I hope it's a good date. 1993. Okay, we have a call waiting out of the circuit now, I think. Good for you. Yes. Okay, go ahead and push the button down there now. We're connected. Alright. Are we receiving? Okay, are we, can you hear down there? Yes. Okay, are we coming through there okay? You're coming through here fine. Good. Thank you very much, Commander. We have what we call a first resources class here of best of soul folks to get together once in a while. And so we thank you very much for taking the time for it. We'll arrange for a personal opportunity to ask questions and receive guidance. And we thank you very much for that. Do you have an opening message for the group? I know you're going to be in the room. I'm going to be in the room. I'm going to be in the room. I'm going to be in the room. I'm going to be in the room. I'm going to be in the room. I'm going to be in the room. I'm going to be in the room. I'm going to be in the room. I'm going to be in the room. I'm going to be in the room. I'm going to be in the room. I'm going to be in the room. I'm going to be in the room. I'm going to be in the room. I'm going to be in the room. I'm going to be in the room. I'm going to be in the room. I'm going to be in the holy light of God, creator, source. We're having a little bit of problems as one began to denounce and as we come into the final sorting period, there's a lot going on. But that is my opening announcement. It's been very, very hectic here. If we're a little bit heavy puppy, it needs to be done. We need to settle down a little bit as we were trying to get them out of the house and down to this room where the gathering is. We began to receive phone calls from some of our incarcerated brothers, like Stuart Webb, George Westbacher, you know, this particular group. We did not hear from Berkert. So the mind is fragmented, but we'll settle down in just a minute. The news coming forth from both sectors is just extremely critical, urgent, and you're just about to witness George Bush and his October surprise, among some of his other dealings with the banks, etc., going to just blow to smithereens. as he can who knows these facts for a fact in prison, and he's managing to do a very good job of it. He has about five of the most critical witnesses that flew with him, the ones they haven't already killed. He's flying silent. So the next few issues of the top, above top secret classified documents for orders, receipts and statements, etc. Transferring things like signed water missiles, so-called missiles, this sort of thing. So it's going to be an interesting time, and I believe that we're just about settled out here enough now that I can put her a little bit aside. The pressures are pretty heavy lately, as anyone will know who keeps up with a liberator. They're hard just to stay out of jail. And... Oh, my God, there are, I know, lots of signs of... Oh, I can't believe this. People with their wires were going to break up. Can you still read me? I'm sorry. Can you hear me? Yes. Because you're beginning to break up now as you come back across. So I think I may have to continue as I did last time a little bit on my own. So let's go along here and let's see. You know, now all the, they realize that I'm at least on their way somewhere. So we're going to get some interruptions as Edward and the CIA kick in. So let's just be a little patient with them. They're a little bit dojo-brained. They could have been a little bit more ready than we. Okay. Well, let's hope that all the factions are getting themselves secured. Well, yes. It's clearing already. I'm not going to go in. I have a question. How would you like to handle this? Would you care for each individual to have questions addressed to you directly or would you prefer questions throughout the day or do you have any? However you wish to do it. I'll just talk as a starter, and our class here would like to chime in and answer that. As I mentioned, this is a time of sorting, and one of the questions that keeps coming up, or to bring, we have heard great delay late, is the commander's phone picking up. Hold, please. Sam, we're not picking up at all. Sam, could you get closer to your speaker? Okay, I'm on the... how is this? Oh, that's good, much better. Is this better now? Yes. Okay, I'll speak more loudly then. With regard to the business of sorting, this is the time of sorting, and it's been said to be time, that with regard to George Green was this kind of individual when he came associated with the U.R. there at Tadspy, and yet he was allowed to come in and do his thing, and then here we are now with George Green doing this. The question I guess is why. George being separated from the group initially, or from an open health group initially? Well, because no one knows another man's contract. And this was what was needed here. This would give him an opportunity to strike around his life. of them of the ability of free will choice. You do not ever condemn anyone. There is always a return capability. And the facts are that George was doing very well for quite a while. As we began to move further into the program and more and more journals were written, Desiree got very, very nervous. And then John Coleman entered the picture and George could not bring himself not to make some kind of egotistical arrangement with this man. Now I will tell you that you will be hearing that there's seventy, seventy-five thousand dollars that he paid John Coleman. He didn't pay him quite that much. But by the time other French benefits were made, like giving away the institute and the liberator computer system, you've got that much or more that were sidetracked. And other things began to come into the picture. He could not see making enough money, quite frankly, for the lifestyle in which he had grown quite accustomed. Unfortunately, it was always at the expense of other people. He had an opportunity to join with some other ones in the trust business, and that will come full circle around to Gary Anderson. Unfortunately, I'm going to disappoint some more of you. You're going to find that Bo Brax is going to fit into that same group. We had an opportunity to take the plans that were already drawn up through the Institute or via the architect that George brought here, as a matter of fact, through the words, it was not George Green saying, I have this old buddy over in Nevada. But it sort of was that way. There was an architect, or is an architect in Las Vegas, that had done quite a few very remarkable buildings. He had built the MTM grant, or at least had drawn it up, made the plans, the architectural drawings. And George knew him. When we offered the compressed earth machinery, for instance, Barry came here to experience that. And of course the Institute was picking up the bill for all the trips back and forth, etc. But old Haphan was not moving near fast enough for this, you know, high speed lane. And this is when you began to sort the men from the boys. Patience is a lack of... of faith, basically. If you know things are going to be right in their own proper sequence, You can sit back and you can be patient while it unfolds properly. If you don't see enough money coming forth, and you have already stashed over $350,000 worth of gold in your garage or buried in your backyard, and you can see how to pick up twice that much in just a few short weeks, you begin to think very seriously about what other path you can take. So at the time of the transition, he was going to give Hathot a little bit more chance, but he was going to give it to me from Carson City, Nevada. The facts are that the minute he was there and he had already made arrangements with David Horton, who is his attorney now, and may very well be in jail by next week this time, because he has broken all of the federal laws of legal behavior in a courtroom, and he's going to find that the Nevada laws conscripting or restricting lawyers just blatantly lying in a courtroom or coming into play. You don't have that in California. I'd have to look it up about Utah. But in Nevada, you cannot, as a lawyer, give false testimony. And Dave Horton did that. So he's up to his eyeballs in very, very serious trouble. The meetings have already been made with the Sheriff's Department and they're waiting until next week to finish off the documentation and probably arrest him. So things are very busy. You also have to wait, Sam, while ones show their hands. It isn't a point of either restricting, keeping these ones out of your circle, they're going to come in your circle anyway. And they have a right to go one of either ways, away from you or toward you, the black road or the red road, according to the Indian philosophy. And it does happen that when you have that much money and you're a little bit bored and you are really swinging on this star out there and it's an ego trip, you know, you're making a lot of radio programs and he just absolutely sells you his ego. It has to be this way. You don't just start watching them out because the minute you start watching them out, they hit you with one that's even worse than that. It's the time of transition of your planet wherein every effort is going to be made to stop God's troops. Every effort. So we just take the ones that come along. But this is why. Okay, I'm going to have to pick up. This is the best way for this to work. I tried hanging up the receiver. So this truly is a time of sorting then. This is, in effect, you're giving individuals an opportunity to redeem themselves in a sense, to work for the light, and for a while that was the case, but they reverted back to human traits, and so here we are. Well, let me put it a little bit more succinctly. When you have ones relative to their level of importance, and I don't mean egotistical importance, I mean the job being done. Let us take a bold right or, or Georgie is a good example, or at least we'll survive. When these people come within the circle, if you will, and they make this commitment to serve God. They come under the seal of protection. The minute they gain their egotistical attitudes and begin to denounce God, God will, and then we are obliged to remove that shielding. And of course, the aggressive adversarial energies are just waiting for that veil to be pierced just the smallest tiny hole. And we lost Beau, really, when I told everybody to go vote for a lost parole and let's overthrow the election system. not even bother to read the message. He was just incensed that somehow we would line everybody up and let them be mantra persons. Well, that's his right, that's his privilege. But the same thing happened with George. The minute he consciously set out to feed, there's no better, there isn't another word, to take unlawfully, steal the gold. There is no better way to test a man than with money, but safely in the form of good, nice, hard, yellow gold. And he didn't make it. It's just that simple. Here's another member of our group with a follow-up question regarding Pope Francis. Very good. Welcome in. I just finished reading Pope Francis. Not going to be able to hear him, please. I just finished reading Pope Francis' newsletter. Yes. I don't know if you've read it or seen it or not. Yes, I have it in front of me. I suppose that you've noticed on page five how he lumped you together with a bunch of organizations I was hoping that someone would have noticed that so that they could bring it up. It wasn't quite as heartbreaking to talk about UFOs, outer space aliens, that's all the same rest. They're just part of the Luciferian sneak process against terrorists. I was just wondering, I heard a spatter of myths that Bo sooner or later is supposed to, I guess, change the way he's going to understand what's going on. Maybe you could give us an explanation on if it's meant to be, or is it just a hope thing that he's been... Well, I'm not sure that we've got all of your questions, but I think what you're asking me is, ultimately be able to work within the system as it was originally structured, or what would be his intent, why would he do what he just did, and why would I be one of the only ones mentioned by name? Bo's got a long way to go, and when he removed his protective shield, we had quite a lot of discussion about that and it was pretty much the piss off. You know, how many of you are there up there because George Green had had an appointment with him and gone over and told him the following, that Hathrong had gone with he and Desiree and they moved to Nevada. was also now in direct contact with one on the other named Colton. There were many visitations. Already he was not too happy with me because I had said that there were a lot of things about the rights that are going to impact everybody. And one of them that you better get ready for is the fact that the POW situation as it was presented to the Los Angeles state turmoil, here quite a while ago, was false. It didn't happen. And it certainly did not happen the way Bill Bright presented it to the public. So there are a lot of things about that whole operation going on now that is totally geared to money. But what happened with Bo is that he had searched this world looking for his God, if you will. And he is in freemason. Oh, is he a freemason? Oh, yes. He may very well deny that. He may say, oh, well, yes, I was. But I'm sorry. I can witness this. And he certainly is still a Firmation, at least as he greets his friends. Now, whether he feels stronger about that or not is beside the point. I do not see how you could be and also be obliged to swear your entire honor and life to the one, even if you call him Jesus Christ, whatever you want to call this Christ renewed, because there are some things in the rituals. And of course the mind can put those aside. So let's listen, let's look in. This is why God does not judge what you're doing as much as what your intent is. But once you know the difference, to continue to do things makes you very highly suspect. Now we can talk all we want to around the Ben Wright phenomenon. He comes out and he is the loudest one to say, I am for Jesus Christ and that is all there is to it and that is my life and I'm going to change this system and I'm going to return the Constitution and if you don't do it by ballot, we'll do it with bullets. That is not Christ. Now let's just stop right there. That is not Christ. So when I said to him personally, that is not Christ, he said, we have every right to defend ourselves. And all the way through the Bible they were into this. And I said, it is not Christ speaking, thou shalt not kill. Yes, you may defend yourself, but you are not going to take to a capital hill with bullets. They will slay you all. Well, okay, you know, so we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get to the point where we get into the Bible. You must not even suspect that the Bible is not totally correct. And then the next verse will be alright. It will all work out because God wins. And indeed, He's right then. But I'm going to back all of you up right back, and if you haven't read that out loud to everyone in your room, I won't take time to do it now. But I think that you better look at that very carefully, because he's talking about body parts. He is talking about the chemical mixture of blood. Blood. All right, we go through all of the ones that he categorizes as being the bad boy. You will notice it's a two-paragraph, a bad boy. And he cannot even see that he fits in the paragraph. He does a lot of speaking and interchanging within the Williams and Don McIverney. I respect both of those beings. I take extreme exception to what they are teaching as far as Christ is concerned. They fall into this new, born-again Christian situation where we're going to be. And all you have to do, quote, is believe on the blood of the lamb. Blood of the lamb. Think about this very carefully. Does that set you apart or not? It lends you right into the satanic rituals that require blood of some physical being to make that transition. And the answer is, well, we don't really mean blood. Well, you get up there and you sing songs like, uh, I want all of you to think about that very carefully, and that goes back to some of those old, more hedric, more hedric, chalmeric, Jewish laws of Zion. the world of satanic worship and trying to cleanse the soul spiritual with something physical and as absolutely alien to innocent God, whatever have you do, to slay something else, be it your own Christ or God. Never, never, you are trying to find true purity and you will never do it by slaying one of God's creatures and then purifying yourself for your actions by His blood. the next one.