|0.00|> Profoundly well-versed, intelligent, clever man, and I have the highest respect for his<|8.80|><|8.80|> academic achievements and abilities.<|12.60|><|12.60|> He was a phenomenal mind, but he was the grandmaster of world Freemasonry.<|20.48|><|20.48|> The look on his face is absolutely delightful.<|24.08|><|24.08|> It looks like he's saying you chumps haven't got the faintest idea of the world, what's<|29.68|><|29.68|> going on. If you only understood a tenth of what we're doing. The Pike and Mussini correspondence, that's an interesting story in itself, a letter. But anyway, here is something the objects of rockefeller's philanthropies he was he was rockefeller old man rockefeller was always said to be a great philanthropist who gave a lot of money to to poor people and cripple children's home and all that silliness uh... but here in something called the occasional letter number one of the general education board occasional letter number one, Rockefeller wrote, and this is his own words, quote, in our dreams we have limitless resources. They did. And the people yield themselves with perfect dicility to our molding hands. The present educational conventions fade from our minds and unhampered by tradition, we work our own goodwill upon a grateful and responsive rural folk. The task that we set before ourselves is a very beautiful one, to train these people as we find them to a perfectly ideal life just where they are, so we will organize our children into a little community, teach them to do in a perfect way the things their fathers and mothers are doing in an imperfect way, in the home, in the shop, and on the farm. He says, the people yield themselves with perfect dicility to our molding hands, and we work our own goodwill upon a grateful and responsive rural folk. The arrogance of that stinks. He's saying that the rural folk, the people who made this country and work, will mold themselves with perfect dicility. They're so stupid, we'll just lead them down the garden path and they'll never know what hit them Here is an interesting quotation taken from the preface to the book brave new world a 1948 edition in the preface Julian Huxley wrote this he said quote. This is a preface to the book brave new world Julian Huxley said as political and economic freedom diminishes, sexual freedom tends compensatingly to increase. And the dictator, unless he needs cannon fodder and families with which to colonize empty and conquered territories, sexual freedom tends compensatingly to increase, and the dictator will do well to encourage that freedom in conjunction with the freedom to daydream under the influence of dope, the movies, and radio. It will help to reconcile his subjects to the servitude which is now their fate." Basically what he was saying back in 1948 is that the more we take away from you your freedoms and your economic freedoms and rob you of your money and take your freedoms of your from your country we will of course give you more entertainment sex drugs and rock and roll we will make sure that you're entertained and have plenty to uh... to watch on tv and movies and sex that keeps people happy it keeps them entertained while we work our own goodwill on you poor folks Here is the California State Legislature, 1953, regular edition, a regular session. This is published by the State of California, Senate Investigating Committee on Education. It says, so-called modern communism is apparently the same hypocritical and deadly world conspiracy to destroy civilization that was founded by the secret order of the Illuminati in Bavaria May 1st 1776 and that raises hoary head here in our colonies at critical periods before the adoption of our federal constitution the world revolution conspiracy appears to have been so well organized to be ever-continuing ever on the alert to take advantage of every opportunity presenting itself representing itself or that the conspirators could create. It is significant in this connection that as early as 1783 when unsettled conditions and dissatisfaction in some quarters had arisen in American colonies, subversive anonymous sermons were circulated among the colonial army to incite dissatisfaction and rebellion. George Washington immediately called the army together and in addressing them he used this significant language. This is taken from Marshall's life on Washington, page 86. Quote, Washington is saying this in 1783. My God, what can this writer have in view by recommending such measures? friend to the army can he be a friend of this country rather is he not in insidious some emissary perhaps from new york even washington realized the insidious foe was in new york the empire state and i don't think i have to tell you who runs new york it is playing this is like the state going back the state senate saying it is plain that washington believe this they've been center of the secret conspiracy so far as this country was concerned to be located in new york and felt it to be his duty to make such a direct statement the recognition of may first seventeen seventy six of the founding date of the world revolution conspiracy is not difficult to understand when it is realized that mayday is Frequently celebrated even in recent times by rioting and bloodshed on a worldwide scale This is interesting in issuing this manifesto and incidentally that's when our riots in Los Angeles were the last riots were on May 1st Mayday were on May 1st, May Day. That's why in the military, you know, when you're going down in a plane or your ship's going under, it's a May Day, a May Day call. Why? Because May Day was the founding of the Bavarian Illuminati, Ordo Ab Caelo, the chaos, the gods of destruction and violence. Illuminati founded May 1st, 1776. That's why in military, when you're It's May Day. In issuing the Communist Manifesto, the Communist conspirators evidently believed the time had arrived when, with the aid of ignorant victims, a worldwide takeover could be accomplished. But there were not enough ignorant victims then, and the expected coup failed. The Communist conspirators thereupon conceived the plan for the future of supplementing the long-established secret conspiracy in existence since May 1st, 1776 with an unremitting public campaign for victims among the ignorant of all nations. And in an attempt to hide from view the underlying hypocritical conspiracy existing since May 1st, 1776, it was decided that in such public campaign, the Manifesto of 1848 should be heralded as the founding date of Communism, Karl Marx falsely proclaimed as its author. All this is saying is that when you were taught in school that Communism developed out of Karl Marx and the Communist Manifesto in 1848, when the Manifesto was first published by Karl Marx, nothing could be further from the truth. The real truth is that communism comes out of the Illuminati, May 1st, 1776. And so you better do your homework and find out that that which we call communism is nothing more than the same stuff that was developed by Adam Weishaupt in Germany in 1776, the New Order of the revolutionary faith from its earliest origins in occult Freemasonry to the allegedly scientific Marxism of today. And that's exactly the fact. That that which we call scientific Marxism, Marxist-Leninist Communism, is in fact its earliest origins are in occult Freemasonry and that's what you need to know so when you see all of these americans dying in vietnam and dying all over the world to fight communism is nothing more than a setup and the freemasons who run washington dc know that it's a game here we have the writings of george washington Washington. This is a volume 36. He says, I have heard much of the nefarious and dangerous plan and doctrines of the Illuminati. Here he goes on to say, it was not my intention to doubt that the doctrines of the Illuminati are the principles of Jocamenism, which is another name in Europe for Illuminati. They were called the Jocamens. It was not my intention to doubt that the doctrines of the Illuminati or the principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am. This is on the Masons and the Illuminati. But then George Washington goes on to say that individual masons of them may have done it or that the founder or instruments employed to found the democratic societies in the united states may have had these objects in mind and actually had the separation of the people from their government in view is too evident to be questioned so what he's saying here i think is monumental what we call today the democratic party came out of something called the democratic societies and here washington seventeen ninety eight george washington is saying that individual masons and that the founder and instruments employed to found the democratic party and the united states may have had these objects in mind. What objects? Actually had the separation of the people from their government in view is too evident to be questioned. So even George Washington, 1798, understood that the whole idea of the Democratic Party was nothing more than an Illuminati Freemasonic setup, a setup so that you would send your leaders to washington and never realizing that these guys are going to washington are all part of the same they're all part of the same thing and therefore you can as an american you can't share about the fact that you you in this country can elect your leaders but you cannot see you let your leaders there's a difference so they will give you the freemasons are going to run in your county and your city in your state and you will vote on which one of the freemasons are going to go to washington dc to rep you off is that the other guy or is this guy or the other guy it doesn't matter they're all the same fraternal order and it's all the same game it's the same to i used to sit and listen to my mother, my mother's uncle, and all of the men in my family talking about all this stuff many, many years ago. How religion, politics, commerce, government, it's all part of a very, very big corrupt system. That's why the more you see the trouble in our country and the worse it gets. fighting it. And that was a very important point brought out about the use of guns in the Patriot movement. Guns will not help you. The whole war, as the Apostle Paul wrote in the Scriptures, we have a war not against individuals with guns, we have a war of intellectual and spiritual illumination and enlightenment that's going on. You're not going to fight this with a gun. You're going to fight this with truth and light and intellectual exposing of these people publicly. That's where the real trouble will come. Here we have the Reese Committee, whose investigations discovered the establishment foundations were funding the promotion of a world government and socialism. So when you hear about the Rockefeller Foundation and the Ford Foundation and all of these wonderful holy people who set up the wonderful foundations. Well in the fall of 1953, Senator Norman Dodd, director of research for the reese committee was investigate was invented invited to the headquarters of the ford foundation by its president h roland got here according to dodd according to senator dodd got here told him mister dot quote mister dot all of us here at the policy making level have had experience with the OSS, or the European Economic Administration, with directives from the White House. We operate under those directives here. Would you like to know what those directives are? Dodd replied that he would. Gauthier said, the substance of them is that we shall use our grant-making power so to alter our life in the United States that we can comfortably merge with the Soviet Union. Dodd stunned, asked if he would repeat that before the House Committee for the Enlightenment of the American people. Gauthier answered, this we would not think of doing. So when you hear about all of these wonderful people who give to the crippled children's home, these great philanthropies and the great foundations, the Ford Foundation and the Chrysler Foundation and all the Rockefeller Foundation, what they're actually operating under directives from the White House is to use their grant-making power so to alter our life in the United States so we can be comfortably merged with the soviet union and that is precisely what we're doing today the united states government is now comfortably merging with yeltsin and russia and we're not going to be presented very soon with a new world order here we have something called the congressional record back in nineteen forty steps toward british union a world state an international war this is a very interesting document steps toward british union a world state an international war back in nineteen forty here on page thirteen it says let me call your attention to the fact that on the reverse of the great seal of the united states which appears on our dollar bills. You will find the exact symbol of the British Israel World Federation movement. This symbol is also carried on literature of other organizations promoting a world government and a world religion. At the bottom of the circle surrounding the pyramid you will find the wording Novas Ordos Eclodum. It was this new order that was advocated by Clinton Roosevelt several hundred years ago and recently until it drew this is back in nineteen forty and followed now by the executive so the executive office is following something called that british israel world federation movement that's why britain founded the state of israel is called british israel remasonry and america finances it and the people behind it have an agenda, a world government coming in which the holy people of Israel, the holy of holies in Zion, God's holy people, will finally be able to rule the world of schmucks and the schleps and the whole thing stinks and I don't want no God in Israel over my government and over my country and this is the same kind of thing that the people that founded this country were fighting against and that's the same kind of stuff we got today. So I don't care a thing about their religion, their government they're holy of holies and when I get into their God after a while you'll see why i say that great nothing holy in jerusalem may never be anything holy in jerusalem here on the british israeli and a reference work over here it talks about uh... anglo-israelism or british israelism has become the part has become part of the doctrines of various christian sex for example the mormon church the mormon church is nothing more than a british israelite masonic order just like jehovah's witnesses seven-day adventist christendom fiends and god knows all the other low jim jones cults they all have the same modus operandi they all have the same symbols and emblems they're all being financed by the same banks out of london england mi5 mi6 MI6. The two banks in this country that are financing Jehovah's Witnesses, for instance, is the Chase Manhattan Bank and Morgan Guaranteed Trust of Philadelphia. So J.P. Morgan and John D. Rockefeller are financing Jehovah's Witnesses. Happily, none of Jehovah's Witnesses know that, so therefore they don't have to worry about things like that. Oh, good, good. That makes me feel warm all over. To know the Mormons are being watched out for and taken care of by the American Express. Good. Yeah, that's them, American Express. Here's the gospel of the good news that Christ preached as a vital message about a coming world government. Here's the King and Queen of England. Incidentally, you know, it's an interesting point that in Freemasonry, they use checkers and chess as symbols. The chessboard and the checkerboard. The checkerboard is a Masonic game. Checkers is a Masonic game. And you king the guy who gets behind your borders. You king him. Here they are, kneeling on their knees before the sword of state. Cecil Rhodes, who gave us the Rhodes Scholarship, of which our president finally got his Rhodes Scholarship. What's his name? He's so impressive to me, I forgot his name, the president. Clinton? Hillary. Hillary. The lady. Yeah. We'll call him Clinton. Yeah, Clinton, whatever. haha the lady yet clinton whatever it was a you know when when bush was in office everybody was going around saying my god i hope nothing happens to george bush couple get that dumb clock uh... quail quail will come in if that if bush dies now they're going around saying my god i hope hillary doesn't i will get that airhead bill in there. So Cecil Rhodes gave us the Rhodes Scholarship and here in the reference book it says the British statesman and empire builder. In his first five wills Cecil Rhodes repeatedly called for a quote secret society the true aim and object whereof shall be the extension of British rule throughout the world." So all these wars and all that stuff that we're seeing going on around the world, we'd better go back and look at all of those James Bond movies with British Secret Service, the James Bond movies, because they're telling you something. executive committee for terror, revenge and extortion. Remember Dr. No? I was telling you something. So in his sixth and last will he created the Rhodes Scholarship and uh... Great Britain and U.S. and Germany. Germany. But I just think it's interesting it even says it. Cesar Rhodes of the Rhodes Scholarship. Rhodes Scholarship is nothing more than a secret society the true aim and object where I'll be the extension of British rule throughout the world and it is all the stuff going on the Balkans right now and all of the communist leaders with their red rose the Tuta dynasty rose all goes back to that wonderful and holy British mother Well, here's just some British Israel literature. Kingdom of God, the monarch of David, everything is talking about the new covenant, the new covenant for our land, the coming of our Lord with the new covenant, the kingdom of God. And it's all published in London, the history of British Israel. So all of these terms, when you hear the monarch of King David, the kingdom of God, the grand covenant, the coming of our Lord, all of this stuff is nothing more than British Israel Freemasonry stuff, coming out of the ninth and tenth century. There is a world of difference between being English and British. Here of course is the king, hobnobbing it up with the clergy, the clergy are crowning the king. Speaking of criminals, here they are again. The king and queen of England with our king and his queen. Here's the bridge of the Africana Freemasonic Brotherhood. brotherhood as you tell you something about what's going on in africa south africa now here's our uh... was his name uh... well the queen but this guy made such a dullable impression on me i don't remember his name general norman schwarzkopf and here general norman schwarzkopf is walking with the queen of england he's been like that he's been like that so the queen so norman swarthcroft we were hearing all that silliness on television about a wonderful general who did all of these wonderful things and that great war in the middle east and uh... what was it desert storm it is he was working for the queen of england remember Queen of England, remember? The British Secret Society, Illuminati, Freemasonry, James Bond, 007, Spectre. Go back and watch those movies and watch them with educated eyes and you'll see all kinds of interesting stuff in those James Bond movies. Here it is, the United Nations, this is the color UN Blue. This particular shade of blue has since become known as UN Blue. Why is it blue? Because of the blue degrees of Freemasonry. The first three degrees of world Freemasonry are called blue degrees. And consequently when you see the Roman Reef of the Papacy, the Roman Reef around the world what we're seeing is the new order of the world which is based on the old order of the roman freemasonry the roman masonic orders and it's being reestablished today in america and america is called the new world remember columbus discovers the new world so therefore we have a new world order based on the chaos and the destruction of the old world of Rome. That's why you have the war between Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader. Darth Vader wearing the black Nazi helmet, speaking through the triangle. This all has to do with symbolism and Hollywood. if I'm not... yeah here's Grand Lodge chapter the Grand Master again the color is blue that blue and that blue, it's Masonic blue yes I know this is going to take us in a new direction so here we have Prometheus. Prometheus was a god who came down from heaven. He was referred to as God's son. God's son came down to the earth to bring spiritual enlightenment or the torch of illumination. The torch of fire. The torch of illumination. That's why during the Olympics you see all those fools running around with the Olympic torch. It's the torch of Prometheus, the torch of fire on Mount Olympus. And incidentally when you hear all of this silly cockamamie story about the holy of holies at Mount Sinai, that's Mount Sinai we have now kill him in general in africa where the gods according to the africans the gods dwelt on mount killam and jaro in the japanese culture it was now fuji now food she is a great mountain of god in the ancient greeks it was now olympus the great mountain of god in the Saturnalium worship. It was the triangle of the pyramid, the great mountain of God. And then comes Sinai, Mount Sinai. There ain't ten cents worth of difference between the Mount Fuji, Mount Kilimanjaro, Mount Olympus, Mount Sinai, and all the other God's holy mountains. It's the oldest story in the book. There ain't nothing new about it. Ain't nothing holy about it. We've been sold a bill of goods. But when you get into this, this is going to begin a whole series of thoughts that I want to develop. So I think it would be good if we could take a few moment break here because I'm going to get into a whole new line of thinking and I want to continue once I get started. So I think it would be good if we could take a two minute break or three minute break and then I'm going to get started into the Promethean symbolism of Prometheus. Because you will find it's going to be a very interesting, I hope to be a very interesting part of the lecture. So let's take about a two or three minute break. I don't care if you are, I'm going to.