1 0:00:00 from Hatton. He was merely repeating what they had received from scientists, and as a matter of fact, directly from Australia, and Bud Clark can tell you about it because it came in via him. That is not in here. I just say that to you. And in fact said that it would happen, but not until 2008 or 2009. Now I'm going to interrupt again and tell you, you are in it, and if anybody understood the secret of light, the first ones making that announcement would be from the University of Science and Philosophy. What you see is not what you're getting. It is the invisible light that will damage you and destroy you. The visible light of some three days is when they ignite the radiation belt. Pennsylvania, you get reports of light enough to read all night long. You're in it. You're being damaged by it, and yet you are still only in the fringes. Well, what about the three days of darkness? Does that mean we've got to blow up the world? No. The Russians have a mirror in space that can literally bring sunlight to your place. Also, there is shielding large enough to block the sun from the earth. Hear me. I'm not going to comment. Thank you for asking. This is 809. I will judge closer to 11. Why don't you read everything regarding this before you make a judgment and then get out on the public airways and tell full life. I've studied this type of material and information for 20 years and my mother has studied for over 40 years and we certainly are not what you would call new age. Long before we came across the Phoenix journals and the ideas presented by Hatton are not new in them, only more succinctly put together in a form that is easier to understand what is so wrong with that and I'm going to comment again. I have more than that told you I will never jeopardize your lives by using anything that cannot be documented. There doesn't need to be anything new. There needs to be an integration and a pulling together of the information that you have included. Dr. Russell's light theories and Mr. Tesla's information on how to utilize it. And if you wait until Timothy Binder gets ready to present it to the world, you will never ever have it. And that is nothing against Dr. Binder. It's just pure foolishness. You also said you never called Doris Ecker an ugly little old lady and that Jay Z night of rump of fame was much better to look at. That is a bold faced lie Mr. Grice because I was listening to your talk show the day you said it. And that's exactly what you said. I thought to myself then, why is this supposed Christian, God-loving man making such derogatory remarks about a person who he truly knows nothing about? I will tell you now that I, nor my husband, nor any of our friends, also Vietnam vets, who supported you in the past will ever support you again. I've talked this last week to people who don't even know who Hap Ton is, who are wondering what has happened to you. It seems to us that you go after and try to expose and tell the supposed truth about people in and out of the patriot movement who either oppose you or disagree with you. This includes Linda Thompson and Mark from Michigan among others. I'd like to know what's happened to you or have you always been this way and only hid it for the campaign. Since I know if indeed I was able to get through to you on your talk show that you have probably long since cut me off no doubt. You do not seem to be a person who truly desires to know the truth. Only the truth which you decide is truth. I am sorry Mr. Grimes, but you make me ill. Now, to add to here, there too. Ron Carlson. Has nothing this day to do with love. It has everything to do with truth and justice. Everything. Dorma can hardly stand it some days, as the mail pours through to me. And of course, these ones are included. And now she has somebody she can ship them off to, to make feel worse than she feels. One just wrote and sent letters, copies of faxes that she'd sent to Governor Carnahan regarding Gunther Russbacher because her husband got tangled and they did away with all his past, all of his education, all of everything. Got a bad case of gangrene and they amputated twice. And what do you ones think this day when you can't deal with Kissinger or a possible encounter in San Luis Obispo County and a great leader from special forces is up there denying everything. What do you have to say about what is coming out on your public media now about the diseases sent by your country to Iraq and are now causing the Gulf War syndrome. Things, cute little things, number one, anthrax, number two, botulism. These are incurable under any circumstances and now what does Regal say to you about them? Now they're listed right on there and he's investigating. They only need one alteration by one DNA particle to render them more deadly and different. So there is no treatment. Go on with the tape. Some start in these welding glasses because people all over, primarily in Florida and 2 0:08:13 some parts of the East Coast, but primarily the West Coast, were buying up these welding goggles. I couldn't believe it. And gosh, we somehow were spared from the great photon bill, I think it was February a year ago. Now, the exorcists said, for example, that they were homeless. Well, here is the truth. They had been living rent-free for over two years. They went in and contracted for a house in Tehachapi. Then they stopped making payments. Well, after a while, there was an action brought against them, and the house was put up for bid, as would be if you failed to make your payment and there was a foreclosure and they were going to try and gain whatever money they could out of it. Well, the Eckers tried to, I believe, steal the house back by a bid of $10,000 and it was a great... 1 0:09:04 Now you know exactly where it came from. There's only been one other one. You see, in court and everywhere because... I'm going to enjoy this one. I want all of you to know. Al Overholt has met the man that did put up the money. He is probably as near to a flamboyant con man as you're ever going to run into in all of your life. of loaning them the money. It was a loan. He had to get that money out of certificates of deposit to loan it to them. But the facts are, he owed them, and still does, more than $200,000 in cash, owes them. The reason it was worked out as a loan rather than a payback was because he is also in the funding resources business. And he was working on several things for which he had partners. And they weren't going to sit still for him to give back the money that they were utilizing to work with. But he could remove it in certificates from his CD. So number one, it cost a lot of money to pull the CDs out early. And the agreement was to pay a regular, just as a note so that he could show his people. There was a letter of agreement with Westinghouse to put in a wind park, which has now been put in. Al was honorable. He went to Victorville, he met with this man. And he is a comic entertainer, big football player. But like the rest of you old people, getting old, you know, Mel Gibson, no way anymore. But still, pretty darn handy with the ladies, I think everybody would agree. You know, he could, he already had her, oh well, I won't go into it. But those were the fun things. But memorable enough, and Al wrote. So that when it came up time for this house bid, E.J. contacted him again and said, alright, we're right up against it, that sale is going to be on Tuesday. And Bill says, I've got it covered, I'll meet you. How do you best want the funds? And so it was arranged. And yet, when it came time for the court hearing, E.J. said, Alright, Al, would you mind testifying that we had the money? And Al said, I can't. I did not see it. That's fine, because if Al had testified, we would not have made it to here today to be doing this. And every step that has been taken in between, no matter how loathsome it is to you, is absolutely mandatory for what you must accomplish. In the agreement, and this is in the court record, you know it's funny, Mr. Horn somehow lost from the court record the original signed letter from Mr. Cudd. I did this intentionally, Mr. Ecker. He's about to choke. This is the first time we have spoken the name. But you're close enough now to doing something about it, and I will tell you now, your opposition located him and his attorney, and the minute they found out he was real, I want to tell you, they panicked, and that's the last you ever heard of that. They sure don't want him in there for a deposition. And besides that, he's running back and forth to believe again, so it'll be hard to find him. But they certainly did assure them that not only would he probably have done that, but you know, he wasn't going to give them any information except that he certainly is a very valid client. So now you've got the money in your hand. But, these people are not dealers in anything, much less real estate. And this man said, now I'm telling you, buddy, things can go wrong at these sales. Supposing there is no other bidder, what is said on the front part of your notice to the bidder, you know, in cash? No minimum, if there happens to be no minimum bid, and sometimes in these kinds of foreclosures there aren't, then you can start low. And if there is nobody there to bid against you, it's like the $50,000 or $150,000 yacht the government auctioned off and the man picked it up for ten bucks and it was in the paper. It was in the paper at the same time this house was being sold. So what he said was, for God's sake, go in there and bid a dollar. And E.J. said, I cannot do that. And he said, alright, son of a gun, you go in there and if you have an opportunity to open the bid, open it with one hundred dollars. $100 and it will go from there. They will do. And then he said, I'm telling you it is not worth it after calculations of what would be lost and everything, it will not be worth it to you or to me to go above a certain amount. Well, Dorma didn't trust that so she scooped up, you know, the little savings and went over and borrowed some from Gene and EJ, took a little extra padding with him just in case it went two or three thousand above that, you know, because they wanted the place. of trying to steal the property from poor old federal savings and loan, Santa Barbara, for a hundred dollars. And boy, Jason Brandt got really tangled up in that. Man, not only can you not live in a place without paying rent, even if you own it somehow, that's out the question, but you tried to rip off Santa Barbara Savings and Loan by $100. How could you set this up in advance, I want to ask you? You've gone down there, there should have been an auctioneer standing there saying that won't work. What in the last year. Jason Brandt and George Green. And this is the second time from George Green. Well George Green and Bo Grimes. in Bogratt. Tells you a lot, doesn't it? Pins it right down. And more than that, George Green has a different story for every time he speaks. I am so disappointed that George Green didn't get on here. I wonder why. On the other hand, maybe he will. He will tell a sick story. And it can only help you. And why am I bothering to go through this? Because you have a nation in destruction. You have a brother who has literally, it has been able to get him incarcerated in an insane asylum. And they have worked it so they think they can get every cent of value this man when Idaho to Patriots. Give me a break. Go on. Cherry, Cherry, Cherry, Yacht. Why are you in? Cherry, Yacht, go. Can you believe the audacity to name a person? And everything he says about her is untrue. That comes also, you see, he was so angry he picked up that phone and he got George Green and he said, man I am so pissed and I want to know. This is what he got. So he's going to name names. The betrayal of confidentiality is unthinkable. And if any of you ever do that, even with your own corporations and projects, that is the one unthinkable sin to create against your brother. Go on. Quick comment. Yes. When he was talking about the goggle, I must admit that I heard it before when I listened to it. 3 0:20:49 He said that the Echres must come stock in a goggle manufacturer. Yes, he did. That was pretty amazing. But I thank you for mentioning it. I am going to make EJ very uncomfortable if this goes on much longer, without a break 1 0:21:06 at least that's alright because undoubtedly they own every welding company 2 0:21:29 living in the home free, they put it under the cover I think of the Phoenix Church, the Church of Light, the Holy Light Church. 7 0:21:36 Oh, fuck! 1 0:21:37 Rick, Karen, Brent, what was the sign on the door of George Green's office? Holy Light Church. Thank you. That was Holy Light Network Church. Go on. to the actor, to Aton or whatever entity they want to say. 2 0:22:07 Thank you. Yes he does. These people set up meetings for him, seminars, you know, all during his campaign. Not only the incorrect numbers, but to on a radio to tell people's business, when you're 1 0:22:28 just blasting and insulting these people. This does not say, oh these awful people. It says they've stolen this from these idiots, is what it says. This is humiliating to anyone to be on the other end of this. It sounds like Big Brother is really protecting me. Protecting them when George Green is trying What are they doing? Well he said it all when he mentioned it before and lost. George has told them everybody lost everything. get his head screwed on, Mr. Green better run. Go on. A person in Las Vegas, Nevada, Luke Perry, who has totaled about $300,000, that includes 2 0:24:07 a $150,000 home in Wisconsin. Hold it. Luke Perry didn't have the time. 1 0:24:13 He didn't buy the worst sets of numbers that he gave the Associated Press. I believe the number was 110, wasn't it? Isn't that what he said in the Associated Press article? All of them. Poor Loretta. And I want to tell all of you now that the judge, hearing her situation and I probably don't have this accurately either but Mitch would. I believe that the judge finally said, Loretta, if there aren't any more in the family objecting to what you have done with your money, your trust, then I'm going to dismiss this case. He said, oh no, no. Well how do we get heard? Oh well you'll have your chance in court, a trial. Oh, haven't so far. Had one attorney, this was also just before a deposition, and I said to this young attorney, I said, I'm going to be there, I'm having a little meeting at this moment out in the lobby of the attorney's office, and he's pretty nervous. And I said, if it doesn't go right, sir, I am coming and I will take it over for her. So we have a very nervous time going on until right until time to enter that conference room. And he walks up and he said, don't let him in here. Please don't let him in here. We'll try to do it right. Ones who meet me have no trouble with me. I don't look like a lizard. I don't look like a nine foot reptile. But maybe the vantage Number one, it's hard to recognize what might be on the other end of that nine and a half foot pole. And do I think that he will have fun with this? Oh yes I do. But do you know what I also think? Reason will catch up with the Clare Crawfords and Jay-Z Knight, 2 0:26:55 but there are another few out there, hundreds if not thousands, who have gotten involved and I feel that you need to know the truth. You can give them, now for example, Sherry Young is now up to about $750,000 with the Hattonite program. Now maybe she believes it buys her a first class ticket on the beam up ship which is supposed to be 200 miles wide, Christ hovering over us. And another lady, let me give you again, give you names don't waste. There's a lady in West Palm Beach, Florida who was going to transfer 1.2 million dollars to Eton. Her daughter contacted Larry Patterson. Larry Lawrence Patterson is a friend of mine. He writes the newsletter Criminal Politics. He's an advisor for people of means. And he had apparently this lady's means in a Swiss bank account and she was going to pull it out and assign it to the Don. The daughter intervened and Larry told me, should I as a favor to the daughter call the Swiss bank and said don't do it this time. But if this lady wants to transfer it, it's her fund, I will interfere again. 7 0:28:04 Stop. 2 0:28:05 But maybe she will come in and talk. 6 0:28:06 Now who gives him the right to interfere? 1 0:28:07 Now wait, wait. But Larry Patterson does interfere. He interfered with Sherry Young. He put her through absolute misery. He had invested part of her money into offshore silver. He and his wife both proceeded to make many phone calls to Cherian. Now I can tell you that I have more respect for Larry Patterson than I did as he has grown. He doesn't like me any better, but I like him a lot better. felt with this kind of information working with George Green that it was going to be a disaster. And the 1.2 million dollar person was a George Green hook. And if there was ever any from that party, realize it did not come to the institute, I promise you, it's like the gold. 2 0:29:17 Go on. books that have been put out, money been collected for by this upon organization. Now stop it. Ridiculous. What's the tip money? Two million dollars. Just in pleasure I think. So does the Atlantic playlist of what the USP is looking at? Oh, you better believe it. Why? 1 0:29:44 You better believe it. 3 0:30:04 George must have some other account somewhere we don't know about. 1 0:30:07 Isn't it sad though that he has the books, he was the publisher and he was the distributor? Believe me, it's worked out for you better than you think. Get your own relationship with God and you'll go... Because if it had worked out like you thought you wanted it to, and like you even think today that you want it to, it wouldn't be nearly as clearing as what you're going through here. And part of the reason to do this is so that you can sort it. This puts it into perspective. And it also tells you what these ones have been facing in that court of law since 1988. Go on. 2 0:31:12 He has said that he would provide, for any of you out there who may be questioning whether or not a psalmist god or door-secker is real, George Green has said he would provide you with 80 pages of court documents with E.J. and Doris' own words and testimony to show their complicity at exactly what has happened now if you would like this and I think George isn't mentioning about charging anything and I think you ought to be offering to pay for the Xerox charges it's 80 pages of actual court documents you can call George Green at 406, now that should be Bozeman, Montana 406-585-0700 again, 406, that should be Bozeman, Montana, 5-8-5, this is George Green, so if something happens, maybe you can get it from the information office, 0-7-0-0. I've got nothing against Northexa or any religious beliefs that anybody might want to promote or foster, but when it starts getting into America's pocketbook, when they start asking me in letters, in faxes, and over the radio about it, I'm going to try and uncover the truth. The truth is the truth. Now, Doc, I'm going to hop off my soapbox and turn it back over to you. 3 0:32:38 Please don't let Jim put his hand up. I wonder who sent him letters and faxes asking about it other than George Green, Gary Anderson, Tim Binder, and one of the other guys. 1 0:32:50 Well he would have had quite a few because you have to remember this was not the first radio program. He started back there and gave out his 800 number. He said call my 800 number and we'll give you the information on these $1200 pickups and that sort of thing. Well, when we, no, number one, but when we, no, we've not been allowed to get that far. 6 0:33:23 Well, you said you did. You said you've got 80 pages. 2 0:33:25 Well, of course. 5 0:33:26 He's been lying to everybody. 1 0:33:27 And he will have 80 pages. And Mr. Bright, I'm sure, will help him investigate just like Attorney General Reno investigates And when you write a lie and then you pull off that page and you send that lie to the next person and you use that as your own defense, it looks interesting, doesn't it? When it was your lie to start with. And that's what's happened all over. And this letter from poor Dave Overton just giving them some money, taken out of context, looks like he gave them $350,000 in gold coins. Number one, George Green says that, you know, I mean he's telling people that, well, just because I didn't want to look bad, I took all that down to the court and put it there with the court. No, he had to dig it up out of the backyard and complain miserably about having to dig it up in the snow. And the sheriffs insisted that it be dug up. Then it was a claim of these were never even opened. Well, that's dumb, but I guess you trust the bill of lading. More interesting though, he told other people that he watched E.J. Ecker sit there and gloat as he opened it and counted it, the loot. Well Mr. Green cannot remember from one interview to the next what he says. So now he bought the gold back. It was the Ecker's gold. He bought it from them for these documented amounts of money because DeMar sent it to the food stamp people. And that came right up at deposition. Well, what about these checks right here, Mr. Ecker? With USMP. So it's interesting. Then he says he bought it from himself. The last ones that were just presented to you, well, I don't remember what he said. It was something similar to that. He should have cashed it, but he didn't. He put it aside to cover themselves. And that's a piddling amount. Meanwhile, Dave Overton really obviously intended George and Desiree to have that gold for their own personal checking account, as is evidenced until this month. I want you to understand what this is about, because as you embark on the projects, these projects have been purchased with blood, and the damage has been through gold. And never will you lose sight of the importance of truth, openness, protection of your institutions and your business properly. And until you can get over the confusion, there is no way to explain it to anybody out there. I don't even blame Bogrites. Don't ever even put blame into my mouth. They have superbly served your banquet. Let's take a break. Lunch. 2 0:37:33 there was a primary injunction put against them to stop the distribution of say, you know, of all of the plagiarized books that you had listed. And you've got a final hearing that's due. They keep avoiding, I understand, but the final hearing is due very soon. Yeah, well, I'm hoping we'll get it done here in at least by March, get it over with. But it's interesting, you know, like I said, the extent of their exaggerations, like the $250 million they said we had gotten earmarked for this suit to stop them. I would never fight anything that I thought was not worthwhile when it comes down to a fight that has to do with principles and has to do with the truth and has to do with something like this. I'm like a bulldog and I won't back off. And I think that's the way I've always been. I've always been a fighter. I've always been a fighter. I've always been a fighter. I've always been a fighter. I've always been a fighter. I've always been a fighter. I've always been a fighter. I've always been a fighter. I've always been a fighter. I've always been a fighter. I've always been a fighter. I've always been a fighter. and have to do with something like this, I'm like a bulldog and I won't back off. And while it's got us in a difficult situation, I'm going to see it through to the end. And if there's anybody out there that would like to see this through to the end, we could use any assistance, but I'm going to get it done one way or another. I currently don't have $250 million that would give them to me through the Brookings Institution As we were talking, Tam, as I had to run down your number today, you were telling me some fascinating things about the Russells. Would you fill us in about the Russells? Apparently there's a palace there, there's a giant likeness of Christ, and didn't the Dorotheus or Hakan say something about your sacrificing people? Yeah, their implication was, and one of their newsletters, they talked, of course, we have the Christ of the Blue Ridge that the Russells sculpted back in the 50s. It's a 40 foot statue, 40 foot high statue. And last summer we had some of the grounds people that were working here wanted to put a flower arrangement around the Christ and Bruce, he wanted to put it in the star arrangement. I said, fine. I thought it would be nice to have the flowers there. It was interesting in their newsletter. I have a People pushed off of the tower and there was a depression down below the tower, I guess where the bodies fell or something. The implication being that we were shoving people off the tower, which again is so ludicrous. Anyhow, to get right down to what the university is all about, and again to prove to people that it's ridiculous to say we're trying to keep Walter Ruffles work from coming out. I mean it's just the opposite. Walter Ruffles was an incredible genius that he said he got all of his ideas as a direct inspiration from God. Of course the Eckers were using that as an excuse to say that this can't be copyrighted because he was inspired by God. Of course I think anybody that's inspired is inspired by God. But that doesn't mean that there aren't copyright laws in the United States. Russell never went down to fifth grade in his education, and yet he was a poet, painter, sculptor, author, musician, architect, incredible scientist, Nikola Tesla, the great electrical genius, was a friend of Russell's, told him to build his ideas in a vault for a thousand years. He was so far ahead of his time in Leo when she made him finally convinced him to try and get all of his work out. In 1926, he predicted all transuranium elements, deuterium and tritium, in his nine-archive chart of the elements, where he predicted at that time these elements, which were unknown. It was 800 copies, roughly, of his book, The Universal One, his original science book, which he later changed his expression in. He said to the world's leading scientists in three years of his lecture that got people to looking for these elements that really led to atomic energy. It's unfortunate for the world that Russell was not really given credit for his work in this area, because if he had been, they'd have really investigated his work, and I feel we would have never gone with the present vision of universal processes, the present vision in science, and developed, say, nuclear power. For instance, in 1927, he did transmutation of the elements at the Westinghouse Laboratories. This last couple of years in Boulder, Colorado, working with two friends, an analytical chemist and electrical engineer, we have reduplicated Russell's work. This was reported on two years ago at the same conference on oxygen on those patients from radioactivity. And this was the thesis in part of the Russell's book, Atomic Suicide, that was plagiarized by the Eckerd, that we would destroy the oxygen of a planet from radioactivity in our ignorance, and that we needed to know this. And I was very much in favor of that. of a planet from radioactivity and our ignorance, and that we needed to know this. And part of the transmutation work that I started was because after Chernobyl blew up, I became so concerned. And if you remember, it was right after that that the ozone hole was shown to be so much bigger, but nobody connected the two ends, that I felt we need to get the scientific establishment, the nuclear industry, the governments of the world to look at this, and I wanted to get tests done to consider the hypothesis that radioactivity actually had a place in this disappearance of the ozone. Not being able to do that, I figured the only thing next I could do would be to demonstrate transmutation so that the scientists would have to say, hey, this doesn't fit our paradigm. I'll bet you're off in a moment until we investigate this and see if maybe there is a greater reality out there that we're unaware of. So we are working of course in that area and of course our main thrust is to get all of the books that the Ruffles wrote, their own study course, out to all those people that are interested in learning how the universe works and the message that they left us. Ruffles was president of the... 1 0:43:58 You know what just hits me as we're sitting here? 4 0:44:03 He's absolutely right. 1 0:44:04 Any nuclear accident that happens is going to cause a chain reaction of some magnitude, some magnitude. And it just hits me that what Commander has been trying to tell us is that if they burn off what we can call our radiation belt, we don't have any protection. None. Zero. It will unite without oxygen and we have nothing up there to protect this planet. And we'll end up like Mars, wound up. Now I'm sure in my heart this is what Commander has been trying to get through in the writings. You know for goodness sakes Binder if you've got it that far, couldn't you come off your little pedestal and listen to the rest of it? Go ahead, it's worse when I'm here, I understand that. It's better for me. 2 0:45:18 Society of Arts and Sciences in New York for many years. He was a member of what was the Twilight Club. He joined that in 1895. It was started by Herbert Spencer, who came over to try and help save Western civilization or the civilization East and West from degeneration. He felt that if we didn't change our man-killing practices, that we would destroy ourselves in about a hundred years and it's kind of looking a little iffy out there right now. And he gathered around people like Walt Whitman, Mark Twain, Ralph Waldo Emerson... 4 0:45:48 Okay. Okay. 2 0:46:16 Thank you for watching! Transcribed with Cockatoo