Thank you for the pause. I need to take up some of these things of personal nature, and this is the place I'm going to do it. I don't have time to sit and write specific notes to ones. I don't have what it takes to require that Dorma sit. She has not even been able to thank the ones who were so gracious at Christmas. And that is abhorrent both to me and to her. We have to keep putting out the fire so that we cannot even be gracious to the loving hearts that share. And I apologize for that. And the only place that I have to apologize is in this forum. The only way that I have to outlying groups who are in service, who are those groups out there, we are going to need nucleus units for both production and distribution, if nothing else, than the life substance itself. I need to reach the ones in New Zealand and Australia, and they need to hear what I have to say, not read it in a newspaper. I'm going to need central locations in Canada, and more importantly, I'm going to need it in Mexico. God has sent through me as steward and through these ones as speakers, the very last substance, that will allow you, yes siree, to ascend. Everybody keeps thinking, I'm going to go and cross my legs, wear my approval, and I'm going to meditate and I'm going to learn to ascend, and you're going to be stuck thing and it works hand in hand with Hatton's, good old Hatton's photon belt and the structure of life itself. That which will destroy you in conjunction with that which renews and creates you will bring you into a frequency of light and what's more you will be able to control it worthy to me. But I certainly don't trust it on anybody. I do ask, however, there are some ones that haven't the ability to partake of these things for one reason or another. I can even go further and tell you we can program it to whatever in the hell is wrong with you. We can program it so that in four days you won't have one cholesterol plaque in your damn body. And I've got to worry over whether or not EJ picks on people. Can you even fathom what I'm saying to you? Life! The reason the books are banned is because Germain told you how it would be. What is And it is the structure, the blueprint that you call this little DNA, RNA stuff, doesn't matter what you call it. It is what in the presence of the proper frequencies of light renews you, recreates you. And with the use of that you can heal self. And it may take generations. But while these generations are coming along, isn't it alright if you feel better? Wouldn't you kind of like that? Look at the children with AIDS. A child will always renew and put you adults to shame. Because of replacement. And we have ones who pray to me, to me, and I don't like it. But some thing God has ceased to hear. Would I petition in the air? Yes, I will. But you do need what I have to offer. So maybe I happen to be God's intermediary to you in a way that you can maybe hear while you're learning to hear from within. and to respond and you hear. We can program it to reclaim failing kidneys. We can program it to easily renew the ability of the pancreas to produce insulin. We can release the mitochondria and it will cleanse the glucose imbalances in the body circulatory system. Your lungs have brought yourselves into imbalance through what man tells you. You must stop eating this because you're getting cholesterol so you stop eating that and now you've deprived your body of something else and so pretty soon you are sick. And it's not like that. Mutated cells, mutant cells, are perfectly normal. That means malignancy is a normal state of being in any given cell. What is not normal about it is that your immune system has not the ability longer to handle that. So we must move in and replenish, renew And you have to do it yourself. Anything that God will give to you will simply be a tool. And I don't care whether you use it or not. That is up to you. But I would ask that the newest substances, the newest product be taken to Esther please. I will not allow my precious beings to be deprived while ones make up their mind what they want to do about me. I don't care what you do in your daily life. That's a misnomer, a misstatement. I care, I care greatly. I have no right to care about what you do. I do have a right to discern that which brings my mission to bring you into oneness with God, pulls it from its track. So I would ask maybe that Charles or someone who would be in Esther's neighborhood just take the newer product to her. It's not that she's sick, but it would help her hearing and... What, CJ? Do we speak of the gandriana? Yes. Thank you. That's all you have at the moment. That's correct. There will be... how long will it be before the mitochondria gets here? About a week. Make sure she gets it too. will begin to heal, if you will, or reverse the process. Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, those problems that stem from the nervous system. And then I would ask that, please, let's target some for the restoration of the nervous system itself. You have ones who know how to do it. Your typical animal product, if you will, you function as an animal. It's easy enough to program these things and get those little deandriates in there. We want the killers in there. That's the precursor to your immune system, to those phagocytes and lymphocytes. The immune system. You see your body has gotten to the point where what you need to get within those cells, they cannot pass that barrier of which your cells are constructed. virus pass into these cells. And we need to get those little Pac-Men in there. They'll clean out the foreigners. We'll take up publishing etc. last. Would you please share with the room now, and the ones that are listening, the letter from Cosmos. I want all of you to hear this very carefully. I've told you two entities. This comes from your brother. This is the confirmation that it's real. And I want you to see the blessed humor in it. They demand equal time in our paper. You're also getting recognized as paper patriots. We're having fun and you're getting your confirmation. And I frankly want to share it with you. I don't want you just to go read it in the paper. We're obviously going to give it front page billing. I believe that the letters to the editor should be on front page. January 15, 1993. From Cosmo Seafood Energy Marketing Limited to the Phoenix Liberator Editor. Dear Editor, we, Cosmo Seafood Energy Marketing Limited, have received your paper, being the last three issues, and in reading of your paper whenever Cosmos is referenced, we, the corporate officers, of which there are only two, sometimes have to pinch ourselves trying to ascertain are we still in a real world with responsible people or have we, Cosmos, marketing landed in a fantasy land? We, the officers of the aforestated corporation, when reading these comments made with evidenced malicious intent to cause harm to any program which would and or could possibly assist and or help the voluminous Americans who did write to us, though unsolicited by us, expressing the many, many terrible things which did happen to them in their homes, properties, homesteads, and on and on and on, has been tremendously damaged by wagging tongues of persons acting like irresponsible wags. In your January 11, 1993 edition, page 10 Page 10 captioned, quote, A tiny confirmation, noting the confusion which existed with the corporation and other cosmos, tendered much information to which we were not previously privy to the five W's, being the who's, why, when, where and what. Thank you for informing us. Four of the pages in the four-stated edition of the Phoenix Liberator identified Cosmos Seafood Energy Marketing Limited as the CIA attempting to overthrow the government, accepting money, soliciting money, and only God knows what else, and making statements which in the old days could only be construed as yellow journalism and violations of the printer's ink statutes. You referenced cosmos, which cosmos, as world and order. Then you further identified it with the infamous one world order. Shame on you. From the original Greek cosmos, the universe cosmos. 1. The universe regarded as an orderly, harmonious whole. 2. Ordered harmonious with the whole system. 3. Harmony and order rather than chaos. Shame, shame, shame on you. Frankly, we, the corporate officers of Cosmos Marketing, in good standing, are offended when even the slightest hint of anything other than the best intentions for the best interest of we the people's Republic of the United States of America would be hinted to, alluded to, represented as any intent of Cosmos Marketing and its officers. Yes, Cosmos Marketing did offer 0.50 percent of the accrued interest to the Department of the Treasury in 1990, whereupon the Department of the Treasury responded, this is not an area of our jurisdiction. In writing, we, Cosmo Seafood Energy Marketing Limited, rescinded the offer. We did offer to assist Bo Grites if he would meet with us and discuss the overall program. We were told, for a donation of $25,000, Mr. Grites would talk to us. We also offered to assist Ross Perot. No response. Offer rescinded. An offer was made also to Governor Bill Clinton. We received a thank-you letter and a bumper sticker. Again, offer rescinded. We also offered to the Standard Chartered Banks Governor Jerry Brown, the U.S. Senate Banking Committee, i.e., Henry Gonzales. 1. The Standard Charter Banks went belly up. 2. Jerry Brown never received our offer. And Henry Gonzales did not respond. Again, the offers were rescinded. Perhaps the reason this offer to assist and eradicate the national debt, etc., is, quote, in writing, no portion of the accrued interest due and payable in gold, gold coin, gold bullion, and or gold coin of the realm could be used for purposes of war, making of instruments of war, and or intermeddling with internal affairs of other nations, of the now known world or of any future worlds yet to be known. The accrued interest which was offered could only be used for health, education, research and development, jobs, industry and restoration of original ownership of properties which had been illegally taken from the American people, and eradicate the national debt. Was ignored, the interest due and payable would not support war. That did not work either. Again we were ignored. There is no small coincidence. Cosmo's seafood energy marketing limit is being bitterly discredited. We and or its two corporate officers refuse to be a party to any act which is contrary to the best interests of we the people, of the Republic, of the United States of America, and or of the international communities. To answer the many irresponsible statements made by irresponsible wags, we, Cosmos Seafood energy marketing limited in good standing, 1. are for real, 2. do own the world's oldest and active gold certificate, 3. the certificate does conform with title 28, 740, 741, it conforms, It is sealed and it states, Se legaliza la firma Noel Contendo. The certificate does not reside within the continental limits of the USA. Furthermore, we never use the singular word of Cosmos when identifying our Cosmos Seafood Energy Marketing Limited Corporation anywhere in the world. We, Cosmos Seafood Energy Marketing Limited, do not solicit money. Two, do not accept money. Three, we do not conduct business. Four, we'll have nothing to do with drugs, five, nor do we inhale fantasies, six, nor do we employ any persons, etc. We, Cosmo Seafood, do herein request equal space in your paper whereupon we, Cosmo Seafood Energy Marketing Limited, may respond to these irresponsible statements alluding to be privy to our corporate entity and are knowledgeable of our business, if any. Hot dog. I certainly hope they send them regularly. Note something for you who need some more confirmation. What do they say? Corporate officers. That means that they have a good grasp on corporate management. They do not say who owns anything. And you can go to Nevada and you will not find out. They are doing it right. And to you who don't know what we're talking about, I suggest you get the last few issues, for I made comment in paper. This is why I tried to print exactly what one sent in here. And then when I make my comments, I'm sending my messages, I'm laying my bait in the middle of the snare, and I'm going to continue right on doing it. Because we caught some good rapids. And they're wiggling pretty hard. Go on please. We, Cosmo Seafood Energy Marketing Limited, and its officers, do herein state, any duplication of this letter shall be made in its entire context with no deletions and or adding to what we Cosmo Seafood Energy Marketing Limited have written herein. By the way, it surely must be real or George Bush would have not tried to obtain 2.4 billion That's with a B, Britilian. For Iraq in 1989. Of course, we, Cosmo Seafood Energy Marketing Limited, refused him collateral. And it's signed quite properly in the Republic of Nevada. Now, those people are real. Those are honorable people, efforting to do their best as officers of a corporation. They are legitimate. They have voices. They have names, they have all the things that you humans have. And court could attest to that because they have contacted court. They've been badly used. Is it deliberate? You see, you can deal with this without having to even make judgment. How does it affect you? Maybe you will never know whether or not it affects you in the very least. and they're going to hand you a billion dollars? Hardly. What would you do with it? Oh, well, I would give you 50%, old commander, and then I'd split the other. That's what I usually get. Let me win the lottery, sir, and I'll give you 99%? I want that other percent too. And then maybe I'll give you back one. I'll give you a long period of time. Thank you. We're getting there even if we're liars. And it's better than something like quote Treasury Gate where well every man, woman and child in America would get $250,000 out blah blah blah and so forth. That isn't even feasible is it? What in the world are you talking about? And yet Treasury Gate is real too because a lot of certificates got passed around and a lot of this money got promised out to nice ones like Marcos, etc. and they hold documents. But please hear your own confirmations. See, Elizabeth calls you question and question and question. Don't miss it when it comes. This response means something. It means your old commander has hit it on the head. And I could explain to them exactly how this other Cosmo Seafood Energy Marketing could steal their own corporation. That doesn't mean that we're hot shots. It means that every time you get confirmation, hold it dearly and know that God is trying to show you and share with you that the big miracles are magic. Honor those also when they're valid. One say continually, why don't you just show yourself, why don't you show the ship, why don't you, and then I could go and work. Dorma has never consciously seen a graft. As you perceive, come and great big show and tell. You must respect God on the basis of the unseen and the knowing. And I'm but a servant. So that means that you must cling to those confirmations as they flow. And this one is full of it. Full of it. What did it say? Otherwise why would George Bush come to us years ago for 2.4 billion dollars for who? Iraq. Now I'd like anyone in this room to tell me if one cotton-picking thing came to pass that you were told in those conferences to expect. Does that mean they intentionally destroyed it, sabotaged it, or was it exuberance? You see, it doesn't matter. The results were the same. And the same ones who came and told you all these other things, and maybe it's right, maybe it's wrong, I don't know, I'm just telling you what somebody else told me. These are fine in a newspaper, and I'm going to continue to lay it out there for you. But then when the same ones come to you that nothing happened, zero, that was supposed to happen. No way would he get to inauguration day. Then the same group comes, I don't care whether the CDR, that's the Council on Domestic Relationship, not to be confused with the Council on Foreign Relations. And this is connected with honorable patriots like Simonette. They chose the term because it would be a domestic thing and it might be something that anyone in this room, starting a little group, would choose. But then what has happened since, whether it be intentional or ill-conceived, the results become the same. We all fill out our forms. Did we bring those forms? Did anyone get the forms, E.J.? It's in the newspaper. I got it, yes. Read the questions from that form that you're supposed to put. Now, all of you good patriots are supposed to get this form, fill it out, The CDR, yeah CDR. Exhibit A, application. active member mailing list on the whole bed, you know, with this organization. The Council on Domestic Relations. Please be sure to complete all portions before submitting this application. The review process is generally completed within 45 days. Review process? Okay. Okay, Swan. Full name, address, home phone, work phone, date of birth, sponsor's name. What sources do you depend on for information, news? Are you or have you ever been a member of any group or organization that denies or attempts to deny anyone's constitutional rights by way of practice or policy. Please list all political, social, and other such type groups of organizations that you are or have been a member of. Have you served in the U.S. Armed Forces? What branch? How many years? Have you or have you ever been a member, employee, consultant, affiliate or contactee of the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Federal Emergency Management Administration, the Multijurisdictional Task Force, the United Nations, the World Federalist Organization, or FINCEN? or F-I-N-C-E-N and that's it. What else is there left to tell them? Social security number? They'll write back. Now didn't we not go through at least three journals and Mark Nesman gets out there and $49 you can buy his book on privacy? And I have a new unhealthy respect for Mark Nesman too. I'd like to make a public statement about that. And other ones who did end up even coming through our way. Because in our book on privacy I said there are many good books out there on privacy and how to avoid surveillance teams, how to handle your money, etc. All of them are lacking in one major, major item of shelter. And that is incorporation in the state of Nevada. Period. No other states, no offshore, I'm not interested in your offshore, when the boom comes down, no money is going to pass borders to come home. I am pleased to note, this is how we should feel also. If we give truth in something that helps man, let him use it. What else are we here for? And I would give honor to Mark Nesman, who now has a newsletter. And guess what he's doing? He is pushing Nevada corporations. Now why would you go all the way to Switzerland for privacy and you would send every piece of information that can hang you to somebody that you don't even remember their initials. You have no idea who is involved. And yet, boy, did I get response when I said, don't fill in those forms. Well, I feel that it is a good patriot group. Hot dog! So is the SWAT team! Maybe they haven't met the SWAT team. Well, if you're Dorma, you get pretty suspicious of anybody who looks like they even have a slice of water. I mean, when the RTC can pull in a federal Mosul SWAT team and get your little local sheriff's Moscow train group to go play with them in the hills above your home. And then you have to realize that you are pinpointed So that if you do anything, they'll just blast you to God. You got to look cautious. Now when these same ones get out and push, push, push, Mr. Mullins' work, Mr. Patterson's work, Mr. Nesman's work, and then present all you patriotic citizens an opportunity to put your blood on a piece of paper. Wouldn't you call that bait in the snare? Who's snare? Citizens, that's the last thing you want. You'll find your brother. And if your brother is working truly in your behalf, knowingly, he will not ask you. He would not want that on his head. Well, who is there shout? I suggested you look at his name. He took exception to that. I don't care what your name is, and you say I'm Jesus Christ, I'm going to call you Mr. Christ. Thank you for calling. Certainly got a rise. So Mr. Schaft called and I appreciate the editors because when he called they said please put it into writing, whatever it is, and we'll present it to the commander or whatever. but we have to have something that we can utilize. Well, of course, what came through on the paper is not nearly as nasty as what came through on the telephone. I don't want to hurt Dershout. And if he is a true patriot, he will not long be offended by anything that we might say to caution ones to pay attention. Use caution. Be very careful what you do. Most ones getting this kind of a warning does not take it as a reprimand, they take it in appreciation. So let's share Gary's letter because we're going to publish it too. Commander, before I read this, I think I better turn the tape. It's just about there. Fine.