So you have to realize that all of these projects are run by a single global management structure. So in the German concentration camps, the unenable research program, there were hybrids of humans and animals living, walking, breeding, hybrids of humans and animals on that documentary film, plus other horrific stuff, I mean, disassembling and reassembling human bodies in the best Frankensteinian tradition, starting with life specimen, dismantling of a life pregnant woman. The film was so much for the visiting guy from the Simon Wiesenthal Foundation, he threw up ten minutes into the film, he threw up on the floor, and this was their end, the end of their efforts to release that information to the public. Hitler was chronicled by his biographer to have said once, I've seen the new man and he is horrific. He was both fascinated and frightened by the steeliness of the character of the super-race that has already been developed even probably before the start of the Second World War. After the war, the Germans created a massive colony on the South Pole where these experiments were done for the third time. In the island of Dr. Moreau, they were done on thousands of, maybe tens of thousands of hapless victims. At the South Polar Colony, they were done on hundreds of thousands. By the time the war ended, there were about a hundred thousand concentration camp laborers that probably served also for some genetic fodder for the Frankensteinian labs there, research engineers, elite SS men and a lot of Hitlerjugend boys and girls that disappeared down there to be the genetic seed of the new colony of the new world order. A lot of the missing kids end up in these underground bases, end up with the Germans and end up on the many established colonies beyond our planet, evacuation and survival colonists. In the late 40s, early 50s, the Germans did test tube genetic engineering, chemical genetic engineering without much success. A lot of suffering and pains by their own admission and not much of effect. From the mid-50s on, they started doing radiofrequential genetic engineering that only recently, in the last few years, the first thoughts started appearing, first ideas about us started appearing in the world, in the global scientific community. They've been quietly doing that. All of these are alien technologies given to us by the collaborating alien races. And quite more advanced master race was produced. According to rumor, they live a lot longer, they don't get the diseases we do, much higher IQ and on and on and on. All of these things are greatly desirable by most of the population on the planet. One thing that I'm sure about is that by the genetic engineering of the new master race, they have quietly engineered out, weeded out all the genes that came to the planet from the Trinity. That's making sure that the Trinity universe uses for its planets. Even on contested planets, these circuitries are there and open, and if one chooses to use them, they are there for anyone's perusal. Enough about the master race. Very quickly about the Germans. What the Germans accomplished technologically, and we will finish with the technology. By 1945 they had landed on Mars, a joint German-Japanese crew landed on Mars, and we have two documentary films from the German branches of the Global Temple Organizations. Last year, we did a million dollar budget documentary for Nippon Television on the German secret societies, their anti-gravity programs and their interplanetary flights. And we interviewed close to 50 people. I have this film with me. If it gets dark enough we can shoot it on that white wall there, have a big screen TV and I can translate it simultaneously from Japanese as it was shown to 40 million Japanese about four months ago. So there was there were Japanese members in the joint crew that landed on Mars in middle of January 1946, I mean almost 50 years ago. The Germans established a moon colony in parallel with the other already established Illuminati colonies. And the most interesting revelations that came from my visit last year in Germany, and for the first time ever these members of the secret societies opened up to the public and they gave an extended interview to Nippon Television. And this was the first time ever they've talked to anyone outside. It helped a lot because several Germans have heard my lectures here and entirely without any coordination they told these six-eyed members that there is a crazy guy in Los Angeles that talks about German flying saucers so they knew that I am a legitimate researcher rather than some plant from Eastern Europe or whatever. However, the most interesting revelation in photographs that they showed was that the Vril Society built an interstellar craft, the Vril-Odin, which was 45 yards in diameter and 5 stories tall. It was developed from the Vril-7 interplanetary craft, with alien assistance of course, that was capable of warp speed flights and the craft departed in April 45 near Berlin they showed color photographs for the first time of that craft in flight you see pretty good details of the drive system and so on and I also saw a beautiful watercolor drawing of one of the participants in the flight of the night of the departure, the craft was sitting on its flat belly on the ground. And on the right side, there were Mercedes Benz cars and engineers and scientists taking farewell with their family members. On the left side, there were trucks and trailers The craft flew with warp three, was it three times the speed of light? And it took them twenty years to reach Aldebaran, the star system of the Sumerian alien race. On one of the planets, one of the stars in the Aldebaran constellation has two planets on which the Shumerian Federation, alien federation exists. That Shumerian alien federation was instrumental in establishing the Shumerian culture on our planet, what is it, like 4000 years ago, among other things. And these Shumerian aliens worked with the Germans, shoulder to shoulder with the Germans in the underground bases in Germany all throughout the war and even earlier than that. We even discovered a lady in Australia that was a Commonwealth spy in a German underground factory working shoulder to shoulder with aliens and she had a very funny remark about them. She said, gee, these guys were so beautiful. I would fall in love with every one of them every time I saw a new guy walking down the corridor. Anyway, so it took them 20 years to cover the 60 plus light years from our sun to Aldebaran. The second craft, the crab did was, whatever she did, was to fly to Mars to pick up the survivors of the Hornibo 3 that crash landed, but most of the guys, I think all the crew survived this German-Japanese expedition in 45-46. They picked the crew, they brought it back to Earth, that was their test flight, and then they departed for Aldebaran, and they arrived there, I think, in half the time or less, in about 5 to 10 years of terrestrial time. So they arrived before the first crab did. So everything we've been seeing on Star Trek is not the science fiction from the 24th century but it's a belated revelation of German developments 50 years old. German I mean German engineers but these were basically global Illuminati and Knights Templar projects. Crazy as these stories are, I never seem to be amazed that reality followed pace with my ability to even concoct new crazier stories, crazier than the old ones. There is a guy in Florida who contacts Pleiadians from Alcyon. There are several stars there in the Pleiades star cluster about 500 light years away in our own galaxy. And these Pleiadians have been in contact with him for, I don't know, five years. The guy has about an inch tall stack of photographs of these guys hanging their saucers on top the apartment buildings of his apartment complex in Florida. And in one photograph there are four crabs hanging as if parked right a little bit above the roof of the building next door and they are kind of similar the three of them the fourth was a little bit different it looked like a flattened by a steamroller Kaiser Wilhelm helmet a little bit and similar to the hornible craft of the second world war but only in retrospect did respect did I go that and this contact in Florida was told that the Fortcraft were actually Germans from a secret colony in the Amazon jungle. Remember these crazy films about some Nazi hunters that went to the Amazon jungle to discover a secret genetic laboratory? Not more I'm a little outfit with like 50 people or something. All these science fiction films are a gross understatement of what goes on behind the scenes. Not only there is another German colony in the Amazon jungle, similar to the one they had on the South Pole, and also a whole constellation of such colonies in South America. Basically the Germans are the quiet behind the scenes runners of all these guerrilla dictatorships in South America. All these bases are connected with magnetically levitated tube shuttle trains, tube shuttles, in the same way as the American underground bases are connected here or the Russians are connected in Russia or the American and Russian system has been connected for 20 years under the Bering Strait, despite the smokescreen of the Cold War and all the other hoaxes that have been going on on the surface. So the Germans from the Amazonian jungle colony have established a gas colony on Alcyon, 500 light years away. So what we see on Star Trek, the new generation, the what is it, the Deep Space Nine and Babylon Five is again a gross understatement. Not only there are deep space bases established in free trading and commercial areas of our galaxy, but there have been also evacuation and survival colonies established on obviously other friendly planets, planets with other friendly aliens. I mean, after all, the Pleiadians are tall, blond, blue-eyed Nordics obviously they would contact the Germans on earth and not the aborigines or the pygmies in Africa. Genetically they are the closest and this whole business of Pleiadians, Germans, the Nordics, the new master race is nothing more than to re-engineer back into prominence the old Atlantean genetic stock on our planet which was brought by the Pleiadians in the first place and which was the major competitor genetically with the seed of the Trinity that was introduced somewhere in the Middle East, basically the Garden of Eden according to the Ranchi book was somewhere in the Middle East. Ever since the decision of a group of angels to become, how should I call them, independently minded and to try their own hand in planetary management that happened about quarter of a million years ago, 250,000 years ago according to the Rancher book. has been going this competition between their grouping and the group of the Trinity as a major player on our planet. There are many other celestial managers of even higher levels, but these are important players here around us. And so it has been a genetic arm-twisting, arm-wrestling match between the 500 million, there are about like half a billion resident Trinity beings that take care of the planet. Planets are the caretakers of the energy systems on the planet, biological systems, human systems and on and on and on. I mean there are hundreds of papers, of pages of explanation. For example in the Oranje book of how the Trinity manages a planet. Parallel to that there have been a massive independent angelic presence on the planet and so these two camps have been untwisting each other as to whose genes would be finally become dominant on our planet. And the macerate's development from that standpoint is nothing more than an attempt to eliminate the genes of the Trinity. And this is where the Germans with their self-powered colony, their evacuation colonies on ASEAN and many other places stand. The missing children and I thought, a few words about the missing children now. I thought there was a mistake of one digit when I heard that there were 400,000 missing children a year. I said, gee, that's not possible. That's 10 times the Vietnamese, the Vietnam War casualties for the whole, what, 40,000, something like that? 50,000. 50,000, yeah. I said, no, that's not possible. So I called that milk carton 800 number for missing kids. That was my first lesson only call I've done to this number. Hey guys, what are your statistics? What are the national statistics about missing children? How many are missing? I don't know. What do you mean? Are there any national statistics? I don't know. And here, immediately, the East European in me takes over, and I start massaging the bureaucracy. Well, you mean nobody compiles such statistics? Have you ever seen such a statistic? No? So there is no such statistic? I don't think so. Well, how about local statistics? Do you have any California state statistics or your office statistics? No. How about the scrapbook? Does anybody at your office keep a scrapbook of articles in newspapers with such thing? No. Have you gotten any visiting lecturers from anywhere giving you some statistics about that? No. Well, how about an educated estimate, a guesstimate? I don't know, I've been here in this business only three years. Well, gee, I've been in this for five minutes, so you have a big head start. Relative to me. Give it a try. What do you think your personal estimate would be? And the lady said, 200,000. I dropped the receiver. I had expected her to say 10,000, maybe 40,000. But by first, last and only call, I got half of the rumored figure. I wouldn't be amazed that there are more than 100,000, more. And these are not only children that are taken away by splitting families and parents hide them from each other. Some of these children end up on the dismembering tables of the satanic cults, but even that is not the biggest consumer of missing children. I think the biggest portion of these children end up as genetic fodder. Even that is not the biggest percent. I think the biggest percentage of missing children are sent to be indoctrinated into Boys of Brazil type of schooling systems in the underground bases on this planet, in evacuation and survival colonies on the moon, Mars and beyond. And basically on all these colonies established elsewhere. The Illuminati presence on the planet tries to scatter the illuminated eggs in as many baskets as possible so that if one of them breaks, there will be many others left safely away. Now I will talk briefly about hoaxes that are very important for the mind controlling of the most sophisticated and dangerous way that has been going on on the planet. As an engineer I have been investigating the Greenhouse Effect, and I would say it's a total BS. Admiral Byrd landed in 47 on the South Pole and they couldn't find on Little America the hut he himself had left 10 years earlier. A two-story building, I mean the building, the roof was about two stories tall and then there was a radio mast about five stories tall, they couldn't find anything. Probably with a magnetometer they found a possible place. Even the mast was not sticking out of the snow and the ice. They dug a tunnel and finally found the house and went through the chimney down into the house and discovered their provision still intact there in the freezing temperature. The moral of the story is that in 10 years on the South Pole you've gotten about 5 stories of precipitation. I don't think there is any greenhouse effect if that much snow falls in 10 years on the South Pole I don't think the South Polar ice cap is melting as is the supposed... and that's what greenhouse warming of the planet is there was another Hercules plane that got stranded I would say 70% on the South Pole, maybe 30% chance that somewhere on the northern bases. But anyway, in the polar regions. And again, in about 10 years, it got covered, not up to the door, not up to the windows, not up to the wings, but almost to the tip of the vertical stabilizer, which is, again, about a five-story building. Let's say Hercules would be about three-story building. The greenhouse effect is a giant BS. The coming of the Ice Age is another such smokescreen. By massaging statistics, my brother studied sociology at Sofia University. And the first sentence their statistics professor told them was, guys, statistics is like a taxi cab. It would take you on demand anywhere you want. You can prove anything you want with statistics. So by massaging statistics, they can point to the Sahara Desert constantly increasing so that by now it has reached almost all the way up to Scandinavia, when in fact the desert breathes up and down every few years or so on. And many other things. The ozone hole is the biggest and the most monstrous of these hoaxes. It is not... They have reversed the mechanism and you can do that experiment on a budget of 20 bucks. You can even save these 20 bucks by getting that thing on a credit card and returning it three days later to your super market. You can get a bug light, ultraviolet bug light, for whatever it costs. I mean this, what's this color, this violet? Ultraviolet. Yeah, yeah, the ultraviolet color, this bug light. The light, turn it on and leave it in your closet. It won't need three days for it to send it. Just after an hour, your closet will be reeking of what? Of ozone. When ultraviolet light strikes the atmosphere, it creates ozone. So, it's not the giant ozone hole that's up there gaping, so there's nothing to stop the ultraviolet light from hitting the planet. On the contrary, the more there is lack of ozone, the better, because the ultraviolet light would create a new ozone. There's a hole in the ozone, but it's because there's no sun on the South Pole for six months. These guys in the public education system here, all these American scientists that have graduated from the public education system, hasn't anybody thought about that? There is no sun for six months on the South Pole. So it's natural to have a hole there, then the hole moves to the North Pole when the North Polar winter comes. The chlorofluorocarbons have nothing to do with ozone hole. They are very heavy molecules. I mean, think about that. 80% of the production and consumption of chlorofluorocarbons in any form, shape and form, is in the northern hemisphere. Why there is no ozone hole in the northern hemisphere? The only one that was reported was on the south pole. 80% of us, 60, 70% of the population lives in the northern hemisphere. Again, we have an ozone hole in the southern hemisphere. And most importantly, the atmosphere on the planet basically consists of two halves, like if you slice a grapefruit along the equator. And the northern half and the southern half have very little to do with each other. The trade winds circle like this, but there is very little connection. The connection coefficient is very weak between the two. So basically, what's generated in the northern hemisphere stays there. What's generated in the southern hemisphere stays there. That's why a nuclear winter by a nuclear war in the northern hemisphere would basically stay there. And on the southern hemisphere, they'll be able to enjoy their sunny days on the Gold Coast of Australia, which, by the way, the elite has quietly been doing, buying up beachfront properties on the Gold Coast. So by having no weak coupling effect, all these chlorofluorocarbons that were consumed by the northern economies, how the hell would they go to the southern hemisphere all the way to the South Pole? The CFCs are so heavy molecules that when they get out of your spray, they fall to the floor with a thud and then they go down, down, down, down the steps if you happen to be in a second floor bathroom. They will fall all the way down to the first floor. There's absolutely no way for them to climb up in the stratosphere and to eat and kill and destroy the ozone there. The contrary, there is a giant volcano, hundred miles up wind from the McMurdo station on the South Pole that spews out thousands of tons, tens of thousands of tons of chlorine and other chlorine compounds in the air. In the National Geographic I have seen a beautiful picture from the McMurdo in the early 50s. Now this will be the most dangerous picture to publish. You see the chemical fumes from the McMurdo volcano. The volcano has a different name, but it's close to the station. Anyway, the bottom line is that the ozone hole has nothing to do with the CFCs, and it is not dangerous to our skin. Actually, the ultraviolet rays would patch an ozone hole by themselves. The reason they are doing it is that by hitting the chlorofluorocarbons, they are actually hitting the refrigeration chain on the planet. By introducing new refrigerants, they will drive the price ten times probably, and by their well-tuned social and economical equations, they can calculate in advance how many new excess deaths in the developing countries and the third world will be caused by the increase in less available refrigeration to keep their crops from rotting because the biggest famine in the third world happens by destroying the crops. The weakest point in their, the bottleneck of their food supply chain is the refrigeration. So, exactly at the Achilles heel of the feeding of the third world is the intent of this diabolical strike. I allowed myself just one of these stories that I've been simply outlining here to see how simple it becomes if you know what the facts are. The comet would hit us, another favorite hoax. The government has the technology through the Star Trek craft to go to any planet and destroy it, forget about the smaller comet. Even if a comet hits us, they have the technology through time traveling to go back in time and to destroy the comet before it hit us, and that would erase that timeline and the comet would never hit us. Imagine then the O.J. Simpson defense trying trying to battle against a government that has PUIs, the personal invisibility units. You push a little button and you become invisible. You can temper any evidence you want. Time traveling capabilities, you can go back in time and temper with any evidence you want. Just as a little side story here. one of the biggest hoaxes that is related to the master race creation behind the scenes. It's connected to the energy crisis and the food shortages. There is no energy crisis because I have a film here, official Navy, US Navy documentary film from 1947. Admiral Byrd visited the South Pole trying to chase, pretending to chase the Germans out of there and his sea plane lands on a freshwater lake, never freezing lake and the shores never freeze. I've never studied in classes of geography that there are never freezing regions on the South Pole and in that Navy film they say these regions look more like the Arizona and New Mexico desert. These are words I'm quoting from the official US Navy film. The shores of this lake were covered with mountains of coal that would last this earth for centuries. The Germans were producing synthetic gasoline out of coal. 80% of the gasoline needed during the war were coming from synthetic gasoline.