But some focus will be on government. Some will have to remain on politics to tell the nasty deeds. And then we can go on into our spiritual realm of information bringing because we have now laid a foundation through which a conduit is formed. We can get the word out there now. People will listen. And as it spreads, so will the products of life spread to them. We don't have to go to the mountaintop and have planes flying with a big sign over it, come get your Ghiandriana, snake oil, talk. We have to be patient about these things. And if you expect to gain your wealth through these things, then your focus is wrong. And yet there is no right of humanity to expect something for nothing. So we have to balance it. And then it has to be carefully handled. But these handled, but these industries must be built so that there is a blueprint and if we can do it here with the projects we already are waiting to set up and move with, each thing can then be duplicated somewhere else to provide that which you need through honorable, earned ways. And your children will have something to do after school rather than sit there, watch the video box and ponder murder. It's a challenge. But my goodness, you people will go break your backs to go skiing, go exercise in the gym. My goodness, you could paint your house. You want it done for you. That's what they've trained you to expect. So am I knocking exercise? Absolutely not. And somebody is staying in business by your unfortunate foolishness. But that's your business. Maybe you will look sexually more appealing and create your next problem. So why don't we just get on with getting our job done. And why don't we get on with getting out of here so there can be a paper this week. Any argument Mr. Eckert? No ma'am. Where are you two with your last tape? I'm just getting started on number two. Well we better just get out of here. Somebody ask me something then. Commander I'd like to make a comment if I could. Please. I just wanted to reemphasize or maybe reiterate a statement I made a number of years ago when Ron and myself came up to meet with you. And at that time I said the reason we had come to Hatcherby was to declare our intent to continue to work with you and to continue working with you. And I just wanted to reemphasize that again today that our commitment is as full as it was then, now, and will continue to be that way. We feel very honored because of the direction and guidance and wisdom that you have provided us. We're a group of people, like many around the country, that do need an opportunity to do something creative for this nation, if not the world. And I think with the type of guidance and the insight, wisdom, and again, the love that you've shown us, it's just been a remarkable thing for the project in Honolulu to meet on an ongoing, continuous basis and to discuss the problems of the world, to be able to understand the complexity of the events that occur, and to see the wondrous experience of this whole thing. So I just wanted to say thank you for your commitment to this planet and the team. And maybe Ron has something to add to this, but I feel very honored to have been so close in this manner, working with you and the team here, and the constant input from the paper, and just the perspective around the planet. I just think it's the most wonderful thing I've ever experienced. Thank you. I accept that. I accept it on behalf of the Brotherhood. It's a big job and you will come into your understanding of where you began and why you're back. We have to hold to each other and it's really difficult. It's especially difficult for ones in the outlying areas and yet you will find that there really is no difference. It's like a child that wants mother in sight. You know, it might be very safe, but it wants mother in sight. And I cannot always be in everyone's sight, simply because my job is to write, is why we're here. But it doesn't mean that I'm here anymore, that I'm there. And I am so humbly grateful to you ones who recognize your mission, and you don't even know what it is. This is it. You're willing to work and let it unfold without knowing how it ends. Because at soul level you know how it ends. And you're willing to go ahead and make that trek and make these changes so that it does in that way. And in that realization you can also come back and say, I also know that I am writing the script as I go along, because I become more and more and more secure in my knowledge that my goal is the correct goal. And when enough of us know that God is our goal, we'll have freedom, because nothing else can happen, because we can create. Remember that. No matter how it looks to you, how dangerous it looks to you, no matter what appears to be, we can create. Our enemy cannot. Can only destroy and use what's already here created, quite frankly, by us. And you served and taken as you've gone to sleep and allowed it to happen. Only you didn't do it, did you? And that should be your greatest clue of all. You didn't do it, but you watched it happening and so now you're willing to come back here and refunnel this thing over here and over the mountain and through the woods to grandpa's house. But that's a marvelous challenge. We are the guides. We are the guides to those coming behind us. And we must honor the teachers that came before us, ones want to talk about plagiarism. Let's talk about that for a minute. The point of the adversary is to bury truth. going to ever, ever have the honor of being that giant, that new truth and walk before us if we do not tell the world. Walter Russell cannot do it anymore, can he? So the greatness will eventually die. It just will. That's saying nothing against anybody. It will just die. Some of the greatest secrets of life be put into the hands, successful production of the adversary's troops. We must bring forth in English some of these ideas. The world does not center around the United States of America surprisingly enough, any more than the, you know, the world, the universe rotated around Earth. But the United States of America has become the accepted homeland of the Zionists. Now one's right to me, and I especially had one within the last two weeks who complained to me about the disservice that I do to the Judeans, to the Jewish people, because all of them don't feel this way, and yet I single them out to speak about. I do not. If you are not amongst the elite What if you are Danish? What if you are Scandinavian of any kind? What if you are from South Africa? Does that mean that the South African Zulu is in the same category as who? Jesse Jackson? With the opportunity for learning and yet Jesse Jackson goes on to be a part of the Zionist New World Order. You have a black Jew? Well, you do in Ethiopia. What are you talking about? And yet the race of Jews will never consider themselves black, Jewish New World Order hates the blacks with a passion. And they are going to suck the blacks in to the greatest riots against quote white and black neither of which term fits. The blacks are neither black and the whites are neither white. Are you? you. You have varying shades of brown and you have varying shades of pink and blue. And that's all you've got. But we're going to categorize. Okay. I am going to blame the Zulu for what this kid in Watts does when he drives by and shoots another child. Now that is stupid. And that is exactly what this elite ADL wants you to believe. Because you see I'm also catching it because I speak of the Anti-Defamation League. The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith is branch of Zionism as set forth by the Tavistock Institute and the British Intelligence Organization. Now comes a new little statement, oh, what shall we do with this? The Queen of England is going to sell off her property and buy gold. Oh goodness gracious! Don't we know now the end of the world is surely upon us? Well I've suggested you do that for a long time. But most of you will wait until after. You know, it's like the earthquake. Oh goodness! I sure do wish I'd fixed my prepared thing before it got buried under the house. You're living. You're living life as you must express it. I don't like it this way, so I'm going to change with mine, can you? Not even if you follow right in my shadow. But together we can reach the goals that we must achieve if this planet is to blossom. And unfortunately for all of us, God chooses it to be that way. And guess what? I said, sir, send me, because I'm not too bright today. But I haven't blossomed a planet in a while. Let's go do that. I don't have anything else to do. And you know what? Neither do you. The soul of mankind must grow. These are the growing fields. And they need the right nurturing. It is much like you, if you control the world and you see all these anthills. You can see what they're doing. You can see what they're doing. You can give them poison and kill them. You can give them food and nourish them. And you can give them a mind that blossoms in righteousness. And I don't mean religiousness. Truth will produce its own freedom. It will produce its own righteousness. Because that's what truth is. It is the better way to go. It is the just way. It is the fair way. It is the honest, moral way. it and I sure would like to have you come along because I don't want to be lonely either and I cherish you. We've been in school together a long, long time and we don't have to do this again if we do it right this time. We haven't before. Isn't it time we did? And I realize I am not speaking to the masses of people. I am speaking to you who are back as the guides. And some will sit and wait still. And some will only walk through this just because it's the thing to do and it's a good sport. And I can call George Green and tell him what they did this afternoon. What a waste! That poor soul does everything I want him to do, for goodness sakes. You have to learn. And I honor my enemies who help you see, you touch, you feel, you go through all of those expressions in an earthly way and in mind will come out supreme. As a spiral of things you send out come back to you. And it works for good and it works for evil. And I don't want to send out anything that comes back to slow me up. Because you can watch that other side and no matter what you think has been taken from you, nothing has been taken from you, you could not buy, bang, borrow or steal this education. And we will prevail. And we will do it because we are individual sovereign entities looking to make a better way. And can it be done? You bet your bottom whatever you got on your bottom. It not only can, it will. And you're going to be astounded from whence comes your help. You see there are the groups that do not want to destroy either this nation or this world. And they are also powerful but they are not powerful enough to annihilate the other side. clump and allow mankind some freedom. And you certainly can grow above them and beyond them. Because you see if you are not seeking control, you have control. If you are not seeking to wield the power, you already have it. There's nothing they can do. It's like a little child says, I am going to ground you for four days. Good, that's what I wanted anyway. You are suspended from school for two days. Fine, I didn't want to be here in the first place. So if you have no wish to control a world, buy a world, have all the wealth in the world and all the power, then you don't have anything that they can get from you. And there is nothing on this place that you actually even want. And you can prove that to yourself. Because no matter what you get, it's never enough. Until you find peace with nothing in God. Because you finally realize, my golly gee whiz, I have it all there. Who needs it? Well, you need it if you are going to experience here and you're stuck experiencing here. We agreed to do it, so we're going to do it. And that in itself is fun. Man, we're doing something. The masses are waiting to perish. They're going to insist upon dying, you know. You're not. They are going to insist upon Armageddon and riots. Because written in the script book that way. So yeah, you have a challenge. I don't even know about easy. Is playing a good game of chess easy or hard? Well, it's obviously easy. We have to attend our spiritual growth because without it there isn't any point in doing any of the rest of it. You cannot build a nation under God if you don't know what God is. And most of you think he's just a pushover with no discipline, unconditional love, no matter what bad, naughty things you do. That's not so. He is the hardest test master that you will ever encounter in all the generations of time until you go back to him having learned. He is a part of the universe. And the reason that you have a sense that he is out yonder somewhere is because he is with his fragments solidly projected in you. And he enjoys watching you grow and he is not really bothered by what you do to each other or to yourself. Because ultimately he knows you will grow. You will understand or you're going to be stuck in it until you rise up. And whole civilizations come and go and man doesn't learn. And then a few will learn and a few more will learn. And then as you learn, then you get sent back to teach. And some of you end up being the mop-up crew. That's usually where we fit. Mop up the mess. But where else do you learn? But aren't you also the white knight that comes galloping down with your spear? And your Gheondriana that's taken away from you for hundreds of thousands of years, brought back to you. Little guys, life itself brought and put in your hands to put under your tongue every morning and my goodness you don't even see it. And George Green calls it swamp water. So be it. So be it. These are your lessons and you've got to learn them faster than the masses because what in the world is going to happen to the masses as they begin to wake up. If there's not some policeman there in the middle of the semaphore to say hey to the left, to the left, to the right, come on through. And there are going to be oodles and gobs of distractors. Mr. Parole is going to be sold a bill of goods from everybody you trusted and thought might be on the ball. Are they bad? No. They are your teachers. Look at what they offer. See what is wrong with it. Look at what is right with it. Hopefully with their help. Don't be naive. You do not get to the point in the Council on Foreign Relations where your closest buddy is David Rockefeller as is Peroz without having been adjusted just a little bit. You know, let's just waltz across Texas with old Ross. Wonderful! Go dance! Just don't swallow the BS, and you're okay. Doesn't mean you can't dance with Ross Perot. Don't flop down on your face and give up your sovereignty. It's only taken two or three years to build a real working organization that could do But it will probably throw the election again, except you probably will never have another election as you ever knew it to be. At least I will be terribly disappointed if you do. It's a system that has proven to be a total failure. So when you can go back to paper ballots and act like people instead of machines that can be twisted and turned and directed like a robot you are a robotic society you are in almost full mental control it's happened already so don't quit looking way out there in the future and say well if this happens it's happened and what difference does it make is it much different from yesterday not really except that you know