<|0.00|> Have they betrayed Ron some way? No, they are serving his security in this very telling<|18.08|><|18.08|> and sharing. I will not tolerate any damage unto them, and this was the right thing to do. I trust the reasons are equally as right, for I cannot but wonder why it took so long to show and tell. Would it be only after they got nothing expected? Please consider reasons for actions, and make sure, always, readers, that your reasons match your word. For God knows the difference, and he only judges by intent, not words. Ron Jackson is a very shrewd and brilliant mind. He set up possible leaks and found them. This very leak turns out to be his security blanket. Thank you, Chuck and Mary. One major reason we turned our attention to the other sources for backup information on the network of high-level players is that very focus. We need to inform you with that which you would not receive, because this information from Jackson will be published. In the inability to extricate Ron from the incarceration system, it has interrupted a lot of promises. promise was a major funding for light bridges, computers, printing equipment, and thus and so. This has not been forthcoming, as has neither funding promised to anyone, even Ron's wife, who is in dire circumstances. Does this mean Ron is a liar, a fool, a deceiver, or not able to do anything about such business? The latter. But it doesn't ease the minds of participants when the happenings begin to look this negative. I don't know what arrangements Ron may have made with them. It is none of my business. It has nothing to do with hand-washing. I would guess that as requested, this will not help bind a loving friendship. And as requested of contact, we offer the letter and contact information. Charles Wright and Mary Craig. Light Bridges. Fax number 704-898-4211. Voice 704-898-4404. I would guess that this one letter is about as good a thing to happen in behalf of Ron Jackson while he sits in prison, as any shield that could happen. He certainly can't be bumping off anybody while sitting in a Nevada prison, whether it be Carson City or Jane. Thus, we may all live to serve another day in another way. Ron has also promised to fund the paper contact, as well as to fund a lot of groups of patriots, and as well, individual parties who are in great trouble. He and others from the same services of past experience seem to have ability to do that. If and when they can break loose and get something attended business-wise, have you tried to shift money even in the local bank, and even a small sum? How can you shift it from Europe when both ends of the corruption net are right there? Ron got money shifted through the New York system and to the Fed system in San Francisco for contact. This only to have the Fed stop it and hold it illegally and knowing it illegally. The money has been recovered but was not released. So we are not talking small sums, we are speaking multi-millions. Who is who? I am not going into mysterious reproduction systems or who is, was, who and how and what they are doing back in your play. I will tell you that it would be wise to find out the full history of, say, St. Germain. Germain has showed up in every generation since. God alone knows when. He was sometimes a fine fellow and sometimes a rat-thinker. What he did, however, was always started in honor and goodly intent only to be spoiled and rotted by destroyers. He was Francis Bacon, who was William Shakespeare and thus and so. I should stop you right now because I've got a lot of light bulbs going on in this room. And yes you're right. You're not experiencing this scenario as in any time in the past. start figuring out, well it couldn't have been this one because I thought it was this one. There is a major, major shift going on, major information bringing forth, major writing. I had to have a scribe, Germaine needs a scribe. Just let it go, please, all of you in this room who are thinking, hey, I thought... and she doesn't need to burden me. Thank you. He was Francis Bacon, who was William Shakespeare, and thus and so. He would simply be around in the busy times and vanish, even to the point that funerals would be had, only to find the box quite empty. He was at your constitution writing, and I would think it appropriate that he be back now. He dictated information to Dorma, which has gotten her into a lot of legal hassle. I think he will participate in getting her out of it, or he shall answer soon to me, his compatriot. Germain was always important, high-level important, at every station. He was known by many, many names, so don't get crazy, readers, you are experiencing that which the adversary would like you not to believe. When God gets busy, the busy get going. I would watch the goodly things that Ron Jackson does as he awakens, which he already has done, he can remember. You can't yet. Do I or did I approve of one Saint Germain? No, in most instances I did not, but my job and my mission are only the same as is his as far as the information task is concerned. There will be the need for physical leadership and direction. That is not my mission. My presence is not yet even desirable, much the less necessary. Yes, indeed, I would really take a good look at the history, the real history, of Sir St. Germain. You are not going to like a whole heck of a lot about him, and neither will the I Am people, but he is one of the greatest Cohen's and masters of all remembered history. Always searching for a way to make mankind work. Always observing and writing about the nature of man, even within royalty. He staged the French Revolution. I believe the head chopping got a bit heavy then also. Do, no, I do not recognize violence as any solution ever. I hold higher rank and have traveled farther. Unless man finds better than violence, there will never be peace, freedom, or much the more perfection in your realms. Is that enough? No. Go on. That's the whole thing. I know. It's not the whole thing. There's a very derogatory, nasty letter that's on the end of that writing, and I want to know how you're going to get it to the listeners if it's not on the tape. Both sides. Be patient readers while we attend the child in need of game playing. From Joe Schaefer, 5602 Tumbleweed Circle, Northeast, Brooks, Oregon, 97305, the phone number is 503-463-4229. Comment, It is refreshing that such a letter is not anonymous, as is the usual stance of insulting individuals. 17 July 1994. Hatton's comment, The way he writes the date is a dead giveaway of who and what this party is. Address to Hatton, contact, Las Vegas, Nevada. I don't want you ones to misunderstand anything. I have a ball with these letters. So before we go into it, E.J. just didn't think we wanted to take time with it. Well, Ron's obviously not called yet, and we just have cake, and we can cut the day short, but no, we're here to share. And if there are insulting letters, we need to share those too. Contact July 5, 1994, page 61. Quote, The test is what you do with challenges. Somebody masquerading as a friend gave me a copy of Contact some time back. The material got my attention and generated a call to your 800 number, leading to a subscription by me. It did very little to produce any information, but I did learn, or at least was told, that you are an etheric being. After digesting several issues of contact, how informed can you get since I have written over 104 books, hundreds of papers and thousands of tapings? This must make you very, very informed. I believe it is safe to say that you do have a lot to say in these papers. In this issue you got just a little noisy and loudmouthed for a ball of smoke, so I thought I would give you the benefit of my observations. I'm always grateful. I would like to see a little documentation regarding the great hero Bogright. I no longer believe him to be the white hat he tries to appear, but put it down to his being misled because of his own lack of expertise in some areas. If you can prove he is as you say, spit it out. I will immediately confront him with it. Oh my, good sir, I am quite sure you need no documentation for such confrontation, for surely the information just jumps onto you without need of research. research, why should I, a smoke ball, supply you with anything? Perhaps he only needs your expertise in all of the obviously missing areas of his own. You do run off at the mouth about everyone out here being so dilatory and doing nothing. Hatton says, I have never used the word dilatory. I don't know what it means. Or I probably would have. Doing nothing, believing nothing, and making excuses. Hatton, old spook. Hatton says, thank you for recognizing my finer qualities. Do you suggest I am simply a spook as in vapor, or a spy out in the cold? I will match efforts with you any day. I have given everything I have to the point of destroyed health and poverty, and I am still in there pitching." Hatton says, "'Gosh, sir, how greedy of you to think we write all these papers just for you.' "'I am trying, and that, Caspar, is all a steer can do.'" Hatton says, "'Ah, but sir, if you know that you are a steer and not a bull, why not act in wisdom and intelligence and quit trying and start doing something intelligent? If you suggest that somehow you have been castrated and know it, why suggest you can't help it if you are not a stud? Forgive me, God. The devil made me do it. I find your example interesting and about as intelligent as the rest of your observations from several issues of a paper. I know a whole lot of others that have done the same and languished in hell holes for their efforts. Look up men like Tupper Saucy, Alan Stang, Rudy Stanko, Yuri Kahl, Colton Berger, Bill Benson, Red Beckman, on and on, and be aware that those men are out here where you are throwing your shit. I have no problem with that, really. Just consider the source as one who was probably still wearing jammies with feet in them when I started drawing my Social Security. I do have a problem with your apparent claims that you have some sort of an inside track with God, a direct franchise, and never mind that guy called Jesus. You have got a real problem I suggest in all seriousness and concern for your welfare that you get that problem solved at once, at a time. Indeed, I take your suggestion, sir. You are a much better spokesman for the perfection of Jesus Christ. You may be an etheric being, an angel, a just man-made perfect, pure spirit, pure intelligence, pure power, and pure as the driven snow. But you are not pure enough to qualify as a top kick for God. That is the spot reserved for a man." Hathon says, "'A man?' "'Named Jesus Christ, who earned it.'" Hathon says, "'Oh, yes. You must have been there. And sir, did you base all this information on a few issues of a biblical newspaper or what, sir? I assume God made you the chief judge and counselor. If you want to talk with God, it would be best to go through the proper channels, Hatton says. Proper channels? What channels? If, as you say, Jesus Christ is God, what channels do you now suggest? Perhaps your infinite knowledge came from going through the proper channels, instead of to God. He might just zap you into even less than smoke. You know the drill, and I refuse to honor the sheer stupidity of your statements by attempting rational discussion about them with such an obvious spiritual cripple. Hatton says, ìFine, sir, for I donít believe you would recognize a rational discussion under any circumstances. I believe you might look in the mirror, sir, for you seem to know a lot about spiritual cripples, if you can so judge. As the saying goes, I refuse to engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed person. Think it over. Hatton says likewise. Your diatribe against Bogrites included some reference to the Coalition for Human Dignity. Hatton says, I may have quoted from it. I doubt I had much of a diatribe and I don't hang around with them. I don't recall the subject as you describe it. I do not, in fact, recall ever hearing the name of Coalition for Human Dignity. I have a copy of their report and also some of their other garbage. If you are hanging around with such people as that, no wonder you talk so squirrelly at times. They are queer as a three dollar bill. Or are you one too? Hat on says, you just prove you are a fine example of Christian non-judgmental leadership quality. There were a couple of references to residents in Portland. I live very close to Portland. If you are an etheric being, why don't you just employ a smidgen of that there astral projection or whatever and come on over and have a good discussion about all of this. Hatton says, I assume you will have Jesus Christ there also, since you seem to know all about his business and you assume to represent him as an authority. Sir, this being that you insult by your very presence travels with me, and this is his program underway. You insult him by your very language, and I doubt it shall be me who is zapped for being misinformed or presenting myself as something I am not. You claim to be a Christian and prove otherwise in every breath. God bless you anyhow. Why not? None of us deserve it. Hatton says, Speak for yourself, and at last you have put the facts wherein they lie. When you say, None of us, I deserve his blessings, as does every God-respecting being, I cannot answer for you. Sincerely, Joe Schaefer, Sout Juras. What does it require to be a top kick for God? I would surmise that I am not the spiritual cripple here. This is, however, more interesting than a similar writer once wrote that I was a, quote, horny, sex-deprived queer needing a good, hmm, blank, uh. So be it. I thank the good sir for his attention to my shortcomings. This is obviously the very type of person who will regain your national constitutional law and return goodness in Christ unto your nation. Are we all to be impressed with your signature and sui juris? It appears that quite possibly you are a frustrated lawyer of some kind who would have some humble patriot trappings to fool the people. Good luck and salute. Thank you. I know that was difficult for you, E.J. He really didn't want to read that. I don't blame him for not wanting to read it. But I am suggesting that is unless we share the negatives of which we hardly ever get anymore, or at least it may be down at the contact office, they're even nicer than EJ and they don't send them up for my eyes. It doesn't bother me and it's a good example of the level of thought going into the most critical time in your experience. I also grow very weary. There are a couple of things that really annoy me. One is to call me a reptilian lizard serpent, which is the symbol of my very adversary, my very opposite, and to insult the Son of God in His Christ's purity with this kind of garbage to infer that He would that he would ever, ever, ever offer or tolerate such attitudes. You are talking about a Sananda. Do you hear me? I did not say Sananda. I said a Sananda, a king of light, one with God, one you keep waiting to get back down here to whisk you away, according to the lies presented to you. And you think Germain doesn't pay in agony? Guess what? Francis Bacon is the one who translated the King James. And still he's willing to continue to try. And I believe that you are confronting someone who not only is willing to try, he is going to get it done. And there may not be more than 25, go with him, but I'll tell you it is going to be the try of the generations. I suggest we stop and have some cake. And we may need to take a democratic vote. E.J. says, there is no time before the meeting. It's too near supper time after the meeting. It is very hard in the middle of the meeting. Do you have to have that cake? Norm says, yes. It's important to me. So go have cake and we'll discuss it. Salute. That means I salute you in the middle of the meeting. I would also suggest that I would imagine that this letter going forth has caused the lockdown and Mr. Jackson cannot call. This was very, very serious. to go right ahead with your cake or whatever. These are not formal meetings. And the less formal we make them within reason, the better off we all are. E.J. asked me a question in behalf of someone else here about a planet called Clarion. I could go down through my list of things if I had a little more information like its technical name. I would be able to sort it a little faster. You are going to have to understand that there are 179 billion inhabitable planets in the Milky Way galaxy. And no matter where I am, my vantage point is different from yours. I can recall when Dr. Overholtz asked me, what is the big M in the sky or the big W? And I was at a loss, because from where I was seated, there was none that fit any description like that, but realizing from your vantage point that's Cassiopeia, or what you call Cassiopeia. We will usually go by sectors, sector 31, 35. One of the more recent visitors to your place that got all tangled up in New York was from sector 31. And there are a lot of tales that are very true. There's a lot more garbage than there are true tales, but a lot goes on. And if you happen to be out to see it, it is remarkable when you consider how little time you, any one of you, spend outside at night peering at sky? And would you be looking in the right place? You know, I will observe and usually if one's will acknowledge I am going outside now and I'm going to look to the north of me, that is to the south of me, as a for instance. And who is in that sector ready to move? But it doesn't matter. We will rarely ever move a lighted beacon craft. You have to know that no matter how big you think space is, it's infinitely bigger. That's a play on words, because the true secret key is infinite. And there can be the big argument about is there one massive universe or are there many universes depends on your definition. There's only one massive energy mind. There are whole bunches of energy universes as you would think of them. You're not one of the major ones even. On the other hand, you are an important one, because this is right now where our action is going on and that makes it important. Don't worry about it, you are a stage. The world is but a stage and you are actors on it. Please would you repeat that? It's a lot closer to home than you realize and I'm getting some real nervous indigestion. You see there's some parties along the line that really, really undo dharma. She's really nervous and she doesn't like these energies. And we won't go into it, but it really is. It's nice that EJ is the one that doesn't feel good. So maybe she's learning something after all. It's better if you're going to have nervous indigestion over something, dump it off onto somebody else. You're in a big play. And unfortunately for all of you, you're going to find you have major roles. And so you're going to go home and you're going to suffer and agonize over, do I know my part? No, right now you're not going to know your part, and you're especially not going to know your lines. And no, this is not a suggestion that you go home and study Shakespeare. On the other hand, you have to bring into the reality of your experience here the fact that everything is so much larger and different than you perceive it. And you'll get focus on various and sundry things. When Jupiter didn't blow away, you know, now you've got all of these reasons why it didn't. Well the reason why it didn't was because we stopped the major detonation stuff, if you will, at 150 miles out. Thank you, John. You see, John may not remember some of the lesser important things, and there are some things about his recent experiences that he must not know, and it will be very non-vivid to him. On the other hand, John will recall walking into the United Nations building with Khrushchev there. Right, John? That's correct. And I'm sure that if you were to tell a neurologist that, he would get down three lines and he would say, absolutely insane. stood before the group. John Schrafer, in one of his experiences, walked into the United Nations, and it was written up in the paper. Some stranger came into the United Nations, no one knew who he was, where he was from, went directly and gave an ultimatum to Khrushchev, and then left, never to be heard of again. Each of you have roles. And it was important that you experience what was necessary to get John out of his incarceration and into his ability to function. You cannot always just astrally travel somewhere and appear It is illogical to the human mind They have trained you not to be able to accept that And you just have to accept the fact they're going to call you nuts Now I want to go through this a little bit with Dr. Young. We've got a lot of dual personalities running around too, trying to sort out jobs up until this point when that can be taken over and this one can be shuttled off to its proper home, if you will. And we are going to be faced with how do we get the subject of the Godness of light and manifestation presented to you without fretting on you know whose those. Well that is the easiest thing of all because a lot of what was presented and especially And especially what is now being presented through you-know-where is invalid. And never would those keys be given. Those are only up to a certain point and built in misunderstanding and confusion. Who can handle that? It will unfold who can handle that. Obviously one of the greatest alchemists of all your experience was Germain who chose to re-dictate those books on light. It has gotten nothing but misery since. But there are so many other ways to present this that are a lot easier in understanding to the layperson, but it was necessary that the scientific explicitness be presented for the scientists who will come along and understand the mechanism of a wireless transmission of one frequency or another, and what to do with that, or at least understand how to do it when that's given at its proper sequence. So Germaine is going to be more and more a major part of your experience. And Germaine worked very, very closely with ones such as Tesla, Walter Russell, etc. And they're going to all be working and twisting around in Jung's mind. But he can't entertain that this week because his mother's coming and he must clean the house so that she can come and clean it. You know how mothers are. And we look forward to her. We always enjoy her. So you are at exciting times, and I think that you will be able to wait a little bit longer. And when you make up your mind that it is literally going to happen, you'll be a lot more comfortable about it. And that is a miracle. That is a miracle. There isn't anybody in here who is going to understand it more than him, because he thought he was gone forever. So let us take these steps one at a time and let us try to understand what is happening as we move along. But at some point you're going to have to accept the fact I'm real. Not only am I real, I am living in the reality that you're trying to acquire. and your consciousness will just bog you down. Do I expect you to walk out of this room and say, oh, all over. It's going to happen, so I don't need to do anything. Just be. Just sit there and wait. No, you may not. If you're going to do that, then I'm going to cause you to worry a lot. I don't want you to do nothing, so worry will be okay. And if you want to do that, you go right ahead. Doubts will make your way harder and will not allow you to think clearly. There are always concerns and there are always things that can extend time. And you want at any given minute know whether that is a benefit or a negative. So you may as well consider the possibilities involved in the positive of why you must wait a little while longer. There's one very big one I can think of that you all like to relate to. That's good old money and gold. There is one hell of a heap of it now gotten itself over here. And there's some commissions and things that are earned and I know that you think, well, yeah, but they're going to shoot us all before we ever get it. Well, don't count on it. That's not going to be allowed either. Cop out on that kind of a trip. You need it so you're going to get it so you can go to work. And you'll look back to the good old days when you didn't have anything and could just worry, sir. Well, we'll see how that goes. Well, this is why you can't count on a cotton-picking thing in your world. Nothing. This man is back to, I don't know if he's going to confuse as much as he did before, when he was It is his birthday, Keith, on December 25th. You see, the language of science was Latin. Perhaps it still is. It's always got to be something nobody understands, see, this mysticism. Sort of like the church. You know, if the priest can get up and babble something, and it's all beyond you, then you better believe it. And then when he translates it for you, he can say anything and you're going to believe it. Well, that's a little bit the way with Isaac Newton. He didn't get bumped on the head by an apple. That's a story. Although I would honor him, you know, sometimes I think maybe his brain was applesauce, He would come up with such a silly rendition of gravity as has been expressed. And when I say silly, I mean silly and not in terms that Newton did, but what has been handed down. Newton understood the mechanism, he just didn't know what caused the mechanism. And you have to call that gravity. But it's each thing trying to reach its density, its own density. Plus the fact you're going to find as you get about 600 miles into the Earth, the poles change. So that if it were round, I mean hollow, ones could stick to the inner surface of your Earth and be pulled toward this center of gravity because of its density. That's important to remember because you are going through a period of time of being told that it is like a black ball there in the middle of the earth, a molten something. That is basically giving off radiation which would be somewhere equivalent to a sun's radiation. I am not talking about a big sun sitting there, but it would give off light, etc. And as you move into the crust of the earth, into the tunnels, it will illuminate. So there's so much left for you to learn. Don't blow away this wonderful place before you discover these marvelous things. over this technological barrier of the nuclear age, if you will. It is like incredibleness. It is not boring. You're not going to sit dangling your feet in honey and milk. Come across this barrier. You've got ones coming back to help you do it. But it's a journey. It's a journey, and you're going to have to take it. Now, as I move back to the subject in point. The elites are having trouble. They're having to cancel one thing after another because it just isn't going too well. Oh they were going to get the gold all right and they were going to mumble something about gold standard. Well, most of them really didn't think that it would ever be that way. But they would come up with something. Well, now you've made it impossible for them not to consider doing it that way. And finally having to come public with it. Now they have hauled in more gold than they thought they would even need. This allows a larger base. they thought they would even need. This allows a larger base. So that they feel they can probably hold the price of gold at around 3.80 per ounce for a while until Mr. Goldsmith can buy up a bunch of it. So watch what happens here. It cannot hold very long. And obviously, watch the important papers. Mostly watch what they're saying and turn it around in the opposite direction, you'll be close to right. They're going to have to raise the price of gold. There is no other way they can do it. I'm going to go ahead and put it in the water. All right, I'll play with it. There's no playing, no, we're sitting in the front of it. I'll just carry it along. There's no playing. There's a stick. There's a stick. You