This is Saturday, the 10th of October, 1992. We're gathered at the bookstore for a meeting at 1.30 in the afternoon. Greetings, Commander. Good afternoon. Please leave us just a minute. We're not quite settled. If we could clear the space, please. I think you once forget and expect me to do it. And I won't. Don't you hope God responds faster than the fireman did? Atom present in the holy light of God. Each time I say those words it becomes sweeter and confusing, yes I said confusing to listeners. I come in service to that which you would call the Christed light. And we get piles of information, piles of inquiries, and these And these are things that must be attended. I appreciate you wanting to share with us while we go through some of the duties that simply have to be done, whether or not we have meetings. I like your input. I like the sharing. sharing and it's information that all ones are asking in one way or another. Many ones get very eager after reading only a couple or three liberators, perhaps one journal. Some will go on vacation only to come home and find they have two or three liberators stacked up and maybe a new journal. And it seems easier to write than to go and reference the information. I know that it's hard to reference information back through the earlier journals where there were no indexes. But ones in the listening audience and ones in the reading audience must understand the limitation of time upon you of the human species as far as presenting information. And it's not harshness that requires that I remind you. We cannot go back over and over and over information and I realize you've been given absolute incredible amounts of it. I will repeat things that are so important, that you must not miss the connections. But I have to depend on you, for instance, with the corporations. I suppose that I'm going to have to request that with each article that you run on corporations, that your editors put a blurb in there as to which journals can be referenced for the information and it is incredibly important that we not miss an issue even if we have to have a meeting and decide on postponement of some other finishing of an article. I don't know what to do, precious ones. There's enough information for a daily paper as big as the one that comes weekly. I have two observations. One is that we have neither the resources nor the time to do it. And if we begin stacking them up, will you, the reading audience, have time to read them? Or will you get more confused and will get more letters. We've covered so many varied subjects because these are the foundations that you're going to have to have. I want to share some of the things that come simply because you want, especially in this location, need to share them and I don't know how else to get them to you. It's almost impossible to circulate letters. Some of the letters are not group oriented, but many, many ones are simply in appreciation of all of you in this place. Simply touching and thanking and giving appreciation. Others ask in behalf of brothers questions because we were going to have regular meetings where we could do this. Someone still asked extremely personal questions. I have to take those and decline to answer in a public forum. You are perfectly welcome to write. You are perfectly welcome to ask. But it has gone beyond the point where we can respond to everyone who wants personal reading of their life. Now we do have one who is corresponding right now, who is a paralegal from Hawaii, who is going to be moving at any rate, and would like to consider coming here. I'm at a loss. There's no funds at this point to pay another semi-lawyer. We're having a few problems of personal type with Scott Tibbs and our heart goes out to him while he tries to sort out some of his personal problems, not just in the legal profession, but they did lose their baby. And this was a blow. They were so pleased in the beginning, and even Josh said he might well have nine babies. Don't be hard or angry with God. There's always a reason. And sometimes, especially in your dimension, you have no way to reach beyond and understand what that reason might be. I want to express appreciation for everyone, to everyone who has supported and corresponded with Randy Weaver and Kevin in Idaho. Rick has a letter from him. My prayer would be to Father that all of you listen to it very carefully. It doesn't matter what you call God. When given an expression of intent to reach God, you reach him. But before Rick reads the letter, I feel compelled to say some other things in reference to the incident in Idaho. You'll all note that over the past few days, I've hit Henry Kissinger just about as hard and as persistently as I can. You're going to find that the order to take Randy Weaver, directly from Henry Kissinger. They had the man under surveillance, the family under surveillance, for over 18 months with nothing happening except just the irritation of being surrounded. Once came and went from Randy's place with supplies and to visit. There was no really big problem. And I'm having a little trouble with the Bo Bright's organization because they do not perceive all that I can perceive. And so some of this is truly in error in their vision. It is not in error. Bo Bright was getting some attention, not the least of which was coming from our command. And Bush is not in charge of the government, not even as the President of the United States. power was taken from him. The Kissinger group is running your government. Now what do you do with somebody who is becoming a very big leech and thorn in your side? What do you You have to have an incident wherein you know that one will respond. Patriotically, the man would respond. They knew that. both patriot and simple underground facilities set forth by your governments. And I said governments. You don't have a free world. In the early 80s, Kissinger and associates, Brzezinski, were in the process of taking over all the operations and governmental instructions for the United Nations control of places like New Zealand and Australia. Now you can look these up. Look up ANZUS. I don't want to go into these things again. I've written on them. But I need to remind you of them. that you had a full decade of Kissinger associates commanding the advisory capacity to every nation. And they did exactly what would be required to pull Bo Geitz into that area. So that he literally, as it got tighter and tighter, it was suggested to Randy that maybe he better get in touch with Bogrights. Randy did that a couple of months before the incident and he said, I'm afraid brother, I'm being set up. Could you come and help me? Bo didn't go, he was busy. But when it got really bad on that mountain, Bo has spent a lot of hours in total remorse. So when the contact was between here and McLam. Bo says, if I go, will you go with me? But of course. So we'll both go. But the trip itself was precipitated by the FBI calling Bo, wondering if there was something he could do. Now where do you think that came from? Not from your friendly marble playing toddlers. The full intent was to be able to create an incident of some kind that would allow them to take out both Randy and Bo. Because Randy holds other kinds of information. I gave you a scenario that said what would it be if, remember most trips into Southeast Asia, Mr. Kissinger was going to get hit very, very hard and did. And he lied through his teeth and he didn't do a good job and Larry King didn't help him covering it up. Oh Larry tried but if you watched Mr. Kissinger sat there and lied over and over and over again and the new it. By the time it got spread and rattled out to the public through something like Larry King's interview that evening, Arnold went very well except for one of the Senator Carries. It didn't go well at all. He was caught openly lying. But you say it doesn't matter, does it? There is that kind of power that it doesn't matter. run by Kissinger and associates. It is the global one world order and it's all but done. They had to back off, they didn't dare touch Bogart's. I won't go into all of that. But yes, I was there. I had quite a lot to say about it. And quite a lot of messages were carried back and forth. And I want all of you to understand something. I don't care what you don't know about me and our Boglites or our relationship or if we have none. I am not going to tell the world everything that I know and jeopardize the very people that will lead you into either freedom or help you get on the right path so that we can meet somewhere. There is a massive problem within the Bogart organization. I take exception to quite a few of the things they do, but I'm not running his organization. I'm not But when the adversary is going to deliberately take out one of my people, and is going to come down very heavily on my speaker, I won't sit still for it. And when they break the rules of the agreements of performance that we have made with the various administrations around your nations, I certainly will not sit still for it. You must go about touting God according to whatever you think you believe. Always that will be what you have been told. Once again, I'm not going to argue with anyone as to what you call this being. Doesn't matter what you call him, but you better make sure you call him. And you better remember this is the Christ And I don't care what any man on the face of your globe tells you. You're going to follow those rules in intent. down. I will not have permission just to take you up because you wanted one last fling and you wanted to go out with a smile on your face. You better go out with a smile and a you getting damn close. Will it come to a confrontation with me and Kissinger? It already of a man and who once accepted this beast as an authority, an expert. He's nothing, but he is of the ones that plan to make a master race to be like? Here's another one. Everybody see this book? all the work to put the original book of 300 together for Dr. Coleman. This is Joseph Holding, Joseph Publishing Company. We'll see. George holds the contract. You see, I don't care what he does. He can eat We needed the book, we needed to pull him out of the woodwork, the man is your enemy. They've now arranged to begin to have the hearings for Randy Weaver. Now how long has it taken Dorman O'Reilly and they still have not had a hearing on their property? They want five years and yet Randy Weaver is coming up for trial on about the 27th of October. Isn't that interesting? It's only his life. But it also takes both rights out of circulation at least through the time of the election, doesn't it? They would have done it sooner, but they couldn't quite so blatantly break all the rules. Well, how much time does this give our group to work? And I refer to our group as a constitutional law center. And we do need some more paralegal help. But we also have to function with what we have. It's a time of hardship for everyone. It's going to get harder. I don't care how many debates they have and how much they lie to you. And we've got several constitutional law center cases under consideration right now that don't have anything to do even with your water here. They're trying to depopulate this world. So part of today is going to be spent in catching up with some things that may entice you to ask some questions or just simply answer some. You don't need me, a voice from outer space somewhere. And I have to remind the ones of you who receive to be very very cautious, very discreet in your spreading around of what you receive because there's great misunderstanding right this minute over numbers of sold beings. And I myself had a discussion with you, but I can tell you now, I did not say there are only 144,000 sold beings. Now that may be But I have to urge you ones in the learning process be very, very cautious, very discreet. You're not in the presentation of information phase yet. Keep your light about you. Keep your receiving channels open and very frequently the best mode of action is keep your mouth shut, your heart open. Because as this becomes more and more the center of information for general dispersion. What we do in our private talks and visits is one thing. Because each one that calls my name will get a response. And we will visit. But we have a world that is in total disarray. It is the time of sorting from all of the cycles of generations gone before. This is it. This is a big one. It It would be very nice if we could change the plans and operate on a godly foundation because you are operating on that which the adversary has given you as a set of instructions. And we continually lose ones who come in and say, well I believe because in Daniel it said, good for you. But why must you blame God if the adversary has tampered with or written the segment you are touting as truth? When it comes to the Holy I find ones completely blinded. And I hear you. Well, why should it be your way? Logic, reason, and measure it against the laws you know within you. Every verse can be logically discerned. There is much truth. The adversary never will give you full wise, not until he's got you suckered in. Then he doesn't have to even tell you And if he wrote the instruction book according to his desire, and ones from the pulpit will say, well, but this is the interpretation and this other one interpreted it this way, and so which one would be the most logical, and you don't think anything about it. How time tells you and it's suddenly some satanic space alien. I'm not a satanic space alien. I am to Mora, who is now being able to give forth some definitions and some information and people are absorbing it like sponges. And yet that too had to be done in its own order. A lot of confirmations have to flow that what we're giving is true before one will even pay attention to look at a definition. And you're going to find that Randy Weaver uses the term Yerba. For God. Well, what's so interesting about that. Dr. Barrett uses the same term. Does that make God lesser God? No it doesn't. But neither does it make every word in the Bible truth. It may be somebody's truth. It's not God's instructions. I don't care if you spend the rest of your life with blinders on, with your head buried in the book. Please understand me. That is your privilege. Then it comes to the forefront and it's incorrect. Why is it that you will read that other book and yet when I speak of it, the ears plug up. Because you are told not to question it. You are told from the time you are a child, if you were reared in the church, if you drifted away and suddenly you come back to be reborn in the evangelical movement, you take it without question? Where better to feed you than where you take everything without question? Well, how can you know? Well, I'll tell you, you cannot read One Liberator every third week and know. How can you know that Pat Robertson is not on your team unless you are a kazooie in one world or another? You can know because he set Ted Turner into business. He also just bought a major network from Ted Turner. Ted Turner has said, don't count on God and don't ask God. He ain't and he won't help you. And Mr. Turner didn't like the Ten Commandments and he wrote his own, the Turner Ten. Before they're done with the networks, Mr. Turner will run them all. And you won't have noticed. Pat Robertson is a fine speaker. The mere fact that he ran for president, being an evangelist, says that he had political intent. Political intent. I didn't say patriotic intent. There was never any patriotism ever mentioned as his overall platform. Does this mean that you can't watch the 700 Club? Of course not. There's going to be some marvelous information come forth. And this man is enlightened and in that inner circle enough that he's going to give you bits and pieces that will blow your socks off. But he has done the same thing that Jerry Falwell did. He has gotten up on his platform and said, I am a Zionist and I'm sick and tired of God's own children claiming to be Christians and will not even take a stand for Christ. When you are called an Asemite and a bigot and all you've done is say, I don't believe in homosexuality. I believe in equal rights of at least the white brother to be able to go into college or get a job on the basis of Does that make you a hate monger? This is the purpose of the lessons. To make you ashamed to be anything. Well I'm getting a little bit ashamed. For goodness sakes, they blow beat you, they insult you. Isn't that antichrist? You can't even be a Christian anymore, if you don't be a born again, blood covered, Christian marching to Zion. Well, Zion is not the city of God. Zion is a human, physical expression of a place where there will be global rule. And you will practice the laws of the Jews. When Bogleides goes forth and he says Christ, he's a white supremist groups to give you a real show and tell of what they're talking about. Do you think Christ ever acted like that in his entire experience ever on any plane? You You don't have to go out and bear a cross up Calvary's mountain, but you're going to have to take a stand for goodness sakes. And that Bible that everybody wants to quote to will come before and I'm here and I'm going to keep right on talking and enough of you will hear. Ross Markel had a drought if only ten could convince ten and they in turn. Will Will that happen? No. No, because man, man doesn't want to take a stand. He's too intimidated. Well, maybe after some other things happen, you won't be so intimidated. No, something else will happen and you'll be more intimidated. But I'll tell you something, the ones of you who hang in there with God are going to have an experience. The others are going to certainly wish they could have shared. Excuse me. This was written ten days ago. Dear Rick, I have not counted them, but have received many, many letters of support. Beautiful letters from Liberator subscribers. I thank you very much. Every day I get further behind in answering mail. I'm not complaining. Yeh-Wa controls this whole situation. He set my family on a special path starting about ten years ago. I know now why we see through a glass darkly. I know that Sam and Vicky would not have changed Yehwah's plans even if they could have. It sure would have been tempting for Kevin, the girls and myself though. Sam and Vicky have yearned for a spiritual awakening in this country. Perhaps their passing will help to perpetuate such an awakening. I've had a couple samples of your paper to read. Very enlightening. I salute you and your endeavors. Yehweh bless you all. Your brother in the struggle, Randy Weaver. We question how we should tend that, how we should tend the other. We question why this, why that. And you see when you are one with God, your heart accepts. Doesn't question the necessity or the possibilities, but doesn't blindly accept either. Just as well, I'm going to be a martyr and I'm going to just get rid of a son and a wife. what their souls believed. And it's not martyrdom in the sense of becoming a great martyr, certainly not intentionally, but without complaint if it was necessary. Well everybody won't be a Vicki Weaver. You don't need another cross hanging. I just wonder to have stood in their stead. And yet I know one, that if he could have gotten there in time, he would have given his life. Would the ones around him have allowed that, not if they could help it, because a lot of information, and this is going to cause a lot of hurt, a lot of pain within that organization, but a lot of information did not get through to both. There are ones very close to him who do not have the same driving need for him to lead a nation. Is it even deemed possible that the man can become president? No. Not as it's going. When is the first debate in San Diego? Leaves the Constitutional Law Center a lot of time, doesn't it? Because Jean and the Law Center are right to their eyes, doing everything they can to to get Bo included in that debate, you think there's a chance. Well, I'm going to do a little law practice here. You see, when Anheuser-Busch was contacted because when you start trying to track down, you are assuming, aren't you, that these are public debates? No, they're not. The one at least in San Diego is sponsored by the beer company and Hauser-Busch. But when they were contacted, the man in charge just laughed and he said, well, we don't have anything to say about who's on the program, we just get to pay for it. Aha! Private party, a beer company, a major, major company, putting that much money into what would this be called now? Campaign, right? Because it's no longer public domain. It's a paid for, pre-arranged, orchestrated debate where all parties are not allowed. So when the ones structuring the debate were contacted and said we are going to sue you for the right to have vogue rights included in the debate. They just laughed and said no you won't. This is Saturday, the 10th of October, 1992. We're gathered at the bookstore for a meeting at 1.30 in the afternoon. Greetings, Commander. Good afternoon. Please move us just a minute.