|0.00|> If they had a known infection, they will put, they died of complications from.<|11.28|><|11.28|> You're dealing with something here that can eat away the brain.<|18.72|><|18.72|> You're going to have to start taking care of yourselves and being attentive to yourselves.<|23.54|><|23.54|> saw just as happened with childbirth, childbed fever. They would go from woman to woman, mothers, in labor, and they didn't wear latex gloves, you know, that keep your outer gloves from fitting like O.J. Simpson. Thank you for the pause. Well some brilliant doctor got completely drummed out of the medical profession because they finally were losing so many mothers to childbirth, fever, infection, cross infection. The babies would possibly make it, but the mothers were dying. And it finally dawned on this doctor, and he studied what was happening in the practice of these obstetricians, they wouldn't even bother to wash their hands between patients. And he got up and he said, Wash your hands! You are spreading whatever this is. And you see, this was back in the age of pasture. They found that just by heating something to a given temperature would pasteurize it, purify it, kill off these little vermin. Well, even better than that, in those days you didn't have the detergent, you had soap. So all they had to do was turn around to the basin and wash their hands. Wash your hands. And keep a little bottle of Gaiakol or oxysol there. After you wash your hands, just a few drops and just rub it. You don't have to be a Mr. Clean machine. You don't have to be a recluse like Howard Hughes, which wasn't, by the way. It's another one of your lies. And then put a little lotion on your hands if you need to soften them. You don't need to make a big deal of it. Get a nasal spray bottle and spray some gyrocol up your nose. For goodness sakes, this is where you're taking it into your body. Spray it around your mouth every now and then. Gargle a little bit. Only takes a few drops and it stops the germs as they enter the body. You don't have to make a big production of it. This is what bothers me. People enjoy their illnesses. It is a sad commentary that you are so inattentive to one another that you have to be sick to demand attention. And the worse you can be, the better. And I have to deal with this when I'm working with ones like our little Anna. with ones like our little Anna. It is amazing if you have something that nobody can identify, and you are eaten alive by these incredible, mysterious things. And everybody's watching. It's unacceptable to me. It's unacceptable to me to continue to be sick when you can do well. And these diseases like Crohn's, muscular dystrophy, these unknown things bug me, and I don't mean to make puns. They are there because the doctors don't know a damn thing about what they're doing. There's always a cause for something. And sometimes it is that bug between the ears called the brain. So let's use the brain. If taking six ounces of something makes you sick to your stomach and you vomit, take six ounces and 472 droppers and let it ooze down down your throat. But I'm not taking very well to ones who can be well and choose not to be because of the attention it gets. And it does get attention. This time of the year, face it people, it gets more attention. Oh, mommy is sick again. Mommy has to be in the hospital. And what if she gets a blood transfusion and it's got HIV? Well, to me, that would be a relief if you've got 947 other things wrong. Nobody dies of HIV. They die of all those little side things. The complications of. And I don't have a lot of patients with ones who die, either. It is the major, major cop-out on the face of your earth. And I don't like people who are going to die for me and my cause. I mean if you can't stay here with the rest of us and live through this, then don't tell me you're sad plight. These are choices people make. And unfortunately, what happens is the choices are made too late, too often. Realization comes with a possibility of participation on this side of the veil. And the body are gone, there's no way to overcome that. Because you have to have a functioning body, or at least mind. And sometimes people are too sick, too sick to go on. It passes that point where return is possible. So everybody has to look at even the cold they get. What do you gain from it? Well around here you should not do you. You have to just go right on and work. And yet illness is going to strike you so respect it. Pain has a reason, it focuses you. Don't just bury it all the while with aspirin, but if you can establish what it is that hurts, take something and fix it. And then share. I don't mean just, oh, I don't think I can make it another moment. So that's what I'm talking about. On the afternoon, the 14 of you can hardly function because you're shaking. And I observed this. Rick came up to Dorma's room the other day to bring some papers, and they're talking, and Billy the parrot's running around on the bed, you know, and both of them are shaking. You are under attack. And Norma mentioned, you know, it's been like this all day to the point I'm crawling. And Rick said, that's strange that you should mention that, because all morning I could hardly work. Share these things. Don't think that you're singled out for these things. And you all need to know when they've got the system turned on. Because you will literally crawl, tremble from inside. And once you realize that's what it is, you can take measures some way. To clear your space, let in the light, and get control of it. It's going to be a hard trip from here on in. You will get to the point where you will automatically turn on your counter system and your shields. But you're not there yet, and they're playing with these things. And they're watching to see. Well, I'm watching to see. And I am not making light of any of your illnesses. I take them very, very seriously. Karen was having trouble here before she left. She's got a fever. She feels like a walking gold mine. But she needs more. You're vulnerable. Pay attention. You can die from these things. They can overwhelm you before you realize you're sick. You have a lot of things that can sit dormant for a long time. It's called incubation period. Leprosy is one. Twelve years. Twelve years, the incubation period for leprosy. Look at HIV, you can carry it for a long, long time, before it ever produces symptoms enough to make you ill. They can pick up the HIV trail. They can't even find the virus, come on. They find things in the blood that point to HIV. They don't even know what it is. There are other things that can produce a positive test for HIV. And I'm not impressed with an HIV test. having transplants and failures, you just don't call it AIDS. What is it? What is it? Completely, totally compromised immune system. Then you get close to finding out, don't you? Because what will wipe them out is a cytomegalovirus. Absolutely terrifying. When the test for cytomegalovirus comes back, you know you've lost your patient. But they don't tell you this, do they? They don't tell you about the cytoxin and the immune and the prednisone. They don't tell you in advance, you know, we're going to put your kid on steroids and cortisone to the point they're going to have a psychotic breakdown and look like little walking balloons. Or maybe they do tell you, but a parent doesn't hear. And I would rather have my child alive looking like a monstrous little puff package than dead. Say what to me? You would rather have this little being live in sheer hell than allow it to make normal passage back to God. I said the magic word, natural passage. Does this mean that I am against organ transplants? No. I am against the farce in medicine that allows doctors to become professors When they have no interest, no intent of life-saving medical knowledge. And that doesn't make me very popular. But I'm telling you precious ones, you can die while they're playing these games. And I really prefer that you not do that. You're needed. You are needed. Be brave enough to live with us, please. Go ahead and read. I'm on my soapbox now. Got to get off of it. The last half of the last sentence was, we'll have a strain for which we have no appropriate antibiotic on the shelf. That will potentially decimate patients who've undergone major surgery. There's also a possibility that disease problems will soon be brewing in California. If the Golden State enforces last November's vote to deny routine medical services to illegal immigrants, a pool of unvaccinated, vulnerable people could soon be, could soon build up, raising the odds of a disease outbreak. Have you? Oh, good gracious. Because of the stinginess in taking care of people, and the stinginess in supporting research, we're setting ourselves up for some unpleasant surprises, says population scientist Richard Levine at the Harvard School of... Population scientist? Levin? At Harvard? Oh, wow. This is a good article. In time, huge costs may follow if diseases erupt within a large population of unprotected people. Oh, not to mention the huge cost, you know, of these illegal aliens. And if the undocumented workers and their families fail to seek treatment fearing identification as illegal aliens, diseases may fester longer wider and have even greater public health impact. Quote, the most vulnerable populations are the source of the diseases for everyone else, Levine warns. And the sources that are most dangerous are the prisons, nursing homes and daycare centers. To launch a disease requires certain conditions and each disease organism has its own set of preferences and requirements. Quote, by looking at it from the point of view of the pathogens, Levine says, we can get some idea of the factors that allow a microbe to infect a host, reproduce and spread. What does it need to be happy? It has to get a good meal. It also has to escape the host defenses and it has to have an exit to get to another host. Each microbe juggles these opposing demands in the light of the capacity it has, its genes. Levins, who looks at diseases from a broad ecological perspective, also says that every disease needs a minimum population. Quote, malaria became a human disease only after the development of agriculture. Before that there weren't enough people to sustain it. You need a few hundred thousand people to sustain measles. We don't know what other diseases may require several million people. This is absolutely, why don't you make a law? This is absolutely lie upon lie upon lie. And they quote this man from the protocols as an authority. Giant cities are growing in developing nations now. Because of overcrowding, poor sanitation, and lack of medical care, such cities may be the seedbed for future epidemics. Ebola virus among the 600,000 people in the major city of Kikwet in Zaire is a frightening example. Among the viruses, Levins says, the ability to pass genes around like so much loose change underlies the constant threat of new epidemics and humans increase the danger because of agricultural, industrial, and social practices. Strange combinations of viruses end up producing hybrids that can outwit their host's immune systems and sometimes expand the range of hosts. This is apparently what happens when new strains of flu spread worldwide from China, where farmers raise pigs and ducks together. An avian flu virus from ducks infects pigs, and inside the pig cells the flu virus swaps genes with mammalian viruses. Right. Ducks and pigs and geese. Old MacDonald. The result is constant rearrangement of the flu viruses genes creating new strains of influenza that eventually affect infect the farmers new vaccines to combat the new strains and have to be designed and distributed a large part of the problem says biologist Richard Young of the Whitehead Institute is That we are still unjustifiably complacent about the dangers of infectious diseases. Also, knowledge is scarce. For example, he says, we still don't understand today what makes a vaccine work or not. What principles can we use to generate new vaccines? Our predictive powers are poor because we don't really know what the interplay is between the host and disease that results in successful protection. Nonetheless, Young says, if vaccines can be developed, that are probably the most cost-effective way to deal with major diseases. In the absence of vaccines, hygiene and education are often the only weapons. Levines, who argues that poverty is the biggest threat in the world today... Do you know what the biggest threat in the world today is? It's genes. And it's kazorians in blue jeans. That's where it starts, my dear. It isn't the apple in the tree, it was the pear on the ground misbehaving that got you in trouble. And they come right out of the 13th tribe. And I get aggravated, annoyed, pissed off. I bow to anyone in here who said I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have done that. appropriate, but I cannot believe that the world sits on the edge of total destruction and these idiots are treated like authority. Why don't you just wait until it all erupts in your cities? It's already erupted in your cities. There is so much corruption, there is no way to survive it. You are learning your enemy. And as long as you let your enemy just wash over you with this kind of garbage, then I guess we all deserve whatever it is we get. yet. But this is bad. Go on. Now back to the protocols. Poverty is the biggest threat in the world today. Also warns that in the struggle to understand and fight infectious diseases, science is too fragmented, hampered by artificial barriers and lack of communication. Epidemiologists don't talk to plant pathologists. The psychological and physiological realms are treated separately and medical education ignores ecology, evolution, and genetics. This is about the only truth there is in the whole article. That's absolutely so. As a result, the dangers and the reasons for worry are real and getting worse. Quote, new health problems are threatening, Levine's warns, and our science isn't up to meeting them. End of quoting. I have no time to comment farther. We shall take up this subject please at this afternoon's meeting. Thank you for doing the impossible this morning. May I say that she has written since 630, cooked a dinner for all our meeting people, some 60 or so, and it's still time to drive to the meeting room if we hurry. I am indebted, precious, for I too have no other way to thank our painters and beloved friends. Salute. Oh, I will get myself under control. There are just some things that come along I'm unable to stomach. Because they thrust this off on you unsuspecting. And how in the world could you suspect? They lie to you constantly. And what little truth comes through, shines through like a blazing symbol of truth. And so they can't let that happen too often, can they? I understand that even Larry King outdid himself and actually was gracious to ones who had experienced miracles. That was a miracle in itself. And yet this is the way it has to start. One has to be willing to speak out. Peter Kowalja has suggested that all Gulf War veterans, for instance, now he gets a little flowery. He said, take something of yours, Gulf War veteran, your socks, your bandana, I suggest your underwear, and send it to some favorite host on CNN. He says that CNN is open enough that they will, the commentators will get the message and they will bring this to attention. Send these people your Christmas gift. Good luck. Good luck. But it's something. It is something that says, we're out here and we're not going to let you do this much longer. And yet you can't form militias to go fight this. Well, I've blown it. I have yelled so long, she's going to lose her voice, and I can't really tell if it's intentional or not. We'll have to take this up privately. I suggest that everyone do whatever Kawaja suggests doing, suggest doing because his vision in that field is far better than mine. And ones will say, well, why haven't we heard? Well, how can we get the word there when it stopped here? Yes. I just heard them on a radio. They played a tape on it. Both Joyce and Peters was interviewed. They played it over and over and over, so it's getting out. Great. It's the only way. As long as 50 of our journals are hostage in some gas station in Carson City, city, I'm not going to be very happy. And yet what can you do? Taking up arms against them will do nothing but get you killed. Doing it really unto them in a court of law won't do it. So you may as well take the pen and your courage and get some backbone and go for it. There are ways to give them enough misery that they'd rather get rid of you than keep you around. And sometimes just getting rid of you with a pop gun won't cut it. And what they're going to get them into more and more and more deep water. It would have been easier to settle this case. Because by the time all of the information comes out that takes it all the way to the old White House, it gets tacky. And when the judge that holds that lawsuit is also an unelected judge. Gets ugly. And when that judge is the Ecker Ecker judge, I think you see the problem. But what do you do? You keep going. In all honor, truth and integrity, you keep going as long as you can. And then you stop. Because getting killed is a cop-out. You go as long as you can. And when you can no longer go with attorneys, you go on your own. And Mr. Dixon will teach you how. And you may get thrown out of court. Well, what's new about that? How can it be worse? These have been at it for eight years now in the same case and have never been recognized in court. With attorneys. With attorneys. Many attorneys. And that is turned around then to be against you. Or they've had five attorneys. Well, I'd like to know, as Dorma asked the judge in Fresno, I just want to know how you get an attorney without any money. And he says, well, I don't know. They know they've got you. But do they? Only if you quit. Do you think Eustace Mullins would quit? He never has. But I'll tell you something about Eustace Mullins. He respects your paper, and he's starting to send things in regularly And I certainly do hope that there isn't even a breathtaking you just run them in the paper You are going to end up in the finest company Of godly patriots that you could ever pick out of anywhere And we're going to do it the right way. And as long as what we can offer is legal within regulations, we're going to make it available. If the Ghiandriana doesn't smell good, hold your nose. Or simply pour it into an open container, set it in the sun, add three drops each. Get me? Gaia-Col, Oxisol, and what's the other one? Gold. You will watch it turn from golden yellow to a little bit of lavender, depending on how you drop it in. And it will lose all of its smell, all of its taste. It will turn into something crystal crystal and beautiful. Or you can probably do what Les is talking about. Get yourself a vortex machine. Let it pick up some of that electrostatic energy from those magnets. Don't worry about it. You are not going to compromise cosmic energy. But some of these things will pull out the metal particulate. So let it set. Let it clarify before you try that. You don't want to pull it out. You want it to go ahead and infuse. And try to keep the amount of gold particulate low. Just barely a tinge of lavender is absolutely sufficient because what is happening is we up the up the what do you call it the energy I don't know what what to call it for you people as you well it's more than frequency you are actually energizing these little ions and some are negative some are positive you've got neutral ones and they will short. They will short exactly like touching two wires together. And then it's over. It is that charge that holds it in colloid suspension. And those little particles will tend to clump. And so the heavier the little lump in there, in each cell, the more easily it is brought out. And some of these pulses in the air will do it. So you have a more usable product. You have a stronger product when it's deep purple like you're getting it here. But it will sort out easier. And I use that term, it'll lose its charge easier than a lighter solution. And a lighter solution is sufficient for the needs. So you might try that. And anyone getting that can shake up the bottle and drink it. I mean, surely somebody can shake it up. And if you're taking Ghiandriana, it's going to go right on into the cell anyway, because it's geared to do that. That's why we gave you Gondriana first. So you're going to have to get over that, oh, I can't take it, I smell it. Well, how lucky for you that you are alive enough to smell, because others will smell you after So let's get our priorities in order. Now, does anyone want to add anything profound to this or can we go? Let's go. Thank you and salute.