Thank you. So what you have become is a parasitic planet. Now what Mother Earth does when the parasites really nip too deep is finally just shudder and shake you off. That is earth upheaval. Something made these mountains. That's earth upheaval. Something made Japan. Fuji made part of it. That's earth upheaval. You have a rupture down both of your oceans, your major oceans, the Atlantic and the Pacific, and they're coming up and they're spreading apart as that volcanic action comes up. This is the way earth topography has changed and this is the way all civilizations are taken care of. When you find places where one's got up and left, I can guarantee you that the goodly people of that community were taken aboard ship and out of that place. That does not mean that the bad people were taken up in ships and off the place. They already had their plan and their friends came and they got them and now some of those are back to try to destroy this place again. And the old mop-up crew comes along. And that's us. And when you witness the flocks of buzzards, vultures, scavengers coming in like yesterday, shudder in your boots, Those are the creatures that cleanse the earth after death. And they don't eat anything but dead flesh. And you will note they're heading toward the coast. just before a major, major disaster. Read your clues. This is why the ancient ones are so incredibly right on. And you cannot tell what the next thing will be because you cannot just accept that nature is doing something. Man has tampered to the extent that you, you will not be able to tell the difference. And when we talk about bluebeam, the way to deceive the most and the way to get rid of a lot of the goodly people thinking they are just headed for goodness and rapture. Rapture is not in any book. Not the Bible, not the Torah, not the Koran. Nothing. There is no such thing as a rapture. Where God just comes through the clouds, you will fall through and run back to earth and you go bang. Don't be silly. When that preacher tells you God will come and get you in the clouds, ask where you go Well, I've got plenty of ships to take you, but I don't know how many can make it through the light beam in one piece, intact. So we also have a lot to do. And when that happens, you're going to find visitors all over your skies. Most of them right off your place. Running around, basically getting in the way. And deceiving you. And you're going to have a rapture, alright. You're going to be through phaser beams of light that are going to absolutely disperse the energy form until it will be eons of time before those blueprints can again coalesce into what that soul energy was. your world into a what they call master race and you will be enslaved and they will simply get rid of the unwanted. So in March operation blue beam is one that no matter where you are there are two things that are supposed to happen. They have the facilities, and they've tried it out in war, they've tried it out in the Gulf War, they've tried it out in the sandstorms, to give you holographic visions. In the Gulf War, they just ran strings of tanks along the ridge tops, and there were nothing but pictures. Holographs, go right through it. But you see once you have the holographic DNA, it will be in every particle. If you break up a hologram, you have the whole picture in every cell of the hologram. Basically, you have that in your body. Every cell of your body bears DNA. And from one tiny part of your body, the entire DNA blueprint of your cell is there. So you have a situation where they can show you pictures that will blow your mind. They can put fleets of craft, fleets of airplanes, whatever they want. They also projected many helicopters. And on the day that this begins to happen, you're not going to say, I wonder if that is a picture. Well, you guys may. But basically, you see a helicopter go by and it has sound, you're going to, oh, it's a helicopter. They can now beam off your satellites from that side, you see, when you are doing a holographic projection, you've got to have the lighting or the cameras from several directions to put a third dimensional something somewhere. See, moving into this creation of perception. So you've got to have the satellite system in place, the tower system in place, and while they project whatever they want up here, they also have to project the message into the individual head that will visualize what they want you to see that in this vision, which will basically be a faceless vision. You will build it into whatever you want through thought form. And that will be completely surrounding your world. That's the plan. And all of you wonderful ones who are waiting for the evangelical lift off are going to run out and say, take me, dad, I thought you'd never get here. And they can sit from outer space and just zap you away, zap you away. pull up many, is after your weight. Or they'll feed this to you for a while. Or, because they're discovered, they might not be able to do it in March. But it's part of the overall control scheme, so they're going to have to do it. Sooner or later, they've got to do Religion is the only thing that will bring man into line, because man is a searching being looking for God. And so they're going to show you all the wrong faces all along the way. That is the world as it has become. But that's what Blue Beam is all about and they have it down perfected. They can do it. We are told off and on that it's off. Well as a matter of fact, it continually is rearranged. This was not to take place until early summer like June. Then they moved up the Billy Graham worldwide crusade from Puerto Rico. That's where it would be, bounced off all the satellites when they get them all in the air. Now, let us talk about God having a plan 2000. There are several things that can happen without God doing anything or us doing anything. When you move into full-blown, there is going to be a line beyond which you can no longer function in the photon belt electronically. And I won't go into that, but things are going to be different for three days. And I want to tell you, when all these elite go underground, they have just sealed their coffin. The day they get ready to absolutely annihilate the world, as you know it, and they go into their little holes they have just sealed in their coffin. Because for at least three days there will be no way to have power. Short of that, yes sir, we can turn off the power equipment. They're stupid. This is the defiance against God. You wouldn't dare. Watch. Just watch. Well, Well that's going to be pretty drastic isn't it if you wait till then. Yes. Do not expect some savior. If you want a savior you better get busy. You are your savior. Not me. I can tell you the truth and if you want to work with me I have a nice place aboard. But I don't coerce anybody. This is a free will planet. I have lived my existence, you must live yours. Some of you are back just like me and I like to tell ones of you how foolish you are. I decided to stop off where I am and you decided to go on down there and grubble around. But why? Oh foolishness. You have five minutes. Till go time? Till lunch time. What am I going to do Norio? Jordan's here too. Well, Jordan will have to wait until after lunch and forfeit. How can you describe what is happening in your universe in two hours? It beats what they want on the talk shows. Commander, we will believe you if you will just give us a cure for cancer and give me the answer to the universe in 30 seconds or less. And then they always interrupt you with their, uh, well, their chromaton or whatever, you know, rendition. is it is not forfeit. There are alien beings on your planet that are goodly. There are alien beings on your planet that you do call the little greys and they did make some incredible agreements with basically the ones that inhabit Israel. Those are the ones, however, that took over Germany and formed the Nazi party, out of the Auschwitz Nazis. Your old friend Hitler did not die. He ended up in the Antarctic. He was nothing but a puppet anyway. The Holocaust, even as you know it, was conceived and orchestrated by the very ones that claimed themselves to be the Jews. You will note that they tried to get rid of the Jewish people, just the citizen. So that as you moved along in history, they could change history and no one would know they did it. That is the clue of Antichrist, Satan. Deceit, Take the heritage of the innocent. Destroy them. And then they go and take. And I guess we have to leave, they can wrap their sandwich and go. We don't want to make them late. I wish that you would make it clear they're welcome to stay for days. We would love to have you as long as you could be here or come again. We would make arrangements if you wanted to come in the morning. I apologize that we couldn't be here to start the minute you got here. If we took another 15 minutes, it would be okay. What would Norio ask? He would take some questions. So, she is not speaking, she is translating. If you have any questions, there is a microphone here. You can ask any questions. What was the length of the interview? Ah, okay. It was about 5 minutes. There are some people that we could introduce you to if this is for your magazine. We could give you information that would blow the top off this world. There are people that you need to spend time with or get articles and get them translated however there could be some kind of a working relationship. Jordan Maxwell knows all about these Kazarian flute parasites. and now he has the proof in symbology. Serge Monast has information on Bluebeam. He's in Canada. There are motion picture people. I do not believe that for documentaries there is anyone better for covering these types of subjects honorably with integrity than Nippon Television has done. Say with Billy Meyer in Switzerland. There are so many resources now and I had hoped that possibly we could even have Jackson call in this afternoon so You've got to have leaders. And don't predispose yourselves to a certain person or party. Because you're going to have to build from ground up. You're going to have to rebuild governments aside from whatever is established. You do not need to destroy them. They will destroy themselves. You stop the food supply, just like the parasites within. You poison them and you don't give them food. They've got to die or come out. You don't need to go to war with ones in Washington, D.C. They will kill themselves off, but you need the capability and the know-how to build over here. I know a good place to start, right up between here and Bishop, California, where they put the Japanese-Americans during their planned war. You have more going for you as different as you are than any other two groups of people. And I think it's time you got even. I really think it's time that revenge and did it properly. Do I have a question or shall we just go? Just make sure that they know I'm a boy. It will come back to me later that she said, she said. She is my secretary and she has the calluses in her hands to prove it. We have written 225 or 30 journals, books, 200 some odd papers and it's good stuff. It's really good stuff and then I had her making bread until we perfected, these are products you must begin to be able to get in Japan. I mean must. You've got to have some of the driana products. That is the elixir, if you will, of life. Those are your life cells. And we brought them back. And there is a grain that was the earliest grain ever grown on your place. It is called spelta. You have some fancy names for it. It was birthed in old Mesopotamia. And it is the ancient grain. It's hull is radioactive resistant, almost totally resistant. And it is the best grain and it is not a hybrid. Once you start hybridizing things you end up with wheat, etc. And once you have destroyed your land you will not be able to grow wheat or hybrid materials, plants. You're going to have to go back to the fundamental. And the fundamental you will find is the best. I don't think it's a good idea to make a reservation, but I'll try to do it. Please, feel free to ask your questions. If you have any questions, we'll have some time after the reservation. If possible, please make a reservation and ask your questions. I was told at the end that the person who just spoke this message is a man. I don't want to be called a girlfriend later, so I'm not talking about her, but I'm talking about her. First of all, they are our enemies, but they will not stop until they take over the world. of the In addition to the local earthquake, you also said that we need to take economic action. There is a group called Committee 17. I think you know that there are 300 committees, but there are 17 other committees. And in those 17 committees, there is a list of Murayama-san. But now we have Nordic students, so they are all very involved in what is going to happen in the future. Mind control, and the Nazi massacre in Osaka, those are all part of our history. They did it with their own hands. In the magazine called Marco Polo, the title is not clear, but in a magazine called Marco Polo, he once said that the Nazi genocide was a lie. He said that it was all made up. This is true. This is actually true. Jesus is flying. We have heard the word God many times. We have said God. We have heard the word God many times. But this is not the God we know, such as Christ, Buddha, or Muhammad. We are not God like Mohammed or any other God. Our God is an alien. He is the one who is at the top of the group that has been updated. The Earth is a free will planet. How do you translate this? free will planet. But if there is someone who wants to protect us, of course, without discrimination of race or gender, we will call only your souls to our spaceship. So if you have the will to fight with us, I've been told many times that parasites are parasites. If you have the will to fight these parasites, we will always save you. We will save your soul. So, don't be fooled by the clones that are being made in Area 51. In March, you said something about a big show and two, but something like a show was going to happen. Something related to Project Blue Beam, which used holograms. I'm sorry. I'll look for it. At the beginning of this summer, the biggest project, Blue Beam, will be held. And after that, the Billy Graham crusade, the Puerto Rico crusade, will be held. It will be a part of the Blue Beam project. the and the ??????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????? The sandwich is lined up here. There are paper and pens here. Please line up here. Is it okay to go now? If you have anything to say, please do. I couldn't say everything I said. If you have any questions about that, I will try to answer as many questions as possible. Please feel free to ask any questions while we are eating. Is it under control now? Well, salute. I'm. You're welcome. Okay. You're welcome. Okay. You're welcome. Okay. you. You're welcome. You You're welcome. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Okay. you You you. You. of the the I'm. of the We're going to go ahead and get started. You Thank you.