Thank you, Mr. Foster. Good grief, I hope not. And your Second Amendment says you have the right to bear arms. And I will fight if it were to come to such, to my death, under the Constitution to be able to bear arms. That doesn't make it right. It makes it legal. And lawful. And so I hear, you know, I hear right from Dharma. Does that mean that those ones who bear arms out there and literally would protect my life or you saying half time they may not, oh goodness no I am very thankful for them. I'm very thankful for Jack. And I'm very thankful for Bill Grites, Chris Janowski, man they can take you out with one kick, you don't need a gun. You have a rough journey to get through here and you see what you are talking about is what is after you. How are you going to judge if you shoot Joe Blow whether or not he is a soulless robot? Because you've got two out of three chances it's going to be, you see. So you have to deal somewhere in that soul of souls as to intent. How do you feel about taking out that being not even knowing? You see if you kill a man the intent is to kill a man because you're not given to know unless you helped manufacture that beam. And it makes it a little bit easier for special forces because so often they are attached to some of those programs where they literally witness the mechanism being created. It's very, very touchy. Very touchy. And so a general rule of thumb is unless you know what you're doing, you better assume it's safe for just to get rid of your arsenal. You see we have this, this. One's of you should look at this pretty carefully and see what all you see. Do you see that for one thing, welcome is misspelled? That doesn't work too great. By the time you all giggle over it. And look at the rifles. What would you do if you were the corner policeman and you were supposed to go arrest this man just to get him off of this property that is no longer, quote, his? What would you do? These police officers were scared to death of this person. They might have the SWAT team in there, but you see that this was not a Waco operation. You can in no way equate Ray Rennick's position with Waco and Koresh's position. And would it not be better to be able to get the word out about these people and let the masses of the citizens handle it properly? Well, for goodness sakes, they aren't ever going to do it, God. Then why don't you let God help handle it? Well, who knows, in time we may just dissolve the problem. I may not be able to do a whole lot with your machine guns, but I can tilt your planet in Unfortunately, it's all over for you too. And where would we play? We have to leave us a place to play. Take to heart, Bo Breit's Center for Action periodical has now been labeled officially subversive material. I warned you, I told you. And we even wrote that to Mr. Green. They cannot pin down what to call the contact. This is your safety net. You don't have anything that fits anything that they have as guidelines. And they are basically idiots. If it's not on this list, what are they going to do? Go take out that cult in Tehachapi. Which one is that, sir? The Catholic Church or where? No, those Hathon people. What were those hecklers? Look, look, Luke Perry said those hecklers. You mean those two old people who were on food stamps that the sheriffs are looking after? What so good will it do if we shoot them? We can't even find any connection with them. They won't like the attention they get if they do that now. It doesn't mean that they are not programmed to try to do that. But they also now have a set of rules that says that would be very unwise. Try it on Tuesday, but if you do that on Thursday, man, you have got a headache. But once out of the area, it's more difficult to keep it under control. Because you also have these networks of bulletins and orders and secret stuff. And I know that it's very hard to sit down and try to make anyone who is even halfway sane hear what you're saying. Again, at least a third of the mail we get says, how in the world can I make someone listen to me? You cannot. I can't, why should you? Well then why have you written all these confounded books and put us through this misery? Because I had to get to you, and I had to get to Mary Ann. And if other ones will come in, hallelujah brother, but first we have to reach our team. And the moment you start trying to get your family to come in is when the adversary goes to work. And I'm telling you, if you keep pushing, they will bury them into your enemy's compound. They will get them into the inner sanctum of the Mormon church, for instance. Are you saying the Mormons are bad? Good grief, no worse than the Baptists, but they're pretty bad. I'll tell you, I would take Brent Scowcroft against Jerry Falwell any day. They are both Zionists, do you see? You cannot separate these out, and this is what you must learn to do. Separate the people and the ones who go in there searching for God and hallelujah if they're too dumb or too poor to tithe. Because if you can't tithe, they don't want you in their little inner big wheel circle. So you've got to cross all these little initiations, you see, to get to the point where you can get in the temple and do your work and they can really control you. But you're now in there and a part of the group. Is that evil? It depends on what your intent is. So you cannot go and say blanket-wise, the Mormon Church or the Baptist or the Methodist or the Pentecostal are evil people. They're not. Satan. Well, you mean they have secret little sacrifices? No. I mean that almost everything From your genealogy, quite frankly, to your baptism. You can baptize a body till you drown it, and it will do nothing but drown it. And if you're in the middle of the desert and you find God, your soul is baptized, believe me, instant, no water, no nothing. Well, doesn't water purify? Yes, it does. And if it helps you find your intent within, do it. But don't bother to do it for the wrong reasons. And Padre, clearly back there, sprinkling a little holy water on a baby's head, ain't gonna make it an angel. Revelation, Father. I thought it did. What amazes me now is she just drowned. The Catholics are more thrifty than that. They do it this way. I know that it sounds to you as if I'm making light of religions. That's because I am. I cannot get serious enough to tell you the way it really is. So we're not talking about religion. Commander, please. Please, I feel I'm going to be chastised about it. I'm going to tell you a story about baptism. I just read it in a novel. It's something, that. The novel was about the Inquisition, really never ending. They kept it going because some of the heretics... Is this working? You put your mouth there. Turn it on. You know that'll hurt these gams, ain't it? But this one is funny, so I'll read you another question. It's on half. I hear the thunder up here. The Inquisition never ended, because the heretics never ended. They escaped out of a little place in Spain and they kept going and the reason the novel was so great was because these people who were the heretics got into the Cesar thing and began to take over the world. But that's not the point of this, this deals with baptism and it deals with the whole religion good and evil, etc. There are two sources, one the God of good, one the God of evil. These people get all involved in this, and at the very end of the book, why, the heretics are going to baptize these two people so they can trust him. And they bring in a white bull, a symbol of the whole heretical situation. And this guy who's the head of the heretics, he gets a knife, and he grabs the bull, and he slashes the bull right down his throat where all the blood can come down. These two little cats that got to be baptized are cascaded with all the blood coming down into the pit. And that's about the worst example of a baptism I ever heard of. It surpasses anything I ever know of. this type of a baptism, I don't even know how to say it, but it gets into my real question of the day. It was in the paper each week we were talking about this whole thing about the big nuclear strike that didn't take place in 1982. So I was wondering, because I kind of lost track and I don't know where the players are, is this nuclear strike of real blood all over the planet sort of heading for us, where are the players now? The Bolsheviks, who are entrenched into the American government and into the Russian government. The Rockefellers, who somehow since 1982 have got lost as far as I'm concerned, so I'm asking to kind of make this clear, plus the Cosmosphere people, the Russian nationalists. So the question is, could you kind of tell us a little bit about this and bring us up to date. I hope, I hope, I hope. Wasn't that a bunch of junk to get through the question? Laughter Good question. Well, one of the major things that you had as a guide was January a year ago. Any time after they were able to take out the runways outside the massive secret whatever underground and within the mountain facility in Australia you could be expecting disaster. You see many things have to be set up in order to pull something like that off to the best advantage. Unfortunately they got that facility finished and now only Now only by helicopter can you get things in and out, but you can take very massively heavy pieces of equipment in and out of a place anymore by helicopter. You've got that capability. You also have many of the underground bases with what you are going to consider spacecraft or space-capable flight craft. The shuttle is not one of your more sophisticated flight vehicles, but it continues to serve its purpose of focus. Pay more attention to what happens every time you launch a shuttle and they tell you, well, this is a big top secret something or, well, we're going to go study the ozone hole a little more. This is all a lie. Rockefeller, basically from the Rockefeller family, when the three Rockefeller brothers were taken out, murdered, they were replaced, so they are of the elite. And knowing that David Rockefeller is still very, very high, the Bilderbergs in the world elite. And now you are dealing with robotic programmed beings. And remember, Rockefeller is the one who owned Chase Manhattan Bank. Also know that when all of the early dealings 30, 35 years ago with the Saudi Arabian sheiks was handled through Chase Manhattan Bank. This was the beginning of the final set up to be able to pull all of the economy into one or two functioning banks. You see, they have already merged it with several, several very notable banks. The intent is to have only five major banks. As you move toward this total one bank, you basically already only have one bank, so I don't know why I'm kidding you, I'm just trying to answer your question as to where the Rockefellers are, etc. Everything there is working exactly on cue. The image of David Rockefeller is alive and well. And they don't have any souls to worry about. Except for some very slightly poor planning. In the New York Trade Center they had that vehicle with bombs aboard. Israeli briefcase bombs, nuclear device. Had it exactly in the right place to bring both those towers down. The idiots just didn't calculate the strength of the floor above them so that when that bomb exploded it was The intent and the placement was perfection to cause both of those buildings just to collapse inward. That would have taken out a hundred thousand people in one action. And as it would topple, it would take out things around it. you would have had massive destruction. So things do go wrong. You have to look all the way back to Tunguska in Russia to realize how long there have been some of these capabilities. Your war is not over. It hasn't yet begun, do you see? our work is always that it be delayed a little longer until a few more of you understand what we're about. And we can get some security built. Because now the capability is there and in place. Where they can literally, it isn't called blackmail with us, holding one's hostage or a nation hostage or however you want to word it. You have to understand as long as you're right with command, you don't have to worry about God even if you can just get right with me. I'm not going to let you get hurt. That does not mean however friends that I won't let you make a transition, I may need you more on my side than on yours. So you've got to stop considering death of a body to have anything to do with anything. As time goes along, the systems get more sophisticated and information goes out to ones and it goes out in most remarkable ways. I remind you, go look at these motion pictures that seemed terribly far out and realize that you are only getting the tiniest nats eyebrow. We talk about the five who played with the Ouija board. Guess what? 1993 is supposed to be a very big year. Why would the military give them honorable discharge? Because they told exactly what they wanted told to you once. And they have, the elite has the capability, and it is going to make age look like nothing. It will be quick. You'll think you have the flu and you're going to be dead. Remember little children who ate How absurd. Since when has E. coli killed three children and suddenly it is the most deadly disease there is and an epidemic? Don't you think it's interesting that all of you in a town will get a sore throat, massive symptoms at once, and it's so contagious that just being in the room with it, it'll go and hit the rest. You're there. Unfortunately Unfortunately for you, the plan is to infect with this viral or non-treatable infection, which is going to hit so many of, and I'm going to have to call them the lower life forms. That is such a poor explanation and I can expect a thousand letters. I even said that the farm workers were required to live in places not fit for swine or fit only for swine and I had a repercussion from that. Swine are nice people. How dare you? We should share that letter. It is that kind of blindness that will cost you your species. Not that swine are not important and in the scheme of life, maybe more important than the human being, but I fail to see that importance. God gave you reasoning mind and soul as his reflection to experience. So I have to maintain that possibly that pig is just a little lesser But we are not here to argue that. The point is they plan to bring you down. AIDS served its purpose. It was a lingering thing. They could get you all infected by the lack of proper information. You know you can't spread it by sputum. It cannot be airborne. And now you find all that's a lie and they come out and say, oops, it was a lie, we didn't know. Well, they have other more magnificent things. And so they figure that if they lose something like this simultaneously with blowing off the California coast, it will put you ones at a great disadvantage. I say so. I certainly say so. The children are concerned. Do we have the babies vaccinated? I had to back off myself because at the time that Andy was running around, there was a measles epidemic and I knew that the measles immunization would work. What I'm telling you now is that none of the things that they are giving now will stop any kind of the new infections. They will stop the coughing cough. But those old strains are not what they're going to be throwing at you. So I'm as much at a loss as you ones. Are the children strong enough? I don't know. Is Ghiandriana enough? No. Not if you have an overwhelming infection. Because you must build the immune system. It has to handle it. And we still are having to dig around. Summer comes when your incubation medium is warm and perfect for the flourishing of more disease organisms. So I can finally reach through enough that you can treat that with hydrogen peroxide. So you're praying to the masses, and the masses take you literally one drop at a time. And I have to realize the incredible problem that our researcher has. I can keep giving him the information and he keeps doing it and yes, that is exactly what I needed and yes, that worked and yes, this... Now what are we going to do? Because just going all the way back again, full strength, DeAndreana, I'm talking about a hundred percent saturation and nothing but it's own base. In conjunction with a squirt, I don't know how to even talk to you once. Maybe for some people twelve drops is better than eight. For most people, anywhere above eight drops of either one is waste. So we end up with a problem. And then you lump in all this other stuff. And now we're going to just become ritualistic people bowing to this substance to the point that pretty soon everyone has it all confused and Ginkgo made me feel bad so I'm going to throw that out and put this aside and it's really, I didn't really like that taste in my mouth with hydrogen peroxide and, you know, and this doctor tells you that, well, this is creating its own hydrogen peroxide and that other is a chemical. What do you mean a chemical? Hydrogen peroxide is hydrogen peroxide. Stop this. Well, it's better to have hydrogen peroxide from a natural substance. What is a natural substance? Everything in your confounded universe. It's called the mind. But I have to deal with this part of the mind that wants specifics. Save me. I will do it, but you have to promise me and I must have faith. What I would like to do is quite frankly almost start over. Well, but what am I going to do with all this awkward gear that I have? And what am I going to do? Mix it up! Drink it! Swallow it! Throw it out. I, you know, well I'm not going to throw out $40 worth of something. Then, for goodness sakes, take it. Double up on it. Take it eight times a day and you'll get twice the strength. Well, what if it's contaminated before they took the tea out? Put some hydrogen peroxide in it, precious ones. It will thrive. It will double its own numbers in the presence of. Dump a little aloe vera, a nice whole substance that it thrives on. If you have a new bottle, pour half of it out, treat it with hydrogen peroxide to get rid of any virus, any bacteria, fill it up with aloe vera. Well, but you said it needed fuel. I sure did. Crystalline is the best fuel you can squirt in there with it. Mogouti will do it also, but if you're shipping mogouti around in the summertime, it can very well blow up the bottles. It ferments, it grows, it is a life. But you can stop any contamination with the addition of just, you know, seven drops will do a gallon of water. Well, but is it safe really? What if we get too much? You won't like it. thirty-five percent, it ain't gonna hurt you. I would guess that for a court, two drops would do it. But be safe, live a little, put five percent in. It needs it. It has to have fuel. Until it breaks down the cellular abnormalities in the stomach. This is a very simple way to handle that. Take it with apple juice. Well, won't that dilute it? What the hell difference does it make? Take a little more. Take two squirts. If you hold it under your tongue, you're going to get some of it into your bloodstream. And then it will feed on those impurities in your bloodstream along You can clean out your whole system from cholesterol plaques overnight. But can you not see what kind of a wall we're up against? Wouldn't it be wonderful to go out and market this to the moon and back. This is the salvation of life. You have the capability of infinite life right out of the Gondriana bottle and you got to sit in here and almost be secret about it. So what do they do about it? They take contaminated stagnant water and they send it off to Merkle to be analyzed. Ask DeAndreana. You have enemies. And until we can have the proper facilities to fight this system, we have to keep a low profile. You see, because of the contaminated water that was sent, now guess where that would come from? Doodly, doodly, doodly. Who before sent the stagnant, contaminated product to Merkel was calling even to Canada to say, don't use this, don't take it, it's dangerous, it is nothing but water. I'm telling you the adversary will always give himself away. And then we look at George Merkel. For goodness sakes, we offered him an entire facility to be built for him. He could make more money to do it in Hawaii or Mexico. Well, go do it, but then get off my back. Crystal life is not a full product. If you're in Mexico, you can get it injectably. Injectable. Never mind. You'd get astronomy. You can't do that in the United States legally. You can bring it in from Mexico and do it yourself. If you can get some hypodermic needles, but remember, if they find hypodermic needles without a prescription in your possession, arrest you and confiscate your property. So remember the big boys have the gun. So back to war and to Padre's inquiry. You are going to begin this year with incredible things. It's already beginning, it is already underway. Look at what is taking place in your government. They are going to replace the entire hierarchy with elite, either lesbians or gays. Uh-oh. Their goal is that the government is going Uh oh, there goes that mouth again, talking about homosexuals. He is a bigot. Well my dear friends, if you like ones like Janet Reno, who was arrested in Florida for molesting and having sexual relationship in a taxi cab, you want that, that just went down and murdered all of those people in Waco. As your legal voice, congratulations, you got it. And they're going to put another one of their housing, who is worse? I am not interested in your sexual orientation, but let me tell you something. Remember those two-thirds out there of the population? The easiest one tampering is to change you from heterosexual to homosexual. And then they can make you crave the activity to the point you cannot control it. That's what's wrong with it. And then for the practicality of it. If you have homosexual males, you are going to have sodomy. The anal opening was not made for penetration. It will bleed. That gives you direct access It is the opening through which the most contaminated waste of your body is discharged. Therefore, a virus taken in through the mouth with, say, a bite of food contaminated by something on the lip, can pass entirely through and out the anal opening, contaminating from something you ate. You've got to stop fooling yourselves. Well, is it alright to be homosexual if you don't practice? What in the world are you talking about? What are you talking about? I like the company of men better than I do women. Or I like the company of women better than I do men. Maybe that's good intelligence at work. You see, you have to listen to the definition that has been now given to terms.