That quantity of pollen used in your health food stores, etc. would be usually collected from a more intense area where you will get more of it. It is a likely seed to go and take it from the desert. And this is where they're doing this. Part of it is for study, part of it is to absolutely be able to track what is happening. So I don't think that it would as you have the transference of the pollen into honey. I believe in the processing it would be weeded out. I'd have to look in that myself. Yes, go on. Have you heard anything about bees having anything to do with this? Okay. Now obviously he said so. He got it from the bees for an unaskable cause. He changed his very point when he told him that, that it was unaskably created. It was definitely a creation of man of some sort. He didn't know exactly what that source was. Well, if you just imagine for a moment if you have biological powder being sprayed over a given area and you have bees in that area flitting from flower to flower and that biological contaminant is on the flower, certainly the bees will pick up that and transport it just like they would pollen. Yes. So that's not a stretch, but I've not heard anything about it. Right. And I was going to ask the taunt if that might be another way that it's being spread now. We also know that this virus is seeming to now have mutated. The reason why I say that, trying to monitor what's going on here in the Gulf area as best I can, it's been, it's been, as Hans very, very kindly mentioned, it was a vascular virus. I don't know if you're aware of this, but Rafa also mentioned there was a vascular virus also in the States, so months ahead, that there would be in this area. Are you sure you used that exact phrase? What's that? You used the exact phrase, vascular virus? So the source that I had, yes, and that was a second-hand source, so you'll, that, we'll have to check out, but that was reported in St. Clark's for the outbreak. Okay. And the source was a person in the ROMSA group, of course, you know, and I don't want to get too far into that, but what we're seeing here is that this virus, virus and it is obviously several points of bacteria, several points of virus. As Satan has told us over and over, this virus is going to mutate. Well, it's now, there's now an outbreak of meningitis in the area. Because... Oh really? Yes. either Hispanic white children are in the local Rehoboth-McKinley County Hospital here in Gallup. Nine patients with viral meningitis all at the same time. One of them is very contagious case and the other one, they claim, is the uncontagious kind. We also know that from the sources at the public health service hospital that they have already, they're starting to warn about meningitis because they're having a lot of outbreaks there as well. So it's becoming, it appears that it's becoming viral, probably getting into the spine, maybe spinal meningitis. We haven't heard that mentioned often, so I don't want to go too far off my research. I want to report, I want people to know that I'm reporting as accurately as I can, and I'm not sensationalizing anything, and we're living through this. We're not trying to fanny somebody, we're trying to report the fact so that people understand when the Tongues says something and we're living in this area, we're seeing what is going on. You know, my point is please people try to pay attention to what he's saying because this is very real. Once you've lived through it, you realize how powerful the word HATANS are and how accurate his information is. But it is apparently becoming meningitis. You mentioned you have some information on the Centers for Disease Control. Yes. Now, I think we finally have our first break in the area. And we have to establish a time frame. Now, the Centers for Disease Control publicly, very publicly, came to the GAL area one week after the virus outbroke. And at that time, there was probably only eight or nine deaths, all right? It wasn't a widespread epidemic of any kind. You see what I'm saying? According to the Centers for Disease Control and the way that they would monitor a virus or an outbreak, that would be relatively small, a number of cases. Agreed? Yes. They were here, boom. I had a councilman involved. That's also another part of the story with Navajo tribe, so you might want to remind me of that when I get through this part of it. Okay. But, uh, Al Smith, uh, he mentioned very strongly to me that, uh, and he did a radio interview, said from me, uh, knowing of me, didn't have any information that I, and I had never spoken to him, but he did an interview on our sister's KKKJK or Engel where he suspects the government was involved because of the, one of the reasons he suspects it is because of the quick response by the government. He says, well, I'll just try to talk to the government for something and things will get buried in red tape for a year or two and then finally they'll do something about it. He says these guys got right on top of it. But what we have to establish, Rick, is the fact that the Centers for Disease Control was Engel prior If the centers were getting control within Gallup prior, do any public mention cases of this mystery flu outbreak? That's where I learned this from. We have now established that. We now have established that firsthand. By a child that got sick in Gallup, you got sick in Gallup, Penn Square. You guys take a gal to the pen square. There was also a mouth can in their back yard that they did clean out. So that established a contact there. If indeed that is having anything to do with this case, like I said, a lot of people don't believe that the mouth is there at all. They just let them come off with something better. But the child became sick, became hospitalized at 104 temperature, he was left in and out of hospital, he was very close to death. They did every test they could up here. Now granted this is not the most advanced hospital in the world, this is a town of about 20,000. So obviously there's not a lot of viral experts and stuff here, but they think that's why he's still alive. As it turned out, this woman being very concerned about her child, you know, was talking to her friends in need of help, being consoled. This woman said, hey, you know what? I know of several women, now these are all women, by the way, I don't know if there's any significance to that, but these women were all Centers for Disease Control and they were already here in the Gallup area, at least since February and probably since early January or even before that. One of them in fact was already housing in a home of some people who were vacationing. This lady got her in contact and said, well, if it's a viral thing, there's experts out for the Centers for Disease Control that's here in Gallup. And one, two, one of the guys, you called her. So she calls and walks from the center for a speech control. And this is going to be a great hypocrisy, right? She told her about her child and blah, blah, blah, this, that. She said, well, I can't tell you what it is, but you better stay out of it if you're concerned for your child because there's nothing in the air around here. There's something in the air around here. And that's all she would say. Wow. And it, it, McCharles was finally taken to Wisconsin and it, to a medical center and subsequently recovered. Let's come back to the man. Do I just think for a minute? Okay. You have any more on that? I know that there's nine children there. I know that I talked to some of the nurses there and the nurses weren't being told much because they were going to have to go lucky and they weren't really significant of what was going on. But I know in this area of Gallup, you know, sometimes you get... You're getting a clue now. I want to tell all of you in the room, Dorma has not heard this tape. And the brain is trying to operate while I'm trying to be present too. What kind of clues are they giving you? They're talking about meningitis. Let's look at causative factor. If we have some doctors in the room or some nurses, it doesn't matter, but sometimes I like a little confirmation myself, the rest of you. When you are dealing with meningitis and more especially that which is the true meningitis the spinal or the brain the inner nervous system meningitis you are talking about the meningicoccus Now what is a coccus? Well, it's not a virus it is a cocci and when you start trying to break down the varying types of infective organisms of the bacterial side of this equation you will find the cocci. So when you begin to put things together in generalized form and then you begin to fit pieces, you have to realize by the symptoms that are being brought forth here, one, by its simple act of mutating, you've got a virus. Because viruses are crystalline life forms, they can be programmed. You've got the symptoms of a bacterial infection in this form of a cocci. So you know, you don't have to go to the virologist you know you've got a real problem because you've got a cross. Now something else this would also be the kind of a test which will see what kind of insects will perish if this gets on them. You are going to, out of all of this, breed a breed of insect. In this instance you're talking bees. Holy man's absolutely right. You have also had the thrust in the news of the killer bees moving all the way, I believe, from Africa northward, you know, a bunch of them. Are these violent bees, are these indiscriminate killers? No, they're more aggressive. On the other hand, does it late. You know that they are not going to be susceptible to that substance itself. Or if they are, it doesn't kill them, they are resistant to whatever is spread and they become You wouldn't have a problem with the tiger mosquitoes for instance in the Asian flu if they were a typical tiger mosquito they'd keel over you know the minute you pour a little pesticide on them. So you are not only breathing a strain of viral bacterial cross which will, it will mutate every damn time. That is the purpose of creating it, so that it will cross-breed with whatever your DNA is. And they can cross it with the the bacillus. You can begin to introduce these viral mutants, these DNA crystals into any This is why you will have from Kaposi's sarcoma lesions almost 100% of the time if they would do it or if they do it for testing. And I want to tell you, a Kaposi's sarcoma lesion will almost always culture out the spirochete. The spirochete is a causative organism of syphilis. So when you have now crossed the syphilis, spirochete itself will go inside a cell structure where you can't get treatment to it unless you can get it in the base of something that will penetrate that cell wall. In the case of the spirochete aqueous penicillin and finally they did find that there were other modes of longer acting penicillin that could get in there and get rid of the spirochetes but aqueous penicillin will not cross the T cell barrier so they've done something even more remarkable in AIDS they have crossed it with something that can get in behind that cell and the only known treatment for getting rid of it is penicillin and they no longer will give aqueous penicillin which would kill it if they used it and so you have no treatment. And if you can't see the intent of this, then you're not going to make it. You won't make it because you won't take the proper precautions. So I think you need crystal light. I don't care whether you have crystal light or not. You need to enhance your immune system and the only way that you have got on your place is through something whether it be called chondriona, bryona, neondriona, that means neonatal DNA programming crystals. You need this. It's the only thing that you can intake in your body and your body will create its own system for handling these invaders. Does it mean that you can't be overwhelmed? Absolutely not. It certainly does not mean that. You don't go out there and inhale deeply, you know, breathe on me infected person. God will save me. God will drop you dead. You're to the point in this evolving society where these are the things that will save Next. Go ahead please. Meningitis from children because they have been vaccinated, you know, when they get vaccinated they get meningitis right away because they, you know, like. What is the hoop to do in Canada and all around? Meningitis vaccination. How else can they better get you? Go on please. Well, no, the vaccines are corrupt. They're giving you junk in the vaccines. And, you know, we've used to see this in, you know, children who have just been vaccinated and are very young. These children, as far as I can determine, were all like from 9 years old to about 13 or 14. So they're all pretty young, but they were far from the age when they were just born or weeks old and they had to get their vaccine. And 19 was a lot of cases they had all at one time. And when did this take place? This has been taking place over the last month now. Now I don't know if any new cases have been outbroken because it's been a real tight fit here. There's a real tight fit on anything that happens in the hospital, you know, the fear of panic and all that stuff. Now they're not. I want to repeat, they're not. The government and the Centers for Disease Control are not associating the meningitis, also based on the fact that this virus, this vaccine virus, is going to have to mutate. So I think it's already started mutating. I think you're going to have what we're going to see is a lot of different look-alike diseases, look-alike symptoms, among other things that are already established. I think that, you know, eventually you're going to see some depth in this. So, obviously the doctors were pretty concerned about it. Yes, they were, and they're concerned at the public health hospitals too because there have been outbreaks of meningitis, and it seems to be getting bigger and it's going to lessen it. But I'm going to have to do some more research on that to be able to tell you more facts on that. I'm going to stay on top of it in a judge. You mentioned something about a false remuneration on a loose product? Yes. I don't know if I can say his name or not. I don't want to... You better not....single him out. But he was a very concerned gentleman. He really pleased very strongly that the government is involved. I called him up, and here's an interesting fact. I asked my phone number. We didn't have any problems with our phones. We've been talking about I had a case where a man blatantly told me that my phone was tapped and hung up. We've been hearing the phone will ring and that there wouldn't be anybody there. Now, that hasn't happened as much lately from the first day of the UFO outbreak. But I do want to emphasize that Ataan and his group are hearing massive numbers still to this day. So we'll probably talk about that in a little bit here. But ten minutes after I called the gentleman and asked him to meet me for lunch and look at some information I had, our phone went dead for three days. No dial tone. Could call out, could call in. Now, I don't know I'll have to leave that up to you I'm sure you've had that happen to you and you know I'm concerned because I feel very strongly you know that they're watching what we're doing and I know they don't like these interviews but you know somebody's got to say something somewhere along the line and I just they put a big glass on the media I really appreciate your effort to get this content to the paper. I really appreciate what you're doing. Do you have any feedback at all as we go through the paper? Yes, we are. It's been slow, and there's been a couple of criticism groups that have come down that I've given the information to. And they're looking at it. Now, you've got to remember, the first thing when a criticism group looks at something, a lot of them will say now that when you talk about UFOs, those are actually demons. So a lot of them are kind of reluctant to use, you know, the mystery flu part is different from the UFO part, although I can't, I know that you can't separate a concept from what is going on. So when you mention that, you know, a lot of people kind of get real skeptical of what you're talking about. But uh that means many many people here at counters name these objects. With the councilman in particular he was so shocked by the information that I had given him and a lot of it was in interviews that I handed him a contact that you so graciously gave. We took it to the tribe. We actually called Chairman Zaw, we were going to have it in the afternoon at 1.30. It turned out we were too busy to see it, so we got up to the Prince Secretary, Dwayne Mayall, and we talked about it. We made several copies of the loan information that I had, And we gave it to the members that are on the committee, the health committee that is investigating the mystery flu. And we gave it to several key members of the tribe. We did give it to, supposedly, Duane Bales and Pat Connors-Ross. We know a couple of days after that, the tribe started mentioning, strangely, the fact that they kind of changed their minds a little bit. They thought the government was much more involved in this mystery flu than the government was willing to admit. However, consequently, there was supposed to be, they wanted to get all the councilmen together and have an investigation of special sentences of the council to have an investigation of the mystery flu, but I believe it was Chairman Zha, and I do say I believe, I think it was Chairman Saw that counseled it. So I don't know if that had any impact on what's going on, but I hope it went to people. What's the gentleman's name? Saw? Z-A-H. Okay. He's the title of Chairman. And as you well know, and of course this is not an accusation of any kind, I have never spoken to Chairman Zha. I as well know when you ride the tower, you get there by pulling the trick and have somebody pull your string. So I don't know if he's involved. I don't know what's going on, but I would like to have a talk to him personally. But then again, you know, that's personal choice and input. There also is another article that I want to point out to you. Are you? You know, is it sampling? Were you aware that the National Examiner had a article entitled, Chief of CIA Files Reveals German Warfare Test Action Kills Navajo Indians? That's an interesting article. It was an interesting article. I read the article and it was off-pitch in a lot of regards. What it basically said was that when they captured some scenes by a lot of warfare, they captured several obviously weapons that they weren't sure what they were. And supposedly if I had tested it and see what would happen, they wanted to come up with a vaccine to be able to find if there was anything released in the future. And it was released purposely in the Navajo Indians then. And when they started dying, it was much more powerful than they thought. But they've done something depressing to this. And you well know sometimes the tabloids will give you a great deal of truth. And just throw it out there and see what happens, how people will react. I'm not saying the article is true because I know there is a germ of truth in here. I guess I don't mean that as a pun, but... But what happened with the article, subsequently though, is they put a big article in the journal saying tabloids portrayed CIA as culprit and that's deming. And what they've done now is they've demolished the territory and I could quote from you if you would like it's a good way of discounting what's that? it's a good way of discounting experiment on people in America. I see, they're just a conspiracy now. Yeah, so they bring this article out now and show how stupid it is. And it really hurt the cause, I think, of people like me that's trying to tell people the truth. So, they're pretty well covered in their faces. And they usually do. Uh-huh. So, uh, like the test now established the symptoms for disease control was hair, So, Olympia Tech has now established the Centers for Disease Control was here prior and they knew something was in the air and obviously they were here to monitor. Now, as of last week, the Centers for Disease Control in Little Island, Waco, Mexico, they opened up their offices here. The Centers for Disease Control now have an office right here in Galveton, Michigan. Now, does that tell you that they're a little bit concerned or a lot concerned? It sounds like a good time for a research facility. Right. It moved into a nice roomy building. So we know where they are. We're going to be watching them. But I used to take, see all these, you know, and it started off being a lot of people being victimized and I've seen people of any race or any color victimized and it really is a sad thing when the government comes out here and does these kinds of things to you and to all of us and apparently it's spreading from state to state and I'm sure you're going to have some outbreaks. Are you in Las Vegas? No. Are you comforting? Yes. Okay, well they've had cases in Las Vegas so you know it's just a matter of time. I just want to say, pay attention, people. It is happening. It is real. Aton is very much here. I appreciate the fact that he has made his way up the hill. We have seen the craft. They teach them in a big circle now, Rick, around the area. It's just a big circular area. There are many, many of them up there in the air. In fact, it's usually very easy for me to go out and spot a UFO, but now there are so many of them in the sky, I'm having a hard time just to tell if you have a close-up of the stars and planets. That's how many crafts from our time are now in this area showing their presence. And this is an on-going thing. We've seen this craft begin in the daylight hours, Rick, not just at night, but in the daylight hours, particularly early in the morning. So it's on-going. The HATAMS activity, the presence he's shown to the people who know and the government, you know, don't mess with these people, trying to do something about it. I know that there's Russians involved because that's what the, that's on his, in his article that they had brought some Ukrainians over and they were looking at the situation. I feel that there's a big tension now between our government and the Russians going on a stop because of this mystery clue. So I know it's helped people pay very close attention to...