|0.00|> Number 2, July the 11th, 1993. Thank you.<|11.00|><|11.00|> The reason that we have to do this is we're moving into second phase.<|18.00|><|18.00|> Now there's a question comes, well how many phases?<|21.00|><|21.00|> Well it depends on which phase you're in of which phase?<|28.88|><|28.88|> In this area, we're getting ready to move into next phase. You have begun and you have begun to lay your foundation upon which you can accept abundance and head off in a direction with your various projects, began to do quote business prosper whatever comes in this phase but you had to come a long way didn't you could even operate properly a corporation and some of you still are not quite there. EJ has got a real headache. You see the way that funding usually flows, especially when everything gets just right in that, in that rollover, incredible stupid market. And I'm talking about the market place, not your market. Just put that aside. I just want out of the games. Fool you. When things do begin to happen, they happen big. And let us just suppose it happens the way it probably will. And you get all of those which have already been approved. And a week from Thursday they say, okay, we're ready to fund. Here's your $342 million. Let's do the paperwork, get all the paperwork back to me. And Friday morning comes the other side and they say, Okay, we're ready to put the $342 million in your bank accounts. We need the paperwork, where are the projects? Let's shift the money, get it distributed, get started. distributive gets party, that is a problem. And it is such a problem that we've got to time-consuming lawsuits. I no longer have any interest in what happens to Mr. Green. Mr. Green had his opportunity time after time after time to sort this out and make it right. Gene is going to run out of time to attend this drivel. You needed the experience. Until funding is available, you will need the income that could come from some of the damage claims. Pardon her a minute. I guess she doesn't like talking about lawyers. That's a joke. That's all right. You want to moving into a new era where the lawyers are having more fun than anyone. The other half of the lawyers. There's a difference between lawyers and defenders of the law. I think we were talking about money and that always chokes her up. I would learn not to yell at you one, like the preacher, but compounded I get passionate about it. I don't like to see you walk over there and jump off in the volcano. Thank you. There's several reasons for that. You once have been through an intensive training program whether or not you realize it, whether or not you're here makes no difference. This was the first thing that one had to realize was that you don't have to gather under the mother chicken's wings. That there must be mother chickens in other places and that you have to mature. It is not as simple as sitting cross-legged around a fire and waiting for knowledge to open up. You may know in the blink of an eye, but you're going to spend a lot of time over here before that eye blinks doing your work. Does that mean that ones who just sit and wait are going to make it? Of course not. Maybe that's their job. But again, that's not your problem. And I realize that it's very hard for you to see your purpose because no matter what your purpose is, it's like Dorma, she's still waiting for her purpose. She's just sick of writing books. Be glad when that purpose shows up. and Sandy and their family are rejoicing this day. They turned on the irrigation system and it worked. Applause And in spite of having nothing with which to work, they managed to get a pump working and an irrigation system system and your spelt is watered. And it's right at harvest. Right at harvest. And so your purpose begins to come a little more clearly defined. Is there just to sit out no, but obviously it's part of it isn't it? You had to learn. How do you put together a survival system? And why does it have to be spelt? Why can't we grow hybrid something? fields go, you don't have any seed left in those silos. It's been shipped out of your country. You need something that will grow. Something basic that can give you sustenance. Our friend is working on something so that it will not be so important if you don't have potassium iodide in case of radiation. Much healthier for the body. And it will be very simple. a little iodine, a little baking soda, a little salt, a little cream of tartar, and good water. And in the process your brain will tell you that, ah, maybe something like that in a filtering system would also clean out radiation. Because why would we be doing this? What is potassium iodide for? It is for your thyroid. Because it collects radioactivity. In the case that you intake to some of this electrolytic balanced water you were given a basic the recipe for radiation sickness and dehydration one of the prime symptoms is diarrhea and dehydration, vomiting. And you can drink and drink and drink and drink and it will just enhance the diarrhea. It will just filter right through the membranes and into the gut. You need cellular balance. Does this mean you're going to have to sit around and drink this nasty tasting water? Stuff? No. But you may find that you like it because it's something that the body craves. a balanced substance and if you could change to something like this on a full time schedule your ladies would stop swelling up at the ankles and all of those things that happen Because as hormones change, cellular fluids change and they are retained and they are let go and all of these problems and these hormones impact the smooth membranes. But you're doing pretty well like you are. And you cannot absorb all of the lessons in one afternoon. And that's what most ones want to hear but I want the whole working mechanism of the cosmos. And I'll break in 30 seconds. And then most of the hosts of those programs will interrupt you for half a fact with their opinion. Well, why have bothered to ask me, if you already know because I'm not going to change your mind you've already made up your mind I don't even subject my speaker to that anymore there are so many excellent you until these legal things are settled because they just go from one to the other of the programming holes where we had really good rapport and we still have good rapport and we will keep it that way. For instance Sam Russell there are at least four just waiting until Hatton comes on again and then they're just going to butcher my scribe. Why would we do that when better information, more confirmed resource would come from Wes Miller? And I think I handle that really well, don't you Rick? Now we'll move right into Wes Miller. You're getting your confirmation. Okay Wes. How you doing? Today is Thursday, July 8th. Okay. Right. Yeah. How are you doing? Fine. So what's up? Well, first of all, I want to ask you this question. Are your papers still reporting the mystery of the loop? Well, I don't think we had anything in this last paper because there was nothing new to report. But we're reporting these things as they occur. The last word we had was our last conversation. And Ed Young decided not to run that particular one because there wasn't a whole lot new in it. Uh-huh. So we're just kind of waiting and seeing, I guess. How about in your local newspapers or your media? Oh, we don't hear anything. Okay. Well, that pulls up to 22. We just had another person, 12-month-old gal die in Jones Ranch area. My concern is that there seems to be pretty much a news shutdown on this whole thing. And I think that when it first broke out, I think that you probably got a lot of information and now you're not getting very much information at all, right? I'm on these phone calls with you. Okay. So let me update you. There's now about 36 confirmed cases. Okay? Okay. There's 20 to begin, but they just had an S in East Texas. that they are suspect as a dementia group. And I wanted to read you something from our local paper, the Gallup Independent. Yeah. I think that Pond had mentioned that all 50 states were being affected by this outbreak of the bat virus in the spring. And to show just how massively you're not getting told what's going on, I'm quoting directly from a paper from Tyler Texas Associated Press. He said that over the past month, a guy in Texas named Taylor, who works at the health department there in Texas, has been in 20 suspected cases that have been reported in Texas. But they have been either discounted by laboratory tests or no specimens were available from victims. Suspects are still under investigation, he said. So as you can see, Texas is getting hit pretty good, but they're not reporting anything. And that would be their first, they would have had several deaths over there in Texas. Like I said, there's still a lot of activity here, amazing activity here in Gallup and the surrounding areas. The death toll continues to climb. The cases are now being reported in Bernalillo County in Albuquerque, which is the most populated, densely populated area of New Mexico. They've had two or three cases there in Albuquerque, so now they were reporting in the paper this morning, in the Albuquerque Journal, that it seems to be not the problem with the reservation, but it's becoming urbanized, and they think the problem all over the state of New Mexico, not just in the reservation area. I saw an interesting teacher last night. This is the way people are thinking in this area. There's a lot of upsetting to people. And there's a lot of people that are still asleep, are not paying attention to what's going on. But I saw a shirt with buttons. It said, Mystery Flew on the Front. And it showed a mouth, kind of a character of a mouth, and it's kind of like that. We don't believe this theory at all, none of that is my but. You know what I'm saying? So a lot of people just flat out not believe what the government's telling them about the deer mouse. They have come out now and they thought it was the dry product of the deer mouse that was primarily the cause of this new form of Hantavirus. And I want to emphasize new form. They never said it was the Hantavirus exactly, they said it was a new form of it. But he said it was a mutation came in. But now they're saying it's fresh urine that is causing it. But I have talked to a witness, and I have a few more eyewitnesses now, and there's a couple of people that helped me do some investigation now, so I've got to see people first hand. One, is it, what special forces in the military, okay? What was? The person I asked last night was in special forces. Okay. So he's just been saying strange military activities, right? Yes. First thing he notices is the plane that they've all been spotting that is black. It's not a planet, it's a very dark colored plane. It's very hard to even spot. You can only see if the stars are like among them. Can you hang on a second, Wes? Yes. The Kinnings. Rick? Yes. Hi, this is Karen. Hi. Lady chance of Sandy 20. I was on the phone. No problem. Everybody work? Yeah. Did you have any questions so far or did you want to start playing again? No, just keep talking. Okay. Do you want to start again? Play again. Okay, the plane was spotted in black color and obviously the person from special forces, since it was so quiet, he said he thought he heard something. So the next time it made an app, which was obviously in a pit, flying this grid at her, next time it happened, he also lives down, south town. Obviously when I came back to the dance, I was outside looking for it and it was very hard to spot. Finally spotted it and he said, you know when you hear something funny, when you hear even the slightest noise, have you been in special services? He's told of it more so than any other normal person would, you know. Sure. So he said, wow, what does the military do? What do they have to do? This is not kosher. This is not normal. So he knew something was going on. As it turned out, he was hunting on two other occasions, in the mountains, in the area, and also spotted the plane on a couple of occasions, also in a helicopter. that the stealth fighter may be that plane. We don't know for 100% sure, but we know that it has also been reported as a jet aircraft flying very, very slow, and the stealth fighter can't do that. Whereas, you know, a normal jet has to fly at a certain speed or it just drops like a rock. And the stealth fighter, like I said, was designed for this biological purpose. It's not generally known, but that's one of the uses of the stealth fighters. Now, we're not getting the stealth fighters flying over Galvet. It hasn't happened since. We're not seeing that anymore. The last reported sighting of a stealth fighter was a couple of weeks before the outbreak, which I think came out on May 20th, around in that area. But whereas we kept speaking all the way from August to September of 1992, 1993, white oxygen was flying low over the Gallifrey area, we're not seeing it anymore. And so if they were flying a normal routine over this area, why aren't they doing it anymore? We also know that there was spraying going on now. We understand spraying was going on as early as October of 92. So it's even a little bit sooner than I had first, when I first did the research on it. We knew that there was a bang and that in fact, it went out back to October from an eyewitness account. Special Forces came right out blatantly and said that I know that this is a German warfare because that was part of his job. He was in German warfare. He was in biological warfare. He hid that because I read text immediately when this out broke that the military or some sort of military, he still has a hard time believing it is our military, but he said he knew it was a military project of some sort, and it did invite some kind of chemical or biological weapons. Okay? Now, um, I've got real good information about the Sierras Fortress Seize Control, but before I go to that point, uh, have you ever picked at all reported the Japanese Bujo Tohriman that came to the United States with his associates to investigate Mr. Sloop. No. This was, this was not even reported in your local papers. Well, then I'm aware of it. I don't have the person's name, but they talked to six associates from Japan who came out to the gout period. There's a weekly article in Japan where a Japanese-American writes an article and they're very interested in the Navajo people. So they do a weekly article in the papers in Japan, sort of a syndicated thing. When the Niski flew out of Provo, this Japanese gentleman decided to find out what one of their very revered holy men had to say about him, you know, being that he's, like I said, very revered and considered holy, and has some sort of like a billet. He was brought to the Los Angeles area, he's blind. They asked him, you know, he gave him a map, obviously he couldn't see it, and he told them what he thought about the mystery clue. There were two areas he pinpointed on the map, which he indicated is where the mystery clue started. This holy man states very clearly that it was caused by unnatural causes. In other words, it was definitely a man-made cause. He indicated it might have had something to do with maybe transmission lines or the fact that there's a lot of power plants in the area here. So we knew exactly what area that these gentlemen had a map, a very detailed map, and we went out to the exact location where they had pinpointed it. It would be about 32 miles north of Gallup. Okay? And we went out to the area, and there's an honest sergeant in there, and all three of us that were involved in this investigation felt a pressure on us. We felt, you know how you could sit in a car, and maybe have the windows up and you didn't have any air conditioning? Do you know how hot that sensation would be? Yeah. Well, we had the air conditioning on, we had the windows up, but we were traveling very slowly, and we all felt a very, very warm sensation at that time. We felt that maybe we were actually being watched by satellites. You know, we only have that ability to access pinpoints, Tartar, Tufts, Browning. So we don't know what happened, but we had a very weird experience about it. It was just out in the middle of nowhere. There really wasn't anything there except for the on-the-sauce run. But to finish up Jeff's story, he said, and now this is something that I was going to ask you, everything because I have got that information. He sent the mystery fluid down the bee and it's being transmitted by the bee. That's the only indication from any source that we've had, with the help of this particular holy man, of anything about bees. Are you aware of anything like that, Rick? Can you repeat what you just said? This Japanese gentleman, this Japanese Buddhist holy man says that the mystery fluid is in the bees and being translated by the bees By the bees? Yeah, bees That's interesting Yeah, now I haven't seen or heard comments anything about that Hold it I don't think Hold it Ponder a minute They have been spraying in a grid pattern. It isn't just bees. On the other hand, how are things cross pollinated by predominantly the bees. This means that if you have contamination on the stamen of the plant flowers when the bee tries to feed is going to cling and this is where this would be transmitted not as much through a bee sting for instance, as through it just being a carrier of substance to leave it off somewhere else. If you can get a bee infected, it could inject a poison simply because of its presence but the mechanism of transfer by bite or sting would be unlikely through a bee. You've got something that will literally transfer through membrane easily. That means it's going to be in a base of something similar to what they would have used to take a butcher and that is this doorknob, it's casually code named doorknob something or other. Basically what you have done is put the poison or the substance in a base instantly when touched absorbed through the membrane through the skin through whatever so go ahead please that's where your bees and your insects would come in yes can I just go into the honey that they make it could it I don't believe that it would transfer too easily. It could transfer more easily from you.