I'm not with the CIA. I'm not with Naval Intelligence. I'm not with Edwards Air Force Base, although I am there quite a lot. I am at Nellis Field quite a lot. And you will note within the last two weeks that Larry King live made a live visit visit and they diverted his plane from the airfield over to Nellis Field on some excuse, the silliest excuse you've ever heard. They were afraid they were low on fuel. One minute difference and nobody did anything to the plane after it got on the ground at Nellis Field except take Larry King off. The only one that was allowed off. And for 45 minutes Mr. King had a meeting he is not ever going to forget. And you will find that his attitude has greatly, he's become a little less hostile about a lot of things. And he has since had Mr. Sagan on his program and they talk about the possibility of, you know, a little alien life here and a little alien life there. And well, why don't they just land and why don't they just tell us? And, you know, Mr. Sagan has all this network of receivers and transmitters and so forth to talk to us old guys out there floating around in the cosmos. Well, Mr. Sagan is a member of Majestic 12. Mr. Sagan knows damn well who I am. I am not on those committees. I have no intention of ever serving on any of those committees. They are extremely powerful committees. And any human being going around making his speculations can be wrong. Any commander listening to human beings can be wrong. Most of everything that I repeat, I try to check out pretty carefully to see that it's in the ballpark somewhere. And Rae Ellen Rossmacher is very fortunate this day. And this is for all of you, including her. You better stop this nonsense. These are not little games. This is not I'm going to pound my chest and cry and weep and wail and take my pills and borrow some more money and do this or that or the other. Because they've been nasty to me. Ones out of this room have done absolutely everything they could do to help those ones. to get it slammed in your face that, oh, well, you just come on over to Missouri and you just go by way of Pleiades Travel because it's a CIA operation. That belongs to Gay Thurston, who is E.J.'s sister, and it is not CIA. And she picked up the bill herself. And they just flew at random back and forth across. The next thing you would know is, well, um, no, she went back to California. Oh, well, no, she's back now in Missouri. Well, now mother and cat are back in Missouri. American Express. I told Contact to publish because I said this is out of control and anyone who gets a call from Gunther or Ray Ellen to get their credit card number had better not give it, unless they're ready to stand for paying the bill. Now, is that being nasty, or is that being truthful to you, who have done everything you can to help? Does that make Hatton Satan? Does that make Hatton a liar? Or are we going to deal with truth here? And I know that things are never as they are presented to you. Gunther Russbacher did not go to Cambodia to rescue his friends. What he went through, as far as I am concerned, is worse. And I told all of you that he would have to make some agreements and some concessions and compromise to be able to get free. I told them that if they would clean up their act, I would protect them. The next thing I know, Atulan and Cabal are back in their lives. I am not going to allow my team to pay the kind of penalties that are expected. Are they con people? I am not even going to comment. But by the time you get to the end of this document, you will find that Bernter got so mad, he just told Waldheim to take the whole mass, at least his share of the commissions, and give it to the UN something or other. Doesn't that sound like maybe he's getting ready to back out of the entire deal and cover it with the contact was nasty to me. No thank you. Mr. Waldheim, it won't work. Mr. Rusbacher, it won't work. Gunther Rusbacher is who he said he is. He's right out of the Habsburg Russian family. The Romanovs, the same crest, the same double-headed eagle. The man had an opportunity and still, if he will get his life together, have an opportunity to serve this world in goodness. Is it because all of those people are so good? No. You talk about black operations, you can't find a spark of light among them all. Neither can you ever find one that will meet their commitments. But they know they're up against it. At some point they're going to meet the commitments to me, or the one I certainly wish they had. Does that mean that I'm down on Waltheim? Am I down on Rabin? Am I down on Sabu? No. I'm not here to fight the battles of your world. I am here on a specific mission. I tell you, if this is the way the intelligence community runs its world, like you observe all of the time them doing, does it make you marvel that you're in trouble? Peggy, Gunther's ex-wife, went to Austria because Gunther sent for her and his two sons, and what he put them through is unforgivable. Did you hear me? Unforgivable. I expect to hear that come right back to me. Who is somebody who says he's Jesus Christ and God, who said something's unforgivable? Commander Yorgo Serres' hat on, and in my opinion, that kind of behavior against children is unforgivable. He's got to take it up with God. He was going to dump $30 billion onto his son's account and make that kid come back to New York to retrieve it. He was out of his mind. And Ray Allen's going to say that E.J. demanded that $30 billion be put into his account. Now you're beginning to get an idea, though, the size of these commissions, aren't you? Well, that's nothing. It's at least twice that. It's into the trillions, actually. Just commissions. What I said to E.J. was I want my share put into our corporations that have been prepared, and we don't want $30 billion dollars anywhere. But you will send the amount agreed upon, and he will put it there as $100 million dollars. That is not so. It is just under $2 billion. But we were going to settle for 280 million. Now that would make the day, wouldn't it? We'd manage quite nicely. That does our motion picture and our studio, and that does all of the rest of it, you can do whatever you want to with it. Now why would I do that? Because in comes Ron Jackson, he has more than that. have an agreement with me. Now do I need to go change my label? For the contact possibly, for the stories I write possibly, for the command, no thank you. HATON HATON has served me for the eons of time and I don't intend to change to SUDRAYALAN. You people in this room go back a long, long way. A long, long way. And that's why you are drawn here. And you know that you've got a purpose. Maybe some of you have the purpose of just scattering, quote, the word. The word? What word? I I am not interested in your world except for our participation in this play that's ongoing. I get to play with you. And I don't present as anything but what I am, and I have agreements with some of the highest of the elite crews on your place to allow us to have what we need to complete our missions and our journey. And they can do whatever else they want to do because you see God is not going to come down here and flick all of you away. I think the old adage is, you've made your bed, you're going to lie in it, or if you mess in your own nest, you're going to be stuck in it. There is no way that you can get off the place except through Christ. It's called ascend. And you are not going to ascend into any realm of God until you are at least a bit informed about Christ. Not a man running around somewhere, but a state of being so that you can understand it when you turn into light. I asked Eric for this and he brought it. It's from Satya Sai Baba. I think you call it Vrbuddhi. I probably mispronounce it. other teachers now? Goodie, goodie. Let's hear you knock them, Commander. Why? Because I say that Sathya Sai Baba has a different purpose than I do? Am I going to say that Sathya Sai Baba is not God? No, I'm going to tell you that he is not the God. Babaji, his father, is representative of Creator. Sathya Sai Baba, I have no comment at all about. Well, isn't he a returned avatar? I don't know avatar from anybody else. Well, isn't he a returned God? Aren't all of you? So quit blaming poor old Satya Sai Baba. But this is priceless. This is priceless. Well, I assume this is. It's one of many, many hundreds of thousands of packets. But I'm going to talk about it in a minute, after I get through with all this, because we are moving on. And that's what you're waiting to hear. But you can't move on until you clean up back here, can you? that have now started their counter-attack? Did you go right ahead with your counter-attack? Can you hurt the contact? Yes. Can you hurt the Institute? Oh, yes. Can you hurt Doris? Oh my, yes. You can even hurt EJ. Can you hurt Taton? No. I know your game. And this is just setting it up so that, well nanny, nanny, nanny, I'm not going to let you have any now and I have a good excuse. No thank you. I do not accept your excuse. Both the gift and excuse to be fulfilled have to be accepted. I accept them not. Get your job done. Get it made right. It is going to flow through the human factor. Well, number one, they ain't gonna let him out of there, are they? As long as he can't do anything in the midst of all this. And especially until they can make us look like absolute, total frauds and idiots in a court in Minden, Nevada. Whatever you've heard on the Associated Press has come directly from, they interviewed Leon Fort, George Green was at every opportunity with the TV and radio and press people. And they kept saying, oh, he calls himself Jesus Christ, and then pretty soon it's, and she calls herself Jesus Christ. Is there anyone in this room that has ever heard such a thing? You won't ever either. There is no group here. This is another thing that, oh well that cult, it's called the Ecker cult. Isn't that funny? Doesn't anybody remember that at the upstart here, George Green had a following cult and it got written up in all the Seattle papers? How did it get to be Ecker? How does it hit the news press when it is the Phoenix Institute that is at point, how does it get to be Ecker? The most beautiful thing that took place in this last week was the ability of Dave Overton and quite frankly experienced me and I did not come to speak. And maybe when you get into your 80s and you ask for something to be shown to you, I'll show it to you. And I did. And for all of you in this room, I want you to know that George Green and David Horton have already appealed to overrule the judge's decision to put the money back to Dave Overton. This is what this group tried to establish in the very beginning. Give it back to the donor. The only right thing to do is give it back to the one who gave it. Because it was sidetracked and buried, it was never a completed gift. It was not properly received. And the judge said, it was not properly received, it is not a gift, it will go back to the donor. Mr. Horton told the press, well that just means it will go to Ecker. Say again? Ecker has no part. Ecker has no part in this. This is the Institute. Do you think that came from the judge? The judge can read the Phoenix Institute verses. It's hard to work for the side of good, my friends. It's very hard to work for freedom in a world that's moving into the New World Order just as fast as they can get your troops out of here. Why do you think we've got to send a whole bunch more troops to Saddam. You've had them under watch. You have had ships making sure that they are embargoed on everything. And now all those Scud missiles out there, well how did you get some more? You said you blew them all up. How did this man, this nasty rotten old man, come up with a military force big enough to scare the world again? Well, but he did, so I mean, you know, your media is something else. They got the head of the UN in the demilitarized zone on this long distance phone call and he didn't know what in blazes they were talking about. There isn't anything going on. Well, but we understand there are troops, you know, about to overrun Kuwait. He said, there's nothing going on. Now, who do you have down in Haiti? You see, you're only supposed to have two skirmishes going on at a time, two active wars, and I think three little ones. How bad is it? It's bad. It's bad because you are becoming naked. And yet we try to arrange it where you are able to see things. information. Thorma and E.J. came across Sonor Pass. We'd helped them clear it. I wanted them to go that way. Why? Because as they enter the pass and start up the hill, there is a mountain training center and they met ten fully loaded, unmarked white buses coming out of there with troops. Little Mammoth Lakes Airport. Don't hear much about them, do you? Well there they are and there's nothing like running head on into them to get that twinge in your tummy that says, oh, there's something really wrong with this. They're not marked military, yet there are military people aboard. They don't show any markings either. White buses look like church group. You're in serious times, people, and you have very few tools left with which to protect yourself and especially to protect your assets. And I want to commend Cort. Cort Christie has done his homework. You just had a meeting that most of you will walk out and say, oh my goodness, I don't think I learned anything because I learned so much. And until you can get some shelter similar to Nevada. But right now, Nevada's all you've got. Well, this is something the judges and the people of Nevada don't want published, that there is this sheltering system, and yet here a judge was sitting having to make decisions what to do in court while every ounce of energy that could be thrust against E.J. and Doris was to pierce the veils of corporations that some of you have. It turns out that George Green had been able to filch many things, including it appears, a stock ledger book. Well, he doesn't have it. I'm not going to tell you where it is, but he doesn't have it, and neither does E.J. And no, stock was not issued. Don't you think that George Green would have issued it to himself if he felt there was anything left to strip from the Institute. No. He would be stuck with a debt and that's what bothers him because before this time documentation only showed a very small amount to cover Leon Ford's investment. That was all that was asked for, that was all that was shown. And before the documents were dried, George Green had mailed that ledger statement from Wilmington Trust to everybody on his mailing list. That is one of the most private documents that Wilmington Trust puts out anywhere is the amount of stored gold and the storage bill. Fortunately, that was only one of the little small ones. So they ordered EJ to produce other documentation. Well finally, after two days, they agreed that it could go to the judge, the judge would look at it and keep it what they call in camera. Well, nothing else has been kept in camera. Depositions from two years ago in different cases were used in these depositions and on that stand in that courtroom. And had been mailed out to all of George Green's mailing list. Well, a fiduciary officer of a corporation has to answer the questions, has to produce the documents. What are you going to do? So E.J. took one of the accounts along with the smaller and sent it directly to the judge by mail and asked him to keep it quiet. Well, of course he couldn't. He had to publish it or it would show that he is biased. On the other hand, it gave EJ an opportunity to say, Mr. Green distributed the Wilmington Trust document. That is unacceptable. So I think that all of you who wish to put this organization into receivership had better think twice. E.J. argued with George Green, who knows all about fractional banking, and he may very well know all about fractional banking. He purchase the amount of gold required to cover investments or participations. Investment is not a valid term here, but it is so tossed around that it is used interchangeably with loan and note. do not learn to use the proper terminology, you're going to end up in depositions, etc. not knowing what the soup you're talking about. Investments indicate a security operation. Now he thought it up, he did it, he laid the foundation and he, you know, he went out. E.J. got stuck with the responsibility of making this a feasible operation. covering every cent that came in. And if you're foolish enough, if you are foolish enough to come in and yank your loans out Now, I cannot tell you what an error that will be. You all know, and this is why George Green is struggling to get his hands on and keep that gold. It is already determined, and it has been made public, that as you change your monetary system, gold will be a minimum of $1,200 an ounce. Minimum. They're going to try to freeze it there or at $1,500 for a given period of time. Then they expect it to drop out at $2,000 an ounce. If you cash out now, you're going to lose. It's different if you need it. Hear me, it's different if you need it. But you finally have a covered, sheltered place. The gold itself is a problem. declare an emergency and they can take, seize every bit of gold you have. They did it. They did it. Better you have it as collateral, as storage situation. They don't tend to steal as much from themselves as they do from you. Although, they'll shoot their own mother, you know, rather than give up a bit of their things. But it's power. With George, it's a goal. He wants it. He wants it and you, one, should know that right up against it, sort of a mandatory settlement conference type of thing. Alright, you offer a settlement. So a settlement was offered to George's group. would be Eleanor Schrafer's trust, Leon Fort's money, and several other things. It added up to approximately $400,000. That was the value of the gold. But George could keep the gold. He said on the witness stand that he's, you know, worth $5 million, just under five million dollars. And he tells the world this. Well, I'm sure then he could raise some money to pay off these other things. Because Schrafer, as in John, no thank you. Eleanor's family trust because that should be tied up completely until John and Eleanor settle their own problems. And the fact is it just makes a matter than little wet hornets. John Schrafer has nothing in the Institute. No notes, no nothing. Although George Green has signed documents and produced them to try to prove that Dorma can forge his name. That's reaching, really reaching. I mean, after all, she and E.J. were going to have a fist fight up here. So all of you surely came in here today to follow Doris Ecker everywhere she goes and do her bidding. He has a participation in a corporation, and it's a Nevada corporation. And if I knew the name of it, I wouldn't share it. But it sure has made them mad. I mean just really, really upset. And no matter how you nice people feel when you come in to make a demand or whatever, you're going to get it right back to you if it is not done to perfection paper-wise. Don't think you're going to send a little note over to EJ and say, I demand to have all my funds back, Mary Doe. Mary Doe will not show up on any records of the Phoenix Institute. Now if you know of a corporation in which you have an interest and you have enough control to control that corporation, then you better do that paperwork properly because there is a substantial board who knows what they're doing and they will insist on it being done to the letter of the correct law that protects you. So the next question is, why would I make my people go through this hell? To prove it will work if you do it right. It works. It shelters. And eventually these troublemakers will peel away from you because your thrust will not be into their territory. There were and are reasons that it isn't finished yet. There are ones out there still in Florida, there are ones in New Zealand, there are ones and be ready for their call to duty, and begin to understand what the duty is. It is not saving anything, including your brother. But first you've got to save yourself or decide that you don't care. At which point you can do whatever you want with the information, share it, play in it, give it away, knock it, do whatever you want with it. Obviously you can do that anyway. This is no cult group, this is no religion. Did you bring the writing, E.J.? Ouch. Yesterday's writing should be in the editors. Would you please? I'd like to share that and then we'll have a break and then we'll get down to some business because I want to move. These guys are going to meet their commitments. Because in the overall scheme of things, it's very little. It's piddling. Is a Ron Jackson capable of doing what he says he will do? Not all of it. He's learning very, very quickly that he doesn't have the kind of control to even get himself out of jail. Is he going to be able to do some of the other things that he thinks he can do? Yes, he can. But I'm not going to ask everybody to run out there and do honor, you know, face Easton Ron Jackson. He is a very human being. He knows a lot. Do not turn him into a guru any more than I have asked you not to turn me into a guru. Teacher, yes, I am a mission commander. I am going to become a full-fledged teacher pretty quick, like this afternoon. You have to play in the game presented to you, and you have to get better at it than the opposition players, or you won't win. And God wins and I work for God so I intend to win. And anyone is welcome to come with me. On the other hand, stop this garbage about, oh well, you said you were God and you would be an angry God and I created you, I can uncreate you, etc. That's right. That's right. And if you think that isn't right, you better stop limiting God, and you better think again. If God created you, you can be uncreated. You are living in an illusion, and I'm going to explain to you as I fall into my teacher role. And I may not make it through this afternoon, but I'm sure going to tell you a lot of things that you didn't know this morning. And then we're going to get about our business. I am not interested in the contact paper. I am not interested in Mark from Michigan seminars. I would wish that all of you patriot-oriented, freedom-seeking citizens would be. patriot-oriented, freedom-seeking citizens would be. patriot-oriented, freedom-seeking citizens would be. You