As you progress forward into the period of changes, and as I have stated before, you can no longer count on that which was in the past, for all things are in a state of flux and change upon your planet. Much of what you are experiencing has been caused by man, either purposefully or in ignorance, but it is now in the hands of Mother Earth, regardless of what the initial cause might have been. For Mother Earth's natural response is to right herself and bring about balance. And if those who live upon the planet do not come into balance on their own, the planet will take over and do it her own way. Nature, by your standards, may seem cruel and unrelenting, but the prime directive of the planet is to survive and preserve life as best as is possible. And that is exactly the business the Earth is about at this time. Our job has been to inform you ones over the past years of that which was to come, and you are now beginning to see it happening right before your very eyes, and as you have habit of saying, seeing is believing. Your planet is changing, so you may as well accept the fact that the ground is going to move, new land is going to be formed, and old lands will disappear as the shifting and shaking take place. the sea will overtake and reclaim the land that once lay beneath the oceans before becoming that dry land. In other places, new land will lift from below the sea and form new islands and continents. Your Bible, which so many of you claim to be truth, itself even says that islands and mountains will be moved from their places. What did you once think this meant? It means that during this time of tribulation, earth changes are going to occur. Earthquakes, floods, volcanoes. All these things have been foretold, yet most of you have chosen to ignore it or interpret incorrectly. The people of your world want all the answers given to them, and they want their thinking done for them. You want us to do your homework for you, to tell you all about earthquakes and volcanoes, to tell you what is their cause and where they are going to happen, when they are going to happen, and why they are going to happen. It is not our place to predict such things, even if it were possible, for this is your world and your responsibility. There are many sources available to nearly every one of you that can show you where the known faults and volcanoes are located. And coupled with that which we have given you on these subjects, you once have information more than sufficient to draw your own conclusions. Yet, you choose to sit and wring your hands and fret about the earthquakes and ask for and more information. For what? What do you intend to do with more information? Does it truly make one bit of difference whether an earthquake is a 6.0 or a 7.0? Does it matter in what manner it is measured? If you know the system of measurement, will it save your lives or your homes? When the grounds begin shaking, I can tell you that it will not matter how strong the earthquake is or whether your scientists are measuring it properly. Either way, you are going to experience a lot of destruction, death, and injury. What you need to be concerned with is getting yourselves ready for the worst, for it is coming, be it sooner or be it later, it is coming. And you had best be getting yourselves right with God, for in those times ahead for you, you will be calling upon God to help you. Discernment of that which you hear is a very important element in your development, and only you can develop this discernment. No one else can do it for you. It is your own responsibility. But you are not developing discernment by watching soap operas, ball games, and movies, and running helter-skelter chasing after the illusion of money. You are only going to develop it by going within and getting yourself in right standing with God and sorting out all these things for self. Get yourself right with God, stay in communication with God, and you will not need someone else to tell you that you are in danger of an earthquake or tornado. Go within and seek for yourself for you have the ability and the knowledge is there for the asking. There is a time coming when you will not have the luxury of waiting a week for a newspaper to come to tell you that there have been earthquakes in a given place, you're going to have to be in the knowing if you intend to save your behinds. When you suddenly find yourselves without radios, televisions, telephones, or faxes, what do you intend to do then? Who are you going to rely upon? How are you going to decide what to do? I will tell you, you will have to make your own decisions and take responsibility for yourselves. Those of you who live in the areas we have been advising upon need to keep yourselves in a constant state of preparedness. For I tell you now that these massive upheavals could occur today, tomorrow, or next week. That is how imminent it is. And when the real shaking begins, there will be no time to gather your supplies together, for in just a few moments, all that is about you could be gone. When this time comes, your neighbor is going to have his hands full caring for himself and his family. Just as a squirrel puts away nuts for the winter when there will be none to be found outside, you need to have your storehouse prepared for when nothing will be available to you. You cannot expect another to prepare for you and take care of you if you have not been prudent enough to know that winter is coming. This is the reason that we have been so adamant that you once have food, water, medical and other survival supplies, and the like stowed away and ready to grab in a matter of minutes. There will be no supermarkets or drugstores, and there will be no value in your money, even if there was some place to spend it. If you have and get somehow those things that you do not have. There was a milestone marker that also occurred this past week, and that was your stock market going over the 3500 marker. You have been told in the past to watch for this, as it would signal the imminent collapse of the economic system in your world. Insurance companies also this week have come out and are refusing to insure homeowners in places such as Florida. Tell us do these things not send up red flags to you? The stock market has been running fast and furious of late and just as occurred during your 1920s, this trend cannot last forever. Anything that goes up this much so quickly is bound to come tumbling down just as quickly. And once the downward trend begins, there will be no stopping it. Your nation is financially broke and the air is about to be let out of the balloon. When the balloon is released, stand back, for it is going to fly around in every direction before it finally falls back flat and deflated. Those of you who have been, those of you who have put your faith in your world's monetary system are in for some bad, bad times. For you are about to find out that there is no such thing as financial security. It is all but an illusion to entrap you ones in this world and keep you under tight control. Any society that puts a financial value upon life, as does your society, has sunk about as low as you can get. To consider whether it is financially wise to treat one who is suffering with a disease, or whether to try to save a newborn of a spiritually dead society. Just how much is a life worth? A thousand dollars? A million dollars? How much? Can you put a value upon that which God has created? Are you willing to challenge God's wisdom by placing such a value upon life and deciding that a life is not worth saving? It's insulting to Creator God in insinuating that God did not know what He was doing by creating that life in the first place. You are treading upon some very dangerous ground, precious ones, and you ones need to take a look at what are your priorities in your world. Where is your focus? On God or on your money? As Esu taught, man cannot serve God and man on both. Which do you serve? I believe that we need to draw this writing to a close. We have given a considerable amount of information and instruction this day, and for this time it is sufficient. All things are coming into their own fruition at this time, and those who are going up against against God and God's people have taken on more than they shall be able to handle. You have read the end of the book, and you know who wins in the final counting, but all these other things must occur in their own due course before the close of it all. Keep your light shining ever brightly, and keep your shields about you, for you have need of them now more than ever before. Pay very close attention to that which is happening with your earth in these days, for these things are indicative of all else that is taking place. Keep yourselves in closeness with God of light and go within and examine your own intent of heart, for this is that which God looks at and sees. As always, I leave you with love and appreciation and the blessings of God of light and of his hosts. Tanias to clear. Salaf. And he's left me the nasty task again. Thank you Ed, Antonio's, most especially thank you Kelly. These people are not responsible but they feel a great, great heavy load of responsibility in bringing this information. And it's not suitable that Tonyos take this and elaborate on it continually. But when you are talking about the caldera that is first talked about in soul text writing, you're talking about one of the most serious rifts in the world. Because when that one blows, it is going to blow that particulate into your atmosphere. That is going to mix with other exploding volcanoes and if it blows first, if it blows first, the western United States may as well kiss itself goodbye. It will get you. This is why I'm asking you to please pay close attention to what I'm going to say. You are what you always are. Everything is simply reflecting light rays which you can then determine have struck something because it reflects back and you see the object. You do not see the light. You may see a lamp, but you're not actually seeing light. But it's okay. That's, that's good enough for your purposes. But you're going to have to raise your thought patterns now into something invisible. We've talked about radiation. Radiation is a light frequency ray, ray, ray, ultraviolet rays, higher than ultraviolet rays, visible light rays, invisible light rays. You are talking now, radioactive material, particulate. You see, you can have a massive air explosion and you still will not have the fallout that you will from a ground level. have hot lava and toxic fumes. You are going to put massive amounts of radioactive particulate in the atmosphere. Now you are going to send up ash out of these other volcanoes to mix with that which will be contaminated also. And it will burn your eyes out. You will go into worse than nuclear winter. You will go into ash winter where the sun is blocked out and the rays that are needed for growing and now you're going to understand why I say spelt. Spelt can continue to grow and mature in that invisible light ray. It can also protect itself from its outer covering. You once have asked me about this before. stronger outer covering which can somehow protect it from radiation to some extent. The same thing catalytically or frequency wise, your red lentil will have a color frequency in it that will help it to stabilize in these circumstances. I cannot and neither can SolTech bring all of this scientific knowledge into your heads. And it may not be enough, do you see, under any circumstances, but we have to do what we can. So it's probably a good idea to run as quickly again as you can in the paper the geophysical writing that SolTech did some time back on the volcanoes and you're going to want to rerun the water, the surface water that was written at the time you got into problems here in this valley because the introduction of disease will be through the water system is more potent than what they can give you in the air unless they mix it with a toxic gas. Continue even if you have water purifiers for the most quantities of water that you use, go ahead and treat it with a little hydrogen peroxide. There is no need to run that risk. And I don't care whether you have the weaker version, the stronger version, we will get there with the glandriana. Take it. Get your cellular structure built up so that it can take this bombardment and recover enough to keep you alive. You can do without all the other things if you have to make a choice. the moment one's begin to get sick you treat every drop of water that you put into your mouth with hydrogen peroxide. And seven drops a gallon will still do it as we anticipate the mechanism, the organism that they're going to use. will have a resistance built up, you won't get more than mildly ill. And most of you will be finding now, right now, that something that is literally knocking other people out for two or three weeks, you're getting over basically the most miserable phase in like three days. And you will find that even though you have a sore throat you could keep going if you needed to. Don't treat this as an antibiotic or an antiseptic it is not. It is a healing mechanism for bringing back into wholeness your immune system and some immune systems are so damaged that perhaps they can't ever be brought back into perfection and that leaves you at risk. So you have to follow along with these other things if you wish to continue to be able to participate. The most ideal thing would be for Rainier and those northern volcanoes to go first because that will relieve that back up pressure and even though you will still get some toxic something that you can't handle. And I hear your hearts. Isn't there some way we can get this to everyone? Do you not understand everyone will not take it? Most will send it is dirty water. At this time we have to keep a low profile. If we are able to block what they do and even slow them up, every day that we have is a blessing. So we purchase every bit of time that we can get with our prayers, our intent to serve in that time given us, just to ask God for more time, that isn't good enough. We have to have a reason. And if our reasons are good enough, we will be given special dispensations to be able to control a few other things, which do buy time, but they make the prophecies and making sure that it didn't happen so you can nag nag never happened and I'm really tired of you telling me it's going to then we're not going to take this body with you. And the funny thing is by that time most of you ones are not going to want it anyway. But you see during that transition period that is not your privilege. There got to be some in wisdom with body to get our job done. So just because you don't think you want it anymore and you don't need it anymore, go ahead and point up yours. Some of you have made commitments you're going to keep. We'd better hear the letter now. Well, since Mitch has read the letter more times than anybody, he must know it by heart. Maybe he'd be willing to read it for us. Explain for the tape a little bit about what it is. This would be a letter that we're proposing that would come from individuals who want to see justice prevail. No, this is the individual one. This will be also run in the paper for ones who wish to use it. So this would be for individuals who want justice to prevail in the situation and with all the things that George Green and his associates are up to. Some of you may have already seen another letter but let me just read this one. Before you go into that it has triggered a thought in my mind. When we talk about gold in the institute, because the institute seems to be in a turmoil, number one, it is not in a turmoil. It is extremely secure. They have created this to coincide with the best time for anyone to purchase gold as collateral. And the assumption would be that it would be a good opportunity to shut down any possibility of investing through this route. You see, you're going to find that our friends, just like they made a Constitutional Law Center, also have an opportunity identical to this. And they're not under question. Well don't think God sits in the back seat in action and if he's in the back seat it's so his vision is better. ever. Let me promise you there are other routings to protect if anyone is interested in utilizing this that will not bring it into the institute it will be protected. I just wanted to be able to say that. Go on please. Private and confidential, under that would go your name if you choose to participate. Care of, this is by the way not fixed in granite but it may very well be the way that we do care of constitutional law center incorporated with the Las Vegas address. To George and Desiree Green, T. David Horton, Luther Perry, and Leon Fort regarding counter claimant George W. Green versus Phoenix Institute for Research and Education Limited, a Nevada corporation at all and then it cites the case number in Nevada. Dear Mr. Green, since I have a vested interest in the Phoenix Institute and since there appears to be no way in which truth and information can be presented in a court of law, I am now directly serving notice that I will no longer tolerate your actions. The Institute's and others' claims against you are for embezzlement and conspiracy, along with several other civil and criminal actions in violation of Nevada and federal law, including violation of a federal court order, and then is cited the U.S. District Court case of U.S. and P. With reference to the above-mentioned federal case, you and your associates are the only ones who acted in full contempt of that federal court order, and yet you sought to join forces with the opposition to deal secretly and to collaborate with the University of Science and Philosophy and its counsel. Books which were under protection of the court until such time as hearing could take place regarding their disposition were set aside. The writer, her husband, and specifically you, the Greens, America West distributors... I need to change the tape.