is what keeps happening to you while you really are just having a driving need to go and do these other things. And probably that privilege will never be allowed in this particular lifetime for you because that's not what this journey is about. That's what your next experience is about or your next. That is not the experience you chose for this one. But for goodness sakes, you have to have something to look beyond, to grasp to, to go for, because the object of your existence is a fabrication, a creation. Wondrous as it is, it is a creation of God. And when you talk just about these plates, these tectonic plates about your world, look for those soft spots, as you would in a baby's skull. And off Easter Island is one of them, that chain of volcanoes. There'll be 15, 20, 30 erupting at a time. Because there is an opening, a soft spot in the skull of the earth there. There are many scattered around your globe, but that's an important one. Look in your what are called devil's triangles. There's one off in the Japanese Sea. It will be filled with volcanic activity and when that happens it probably will topple the island and suck it under. There are just some wondrous things, some good, some perceived bad, but that is the evolvement of life. That is the involvement and the necessity of soul. So let's all get out of here and go start living. Thank you. Salute. Salute.