doing that. It's hard to hide. So it's not a threat. It's the way it is. And I know the way it works. And if you don't get it this time, and I can somehow keep the world glued together, you're going to get it somewhere, sometime. And then you'll go home. After you stumbled and bloodied your nose over and over and over. Some of you are very slow learners. I was a slow learner and now I'm stuck with you slow learners. Even in these realms you are not speak up. I remember Captain Utley having a terrible time understanding why in the world Teofilus was so angry and so frustrated with Darlene. I don't understand what your problem is. All right, Utley, you go. You know, back all battered and bruised. Well, it's a little harder than I thought. You're frightened. You're afraid you won't measure up. That brings true compassion. Doesn't bring anger from me. You've been trained to be insecure. And you're perfection. You are that reflection of God. And He wants you to see it. He wants you to reflect back to Him that magnificence that you are. It's not ego, it is knowing. And quite frankly, you once have been there. And you can feel this unworthiness that sweeps through man because he's been taught to be guilty and unworthy. And then it becomes all right to break and break and break all of those wondrous rules that would have kept you in wholeness and in light and in balance. And you say, well, but we would have overpopulated the world. No, you would not have, because had you grown in the truth of God, you don't get too crowded because you move on. And you must come again into that knowledge of perfection. The human element is not. Conscious mind is not. Perfection is not of perfection is of God. And therefore the only perfection that you can hold is in your soul. And it's already perfect. It's just struggling to get through the baggage that you keep smothering it with. And these are all necessary experiences for one reason or another. But you cannot have the excuse of over and over and over, well, I had this bad problem in childhood. I had this, I had that. I'm sick of it. Put it aside.