All right. Greetings, Commander. Good morning, Commander in Light. I appreciate your allowing me a little bit of time off the record. When we talk about the pipe. To ones who are just tuning in. I've just had a little bit of a discussion about Native Pipes and respect and the privilege of being allowed within their comradery circle, being as a friend, as a brother, not because you wear moccasins, but because you have soul, and you're trying to bring some unity and peace into this world that is dying. And it's important that every listener within the range of sound of this. Understand that the reason Little Crow needed to speak on the sacredness of individuals to remind you that yes, Bill Clinton is sacred. He is a human being and you cannot judge whether or not he is real or fabricated. So it doesn't matter whether he is real or fabricated except to you and your attitude. Your attitude. If you would kill that entity thinking, well, he's not real anyway, so what difference will it make? It makes all the difference in the world to your soul. Your intent was to kill a human being. Oh no, I was just going to kill a robot. B.S. you were. The worst thing with you patriots is that you think you have a right, without even knowing what you're doing, to pick up submachine guns or whatever, there is no reason on the face of the earth to have an assault weapon except to kill a man. You tell me which hunter has to go out into the wilderness and use a Newsy machine gun or an AK-47 on a poor hapless rabbit? And how many do you think will eat that rabbit after it has 15 AK-47 bullets in it? Or how much do you think of the rabbit would be left? And how many do you think really choose wild rabbit to eat? So quit lying to yourself. You may have the constitutional right to a militia. You have no right to raise a weapon against a brother. Yes, you've been set up, and yes, you have to know, and yes, more important up here, this moment is what I almost dropped. This came from Karen to Dorma as an artifact. Most of you will not even know what it is. It's supposed to be a buffalo rib, but it's really a cow rib. It's a talking stick. The Indians have a very good program when you meet in a genuine powwow. Whoever holds the talking stick is the talk. I think we should send this to Judge Ito. It has an eagle carved here and a nice, it's not very sharp, but if you hit hard enough, you know, probably get Dr. Cotton's attention. When he says, quiet, you know, just reach out there and do that. And then this is passed needs to talk at the circle. Is it sacred? No, it's a cowboy. You give power. How can I get this across to you? It is through you that anyone has any power. Clinton has no power over you unless you give it to him. Oh yeah, but he's got the ATF and the BATF and the RAF and the PDF and he's got everybody including Janet Reno. You think that to raise up against them with an AK-47 is going to take away their power if you shoot them? No, it's going to take away everything you have and anyone around you. And I don't know how to get it across that it's only through knowing truth that you'll have sense enough to fill your mission and make it through this time of tribulation. What would you have done if you had remained totally ignorant? You would have been bitched, moaned, complained, and when they came after you, you'd pay your income tax. And then you want a bitch moaned and groaned because they're getting really nasty about stopping me on the street for speeding. You shouldn't speed on the streets. Well, they've got me and I think I have to worry about. Now, what you better watch out for is when they pass a seat belt law that says you have to strap yourself onto the motorcycle. your head from getting bashed if you don't have a bucket on it. It'll just get you killed quicker, because you can't get off the thing either if you start to fall over. You know, there's one thing about motorcycle riders, the more they ride, the more they learn to get off that thing and away from it. They're so out. If one of those Honda honkers falls over on you, it's going to break your leg, isn't it? And you're at a disadvantage from the ground, pulling with a broken leg to push it off you. So you learn to get off it. Well, I'm sure they just haven't thought of it yet, because I'm sure they'll come up with having to wear a safety belt some way. Maybe it'll have a six foot or ten foot tether, you know, so when you fly off you don't have a right to run into somebody else and maim them, kill them, or ruin their property. And it's too These are reasonable laws. And you are the one that pulled down these laws upon you. And there is not a one of you that if you saw somebody setting a bomb outside the contact office, wouldn't hope you could get the cops. And even more than natural hope, they send the ATF. Violence begets violence. And now look what they've done in Japan. Hallelujah, brother, we've No, the Kossarian-led members of the CIA planted the bombs that went off with the gas vials in them. That's the fact of it. How do you know that? Because the members of the cult knew it. They just did the same thing that they're doing in the United States of America because of Oklahoma City. Didn't they make a bomb? Probably did. But boy wasn't he surprised when two-thirds of the building came down. Now how do you know that the government's behind it really. They're going to blow it, they're going to demolish it and take it away, just like they did Waco to get rid of all evidence. They went in and found what they wanted to find in Waco and they found a lot of artillery, He was a brainwashed Klan member and he resides in Tel Aviv. He was taken out the back by helicopter, black helicopter. You think, oh we better study all of this about the Russians coming. The Russians are here. What are you talking about? And now I'm going to remind you about something that you better take so seriously, that you don't let it leave your mind for a minute. You're under surveillance too. Because they can't find a cult. And there's not anybody in this room going to get on their knees to me or to Dorma. They might have to shoot you first. But guess what that cult was doing in Japan? They were worshipping the leader. They were worshipping Koresh. worshiping caress, when you allow this, you have a real cult. The doomsday cult, they called it, even if they had to create the doom. And the entire group present, bowing, giving their alms to this God who set himself up and said, I'm God. God may set himself up and even tell you he's God and then he'll just knock you right on your fanny if you try stooping down. Remember, when you bend over, it leaves bare your most vulnerable spot. We have a mission, and I'm not going to name names, but I'm going to remind people, and we're in here where the ones that least deserve it are the ones that always get this. You are up against what they are calling now the Armageddon plague. Well it isn't, they've labeled it that tells you that there's more than any 77 people dead in Zaire. Try 770,000. The estimates, the real estimates are going well over 7 million. They are wiping out the blacks in South Africa. This one is geared to attack and bond with the HIV virus. That little virus that really is so lazy it doesn't do a damn thing. But usually in its presence, the immune system is compromised and it will not rally to fight off a disease. Instead of the zinc molecule that man placed in his early viruses to hold its head on, its computer system onto its crystalline body, they are now using titanium. That's why I had to increase the frequency of your colloidal silver to surpass that of titanium. And we can do that by the sum total is greater than the addition of of silver plus gold. And in the presence of DREAs, we can kick it on up there to knock out titanium. That is the new neck for their little plague virus. You've got to get through three known ones, Lassa fever, Ebola, Ebola and something called Marburg. Isn't that an interesting name Marburg or Mr. Lapsa or whoever? No. It sure would be wiser to find something that will knock the titanium neck off that little sucker. And they have introduced these into cryptosporidium. And they can introduce that in your water supply, and it'll come right through the treatment plant and into your faucet and right into you. The chlorination will not take it out. Enough ozone would take it out, but they don't put that much ozone into the water purification systems. That's our mission, not to save the world. I don't even want enough of the stuff around to save, quote, the world. They will come and take it and you won't have it. Well, but we've got to do something. Yeah, I agree. What do you suggest doing? The suggestions are always for a lot more outgo. And about the time that I think we may have put aside enough to do a next thing, we're having to struggle just to stay alive and keep the buffer in the bank. This is just going to embarrass EJ to pieces. But I'm sorry I am as angry as I could possibly be at Ron Jackson. No sweat, we can put it in the Dominican Republic, we can put it in Austria, I can arrange it for you. Not only did it not get arranged, but nobody even called back. Thank goodness, you ones are learning never to wait. So he went tracking, day and night went tracking until he found a bank that would take it and transfer it across and continue the program. Gold goes up, then it comes down. But there has been no major input of anything. Just problems. And I'm serious, I am absolutely serious about thinking of stopping the paper. I get irate when I see my people being put upon. And just yesterday comes a package. They should have considered it a letter bomb for all it would do to Dorma. It was addressed to E.J. and it's from some very beautiful people. Nice long letter attached to a lot of people. And there is no reason to believe that Apton doesn't speak to those people. There is no reason to believe that absolutely this is not receiving. But I want to know why they feel like they can send it to Dorma and E.J., wash their Wash their hands of it and say, well, I'm turning it over to you to put in the paper. And nobody can make it through the first half of the first page. I'm going to tell thee about thou business. Put thy thumbs to thy forehead in a praying manner such as thus. And then move your hands here. And the... I think that Rich should get up here and demonstrate. I don't mean to be making fun of those receivings. The first attempt was sent out to the computer network. And they, can you believe, refused to run it. So now it's all bundled up and sent to E.J. I'm through with it, God told me to get it out there and I've done it, now I'm dotting it to you. Well, why didn't we just bundle our stuff up and send it off to Ron Jackson and tell him to run it in his new republic? It would improve the paper. I am not falsely modest. I am humble. There's a difference. I can understand why one's want to feel that way. Because you have made a success of something with nothing. And we didn't just send it out to somebody and say, well, I wash my hands of it now. But I really get, pardon the expression, listeners pissed off when our mission is to get it into publication and we're backed up thirty books. While we try to attend everybody's personal needs, only to get slapped back in the kisser for it. There's no chance for quote refueling here. It is bewildering the mountain of things that have to be worked through every day. And yet everyone who contacts us, certainly in their own individual way, they cannot see beyond their individual involvement. There are not funds. There are not funds. And yet there have got to be funds for some of the things. And Brown's product is one of them. out there will get you through. And by pulling him in, you will also be pulling back in Dennis Weaver. We're not nuts. We don't have a cult group. We don't have anything except some people struggling to bring some truth and light. We are not at war. And anyone trying to turn the contact paper into a war machine is going to be really abruptly surprised. It is a newspaper, and we're going to demand a level of journalism worthy of it. And that doesn't mean we're going to make it into some religious whack. Why in the world would anybody want to come out there and demand their work be run from Athon when nine-tenths of the world thinks, who in the hell is that? Believe me, the ones that are going to give you trouble are not the ones who know Hatton. You notice they don't give us any trouble. They know exactly who I am, and I don't need to make a big production of it. But neither is anybody going to come under my wings and stick their little head out. And I'm tired of the legal mess. I'm Am I blaming the lawyers? Yes I am. When you get two lawyers doing nothing but quibbling with one another over something that has nothing to do with the case, then I say it is time to bring a lawsuit against the lawyers. Well, they can go into infinity, can't they? That's what you're up against with Abbott. Even if you just bar him, he knows how to keep filing his papers. And if you don't catch every little thing, he doesn't even have to put a fee with it. But it makes the opposition have to spend thousands of dollars to go tell the judge that he didn't file a fee. I'm tired of it. By the time you one settle, some of these little incidents, the lawyers are going to be the only ones that will have benefited one iota. So there's not really any merit in getting it done, is there? On the other hand, I also resent ones that have made a lot of money to demand payment or threaten you with collection agencies. Now I hope you guys are hearing me well. I can see a million dollars sitting out there that you could use, couldn't you? you just get the property back. And yes, I'm getting to be a bad sport about it. I'm getting to be a bad sport about it because I don't like the letters that come from outside and say, well, I would still be there gracing you with my wonderful talent if you'd done it my way. If you'd gotten rid of so and so, I could have stayed. If I, Hatton or Dorma or EJ had gotten rid of somebody in somebody else's corporation, you would have stayed there? My God, does everybody miss the point? If you work in the CLC, you work in the CLC. If you work in the contact, you work in the contact. work for whoever runs it. And yes, I know why it always ends up in E.J.'s lap. And it everybody. Because with the exception of one or two things, Hatton owns them. So you're welcome to take it up with me. But guess what? You're going to take it up in public. This I wish there were assets enough just to say, well if you can produce, there is plenty. Right now there's not. And you don't know what there will never be. learn to live with that. The problem EJ has is he goes and he digs until he can come up with a partial meeting of everybody's needs. But in the doing of that, we are going without And those books are dated material. I would not go back and buy last year's journal. They need to be handled like subscriptions. My God, we're turning them out every three weeks. I didn't want her to hear that. I have enough trouble. I know I'm preaching to the gallery, but sometimes we need it. Sometimes we need it because we get so overwhelmed and in the effort to try to do our own job, we start looking for ways that we can do that. Efficiency it up. Bring some respect to another, but also demand some respect for our own little world here. Well, who are you that you are more important than me? It doesn't matter a whit whether you are more important or not, but you are trying to do a job to the best of your ability and all of these other things impact. There are just some things that I have to keep my hands on and my hands are attached to her arm. So she's angry at me. I thought I was going to get rid of something and now you brought it all back into the garage in the kitchen. on the countertop and it bubbled it. You're going to be fighting for your lives. Let's call the little bubbles on the countertop a war wound. You know she reminds me with the Giandriana, I let it burn, the other end of the countertop, from the intense heat, light waves. Well, if we do it right, precious, and there's I'm not really trying to alienate you. I'm trying to let you see that you must be able a larger network, if you will. Have the support you need. But understand that there is an end. With God there is no beginning and no ending. In each little project there is a And sometime you're going to have to rise above the individual. We cannot continue to rob Peter to pay off Paul forever. That gets you into trouble. What do you mean that you don't have a cult and yet this business pays for all of that one? And somebody's got to go take the rap for that in a courtroom. E.J. continues to be willing. Why do you push me, she says, to write an introduction to a book that is going to go on the heap? Well to annoy Hal. I want that introduction so that it's dumped on him. Let Zeta sort it out what those numbers ought to be. Good grief, she says, I just did one yesterday. Well, do another one today. Different letter in the alphabet. I know it is hard because you've got to keep your separateness along with your unity and the reliance upon each other. But it can be done. And you've got to show that it can be done. The beauty of not having a religion is you don't have to answer to the doctrines of a church group. You can utilize the tools of the system that is. You don't war with it. I love it. I am a sovereign citizen. I do not have to have a driver's license. No you don't. Neither do you have to have a car. Second time I catch you, I'm going to take your car. Well, I have a right. You're nuts. That's what you are up against a shrewd bunch that have been at this since the beginning of all time. And they never even have to change their modus operandi. largest numbers of people having illegitimate children going on the welfare system, the blacks. That isn't saying anything negative about the blacks, it just says that the enemy knows where to hit. And they've absolutely made sure that they were outcasts enough that they got all the wrong messages. Total irresponsibility. Total, it's called dumbing down. The mentality is to get a gun and go on welfare and deal drugs or whatever. And there's nothing exciting in their lives that makes them feel worthy, so they may as well go out and shoot each other. It's not alright. But you're never going to bring them under control of the system, are you? That's ongoing. So you keep sucking them in, sucking them in, sucking them in, and then when there is nothing, you withdraw all that shelter. And what are they going to do? They don't have jobs, they don't know how to work, they don't want to work, you owe them. You owe them for taking their brother from the deepest part of Africa and making a slave out of him. No, they've made a slave out of them all the while they set up their new world order. They are the expendable. Let me give you another bit of terrible advice. One of the primary DNA traits of these man-made viruses in programming are to attach to different blood types. And if you think that you cannot distinguish a Negroid blood type from a Hispanic, from a Chinese, from what you will call a Caucasian, I'm not going to use that term Anglo-Saxon, it stinks! But if you are an Indian, a red man, for the very reason that you have a different skin color, you have a different blood genetic makeup. Does that mean that a black man's blood won't work if it's a general cross-match to a white man's? It doesn't matter to me, any time you pull blood out of anybody's body and put it into somebody else, it is wrong. Why? Because you're putting dead stuff in there. Pulled away from its life source, you have a dead product. Oh, but it carries oxygen. Not until you make it your own. Blood just picks up DNA like mad. No, it didn't. I can make anybody's blood in this room into any type that I want to. And so can the cops. You just had six days on the subject of DNA and this was a bright young lady. And just as dumb as they come. That's one thing about all these educated, Delightful, sincere, and does no thing. Well we do know how to type this. No you don't. And the next great error is that you think nobody else. This is the leading edge of technology. You aren't even bringing up the hind end. Well why is it that just the criminal elements have it? Because you've let them. You will let them put you to sleep. Don't give me any trouble, just let me be alive for a few days? And I won't give anybody any trouble. I promise you, Daddy, I won't give anybody any trouble. Well, maybe we're getting there. Sound like a cop-out? Well, I'll tell you one thing, she's not going to go and pull out a gun and threaten anybody for coming up here and touching your pipe. I'm going to pronounce this as minute sacred. This is sacred. What was in this feather was especially sacred. But just by hanging on this piece of horn, bone, wood,