|0.00|> Good afternoon.<|5.00|><|5.00|> I tell in light, in love, and as always, good news and bad news.<|20.00|><|20.00|> Very, very pleased to see Ken and Brandon back to be with us.<|27.00|><|27.00|> We have good news, Warren and Phyllis Cantrell have moved here. They will probably be residing in the house next door to Al. No. No? Somebody's moving in. Somebody's moving in today. they can't get their houses straight can they? no, with Diane they'll never have a house straight up well what do you think? you know who bought me? the one that you're talking about yes, who said Diane? Jack? Actually... Jack? Jack? Jack? Jack? Jack? Thank God the bus doesn't stop here. Thank God the bus doesn't stop here. The bad news is we're going to lose Martha. The bad news is we're going to lose Martha. She's... No matter what we do, she feels that she needs to go back to Philadelphia. We have enjoyed having her here it's been very good for it. She nags a little bit about this and that but basically leaves him alone. Orla told me very much cleaning. But annually she comes and cleans the bathroom when we like to do not. I say I was a mother. I only throw the shit. Whether he wears them or not. Once a year. I'm sure that we have quite a lot of announcements that maybe need to be made. Last week we met with the prophet, so we didn't get covered a lot of business. I did not arrive this morning. I have absolutely overloaded the circuits this week. You must notice that Japan is in very, very, very serious trouble today. Not only are the northern earthquakes hitting but the southern typhoon is moving So Japan needs a little bit of energy support. Why would they be hit so hard? I hope that as you read what I wrote yesterday, and what is now coming to boiling, actually, to the surface, it is not one in a thousand, not one in a general. The Japanese people had so much a keen view, nor would they recognize one if they saw it. But now they are being accused of anti-Semitism. And that is boiling. It's all over business, of course. And you will find Rockefeller's name slipping in there. It's interesting to see how the ADL works. The 8.1 earthquake in Guam. I'm going to give you this because Callie doesn't have anything here yet from Soltek and it's too new. I doubt you would have anything on it anyway. Guam is getting too close to the Philippines to be having over 8 point earthquakes and any kind of security because we're going to find that the mid ocean rift is going to move right on down and splinter off toward the Philippines and I would expect probably volcanic activity first but you can know that in Guam it basically is volcanic state of flux. Phyllis brought some beautiful gifts for Dorma. Nora, on the other hand, brought some beautiful gifts for Hatton. You're going to understand instantly the two energy forms are not the same. Dorma nearly choked. I cannot get her to even pick up those books. They're that important. Nora, oh dad, thank you. I would never have gotten her to get And she has wrestled with those books, she has put that sack everywhere, she can find there is a room in the bathtub, you have to remember, or it would be at the bottom. These books are your history. Anyone looking at them would say, well how interesting, but where in the world is that? What in the world is that? Except that we have written enough on it now that you know who Sitchin is and that he writes basically from the information brought from the Sumer tablets. Dharma says I don't want to deal with that, Hathong, because I feel that that's the most dangerous thing that's ever come into my possession. And then she backs off and she said what are we going to find out? That we're Aryans or something like that? the king of Hulkin Bulkin and Sumar Oriana or how about St. George the first king of And I let her ramble on like this. And I was going to find the bird tribes landed there too. The eagle light, the hawk light. Eagle city, hawk city. What are we dealing with this time, Dad? And my only comment to her at this moment is, do you want to tell her, Nora, or shall I? Besides, you've got the microphone. Have you read enough to know whether she's right on, nearly, along the way off, or? Well, I didn't read them all before I heard you wanted them. But, yes, she's right on. Well, I finished the day. We're back to writing about the Khazars again too. Let's put Sumar over there where it belongs just inside right now. You're all going to find as we get into that part of your history that that is your origin. You're not going to like it any better than I do frankly. But we're going to have to work backwards. You're going to find that there was a land mass over almost to the Greek peninsula out of the Holy Land, etc. just sweeping across. So that one walked across there. You're going to find that the Sumar races or the Sumar civilization Aryans, A-R-Y-A-Ns. Now you're going to have two different types of stories coming down to you, mostly because in translation and in the absoluteness of ignorance, you will have Aryan Nation and Aryan Nation. nation. Everyone thinking they are getting Arjan Sumaram. These were the original, quote, white people. Not as tall as my energy but taller than what your modern day Kurds are. But in the area of and the skeletal structure of the first Oirans or white people onto the planet would be more a skeletal structure very similar to the Kurdish. I'm not talking about the integrated Kurdish that married into the other races nearby. I'm talking basically about the blue-eyed blonde expression. Again, every time we get into a discussion like this, and this is what blows her away. She just says I've had enough. I mean commander can't even write on home schooling without a flood of letters and debate and uprising about it. I don't do this. And when you are writing for six billion people you can hardly be individual in what is projected either in the journals. I can little closer to personal in this room or with this little family here. But what I really get is a response mostly from others who are absolutely to the within and they're going to fight with me. No they're not. I'm not going to fight with anyone. I am going to present what I see as some solutions. You're going to have to make your choices. If your driving need is to get out of the system and have nothing else to do with it, you will never change that system. But if that is your direction, so be it. It is not for me to say you may not do that. that I can observe that you're going to drive yourself nuts, unbalance the children, not allow them to have what they need. Or you can begin to draw up in unity and have some solutions to offer to these schools when you go in and again I'm going to say this tread on toes or no most of the ones who will stay home and tend their children will not when they're not tending their children go down and change the confounded system if a child is not learning in school, does that absolve you of your responsibility and make sure that child learns when he gets home? And pretty soon that kid is going to start learning in school. I want to tell you something else. If about three days a week, just a few fathers out of those classrooms sitting on the back role. In those classes, those kids would shape up. You would have discipline back in those classrooms. It's out of control. Do I tell you to send your children into a classroom where everyone is armed and at noon everybody goes and stabs each other? Of course not. You have to look at your individual circumstance. And I'm going to have to give you the true history of your very beingness. We're going to have to grow up through the lies of science. And you won't even know the lies of science if you don't learn what they're teaching. There will be no way that you can take what I give you and integrate it. You won't even have any idea of what the other is. And you see Dr. Robinson, for instance, suddenly was confounded in his lifestyle. His wife had wanted to teach the children at home. There was a whole pack full of them. And they did beautifully well. She died. However, now, oh God, oh God, what are we going to do? So they drift around with loose odds for a little while. While they get some balance into their life. Now this family can be better equated, let us say, to the Enzis than anyone else around that I know, to use as an example. Simply because the Enzis have a farm and there could be some responsibilities but they do not have the same kind of farm that Arthur Robinson has with cattle, sheep and these various and sundry other things and the older children were already in their habits of learning and the mother had known enough to know what to get for them to go on with their education and the ones into the age of higher mathematics and calculus etc. were able to get the courses from universities or wherever so that they could on their own continue their classes so that by the time they would come to university age they would have that background really in advance of what they have in the university. This is a most unusual circumstance. And at its best it was all but impossible. Now Art Now, Art Robinson is the one who has written Fighting Chance. This man even offered the local system, town, to build a shelter underneath the school ground. Another reason that you need working relationships with the school system and the town system. If in fact anyone ever wakes up and realizes there's some danger here, you have the very places to put these community shelters, and that is under playgrounds, in the schoolyards, and the parks. He couldn't even get them with him putting up the money. Well how would you decide who goes in and who doesn't? No thought as to maybe we could build enough so everybody could go in. These ones hardly believed it. quote, survivors only 10 feet from hell. And guess what? That happened. That hit like a bomb to one supposedly in a new age movement knowing that dastardly things were up against, guess what came back from there, from Sedona? Well, we just could not even consider doing such a thing. How would you decide and judge who gets to go inside? I'm talking blow away. Most will. Let them do it. Well, aren't you a nasty one today, Hatton? Right. The closer you get to the massive upheavals of Earth, the more I have to push. And the one thing you have to face is that you cannot make anyone do anything. It's not a thought. Does that mean you have the right to forfeit your life for the hell of it? No, it doesn't. If you have volunteered for this mission, you better get a safe place. And further, if you have volunteered, you usually are going to have my children. And you do not have the privilege of murdering my children. Thank you. I don't force anything, but some people have to go a long way out of their way to get here, don't they? With my property. So I can look after them. These babies are the ones that bear the heavy, heavy responsibility of learning the old and the new. It's not an easy task. And the next obvious question is, well, all right, if we started in Sumar and the adversary and came along as these Khazarians. Obviously they were already there, weren't they? You're going to find once again in the old Sumerian scripts, the seven-headed serpent. That is evil symbol. We don't need to go into Mu just yet. But you see the writers, what they do is go in and find in these old drawings and in these old tablets, these symbols. And immediately that's what they begin to write about. Why would they write about that? Because that is what is allowed to remain. And in your looking back you find, oh well, here is a serpent. And that is a sign. And I'm already starting, I'm going to lose her voice. The serpent has been the symbol of Satan forever. In the beginning you're going to go back and find literal humanoid beings who very definitely had serpentine features. I didn't say they were serpents. Part of it was their idea of what looked good mashing, if you will, and binding of the skull and etc. of the children. It's like the Japanese in their foot wraps. Many of those early civilizations felt that it was beautiful to flatten the forehead and the head. And they literally, the nose was in exact line. Those people from those bindings came out with features that were quite lizard like. You're late. I'm sorry. Come on in. Yeah. So you're going to have a lot of interesting things come out of the past histories. But if you're not careful, they're going to be misinterpreted. And remember something, just because something and someone died, and they get to the other side and they start sending you little messages, you better watch out. Death doesn't mean a blasted thing. And those energy forms on the other side will be no better than they were on this place. And you'll be getting plenty of instruction, let me tell you. And it's going to be very, very bad for you. Once again, that's your business. But I find it quite amusing. It's distressing to most of you. I find it amusing that we will hear from ones and they cannot say enough nice things about our paper. Oh, you have brought the word. I know that you are just and the minute I cross them in any way that they can perceive I'm not going to take your paper anymore. Fine, do you hear me? Chilas, do you hear me? Fine. I am not here to scoop up all of the energy forms on this planet. Well, I thought God was coming to get everybody. No, He is not. He is not coming to get hardly anybody. Ones who choose to follow the false teachers will not be going on our ships. Well, then I guess I can't go. You're going to single people out. Well, goodbye. I'm pleased for you ones that this is the first meeting. I've been spoon-feeding mush to everybody for five years. And even an 8.1 earthquake in the middle of Los Angeles, we're going to have to see what you cannot see. And now you are getting a confirmation from Earth Rats. Night before last, one call from San Antonio, Texas. They have been put on red alert to receive all of the evacuees from Corpus Christi. There will be other inland from other places. What in the world will they be receiving? Nothing going on down there, is there? You have one tropical storm breath that is running around down in the Caribbean. Will it be that one? What will it be? They say it won't get up there. They expect a hurricane bigger than Hugo to hit the coast in the Corpus Christi area along that stretch of the Gulf of Mexico, worse than Hugo, the last week in August. How interesting! In advance predictions before the storm even seeds. And who ever saw a tornado that does a laser slice right through a building like Virginia? And what for goodness sakes did they drop over here on the other side of that building where the hole is? Those are laser blacks. They are playing with the ships in the air just like... Let me get that one. Let me get that one. Let's see if we can do a dead hit on that pilot. All you've got to do to bring down a plane is disable the pilot for that long in a landing and landing pattern. And then you are not told what is going on across the sea. All every morning. We are going to go in there and bomb them if they don't stop fighting you know, those nasty Serbs, those nasty Serbs are fully armed, fully under control of Soviet Russia. your scientists quivering that a meteorite, a terrestrial meteorite, whatever that could possibly be. My ticket, oh my goodness, so you launch something, you're going to outsmart the foxes, two billion dollars worth of spy equipment disintegrated. It didn't blow up. Just disintegrated. Gone. So HATON has a lot of trouble focusing on children's education. At this point, you know, while I'm watching them, ready to blow out that satellite, wondering if it's going to get on up where I would have to take it out, because it is absolutely filled with particle beam equipment. Powered with nuclear energy. So what is it that we're trying to accomplish? You're not going to find a perfect system. You're not going to be able to change the system rapidly enough to bring about massive everybody live happy ever after. It's a hard job to come back from where you've gone. But if you have something to offer when you go in there and say this program works we men you try it or you gather together as caring parents and you unify enough to have classrooms of some kind or take turns or do whatever is required and test these programs. You are going to have to bring things back into control and as long as you lean it up to your enemy to do it, it will be done exactly like your enemy wants it done. And you can read the protocols of the elders of Zion and you can see it step by step by step. The plan is to have every viable asset and property. They have already arranged the method of doing it. They are out to brainwash you. They have done it and you're stuck with being the example. I hate to bore you with these kinds of lectures because I feel the heaviness of them myself. It says we may not just hop over here and do this and live happily ever after. But every positive step forward is a step forward. Every little battle won in court or in your political system is a little tiny step forward that has to be considered. It can be overridden. And what is happening now, because your own Attorney General said so, her only living purpose is to protect the criminal. She said Don't say, oh, how come you are spreading those rumors? She said it. And she has proven it, hasn't she? What are they going to do now towards all those survivors of Waco with murder? knows. Your government goes in and murders them and now the ones that were foolish enough to walk out of their lives are going to get killed one way or another. So I'm not here to say that everything is wonderful and through some gift and purple sling it's all going to be transmuted. It isn't. Not unless you transmute it. Well, I like rump the better. Well, so do I. But I don't notice any of you offending. I don't see any of you moving into that violet flame, except maybe in your mind. Well, you come back and tell me you want to get off with your feet too, but not through any of that silly BS. And I'm sorry for ones who are ill. And I'm sorry if the miracle gondriana doesn't work. On the other hand, most were sitting waiting to see if there was anything in it and they got word back it was swamp water. Well, to each his own. Well, I'm still trying to make up my mind what I think of you, Hatton. I'm not sure that you're who you said. Well, Dorna's getting pretty damn more books like the Sumerian texts. She's going to go crawl in a corner. For one thing it says this battle's been going on since the beginning. And you have to face the fact that this battle's been going on since the beginning. It goes on over and over over again because that's what an earth third dimensional plane is all about. And you come back as guides yes, but you are in the middle of the hardest testing of your experiences any time anywhere because in each expression you are at the level where you left off in your full expression. And it is two things that you're going to have to do. One is come into recognition of that which was and is and who you are. Basically this time. And when God tells you that many come, if you make it, it doesn't get too Well, but what about all those nice Christians out there? Well, let's hear what those Christians are believing. If those Christians believe in the Christ and God, and your relationship with God, no sweat. If those Christians are believing what they're being told about smearing blood on something, those rituals were begun back in the times of old Sumar, by your enemy, if you are of Christ. I have to somehow get it through your mind that the color of a man's skin has zero to do with it. Perhaps on that first day when two or three of you are put down, you don't spring up out of the ashes or spring up out of the fish pond. That does not mean that genetic alteration isn't tried. But I like Poseidon for instance. Oh, half fish, half man in the king of the ocean. Oh, for goodness sake, you have cities under your ocean. And Arthurians and water-breathing men usually will wear flippers. They swim very well if they have to get out into the water, or choose to. What do you think that would look like to native Aborigines? A skin-tight silver suit with flippers or quite frankly jet packs. And if done properly, you can genetically cross anything with anything. Most of the time, the mutant created will not survive. But just as you can keep a body alive on equipment, technologically alive. So can you technologically dink around. If you can cross a bacteria and a virus, which they've done, no, it's a mystery virus. Isn't anybody – oh my goodness, you have this mystery bacteria virus. And now somebody else has had the nerve to die of possibly this, they can't be positive, but this one lived where there were rodent droppings. Good grief. If that was the cause, where are all the rodents gone? Why isn't it spread all across the four corners? Epidemics don't have 20 people and then nothing. That is the beginning to only get worse. in a time of having to look at the old, the present, the what if. And you people here say, but good grief, father, I just came over here, you know, to write a few paragraphs. Or well, I thought I'd help them paste up the paper. What do you mean I've got to deal with Annie Marie's kindergarten lessons in South Africa? I don't know how you came to have to do that. It's not in your realm of responsibility. It may be in my realm of responsibility to comment on South Africa is going to happen right in your door yard. Remind me to speak to you about this at some future point, Oberle, I believe that Dr. Lindstrom would be a very good person in contact with Sam Russell. I don't ever come in here with a prepared sermon on the mountain, sermon on the chair, whatever. But I do have some things Sam Russell would like to bring some guests out, last week of this month, I guess while Corpus Christi is going down. I think it would be a very good opportunity if there were one or two, if we have at least one coming into the village that's going to need protection. We may need to talk with Cantrell's about that. They're just moving in, but we may need a place to hide a person for a little while, briefly, while some writing is going on. We have to deal with how quickly the enemy can wire up your houses. And I have to remind you every time we meet, know it's done. Don't wonder if it's done. If you wonder if it's done, you're going to rattle around there, being very cautious one day, then blow at the next. Live your life as if it doesn't matter. Use discretion and it doesn't matter. The truth of God can be laid on the table in front of you, but for goodness sakes, the privacy and protection of your brother is uppermost. It isn't necessarily a secret from the world, and you must do your business as if God and every man on the continent is watching you. And then it doesn't matter if they come against you. It's all there anyway. Why would you try to write little handwritten notes back and forth to each other in your living room when you just told them everything 20 minutes before. So if your life is being lived in an openness, you're already under protection. You wouldn't be alive. Some of these ones, Dorma included, would not be alive if I were not, who I say I am, openly protecting her. And the interesting thing is, it is you sweet dear people who don't really fully understand that. Please excuse me.