If you suggest you have a pretension I double-underload. Let's try Christmas Day. I may let you eat. I may not. You must come into realization of who you are and who you as a remnant and a direct crew represent. You don't understand life and death except on a much much higher level and once in a while you see you can put it onto a piece of canvas or into a fantasy where you can look at it and you will look at it again and say no that's not quite right and the soul says ah but turn it this way and look at it again. And it means something. It may not mean the same thing to everyone, but in looking at the pictures and listening to what she said, because she painted them. She is the one who knows what they mean. All of you know what they mean but only one of you can express it in this physical format like a dream, you painted a dream that means that at this level within you know the truth of it and most of the time you don't want to put it down, you don't want to put it there where you have to look at it and enjoy the humor of it, the lion without the tail, hey that's okay. Once you get sophisticated enough you don't have to worry about blushing the flies away and if you move fast enough precious ones you're not going to collect It's when the lion loses its head and that's what's happened. Your species under God has lost its head and you're groping as if you have no eyes. etc. very much. Astrology, because these are toys, they have become toys. What does psychic mean? What does a psychic, astrology mean? To me it has no meaning, because each one where becomes that entity and since one is all you are going to end up with you know all there is to know if you would just confront it and pull it out of there. But you are fragmented and that's fine because projection and manifestation is you will find you are simply a reflection a reflection that basically and in reality has no substance to it you are living in the towards the reality. So when we speak of chakras, what are you actually saying? They each have a color, they each have a meaning because man needs a meaning. You are living in a physical world so you need an expression with which to relate this consciousness. Never mind the super conscious or the subconscious at this moment, you as living human species, trotting around in your physical form, have learned to think that of what you can call reality to touch, look at, label and identify. When you move beyond this veil you will move into identification by energy form and color it's in different colors and your frequency changes. Color and light are also music, sound, something you can hear. This is when you get to the heavenly realms and you hear music but you can't identify it. It's because Mozart and and Mendelssohn and Bach are all out there arguing. They are all producing their energy in their most creative form and it will surpass anything that you hear on earth simply because it will be in the total levels beyond what you can experience here. So every every time that you have this happen to you that you do here and this is the greatest thing of any prodigy any genius any gifted being is that they are experiencing this and are able to put it on a piece of paper so that all of you in your consciousness can express it and experience it. So the chakras represent the livingness of soul essence being. This is a picture basically of your soul as expressed in the consciousness consciousness and you better get control of all the energies that pass to and flow or they're going to get you in trouble. They do get you in trouble. All of the troubles come from those very centers of the body, physical and the consciousness wishing to fulfill its luxury, its joy, its ecstasy and looking for its peace in all the wrong places. Those centers, those vortices are the expression or the receiving mechanism of things like ecstasy. You cannot have ecstasy without that kind of focus. But for Mary Jo Pulperdome to come out there and say, chakras are the only thing, you know, line this one up, fine, if humanity maybe could do it. On the other hand, Mary Jo usually does not know what she's talking about, and she will say that she does, if she wants to make very many seminars. The most honest thing is to say, I don't know what it is. I just know that it comes from God and myself, and it is the center of my own creation. And each one you see you can focus on because some will be your sexual energy, some will be your heart energy and by heart I don't mean that thing that goes pump, pump, pump. And some would be your what we hope is wise energy. And Maya may have well been a clown. She may have been a hokey in Lakota. A sacred crown. Clown. Actually, I should have left it. Crown. She's a jewel in our crown. And she comes not with foolishness, this journey. And that's what bears on the hearts and souls of each of you. Because underlying this facade that we all carry about with us in this human plane is God and responsibility. And I must get my brothers through. That's my mission. I must bring them truth. They don't have to take it. But my mission is to bring it. So if they don't like my art, they don't have to look at it. They can turn away. I must paint it. I must paint it. Because we have come back to this place and its evolvement and its transition. And we need all sorts of workers. We need ones that are going to be able to get through that light beam and be a boarding party. You see, you are transitioning from a physical reality into an etheric reality, but you're not going to be able to do that in the blink of an eye, I don't care what the Pentecostal preacher tells you. Forget it. You must learn to get there. And that means the teams have to go through it first. And you have to remember they denied everyone. Copernicus, you're not the center as a planet. You are the center as the expression of God. That's why God resides within each one of you and myself. Because we are the center of the created universe. And a lot of things have gone on in your planet that you just don't remember. You don't remember what you did last night. Most of you don't even remember what you had for supper, much less what you did about your sacred work. That's better. You think it's hard this way. If you could remember it all, you would find the journey not worth it. And why would I say that? And each one of you who says, ah, but I would. For good gracious, a liar, Dorma said that when she was Peter to the Christ. I won't deny you, Father. Not for about five minutes. Don't be foolish. Don't be hung up on these things. You act in a human manner because you are human beings. It is your soul that must grow. And you're doing it. And it was a very, very handy thing to take reincarnation out of the Bible. Because there would be no way to control you. If you in your consciousness really knew that there is greater, why would you bother to stick to say I will go back until I grow enough to fit into your world and then your world and then your world. And now for the good news, everyone in this room at this moment You are back because you have a mission. Worse news for you. We were doing this so many eons ago that you would be shocked. We walked in Egypt. We walked in Samarra. I got a head start. Now you've got to catch me. You've got to catch me. You've got to confront what is about you. A doctor cannot go into a room with a patient and look at him and say, oh, well, I don't agree with you, so I'm going to give you this. Dr. So-and-so found that this worked. He would ask you first of all, what brought you here? What brought you here to my office? Now most doctors will not bother to listen to the answer, I agree with you. But he will hear enough of it that says, well, I have this hacking cough and so forth. And then $5,000 later, he will come back and say, well, we ran a couple of blood tests. And yes, indeed, your white count is a little high. Or he will give you a little penicillin and say, well, come back in two days if you're not better. He knows you're going to come back if you get sicker. Probably, you know, annoy him in the middle of the night. That is not all doctors. But I warn you, look very carefully before you take action on anything at the protocols of the elders of Zion. Oh, you are going to get anti-Semitic again? You are the Semites, they are the Zionist Gazars. You've forgotten who you are. They haven't ever forgotten who they are, and they do exactly this. They reverse the rules, take the name and destroy the meaning forever. To them the symbol of life became reverse the symbol of death. the deceiver of all deceivers of all time and It is a game and if you lose your sense of humor you will get so focused That you'll begin to take it so seriously That you won't be able to make it through and still have same thought Everything that happens look at it, reverse it. Just reverse it. When they say, we're doing this for the good of the children at Waco, right? And then they set the bunkers on fire first and block the way so that no one can get out of the bunkers and they burned them to death. They tear down all of the entryways into the building with their tanks and their destruction tools so no one can get out the doors. And then they deliberately set the place on fire so no one can go anywhere except be incinerated. And it's on film. You don't have to take some invisible entities, work for it, go look at the film. It'll make you ill. I hope. That means you still got sensitivity. So when they say we're going to protect these children at all costs, You might as well go with Reno's statement that said, I am going to protect the criminal. She said it. This is the same one that ordered Waco. This is the same sweetheart who practices, what have I said about homosexuality? I don't care what your preference is. But when you break the laws of the land to practice this, and then you become the presiding law of the land, you've got a sick society, my friends, and it has nothing to do with homosexuality. Nothing. Zero. There are days I like men a whole hell of a lot better than women. Other days I really adore the women. Stop this silliness. You are not confronting the issue. You are confronting the symptoms. This woman is paid by the International Monetary Fund directly. So is her Secretary of Treasury. All of these secretaries are not elected officials. They come in under the administration. They all absolutely are required to be members of the Council on Foreign Relations. And the very ones who run your judicial system and the law enforcement of the United Nations is not even paid by your government. Now that's how sad it's gotten. And to hold to your reality, precious ones, if you have a talent, you better go paint pictures exactly as they come. Because you won't be able to relate that creative knowingness in this total corruption of life. So when you need reality, consider what is being told to you by what appears to be an adversary. You can't even count on that in the media. They play to you exactly like a motion picture. Now you may look at these pictures and say, well they're very dark, they're very this, they're very that, and I don't understand them, they don't make me feel good. They're not made to make you feel good. They're there to show you what your reality is. I'm sick of people doing something simply because it feels good. And it's one talented artist's rendition of soul expressed on canvas. And I want to tell you, it isn't pretty. It isn't pretty. You've got to pass through this. And the promise is the other end. This is your dream. This is your dream. Well, I don't want to move into that, you will say. I certainly don't want to look like that with a bunch of colored spots. Or a faceless masked being. That's right, but you've got to get through there. You've got to get through there so that you can find that light down there at the end of that tunnel that looks like this. You are going to move as an expression moving through the death process for instance. Some encounter a very dark black tunnel. I would suggest to all of you that will not happen to you usually. You're more advanced than that. You are more apt to fall into a whirlwind or a tunnel, a vortex of color and it will be confusing to you. Now we have had ones who say, ah but I no longer believe in you. I don't care whether you believe in Hathom or not. Where are you wears a captain's hat. And when you can't tell me in my role, then we're not on the same wavelength. You will know immediately when I move into God, because I have that I know how And when you get a little bit sad and you think well, I'm not getting what I need or what I come from Every one of you will have something to cling to Even poor Randall Lane back here will have something to cling to you'll be able to remember the morning that the broken jacuzzi came on While he's trying to sleep. And how many times did the fire alarm go off, the smoke alarm, in that short period of time of two months while we were adjusting to coming and going into your place? How many mornings did you get up and the doors to the bedrooms were open because our team had to check it out before we let you come back. But the broken jacuzzi is about the best of all because it was missing a chip. Then they couldn't get the sucker turned off. Hold to the confirmations that you get. It is nothing to see a ship. I'd hear you, but it would be to me. Grandma says, I want that turkey right in front of me. Put my hand out there and I want to feel something. I suppose you do. That will bring Sheriff Plank and the SWAT team and the kooky guys you know the ones that wrap you up and in canvas and haul you away and you would want me to do that to you you would want me to kill off my crew I'm not that foolish I came back in wisdom this time also so you have company Maya. So we are going over there. We have a long way to go and a lot of fun. And there is no way to get there except to confront these daily human happenings. You must look at them, you have to know what was, is not so important because when you come into the real realization of knowing, you will know what was and you will realize why you needed to know what is. And then you see with most of mankind who is still floating around on your place with some kind of full essence left, right, you can't get rid of it, but you can sure put it aside. So that you've got plenty of beings out there running around. All they've got to do is claim it. But how many do you see coming out of, out of the dungeons of trying to get their soul. They may be saying, I want my soul. I just want to be one with God. And doing absolutely zero to be one with anything but darkness in the physical environment. Your home is not the physical environment. You came as postgraduate study. Only brings a lot of responsibility because you also come as the leaders and the way forers. And the knowers. You know at some level and this is the expression of it. It may not be your expression of it. when the ordinary beginning soul being comes into knowing the game is over. You are no longer in this environment. It's over. This is why you have agreed to shelter selves because you must and you agreed to function and not just cut out the minute it got rough. Because you do know the difference. You have to keep the shield of darkness around you, or you would be gone, knowing is it. And we have asked you, and you have agreed to do this, to grow at a level where others can come with you. There is no point in having God over here and everybody over here dark. They're not going to come from over there to over here. They're going to do exactly what they did to the young master Issu. They're going to try to get rid of him. They're going to try to get rid of you, and there's not even that big a gap. And because they are the adversary, they will use the things of flesh. They will try to tempt you away. They will try to tempt you away with money. Don't you wish that it happened to you? The armor says, hey, give me some of that and let's test me that way. Well, maybe I haven't because I'm, she might flunk. I have something else to worry about. If she flunks, a lot of you may teeter there on flunking with her. Don't confuse the two. You're not here to flunk. You're here to succeed. And every one of you in looking at why it takes a while can see why. It's annoying to you. That's it. You're impatient and it's annoying to you. If I've got this job to do, I want to get on with it. Well, you can get on with it. Because whatever your goal is, and that's the secret, what your goal is, is what will be produced. Every time without exception. If there is only one goal, you will achieve it. That is the promise of universal law. And when you focus on your goal, what are you doing? You are setting up your subconscious mind to produce it for you. And when you learn to absolutely, totally trust that, everything will happen. But guess Everything from within must come without. Everything from within must just pour without. And guess what? You'll stop asking for things. Now we cheat a little on that. You can really pray your little hearts out, let us say for Eckers or Mack or Maya to get those billions of dollars that you want. The no-no is saying, I want father. And so we have to teach these ones very hard lessons. They won't consider them hard. They're annoying for their challenge. And they grew right above it. Right above it. They can enjoy whatever they are allowed to hold for a little while and enjoy or let go of. The minute that things pray for your brother. Please, Father, let it succeed because of all these people. They need it for their mission. I don't need it anymore. Never mind me. Just let me serve. You see, this is the greatest of expressions of glory and joy to me as a teacher. This is what I'm hearing coming back more and more and more. It's, hey, dad, it's okay. I really would like this. Why would you like it, son? Well, because we could get started on the Spelt Project. We could get some of those people that have been here guarding your things in safety And it would be nice for me Why would it be nice for you? Well usually because you want to have opened your mouth and The fact that it hasn't happens embarrassing Well, maybe you'll learn to keep your mouth shut On the other hand you can't, can you? You cannot wait until it sits in front of you. You must prepare. So what does that tell you? You know that it will come. That will be the goal. It is not the ultimate goal. It is only the goal for your mission. What do you need to fulfill your mission? Alright, I need some money, I need some funds. How are you going to get them? Well, most of the ways that you can ordinarily go down there and get money is not going to be enough, is it? They've made, they, your adversary has made sure you can't do it. So it has got to be by all manner of, in your own minds, miracle. Why would I get hooked up with someone who's got billions of dollars willing to give it to me? Ridiculous. It is ridiculous. And then you come to me and say, hey, George, I want a miracle so I can see it. You are the miracle is happening. Doesn't go away, does it? Oh, you're afraid every time you pick up the phone, Mike says, oh, who else am I going to find with the black sheep? Who is my enemy? You can work with ones considering everyone your enemy if you look at being non-judgmental, always with integrity yourself and always with love. If they prove unworthy of that, then you handle that. If you always live your life as if everything within must be seen without, you can enjoy the encounters even with the sheriff. What did I do? Well, we don't know. But more than that, you will not have the need for the things of the physical that you think you need to protect yourself. Now some of the special forces, I'm telling you right out. If one of your enemy or even your friend is foolish enough to go blow somebody's head off and he is my worst enemy. You better believe I'm going to take that hole and I'm going right through it as fast as I can and drag every one of you with me. Well, then I will have no more to do with you. I can't believe that that's of God. What is not of God? You are going to take advantage of someone's death? You better believe it. I didn't kill him. You have to get with the reality of what you are. And that is that you are creative. And I see this coming through a lot more. I listen to Padre sit there cross-legged and say, hey, Hey, I guess I don't need you to explain that to me. All I need to do is go and create it. And when enough of you are ready to create it, you'll get it. And you'll be able to handle it. You will be prepared for it. And yet, had you been dumped with multi-millions or billions of dollars, let's think where it's at. Let's think where it's at, let's quit thinking down here, a dollar forty-nine. I don't want a dollar forty-nine friends for you either. We need maybe a hundred and forty-nine billion. What in the world are you going to do with that? I'm going to use about 240 million and let the adversary have the rest? Or whoever else wants it? When you learn that you can only drive one car at a time, you won't need 15 of them, for sure. And when you find that that silver or gold-plated Rolls Royce is going to get you killed, robbed, stabbed, it won't be nearly so important to you. You might enjoy that little red sports car for a while. What's wrong with that? God is abundance. And if you've got $149 million, don't you think you can run around in that red car for a little while until they steal it from you? And when they do wouldn't it be nice to be able to bless them and say hey they needed that worse than me. Rather than go and get yourself shot the second time if you made it through the first. And you're headed for a time when there's not going to be very far to go with that little red car. Because those really fancy little Maseratis and things take an awful lot of fuel. So they will clamp down. Now would you rather live in your little world in great luxury but behind the scenes, you don't have to advertise up and down the street what is yours and what is not probably the greatest lessons the Eckers have ever learned is to have goose egg it bothers everybody George Green cannot sleep at night trying to figure out how to get them. And when you have learned your lessons, and Cort has been a wonderful student, son, thank And you can have the most non-profit companies of anybody in the world. Am I saying you can't have a profit? I didn't want to be non-profit, father. I'm sick of being non-profit. When you can run your business so that everything functions well and you have no profit, you are in the hole, you have done your work well and Court Christie gets to graduate. Are you tested constantly? Don't let me break your fingers precious. I like to touch you. And this is all I have are her hands at this point. The lessons have been hard because you didn't have the wherewithal. Started in this little place. There were some here already, Lou, Bernie. But they came here to retire. They've been in the wind business. If you want your brains bashed out, do that. They came here with Westinghouse. I don't think Bernie and Lou know this. They didn't just pick up, go bankrupt, they did that too. But we had to bring them down to nothing, to make the lessons visibly work. Visibly worse. They came to here with an agreement, an agreement with Westinghouse and Mitsubishi's out there between here and Mojave. That is what I want them to see when they need reality and confirmation. They didn't go purchase a large home with no potential. There is no bank, nobody is going to do that. And when ones say otherwise, no they lie. You do not, even with good friends in the real estate business, pull off a coup like that. It's going to require something down and some agreements, and the ones are going to look and see what the potential is. And Orma will say to me, but Father, it's such a time-waster, five years at this. You could not have gotten these lessons otherwise. You needed to know how bad it is, you can also use the system. The reason they don't want these ones to get into court, and the reason I kept pushing, set up by the shadow government to collect all of the property. Now there are many, but this last one is a real dilly-whacker. The RTC or the government could come in, anybody a little bit late with their payment, for instance. They can seize the property, they don't even have to give you a hearing. This is called, and believe me, Oberle is choking because it's not quite like that and it's elaborate and it's, so he can explain it to you after class. It's called the Dench-Dune doctrine. Now there wasn't a judge down there in Kern County as corrupt as it is, there is no place more corrupt than the Kern County system. None. Zero. It borders on as bad as St. Louis Abyss Post. But I think maybe it outdoes them a little bit.