|0.00|> October the 16th, 1993. Thank you, Commander.<|9.00|><|9.00|> Once you get angry and turn away from God, He does not turn away from you.<|19.00|><|19.00|> He will always be there when you do your little cycle back, and most will. Most who specially start out with that intent and that goal will eventually see. It's hard to relate to God especially when others around you are relating in a very human way, in a trained way. Well, I went and I experienced this and therefore I know that God would not do this. You don't know any such thing. Inside, you will know that God is all and is therefore incapable of limitation. So everything that you are saying when you say God would not do this, and I often speak that way, but it's careless. Because I have absolutely no, not only no impact on what God would do. God will do what God will do. You, on the other hand, have no right to have anything other than opinion of what you may perceive God would do. So to say God would not do this or God would not do that, you don't know that to be a fact. You may believe that to be a fact from what your experiences have told you, but if it crosses what you know in this part right here in your central soul to be right and wrong, If it puts limitation, if it puts force, you can say unconditional all you want to and it means zero. And when you say that cannot be over there because God would not, you have just erred twice, at least. Over there you don't know beans about what's happening over there. That is outside your ability to know. You may know one little facet of one little incident. You certainly don't know the whole. And you most especially don't know the whole if it's my mission have not even been revealed to me. So when you come on holier than thou, God would not do this, and I know that they're bad down there because they did this and this and they wouldn't do that if. You don't have any way to know that. And when you sell that kind of foolishness off on somebody else who is gullible enough to believe it, have compassion. Have a lot of input of wisdom for yourself because you've just blown it. And then when you lead somebody else who is less perceiving down that primrose path, you pick up another responsibility on your shoulders. Because you will have deliberately misled that one. Especially if that one hung back and tried to break away. And if you use human wiles on that one. You picked up the third one. And surprisingly enough, what may seem like the least offensive becomes the most. Because when you resort to human physical that is the epitome of evil. Evil being, like sin, don't go crazy. Evil is any action, regardless of how small, that deliberately pulls one away from his goal of oneness with God. So if I say, well, Sandy Innes is evil, that sounds terrible, doesn't it? If I say, well, there's a little evil in her. You know, the other day, she manipulated. Do you see the difference? And there are so many infinite gradations and levels of evil. Evil is simply that which pulls you away from your connection with God. And of course that comes down here to the total extreme of absolute void of God, which of course is where the big boy on that team would like to get you. So when we speak of doing ill to one, it may or may not be evil. There is of ignorance. But when things are happening and you even know they are happening and you condone that or you cover that as in the case of precious John, is John going to make the the contribution of technology to this world? It's doubtful, isn't it? Who would ever want to saddle him with such a responsibility? On the other hand, is it good or evil that holds him incarcerated and above all, through his mind? That's not nice. And then refuses to allow ones to come in who love him, because he might respond to them. And I out here, or mine out here, you see, now it goes beyond the one who thought was in control. Goes right back to the central problem, doesn't it? And not enough love and respect for mother, except to destroy her too, in trying to get. There are all sorts of intents. Always check your intent. That's what God checks. You see somebody could come in here and make a whole case for letting John be there the rest of his natural life, if it's 50 years more, and it will sound pretty good, what is their intent? So one might say, well, Hatton, what is your intent? My intent is that you tend your brother. There but for the grace of your relationship with God go you. and a little senile, and you fall, and you're damaged, and you get locked up, who's going to come get you? Well, I'll tell you something, you're lucky, because in this room, you will not be left there. And as long as intent is right, God will keep you on your track. Do you think they're going to let me get away with just kissing off Russ Bacher? Don't you think I can get somebody else in Austria? This is something you need to do. And more than that, it's something he needs to do. And what about Ray when they put him in a cascadero or somewhere else where his ex-wife for goodness sakes can control what happens to him. You don't leave your brother like that if there is anything that you can do. There comes a time when you have to look and see when it's better to back off. That requires wisdom. intent is right, you'll succeed. That is the promise. And you have to understand that you don't always perceive success in the same method that success comes. You get a predetermined how a thing ought to go and what is success and what is reward and what is abundance. You see I could shower $500,000 on you right now and Dorma wouldn't even blink an eye. It ain't enough she would say. Not to do what we need to do. We would be grateful for that, but, I know, I've heard it. But that is confronting wisely the need. So always confront wisely the position you're in. what they're doing before you make a move, turn it around and see what is the most unlikely approach. And in your mind as patriots and Christians, oh, that word should read Satan. That is the most manipulative, And it has been turned into a human physical entity. And it is not. It is a state of being and in fact it is the state of grace. which everyone who makes it into a higher kingdom with your father is going to have to pass. And they're all stages in between. And you're not in your consciousness right this minute. Everybody in this room is not going to have the same goal, you're basically headed in the same direction, some may change their minds, some may do this, some may do that, well what is lost being that this is an illusion, a play, a playground? To say that there is no reincarnation regardless of the meaning of the word is foolish. That again is a man producing a perception on his brothers and limiting God. And that means he limits you. And you Or else, or else what? You might find out he was stupid and didn't know anything. So then we have to build in, you know, the fear factor. If you think that God of creation in the brilliance that is required to create a working universe, cannot decide whether or not to let you have another lesson in the classroom and you think there is no more to a God mind than one silly expression doing that you ones are doing for goodness sakes. What a waste! What a waste of just a good creation. And when you get to the point where you are thinking on these higher subjects, you've already progressed a long way. You see, the ones down there watching Madonna and doing all of this with her is lost, mesmerized forever. They're not going to pull out because now they have sunk into that where they can continue to These beams at you. That is the freedom. That is what truth will set you free because of what the truth actually is. If it were just that the truth is that you ought to be over here dancing with Michael Jackson. Well, the truth may be that you ought to be over here with him versus Madonna, but that is not the truth. So when you come into the truth of God, and it's too late for all of you, you've heard the truth, you won't ever get rid of it. And that's the hard part. That's why so many people don't like us. The hell I can't. I can get out of here today and I just, boy, I'm going to go preach against you. It's too late, isn't important you walk out of here and you shrug that off and won't do that again. Something gets you and it is too much. You've got to, you've got to put it down, you've got to pick it up. You can respect it enough just leave it lay there until you get a little more insight. That's what I always suggest you do. You don't have to decide whether this, or Grandmother's up here speaking, I mean she must have been really wise and really paid attention to all these subjects that are not taught in school but somehow she got them. Or there is some input from somewhere. Now is this just the way a mind can work? Well, you hypnotist and hypnotherapist, you will say, yeah, that's the way the mind works. Alright, well, the data's got to be stored there. Do you think she picked it all up in one go-round or two to judge only what comes out of the lips. You don't have to judge her. You don't even have to judge whether or not there may or may not be a reality beyond the words. Do the words sound right? There are all sorts of ways to classify right down the line just like a good CIA officer would go through a case. Who, how, what, why, where, when, how much, where does she get out of it? These are things you can do to discern whether or not this may or may not be a valid translator. Is she going to make mistakes? Yes. Is he going to make mistakes speaking through her? Yes, because I use her vocabulary. I keep upgrading it. But just as if we were speaking of Russian or Ukrainian, what is the language level? Sometimes translation is very difficult because words mean too many things and as languages fall into weapons and your enemy is very clever at changing all the meanings of everything to suit himself. So that if we slip and we use a word that means something entirely different than it did, ones go out, well we'll discount them on the basis of that. So you judge what you think about it and what you know from your experience to be true. Because you cannot look around the room and know who are the agents. And I will always play to everyone. I never, ever come to speak that I don't make it all right for what I say to go everywhere. That gives the agents their information that they need. That gives confirmation to the ones waiting for the truth. This gives clues to the ones waiting to make the next step on what they're doing. And Dorma doesn't have to be involved. any more than if your ones who speak Russian or Tagalog from the Philippines were speaking and she happened to speak your language. Do you blame the translator? Does the translator translator who translates, let us say it's a woman now, in this room and Mr. Yeltsin standing here speaking his language and she translates, you blame her? The only difference in this room is that you don't see. Some of you see the energy around her and therefore you know of the presence of the energy. So that could be a good light bulb. On the other hand, supposing Mr. Yeltsin called and was speaking Russian and she was a translator of Russian into English, you wouldn't even question that, would you? In this room you would question whether or not that's really Mr. Yeltsin, but if he convinced you it could be anyone speaking Russian, you see. Well, there's more to communication than dosvedanya, you know the typical little words you're going to learn. Do I must speak Russian? No. Does she know the silly little things I just said? Possibly if she were interested. Does it matter? No. Only in your perception, in trying to discern whether or not you feel it is a valid source or course of information. Because it does help you then know maybe what your next step is in your own mission. You see there are some ones who drift through here who have some incredibly important missions and we have kind of talk in code so that the ones who plant the spell can hear what the ones you know in the highest levels of intelligence can use for their next step and that's what we're going to have to do indefinitely so it puts a real major load on the shoulders of you ones. But you don't have to borrow everybody's business. This is something that as you go along you're going to find it easier and easier and easier to do is to butt out of somebody else's business because you have too much to handle. And I'll tell you, you should butt out of some people's business because it is dangerous. I would be fully remiss if I did not tell you that. I mean high level danger. Don't try to ascend before you learn to crawl. We do not push the river. It flows rapidly enough and for you to try to swim upstream before you even know how to swim is going to get you hurt very badly. And ones who would like to pull down our program will not. I'll tell you in advance, they will not. Anyone want to question me? And then we'll get out of here. I let Norma play this morning, that means she's got to go home and work. Hold on a minute. She has a question and she's way back there. I'd like to comment on when you were talking about the Ghiandriana and the Moku. Yes. And that it sometimes made you ache as if you had the flu. Yes. I have a melanoma cancer. I go to John Wayne Cancer Center in Santa Monica and I take vaccinations for my immune system. These vaccinations when they work make me feel like I have the flu. I ache in the same places as if you're taking the Mogu or the Andriana. Yes. Okay. Let's talk about it. In your case, this is very good. It may not be wonderful for you at the moment, but I can equate this to Kathy and Tyler. Once you have begun to These, these AIDS that literally are AIDS. You see we're not going to put antibiotics over here and say, oh God they're bad. They are not bad. There are things that do enhance. Now once your body begins to get in a better state of healing or healedness, the injections or the antibiotic or whatever we're talking about that should focus on a given tumor or system is going to not have to struggle quite so much to get to the trouble spots. And healing is very much like getting sick.