2 0:00:00 This is tape number two on May the 14th, 1994. 1 0:00:09 Well, whatever you've got in your reserves from the nice friends that you've been working with over the years for this purpose, other direction so that there would be quite a massive amount of resources pouring in from another direction. On the other hand, you've always got to get through the greedy corruption of the earth plane. And we really are facing a problem in the Pacific because ones have been able to manipulate and manage computer, getting, breaking in through the computer and here's where we really need you. We need somebody better at breaking in through the computer system than the novices that are breaking in through the computer system. And right out of our own accounts, they are now siphoning off money. Now, it wasn't that they didn't have such an incredible amount of money that these particular ones couldn't even count it. even counted. But you see, there's something about the adversary. There's never enough. There is never enough. No matter how much there is, never enough. Gotta get somebody else's. Well, I don't take to that very kindly. So, what you have, what we can add to it, abundant, we will be able to at least thaw off whatever they've got going. Because they don't really have anything to hold up anything that they've produced. It's an illusion. And once you have something substantial upon which to build, you don't have to use anything they have. Go start your own banks. Does anybody hear me? 2 0:02:05 It was like in the colonial days. We had what was called colonial script. And it was a wonderful instrument of currency that was very simple. It was based on the principle of having your currency balanced with your wealth. And it really fascinated King George and he wanted to talk to Ben Franklin about it. So he asked Ben to come over and explain it to him and he did. He said, what are you doing that's making the colonies so prosperous and free and vigorous and growing so fast? And Ben said, well, we're simply printing our own currency and balancing it with our wealth. And this terrified the bankers, the international bankers there, and they pressured the king into making that illegal, which he did. And that's what led up to the Revolutionary War, because it instantly threw everybody out of work, canceled our economy, it devalued our currency, 50 cents on the dollar, and that's what brought forth, in my knowledge, the revolution. In fact, it was not a little tea tax, it was the collapse of our economy due to that usurpation of our currency. 1 0:03:27 Well, I am amazed, and so too are all others who witness some of you being in prison and still on the phone 24 hours a day and this sort of thing, and up on everything, and inside resources to keep you informed. On the other hand, being in there, you do lose track of a lot of things that are going on, especially until you can make connections with other players that are now playing in different roles than when you went in, for instance. We do have that, and you're going to find when you come out that there is a major intelligence and is now basically in operation and it's operating with its headquarters off continent, off this continent. And of course it's hard to find people that you thought were your friends. And other things are happening like the Navy will say, well I never heard of this one, this one has never been anywhere around us. And of course that one may very well be an admiral in the Navy. So you have to play this game according to what is presented to you. And yet there are some things that I'm not privileged to speak about at this point. But you will be hearing more and more and more about it. And through this will come your force, if you have to have force. Through this will grow your force. Because you see, the adversary here, and we'll call your government the adversary, and like I have said, even about Russia, about, well communism, I cannot count simply because communism is not communism, it's socialism and fascism and it was birthed by the group that came in and called themselves communists. These are Khazarians. And they come from the old tribes of a mix of Mongolian, Nordic and Rus stock. But they had no religion, they had no nothing, they just were corruptors, bankers, and later this tribe, if you will, came down through the Russia and into the East Bloc nations as you recognize them now, and they were the Khazars. And for 300 years this was a dynasty and somehow, sort of like the Holocaust, it's rewritten. Nobody wants to own up to this. But history is bringing a little bit of it back and the old Sumerian texts, you know, come out and talk about these people. Well, came the 1765 era, which is, I've never figured out why you do this, you call it the 18th century, but it was 1765. I mean, this is a good human example of let's get it really straight. Well, these Khazarian tribesmen in this one particular area had the leader. Let's just say that, that the leader was there, and the king Khazar. And he was faced with having to make a decision about religion, of all things. He didn't need any, and he was going to run everything, but he had to make some public statement, because you've got crusaders running around everywhere, and all of these problems. So he chose that they would be Judean. They would go by the old Hebrew, Judeo-Script. And when I say script, I mean book of rules. Looked pretty good to him. He could use mysticism, he could use everything he wanted to manipulate and continue to gain power. Everywhere these Khazarians went, they made trouble. They were a warring people. They were the commercial people. They were the business ones, the bookkeepers. And man, they ran a tight ship. At that same time was created the term Jew. J-E-W. Do not confuse that with what they now go back, and in all the translations of the Bible, I want to tell you before that period of time, there was no reference in any book, anywhere, any time, to Jew. There was no such thing. Israel was spelled with a little i, and it had a meaning. A chosen group of people. It could be chosen by anybody for anything, but it finally became a capital I, if you will, or still a little I, meaning the chosen ones of God. Well, who decided that they would be the chosen ones of God? The ones who wanted to be, of course. And who were they? Well, they were the ones with the power and the strength to demand that they set up this mystical little progression here, and we will be the chosen ones. And no one's going to quarrel, because we now have a name, we call ourselves Jew, and we will be the Israelites. And everyone will have to stand and take notice of us because we are chosen of God. Who said? Well, we did, but you know. came one called David L. Roy, I believe was his name. Now where do you suppose the star of David came from on the Jewish flag? David L. Roy projected himself as the Messiah. And whoop-dee-doo, we'll all just accept that. So what you think of as the star of David being the King David of the Old Testament and part of your lineage, as quite frankly E.T. aliens, that represented David L. Roy, a very human idiot. This man was not even normal. 6 0:10:32 I mean not normal. 1 0:10:33 He would stand on the rooftops proclaiming himself the Messiah. But that is where that star on that flag came from. The stripes on the Israeli flag represent the rivers between which they decided would be their country. 5 0:10:57 Guess what? 1 0:11:00 It didn't work out quite that way, so they're going to take it. That's part of the prophecies that they've laid down to have happen. Well, it doesn't work out too well with some of them who aren't as nice as the Palestinians. Who decided Israel would be a Jewish homeland? And by the term Jew, you know it is not. Judeans, not from the tribe of Shem. These are going to be the misfits. Guess who allotted them Palestine? Well, of course, the permanent members of the United Nations. And you in America, and you've been told this, listen esteemed lawyer. He just laughs and says, America is Israel. This is New Israel. Who wants to go live in a primitive place like Palestine? This is it over here. You turkeys. Oh, well, but, goodness, how do we sort this out? There are all these bad ones and there are all these good ones. And let's look at those communists. Let's look at them. Let's look at Lenin. board, every member of the council that set up communist Russia. And by the way, the Bolshevik revolution was paid for by United People. And the Rothschilds, of course, and the old Rockefeller. I mean, you've paid for every war for them. On both sides. So what happened with communism? You had this same Kazarian and now recognized as Jewish structure. Many of them changed their names. And I do want Ron to come up to speed on this subject. I mean these books, these journals are getting banned. They won't even let them into Canada. And they've already been burned over on the continent. And I'm talking about the trillion dollar lie and a few things like that. I never said there was no holocaust, no horror, no terrible things that happened in Europe. I have said this, there were no gas chambers for the annihilation of anybody. And it was not as it has been presented. This is a lie. This is a lie. There were not enough Jews in the area to account for that many. Mathematically, it does not add up. This is like the New York legislature was going to say pi was not whatever it is, because those fractions are such a bother. We're going to round it off. Well now, look what a problem you've got. With the number of Jews, 6 million, they say, they tried to make it 6,500,000 year before last and it didn't sell. So they backed off again. But they literally got it out into the papers that there were 500,000 more. Now why would they do that? Because there are more Jews who now receive money for damages than there were Jews that they could claim. And so what do we do to silence the public? We make it against the Holocaust. Right. 2 0:15:47 This morning's news. 1 0:15:48 Therefore, if you cannot speak about it and you're going to force them to have Schindler's List shown in every school room, guess what? Three generations, it will not even require three full generations for that to be accepted. Now, what are you called? You are called, if you take exception to that, not intelligent, not questioning beings. You are called revisionist hate mongers. And you may not even mathematically show, according to their own records. You are an antisemite. Well, I resent that because I am a Semite and they are not. But I may not say that. I may not say it or my scribe ends up in prison. Well, I wasn't that nice. I went ahead and wrote it anyway. And so the federal judge says, well, I don't care about those unseen things. Lady, it's you going to be in prison. You better shut him up. And she thought about it. No, I don't believe the answer is that. That's what they want, to silence you. And that goes right along with a deterioration. You have to understand you have no rights. Oh, but I have the Bill of Rights, and I come from America. I had to just bash her head finally. Don't tell me that. I'm an American. I watched her in Greece saying, I am from the United States and I'm an American and we are human and humanistic and you know, all of this stuff that you are brainwashed into believing and so that you don't even see how vile you have become. Other nations laugh at you, except that they don't laugh at you so much anymore, they despise you. They call you the great Satan because that's what you have become, representative to the rest of the nations of this world. And this is what we're talking about. And when communism was created, it was created by these very ones and let me tell you when I say the Russians are coming I'm telling you the communists are coming. I'm going to repeat however that all of Russia is not what it appears to be. And you're going to have to go back into your history books and read and study to know what those elements are. Do I think Zirinovsky is any better than Yeltsin? Probably not. But I want to tell you something. At least he is wishing for the freedom, even in poverty, of what once was. You have been infiltrated like a disease into every joint of your operating body. It's like the old pork bug, tularemia. They just burrowed into every joint, every fiber of your nation. And it is through those methods of brainwashing that come right out of Montauk. Right out of these massive programs in Tavistock Institute in London, England. England, England, always you're going to come up against the British Israelis. A spontaneous remission is possible and a cure is possible. But spontaneous means blood, sweat, guts and tears. And right, there will be tremendous pain. But let me tell you something, brothers. There is going to be joy. And now you have to understand that other parts of prophecies are going to come to be simply because the technology and the power has been advanced to the extent that man can create your earthquakes and once you trigger it will just go like a network. So what you are up against is the possibility of no California, no coastline. 5 0:20:56 And becoming islands, 1 0:20:59 you are up against having to prepare for the worst of all physical experiences and try to reclaim. Because the closer you get to reclaiming, the more some of these other things will be wrought upon you. Don't be blaming God for everything. Ultimately, God is going to win. And you're bigger and you just wipe everybody out. No way, Jose. This mother that is becoming so unbalanced will go into cleansing of herself at some point. There is a limit beyond which she will not endure. You are like fleas. And you can look at your other planets in this one solar system and see what you've done. You don't have riverbeds on planets, unless there were rivers. Everybody hear me? Unless you had atmosphere and you had water, you will not have rivers. And if you have no water, something happened. And you think you just float around and you're the only beings in this universe. You are a prison planet. You want everything to just turn overnight, spontaneously, is a good word, into the light of God. Show up, I've been told, on Super Bowl Sunday in the middle of the football field, and then they'll believe you. That is the last place they would believe me. But you can believe that when your enemy wants to get you, it should be on Super Bowl Sunday. Just like Pearl Harbor. When you least expect it, and you're having all this fun. You, I'm going to repeat, are a prison planet. Some of you are back here again as wardens, trying to rehabilitate a bunch of criminals. Now your solution. Well, we just cannot bear to hurt any one of them. Well, number one, I don't understand your theory. But number two, what would you have us do? Well, take them all off healthy and everything before this horror happens and put them somewhere else. Where? Where? Well, take them to, take them to Abalone. We've heard that's a good place. Well, then why would you want all these wretched messes over there? Why would you, in your godliness, dump your garbage onto a perfectly well-balanced planet somewhere? No thank you. I remind you, most of the criminals are not in prison. You tell me how many planets do you think in balance, harmony, around your universes wants the Clintonistas? How many do you think want Janet Reno talk about butch. Running your justice system. You've got to get back your justice system. You have none, none, none, zero, zip. You better find your 13th amendment. And then, sorry Gene Dixon, hang the lawyers. We'll keep a few like Woody and John. 4 0:25:21 Oh yeah! 1 0:25:23 But there is a 13th Amendment and it says there shall be no nobility nor titled people in the government, in any place, like a judgeship. But, it was conveniently taken out of the Constitution. Because you were having a little war going on and it was convenient to pull it out. Now look what you have. You have exactly what they had in France. You have re-established the very thing that St. Germain told you about. And this was the reason for the revolution. You had a system taken over by these asses. Well, a lot of them lost their heads over that. I think they lost them just to come to America. You have no justice system. You have power that can be bought, controlled, and foisted off on you. And unfortunately, you have to play games with them and you have to play within their system. It's like Ron. Ron has to back off. I don't care, Ron, if you sign an agreement not to tell me. Let's not be foolish. They like the workers in there where they can control you at least twice a day when they count. We don't badger that which can kill us because we don't have to. Truth will do them in. And until you have a constitutional convention and vote out your constitution, and I'll tell you, the minute you get weak and you say well we need this amendment, this amendment, and this amendment and it'll make it okay I want to tell you that the ones they use balance budget, flag burning I want to tell you something all of those things are in your constitutional by law and they're telling you we need a convention so we can, you know. They will do exactly what they did with a constitutional convention. They will throw out everything in the Federalist Papers and write a new constitution. It's already written. There are three versions. There is the International Global Constitution, and there is the New States Constitution. There is no way to interpret the laws that are written there within, because guess what? Those attorneys and judges will make the laws and rule them to be whatever they want, just like your Supreme Court has become. The Supreme Court of the land was never established to make law. It was to judiciously interpret law according to the Constitution. time ago, didn't it? Even before Carla Hill and Mr. Thomas. And now Ms. Ginsburg, one of Hillary's Hellcats, is in there to help. It's one thing to say abortion is okay. That is your privilege. You can vote on it, you can do anything you want with it, you can make laws that it's okay. The facts are, once conceived, it's murder. Now if you deal with that and say, well, I can't deal with this child, I'm going to murder it, then be prepared to face the consequences. In this place, I find it fascinating that your entire judicial system will come out and defend woman's choice, or whatever it is, murder. And yet the next day, if somebody who didn't choose abortion one day, the next day has a baby and smothers it, or tosses it in the garbage, or literally just leaves it, that's murder. Life begins at conception. Well, then what do we use for contraception? Oh my goodness, are we back there? Well, let's have a lot of fruitcakes running around, and then you don't have any population problem. Don't you? You have the lesbian element who wants to go ahead and have children, and raise them in these unrighteous households. When I say unrighteous, it just flat is unrighteous. I don't care if you do it. Please understand me. That's... that's you. But it is unnatural. Well, then why did God make sex feel so good? Does it feel all that good or are you again brainwashed into thinking something? I'm going to turn into a frog if I play with myself. I am going to develop cancer of the prostate if I abstain. I have never heard such unreasonable garbage. So what does a homosexual pair have to offer? I demand to be recognized. For what? Because you have a friend who is a man? No, we have a right to experience the same as any other couple. What the hell are you talking about? You're going to find less sex in most marriages than anything. And if it's worth anything, it'll have meaning. It'll be something shared between two people. Does this mean that I think that everybody is going to be pure from the time they know? I would not only not expect it, I don't really think it would be healthy. But I want to tell you, you won't get warts and nothing's going to fall off. But I'll tell you one thing, by the misuse of it, something very well is going to fall off. And it's going to be from disease, if not of the body, of the mind. You have been... And everybody likes to fantasize. Well, isn't that the same? Didn't they say that if you think it, you have committed it? Oh, no. That's another one. Might as well go ahead and rape her, son of a gun, I thought it. And how many of you, though, will say, well, I'd soon be hung as a wolf than as a worm or whatever. If I'm going to be accused of it, may as well do it. It's those higher decisions that you make, and why do you make them? I have a promise for everybody who has a problem with it. Get interested get interested in rebuilding your nation into freedom, and you'll be so blame-busy that you won't have to ponder these other things all the time. And you will find that if you indulge too much in these other activities, be it alcohol, drugs, sex, whatever it is, you're going to debilitate yourself and you're going to be too damn tired to be interested. And so pretty soon you're going to start making priority choices with your time and your energy. And it simply will not be a problem. It will be used with responsibility and appropriately. You do it with bigotry. You do it with racism. Man is made in God's image, which is light, not black, brown, red, or purple. There are some aliens on your place, as a matter of fact, who are bluish in color. But they are more lighted than any of you will ever think about. That's not true, because I'm speaking to a group who will have thought about it. But I have to preach to the gallery, don't I? And I wouldn't have to say anything. If any of you had had all the answers up to now, you would not have the problem. And this is a privilege that we have been given, not just you, but also my command, to turn this thing around, if we can. If we can't, we do not do more than lick our wounds and say, well, okay, they weren't ready this time, we'll try again some other time. Meanwhile, you will have grown. And I can see that this is the time that it can be done. This is a major, major cycle evolution. And starting in your mid-April, windows began to open so that communications can flow from out there into here and vice versa. These are the same types of windows that it's balanced on frequencies, photons if you will, and there comes the capability of understanding that there is no time, no space, there is only perception. And yet in your physical reality, you begin to vibrate at those frequencies presented so that you can transverse or traverse these, quote, perceived spaces because your job is going to be between two dimensions for most of you. You're not going to be given the privilege of casting off your body and doing it. And yet your insight will have to come from those dimensions that have no boundaries. countries. And your bodies will annoy you except that you're not going to be able to do it any better than me standing as an invisible energy in front of a group telling you how to reclaim your constitution. How long do you think that would sell? If it was a good slab of marble up there, then just shoot it. So you're going to have to pull from the knowingness that is universal knowledge. And if I've had a job at all, it is to bring to your awareness this capability, so that you can remember. This is not a time really of doing something new, it is a time of re-experiencing and remembering. Because once again, once you fully know, other than yourself as teacher, guardian, guide, for those lesser brothers, you wouldn't be around. Once in knowing, in total knowing and perfection, you aren't here. You're already automatically somewhere else. The fact that you are experiencing this says you chose because you knew that you had the capability of doing it. And all of the impacting humanity around you is going to try to convince you that you are not worthy, number one. Number two, you can't do it. And it's hard to hold on to that. In the midst of the pressures of both temptation and those five senses attached to that body. You see, none of you really, even the ones who don't perceive there's anything after death, are particularly terrified by that prospect. You see, you can't really terrify anybody by, you're going to end up in hell and brimstone. Well, you're going to end up in hell and brimstone already. What you're talking about. That comes with the physical expression again. So what is hell? Hell is the absence of God. It is darkness. It's perceived in emotional knowingness. It is devoid of knowing. Well, then what is God? What is heaven? It is the presence of God and light. It is knowing versus unknowing. Well, God would never leave anybody to hell then. Oh, yes, He would. There will be windows and times when the frequency is right for you to raise above the condemnation or the limitations. And you've got to seize the moment, my friends. And it's in that recognition, that knowledge, that yes, indeed, some of the very best workers under God's blue heaven will be the ones who you thought to be your enemies and actually served as your enemy. I'm not going to let Bo Grites off easy. I'm going to tease him until he does his job. He was a leader. He proved he could rally. Well, I don't think I want him to fall to the reptilians, quite frankly. Our Cleons. The troops of the Lion. Nobody's known our motivation because it was not time. We represent the hosts. Do we come around through Pleiades? Yes. We come around through everywhere. But you're going to want to always isolate the Orions over here from this other bunch? Well, I want to ask anyone in this room, you can't even make it to Mars. Do you think those Martians are like you? Do you think over there in the Orion constellation, or what would be another good one? You're all hung up on Orion. 3 0:42:54 Sirius. 1 0:42:55 Well, that's even worse. You're going to have more of the lighted people coming in through Sirius routing than even Orion. But that's like saying every planet inhabited in your Milky Way. That's not a good one either because Milky Way is your galaxy and they're all out there. 2 0:43:16 Alpha Centauri? 1 0:43:18 Hey, good, Alpha Centauri. Nobody knows where that is. But let's assume there are five inhabited planets in Alpha Centauri. Don't you really think you might have five different looking people. You can't even make it back and forth to the other planets on your place. You have to be brought to this one. Well, why would a prison planet have all these wonderful, that you can rehabilitate. But you have to understand the mechanism of God and creation. You are in a perceived time warp. You are stuck here. You got yourself manifested onto this... Thank you. Thank you. you Transcribed with Cockatoo