|0.00|> September the 5th, 1993.<|7.00|><|7.00|> Good afternoon.<|10.00|><|10.00|> Good afternoon.<|13.00|><|13.00|> Hats on and lights.<|16.00|><|16.00|> Welcome home all you stray little lambs.<|20.00|><|20.00|> It's good to have you back. I hope that you won't be disappointed or that some will be<|23.00|><|23.00|> able to come on the following week or still be here possibly. Do we have an update on Gunter? No update. Do we still expect him next weekend? To the best of our knowledge, Venture should be testifying today, be briefing in Washington today and tomorrow. They're playing games as they always do, but there is a lot of response to the governor who's having a lot of trouble otherwise. Would not just go to Russbacher. Now I have not delved into what is going on specifically with that program because at last request I had requested that perhaps Rodney Stitch could also come on the weekend that Gunther would be here. At last report in, he was expecting to be released, but this was before they started playing the games. They threatened to put him in isolation and threatened everybody who is a friend or relative. Well, they got through to the governor and they got that one torn up. But I would hope that ones who have put in as much hard work and just hard labor, expense, and trauma following along with this, like Lori over on the coast, would be able to share a little bit. Luther's got about five arteries to his heart that are plugged up, pretty much. And they want to do a five-way bypass. The first thing that he wants to do is get on the Biandriana program. And let's see if we can get him cleaned out while he's here. His words were that he's so full of appreciation for the support from everyone here that he would stay as long as we ask him. I'm not going to ask him to stay very long. He needs to make his trip to Europe. They are standing around him, you know, in the circle with the candles and the notes. So we don't petition our brothers to put themselves into a bad situation. On the other hand, we have an interesting thing to speculate about. Overly and Barbara were a little bit apologetic because they knew that he's going to ship cars home and have a plane pick him up, fly him out here to Mojave. He seems to know the area pretty well. And Orma said, well, I'm sorry, Gunter, but you just cannot come, that we cannot have a meeting, so that ones who have supported you so greatly would have an opportunity to meet you. And of course she's dealing with one of the greatest entertaining hands on the face of the planet, as if he would be too weary to get up and speak. I think probably only surpassed by Ray Allen, his wife. She's about 5'2", for you who don't know her, and has a temper to match every inch of it. She gets a little tired, but she doesn't stop. She just keeps right on, and part of the reason that they threatened to put him in the hole in isolation and cancel his release because they don't want to honor the judges vacating of the orders or the sentencing because the prison wants to get paid from the state before they release him. At the same time, of course, you have ones running around loose out there who have embezzled billions and billions of dollars. And they just decided this last week, you know, that B&L, there's nothing to it. So this poor old sucker, what is his name, Dragool, or something like that, he did it all. It's sort of like Ollie North. one young man orchestrated, did, functioned, all the paperwork, absolutely everything in the BNL bank scandal associated also with BCC and I and all the way across to Saudi Arabia. This poor little turkey is just really a goer. And therefore they pinned it all on him but they're going to give him a reduced sentence and they vacated all of the alleged, say one or two, you know eighty or some odd they threw out. And there is absolutely, they say, no further reason for any further investigation of the matter. Well, let's see, that lets Bush, Scowcroft, Eagle Burger, Kissinger, Saddam Hussein, you name it, not the least of which is Bill Clinton and the Stevens family. Out of the mess that got Vincent Foster killed. It's you who pay, have you noticed? Rick was speaking with This man was wearing plates on his car that still showed dealer on it. So they hauled him into court and gave him five years. So you've got nasty, nasty people out there. Where does Gunther fit in all this? Because not for you want to effort to figure out. You don't have to know everything there is to know about a given situation. You just have to know it's time to refresh every one of you on the committee of 300 and this day since I'm not going to ask E.J. to read it because it's just one more little segment. I want to recognize some people, because nobody ever did. We've gotten sued, we've gotten bashed, we've gotten battered, but by golly, we've gotten used. when John Coleman was working on his book, the Committee of 300, the Hierarchy. And I was pushing, get it done, get it done, get it done, even if it's grammatically incorrect, let us get it out there. You will also remember that just prior to the release of that, I ran in the paper. E.J. Hart from New Zealand sent a document, a special report on this very same matter. At the same time, one sent to George Green, or through George Green, to my attention, a Christian science monitor negation of the information or their lack of any willingness to pay any attention to this. And I'm talking about the Committee of 300 and the New World Order, etc. Well, there was very much information in both packets that came out in Dr. Kuhlman's work verbatim. I had also said that he utilized LaRouche's organization. The special report was set up, funded by LaRouche and a group that he gathered together for the specific purpose of doing a lot of investigation. Also, a lot of Coleman's work came directly from the research of Eustace Mullings. Now, I want to tell you something. There is zero wrong with that. If you have a document that is correct in names and places and actions. Why would you go and write a lie rather than use it? That's not what's wrong with this situation. What's wrong with the situation is the proclamation that I never saw any of that information. Well, maybe some other higher commander wrote it for Mr. Pavlonsky. I don't give much credence to that. Why would you not utilize information and give credit to those authors who spent one heck of a lot of money to do this? The Committee of 300 is about the best integration of information that you're going to find on the subject. I do not belittle the book or negate the book because of any circumstance. best pieces of research information you're going to find. And what errors there are in it are insignificant. And the massive amount of information, some of which Dr. Coleman got from me while he was working with us. Now, the gratitude I want to pay is the fact that as the writings came in, they were unusable in their form. Unusable. And I was pushing on one side, he was rushing, and guess what? They dumped in on E.J., what am I going to do with it? It's not printable. And Janice, Jackie, and Jenny did the typing. Janice spent hours trying to rearrange. And I want to tell you they produced a beautiful, beautiful volume. I give them special credit because that's where the work had to really be done, the actual work. And then the editors took that and day and night they worked on it until in just a matter of days almost it was ready and went to the publisher. And I don't want to infer that Dr. Coleman did not appreciate it. I don't remember that you got any thanks from George Green, who ended up, by the way, with the books, most of them. And Coleman stood here with tears in his eyes, in appreciation, but he really didn't know how to thank you, and certainly immediately turned against us. And that was the end of the thanks. Our thanks and appreciation was not even a copy of the book from either of those two individuals. I can guarantee you right now without even looking back that if you of the editors got a copy of that book it was because EJ bought the books and gave them to you. It's just, it's sad. It's sad, but that's life. And there does get to be a point where we have to take it into consideration the personal things. John Coleman was down to zero. He had nothing. He had no way to get anything. So sometimes it's easier to have a big flap and go in the middle of the night with all of your equipment than to confront the fact that I still don't have anything or whatever is going on with MI6. But I want to thank you people because it is a very, very good volume. It needs to be out there. And by handling it the sucker way they did, I'm enjoying using every word of it. I'm not even going to call it plagiarism. I've already written all of these things. But I also give the men credit. And I'm advertising and pushing this book as hard as I can until I'm sure that all of you are sick of it. But I want people to buy it. It's worth every cent and I want them to buy it from John Coleman, not George Green. You're going to find the little subtleties that happen, that give credence to verbalizations at a given time. All of you will remember last December when the surveillance crews were hightailing it around behind everybody, putting their listening devices smack on Brent's window. High-speed chase, you know, after the Echres. And then called the police. They find out eventually that these ones work for a group or something in Virginia. Well, that happens to be where USMP is. And they don't have a stolen car. That's all the information we can give. On the other hand, it comes out now that I believe it's a plumber around town doing some work maybe possibly for Campbell's. I don't want to divulge any more information than I need to, to make this story interesting. You know that you have, on your Sheriff's team, some of the highest rated SWAT team members in your nation. They went over and trained with and cross-trained in Moscow. Now that's in your paper. Mr. Plank is the leading member of that. Well, one of these SWAT team members was golfing, and the subject just happened to come up. And this guy turned to this plumber and said, Stay away from the Eckers' property. It is dangerous. Now would a little, even new age, groupie, like a university of science and philosophy, be important enough for this? No. I don't want to offend La Russell. And I am so grateful and humbly honored to have known Walter Russell that I would never for a moment belittle any of the information coming out of the place. I'm going to remind all of you that the Brookings Institute funds University of Science and Philosophy and is run by MI6, the Queen of England's private secret intelligence forces. The Brookings Institute is a number one top ranking entity under Tavistock Brain Manipulation We're not subversive. We don't even care what they do at the University of Science and Philosophy. Our mission is to bring the word of truth that you will know what in the world has hit you. I already have back that ah ha ha once again you were wrong nanny nanny nanny because New York was not nuke yesterday. Good grief! I said I don't even recognize these people who have made this prediction. Anyone who planned that to pull it off yesterday? You've got some heavy, heavy things coming down. And you have been able to avoid some of them like Emily blowing away the Gulf Coast of your nation and you could watch them manipulating that one. Come in, touch a little bit on the barrier islands and then go off and you could see lightning and the storm. You don't have these kinds of things in hurricanes, for goodness sakes. And how do they do it? Easy, easy, easy. They work on the fundamental, most important thing you will ever know about your universal laws of physics. Everything works on a spiral. Tornadoes, hurricanes, It all comes down, the force, into a spiral. And through electrical energy and pulses you can move it anywhere. You can cause it to touch down anywhere. You're in the time of chaos. Look at what they're doing around your nation. Don't be blind to what they're doing just around your nation. And indeed, I've written again this morning on the POW situation in Vietnam. Clinton made agreements clear back in July before he was even president. And guess who precipitated it? Scowcroft. They wanted Bush to make some agreements. But the Bill Burdens already decided that Bush was not going to be President. Bush was in the throes of throwing the election. So they didn't want to set up deals with Bush that would have to be later questioned. Then they could come to Clinton and act like, oh, I would never, ever get involved with anything like that all the while now there are documents to prove that it was ongoing. Right through law firms in New York and in Washington. in the age of the New World Order. And it's not much fun to continue to talk about it when all you want to do is get your Gyandriana going and for goodness sakes get ascended somewhere. Well, that's not going to work that easy either. But we sure will have an opportunity to give it a try. Meanwhile, it gives you the information that you will know, and can utilize as a remnant. not dharma, me. They know better than to push it too far because I can react very, very Look what they're doing in Somalia. How do you like these night raids with black helicopters? Botching, creating terror. Over there for humanitarian purposes to feed the children? Come on. You sold out the POWs? The interesting thing is, all you had to do was read the contact I told you months and months before. At the time, Penitubo blew that it was man-made. Guess what they did? They moved all the docks and things up to Vietnam to get ready for this little anticipated possibility, remote possibility of an agreement. I told Bogrights at the time they're going to murder those men. That's back when he was still talking to this crocodile reptilian. Some were very, very hard. There were things he could have done. Now he would stand in this room and say, no, I didn't, there wasn't anything I could do. Yes, there was. By simply knowing and being a candidate for the United States Presidency, he could have had a fit in front of the White House, if nothing else. I told him agreements were being made, and they were selling those men to their death. So I just have to be irritated. So we come back to Gunther. Will he go the way of Bograts? Well, you don't know where Bogratz is or what he's doing. So how can you even suggest that the two are the same? Well, because they've been in very, very special forces. And once in the military, they manipulate the brain to the point that once a GI issue, Government issue. You are always government issue for the rest of your life if you're lucky enough to get out of their death trap. they are unfairly treated. And that's enough. That's enough right there. But there is a possibility that there might be some assistance, if in nothing more than writing for the paper. He's got some interesting stories to tell that are not even so bad that you can't tell them because of national security. You heard it here. In this intelligence is in charge. That's through the Pentagon. Now that should be telling you to get very, very nervous about the possibility of a military coup in your nation. Because here this faction up here, the New World Order, is working as diligently as they can, every time they make a list of closed bases, they come in with another list, and a desire to cut. And then they will come up with other happenings around the globe, my friends, where they will send what you have off, to patrol. They are working on some massive, destructive, heinous things for your nation. We just don't even have the beginning of time to write about these things. There's just no way to get it all written for you, you're going to have to pay attention. South Africa is going to blow. It cannot continue the way it is. And you go into Bosnia, and you look at the Serbs and Muslims? The whole thing is a farce, isn't it? You have to be talking two things that are even similar. What does a Serb and a Muslim have to do against each other? You are talking Croatians, Bosnians, Yugoslavs. You are talking Russia and the New World Order, the KGB, the CIA, the Mossad, and the United Nations. You cannot talk religion and nationality in the same breath. It just is not feasible. Remember the food drops? Those were nothing except to supply the Serbs coming in, who were already backed by guess what, British intelligence. Once when British intelligence go in and train the Bosnians, same men go over here and train group and supply arms to both groups. And you wonder what happens on Sunday morning in your church house? How in the world can your kids ever possibly figure out what they should or should not do? The church bolts in that absolutely everything heinous is okay. And they put you in prison if you have a various opinion. Try to speak on the Holocaust if you don't believe what the Jews have told you, and actually it's not even the Jews telling you, under British intelligence, A-D-L-B-N-I-B-R-I-F, just try in Canada to tell your story that the numbers don't add up. You're going to end up in jail, everything will be confiscated And you are in deep yogurt. You don't have the ability to have opinions anymore. And that's why they want to shut this man. Because there is still enough fragment of the thought on the part of the masses that there is a Constitution in the United States. And somehow you have a right to do these things and speak out and think wrong. cause so much trouble as to bring any more big national focus on the issue. Mr. Kissinger is too smart for that. Well, I'm not interested in your inner world battle. You should be. But if you're of the crew, serving in a mission or transition, yours Get ready to serve as a remnant, not a gun bearer. And if some of the goodness that we allow to blossom here can be accepted by your fellow man. So be it and God bless that work. But you're not going to be able to put your foot on Johnny's throat with your spoon, you know, a shredded up book and put it in his mouth and choke him unless he swallows and get anywhere. This is part of your testing. Can you release it? When you are refused entry, can you release it and go on about your work without making it a crusade as stupid as the crusades were, which became an inquisition, if you remember. In the name of God, believe or you're dead. Some said, better red than dead. Well, I would suggest that if you ever intend to accomplish anything, it's better almost everything than dead, because man cannot change your intent, and God judges your intent, not what you're marching around doing, unless it matches that intent, and it's a no-no. You see, I can't even come in here and talk about the New World Order without preaching, making it sound like religion again. Because you cannot separate your spirituality from what is going on, lest you fall right into that same trap. We had a good laugh, and I'll share it with you, because everything has to have its humor. I told you that I thought we ought to introduce Galandriona as a weight loss product because if you eat all this stuff, who can eat? Dorma said she couldn't. She's perfected her cellular restructuring to the point that her fat reproduces perfectly. So we'll get over that. And besides that, you've got to taste all that bread you cook. Not to mention Charles' birthday cake. But you're going to feel so good, men, that you are going to find yourself under a different kind of a sin test. So we thought we would also introduce it as a weight loss product and an aphrodisiac. And then God will judge you on what you do with it. Goodger was a little nervous. He said, well, hey, it's not going to, you know, I've been married, I have been with my little wifey, and so we put him at ease. We told him his little story. Because we don't want to discourage him from coming over here to visit us. Just hold on. Hold to your patience, hold to your goal, and we'll get there. There would be no challenge if we just existed. There would be no need for this mission at all. Because in that place of radiance, after the fact, is the glory of the experience of wondrous things that catch your attention so that you're not always focused the good versus the bad, should I versus should I, or shouldn't I? There are other things in that higher, that next step higher for you. Well, won't you miss this confusion? No, you will not. You will marvel that you ever allowed, much less the first go-through, but the 298,000th one that you flunked. And And at some point, and for some of you it takes a lot longer than others, on the other hand if it didn't, you wouldn't be here either. So let's appreciate the learning experience that allows you to grow enough to be in the service at this time. And you will feel ignorant because you are. You are still ignorant. Part of that is brought down purposely so that you do not overstep those necessary boundaries absolutely mandated now as the transition gets closer and closer. Don't fail in these days to keep a close eye on the Philippines. I'm saying that out loud because I want ones to take note who are putting me under surveillance. I don't really think it's a good idea to do some of the things planned during the time that Marcos is being returned for burial in the Philippines. Things are unfolding. I know not nearly fast enough in some areas. On the other hand, you're making it. You're making it. It may not be as ideal as you would like it, but it will come together in its proper sequence. I'm happy to turn this meeting over to question and answers. I didn't allow that the last two meetings. We just ran out of time and I orchestrated part of it simply because we had ones who wanted personal readings and I don't do that and I didn't want to offend. We're not fortune tellers were just all digging around here in our own way trying to find our path and our purpose. And it's so important that you find your path and your purpose. And some fortune teller doesn't sit up there and outline it for you. And speaking of path and purpose, I would certainly appreciate it. Well, Sam knows about it. May I interrupt? I need to turn the table. Yes.