|0.00|> See, what we're talking about, it's the male inserted inside the female.<|11.28|><|11.28|> That's the holy temple of Jerusalem.<|15.28|><|15.28|> Sex worship, volcano gods, mushroom heads.<|18.80|><|18.80|> You know?<|20.60|><|20.60|> That's the name of the tune, Jack.<|22.04|><|22.04|> You got it.<|23.04|><|23.04|> It don't get no better than that. Sex, drugs, and rock and roll. Volcanoes, mushrooms, and money. And send a check. And here we have the big, the Twin Felix, the Twin Felix at the temple at downtown Los Angeles. The downtown, I was going to say the Masonic temple, but it's the Hebrew Temple, Jewish Temple with the big Masonic phallic symbols here. As I said, usually all Hebrew Temples have the big twin peters on both sides of the opening. I guess that symbolizes they get you coming and going. So if you walk out thinking you've been had, you have. But I'm tired of getting it from them. I'm tired of getting it. Here it is again, the concept and the idea of the twin phallic. There's nothing holy about that. Most Christians have no idea in the world they're going to churches with big male phallics on the church and going into the woman's box with a man dressed in a woman's dress on mushrooms absolutely outrageous but here is a beautiful ambassador college it pasadena california ambassador college in pasadena worldwide church of Do you see the way they lined up the plants here? Is there a message in that? Check it out. I don't make this stuff up. I'm telling you, these people who have sold us down the drain, manipulating our finances, manipulating our government, our churches and our religion and everything else, they've sold us a bill of goods. And I, for one, am tired of it. This is the housing for the Dead Sea Scrolls. Still got the same symbolism. That's another thing you better look into, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and find out why the State of Israel has been hiding the Dead Sea Scrolls for all these years, and why the Catholic Church and Israel have a deal going where neither one of them will allow the Dead Sea Scrolls to be read and looked at by modern day authors. Because when you find out what's in the Dead Sea Scrolls, and you find out the basis for what the Dead Sea Scrolls were saying, then you're going to find out what religion is really about. That's why Israel, that wonderful godly place called Israel. It was not one anybody knowing was in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Now I don't blame them, because when you find out what's in there, if I was them, I wouldn't want anybody knowing what's in there either. The whole idea goes all the way back. It's always been the same thing. the we're going back to that idea of being anointed with holy oil kings were anointed with holy oil at their coronation to show that they were consecrated to god the term messiah comes from the Hebrew Mishiah meaning the anointed one okay so there we have up at the top a king anointing one of the youth with holy oil kings were anointed with holy oil at their coronation to show that they were consecrated to God the term Messiah comes from the Hebrew Mishiah, meaning anointed one. Here we have one of the high priest being anointed in the head with holy oil. Here we have a young man being anointed by one of the priests, the prophets, with holy oil. This goes back to the ancient Egyptian cult that anointed their kings with holy oil on the head. The Phallus Alligra was usually painted red and anointed with holy oil to which the Greeks gave the name of Chrism. Thus the divinely begotten one was given the name of Christos, meaning anointed of course oil was necessary for the insertion of the stone fill it into the Virgin later the oil itself became a symbol Kings head work Kings heads were anointed with oil being likened to the head of the god penis is a grossly exaggerated this is comes from the first century in the Christian catacombs of Rome the anointing comes from the word for oil. Now, incidentally, that's why when you hear the term Jesus Christ, it's Iusis Christos. Christos is the anointed one. Christ simply means lubricating the phallic. That's all. Sounds holy out there on the street until you really know what it means. A lot of people don't know that. They're worshiping Jesus Christ and have no idea in the world Christ means holy oil of anointing. We're told that the Hebrews or the Israelites were circumcised because it was a very, very holy and righteous symbol to their holy God to be circumcised, very important. However, circumcision was practiced by almost every single ancient culture in the Middle and Near East. All ancient cultures before Hebrews ever existed, all worshiped by circumcision. So So that was nothing new with them. Now the question has to be asked, if God created Adam perfect, then what are you doing corrective surgery? Right? God created him with the foreskin, maybe that's the way God wanted the man to have foreskin. And the second and most important question is, what are you doing messing around with another guy's Peter? and calling it holy. Cutting the foreskin off of somebody else's penis and calling it holy. And today, Christians are running all around the world talking about, oh, the holy of holies and the righteous God's chosen people and circumcision. Circumcision was cutting the foreskin off the human male phallic so that it would get an erection quicker during sex worship. It didn't have nothing to do with anything holy it had to do with leaving the head of the penis exposed so it would become erection quicker and sex worship there ain't nothing holy in Jerusalem ain't never been nothing holy there we have the cross of course the cross that goes all the way back to you even goes back before each of but the Egyptians perfected the cross. It was called the key to life. Of course, that's the male and the top is the female, and of course that is the key to life. Here's one of the Aztecs dying on the cross. I got a whole mess of of gods from the ancient world Aztecs, Mayas, Incas, ancient Mexico, Babylonians, Assyrians, Phoenicians, Canaanites, you know, Africa, my God, I'm just going all night long with gods who died on the cross. There's nothing new. Here's God's son they worship, the old Assyrian sun god, again God's son. Here's something called the worship of Osiris and the worship of Osiris, you'll see the hands raised. The hands raised is called the Ka, the Ka symbol, or God's son. Here is Horus, God's son, with his cross. Here is the Egyptian God of the sun. One of the sun gods in Egypt was a... what am I trying to say? One of the goat gods, but it had to do with the ram, because the ram symbolized the sun in the age of Ares. The age of Ares, the constellation of Ares, Ares the ram. So you have Ares the ram and that's why today Jews blow the ram's horn because the ram's horn was the celebrating of God's son the Messiah the Redeemer the anointed one God's son in the age of Ares the constellation of Ares the ram so they're blowing the ram's horn. The holes are in your head. Okay, here is Incas. The Incas are worshiping God's Son up on the altar. He's on the altar bending his knee to God's Son. So Christians all over the world today are out there before the altars, bowing down before God's Son. Here's God's Son in the ancient Cretan deity. That's why Jesus is said to have died with the crown of thorns. Of course the crown of thorns, like the Statue of Liberty has a crown of thorns, that's the sunburst, statue of liberty. Now here's a brother who has God's son in his heart, and here we'll have a priest, the Aztec priest priest offers up the heart of a sacrificial victim to the sun God see God's son is a son here's the God of the sun and here's a priest is offering up their somebody's heart so when you hear Christians talking about how they've given their heart to the Lord well here's a punk that's given somebody else's heart to the Lord quite literally areas he's given somebody's heart to the Lord so when you hear Christians on the how they given their heart to the Lord so we Jack they've been doing that now in Mexico for years given their heart to the Lord Dagon, the fish god from India. Dagon the fish god. Which is where we get the whole idea of Jonah being swallowed by the great fish. That goes all the way back to the Hindus. Fish god. That's why Jesus is the great fisherman. Arnie is the fish man. This fool's wearing a fish. You see the fish head? That's where the Pope gets the fish head. See the pope with his papacy? See it? It's a fish. That's right. So when you see the pope wearing a fish head, better figure Better figure something smells fishy here, right? Now, if the Roman Catholic Church is worshiping Dagon, the fish god, and the Hebrews are worshiping Yahweh, the volcano god, and everybody's into sex, drugs, mushrooms, rock and roll, and all that stuff, and that's what America's based on. Christianity and Judaism, right? No wonder we're in the mess we're in today. I mean, if there is a divine presence in the universe, and I am totally, totally committed to that fact, I am totally, positively sure that there is a divine God force in the universe watching us. to do with this stuff. This is all of our concoctions. Sex, drugs, and fish heads. There it is. The Pope with the fish head. So let's... No, I'm just going to change the... I'm so wired up here I'm afraid to move. We're going to change it. Go right on. Yeah. Ancient Babylonians. Now this is interesting. The ancient Babylonians. No sound. We get there. No sound. where we where do we come up with this worship of the fish the fish god goes back to on these on these two fish man going back to the ancient ancient canaanite phoenician samarian god who was said to have come out of the ocean in the ancient mythology We are told that the ancient people saw a creature come out of the ocean and he came out of the ocean He looked like a man But he obviously was scaled like a fish But he looked like a man and he taught the ancient a Syrian Babylonian ancient peoples of the ancient prehistoric world how to farm how to tend and tend the land How to build he taught them numerology Mathematics of sciences he taught them all kinds of wonderful things and that's where the ancient people said they learned all of their their high sciences and architecture and and animal husbandry and all kinds of progression of the human race was taught to the ancient peoples by Ones, the fish-man. I tend to wonder if there isn't something to that, that maybe there might be extraterrestrials who do look like us and who have the capability of living maybe in the Bermuda Triangle, maybe in the deep oceans of the world, maybe there are civilizations under the seas, and maybe thousands and thousands of years ago perhaps some extraterrestrials did come out of the sea and they looked similar to us and they could teach the ancient peoples many Exactly like us. What now? If you're... Say again? Very fair, very pale, very blue eyes. Yes, yes. An entire city civilization. Yes. And called Atmospherians off the Philippines. See, that I think is very, very interesting that the ancient people would say that there were gods who came out of the ocean. So while it may look funny to us wearing fish heads and all of that, it has to do with a far more ancient story. Here we find the sun. Everything that lives on earth needs light and warmth. To ancient man, the sun, which was given so freely of its light and warmth, was the natural picture of the heavenly, life-giving spirit of light. For Christians, Jesus Christ is the spirit of light come to earth, and they likened him to the sun. In the old English language, even the words sun and son are related. There is an old saying that when Christ was born, the sun became the sun. Ancient people also said that the sun dies each night and is reborn in the morning. Early Christians used the picture of the rising sun as a symbol of Christ's resurrection. That's why today your male offspring, your boy, is called your son, because he's the light of your life. God's Son gives everlasting life, and that's why your son represents everlasting life for your name, for your family, not for you. So consequently, God's Son, His gift is everlasting life. That's right. The sun's gift to the earth is everlasting life. As long as the sun comes up, there will always be life on the earth. So it's everlasting life God's son gives, but not to you, to the earth. It is God's son who dies on the cross. Now, why does the sun die on the cross? When you cross, and I know I'm going to pull something out again, but when you cross, the winter on the calendar, on the old Aztec Mayan ancient calendars were always round, round calendars. summer solstice you divided the calendar into into winter and summer then you divide spring equinox across to the autumn equinox now you have a cross on the realm calendar consequently the realm calendar always represented the sun and the sun dies on the cross the cross of the zodiac crossing winter summer spring fall the cross of the zodiac and God's son dies on the on the cross the Vatican has always been involved in some worship God's son dying on the cross. That is a son dying on the cross. You'll drive by most churches, you'll see a cross with a round circle on the cross on almost all churches. Drive by any church and you'll see crosses with a round circle on the cross. Here it is again. I mean, how obvious do they have to be to explain it to you? Here's spring, summer, autumn and winter. The four, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and they're all writing about God's Son. That's what that represents here, is the Son. And each one of these represents one of the seasons. Taurus the bull, Leo the lion, the crown of thorns, God's son. All of the institutions of the world use the sun. They're on flags is on police badges universities colleges schools government buildings I mean everybody in the grandmother uses a son as a symbol that's why the sun God's son is the king of kings and Lord of Lords everybody uses it there's God's son the twelve helpers of the twelve apostles of the and the four gospels Matthew Mark Luke and John the four seasons and here are people who actually saw God's son can you imagine this airhead going back and tell everybody he saw God's Son? Well, if you're not dead or blind, you can go out and see God's Son. And when you go out and you look up and you look into the sky, you're going to see God's Son. And of course, you throw your hands over your face because you're looking at God's Son. as i told you before this is the car symbol the raised hands of worship it's called the car symbol, looks like he's picking a pocket, she's picking a pocket while he's raising his hand could very well be see it's called the car, the car symbol of the raising of the hands in the worship of God's son. Yeah, good. You get any better? OK, here's Pharaoh raising his hand and worshiping God's son. They're on his wife and they're worshiping God's Son, Horus. Incidentally, the Sun, when it came up in the morning, was pictured as a falcon, and the Sun was called Horus. And Horus, of course, had risen And that's why today the Sun still comes up on the horse risen or horizon Horus rising So Horus is rising and according to the ancient Egyptian Horus had 12 lives he had 12 lives during the day or 12 Horuses or hours instead of H-O-R-U-S, it's H-O-U-R-S. 12 hours of the 12 Horuses of the life of God's Son, the 12 Horuses. And we're told that Jesus was in the temple at 12 teaching the wise men. No, the Son was in God's temple at 12 noon. There they are worshiping God's Son. Now when people are worshiping God's Son in churches, and then they find out the next day that their government is slowly but surely being taken away from them, their economic and political freedoms are diminishing, the spread of drugs, sex, pornography, violence, everything pervades their country and they just can't imagine why and how it can happen because they're worshiping the Lord and waiting for the Lord to come back and doing their best. And all the time they just can't imagine why it is that their prayers aren't being heard and why everything is continuing to get worse and worse and worse as time goes on the more they pray the broker they get and the rich get richer in the poor get poorer and nothing changes as business as usual why because the whole set up in Western civilization religion is based on this kind of stuff that's why Christians are losing and they're going to lose all the time because they came in losing. Here's the Holy Trinity. Now nobody can understand the Holy Trinity. It's called a mystery. The Holy Trinity is a mystery. The mystery of the triune God. Of course it's a mystery. Electricity is a mystery, if you don't understand it. Atomic warfare is a mystery, if you don't understand it. But once you understand where the triune or the Trinity comes from, Amun or Amen-Re, Amen-Re was a king of the gods in the triad of Thebes. That's why the son was called Re or Ra. His name was Amen-Re. So the ancient Egyptian says nobody's ever seen God, but you can see God's son he will talk to God for you he's the logo so the word and consequently God's son's name is Ray and so when you talk to God you send a prayer through Ray and you say amen why because a man was his name God's son's name is a man right so you say in church. And he was the God in the triad of Thebes. Here's the Trinity in Egypt, Osiris, Isis and Horus, the triune God. Incidentally, the Trinity comes from the three stages of the sun, the sun in early morning, the sun at high noon, and the sun when it leaves the world at night. But it's the same sun, just different positions of the sun. Therefore, it's the same God, but three divine persons in that same God.