Yes. While I have the floor I will share a little note from Ray Allen. Would that be Dear Hatton, E.J. and Doris, this came in by fax this morning. I was blessed to attend a picnic in San Jose yesterday, which was the monthly gathering for some of your ground crew. Let me share my thoughts. After meeting and talking with the crew, I felt as though I had been walking through through wards of sleeping children my whole life. And now, in a shady, suburban park, I have met a group of awake, intelligent, and informed adults who fully understand the gravity of the human situation. If all your crew is this awake, you indeed have a force to be reckoned with. With love, Ray Ellen. Thank you. That's for all of you, literally all of you. You can't see what impact you have from where you sit. You're in flatland. I've tried to explain flatland to you. Flatland is like coming down with your eyes to the level of the table top so that you are looking right into the table cloth. You see when you are sitting up on top you can look down and you can see all the figures moving about and what they're doing and their shapes, their forms. When you get down here at the edge in the tablecloth, all you can see are straight lines regardless of what it is. Maybe Maybe you have a circle, a sphere, maybe you have a triangle, a rectangle. Try it sometime. Put a penny on your tablecloth. And you look down, you see a circle. But I guarantee you, when you get your eyes right there, All you will see is that tiny edge, which as best you can describe it, is a line. And if you could bring it even into more focus, it would be a spot. You get up here a little bit on the edge of the table and you look around and you can see that, oh well look there are other things. But you cannot get high enough in your dimension to see it to its various actions. And that is the function of Creator. His thoughts, His energy is brought And through his thoughts you are being given to create basically your journey. It is through the action of the light projecting as energy or electricity you live in an electrical wave universe. That's all there is. All other things exist. Everything perceived by mind exists. Whether or not it is created into manifested form depends on the creators. That means that you have capability of creating and uncreating that which you've already manifested. Well what about new stuff? Let's just make a new stuff. Let's do that. I know how. I can teach you. I will not teach anyone So you have to feel like you're in the middle of a Star Trek fantasy. I don't care what you feel like. That is a reality of your expression. beyond them, absolutely beyond the shadow of any doubt, you must know that there is a man. It is your tester, your adversary, and that energy can only utilize that which is already created. But it means he can absolutely, totally wreak havoc with everything that is created, if you let it happen. And not only does mankind let it happen, mankind drifts along and the stronger thought waves power of evil. So each soul being has the absolute power to go in either direction. Are you going to play around in that which is already manifested and bond deeper and There is nowhere to go because you will be now tamped down into the darkness of ignorance, wallowing around in this little puddle of stuff, not even capable of rising above that You perceive the things in that brain. You envision the pile of gold and you keep waiting for it to manifest in its reality enough that you can touch it and feel it with your other Where was it created? If you had no notion of gold, that's a good one to play with. And you walked into this room and there was a whole pile of it sitting in the middle of the table. You wouldn't know what it was. You wouldn't know what to do with it. Would mean nothing to you. First comes the idea. Is gold so confounded valuable? No. It's going to be less valuable, but it is something pretty and shiny and a value has been placed on it by men. By men. And it does become your most intensive teacher. So again you have to go back to the spiritual aspect of your thought and say, well what in the world are we doing here with this pile of gold? What does it mean? It means that you're going to have to decide in your intent, which is your spiritual aspect, what it means to you. Will you try to snatch it for this paltry little remaining portion of your journey, wandering around here on two legs in your blindness. Good grief, I do sound like a preacher. Well, I'm sorry, I don't know how else to sound. We're borderland, see. They're always trying to teach you how to be a human, while they pretend they're going to teach you about God. The minute they tell you your gold is not worth clinging to, they pass a collection plate. this tent. And you need the things of the world to progress in the human form so that continue and man can reclaim his creative ability. Logic tells you most will not make the New Madrid fault goes. How else do you think there is going to be a sea between the East and the West of North America? Oh well, but that's going to happen out there when I'm not around anymore to be inconvenienced by it. No it's not. It's going to happen while you're around so that you will be inconvenienced by it. And yet I ask you how many in this room would be totally inconvenienced by it if you've done your homework? Zero. They can take it off CNN, with one exception. Some of you will have relatives, friends in those areas. Iowa, all those places. You never thought Nebraska might be inundated from a tidal wave coming in from the Mississippi, did you? You see, even the ones who give you their prophecies forget details. So am I giving you a prophecy? Heaven forbid. It's going to be exactly as it will be, whatever it takes. Well, did my just bringing this up now make all of you think about it? It's going to be Hapshon's fault. We never thought of that, Tapton, and now you've made us think of it. We're going to focus that energy and we'd better give off that kick or the new Madeline fault is gone. You're being manipulated. don't think all that rain is an accident. Well does it mean if you could turn all these bastards off, would it stop? No. This earth Whether it takes another 10,000 years or 26 months or 3 weeks it doesn't matter. Well, Dorma says it matters to me. No it doesn't. What else are you going to do in the meanwhile? Sit and wait. The Indians on the reservations can They have paid for the full cycle. Twenty-seven years the Navajos have been sitting on land, a shingle by your government. And they quarrel one Indian nation with another. Why? Because one Indian nation gets in with a government. And they're going to make a bundle of money. Navajos who have lived there all of their existence on lands that at least were on a reservation that said you may have it, it's worthless. They make their little gardens. 57 years now it's been in dispute and much of that land is now being quote sold to private some expensive construction on some of it. And in anticipation of construction and development of it, to make it more valuable, they're going to run utilities just to the new construction. Because in limbo land there is no power, there is no running water, and I repeat, the people are not even allowed to repair their roof if it falls in. They cannot build a lean-to. It is so poverty-stricken that there may be fifteen living in the one room. To the point that the elders move outside. In the eighties and ninety-year-olds, they wait. They wait for the Great Spirit to do his job. Well, watch out. The Great Spirit And when he does a job, it is well done. These people cannot longer even form their little garden plots. their goats, their sheep, or their animals at all. And when that bothers you more than You've got a name. You will have arrived. It doesn't mean that you don't take the abundance God gives you and let's bend with it. Because through the rest of your human journey without anything going wrong. Because you have to also remember in your perception to a lot of people everything that goes wrong to you is going right for them. You better start praying for those Indians. You better forget your own little inconveniences and start praying for those Indians. Because I guarantee you they are praying to God for each other and for this planet and that's who God is going to hear. Not whether or not a man has a right to fornicate with his brother in a brothel, protected by special forces so that no one intimidates them. you have reached an all time low and it has nothing to do with affection or love zero soul cannot exist in that environment, it withdraws, it shrivels, it moves away to the extent that you deal deliberately manufactured program machines to fulfill their purpose. And if you think for one minute that there is not technical capability of that, you better look again. that masses and especially sophisticated groups led by ones like Herucci who shot Vicky Weaver, if you think they don't exist, you're nuts and you better get on with your homework. onset, Waco was nothing other than an extension of the MK Ultra Brain Programming Program. in Boise, Idaho, that he could not be human. He was a cold, calculating machine. What makes a man take up guns and go into a bending and kill. You are all susceptible. If you don't protect yourself you are all susceptible to those brain waves being sent at you. They us to a pinpoint. Why all the racket at Waco? Was that just to have them dancing jigs inside and out? No. Things were going wrong. The alarm clock was ringing and the troops were were not waking up. They were left in there. They were pulsing information in there. You a female or allowed to be put, a female looking dead energy form into the highest judicial position in your nation. And they do tributes to her on your special news programs. The The woman is a lesbian and a criminal involved in child pornography of the most heinous sort. it. And when things began to go wrong in West Coal, Koresh is the only one who did anything like he was supposed to. They had created something down there that would wipe out everybody where it loosed. Utilizing nuclear ordnance. And when there was realization that your own, your own makers, so to speak, were going to wipe you out, the game gets rough. They couldn't let anybody walk out of there. They couldn't let one thing of Claresha's get out of there. Remember his seven seals? B.S. He was gonna blow that racket sky high. How will you ever know? You've got ones in and out of prison who know so much that their lives are constantly at risk, but more than that, they know so much that their life is a living hell, and forfeiture of their life is the least of it. The very least of it. No, Chile, you're not going to go about saving so pitiful the messengers are sent the way out is told to you the way you got here is told to you so that it will not be left unknown for the next players and that's where you are you're in a world that is still going down politically, socially, humanly and this is only one tiny, tiny, tiny little fragment these I will refrain from your human name for these beings for we tend to completely wipe away Philippines Will they succeed? Depends on how many goodly Filipinos there are. You see, you once began Japan is planned to be gone. Will that happen? Doesn't look good, sitting in the ring of fire. The ancients say everything just gonna roll over. Do you know that some people are even trying to make little aircraft that can fly for three days while all this rolls over, Okay. That's how far we'll go to save this human form, rather than just get right with God and it's just fine. Can you do good in this little short period of time? I want to tell you, Jerry Spence did good. But more than that was his daringness to walk in that courtroom and tell those jurors what they could do under the constitutional law. And it took three long weeks for them to hold on against the one sent in there to absolutely wipe out Weaver and Harris. And the one you can really thank is the one who assembled a group and put out 50,000 flyers on the jury system so that you would have an informed group of people from which to draw that jury. And you may never know which did it because it took both. and spurred on by the hideousness of this farce, they let him watch out. Mr. Spence is going after him. And once more he is going to get a lot of help. They blundered again. And this is the way you reclaim, bit by bit by bit. You will never make it by standing in your door when they come to visit you with a submachine gun. They are trained to react that way. Live your life in such a way you have nothing to hide. Keep everything private that you can. And you stand on the constitutional thesis, if nothing else, that they have to come with a warrant. But if they stick the gun in your nose and say, I don't have a warrant, buddy, but I believe I'm coming in, I suggest you smile and say, come on in. I'm sorry I suggested a warrant. On the other hand, they still like to play their game. They have to hide behind the deceit because nine-tenths of the ones are human kids trained. They've heard of the Constitution and if you question them, they may just be stunned enough to say, well, maybe I better not push on through here. They will be prepared to answer quite a lot of things a patriot can throw at them, before they just pull the old force bit. They They are just people mostly. Most of the ones that will come to your door will be simply to ask do you know of anybody who has guns? And I hope all of you in here tell them, yes, Judge Jason Brandt has a bunch of them and he's got some semi-automatics and maybe some automatics. He brags about them. Send them to where their friends are. The rest of you will not have any, will you? Give them a reason to kill you and they are just waiting. But it doesn't really look good. Waco really doesn't look good. They really would have preferred it not work quite that way. They're trying to make lemonade out of it. And you want to keep asking and asking and asking because we do go back to this all the time. Well where does Grice fit in this? Will you forget him? Quit building a world around him is what I'm saying. You do him no favor by this. Get him off the pedestal. But pick him up off the floor where you put him. He's an enigma to even the ones who worked with him, know him, etc. And he's good enough that you aren't going to know which. And you must come along in your own responsibility enough to rely on your judgment and discernment and wisdom. What will work? Can you bring him in here this afternoon and make him another candidate for presidency? Will you make it to another election? Well, maybe he's working against us, so what? We're not working against you. Maybe he's working for you, and he's smart enough to keep his mouth shut because everybody would betray him. And almost everybody who has been in the special forces knows that that kind of betrayal is painful. You can end up in Vietnam prison until you die of unnatural causes. The man was trained as a top line, absolutely top of the line assassin. He had Noriega right in his rifle sights. And your government said cease and desist Mr. Brides. They sent him down there to kill him. We don't kill heads of state, mind you. That's not nice. So the force goes on. When this side is the arm, it's not your problem. That will evolve if it needs to evolve. You better just hang on to the knowledge that this one world order is going to go after every religion there is until they have every Christian completely and totally powerless. Only they don't know what they're doing, do they? Because where they are headed for the cults, they know this much. They're not in the Baptist church on the corner. Their real enemy is not in the Baptist church on the corner. That's their friend. They're not sure about these others. The government is sure about the ones like Horatio's group, because that is a planned, orchestrated program. Will the real Christians please stand up? There's so damn few of you. They know that you're somehow an affront to them. Oh yeah, the top elite have got enemies too. So you become a very valuable commodity to keep alive. On the one hand they better keep you alive and on the other one they can communicate through to some of their other fragments. And if you knew how many those are, you'd get ticked off. Because you would look at your subscription numbers and really be ticked. This place is a hub of information. Most of it, everybody in this room misses. But that's what journalism is about. And as long as you do your job, you're not going to get in trouble. The minute you go out there saying I know all about the hereafter, the cosmos, the players, you're going to get killed. Dead. And what's more, you're going to have asked for it. You do not have to sacrifice goodness to live in that which you are stuck in whether you like it or don't. The value of it is that you can live with integrity in the midst of it and rebuild a foundation upon which a civilization can be built. But it looks like a big job, doesn't it? Well, it depends on how many of you there are left. And you're going to pick up a lot of believers as things happen. But don't count on it from a breaking of the New Madrid fault line. That's still, you know, God's work. Well, at least they aimed their help sign in the right direction. In one of the fields, somebody goes and mows it down to God, you know, help us. Not even an SOS, this is just plain old H-E-L-P. So if God doesn't under, you know, misunderstand, stop, turn off that faucet. God didn't turn on that faucet. So what will happen? If nothing else happens, what will happen? There will be hundreds of thousands lined up to get low interest loans. This good old government is going to sink your beanie right to the bottom. And there won't be 25 people along the whole length of that river that won't say it was a natural disaster and God did it. So you twinkle-toed goody two-shoes will go out and say, well we must save them, we must save them. That's egotistical, children. One person can save self, and that is the person involved. involved you can present you can help you can try you can do all these things but only one individual brings that individual's quote salvation and that is the individual in point are not going to say anybody along that Mississippi River Delta is God. That's between God and them. You may be surprised to note that there aren't any along that river delta in trouble They are either in limbo la la land or they are already with God in spirit which only means a lift off and that is none of your business. To that extent you are your brother's keeper. You are not your brother's salvation. And And when ones come to you and say, well you saved me, no you didn't. Maybe truth entered the brain.