There is a. I forgot it. It relates to hope. In our existence here, they have put a lot of these special missiles on on display. like the one in, you didn't have anything on it, it's related to things that people sometimes put in displays, say, you have say two to five words in it. I can't do it, I'm not telling you right. There actually was a case where we were taught to have God's help. that were moved into a zone where they were not exactly true. I can't remember the exact words. in the one that the Aton had. They didn't put it in there. Well, see, what you're doing, John, is mixing up some of these major Montauk experiments. You see, these... He's got four subjects going there and it is confusing to him because he'll run out one thought and it's gone. And that's exactly the way you have been trained and that can be done spiritually. And what he is talking about really, if he were able to get that down into a language, you see he is confusing God energy with matter and When he talks about missiles and submarines and things what you are literal what he is literally using as God is absolute energy source and Frequency and when he says something about and and they're gone This is taking place so much around you that you don't even realize it yourself. You can watch us assimilate, coalesce, and then dissolve, disperse in a cloud for instance. Especially if there's only one out there and you say hi and it's been out there three hours and then it's gone pretty soon. This is the energy that he is being confused over right now, because there is the capability of that kind of energy. Now what John has a problem with is, and I don't want to talk about him as if he's not here, so I'm talking to you John. through with your thought patterns is that you were in a very technical business. You were at Fairchild. You worked with Boeing planes. You are not allowed to remember these things. Well, that's what it is. Yes, sir. That's good enough. And you'll only get fragments. And they'll confuse you and they will concern you. Let it go. Release it. But I'd rather you think about those things than the material things around you. These will also be worked out. And then when your life is back to a normal, if we can call any kind of life normal in these days. When it is stable, let's put it that way, so that your concern does not have to revolve around the negative aspects, then you will begin, we will work with you and you will begin to remember the rest of your fragmented thought patterns. That would be a very good approach. I bet you'd like that. I know it's hard. But any of you who made the mistake of being tangled up in some of those industrial situations with the big boys are going to end up like this. It is as bad as what I'm talking about with the ones on the USS Eldridge. Once you have passed in between these dimensions literally and knowingly, and you see I'll tattle on John a little bit more. John had many experiences and this is what really confuses him. He ended up one day right out of nowhere into the United Nations building, materialized right there. And it got written up in the paper. You know, the next thing he knows he's reading about it. Now this is... Don't laugh, it could happen to you. We'll see who laughs about that, right. But to try later on to sort that out, and especially in front of a judge who controls your life, we just try to say, John, shut up. Don't try to explain it. Because all they want is for you to appear insane and they'll put you away. So there's no point in arguing it. Just allow that it has happened and you're not going to have a group that gathers at the evolution or evolvement of a species or a planet and not have some who have gone through this. You just won't remember it and the hell comes when you remember part of it. And he's talking about cosmic energy and dispersion of matter. And you better believe that your own people know how to use it now. And that's the hard part. And you're not going to be able to do much more about it than just know about it until until we get more truth out here and then we can get focused on some of these other creative things. And that's when John can get back his mental thought patterns. They've been shut down for some reason or other. Well, until you have the capability of handling it, it you would very frequently speak out of turn out of place and it can only get you in trouble. That's right. Thank you. Does anybody else want any no answers? Commander. Thank you, Bruce. Commander, I find what you just told John appears to be not only John's case but in a lot of our cases. I know who I am, I feel, and what I can do, but I can't put it together. I cannot materialize what I feel I know I am. And it's extremely frustrating. You'd like to know? Well, I would like to be able to fulfill my commission Whatever it is. You will you are I think I am But I certainly sympathize with John and I want to know what can we do to? Help the situation at this instance I Accept that. Thank you. I I know that nobody really is accepting it, you're trying to live with it. And if it helps to sit down and write about these things, do it. Whatever helps in the interim period of time, know that the job is massive, the mission is big. that it is all mind creation of God and therefore you know it can be created. What we need we can create. We have to first come into knowing and remembering that we can do that. And meanwhile we need to utilize what we have. And we can get right back to Ron Jackson. I don't want to even hear, you know, what he might have been or or the little tinker bells that want to say you know that well he is just a con person I don't care what he was I have a letter that came today two pages from Ron Jackson I'll get to it and see what it is enjoy it Ron's a brilliant man if nothing else and as I said to Ann, in the writing, if he wasn't informed before, by the time you guys get done writing to him, he certainly will be, won't he? And as long as the committee understands me, they got to put up with him, don't they? So never underestimate God. We win. And you gotta do something until we do. Let's go. Thank you. I cherish you. I could not do this without you. I could not, I knew it, and you are. And I would hope that our journey will always be this loving. Commander? Yes. One question, the organization that goes by NRO, my understanding is that it has a tremendous amount of power and they're not known. They also are known as the International Reconnaissance Organization. That's what the NRO stands for, international and national. Do you have any data on that outfit? No, I don't really. I think it's all just part of the same thing. Commander? Sorry about that. I'll look into it. Yes. What is the reason that some of us or someones need to make it through this experience in the physical? That a remnant needs to make it through in the physical? Did I talk about going today? Man wants to hang on to the physical expression and will do so to his own detriment. And there are some things that cannot be accomplished by spirit alone. real, real, real, knowing energy. And you see when you move into the energy field, I'm not just talking about etheric or etheric beings. You see I have consciousness, I have reason, I have choices, and I'm also etheric. I can move from etheric to non-etheric or to physical manifestation. That requires a far advanced thought process. And you're going to have to deal with physical beings, and you're going to have to deal with etheric beings. There will come a time, if you don't blow yourself away where there will be a need for evacuation or pickup or whatever. You're going to have to be able to function basically in both worlds, both minds. It is not the way I'm even presenting it. It's like John, you get down here and how do you explain something? If you're already an illusion, then what in the soup are we talking about? And if God is all and the creator of this illusion, uh-oh, uh-oh, it should be, the light bulb should be coming on. If I'm not able to change this the way I want to, I'm going to have to change it the way God has manifested so far. Because I am Creator with God, to this. And if you could just come and go at random in your spirit form, like you do while you are working at night, for instance, when you are away from that body and it is just recouping, renewing, whatever a body needs to do. You are doing your work on the real plane. Where the real you is creating the scenario to come back into the body and move another step forward. And once into the knowing, you have the choice then of refusing to come back into the physical form and remaining in your spiritual form, but that's where you made your agreement and that's where you did the creating of this play. We work long hours in your, if you were going to go by clock, but you have no sense of time when you're in our plane, only sequence. So that when we are working, it's a little bit like John is expressing, you have a situation where we know what we're doing and we are projecting the very thing that we will do this afternoon or later today or whatever. We know. No. You don't remember. I'm given the privilege of remembering, if you can call it a privilege. I also, however, have to attend the other things, because there is a lot of stuff going on. It's like the dream takes over. And you don't know how to uncreate the dream. That's right. You've got to build up through it to come back into your own knowingness so that you know that you can create the way to dissolve all that other stuff around you. And then you may very well want to experience in that what I call radiance in your physical form. So you can only utilize physical things. It takes a major, major capability to thought project or to, oh, there was a little motion picture not too long ago called Ghost. And it was a precious story. He was killed and, but that, it's, it's very much like that. Yes, I can move things. But just an energy field does not work as well as reaching out there and picking that up with that hand. Now wouldn't that be silly? All of you would ooh and ah and make miracle. Oh, miracle if it just raised off that table and I picked it up rather than use her hand and pick it up. You need both. And you must experience the coming awareness of your fellow man as he comes into hearing. Because every night in your astral, what I call your work, this is your projection out here, whatever you're doing every day. You have to have a body because you are experiencing in the creation of the way, the way through this, you're having to accomplish it in the dream itself, in the illusion itself. You're part of that. And when your job is to bring the truth and move with the truth up through the lie and once you know of your creative ability we do it, we do it and that's why you stay safe. They don't dare do anything else. You have the power. You just don't know it and when fear gets you, you get immobilized so we have to work very diligently at bolstering up your knowingness enough to carry you through the illusion of any given experience. The minute you're back on our side which is that can be a death of the body or however how you're going to get over there when you go to sleep to take a nap. You see this is one reason that I have to sometimes make you sick literally so you will go to bed so that I can get you. And that's what I've got to do with her. I need her. But I need her on my side not just at a keyboard. And the only way I can do that is put her to sleep. We've got some real serious things going on in our illusion. And you've got to be able to create something to counter these things or accept them or protect yourself. You see, it's all in the perception. And what bothers John so much, and I've heard him run out these things before, and it's very hard for me not to explain in detail to him, but these are just things not to be discussed yet. This just creates worse havoc, worse chaos. And yet he knows, he knows exactly what the answer is, you see. And at some level he knows he knows how to get there. But when you start trying to put it together in the illusion with what you're given to work with in this physical form, you can't put it together. And that's what is meant by positive thinking. Get your goal, know where you're headed, and the mind will produce what you need to get you there. And that's why it is no good just to ask me and I tell you. Because you must create that way. And your mind will do it. And then they don't stand to prayer. There is not a prayer of them making it. And to think that you cannot build a parallel government and just take over your nation is ludicrous. You can do it. Unfortunately, you need leaders. And they're not going to be as informed. And they're certainly not going to be spiritual. And that's going to bug you. How can we just let something else that is not perfect run things? If their intent is toward freedom and the Constitution, they're better than the slave master. And you take it one step at a time. You'll be around as long as it takes. It will be perfect. You will be there just the perfect amount of time for your job. And if you're not, you'll come back. And some of you are going to wish you had stuck it out in Egypt, aren't you? At the least in Atlantis, somebody's still down there playing with a crystal. Suck up a few ships every now and then. Your energy. Your holograph manifest. And isn't it wonderful? wonderful. I find it just incredibly wonderful that ones like Wally Gentleman ponder and ponder and ponder how to put an illusion on the screen for you. And here is the illusion watching the illusion while life is being played out in front of you. And we get in trouble for trying to tell you about it. You know, the good guys in the white hats. Well, you got more black hats around in your play, on your stage. The end goal must be we get back with God. That's where we want to be. Because that's where we've been. And we're frustrated here because we know that we can create and we have promised not to use those powers. And that gets hard because the mind just puts down a big wall and said, what soup are we doing? Thou shalt not kill doesn't say anything about it evaporating. I think with that we better go. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Shalom. I'm going to go ahead and close the window. Thank you. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.