I want to thank you all for inviting me to be with you. It's a pleasure to be here. My name is Jordan Maxwell, as you've heard, and I have been involved in the research and study of secret societies and paternal orders, underworld movements for many years. I grew up in a household listening to this kind of talk. My great-grandfather was a senator from the state of Florida. I have two living uncles, last time I checked, though they're still living, who are federal One of my closest, one of our family's closest friends in politics was Senator Claude Pepper. He was put into politics by my great-grandfather. And we had many different political people, friends of the family. My mother had an uncle when I was growing up as a small child that worked in the Vatican, Secretary of State's office. Consequently, when he would come back from Rome on occasions every couple of years to talk with the family, he would sit with my uncles and my father and his brothers. The scene was almost typically right out of the Godfather I movie, with all of the men sitting in the den while the women were in the kitchen and the men smoking the cigars and drinking wine and talking about politics and who's buying who and how the name of the game works and who's doing what to who. I grew up listening to this kind of discussion of behind the scenes of religion and theology and government. I, at a very early age, of course at the very beginning I didn't really understand a whole lot of what I was hearing, but I heard it so much as I was growing up, it finally occurred to me at the ripe old age of 17 that the entire world is lying in the power of occultism. Hidden, mystical, secret secret societies, fraternal orders, operating throughout the world. Now we all are aware of the existence of criminal organizations such as La Cosa Nostra Mafia and criminal organizations throughout the world. We are all aware because even the government and the Department of Justice has a criminal conspiracies division, implying that there is such a thing as criminal conspiracy division implying that there is such a thing as criminal conspiracies police departments have uh... criminals conspiracies division implying that even within our own midst there might be political or criminal conspiracies well i can assure you that there is plenty of conspiratorial movements all over the earth moving for different reasons and to accomplish different motives, but I grew up listening to the background of theology, and I'm very interested in theology. I have it in my blood because I was born and raised into that kind of family. I'm fascinated with the occult. Occult simply means, comes from the word hidden. So things which are hidden from view, and of course my hand at this moment is occult because it's hidden from view so it doesn't mean occult does not mean necessarily anything evil or demonic it simply means hidden and God knows there's a lot that's been hidden however the scripture says that that which has been hidden will one day be brought to light that no lie can live forever truth crushed to the earth will rise again and there is going to come a time when that which has been done in the dark will be brought to light and I believe that that is the time at which we are living and that that great God force in the universe is going to require those who know more are to speak the scriptures has said that those who have knowledge in a particular subject are required by their creator to speak out, because one who knows and does not speak out becomes a party after the fact. You become an accessory after the fact. If you know better and do not say, then you become a party to that which you condone or put up with the manipulation, the lies, and the trickery which I have grown up learning about and hearing. Truthfully, I was afraid to do what I was doing. I am no longer afraid because I now know that I have a job to do. It has been given to me. of many people who have a job to do in this time in which we are living and that is to expose for the public to see how our world has been created, how it is working today. And while I am concerned for my personal safety, at this point I am happy to be at the age that I am because I have lived a very happy life and consequently I now am going to devote my life to doing what I have been, I believe, sent here to do. And whatever that costs me, I am willing to pay. I have many subjects which I could deal with. For the first part, I am going to deal with just general educational material, and then there will come a time when we'll ask the children to leave because it will be an adult subject. It's so bad I think I might even leave. It deals with religion, and religion in its actual, original beginnings was a very naturalistic thing. as we know it today has evolved into a business, a very powerful business. I had an FBI man in a large city in California a couple of years ago call me, this is an FBI agent in a very large city in California, call and talk with me and he said that we want you to know that we've been monitoring everything you're saying and doing we've been watching you for some time and we want you to understand that we in the fbi the working-class people of the fbi uh... admire what you're doing and we have no problem with what you do we admire your integrity but we want you to know also so, that when you are dealing with exposure of religion, his words were, when you begin to expose religion, what you're actually in fact doing, whether you know it or not, is you're exposing big money. And when you deal with big money, sooner or later, they're going to deal with you." And I said, you make it sound like religion is like an underworld criminal syndicate. He said, that's precisely what it is. It is a money-making scheme based on power, political power, and manipulation. And consequently, what you're doing is you're dealing with a very, very serious subject. And so don't be surprised at whatever might happen to you. But we admire what you are doing. I was in a supermarket a few months ago, about three or four months ago now. One night about one o'clock in the morning and a young man about 35 years old, three piece suit, very well dressed, very well groomed, approached me and he said, Are you Jordan Maxwell? I said, Yes. And he said, I thought I recognized you from your tapes. And he says, I work for, I will not say where now, I'm thinking about it. He said, but I work for a major network, on a major network program, which is world famous. And he says, everyone at the network has your tapes. And he said, you're kind of like a folk hero at the network. We're all taking bets to see how far you're You And so I have now thousands of letters from all over the world, from virtually every country in the world, of people who have seen some of the things which I'm doing. Unhappily, I have not been able to do justice to the subject because I have not had the money or the position, and I have been spending most of my time fighting off people who want to manipulate, exploit and use me. And I have been living in Los Angeles and that alone is bad enough, but I also have to deal with people who see what I do causes attention and when I go on radio or television I get an enormous positive response from audiences. And when doing so, that also brings out the sharks and the vultures and the people who want to use you and make money off of you and offer you great plans and hopes for the future and they are going to do this for you and they are going to do that for you and they are going to do all of these wonderful things and all you have to do is just sign your name on a contract which gives them 80% of everything you have ever done, you are doing now or ever will do in the future and all you need to do is just sign the contract and then we'll have all kinds of money to do whatever you want. So I just thanked him very kindly and said I didn't come into this world to crawl on my knees to any man. I don't do it to the mafia, I don't do it to those gang of criminals in Washington, I do it to no one, including anyone who would use money to manipulate me. I've had to put away the desires of doing something really professional and wait until the right time and just do the best I can with what I have to work with. The word understand comes from the idea that you have to, when you come to something that is standing, you have to get under it, to the foundation. So whatever it is that's standing, you need to get under it, in order to get under standing. You go to the foundations. When one goes to the foundations of government, you will find religion. There's virtually never been a religious movement in the world that wasn't political, and never been a political movement that wasn't a little religious. Religion and politics are actually two hands serving the same brain, and it is my contention that the two hands, religion and government, are being operated behind the scenes by some very powerful secret societies and paternal orders in the world who I choose personally to believe are not human. I don't think that these entities are human because they're too smart. They're far smarter than humans. So that's just my personal belief. But all the ancient cultures of the world talked about the gods, those entities from other worlds, the gods. I tend to think that there's something to that. Christians have no problem when discussing angels. That's perfectly legitimate subject matter to discuss with Christians, angels. Well where do angels come from? Are they manufactured in Van Nuys or were they born in Alabama? No, obviously angels came from out there. Well that's what we're talking about. If they came from out there, they're extraterrestrial. They're not from here. Consequently, I don't understand how Christians can, on the one hand, talk about angels, who they are very happy to tell you came from heaven, somewhere out there, and then have a finding fault with people who talk about UFOs or extraterrestrials, because you've got to find out how angels got here. Now incidentally, when you talk about angels angel merely comes from the two words angel l l is not Hebrew l is not Hebrew l is a word for God but l is semantic not Hebrew l is a semantic word for God and age simply means a messenger angel is a messenger of l or a messenger of God messenger of They got women pregnant so their plumbing must have worked like a man. Okay? They look like men. They were handsome. They could sit and have wine and drink and tell a few stories and thank their host and walk through a wall and then the individual knew that they were entertaining an angel. The point I'm making is that angels look like men. The Apostle Paul said, and this is christian theology now the apostle paul says to be hospitable to all men for some have entertained angels unaware the point being is that all religions in the world including christianity respect the concept that God sends messengers in the form of men and women but nonetheless in human form so consequently I say to audiences as I'm saying today to you I'm proclaiming myself to be an angel an angel is merely a messenger now most likely I'm not an angel but I could be and you don't know for sure. Okay? Now if I'm not an angel, but what I've done is entertained you and woke you up and caused you to think, then I ought to get an award for that. But if I am an angel, I'm going to see you on the other side, and I'm going to remember that I told you, so don't say that God never sent anyone to talk to you. So either way, you don't know. And I've got to admit, I don't even know. But I've got to wonder about my life. I have spent 35 years of my life in one subject, and that makes me wonder why in the world I would do that. Because it has brought me nothing but trouble and pain and a loss of a wife and a loss of a family. But I intend to finish that which I started. Because now I realize how very powerful this movement against truth and righteousness really is. And it's been going on for a long time. There are many things I could tell you, but the most important part I want you to remember about this segment of light. The Bible has Jesus saying that if you say that you are in the light but in fact you are in darkness, then how dark your light really is. The point is that if you think that you are enlightened by God but if in fact in point of fact you're actually in the dark then you really in the dark you serious big time in trouble because if your light is darkness that how dark your light really is and the point was very simply taken to mean that it is a wise course of action to say before the Almighty Ones that if you're not aware or you don't know, then accept the fact that you don't know and be humble to say you don't know and you're open to hear what the truth is. But if you say you have the truth and that you have the intellectual and spiritual enlightenment, That you may But you better hope you do because when you leave this earth The options are no longer yours and up to the time you were here You could say that you were in the light Well, you better hope you are because when you leave here and you deal with that higher power in the universe It's not going to be a it's not going to care with who you are or what you are or what you've thought before It don't matter. I am very concerned about theology because I believe so many people are being misled. And I believe that the only real salvation for our country, ultimately for the world, is for good people pay for non-involvement in public affairs is to be ruled by evil men. My God, when have we ever been ruled by evil men, if not now? The people who run this country from behind the scenes are in secret societies, fraternal that meet late at night, who have sacrifices, who are into all sorts of perversion, and they are in servitude to some very dark forces at work today. The symbolism in religion and in our social institutions are profoundly obvious once you begin to see it. clergy wearing the long black robes the long black robes of course any time a man wears the long robe he's representing himself as a female because women dresses not men consequently when you see judges coming into a courtroom with the long robe judges are wearing the robe and incidentally the robes are black because black is a color associated with the planet saturn and the ancient god saturn was worshiped in jerusalem jerusalem was the city of saturn it worshiped saturn saturn was the god of chaos the black robe was the black robe of saturn there are many things i'd like to tell you about that. There are so many points I'd like to bring up. Let me try and remember some of them. As I said, Saturn was the god of chaos, the god of destruction. That's why Saturday comes before Sunday. Saturday is the last day of the world. That's why Saturday night is night for party, drinking, partying, merrymaking on Saturday night, because it's the end of the week. We finally got paid and we're going out drinking and running around town and having a good time, because Jerusalem was the center for the worship of Saturn. I don't care who they say they're worshiping, but the mere fact they go to temple on Saturn's day proves they're worshiping the planet Saturn. Men were to get married before their God, so they wore wedding rings. Kings were to be crowned before their God Saturn, so they wore the round crown. Consequently, we have Saturn alien worship. In the Roman Empire, Saturn was really worshiped there, from whence today we have so much worship of Saturn. They had something called the Saturnalia, which was thirteen days before Christmas, the Saturnalia celebration began. I am getting into a subject which I have loved for many years, which has virtually never been brought to public attention and I'm gonna be probably the first one that's going to be bringing this kind of knowledge to the attention of people. It's very important. Go back and do some research in encyclopedias and reference works on the Saturnalia, the Roman celebration of the God Saturn and you're going to find a very interesting story developing. For 12 days before Christmas was called the Saturnalian feast and for 12 days in Rome, violence, anarchy, pornography, licentiousness of every kind, drunkenness of every kind, every conceivable simple activity that the human mind could come up with was made legal. One could not be arrested for raping, for violently attacking someone else that you didn't like. You have to wait to the Saturnalia, then you take care of your enemies. You can rape the girl that you've always wanted to, but you have to wait until Saturnalia. Okay? Why? Because Saturn was the god of chaos and violence and corruption. Consequently, he was the god of the old order of the sun rising on a new dawn, on a new world order, in which the chaos and destruction of the old order will be wiped away, and a new order is now to begin. Novus Ordo Cyclorum was what the Roman poet Virgil wrote, a new order of the world when the sun will rise on December 25th and a new beginning for the Empire will now ensue. Consequently you had 12 days of incredible filth and degeneracy and then on the 13th day which was the son is born who brings his kingdom to the world what we're in right now is the Saturnalian period according to the secret societies and fraternal orders of occult Freemasonry we are living in the Saturnalian period when the gods of destruction are purposely according to a design financing organizing and promoting violence, sexual, drugs, every sort of licentiousness with the idea of the Saturnalian principle to destroy an old order of the world and prepare the world for a coming new order when the sun will rise on the back of the dollar bill. We'll get back to the priest and the judges wearing the long robes. That's a very important part of Saturnalian principle. As a matter of fact, before I forget it, let's do that now. The priest, the Catholic Church worships is the same God that was worshiped in Jerusalem. The God of Jerusalem was called Saturn and consequently his robe was black. The priest wears the long black robe just as the judge wears the long black robe. Just as you wear the long robe and many years ago it was almost always black when you graduate from university or college. University of course is nothing more than unity in diversity. And consequently when you graduate from high school or university you also wear the long black robe. When graduating of course you wear a square mortarboard on your head. You have graduated because of gradual, you have gradually been indoctrinated to the point that you finally have reached your top degree and therefore you get a degree in education. Just as Freemasonry has degrees, and of course the square mortarboard that you wear with the tassel when you graduate is the square of Freemasonry. Because plasterers and people who build things with bricks are called brick masons. Consequently, when you have a square mortarboard and you put the cement on the mortarboard, you'll see brick masons using their mortarboard to put the mortar on the walls as they build with bricks, and they're called brick masons. Therefore, when you graduate, you wear this square mortarboard on your head, which means that you have now learned properly what to kiss and when, and how to go along to get along. You now have your work permit. And that's why the young people who don't buy into any of this call the older people squares because you have bought into the system. You're playing fair and square when you are get thrown into jail they give you three square meals baseball is played at the town square the whole idea russian communism run from red square all of these symbols and emblems mean something i can tell you without a doubt that what we call nazi ism and i think there's not a german thing communism marxism all of the other isms role nothing more than a cult freemasonry financed organized and directed out of london in new york carl marx actually lived in london and worked in new york for a newspaper company and a magazine so karl marx was not a russian karl marx of germany lived in new york so that all the other gangsters you ought to understand too that the modern-day symbolism coming out of new york is very very interesting stuff why it's called new york it goes back to the old york right of freemasonry coming out of york england and consequently when those chumps came over here they set up something called new new york is the empire remember it's the state of the new empire like indiana jones and and the empire strikes back with uh... george lucas the empire and went out to the empire strikes back we have the return of the jet i mean and the jet i as what he is on night on the sonic night and if you go back to the old reference works of the nights templars of the nights of the temple of solomon incidentally little ones that give you your banking system the nights of the Temple of Solomon. The reference works will tell you when you look up the subject of Knights Templars, that they are the people who gave you what we call today, banking. They started this project right around the year 996, 997 to the year 1000. The Knights of the Temple of Solomon developed what we call today international banking. So when you go into any bank today, writing checks and putting money into banks, doing any kind of banking, just remember, there's nothing wrong with it. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with banking. But just remember that the entire institution of banking was started by Freemasons referred to as the Knights of the Temple of Solomon. I don't know what that tells you but that's the fact. Okay. Consequently when you see the robes of the people go to any good seminary and you will see like I have gone to so many different seminaries and seen on the wall the great leaders of that particular college and all the seminarian professors are all dressed in their long robes with their Masonic square the 90 degree square or the 60 degree square all of these things are very obvious once you know what you're looking at for many will look with their eyes but not see and listen with their ears but not hear and with their heart not get the sense of it and that's what's happened to us. We've been watching so much big time peewee and hulkamania and silliness on television purposely designed and that's why radio and TV is called programs because that's what you do to a computer and your brain is a computer and that's what they've been programming you. That's why they call TV programs. They're programming you. Why? So that you will know how to react, how to think, how to act. And once you understand the name of the tune and how it works, and I heard this many, many, many years ago, the whole idea is the control of the human race. To manipulate, exploit the ignorance of people, keep them poor, keep them guessing, and ultimately to control them. And as Albert Pike wrote, the grandmaster of world Freemasonry, Albert Pike wrote in Morals and Dogma, that the entire human race should be treated as one entity. And to do otherwise is an absolute tactical error for freemasonry the whole human race must be treated as one all humans are human all men are men all women are women and children all over the world are children consequently all humans think alike have the same needs have the same desires and ultimately always going to act the same way men are always going to be men women will always be women consequently don't look at them as chinese or russians or americans look at them as humans and consequently if you go look at them as humans and control the world look at all the world as one entity and that's what they have done now when you trace the roots of our religious and political movements, they will go back to, even further back than Egypt, to Sumerian, to Proto-Sumerian, even earlier than that, we're talking at least 7,000 years ago, I believe that can be traced back even much further than that. I'm fascinated with the use of symbols and emblems in Hallowtree, on national coats of arms on flags uh... for instance when you uh... as i said the the long robes are one kind of symbolism when you walk into a courtroom you will see in all courtrooms a fence with a uh... gate and only the uh... only the attorneys who are called actually called logos in the latin the logos or the mouthpiece for you they speak for you the idea being is that you're so stupid you can't talk for yourself so they will represent you to God that's why the the judges bench which is three tiers high sits up higher than the people in the courtroom so he can look down on you and you can look up to the law to this man who plays God in a woman's dress and when you understand the basis for their law and they say that if you get in trouble in this country you broke the law like remember Moses threw down and broke the law consequently the sheriff wears the six-pointed badge the hexagon we have Jews running around all over the world with the Star of David and they're proud to tell you they're wearing a hex. This is a hexagram. I got the hex put on me. My point is wake up and find out that there are symbols and emblems and occult meanings behind colors, sounds, terminology and you'll find that there's a world of criminality has been built up around us and we're so ill-informed and unready to face this material that we don't even see it coming. In the medical profession, talking about criminals, I always have to bring in the doctors. Doctors and attorneys first of all let me get through a get rid of the attorneys quickly attorneys are the ones who promote law they are the ones who officiate at law and the law of course goes back to the law of moses the mosaic law we can prove that because judges come out the blonde black robes and that's what the judges war in jerusalem the pharisees wore their long black robes so we still under that pharisee rule until such time as we wake up and find out where all of the silly nonsensical stuff we call law comes from i'm tired of crawling on my knees to somebody else's god and their law the god that brought me here will take care of me and i don't need anybody else's damn god or their law to manipulate my thinking or to manipulate me in any way. I don't have a bit of respect for any God that allows the raping and the killing of children, women all over the world, the turning against womankind coming out of the Roman Empire to treat women as second-class citizens, to treat men as though they were dogs, and to have all of their manipulation of the human race, I have no respect for such gods. I have no respect for anybody who says they worship such a god. I believe, one of the few things that Albert Pike said that I agree with, that religion highest, the highest form of religion is the pursuit of intellectual and spiritual truth. I agree with that. When you see where our theology, our system of governments have come from, the symbolism, you will understand better my feeling about the subject. I brought in the medical. The doctors wear the long robes, of course they are wearing white because of white magic. The priest and the judges wear black because of black magic. It's black and white, that's why most police cars in L.A. are black and white because it's the war between the black forces and the white, white and black magic. But doctors of course are degreed, they have a degree, like a third degree, that's why you get the third degree when you go into court, a degree. Consequently you graduate because you have gradually been brought along into the system and now you're ready to go out into the world and work for the profession of law and attorneys and doctors. I want to say publicly that I do not have a contempt for these institutions, individuals, no. But I don't have contempt for these institutions of law and medicine and government and religion i have an utter contempt i abhor the manipulation of human beings the medical profession has killed more people lied purposely promoted diseases government has promoted diseases we know they have developed diseases purposely to get rid of people we know that they are doing this the CIA the USIA the NSA records prove it but our government is purposely why do you think they have they have places in Atlanta called the Center for Disease Control it's not the Center for Disease Eradication hell we don't wanna eradicate you wanna control right California we don't have california state law or american law you have a california criminal justice system criminal justice because the criminals are administering the justice that's why it's called a criminal justice system you think i'm fooling you better do your homework we've been had by a very powerful elite people who call themselves elites. Elite of course goes back to L. L, elites. That's why when you're going to go up high to L, you get on an elevator. We are told, and this is the one thing that I take a special contempt for, religion that tells me that their God is the true God and everyone else is mythology, and then proceeds to direct my life on this earth by their God's law. I will say publicly that the God that is being promoted today throughout the world as the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament is nothing more than a mythology and I'll prove that. I'm not asking for anyone to accept anything on face value. I'll prove it. First of all, when you understand that Israel comes from Isis, Amun-Re and El. We are told today the Hebrews worship the god El. That's the Hebrew God, El. I beg to differ. El is not the Hebrew God. When the Hebrews went into Palestine, and incidentally it was called Palestine for a very interesting reason, that's because there were Palestinians living there. That's why it was called Palestine because there were Palestinians living in Palestine and the Hebrews of course were told by their God to go into Palestine and kill all the Palestinians and the scripture actually says do not let your I feel sorry kill their men their women their children and their stock. Kill them all, because I am your God and I have given you and you are a precious people, you are a special priesthood to me and you are a holy people and consequently that gives you the right to go into someone else's home and murder them, kill them, kill their stock, destroy their property and take them over, because than human. And Israel today was founded on something that the Zionists called, they called Palestine a land without a people for a people without a land. Nothing is more reprehensible and detestable than that which has been done to the Palestinian people and to all the other people in the world but the zionist movement has divine plans on they're not the only one that have been kicked out of their country they're just the most obvious ones why do you think this the israel is referred to not as the country of israel or the nation of israel is called the state of israel like the state of alabama the state of california it's called the state of israel because it's a state under our federal jurisdiction so the state of israel is connected to the united states we just don't know it yet it's not a country it's one of our states perhaps the one thing that bothers me the most, and it is a personal thing with me and you'll hear it in my voice every time I talk about it.