On November the 6th, 1994. We're on a roll, he even remembered the day. During that little interim, Wally asked if I might repeat and clarify a little bit what I just said, and I am very, very happy to do that. achieved level of technology and part of it is with some of the more negative forces from universal other universal sites S-I-T-E-S and you can you can develop Hello? You have an AT&T collect call. Caller, at the tone, please say the name. Ron Jack. We accept. Will you accept charges? Yes. Thank you for using AT&T. Well, it's the first day I had to get on the phone, and I wanted to let you know I was with you in spirit anyway. Well, we're happy to hear that. Okay. How is everybody? With you? Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Well, we're happy to hear that. Okay. How is everybody? With you in spirit. Keep it great. Alright. Here's a commander. Alright. Well, we didn't need to put commander on, but I would greet you. Well. Ron and I get along pretty well. We have our disagreements and... We don't have any disagreements. Never have. I'm a country boy so that's how I feel about it. But I want to tell everybody I said hi. Keep the faith folks. We got the faith. You just hang on, brother. We've got a little bit longer, like maybe Tuesday, to get through. I explained to these ones here today that it was because of agreements that I had made. It isn't just a matter of lack of funding, but don't you forget there's no funding. But I agreed that I would not allow the contact paper to be printed these two weeks prior to the election because it really is going to cause them a great deal of misery as we move along with contact and you get your hands on it. Wait until I get my hands on it. They didn't want to let you out either until after the election because they've got enough problems to handle and they didn't want that. And I did not agree to that on behalf of you, Ron. I did not butt into your business, but I did make that agreement about the paper. They don't even know what problems are yet. And I'm looking forward to creating a whole bunch of them. Well, I thought that you would really enjoy what they've come up with to cover what you're going to come up with about Ronald Reagan. I thought that that was rather funny but it won't make any difference. I've got too much documentation for that and there's no problem with it. I wouldn't care about what happened to him. Well, but with Alzheimer's, I mean the poor soul won't be able to remember a thing. Well, a lot of people are going to lose their memory. I have some ones here that would like to add a few names to the list of memory losers. Yes, okay. Alright, I have to go now, so I just wanted to say hi and hang in there and I'll be there pretty soon I'm sure. Thank you for touching with us. Okay. Thanks for the call, Ron. Have a good one. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Bye. Don't have any agreements, disagreements. I love it. I don't know that we should lose that one on the world. Sorry about that. Oh, Alzheimer's struck me again. We're back to transition. Oh, we're back to cleansing. Yes. The Indians called it purification, but it basically means a massive purification of earth and beings. That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the progression of man, human. I don't like to use the term human in these contexts because that means higher universal man and that means something different than the human species that you have running around on given planets. That does not mean that all of the human elements on other planets are so primitive in their actions. their actions You're not going to learn however unless you experience in these more primitive aspects of development and You would think that God would not create Something that would be so beautiful and yet can be so ugly but God creates the best for his best and Mankind the thinking, reasoning, spiritual man is the greatest. Because it is the reflection of God. And I'm not talking about a human form. I'm talking about a reflection of that beingness of God with the capability of creation. And when I speak of purifying or cleansing, what I am referring to is that mankind as a species or as a civilization will grow in technology. This is a very physical aspect of growth. of utilizing his body and his mind for manufacturing or even bringing things together which allow creating. So he gets up here to this level of being able to create, but he cannot control it. spirituality of a level capable of goodness in his creative processes. It is always, always diverted into destruction to maintain power and control over his own species. That's where ego gets in. So when we speak of cleansing as a civilization, it doesn't look good for you because you have one element that continues to move really off the deep end, the other element trying to salvage something also for the wrong reasons. but with the capability of moving into the higher plane. Most of these ones who would be in that kind of a controlling position are back again or still on your place. The more mature minds, if you will. And then there are always those who stay just over the borderline into the etheric to work with you to test the waters every now and then to see if man is ready to grow beyond this primitive, let's just butcher each other. Those are the Teslas. You see, there's something else about Walter Russell that I would say, and all honor to Walter Russell right out of the tribe of the Russells, which were the elitist of England. Walter heard him. And for a Russell to come along and put that kind of a cog in the wheels of royalty and the elite families was basically unacceptable. So they brought him down. I hope that's not a derogatory statement because I don't want to cause any more disagreement or trouble. So Walter was able to rise above it only to fall, only to fall and have his work lost. That is the human element and that's what I'm talking about. the ego level and he made it for a long, long time, but he couldn't make it all the way. And now he has to diligently work from the other side, through other hands, to produce that which was gifted unto him. It was not the first time this information has come. Your Christ teacher said, light. There is nothing in any of the scientific work that was not said in Galilee, and before Galilee, Akhenaten. You cannot control what you've been able to create. God can let you create. And I'm sorry, way back in the 40s, in Tel Aviv, was created the first virus, man-made life form, that literally was put together from a DNA cellular structure and created a virus created a life form that's okay but in your technological advancement you learn to create death And when soul is exposed to death rays and that kind of destruction at the level of God's creation, that is not acceptable. essence of Creator's projection, you ain't going to go much further. He will withdraw his thought and you are lost, you are gone, you are gone, before he will allow his very to be destroyed. And you can do it. At this point, you can do it. You can disperse soul energy so finely, so particulately, that for the DNA structure to again combine in its properness that makes you what you are, and that's not your body, that's you, eons upon eons go by while these little particulate pieces search for each other. It's unacceptable. So something has to be done. God is not going to intervene. having experience to volunteer, dumb as we are, crazy nitwits as we are, we stick up our hand and say, Father send me. Hey, I know all about this. You know, I remember, you know that sort of a deal, it's just a rerun isn't it? And so you've been through it and you've been through it and you've been through it and each time you fell short of your own expectations of self and as you progress you become the the wardens in a rehabilitative situation or one where you are forming new, so life experience is what it's called. And these are what you would call physical prison planets. five billion of them in your own Milky Way galaxy that support life form. And you can have pretty primitive life form back in the cave. I would hope that this wonderful planet of yours does not have to go back there, but because it is so suspected that it will, you already have the parallel planet that God of his people. That's the evacuation plan. God does not haphazardly do anything. He is not going to leave his wardens on your place to be destroyed. Now does that mean physical or what? It's going to mean anything that it needs to mean. And you will realize at any point that you need to make that transition that the physical plane has nothing of interest to you. On the other hand, responsibly speaking, there is a great need for a great many to be able to make that transition. And you might guess that old David Copperfield is going to be able to at least ascend partway and if we can keep his soul straight, he might make it all the way, you see. So it is basically a learning procedure, but if your goal is wrong, you do not have all the perfection of the cleansing, if you will. It doesn't mean that the ones who are still in the searching aren't going to make it. That is silly. Stop building mysticism into something that is totally physics explained, if you only understood it. And yet a lot of untruths have to be expressed into truth because the records must be left, that's number one, of truth. And two, if you are serving, let us say, a Jesus, you are a born-again Jesus person, but you are not expressing the commandments of God or the laws that allow you to make that journey. And I'm talking about laws, universal laws. Not, thou shalt not speed above 60 miles an hour. That is not a law. That's a rule. Know the difference. You have to know your goal. And if you are wrong in what you have been taught. You're going to go for the goal that is wrong. When you get there, you're going to find you've been fooled by the little shrewd nasties. Nanny, nanny, nanny, you thought. And there will always be the massive numbers of teachers that will push forward this ridiculous nonsense. Because on the higher level, that is the game. Your soul. Keep you oriented to the physical plane. Because that is the plane of Satan, that is the plane of the Antichrist. That is the dimension, that is the experience and the expression. And he wants to keep you there on the wheel. How do you do that best? Deceive. Tell the lie. Have all those little ants going over here to the ant poison instead of over here. And meanwhile, the ants get mean. That's what I'm talking about. You've been misled. They took your Christ, a goodly, godly person who came as a teacher. And he came back and he tried to tell everybody, you know, you're going to have to live in a certain way and it's called Christ's way. And except through this way, you're not going to make It's okay if you do that, but you've got to know. So here comes Saul of Tarsus, his greatest, greatest enemy, this young teacher. blinded by the light and he became forever Jesus' advocate. Forget it! He never, never, never became his friend. And he has basically written your New Testament. That was Saul of Tarsus, and you called him Paul. And the young master Emmanuel said to him, you will pay. You people will pay. Your next payment will be when Mohammed shows up. And you will pay to your dying day and beyond for what you do. And they have and they will. Paul left the area after the fact, went The religion of Paul. And he gave all that credit in the name of this person that he named, named Jesus, Jesus, Joshua. You call it whatever you want to. Spell it any way you want to. He manufactured the being of Jesus out of half-truths, mostly lies. And in this new religion that he birthed out of the most vile, corrupt, snake-oriented, serpent-oriented, pharaoh times of Egypt, took this young man and called him the chief cornerstone of this religion called Christian. And at that time, you buried the fish and took up the serpent. to be the keystone of the church on your world. And I said on your world. In your underneath world, when you get down beyond the level of your little underground facilities, they know God is. You've been suckered. The blood suckers got you. And you wardens and you teachers and you guides who have come to serve will not be sacrificed to this. Am I putting down Jesus Christ? No, I certainly am not. I'm not, but I'm putting down everything else around the religious aspects that destroy the very being and meaning of God's Son. Christ is a state of being and except through the Christian or Christ-ness, you cannot make it into God's kingdom because He is not going to allow unknowing, wicked, evil people in to ruin the universal order that recognizes truth and light. Now am I saying that somebody is going to come down and line them all up and shoot them? No. Nobody has to do that to all of you if they can. But you've got something going here and they make a lot of fun of this and they just badger Dormund and EJ and they just, you know, crucify everybody. But you're still alive and it is like the hand of God just wrapped around. Doesn't make it easy. But they've got to get through it. And they're not going to get through it. Not unless somebody flubs and says, I really do resign, Dad. And that's a lesson. But you could be a little nicer. E.J., she does okay. E.J. just really doesn't think that we write quite enough. I mean, literally somebody said, Riding? You think more riding? So we really had a workout this morning, didn't we? She's typing faster, did you notice? But she's getting even with him. She puts more errors in there. We're going to get there. The enemy is going to begin to pay his debts. Because you see, you've got several enemies here. and they're going to understand the validity and the value of working with us. You are truly going to be better off with one set of rulers versus another set of rulers. You really are. And it doesn't mean either one are godly. But you're in an environment of human experience. And they're going to act like human. Because that is the play. That's the stage and that's the play. To march into Armageddon and devastation and destruction is the silliest thing I ever heard in my life. And to march down through the seven seals and the seven this and the seven that and the twelve this and the, you know. I don't remember somebody around here said I must be the third or the seventh angel or something. No, I'm not. I don't have to have any of those silly angels running around ruining my life. Neither do you. That is another part of the lie. You cannot do anything about it. It's destiny. It's fate. The angel said, John said, who was John? John Doe? John the Baptist? Who was John? Anybody in this room, tell me who in the world John was. John the who? Oh, it was beloved John. I should never have used that. This is a precious man and I think maybe we're going to bring him down here for his retirement. I'm not interested in what Germain is expressing as now. I'm interested in the Ascended Master Germain, who tells you the truth about how things are. And from him you will get the truth, whether you like it or don't like it. And he is sort of like a bulldozer in a china shop going by way of China, literally. May we turn the tape? I think so. We're going to go ahead and get started. Okay. you you you You Okay.......